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SPRING RETURNS and winter; or it is like the state of dawn, which follows evening and night. During all the days of the earth, seed time and Arcana Coelestia 3696:1-2 harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease. Genesis 8:22
FROM THE PASTOR At the beginning of his life, that is, during his infancy, every man is in a state of tranquility. Spring Returns: One of the best things about the month of March is that it marks the return of But as he advances in life, that is, grows up to springtime. Light begins to return at Christmastime manhood, he removes himself from this state, after the solstice. Six weeks later, about Valentine’s because he gives himself up to worldly cares, Day, heat begins to return as the average and consequently to anxieties caused by the temperature starts to move up. In March comes the cupidities of the love of self and of the world equinox that is the beginning of spring. These and the derivative falsities. natural states correspond to the progression of spiritual states. The case is almost the same with the new life in We have been studying the spiritual springtime of the man who is being regenerated. At first he is infancy and childhood. After the spring of in a state of tranquility. But as he passes into a childhood comes the summertime of productivity in new life, he also passes at the same time into early and young adult years, and the golden autumn an untranquil state. For the evils and falsities of adulthood, and the winter of old age. Yet which he had earlier taken into himself emerge although the body needs to pass through these states, the Lord can keep returning the spirit to new and come forth and disturb him, and this at spring times all through life. last to such a degree that he is in temptations In adult life, we cannot help but come into and vexations inflicted by the diabolical crew, untranquil, wintry states. We are tried and attacked who are continually striving to destroy the by various evils and falsities that we have soaked up state of his new life. Yet inmostly the man is in along the course of our lives, and we have to fight a state of peace, for unless this [peace] were our way out of these states. First we receive light to with him inmostly, he would not fight, for in see that some states with us are evil and some ways his struggles he is continually looking to this of thinking false. It is a cold light, but it enables us to see the job that we need to work on. Very state [of peace] as the end, and unless he had gradually, after some labor, warmth begins to come such an end, he would in no way have power as the Lord gives us hope. We begin to dislike the and strength to fight. evils that trouble us and prefer the good states to which the Lord is leading us. The blizzards and This moreover is the reason why he over- illnesses of winter slowly subside. comes; and because this [peace] is the end in view, he also comes into this state after the The heavenly state to which the Lord is leading us is one in which there are equal parts of warmth and combats or temptations. This is like the state light. In this heavenly springtime, we love and do of spring, which follows the state of autumn the truths we see clearly. In this state there is peace. The sweet states of innocence from infancy are KEMPTON NEW CHURCH NEWSLETTER, March 2012 page 2 married to the truths learned in childhood and Monday, March 12th, 7:00 P.M. Conjugial Love beyond, and they beget new states of greater light Class at Pearse and Taryn Frazier’s and warmth. Tuesday, March 13th, 7:30 P.M. TCR Reading and It is wonderful to think about the fact that in the Discussion Class at Gale and Emily’s. Picking up Lord’s Providence, spring always returns. Even where we left off: the first half of the chapter on though wintry states are unavoidable, the Lord is Reformation and Regeneration, TCR 571 - 595, always making His face to shine on us with warmth plus the first two memorable relations, TCR 621 and light, leading us to a new springtime. No matter and 622. The focus will be on the two step what wintry states we need to pass through, process, first reformation from truth, then individually, as a country, or as a church, the Lord regeneration from good (see especially 571-575 is carefully leading us to a new springtime, and 587-590). individually and collectively. So in times of worry Tuesday, March 20th, 10:00 A.M. Moms’ Morning or despair, we can stop and reflect on the fact that class at Pearse and Taryn Frazier’s dawn always follows night, and spring follows winter, because the Lord, “the Dayspring from on Monday, March 26th, 10:00 A.M. NJHD Class at high,” is always with us. Mary Griffin’s, nos. 210-222 7:00 P.M. High School Conjugial Love class at Bishop Brian Keith is coming on the weekend of Pearse and Taryn Frazier’s March 23-25. He will give us a class at the feast of th charity, and then have a meeting with joint council, Wednesday, March 28 , 7:30 P.M. Society Easter that is, pastor’s council and the board of trustees, on Class in the Library hosted by Kate Pitcairn Saturday morning. The main topic is a development review for your pastor. He will also preach on MEETINGS
Sunday. If you would like a private meeting with th Bishop Keith while he is here, you can call either Monday, March 19 , 7:30 P.M. Building Committee Emily Smith or his office (267-502-4944) to meeting schedule it. CONTRIBUTIONS WORSHIP The Contributions Committee has some thoughts th for you to consider in hopes of shedding light from Sunday, March 4 , 10:00 A.M. Sunday School Service. Setup: Thos Powell a different perspective:
Sunday, March 11th, 9:00 A.M. Younger Child’s In the Word; tithing represents giving your Service. Setup: Ted and Kelly whole self over to the Lord, not just 10%.
10:00 A.M. Family Service. Setup: Curtis Giving to the church is an expression of love. McQueen Giving to the church can be thought of as our Sunday, March 18th, 10:00 A.M. Sunday School first act of worship. Service. Setup: Doug Robertson For those who give; thank you. For those who Sunday, March 25th, 10.00 A.M. Family Service. don’t; it would be great to have you. Setup: Cade Cole ANNOUNCEMENTS CLASSES Preparation for the Heilman-Zimmerman Thursday, March 1st, 7:00 P.M. Gospel of Mark Wedding: We are very happy at how many in the Class at Pearse and Taryn Frazier’s society will be coming to the Wedding and Reception to share our joy. Some have been asking 7:00 P.M. High School Conjugial Love Class at if they could help, and the times we could use help Pearse and Taryn Frazier’s are Friday, beginning at 10 A.M. at the Kempton Community Center, and in the afternoon as well. KEMPTON NEW CHURCH NEWSLETTER, March 2012 page 3
Call 484-695-7681 to reach us at the Community Jacob’s Creek New Church Family Camp, July Center. Also if you are around Saturday afternoon 26 – 29, 2012. This year’s theme is the history of and would like to help with clean up, that would the churches with Rev. Bradley Heinrichs and Rev. also be appreciated. Thursday at 2:00 P.M. is when Matthew Genzlinger, pastors. some cleaning is being done at the church. Hoping New Church Young Singles Weekend March 9-11: for fine weather. – Carrie Heilman Contact Ron Schnarr for info. rd The Wedding: Saturday, March 3 , 11:00 A.M. Rev. David Millar is giving a talk about Logopraxis at the Eloné Heilman and Rob Zimmerman’s will be Swedenborg Library at 7:00 on Thursday, March 29. A car married at the Church. Reception following at the pool will leave from Dale Glenn’s at 5:30. If you would like Community Center. info. or to hitch a ride, leave a message at 6062. Swedenborg Colloquium On Spiritual Practice, March 31, MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 2012. Contact Doris Delaney at 215-364-3460. “The outward delights of a paradise,” [the Kempton Has Talent will soon be here, on March th angel] said, “are only delights of the physical 17 at 7 P.M. The show is shaping up nicely but we senses, while the inward delights of a paradise are still in need of acts, skits, music, etc... We are planning an auction of some of the best Kempton are delights of the affections of the soul. kitchen classics so bring your checkbook or lots of Unless the inward delights are in the outward, cash to the show and win some of the greatest talent there is no heavenly life, because the soul is not Kempton has to offer! Please call Kerry if you have in them, and every delight without its an act or would be willing to help with concessions corresponding soul at once grows weak and etc... 610-756-3127 dull, wearying the mind more than labor. The Middle School Play, The Phantom Tollbooth, will be presented on Wednesday, March 21st, at “Delight of the soul is from love and wisdom 11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. All are welcome! from the Lord… This delight flows from the Flea Market: Bring your own tables and items to Lord into the soul, and descends through the sell. Lambs Second hand will also be selling things higher and lower degrees of the mind into all on Saturday, March 31st. In case of rain it will be the senses of the body, and there comes to held in the barn. – Sheila Heiter fullness. Hence joy becomes joy and becomes st Blood Drive on Saturday, March 31 , 9:00 A.M. eternal from the Eternal from whom it is.” -4:00 P.M. Please call Sheila Heiter (484-661-8999) Conjugial Love 8:4-5 to sign up for a time.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to: INTERVIEW with Jan Cauffman Carl and (Patricia) Odhner by Renée Schorran on the 22nd – 41 years As I sat down with Mrs. Jan Cauffman on the John and Erika Walker first clear day we had in a long time, she said, “I on the 26th – 29 years would have to say Kempton is my favorite place I have been.” * * * * * * Rev. Lawson Smith’s community letter caught the Cauffmans’ eye one Christmas. The letter was ANNOUNCEMENTS, continued about our Christmas tableaux. She said the letter Congratulations and Best Wishes to Ariel Powell sort of woke them up or grabbed their attention. and Erin Williams, who announced their They did not come to the church till about a year engagement on Sunday, February 19, 2012. later, sometime in July. When they got here they Winter Break is Monday, March 5th to Friday wondered where everyone was until someone March 9th. School resumes on Monday, March 12th. explained to them it was a woods service. Jan really KEMPTON NEW CHURCH NEWSLETTER, March 2012 page 4 loves the friendliness of the people, and the fact that from the wedding would be there. And sure enough we live our faith 7 days a week or 365 days a year he was. They started dating and the following year (or so we try!), not only on Sunday. in February he asked her to marry him. She was Jan Deriemer Cauffman was born on June 12, getting her Masters in Nursing at the time so they 1959 in a suburban town in Delaware. Growing up waited till she graduated. She graduated in August she had a crabapple tree in her front yard. While it and on April 4, 1987 they were married. blossomed she loved to lie under the tree and look She grew up in an Episcopalian Church but went at the amazing pink blossoms. She would watch the to a Quaker high school. She enjoyed Quaker wind carry the petals away. But one time she lay on meetings. So she and her husband chose to go to a an ant’s nest, which was not fun. She also loved to Quaker church. The only thing they didn’t like play match box cars under the trees with her about it was the Word wasn’t in it as much as they brothers. wished it has. They would teach their boys at home Jan spent her summers growing up with them up about the Word. Jan was able to get a young in the Poconos. She enjoyed swimming and playing minister to come to Westtown School to start a with the kids up there. She said one thing she loves youth group. He has been there now a few years. about Kempton is her boys have made friends here Jan says the most important thing to her is being like she did when she was in the Poconos. When the mom of George and Will. She is glad to have she was older she worked in the Poconos as a the privilege of being their mom, and says no career waitress and a life guard. in the world is worth missing out on that. Other jobs she had growing up were babysitting Mrs. Cauffman is one of the nicest people I have and a nurse’s assistant. She worked at Sloan Cancer ever met. I can’t wait to get to know her better. I Center in New York. Now she is a parish nurse at a am very happy to have had the privilege of Unitarian church. The church is very large so their interviewing her. Thank you! minister can’t see everyone. So her job is to give moral support or refer them to a doctor. She mainly Stars: Filling in for Ken Rose, I would like to draw works with older people who started the church. your attention to the evening sky, if the stars and Jan loves playing the harp, gardening and planets have not already done so. 1) First and needlepoint as well as bee keeping. Jan started bee foremost is the crescent moon moving past Venus keeping about 16 years ago when her boys George and then past Jupiter. These are the three brightest and Will were about 2 or 3. She wanted an outside objects in the sky, besides the sun of course, and hobby and something that people would enjoy and their brightness is reflected light from the sun as would be great for presents and also she wanted well. 2) Then you will notice a circle of first some time alone. Bee keeping fit this. When she magnitude stars in the southern quarter of the sky, first started she had 2 hives. Now she has 12 hives. going around Orion, with a reddish first magnitude She says this is a good amount because she can star, Betelgeuse, close to the middle of the circle at have fun with it and it is not too much work. Some Orion’s head. The stars in the circle from the foot of Jan’s favorite foods are sushi, fresh crisp apples, of Orion around in clock wise order are, Rigel (the berries, soups, fresh bread, and DON’T FORGET foot), Capella (the mother goat in the shepherd's CHOCOLATE! DARK CHOCOLATE! arms), Castor and Pollux (the twins), Sirius (the big Jan’s first car was a Jeep. Though it had no heat dog star) and Procyon (the little dog star). 3) And if or air conditioning and when it rained her feet got you look to the west you will see Leo, the lion, with wet, she loved it! But her husband wanted her to Mars passing under it, and even further to the west have a safe car. She agreed, seeing as they were around 10 P.M. you will see Saturn rising just after starting a family. Spica (the wheat in Virgo’s hand). Please do enjoy Jan was at her brother’s wedding when she saw these and remember that to shine in Hebrew also George on October 5, 1985. She had just moved means to praise [the Lord]. – Andy Heilman back home from New York. About a month later she went to her brother’s house who invited her to a Halloween party. She said yes in hopes that that guy APRIL EVENTS KEMPTON NEW CHURCH NEWSLETTER, March 2012 page 5
Thursday, April 5th, 7:30 P.M. Holy Supper Service Friday, April 6th, Good Friday – No School
Sunday, April 8th, 10:00 A.M. Easter Service Monday, April 9th, Easter Monday – No School Tue.-Thu., April 10 –12, Lower School parent- teacher oral conferences Mon.-Thu., April 16 –19, Middle School parent- teacher oral conferences