Clive Frank Boustred
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FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 9 4 3 2 JOSEPH JOSEPH H. IRWIN / Joseph H. Irwin California T Email:______Tel:______Zip:______City:______Address:______Address:______Name: Plaintiffs ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC JURY “We the People”. of body-politics larger our of behalf on GRAND and of interests best the in and faith; good in ONLY, JURY CALIFORNIA BY OF TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO, QUO OF NATURE THE REPUBLIC IN INFORMATION AND this ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED and forth INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT bring here-by he People of the State of State the of People he
We the below signatory People, being Constitutionally “Qualified Electors”, do Electors”, “Qualified Constitutionally being People, signatory below the We v. DEFENDANT. PLAINTIFF/S, ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY.TRIAL BY JURY ATLAWACTION WARRANTO; OF THE QUO INFORMATION NATURE IN ANDACTIONCRIMINAL COMPLAINTAND VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; CALIFORNIA JURYGRAND REPUBLIC OF # ______CASE SANTA SANTA CRUZ COURTSUPERIOR Page 1 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 13 12 11 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 AFFIDAVIT BIAS OF JURISDICTION DEFENDANT: PLAINTIFFS: PARTIES TOCASE: THE ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC have reason for and are biased against PLAINTIFF/S. againstPLAINTIFF/S. biased are and for reason have DEFENDANT of colleagues as Court the of Officers and Commissioners Judges, that believe and allege and declare truly and sincerely solemnly do PLAINTIFF/S case.inthis factand law both power for decision-making only the is Power Jury Jury. by decided be only may law and fact regarding both case this in matters all Process, Due and Court of Rules the of dictates toward the to pursuant extend and Court the of not Officers or Commissioners Judges, does therefore Jurisdiction a is Commissioner DEFENDANT. or of judge Any colleague Court. the before brought matters all for makers decision impartial demand and dictate Court of Rules and Process Due district jurisdiction.and court’s this in occurred acts criminal charged the as jurisdiction proper of is court This 1. ofCalifornia ofThePeople The State 1. Commissioner of the Santa CruzCourt)Santa Superior of the Commissioner a as capacity official and personal (In JOSEPH H. IRWIN / Joseph H. Irwin Page 2 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______JURY Charges/Counts herein. the namedfor the Defendant/s above to indict exists cause GRAND CALIFORNIA OF INDICTMENT/PRESENTMENT. REPUBLIC ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______rn uo 7:______Juror 6:______Grand Juror 5:______Grand Juror 4:______Grand Juror 3:______Grand Juror 2:______Grand Juror 1:______Grand Juror Foreman:______Grand Jury Grand SIGNATURES: probable find California of Republic the of Jury Grand the of People the We BILL TRUE A rn uo 8:______Juror Grand NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______Page 3 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______rn uo 19:______Juror 18:______Grand Juror 17:______Grand Juror 16:______Grand Juror 15:______Grand Juror 14:______Grand Juror 13:______Grand Juror 12:______Grand Juror 11:______Grand Juror 10:______Grand Juror 9:______Grand Juror Grand NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______Page 4 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______DATE:______ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC rn uo 23:______Juror 22:______Grand Juror 21:______Grand Juror 20:______Grand Juror Grand NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______NAME:______Page 5 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 14 13 12 11 10 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 EIID CIIA OPAN N CIN AND INFORMATIONIN THE NATURE ACTION OF WARRANTOQUO AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC the of Seven Amendment and Act Judiciary the of 16 Section of violation in TREASON, commitsaid crime. intentionally and knowingly did Defendant XXXXX. XXX prosecuting to prior Presentment or Indictment maliciously Jury to Grand mandated violence Constitutionally the and obtaining without threats XXXXX XXXXX of prosecute means XXX by by attempt committed unlawfully and was did America death, who by XXXX, of punishable States Felony United a Office, The of for Oath Defendant’s Constitution the of violation in TREASON, n o bu XX, i h bv ae uiil Dsrc, te cie of crime the District, Judicial named above the in XXXXX, about or On legal no to has do.person right wrongful athe act that performance of (1) others.rights infringe of asupon the such to manner a in but do, to right a has or do to ought one that act or duty a of performance The (1) (3) willfullywhether to through do, officer’s or or malice; duty legal is the (2) (1) following:of the is accused Defendant n o bu XX, i h bv ae uiil Dsrc, te cie of crime the District, Judicial named above the in XXXXX, about or On
Malfeasance: Misfeasance: Nonfeasance: The doing of an act that is positively unlawful or wrong; or (2) The (2) or wrong; or unlawful positively is that act an of doing The (2) or do; lawfully might person a that act an of doing of improper The neglectof duty.Willful which that do to excuse, or cause sufficient without refusal, or Neglect whereor duty act; The failure requires an to act Page 6 of 16
TH AMENDMENT FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 expect would ordinarily be induced to be able to rely upon; rely able beto upon; induced would ordinarilybe to expect to reason had PLAINTIFFS which in class a of member is DEFENDANT/S listed above The misrepresentation. said on reliance PLAINTIFF’S induce to intended and truth the T reliefcould upon whichgranted’. ‘claimsbe not were laws other and Amendments 14th and 11th 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th, INTENTIONAL 5th, 4th, 2nd, 1st, of violations and fraud, or trespass, conspiracy, prosecution, malicious slander, libel, auto, theft and grand kidnap, murder, of actions tort the that claimed DEFENDANT/S listed FRAUD commit above the that fact the including reasons multiple for misleading and false was that order unlawfully and ofprocessby aby disobedience lawwillful and MISREPRESENTATION willfully States United did the of violation who DEFENDANT/S, listed above the by committed was Law Common in and Constitution MISREPRESENTATION, INTENTIONAL or and their and of knowingly XXXXX did XXX Defendant deny Jury. to By Equity commit said crime. intentionally Trial of to Court right a guaranteed into Constitutionally XXXXX XXXXX force to was death, by violence and threats punishable of means by attempt Felony unlawfully did who XXXX, a XXX by committed America, of States United The for Constitution ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC said prosecuting disclose to before listed duty facts. fiduciary required a above had was DEFENDANT/S The listed Indictment/Presentment above the Jury PLAINTIFF/S Grand prosecution. a said that with fact the including proceed facts disclose to failed to and facts concealed intentionally grounds DEFENDANT/S the have did DEFENDANT he/she implied that when or Indictment Presentment, Grand Jury a without PLAINTIFF/S prosecuting with proceed to grounds the have not did he/she that knew DEFENDANT/S listed above the and did; he/she that and implied he/she and stated he/she that truth; statement his/her of the accuracy the concealing in confidence the was have not they/he/she did DEFENDANT/S that believed or knew DEFENDANT/S said and prosecuted being to prior Jury Grand a by Indicted be to had PLAINTIFFS that The above listed DEFENDANT/S intentionally concealed facts including the fact the including facts concealed intentionally DEFENDANT/S listed above The to indifference and recklessness falsity, the of knowledge had DEFENDANT/S fraudulent a issuing by and judgment summary to entitled case a dismissing FRAUD of crime the District, Judicial named above the in XXXXX, about or On Page 7 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 uiil Dsrc, te cie o OSIAY n voain o omn Lw ad the and Law Common of violation in CONSPIRACY, of crime the District, Judicial and form and nature in conscience. the shock criminal are actions DEFENDANT/S law. of PLAINTIFF/S color the of under prosecution malicious the in enjoined actively he/she PLAINTIFF/S, clearly were identifiable.and grievous most being PLAINTIFF/S States, against law. United territorial committed or felonies the state Said of under color under authority acted military and Duty or his Breach civil did DEFENDANT/S in person other of judge some to same the known possible as soon as make not did and conceal did DEFENDANT/S said againstPLAINTIFF/S, committed United States courtof the a cognizable by felonies multiple was commission the of felony, evidence and knowledge a having DEFENDANT/S FELONY, 4, SECTION U.S.C. OF MISPRISION 18 commit unlawfully and willfully did who of DEFENDANT/S, by committed violation in FELONY, OF MISPRISION ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC NEGLIGENCE, INTENTIONAL commit unlawfully and willfully did who DEFENDANT/S, of violation in by committed was America, NEGLIGENCE, of States United the for INTENTIONAL Constitution the and Law Common of crime the District, Judicial named commit crimes to PLAINTIFF/S. against the of multiplicity CONSPIRACY part of concerted a as DEFENDANT/S and by Overt undertaken intentionally were PLAINIFFS. acts to criminal blatant damage cause would actions concerted their that aware fully were DEFENDANTS CONSPIRACY. commitcommit to DEFENDANT/S by by agreement said unlawfully committed and infers thus was and objectives common reached willfully which PLAINTIFF/S against CONSPIRACY felony, or a actions concerted up make conspirators by actions implied Said America, PLAINTIFF/S. against CONSPIRACY by of did States who United DEFENDANT/S, the for Constitution On multiple dates before and on or about XXXXXX to present, in the above the in present, to XXXXXX about or on and before dates multiple On named above the in present, to XXXXXX on and before dates multiple On against committed felonies ignored intentionally only not DEFENDANT/S of crime the District, Judicial named above the in XXXX, about or On COUNT XXXCOUNT CONSPIRACY XXXCOUNT MISPRISIONOF FELONY COUNT XXXX NEGLIGENCECOUNT INTENTIONAL Page 8 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 cause the harm as herein alleged. DEFENDANT/S breached said duty. DEFENDANT/S breached said herein harm alleged. as the cause to not plaintiffs to duty a owed DEFENDANT/S proof. to according amounts in damage their to all body and mind in and financially injured were plaintiffs and distress against physical and conspiring emotional and stress charges, false answer and to need and hearings court rights excessive PLAINTIFF’S burdens, financial for anguish, mental humiliation, suffer to plaintiffs causing disregard PLAINTIFF/S, reckless a exhibiting negligent, grossly least the at or malicious, and intentional was it outrageous only not the and CIVIL Law willfully was unlawfullycrimes.and who conduct did commit said DEFENDANTS' above, Common WRONGFUL of listed violation DEFENDANT/S by or committed was America, of in States United The for Constitution and PROCESS, OF FRAUD/DECEIT ABUSE / or PROCEEDINGS and OF INFLICTION DISTRESS INTENTIONAL/NEGLIGENT of EMOTIONAL crime the District, Judicial named damage. PLAINTIFF/S wouldandcauseactionswereNEGLIGENT having thattheir knowledge DEFENDANT/S OS NETOA NEFRNE WT RSETV ECONOMIC - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION PROSPECTIVE AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL of VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY States GRAND CALIFORNIA United OF REPUBLIC for WITH Constitution the and Law Common of INTERFERENCE violation in ADVANTAGE, INTENTIONAL LOSS, ECONOMIC PURE RELATIONS, BUSINESS WITH INTERFERENCE PROPERTY, OR REPUTATION BUSINESS OF DISPARAGEMENT of crime the District, Judicial named amounts in damages punitive to proof. according and exemplary of awarding the justify and oppressive ECONOMIC ADVANTAGEECONOMIC PROSPECTIVE WITH INTERFERENCE INTENTIONAL BUSINESS PURELOSS, RELATIONS, ECONOMIC ORPROPERTY,INTERFERENCE WITH REPUTATION ABUSE / PROCESS PROCEEDINGS OF WRONGFUL CIVIL DISTRESS and EMOTIONAL andor OF orFRAUD/DECEIT On multiple dates before and on or about XXXXXX to present, in the above the in present, to XXXXXX about or on and before dates multiple On and malicious wanton, willful, were DEFENDANT/S of acts aforementioned The above the in present, to XXXXXX about or on and before dates multiple On COUNT XXX DISPARAGEMENTBUSINESSCOUNT of OF INFLICTION XXXXCOUNT INTENTIONAL/NEGLIGENT Page 9 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 t, 6h t, 8h t, 1t, 1t mnmns teeo a omte by committed was thereto, Amendments 13th 10th, 9th, 8th, didsaid willfullyunlawfullycrimes and who violations. civil DEFENDANT/S, commit and 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 2nd, 1st, the and America of States United the of Constitution the and Law Common of violation in NUISANCE, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE of crime the District, Judicial named PLAINTIFF/S. from silence and money EXTORT to order other in PLAINTIFF/S and against crimes violence outrageous kidnap, arrest, false commit fact in did DEFENDANT/S instances and some money in and violence extort and kidnap to arrest, false with order PLAINTIFF/S threatening by in silence PLAINTIFF/S against crimes said commit law of the color under unlawfully and willfully did who DEFENDANT/S, by committed was Felony, a to, there Amendments 5th 4th, the and America of States United the for Constitution the and Law Common of violation in EXTORTION, of crime the District, Judicial named by committed was Amendments, 10th 9th, 8th, didsaid willfullyunlawfullycrime/actions. and who DEFENDANT/S, commit 7th, 5th, 4th, 1st, the and America ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC eliminated DEFENDANT/S protecting the PLAINTIFF/S, and against supporting activities illegally dangerous By abnormally land. their on PLAINTIFF/S with interference DEFENDANT/S by and committed isMaliciousProsecution.other crimes amongst crime baseless The is large. behavior at public DEFENDANT/S the terrorizes district, and immoral this in lives simply who person any against threats terrorist legal are DEFENDANT/S lives by actions The simply district. the who within individual every and each public on imposed significant large, at and threat and general nuisance a imposes PLAINTIFF/S against bringing lawsuits in actions outrageous DEFENDANTS DEFENDANT/S. from violence of threat the both (3) or negligence; (2) rights; PLAINTIFFS liability.risestrictgiving conduct to or dangerous activityother abnormally with interference intentional (1) states: From a Private Nuisance perspective, DEFENDANT/S imposed an unreasonable an imposed DEFENDANT/S perspective, Nuisance Private a From is large at public the to caused harm the perspective, Nuisance Public a From mental DEFENDANTS three the of any by supported be may nuisance for suit A above the in present, to XXXXXX about or on and before dates multiple On above the in present, to XXXXXX about or on and before dates multiple On COUNT XXXX PRIVATE AND PUBLIC NUISANCE XXXX PUBLIC COUNT PRIVATE AND XXXCOUNT EXTORTION Page Page 10 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 h nie wrd EEDN/ ce ih wno irgr o te lw ad with and law the to disregard wanton with acted DEFENDANT/S world, entire the in nation other any than probation on and prison jail, in people more has U.S. the that show which statistics raw the by illustrated is complex industrial prison and industry legal the in RACKETEERING The DEFENDANT/S. for and gain malicious personal and generate to unlawful intended and willful DEFENDANT/S is that of practice and behavior pattern said overall an DEFENDANT/S, reflects said for revenue generates conflict cause that to as so law of color the under acting by RACKETEERING in engaged and violent of free intervention. intrusive government lives their enjoying of made fearful have large at DEFENDANTS public the the land, and PLAINTIFF/S own ones’ on liberty basic enjoy to right basic the destroyed abnormally only not likely DEFENDANTS by highly caused violence a The imposed situations. dangerous they and activity violent abnormally in engaged the are DEFENDANT/S eliminate, to NUISANCEPRIVATE ofPUBLIC epitomeanda and essence established was represent DEFENDANT/S Constitution the Posterity. everything and Liberty of defense, Blessings common the Welfare, tranquility, general domestic Justice, to right PLAINTIFF/S injured and/or EEDN/, wo dd wlfly ad ulwul commit unlawfully and - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND willfully CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC did who againstPLAINTIFF/S CONSPIRACY AND TREASON/FRAUD/RACKETEERING 7th by and/or committed was 2 DEFENDANT/S, Felony, a Sec Seven, Amendment III and/or 2 Art Section III to Article America Pursuant of States Jury United the for By Constitution the and Law Trial Common of violation to in Amendment, Right The of violation by CONSPIRACY and TREASON/FRAUD/RACKETEERING of crimes the District, Judicial colorof law. intent the criminalunder
to Art III Art 7 to Sec2and/or By ByCONSPIRACY ViolationThetoJury Pursuant Right Of Trial n mlil ae eoe ad o XXX t rsn, i h bv named above the in present, to XXXXXX on and before dates multiple On DEFENDANT/S present, to XXXXXX about or on and before dates multiple On previously they as intentional were actions DEFENDANTS that alleged is It COUNT XXXXCOUNT AND TREASON/FRAUD/RACKETEERING XXXXCOUNT
th Amendment Page Page 11 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 criminals be immediately removed from the bench and office and prosecuted for said violations. for these prosecuted and that office dictate and bench claim the this from removed of immediately rest be criminals the in and herein listed as DEFENDANTS said by committed Constitution the of construct the of violations outrageous and treasonous Jury; Office. in Continuance Times, their during stated diminished be not at shall which shall, Compensation, a and Services, their Behaviour, for receive good during Offices their hold inferior shall and supreme Courts, the of both Judges, The establish. and ordain time to time from may Congress the as Courts inferior such in and Court, supreme one in vested be shall farce.a andTrials ofJury sham Byreducing to to the defenseextent of principles and arguments the and testimony controlled and manipulated jury, the before ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC DEFENDANT/S PETITIONER/S. PLAINTIFF/S.onpunishment imposedandunusualcrueland finesand bail excessive demanded and on Amendment 8th the under fines protection PLAINTIFF/S denied excessive repeatedly and punishment unusual and cruel inflicting by America of States United the of Constitution the to Amendment 8th the under rights PETITIONER/S violated DEFENDANT/S District Judicial named above excessive fines, cruel & unusual & fines, cruel punishmentexcessive Department ResponsibilityJudicial On or about March 12, 2003 and on multiple occasions up to present, in the in present, to up occasions multiple on and 2003 12, March about or On multiple to due behavior bad in sitting are DEFENDANTS listed above All by be shall Impeachment, of Cases in except Crimes, all of Trial The 2… Section States, United the of Power judicial The 1: Section III, Article Constitution, U.S. getting from evidence prevented juries, rigging in engaged DEFENDANT/S COUNT XXXCOUNT Violation U.S. Const. of 8th Amendment: XXXX ViolationCOUNT - TREASON of U.S.III Const. Article Page Page 12 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 n nafly udr te clr o a omt MLCOS POEUIN against PROSECUTION MALICIOUS commit maliciouspurposes. personal forother profit and PLAINTIFF/S law of color the under unlawfully and willfully did who DEFENDANT/S, by committed was Felony, a America, of States United The for Constitution the and Law Common of violation in PROSECUTION, MALICIOUS and willfully did and law of color the under maliciouslycrime.and unlawfully commit said law of process due without property, liberty, of PLAINTIFF/S deprived DEFENDANT/S the said and of damage) (body actual DELICTI the CORPUS crime, or crime) or (act REUS ACTUS intent), (willful REA MENSnecessaryreflecting cause withoutthe probable even crimes infamous answer for ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY 7th GRAND CALIFORNIA OF the REPUBLIC remedy, legal a is there where equity of court a into person a forcing from AUTHORITIES: their and of knowingly XXXXX did XXX Defendant deny Jury. to By Equity commitsaid crime. intentionally Trial of to Court right a guaranteed into Constitutionally XXXXX XXXXX force to violence and threats of means by attempt unlawfully did who XXXX, XXX by committed was death, by punishable Felony a America, of States United The for Constitution the of Seven Amendment and Act Judiciary the of 16 Section of violation in RACKETEERING, [Criminal proceedings, deprivationandhappiness] life,[Criminal of proceedings, liberty n o bu XX, i h bv ae uiil Dsrc, te CIE OF CRIME the District, Judicial named above the in XXXXX, about or On of crime the District, Judicial named above the in XXXX, about or On to PLAINTIFF/S held DEFENDANT/S Jury Grand a of indictment any Without The law is explicit, the Judiciary act Section 16 specifically precludes the courts the precludes specifically 16 Section act Judiciary the explicit, is law The COUNT THREECOUNT PROSECUTION XXXCOUNT MALICIOUS XXXXCOUNT Violation U.S. Const. of 5th Amendment Page Page 13 of 16 FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved“ – of preserved“ 7TH bytrial beAmendmentright – shall jury dollars, the Section 2 Article 3, Section16 at had belaw. “Judiciary may Act, remedy complete and adequate plain, where case any in States, United the of courts the for income making income, personal up drum can they themselves that so hearsay on act and allegations false entertain and bring they parties, the amongst conflict cause to work Trial to aJury. By right guaranteed Constitutionally their cases Court Family to parties denying by Treason High commit and Office of Oath their violate they and Equity of court a claiming Act Judiciary own their violate Court Family in Judges be them. indict first must Jury Grand a prosecuted can anyone before that requirement mandated the ignoring even usually charges, a bymay Jury.only tried be matter criminal any that dictates 2 Section 3 Article and Amendment 4th the and $20 of excess Jury civilmatter aByany for inyou Trial simpler, entitled to be could are not Amendment ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC of Counselfor his the defence.haveAssistance to and his favor, in witnesses obtaining for process compulsory have to him; against witnesses the with confronted be to accusation; the of cause and nature the of informed be to and law, by ascertained previously been have shall district which committed, been have shall crime jury impartial an by trial, public and speedy a Amendments Trialentitle which Jury. By the Seventh andSixth Power Judicial prohibits which Amendment Eleventh the in Guarantees Constitutional States & DEMAND FOR TRIALNOTICE BY JURY Amendment. or - Grand Jury,”5th of aaindictment on presentment unless 6 United the with accordance in Jury By Trial Demand and Notice PLAINTIFFS “ “ “ “ and interests own their serve prosecutors and lawyers judges, these Instead criminal try they when day every Treason high commit Courts the in Judges And be it further enacted, That suits in equity shall not be sustained in either of either in sustained be not shall equity in suits That enacted, further it be And No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, infamous otherwise or capital, a for answer to held be shall person No The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury” – Jury” by be shall Impeachment, of Cases in except Crimes, all of Trial The In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty exceed shall controversy in value the where law, common at Suits In th Amendment: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy enjoy shall accused the prosecutions, criminal all In Amendment: Page Page 14 of 16 of the State and district wherein the wherein district and State the of the right to right the FU o nr ti h t ee d N o S r t t h a e tr en s D i Ds t ri i s c tt r o i f c C t a C l i f oo r u n i r a t 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 22 21 20 19 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 VERIFICATION State prosecuted another of Foreign any State. 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Cruz, of CountySanta the of PLAINTIFFS, People ______. The the foregoing is true and foregoingcorrect.istrue and the United the in envelope the depositing fullyprepaid.postagemail with the States and below shown is address and name whose person each to addressed envelope sealed a in copy true a enclosing by ONLY.” JURY BY TRIAL AND LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO ACTION OF NATURE THE IN COMPLAINT; INFORMATION CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; ______Statesis United in dthe address Email:______Tel:______Zip:______City:______Address:______Address:______Name: Plaintiffs ACTION AND INFORMATION IN THE NATURE OF QUO WARRANTO; ACTION AT LAW TRIAL BY JURY ONLY. - - ONLY. JURY BY TRIAL LAW AT ACTION WARRANTO; QUO OF NATURE THE IN INFORMATION AND ACTION AND COMPLAINT CRIMINAL VERIFIED INDICTMENT//PRESENTMENT; JURY GRAND CALIFORNIA OF REPUBLIC Address: 3. Address: 2. Address: 1. Served:Persons ______NAME OF COURT______District Attorney County of ______of County Attorney District Court of______Judge Presiding served: personDefendant’s NAME Name of
Signature:______Date:______JURY Californiathat lawsState of of the underpenaltyof perjury under I declare GRAND ______of Mailing: (2) Place CALIFORNIA mailing: of (1) Date OF “REPUBLIC the served I my action, the aabove-entitled party to not and of ageeighteen over the I am County,CruzofSanta California, State v. ______Page Page 16 of No.______– Trial Jury ByNo.______– 16 PROOF OF SERVICE PROOF OF