The Art of Public Speaking
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Faculty of Social Sciences
The Art of Public Speaking 63-922-18
Instructor: Mrs. Michelle Stein Teer
2nd Semester, 2016, Mondays, 18:00-19:30
Tel: 052-3549149 Email: [email protected] Personal Meetings upon advanced coordination
Course Objectives The main objective of this workshop is to provide students with effective communication tools that improve their communication in front of audiences of any kind. Participants learn how to define short and coherent verbal messages, while convincingly using their non-verbal bridges – body language, voice and eye contact. Throughout the lecture they receive practical ideas regarding how to successfully implement these tools in their self-presentations, lectures and also while communicating in virtual spheres. Students will master these tools in a manner that will enable them to succeed even when the time they have to convey their messages is extremely short and the audience is skeptical.
Workshop Content Students will receive theoretical background in the world of rhetoric and practice their performances simultaneously in front of the audience and the camera in order to overcome the various fears that arise in stressful situations. The communication situations practiced include simulations such as: the Elevator Pitch, Presentations, Lectures, Job interviews and Business meetings. We will analyze the filmed material according to the learned parameters of the Personal Communication Profile (PCP) and the Multiple Intelligences (MI) model, which will enable to connect to their personal style and successfully improve it.
Goals Create good first impressions and strong endings Enhance control over non-verbal messages: Body Language / Voice / Eye Contact Learn how to deal with 'stage/camera fright' Build short and clear verbal messages – Sound-Bites Use multiple intelligences Develop a professional and confident speaking style Course Outline Lesson Main Topic Contents Practical Tools & # Required Readings 1 The Personal The basic rules of an effective presentation; 1 st Assignment: Communication Connect – Convey – Convince ;Opening 60 Sec. Elevator Pitch Profile (PCP) sentence; First impressions; Small Talk; The three non-verbal bridges: Body Required Reading: Language, Voice, Eye contact; 12 – p. 16-128 Subtext – Beyond Words; 15 – p. 38-95 Dealing with ‘Camera or Stage Fright’ Elective Reading: 2 – p. 75-90 2 Rhetoric and Aristotle – Ethos, Logos & Pathos; Holding- Required Reading: Body Language on positions, hand movements, personal and 7 micro-gestures, gender differences 21 – p. 87-252 23 – p. 56-65
Elective Reading: 1 16 – p. 39-66 3 The Voice Vocal First Impressions; Required Reading: Connecting between the voice and the 9 – p. 1-44 message; Non-Words and Professional Jargon; Voice analysis on the phone; Listening 4 Building Verbal Sound-Bites, Key Messages and KISS; Life Required Reading: Messages cycle of presentations; 6 – p. 1-22 The attention curve and raising interest; 14 – p. 7-20 Messaging with "The House of Messages"; 18 – p. 99-118 Five WH?; The PPP disease and the TTT medicine; Preparation! Elective Reading: 8 5 Multiple The connection between the Intelligences, Required Reading: Intelligences body language and voice; 4 Recognizing the various feelings of the 13 – p. 29-110 participants; Choosing a proper reaction 19 – p. 13-27 while using the Model of Intelligences; Preparing verbal messages according to the Elective Reading: intelligences; Dealing with conflicts, 3 – p. 1-19 objections, surprises and disturbances 17 – p. 9-46 6 Delivering Practical Lesson 2 nd Assignment: Convincing 60 sec. Presentation of an Messages Idea without Power Students must hand-in the Point prepared text Presentations 7 Evaluating Analyzing the filmed assignments and Required Reading: Effectiveness Personal Feedback 21 – p. 9-24 8 Job Interviews First Impressions; Collecting data; Inter- Students must hand-in personal communication; Attire; Preparing Curriculum Vitae (CV) the CV; Recommendations; Body language during interviews 9 Networking and Networking in the business world; Control Elective Assignment: Multi-Cultural and follow up; Learning the lessons; Filmed Job Interviews Communication Speaking in active present simple; Practice and preparation Required Reading: 19 – p. 29-96 10 Captivating Rules for using visual aids; Knowing: Why? Required Reading: Power Point How? Proving It!; Research: Personal 21 – p. 7-57 Presentations experience, Case Studies, Statistics, Graphs, Visuals; Designing Rules – Do's & Don't's; Transferring smoothly from slide to slide; Writing is ReWriting 11 PPP - Continued Choosing the presentation subject and class Students must arrive at the brain storming lesson with one or two subjects in mind 12 Preparing for Personal feedback of students first draft of Required Reading: final assignment power point presentations 21 – p. 73-93 13 Final 3rd Assignment: assignment 3 minute presentation with Power Point Students must hand-in the PPP and the text 14 Analyzing the Personal Feedback; Typecasting and Required Reading: filmed final developing Personal Style 24 – p. 219 assignments It's all up to you now! Good luck always :)
Course Requirements The students will be graded at the end of each project. A final grade will be given at the end of the course that will apply for the entire course. Grades will be based on the improvement process. Students will submit a detailed description of every presentation immediately after presenting it. 1st Assignment10% 2nd Assignment 25% 3rd Assignment 45% Class Attendance – Obligatory 20%
Bibliography 1. Aristotle, (1954). Rhetoric – The Rhetoric & Poetics of Aristotle, Trans. By W. Rhys-Roberts. New .(רשות) York: The Modern Library 185 ARI r.R (108036)
2. Barker, A. (2010). Improve your Communication Skills, The Sunday Times, United Kingdom: .(רשות) Kogan Page N/A .(רשות) Gardner, H. (2008). 5 Minds for the Future, Harvard Business Press, Boston MA .3 N/A
4. Gardner, H. (2003). Multiple Intelligences after Twenty Years, Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois. N/A
5. Ekman, P. (2003) Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life, 2nd Edition, St. Martin's Griffind, New York. N/A
6. Furnham, A. & Petrova, E. (2010). Body Language in Business – Decoding the Signals, Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan. N/A
7. Helm, B. (2013). How to Make People Believe: Pitching a VC. Rallying the Troops. Nailing a Ted Talk, Academic OneFile, Inc. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Download%20Document%20(1).html
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9. Morris, D. (2002). People Watching – Guide to Body Language. United Kingdom: Vintage Books Random House. N/A
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17. גולמן, ד. (1995). אינטליגנציה רגשית: עולה בחשיבותה על מנת המשכל, הוצאת מטר (רשות). שמור לפי גול.אי (351749)
18. גלילי, א. (2004). הטל-פוליטיקאים: מנהיגות פוליטית חדשה במערב ובישראל, הוצאת רמות – אוניברסיטת תל אביב. E324.22 גלי.טל תשס"ד (588981) וגם ספר אלקטרוני (2359268)
19. דה בונו, א. (1985). ששה כובעי חשיבה, כנרת בית הוצאה לאור. 153.42 דה-בונ.שש תשנ"ו (320000) Also available in English – 658 DE-BON s (56449) – in the Economics library
20. דולוורת, מ. (2010). כוחם של קשרים: נטוורקינג: בניית רשתות אישיות, מקצועיות ווירטואליות להצלחה בעבודה ובחיים, מטר הוצאה לאור. 650.13 דול.כח תש"ע (1188821) – בספרייה ללימודי מידע
21. אנדרו, ל. (2008). ראשית הצלחה בפרזנטציה נכונה, מטר הוצאה לאור. 658.8 לי.ראש תשס"א (483877) – בספריות ללימודי מידע וכלכלה
22. מולכו, סמי (1998). הכל על שפת הגוף, כתר הוצאה לאור (לא להיבהל ממספר העמודים! יש בספר הרבה תמונות שמדגימות את שפת הגוף המדוברת). 153.69 מול.כל תשנ"ח (443456) – בספרייה לחינוך
23. קליין, ד. (2014). אינטליגנציה תוצאתית: היכולת לניהול עצמי ממוקד תוצאות, מטר הוצאה לאור. 153.9 קלי.אי תשע"ד (2383136) – בספרייה לחינוך
24. שטיין טיר, מ. (2003). משחק מול מצלמה על-פי רותי דייכס, הוצאת רמות – אוניברסיטת תל אביב. 791.43028 שטי.מש תשס"ג (1114753)
25. שטיין טיר, מ. רלף קליין המאמן, אלפא / זמורה ביתן מוציאים לאור. א י ן