Board of Education s6

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Board of Education s6


The Organizational Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by President Pro-Tempore, Aaron Burko. in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Meeting Room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.


Administered by Treasurer, Brenda Brcak *Frank Barber *Bobby Jordan *Linda Pliodzinskas

The following members answered the roll call by the Treasurer, Brenda Brcak: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Jordan. Mr. Kaye was absent.


Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 7:16 p.m. pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Chris Williams and William Pebble invited to enter into Executive Session.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President Pro- Tempore declared the motion passed 4-0.

Reconvened from executive session at 8:19 p.m. with all members present.


VI. Election of Officers – Presided over by President Pro Tempore, Aaron Burko.

A. Election of President

* Aaron Burko nominated Bobby Jordan to the position of President of the Richmond Heights Board of Education for 2012. (No seconds required).

* Frank Barber nominated Linda Pliodzinskas to the position of President of the Richmond Heights Board of Education for 2012. (No seconds required).

Moved by Aaron Burko, seconded by Bobby Jordan that nominations for the position of President of the Board of Education are closed.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President Pro-Tempore declared the motion passed 4-0.

Vote for President of the Richmond Heights Board of Education for 2012.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko (Jordan), Mr. Barber (Pliodzinskas), Mr. Jordan (Pliodzinskas), and Mrs. Pliodzinskas (Pliodzinskas). The President Pro- Tempore declared Linda Pliodzinskas as President for 2012: 3-1.


B. Election of Vice President

* Linda Pliodzinskas nominates Bobby Jordan to the position of Vice President of the Richmond Heights Board of Education for 2012. (No seconds required).

Moved by Aaron Burko, seconded by Bobby Jordan that nominations for the position of Vice President of the Board of Education are closed.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President Pro-Tempore declared the motion passed 4-0.

Vote for Vice President of the Richmond Heights Board of Education for 2012.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President Pro-Tempore declared Bobby Jordan, Vice President for 2012: 4-0.

The Aaron Burko, President Pro Tempore turned the meeting over to the newly elected President, Linda Pliodzinskas.



Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Bobby Jordan that the following Organizational Items be approved as presented, for district operations during the 2012 year: Item 1.

RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, disability, or national origin in its employment practices or in the educational programs and activities which it operates.

Item 2.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT that regular meetings of the Board of Education are scheduled as follows:

January 9 February 13 March 12 April 9 May 14 June 11 July 9 August 13 September 10 October 8 November 19 December 10

Regular meetings of the Richmond Heights Board of Education are to begin on the above-scheduled Mondays at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified in the Administration Center and/or other designated sites as may be determined by the Board of Education.

Item 3.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT that funds in the amount of $4,741.00 will be available for the Ohio School Boards Association membership, publications, and consultation services (increase of $161.00).

1. Annual membership dues

2. Briefcase subscription

3. School Management News subscription

Item 4.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT that authority be given to the Superintendent or Treasurer to apply for federal, state, and other outside agency funds for appropriate programs for students and for employees of the district during the calendar year 2012. Item 5.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT that authority be given to the Superintendent or designee to assign outside organizations that are designated by federal, state, and county units as bona fide educational service agencies to represent the district in the provision of services by district personnel during 2012.

Item 6.


BE IT RESOLVED that authority be given the Superintendent during periods when this Board is not in session, to make offers of employment directly to candidates for either teaching or nonteaching positions on behalf of this Board, and to acknowledge acceptance of such offers on behalf of this Board, subject to a subsequent vote of ratification by this Board; provided however, that upon ratification by this Board, the employment shall be deemed effective as of this date and time of the employee’s acceptance of the Superintendent’s offer; and that such employment offers occur within 14 days of a meeting of the Board of Education at which the contract will be ratified;

BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing in this resolution shall required the Board of Education to employ or continue to employ and individual who has not provided a criminal records check satisfactory to the Board, has not satisfied any other prerequisite to employment created by law or Board policy, or any other justifiable reason as determined by the Board of Education;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that authority be given the Superintendent, on behalf of this Board, to accept resignations which have been submitted by employees during times when this Board is not in session, subject to ratification by this Board; provided however, that upon ratification by the board, such resignations shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the Superintendent‘s acceptance.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that authorization provided by this resolution shall remain in effect until the Organizational Meeting of 2013.

Item 7.


BE IT RESOLVED that authority be given to the Superintendent or designee to approve attendance at in- service and professional meetings by administrators, faculty and staff members during calendar year 2012.

Item 8.


WHEREAS Boards of Education are authorized by statute to employ non-school district employees to coach an athletic team or to direct and supervise any pupil activity program which is not a course for credit or required part of any such course, and

WHEREAS the positions have been or will be posted and advertised as being available to qualified certificated personnel employed by the district and no acceptances have been received, and WHEREAS the positions have been or will be posted and advertised as being available to qualified certificated personnel not employed by the district and no acceptances have been received, and

WHEREAS the persons to be recommended will be required to meet the minimum qualifications for the positions as established by the Board of Education, the State Board of Education, and the Ohio General Assembly,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the superintendent or designee be authorized to recommend to the Board of Education persons to be employed as coaches and other such supplemental positions that may become open prior to the start of or during the school year and no qualified certificated employee applies for and/or accepts the position(s) as described above.

Item 9.


BE IT RESOLVED that authority be given to the Superintendent or designee to approve field trips for educational, athletic, and co-curricular purposes during the calendar year 2012. Overnight field trips and/or field trips outside the State of Ohio will be confirmed by the Board of Education prior to the trip.

Item 10.


BE IT RESOLVED that authority is given to the Superintendent or designee to approve agreements with universities and colleges to place student teachers and field experience students in the RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT during calendar year 2012.

Item 11.


BE IT RESOLVED that authority is given to the Superintendent to approve modifications of general fund administrative appropriations within the total of each administrative appropriation as approved by the Board of Education (no increase in the total appropriation).

Item 12.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT that authority be hereby given to waive the formal reading of the minutes of previous meeting(s) at a regular Board of Education meeting during the calendar year 2012.

Item 13.


BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education sits as Records Commission for the review of records retention for 2012. Further, be it resolved that no records are identified for removal or destruction at this date. Any removal or destruction to take place during the calendar year to be presented to the Board for approval prior to removal or destruction.

Item 14.


BE IT RESOLVED that the following fees shall be in effect for copying public records: 10¢ per page for photo copies in excess of the first ten pages and/or the cost of the medium otherwise requested.

Item 15.


BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer is authorized to establish a Food Service Change Fund in the amount of $185.00; the responsible administrator is the Food Service Director.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer is authorized to establish an Administration Building Petty Cash Fund in the amount of $300.00 with a per transaction limit of $50.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Petty Cash Checking Account will be established according to Uniform School Accounting System guidelines in the amount of $5,000.00 for the Athletic Director according to the following guidelines:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Athletic Department Petty Cash Checking Account will have a $100 per transaction limit:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $500 is designated as a "change fund" for High School athletic events. The change fund will be converted to cash on the day of an event, and redeposit with the gate receipts by the Athletic Director.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each petty cash checking account will be operated under the following regulations:

1) The account will operate under the imprest system for petty cash as outlined in Supplement 17 of the Uniform School Accounting System.

2) No funds will be kept in cash on school premises, but will be held in a special checking account authorized and opened by the Treasurer.

3) Only the Treasurer is authorized to make deposits to the account.

4) Payments for miscellaneous goods and services within the set limits may be made from the petty cash fund, provided there exists an adequate unencumbered balance in an appropriated line account under the supervision of the administrator. No expenditure may be made which is not authorized by prior appropriation.

The administrator will maintain a record of each check issued which will include:

Check Number, Payee, Transaction Receipt [signed by person making the transaction if other than payee] Budgetary Account(s) to be booked for the expense.

5) All payments will be made by check. No cash transactions are authorized. 6) The Treasurer and the Athletic Director will each be authorized as a sole signatory on checks for the fund. Checks will require the signature of either the Treasurer or the Athletic Director.

7) A monthly reconciliation of the account will be completed by the Athletic Director and forwarded to the Treasurer within 10 days of the receipt of the monthly bank statement.

The reconciliation will include a listing of each check clearing the account along with required details for posting the expenditures to the proper budgetary line accounts on a monthly basis. The Treasurer will oversee the daily transactions on the account through the internet connection with the depository.

8) The fund may be replenished at the request of the administrator with the approval of the Treasurer.

9) In June, after the close of school, all unused checks, along with the May bank statement reconciliation and a listing of checks issued in June, will be turned in to the Treasurer.

10) Upon completion of a final audit of the account for the ended school year, at the discretion of the Treasurer, the account may be replenished and returned to the administrator for the following school year.

11) The account will operate completely at the discretion of the Treasurer, and may be closed by him at any time.

12) This Athletic Department Petty Cash checking authorization will be reviewed at the annual Organizational Meeting of the Board.

Item 16.


BE IT RESOLVED that upon the execution of a valid Purchase Order, drawn on an available budgetary line account balance, a warrant for the amount of the Purchase Order may be made to the order of the requisitioner. The requisitioner will sign a written statement listing the Purchase Order number, the warrant number and the nature of the purchase, and will agree to submit valid receipts and/or change from the purchase by a date certain. The agreement will stipulate that the requisitioner takes full responsibility for the return of any unspent or improperly spent funds. There will be a $500 limit on such transactions, unless specific prior approval is granted by the Board.

Item 17.


BE IT RESOLVED that advance payments for goods and services are prohibited--without prior approval of the Board of Education--except for the following: insurances, memberships, professional meeting expenses, subscriptions, or deposits, if the deposit is approved by the Treasurer. In the case of meeting expenses or deposits, the requisitioner must accept responsibility for receipt of goods or services by written agreement.

Item 18.


The Board of Education authorizes the Treasurer to make investment of available monies from the funds of the District in securities authorized by State Law. The purpose of investments is to maximize the returns on the District's excess cash balances consistent with safety of those monies and with the desired liquidity of the investments to meet cash-flow needs. These investments shall include:

A. Bonds, notes, or other obligations of or guaranteed by the United States, or those for which the faith of the United States is pledged for payment of principal and interest thereon;

B. Bonds, notes, debentures, or any other obligations or securities issued by a Federal government agency or instrumentality;

C. Interim deposits in Board-approved depositories;

D. Bonds and other obligations of the State of Ohio;

E. No-load money market mutual funds consisting exclusively of obligations described in A. and B. above or repurchase agreements secured by such obligations, provided such investments are made only through banks and savings and loan institutions authorized by R.C. 135.03;

F. The Ohio Subdivision Fund (STAR Ohio);

G. Certificates of Deposit

Under no circumstances may the Treasurer invest in a derivative as defined by the Revised Code, reverse repurchase agreements, or other funds prohibited by law. The Treasurer shall also not make investments which s/he does not reasonably believe can be held until the maturity date or which leverage any investment.

Investments made by the Treasurer must mature within three (3) years, unless the investment is matched to a specific obligation or debt of the District.

The Treasurer is also authorized to enter into repurchase agreements in accordance with 135.14(E) of the Revised Code. Such agreements may be either overnight or within a time not to exceed thirty (30) days and may only involve securities listed in A-D above.

Earnings on investments will be credited to the General Fund of the District except where otherwise directed by Revised Code.

The Treasurer is required to report to the Board of Education monthly on the cost, par value, maturity date, settlement date, any coupon rate, interest earned, estimated market value, or if available, the current market value.

The Treasurer, acting in accord with the law, may withdraw funds from approved public depositories or sell negotiable instruments prior to maturity.

Item 19.


WHEREAS House Bill 220 (123rd General Assembly) authorizes boards of education to set policy on the proper deposit of public funds within certain limits:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT all employees of RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT receiving public moneys are required to deposit such moneys with the Treasurer or his representative or the properly designated depository on the same day or next business day following the day of receipt. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if such moneys are not deposited on the same day of receipt, but are held until the next business day the employee will accept the responsibility for the safeguarding of the moneys until the time of deposit.

Item 20.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT that the Auditor of Cuyahoga County be and is hereby requested to draw his warrants, and the Treasurer of said County be and is hereby requested to pay the Treasurer of this Board from time to time on the request of the Treasurer of this Board and money in the county treasury to the account of this Board and lawfully applicable to the purpose of the current fiscal year.

Item 21.


BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education sits as the Audit Review Committee for 2012 and may invite community members to participate. Board members will be invited to annual post-audit conferences conducted by auditors of the District's financial records, and will individually and collectively review official audit reports of the District when they are approved by the Auditor of State.

Item 22.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Richmond Heights Board of Education that authority be given to its Treasurer or designee to act as agent for the Board of Education to file and sign real estate tax complaints for the purpose of increasing the assessed valuations.

Item 23.


WHEREAS, Ohio law requires expenditures of public funds made by Boards of Education to be in furtherance of a valid public purpose; and

WHEREAS, Boards of Education may lawfully provide beverages, food, and other amenities to District employees or third parties participating in Board-sponsored meetings or activities where the Board determines such expenditures are necessary to further a public purpose; and

WHEREAS, this Board desires to declare that expenditures of District funds for the provision of beverages, food, and other amenities to District employees in connection with the performance of their duties and/or third parties in connection with their participation in Board-sponsored meetings or activities are necessary to further a valid public purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, County of Cuyahoga, State of Ohio, that:

Section 1. This Board hereby determines that expenditures of District funds for the provision of beverages, food, and other amenities to District employees in connection with the performance of their duties and/or third parties in connection with their participation in Board-sponsored meetings or activities serves a valid public purpose of the District.

Section 2. This Board hereby authorizes the Treasurer of the Board of Education to provide payment for such beverages, food, and amenities from time to time as necessary and appropriate and from amounts available therefore within the then-current budget.

Section 3. This Board hereby finds that the use of District funds to purchase alcoholic beverages does not serve a valid public purpose and the Treasurer shall not approve expenditures for that purpose.

Section 4. It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions of this Board and of any of its committees concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its committees that resulted in those formal actions were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with the law.

Section 5. Receipts submitted for meal reimbursements must be itemized.

Section 6. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and immediately upon its adoption.

Item 24.


BE IT RESOLVED that substitute teachers will be paid: *Daily rate of a substitute teacher will be $90.00. *After 20 days of service in any one school year, a $200.00 bonus *After the 60th day on the same assignment, placement on the teacher’s salary schedule at the BA-step 0.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that support staff employees will be paid at Step 0 of the hourly wage schedule. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Home and Intervention Tutors will be paid $20/hour.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Summer School Tutors will be paid $25/hour.

Item 25.


BE IT RESOLVED that, in accordance with Revised Code 3315.15 and Board Policy 0147, a Board Service Fund in the amount of $5,000.00 is established for the purpose of paying the expenses actually incurred by board members in the performance of their duties.

Item 26.


BE IT RESOLVED that the attached schedule of building use fees are approved for 2012. (no change from 2011).


BE IT RESOLVED that the District mileage reimbursement rate will be the current IRS approved rate.

Item 28.


BE IT RESOLVED that Aaron Burko is appointed as Legislative Liaison to OSBA. and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Frank Barber is appointed as Student Achievement Liaison to OSBA. and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Joshua Kaye is appointed as the District’s Vocational Education Representative; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Linda Pliodzinskas is appointed as the District’s OSBA Capital Conference Delegate. Bobby Jordan is appointed as the District’s alternate. and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Aaron Burko is appointed as the District’s Permanent Improvement Committee liaison.

Item 29.


BE IT RESOLVED that will use the Sun Messenger newspaper as the newspaper for the publication of notices required by law during 2012. Other newspapers may be used as deemed appropriate by the Administration.

Item 30.


BE IT RESOLVED that Regular Meeting Dates and times will be posted in the entry way to the Administrative Offices; Regular and Special Meeting dates and times will be posted on the District Website; Special Meeting dates and times will be announced at least 24 hours in advance to the Sun Messenger newspaper, and to any person requesting inclusion on the District’s e-mail notification list for the year 2012.

Item 31.


BE IT RESOLVED that the Richmond Heights Board of Education utilize the legal services of the following firms as legal representatives to the district in 2012:

Pepple & Waggoner, LTD, Cleveland, Ohio – General representation and Tax Complaint representation (current) ($175-$280 pr/hr). Ulmer, Berne, LLP, Cleveland, Ohio – Tax Complaint representation (pending) ($160-$220 pr/hr).

Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, LLP, Cleveland, Ohio – (levy issues as need)

Charles Tyler Sr. Attorney and Counselor at Law – General representation ($200 pr/hr). for pending litigation matters only, not to exceed $2,000.

Brindza McIntyre & Seed LLP, Cleveland, Ohio – Tax Complaint representation ($175 pr/hr).

Item 32.


BE IT RESOLVED that members of the Richmond Heights Board of Education will be compensated for attendance at Board Meetings in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, not to exceed 24 meetings for calendar year 2012.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President - declared the motion passed 4-0.


VII. Adjournment

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber, to adjourn the Organizational Meeting at 9: 15 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President Pro- Tempore declared the motion passed 4-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda M. Brcak, Treasurer/CFO


The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 9:17 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Pliodzinskas.

RESOLUTION NO 01-06-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda a s presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-02-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to table the minutes of the special meeting, May 25, 2011, pursuant to Board policy 0168 until the audio is checked..

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion tabled 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 01-08-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to adopt the following Board Policy upon its second reading:

5410 Promotion, Acceleration, Placement, and Retention – ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO. 01-09-2012 Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Financial Reports for the month ended November 2011, and futther approve the payment of bills for Noember 2011.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.


RESOLUTION NO 01-10-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following donation of funds as gifted:


Parents 4 Kids Boy’s Basketball Uniforms $1,500.00 To the Secondary Shool Athletic Department

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 01-11-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the annual membership renewal with the Career Development Program with the Mayfield Consortium., effective for the 2011-2012 school year, at the annual fee of $1,680.00 (no increase from prior years).

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 01-12-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Tax Budget-Alternative Tax Format for Fiscal Year 2013, as submitted by the Treasurer and presented at this meetingl

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE employ the following as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board approved rate of compensation, effective the 2011-12 school year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120-04.

Education Service Center Substitutes for January 2012 Brenda Shepherd, effective 1-9-11

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 01-14-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following personnel under a one-year limited supplemental or service contract for the 2011-12 contract year for the position and at the rate of compensation listed below, pursuant to ORC 3319.08 and Appendix B of the RHEA Negotiated Agreement. In the event an insufficient number of students sign up for the activity, or failure of payment, this contract will become null and void.

Carletta Harrell, MS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, Step 1, $3,165.75 Demarris Winter, MS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, Step 1, $3,165.75

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 01-15-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko, to recommend that the RH BOE adopt the following Mission and Vision Statement for the Richmond Heights Local School District.

MISSION: Learn, adapt, and excel in a changing world.

VISION A community committed to student success through creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 01-16-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Richmond Heights Local Schools calendar for the 2012-2013 School Year. Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 01-17-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko, to recommend that the RH BOE approve Denise McKinley, Library Assistant for Richmond Heights Elementary School, be placed on medical leave effective January 19, 2012 through approximately February 17, 2012. Mrs. McKinley is eligible for FMLA and meets the compliance as set forth in Appendix F of the Agreement between Richmond Heights Board of Education and Richmond Heights Education Association.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 01-18-2012

Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas waiver of fee for Bon Lydia Jones three students (2008 & 2009) (2009& 2010) pending verification of information as provided by Cuyahoga County.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 01-19-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to adjourn at 10:40 P.M.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, CFO/Treasurer


The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Vice President Bobby Jordan, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Kaye and Mr. Jordan. Mrs. Pliodzinskas was absent..

RESOLUTION NO 01-20-2012


Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Kaye to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Kaye. The Vice President declared the motion passed 4-0.


Mrs. Pliodzinskas entered the meeting at 7:20 p.m.

RESOLUTION NO 01-21-2012

Moved by Mr. Kaye, seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve and accept the resignation of Dr. Robert Moore as the Compliance Officer of the Richmond Heights Local Schools, effective 2-13-12.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 01-22-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko that the RH BOE approve the termination of legal services by Attorney Charles Tyler, effective 1-23-12.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Nays: Mr. Burko and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 3-2.

RESOLUTION NO 01-23-2012

EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 9:50 p.m., pursuant to ORC #121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 01-24-2012

The Board reconvened to public session at 10:05 p.m. with all members present

RESOLUTION NO 01-25-2012


Moved by Mr. Kaye, seconded by Mr. Burko that the meeting be adjourned at 10:06 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, CFO/Treasurer


The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Vice President Bobby Jordan, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Kaye and Mr. Jordan. Mrs. Pliodzinskas was absent..

RESOLUTION NO 02-26-2012


Moved by ______, seconded by ______, to adopt the agenda as presented.

Pliodzinskas _____ Jordan _____ Barber ______Kaye _____ Burko_____ Vote: ______.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 02-27-2012


Moved by ______, seconded by ______, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting, June 13, 2011, and the special meeting, June 20, 2011, pursuant to Board policy 0168.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.



Music Video by Tim Lowe Jr.



SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Update on Safe and Drug Free Grant and New Bully Policy Update on Marine Training Visit by Josh Patty Recognition of Cardinal Community Credit Union and Borally’s Party Center Presentation on Human Resource Software Discussion of Student Dress Code and Policy State of the Schools Address 2012


Fiscal Year 2012 Financial review – Mid Year.

RESOLUTION NO 02-28-2012

Moved by , seconded by to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Financial Reports for the month and quarter ended December 2011, and further approves the payment of bills for December 2011.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 02-29-2012

Moved by , seconded by to recommmend that the RH BOE approve the following transfer of funds to facilitate the March 15, 2012 principal and interest payment on the HB 264 project to Capital One:

From: General Fund – 001 $52,214.82

To: Debt Retirement – 002 $52,214.82

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 02-30-2012

Moved by , seconded by to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following donations of supplies as gifted:


Frank Barber Glue Sticks and $ 34.28 Board Member Crayon Tower -150 Ct. Special Education Classroom-Elementary Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 02-31-2012

Moved by , seconded by to recommend that the RH BOE approve renewal of the following Program for the Secondary School for the 2011-2012 school year College Now (former Cleveland Scholarship Program) College advisement services and counseling for students and parents @ $400 per day for 10 days during the 2011-2012 school year. Contract total $4,000.00.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.


RESOLUTION NO 02-32-2012

Moved by , seconded by to recommend that the RH BOE employ the following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board-approved rate of compensation, effective the 2011-12 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04.

Educational Service Center Substitutes for February 2012 DeMarcus Monroe, Substitute Non-Instructional Aide, effective 11/28/11 David Carter, Substitute Teacher, effective 2/13/12 Virtudes Fernandez-Herak, Substitute Teacher, effective 2/13/12 Simone M. Jelks, Substitute Teacher, effective 2/13/12 Kevin Thomas, Substitute Cleaner, effective 2/13/12 Roderick Speed, Substitute Mechanic, Step 0, effective 2/13/12

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 02-33-2012

Moved by , seconded by to recommend the RH BOE approve The following personnel under a one-year limited supplemental or service contract for the 2011-12 contract year for the position and at the rate of compensation listed below, pursuant to ORC 3319.08 and Appendix B of the RHEA Negotiated Agreement. In the event an insufficient numbers of students sign up for the activity, or failure of payment, this contract will become null and void.

Rachel Trentanelli, Sixth Grade Camp Counselor, Step 1, $595.00 David Miller, Washington D.C. Counselor, Step 1, $312.84 Jason Popp, Head Track Coach, Step 2, $5,959.04 William Cloud, Asst. MS Track Coach, Step 1, $2,607.08 Nicholas Grande, Head Boys Baseball Coach, Step 1, $5,477.1 Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 02-34-2012

Moved by , seconded by to recommend the RH BOE approve the Following personnel beginning January 17, 2012 through April 19, 2012 as Elementary School OAA Tutors.

Rosie Dunn, ES Tutor, $20.00/hr., 2 days per week, 2 hrs. Carol Medve, ES Tutor, $20.00/hr., 2 days per week, 2 hrs. Kathryn Stapleton, ES Tutor, $20.00/hr., 2 days per week, 2 hrs. Lolita Johnson, ES Tutor, $20.0/hr., 2 days per week, 2 hrs. Nancy Jacquet, Substitute Theresa Cyrus, Bus Driver/Office Darlene Herrmann, Bus Driver Janet Kuznik, Bus Driver Patricia Pryor, Bus Driver Carl Rigler, Bus Driver Roderick Speed, Bus Driver Donna Steller, Bus Driver

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 02-35-2012

Moved by , seconded by to recommend the RH BOE approve the following personnel beginning January 23, 2012 through March 9, 2012 as Secondary School OGT Tutors. Jaclyn Davey, $20.00/hr., 1 day per week, 2 hours Keith Manos, $20.00/hr., 1 day per week, 2 hours Lori Gecina, $20.00/hr., 1 day per week, 2 hours Brendan Dade, $20.00/hr., 1 day per week, 2 hours Jim Davis, $20.00/hr., 1 day per week, 2 hours Emmett Keller, $20.00/hr., 1 day per week, 2 hours Joseph Serowik, $20.00/hr., 1 day per week, 2 hours Jodi Hanford, $20.00/hr., 2 day per week, 2 hours/per day Mari Bass, $20.00/hr., 2 day per week, 2 hours/per day

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 02-36-2012

Moved by , seconded by to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Course of Study for the 2011-2012 SchoolYear. Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 02-37-2012

Moved by , seconded by to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following personnel as a volunteerMath Tutor, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.09.

Williams Fleck, Volunteer Math Tutor, effective 2-13-12

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.


RESOLUTION NO 02-38-2012


Moved by ______, seconded by ______, to enter into executive session, pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 02-39-2012

Reconvened at from executive session with a roll call



Pay to Participate Superintendent’s Search Discussion

RESOLUTION NO 02-40-2012


Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

______Bobby Jordan, Vice President Brenda M. Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING February 27, 2012 7:00 P.M.

The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Vice President Bobby Jordan, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Kaye and Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Pliodzinskas.

RESOLUTION NO 02-41-2012


Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Kaye to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Kaye. The Vice President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 02-??-2012


Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.


______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda M. Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MARCH 12, 2012 7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Mr. Kaye was absent.

RESOLUTION NO 03-65-2012


Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 03-66-2012


Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Jordan to amend the agenda and move Participation Relative to Agenda after Student Recognition..

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.



RESOLUTION NO 03-67-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to resolve to waive Board Policy ______to allow the attendance of ______for the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year and to cost no tuition fee due to economic hardship.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0. ????? Presentation by John Murphy and Associates




Item #1 Moved by Frank Barber, seconded by Bobby Jordan, to approve a First Reading on the following Board Policies:

5340A Student Accident/Illness/Concussion – STUDENTS 5460 Criteria for Awarding the Diploma with Honors – STUDENTS 5605 Disciplining Students with Disabilities – STUDENTS 5605A Disciplining a 504 Student – STUDENTS 5610 Suspension and Expulsion – STUDENTS 6700 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – STUDENTS 8320.01 Criteria for Personal Information System – STUDENTS 8330 Student Records – STUDENTS 8405A Use of Animals in the Classroom and on School Premises – STUDENTS 8450 Pediculosis (Head Lice) - STUDENTS 8500A Nutritional Guidelines – STUDENTS 9160B Use of Service Animals – STUDENTS 1230VI Superintendent of Schools – ADMINISTRATION 1230V2 Responsibilities of the Superintendent – ADMINISTRATION 1240 Evaluation of the Superintendent – ADMINISTRATION 1320VI Duties of the Treasurer – ADMINISTRATION 1320 Duties of the Treasurers – ADMINISTRATION 1330 Evaluation of the Treasurer – ADMINISTRATION 1530 Evaluation of Administrators – ADMINISTRATION 1540 Suspension of Administration Contracts – ADMINISTRATION 3120.06 Selecting Student Teachers/Administrative Interns – ADMINISTRATION 3131 Reduction in Staff – PROFESSIONAL STAFF 5460.01 Diploma Deferral – STUDENTS 6460 Vendor Relations – FINANCES 7530.01VI Wireless Communication Allowance and Staff Use of Wireless Communications Devices – PROPERTY 7530.01V2 Staff Use of Wireless Communication Devices – PROPERTY 7540.03 Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety – PROPERTY 7540.04 Staff Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety – PROPERTY 8320.01 Personal Information Systems – OPERATIONS 8330 Student Records – OPERATIONS 8405 Environmental Health and Safety Issues – OPERATIONS 8451 Pediculosis (Head Lice) – OPERATIONS 7530.01 Wireless Communication Allowance Request Form – FORMS 8330 F9 Annual Notification to Parents Regarding Student Records and Specific Events/Activities – FORMS 8330 F14 Agreement Regarding Release of Education Records to Organizations Conducting Studies for or on Behalf of the District – FORMS 8330 F16 Agreement Regarding Release of Education Records to Entities Conducting Audits or Evaluations of Federal or State- Supported Education programs or to Enforce or Comply with Federal Legal Requirements – FORMS 8450A F1 Treatment of Head Lice – FORMS 8450A F2 Notification of Head Lice – FORMS 8450A F3 Pediculosis (Head Lice) Treatment Form – FORMS 8451 F1 Sample Letter to Parent/Guardian of Child with Lice – FORMS 8451 F2 Sample Notification Letter to Parent/Guardian - FORMS

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0


Technology Update – David Mog Uniform/Dress Code Results Partnership with Richmond Heights Christian School & St. John of the Cross Lockdown Assembly


RESOLUTION 03-71-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Financial Reportfor the month ended January 2012, and further approve the payment of bills for January. Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION 03-72-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following donations of supplies and funds as gifted:


Medical Mutual of Ohio Senior Class $ 500.00 Cleveland, Ohio Scholarship Funds

“ 13 Cartons of Copy Paper $ 455.00

“ 21 cartons $ 1,050.00 Loose Stock Paper 11 X 14 and 11 X 17

Cardinal Community Credit Funds for Community $ 200.00 Union – Mentor, Ohio Forum Refreshments

Borally’s Catering Food Items and Service $ 400.00 Richmond Heights, Ohio Community Forum

Richmond Heights Boosters Basketball Warm-Ups $ 960.00 Richmond Heights, Ohio JV and Varsity Teams

Breckenridge Village Funds to Choir for $ 100.00 Willoughby, Ohio Spring Trip

Liberty Hill Baptist Church Funds to Choir for $ 280.00

Cleveland, Ohio Spring Trip

Church of the Master Funds to Choir for $ 1,380.00 Richmond Heights, Ohio Spring Trip

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION 03-73-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following increase to the Appropriation Resolution for Fiscal Year 2012 to facilitate additional services for the 2011-2012 School Year APPROPRIATION INCREASE

1.2300.400 $50,000.00 Legal Services - Board

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-74-2012

Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following educational contracts for SES services for the 2011-2012 school year, at the designated contract rates. (SES services mandated and paid through ODE, Title I funds).

Provider Hourly Rate Per Student Total

Braxton Educational Consulting $ 70.00 $ 700.00

Tri-Level Tutoring $ 80.00 $ 700.00

Total Education Solutions $ 50.00 $ 700.00

Hidden Potential Educational $ 70.00 $ 700.00 Services

Hands of Hope Tutoring $ 75.00 $ 700.00

Datamatics, Inc. D/B/A $ 72.00 $1,179.25 Achieve High Points

Sylvan Learning $ 70.00 $1,306.33

All About Me Tutoring Service $ 75.00 $1,306.33

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-75-2012

Moved by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following resolution for partnering with the Cuyahoga County Educational Service Center transportation feasibility study grant for $100,000 through the Ohio Department of Development Local Government IInnovation Fund Grant: Be it resolved that the Richmond Heights Board of Education approves the Richmond Heights School District to partner in the submission of a $100,000 grant proposal to the Ohio Department of Development for the Local Government Innovation Fund to conduct a feasibility study on pupil transportation in Cuyahoga County. This study will build on the work already done with five school districts and EduLog in reviewing potential savings through the use of transportation software. Other components the LGIF study may review include shared services in maintenance, driver training and employment, transportation purchasing or other recommendations developed by the study group.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-76-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend that the RH BOE untable resolution 02-2012; College Now (former Cleveland Scholarship Program) College advisement service contract, from the February 13, 2012 agenda.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-77-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the revised contract renewal of the following Program for the Secondary School for the 2011-2012 school year.

College Now (former Cleveland Scholarship Program) College advisement services and counseling for students and parents @ $400 per day for 8 days during the 2011-2012 school year. Contract total $3,200.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0


RESOLUTION NO 03-78-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOEemploy the following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board-approved rate of compensation, effective the 2011-12 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04.

Educational Service Center Substitutes for March 2012 Brenda Graves, Substitute Teacher, effective 3-12-12 Robert Grant, Substitute Teacher & Substitute Educational Aide, effective 3-12-12 Josephine Palmer, Substitute Teacher, effective 3-12-12

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-79-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend the RH BOE approve the following personnel under a one-year limited supplemental or service contract for the 2011-12 contract year for the position and at the rate of compensation listed below, pursuant to ORC 3319.08 and Appendix B of the RHEA Negotiated Agreement. In the event an insufficient numbers of students sign up for the activity, or failure of payment, this contract will become null and void.

Mike Klinzing, Head Track Coach, Step 1, $5,586.60 Donald Gross, Asst. HS Track Coach, $3,463.69 William Cloud, Asst. MS Track Coach, Step 1, $2,607.08 DeMarcus Monroe, Asst. MS Track Coach, Step 1, $2,607.08 (Pending Pupil Activity Permit) Nicholas Grande, Head Boys Baseball Coach, Step 1, $5,586.60 Matt Simonetta, HS Assistant Boys Baseball Coach, Step 1, $3,463.69 Brian Schiffbauer, Jr., Head Girls Softball Coach , Step 1, $5,586.60 Deborah Rogers, HS Asst. Girls Softball Coach, Step 1, $3,463.69 Jodi Hanford, 6th Grade Camp Counselor, Step 1, $595.00

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-80-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend the RH BOE approve the agreement for services to assign umpires between Richmond Heights School District and John Mihalina, an Ohio Certified Ohio High School Athletic Association Assigner, for Baseball and Softball for 2012.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-81-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend the RH BOE approve the following Guidance Counselors extended time.

Dan Sadler, Secondary School 5 days at the end of the 2011-2012 school year 10 days a the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year

Kristina Longino, ES 5 days at the end of the 2011-2012 school year 5 days at the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-82-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend the RH BOE approve the extended school year for students with disabilities.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-83-2012

Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE enter into a two year agreement with OSP Photography by Lifetouch Studio’s for all district photography services for the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 school.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0


RESOLUTION NO 03-84-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko, to enter into executive session at 8:46 p.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-85-2012

Reconvened from executive session at 11:51 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0 RESOLUTION NO 03-86-2012


Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Barber to adjourn at 12:00 PM.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

______Linda Pliodzinkas, President Brenda M. Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING March 22, 2012 6:30 P.M.

The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 6:45 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Jordan. Mr. Burko and Mr. Kaye were absent..

RESOLUTION NO 03-89-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Piodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

Mr. Kaye entered the meeting at 6:48 p.m.

RESOLUTION NO 03-92-2012

Moved by Mr. Kaye, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to adopt the following Board Policies upon their second reading:

5340A Student Accident/Illness/Concussion – STUDENTS 5460 Criteria for Awarding the Diploma with Honors – STUDENTS 5605 Disciplining Students with Disabilities – STUDENTS 5605A Disciplining a 504 Student – STUDENTS 5610 Suspension and Expulsion – STUDENTS 6700 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – STUDENTS 8320.01 Criteria for Personal Information System – STUDENTS 8330 Student Records – STUDENTS 8405A Use of Animals in the Classroom and on School Premises – STUDENTS 8450 Pediculosis (Head Lice) - STUDENTS 8500A Nutritional Guidelines – STUDENTS 9160B Use of Service Animals – STUDENTS 1230VI Superintendent of Schools – ADMINISTRATION 1230V2 Responsibilities of the Superintendent – ADMINISTRATION 1240 Evaluation of the Superintendent – ADMINISTRATION 1320VI Duties of the Treasurer – ADMINISTRATION 1320 Duties of the Treasurers – ADMINISTRATION 1330 Evaluation of the Treasurer – ADMINISTRATION 1530 Evaluation of Administrators – ADMINISTRATION 1540 Suspension of Administration Contracts – ADMINISTRATION 3120.06 Selecting Student Teachers/Administrative Interns – ADMINISTRATION 3131 Reduction in Staff – PROFESSIONAL STAFF 5460.01 Diploma Deferral – STUDENTS 6460 Vendor Relations – FINANCES 7530.01VI Wireless Communication Allowance and Staff Use of Wireless Communications Devices – PROPERTY 7530.01V2 Staff Use of Wireless Communication Devices – PROPERTY 7540.03 Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety – PROPERTY 7540.04 Staff Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety – PROPERTY 8320.01 Personal Information Systems – OPERATIONS 8330 Student Records – OPERATIONS 8405 Environmental Health and Safety Issues – OPERATIONS 8451 Pediculosis (Head Lice) – OPERATIONS 7530.01 Wireless Communication Allowance Request Form – FORMS 8330 F9 Annual Notification to Parents Regarding Student Records and Specific Events/Activities – FORMS 8330 F14 Agreement Regarding Release of Education Records to Organizations Conducting Studies for or on Behalf of the District – FORMS 8330 F16 Agreement Regarding Release of Education Records to Entities Conducting Audits or Evaluations of Federal or State- Supported Education programs or to Enforce or Comply with Federal Legal Requirements – FORMS 8450A F1 Treatment of Head Lice – FORMS 8450A F2 Notification of Head Lice – FORMS 8450A F3 Pediculosis (Head Lice) Treatment Form – FORMS 8451 F1 Sample Letter to Parent/Guardian of Child with Lice – FORMS 8451 F2 Sample Notification Letter to Parent/Guardian - FORMS Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Kaye and Mrs. Piodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 03-93-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko, to enter into executive session at 6:52 p.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-94-2012

Reconvened from executive session at 7:07 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-95-2012


Moved by Mr. Kaye, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend the RH BOE approve the renewal of the following administrative contracts:

Russell White, Director of Security Services/Transportation, 260 days, 2 year contract, commencing on August 1, 2012 through July 31, 2014, $64,419.13.

George Smith, Athletic Director, 220 days, 2 year contract, commencing on August 1, 2012 through July 31, 2014, $28,000.

Rob Dalton, 2nd Shift Maintenance Supervisor, 260 days, 2 year contract, commencing on August 1, 2012 through July 31, 2014, $41,365.59.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-96-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend the RH BOE approve the following personnel beginning January 17, 2012 through April 19, 2012 as Elementary School OAA Tutor and Secondary School OGT Tutor. Kristina Longino, ES & SS Tutor, $20.00/hour

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 03-97-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Kaye to recommend that the RH BOE approve, in accordance with O.R.C. 3319.161 and pursuant to the mutually agreed upon selection by the representatives for the Board and Timothy Pingle, that Joel R. Hlavaty, Esq. be appointed to serve as Referee in the matter of the termination of the Administrator’s Contract of Timothy Pingle. As Referee, Mr. Hlavaty shall be paid his usual and customary compensation by the Board of Education, pursuant to O.R.C. 3319.161.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0


Mr. Barber exited at 8:20 p.m.

RESOLUTION NO 03-98-2012


Moved by Mr. Kaye seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn at 8:35 PM.

Roll Call: Mr. Jordan, Mr. Kaye and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0

______Linda Pliodzinkas, President Brenda M. Brcak, Treasurer/CFO


The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 6:44 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

Mr. Jordan entered the meeting at 6:48 p.m.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Kaye, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Jordan and Mr. Burko was absent..

RESOLUTION NO 04-99-2012


Moved by Mr. Kaye, seconded by Mr. Barber to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Kaye and Mrs. Piodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-100-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Kaye that the Richmond Heights Board of Education authorize and hereby give authority to John Murphy and Associates to research and apply for grants and grant funds in the name of the Richmond Heights Board of Education to use for diversity and community building projects,, at a no-cost for the application(s) writing/processing to foundations. Liaison with Treasurer/CFO and Intermediate Superintendent as contacts.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Kaye and Mrs. Piodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-101-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Kaye on date of April 9, 2012 for Regular Meeting of the Board.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Piodzinskas. Nays: Mr. Kaye. The President declared the motion passed 3-1.

Board Work Session – Budget and Financial Planning for 2012 and 2013.


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 8:35 p.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Kaye and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 04-103-2012

Reconvened from executive session at 9:20 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Kaye and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 04-104-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Kaye to adjourn at 9:21 PM.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Kaye and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

______Linda Pliodzinkas, President Brenda M. Brcak, Treasurer/CFO


The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Mr. Kaye and Mr. Burko were absent.

RESOLUTION NO 04-105-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.



RESOLUTION NO 04-106-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the resignation of Josh Kaye (submitted by letter) effective April 9, 2012 at 11:59 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.


Robotic Competition Safe Hotline Sexual Harassment Training


RESOLUTION NO 04-107-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Financial Reports for the month ended February 2012, and further approves the payment of bills for February 2012. Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-108-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following donations of funds and resources for 2012 as gifted:


A T & T United Way General Donation $ 40.50 Employee Giving Campaign to Secondary School

Christian Assembly Donation of Funds to $2,000.00 25595 Chardon Rd. Choir Trip Richmond Heights, Ohio

Kirtland Public Library 150 books to Secondary $1,500.00 9267 Chillicothe Rd. School Library Kirtland, Ohio 44094 .

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-109-2012

Moved by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the creation of the following fund and associated appropriations to the Appropriation Resolution for Fiscal Year 2012, and the Treasurer be authorized to include the same on the Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources filed with the Cuyahoga County Finance Officer.

FUND: 026 Employee Wellness Benefits $ 4,500.00 (To monitor and track Employee Wellness Programs through the Lake County Health Care Consortium)

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-110-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE amend Res. 01-03-2012 Item 26: A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING BUILDING USE FEE SCHEDULES FOR 2012 to delete “Richmond Heights school buildings are not available for rental on Sundays” and further approve Building Use Rental availability on a seven days a week basis.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-111-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE authorize the Treasurer to request of the County Finance Officer, an advance of funds of collected and undistributed tax revenues, on behalf of the Richmond Heights Board of Education, on deposit as of June 30, 2012 fiscal-year-end.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.


RESOLUTION NO 04-112-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE Employ the following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board approved rate of compensation, effective the 2011-12 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04.

Educational Service Center Substitutes for April 2012 Tara Dorsey Roberson, Substitute Teacher, effective 4-9-12 Gloria Fields, Educational Aide, effective 4-9-12 Felecia Lewis, Substitute Clerk Typist, effective 12-12-11

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-113-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE accept the following Limited Teaching Contracts for the 2012/2013 School Year:

Brendan Dade Grande, Nicholas Emmett Keller Dmitri Kourennyi Carol Medve David Miller Daniel Sadler Joseph Serowik Kathryn Stapleton

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-114-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve Elementary Summer School, July 30, 2012 through August 17, 2012 at $100 per student. Said cost is based on the enrollment of 50 students without School Improvement Grant opportunities this year to defray costs. Resolution contingent upon the dates, time and plan of execution being provided to the Board.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-115-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) entered into by and between the Richmond Heights Board of Education (“Board”), Richmond Heights Education Association (“RHEA”), and Jacqueline Sturm on the dates set forth in order to memorialize the parties agreements and understanding concerning her employment as an administrator for the balance of the 2011-2012 school year.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-116-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve a Richmond Heights Basketball Camp, July 16-20, 2012, 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon at the Richmond Heights High School Gymnasium for Boys and Girls entering grades 3-9. The registration cost is $75.00.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-117-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County’s Governing Board approved City/Exempted Village/Local /County Agreement and the Ohio Department of Education approved Cover Sheet Contract for the 2012-2013 School Year. Roll Call: Ayes: None, Nays: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion defeated 0-3.

RESOLUTION NO 04-118-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE proclaim the month of May of each year as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Month in Cuyahoga County, and declaring the necessity that this Resolution become immediately effective for the 2011-2012 school year.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-119-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE certify the graduation class of 2012, provided they meet all state and local requirements and certification by Mr. Harold Booker, Interim Secondary Principal.

Hope P. Anderson Samantha Juliette Arlesic Damieshia A. Ash Kirstyn Alexis Baker DiQuan Barnett Aaron G. Bivens Jade Nicole Bohanon Ja Qon De'John Brashear Sadaya Monique Brittian Dron Rayshawn Brown Kaitlynn Latrice Butler Treasure Renee Campbell Cierra L. Cheatham Khyair Kirstenlyn Clark Darryl Lee Cooke Ta'Nia Brenale Copeland Garricka S. Dalton Vania Angelica de Perio Kiairus Savonne Dixon Justin Edward Dorschu Jodian V. Douse Jordan Terricko Early Justin Daron Edwards Sarah Jean Fagerhaug Whitney L. Felder London Michael Fulton Morgan Camrey Green Teniqua LaTreece Gregg Andrea C. Hardwick Alexus Regine Harris Dalane Anna Hill Chantal Briona Hodge Maileika Nicole Horn Terrance L. Hurt Josh Aaron Jackson Shareccia Lashay Jackson Cleveland Wesley Johnson IV Jaquan Rashaad Johnson Kerturah Blessing Dehcontee Kumon David Vincent Lamparelli Jessica Noreen Lee Rebecca Anne Lee Danielle Rivera Lewis Isaiah Thomas Lewis Mercedes Christina Lewis Helena Nicole Mitchell Shalena Elise Mitchell Mareem Qussay Mohsen Taezon Daemar Moore Dwauna Marshell Morrow Robert John Nagy Eric Emanuel Norris Angelita M. Owens Edward Maurice Phillips, Jr. Kady Marie Prendergast Kareem Jabbar Rock II Samuel Peter Rosace Allan Christopher Rowan Mariah Dominique Rucker Tommy Scales Joseph Michael Serowik, Jr. Bryan Douglas Shepherd Lita Marissa Shive Marcienda Janine Simmons Ishaam Leonard Smith, Jr. Sean S.J. Smith Alex James Strange Ryan Alexander Strodtbeck Devin De'Vante Swanson Christa Jenai Swift Steven Charles Thomas, Jr. Crystal Nicole Underwood Tarell J. Underwood Marshaye Teaona Warner Nhydia Chantrice Whatley Aaryn Simone Whiteside Chalesha Rena Williams Ashanti Arneé Woods Haifeng Zhu Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.


RESOLUTION NO 04-120-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive Session at 8:13 p.m.,pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-121-2012

Reconvened from executive session at 10:29 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.



RESOLUTION NO 04-122-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to adjourn at 10:30 PM.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING April 30, 2012 6:30 P.M. The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Pliodzinskas.

RESOLUTION NO 04-123-2012


Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko to adopt the agenda as amended.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-124-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 6:44 p.m., pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of new board member interviews.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-125-2012

Reconvened from executive session at 10:12 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-126-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, that the Board appoint Tamitra Peavy, to the position of board member, to fulfill the unexpired term ending December 31, 2012. Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

Oath of Office administered to Tamitra Peavy BOARD OF EDUCATION RECOMMENDATIONS

SUPERINTENDENT REPORT Accreditation Update ODE Requirements


RESOLUTION NO 04-127-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend that the RH BOE accept the following certified personnel as a Licensed Registered Nurse for the School District. for the 2012/2013 School Year:

Jayne Brzozowski, R.N.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-128-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE employ the following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board-approved rate of compensation, effective the 2011-12 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04.

Sally Kitchen, Substitute Secretary and Clerk Typist

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-129-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE adopt the OCR revised agreement as attached.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-130-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the revision of the following job descriptions:

Intervention Specialist Elementary School Counselor Secondary School Counselor School Psychologist Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-131-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County’s Governing Board approved City/Exempted Village/Local /County Agreement and the Ohio Department of Education approved Cover Sheet Contract for the 2012-2013 School Year.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-132-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 10:41 p.m., pursuant to ORC §121.22, for legal and personnel matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-133-2012

Reconvened from executive session with a roll call at 11:36 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 04-134-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko, to adjourn at 11:39 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0. ______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO


The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:13 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Mr. Burko was absent.


RESOLUTION NO 05-135-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-136-2012


Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko, to approve the minutes of the special meeting, June 20, 2011, special meeting, June 22, 2011, regular meeting, July 11, 2011, special meeting, July 25, 2011, special meeting, August 2, 2011, regular meeting of August 8, 2011, and the special meeting, August 22, 2011, pursuant to Board policy 0168.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0



2012 National Scholastic Art and Writing Awards Briana Ash, Grade 10, Honorable Mention for Printmaking Isabella Gorjanc, Grade 11, Honorable Mention for Mixed Media Farooh Smith, Grade 7, Honorable Mention, Drawing

2012 Participant of 17th Juried High School Art Show Samantha Arlesic, Grade 12, Mixed Media Piece Willie Davis, Grade 9, Printmaking Devin Swanson, Grade 12, Drawing Mikaela Marino, Grade 11, Mixed Media/Ceramic Drum Regional Student Winner in the Ohio 2012 Governor’s Show Samantha Arlesic, Grade 12, Mixed Media Brianna Ash, Grade 10 Printmaking Willie Davis, Grade 9, Printmaking


Winner of the Virginia Choral Music Festival Choral Competition Brandon Anderson Ja’vonte Keck Sylvester Bailey Isaiah Lewis Kirstyn Baker Mercedes Lewis Sabra Baker Tim Lowe Frank Barber Alfred McGill Brittany Bartley Ashley McWilliams Asha Beasly Helena Mitchell Liarra Camp Shalena Mitchell Stephany Cleveland Jashawn Molton Brandi Coleman Amber Norris Luis Colon Amanda Noydara Adam Davis Angie Owens Alyssa Davis Edward Phillips Siana Doss Tamia Puckett Jodian Douse Rashaan Rabb Nakiyah Fears Chantal Ross Whitney Felder Brandi Shalbazz Tiara Gayler Lita Shive Jamie Grattino Nikki Smith Teniqua Gregg Kyleth Spencer Andrea Hardwick Marissa Spinks Zack Hizer Mahnoor Tariq Chantal Hodge Darrielle Taylor Ieshia Hodge Anthony Titus Andrielle Hogan Jimmy Virant Demetrius Hooks Lorraina Worthern Morgan Howard Brendalyn Wright Lauren Jordan Tamierra Wright Zainab Kazeem


RESOLUTION NO 05-137-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber, to approve a First Reading on the following Board Policies: 3220 Staff Evaluation – PROFESSIONAL STAFF 5517.01 Bullying and Other Forms of Aggressive Behavior – STUDENTS 8462 Student Abuse and Neglect – OPERATIONS

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0


Presentation by Tim Hollo and Dan O’Leary from The Garland Company, Inc.


Treasurer’s Reports

a) Triennial Reappraisal update – 2012 b) Health Care Update – FY 2013 c) Five Year Forecast – UPDATE 2012.

RESOLUTION NO 05-138-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following Financial Reports:

 for the month and quarter ended March 2012 and further approve the payment of bills for March 2012  for the month ended April 2012 and further approve the payment of bills for April 2012

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 05-139-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following donation of funds for 2012:


Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Copeland H.S. Choir Fund $1,000.00 Richmond Heights, Ohio Choir Trip

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 05-140-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following increase to the Appropriation Resolution for Fiscal Year 2012 to facilitate additional legal services for the 2011-2012 School Year


001-2300-400 $75,000.00 Board of Education – Legal Services

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 05-141-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following service contracts for the 2011-2012 fiscal year:

 Chartwells Dining Services– renewal of year four (school year 20122013) of a five year contract for food service operations, at the management fee of . 0770 per meal and administrative cost of $3598. No advance payment. (No change from 2011-2012 school year).

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 05-142-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE adopt the “Resolution Accepting The Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission And Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying Them toThe County Auditor” for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2013,as outlined in Treasurer’s Appendix D and confirmed by the Cuyahoga County Finance Office.

General Fund 74.90 mills – Outside 5.70 mills - Inside Perm. Improvement 2.00 mills – Outside

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

Five-Year Forecast Update – Treasurer, Brenda Brcak

RESOLUTION NO 05-143-2012 Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend that the RH BOE approve and adopt the Five-Year Forecast for Fiscal Years ending June 30, 2012 through June 30, 2016 as updated, and that the same be forwarded to the Ohio Department of Education.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0


RESOLUTION NO 05-144-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordanto to recommend that the RH employ the following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board-approved rate of compensation, effective the 2011-12 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04.

Educational Service Center Substitutes for May, 2012 Jorgene Cola, Clerk Typist and Secretarial Substitute, effective 4/30/12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 05-145-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordanito recommend that the RH BOE employ the following non-certified personnel at the board approved rate, effective the 2011-20112 school year

Jermaine W. Hammond, Cleaner, Step 5, $12.05/hr. effective 5/16/12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 05-146-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko that the RH BOE accept the resignation of the following classified personnel from the Richmond Heights Maintenance Department.

Larry Halloway, Cleaner, effective 2-27-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 05-147-2012 Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE enter into an agreement with All-American Sports Posters for marketing and advertisement for the Richmond Heights Athletic Department for a period of (3) years beginning the 2012-2013 school year through the 2014-2015 school year, at no cost to the District with a 10% rebate of the gross receipts from advertisers who pay space on the poster, to the Richmond Heights Athletic Department.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 05-148-2012

Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the extension of Dr. Robert Moore, Interim Superintendent’s Contract, on a per diem daily rate for a total of ten days.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0


RESOLUTION NO 05-149-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber, to enter into executive session at 9:26 p.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 05-150-2012

Reconvened from executive session at 11:22 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0



RESOLUTION NO 05-151-2012


Moved by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to adjourn at 11:24 PM. Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda M. Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING June 1, 2012 6:30 P.M.

The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Jordan. Ms. Peavy was absent.

RESOLUTION NO 06-152-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 06-153-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan , to enter into executive session at 6:38 p.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

Ms. Peavy entered at 6:43 p.m.

Mr. Burko exited at 8:02 p.m.

RESOLUTION NO 06-154-2012

Reconvened from executive session at 11:22 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0 RESOLUTION NO 06-155-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to adjourn at 10:26 p.m. Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.


______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda M. Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11, 2012 6:30 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas

RESOLUTION NO 05-156-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Abstain: Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 4-0-1.




RESOLUTION NO 05-156-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to adopt the following Board Policies upon the second reading:

3220 Staff Evaluation – PROFESSIONAL STAFF 5517.01 Bullying and Other Forms of Aggressive Behavior – STUDENTS 8462 Student Abuse and Neglect – OPERATIONS

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-157-2012 Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to approve a First Reading on the following Board Policies:

5111.02 Residency Verification Policy Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-158-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the extension of Dr. Robert Moore, Interim Superintendent’s contract, for a total of five days

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-159-2012

Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Jordan to amend Resolution No. 05-158-2012 to extend through July 20,2012.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

I. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Preliminary OGT Results Presentation by Reggie Bryant regarding Akiba Procurement Solutions Accreditation Update Nowak Tour & Travel


Treasurer’s Reports d) SES Wrap-Up 2011-2012 Program – Elana Clavner e) Financial Update 2013 f) E-Z Pay Program Update

RESOLUTION NO 05-160-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend that the RH BOE approve entering into a service agreement with PSI Affiliates, Inc. to perform Registered Nursing Services at the Richmond Heights Christian School, for the 2012-2013 school year. Not to exceed $38,610 with funding to be provided through the Auxiliary Service funds provided by the State of Ohio.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0. RESOLUTION NO 05-161-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the enrollment renewal with CompManagement (a program of OSBA and OASBO) for the group rating pool program for Workers Compensation for the 2013 program year. Said renewal at the cost of $3,455 (increase of $88 from 2012 program). The proposed program to save a projected $8,383 in premium costs.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-162-2012

Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the contract for educational services for the 2012-2013 school year as follows:

 United Cerebral Palsy - Physical and Occupational Therapy services for the 2012-2013 school year as follows:

Physical and Occupational Therapists $84.00 pr. hr. ($2.00 p/hr increase) Physical and Occupational Assistants $61.00 pr. hr. ($2.00 p/hr. increase)

 Re-Education Services, Inc. Extended School Year Services for one student at the cost of $3,000.

 Career Development Program – Mayfield Consortium – renewal for 2012- 2013 School year @ $1,680.00 (no change).

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-163-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan that:

The Richmond Heights Board of Education will meet in Special Session on Friday, June 22, 2012 , at 5:00 p.m. for matters of finance associated with fiscal year end 2012 and fiscal year 2013, and the elementary roofing school project bid results..

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SUPERINTENDENT

RESOLUTION NO 05-164-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE employ the following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board-approved rate of compensation, effective the 2011-12 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04.

Educational Service Center Substitutes for June, 2012

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-165-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE enter into an agreement with All-American Sports Posters for marketing and advertisement for the Richmond Heights Athletic Department for a period of (3) years beginning the 2012-2013 school year through the 2014-2015 school year, at no cost to the District with a 10% rebate of the gross receipts from advertisers who pay space on the poster, to the Richmond Heights Athletic Department.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-166-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko to table until more financial information is available before the RH BOE the implementation of an Athletic Assessment Policy for all athletic co-curricular activities (including cheerleading) at a cost of $200 per each sport, for the 2012-2013 school year.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-167-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend the RH BOE approve the change in placement on the teachers’ salary schedule for the first semester of the 2012-2013 school year, pursuant to ORC §3317.14 for the following teachers who have satisfactorily completed additional training and coursework, subject to verification by receipt of official transcripts by August 20, 2012.

Carol Bolin, MA+24 to MA+36, Step 13, $71,702

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0. RESOLUTION NO 05-168-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend the RH BOE approve the following 2012 summer employment.

Kisha Hall, Cleaner, seasonal rate, $9.50/hr., effective 6-12-12 Janelle Hammond, Cleaner, seasonal rate, $9.50/hr., effective 6-12-12 Dontez Morgan, Cleaner, seasonal rate, $9.50/hr., effective 6-12-12 Bobby Humanchuk, Cleaner, seasonal rate, $9.50/hr., effective 6-12-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-169-2012

Moved by Mrs.Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend the RH BOE approve the following personnel under a one-year limited supplemental or service contract for the 2012-13 contract year for the position and at the rate of compensation listed below, pursuant to ORC 3319.08 and Appendix B of the RHEA Negotiated Agreement. In the event an insufficient numbers of students sign up for the activity, or failure of payment, this contract will become null and void. At least one fundraiser will be conducted during the time-frame of the sport..*Salary pending outcome of negotiated agreement with RHEA.

*William Cloud, Head Football Coach, Step 1, $6,703.92 *Evonne Cutting-Glover, Head Volleyball Coach, Step 1, $5,477.10 *Brittani Maddox, Assistant Middle School Volleyball Coach, Step 1, $2,607.08 *Carletta Harrell, Assistant High School Volleyball Coach, Step 1, $3,463.69 *Nicholas Grande, Assistant Varsity Football Coach, Step 1, $4096.84 *Jeffrey Mirsalis, Head Wrestling Coach, $6,703.92 *Jason Priah, Head Boys Basketball Coach, Step 1, $6,703.92 *Harold Rasul, Assistant High School Boys Basketball Coach, Step 1, $4,096.84 *Gary Hobbs, Assistant High School Boys Basketball Coach, Step 1, $4,096.84 *Carlon Brown, Assistant Middle School Boys Basketball Coach, Step 1,$3,165.74 *Fred Bell, Assistant Middle School Boys Basketball Coach, Step 1, 3,165.74 *Melinda Boykin, Fall Cheerleader Advisor, Step 1, $2,178.77 *Melinda Boykin, Winter Cheerleader Advisor, Step 1, $2,309.13 *William Cloud, Head Girls Basketball Coach, Step 1, $6,703.92 *Charlotte Powell, Assistant Girls High School Basketball Coach, Step 1, $4,096.84 *Jenny Willis, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, Step 1, $4,096.84

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-170-2012 Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following Special Needs Aides for transportation during the summer months of 2012 at a rate of $9.98/hr. 4 hours per day.

Curtis Boykins – effective 6/11/12 Demarcus Monroe – effective 6/11/12 Donna Steller, effective 6/11/12 Candace Orellana, effective 6/11/12 Andrea Pursley, Substitute Aide, 6/11/12 Lori Hall, Substitute Aide, 6/11/12 Marcy Bilesimo, Substitute Aide, 6/11/12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-171-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following summer 2012 bus cleaner, 4 hours per bus at the rate of sub bus driver, step 0, $14.13/hr., effective 6/1/12

Gloria Fields

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-172-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve renewal of the following Program for the Secondary School for the 2012-2013 school year.

College Now (former Cleveland Scholarship Program) College advisement services and counseling for students and parents @ $400 per day for 7 days during the 2012-2013 school year. Contract total $2,800.00

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-173-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the extension of Jacqueline Sturm, Interim Elementary Principal’s contract, for Tuesday, June 12, 2012 through Monday, June 18, 2012 for a total of five days.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-174-2012 Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Jordan to amend Resolution No. 05-173-2012 to 10 days.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-175-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following camp staff for the 2012 (on an as needed basis dependent on enrollment).

Camp Expenses

Jay Kletecka $7,316 Larry Kletecka (Registration & Mailings) $1,000 Sam Santilli $2,300 Ms. Villanauva $2,300 Ms. Villanauva – Early/Late $350 Brandon Rourier $1,573 Lita Shive $1,800

Transportation Costs (3% over 2011) $5,000 Bus Route List $50 Cost of RH Pool-estimate $750 T-Shirts/Ribbons and Trophies $1,250 Field Trip Costs – estimate $6,500 Foods/Art-N-Crafts/Wacky Games Supplies $500 STRS $2,000 Medicare $675 Workman’s Comp $100

Part-Time Workers Katie Siefert - $1650 (50%) 2.5 days a week $825 Ashley Rourier - $1650 (50%) 2.5 days/week $825 Jamie Days-$1650 (50%) 2.5 days/week $825 Tim Lowe - $1650 (50%) 2.5 days/week $825 Beau Brickman -$1500 (50%)2.5 days/week $750 Liarra Camp - $1500 (50%) 2.5 days/week $750

Total Expected Cost $39,614

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-176-2012 Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend the following personnel at the board approved rate, effective the 2012-2013 school year.

Kevin Thomas, Second Shift Cleaner, step 0, $10.51, effective 6/12/12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.



RESOLUTION NO 05-177-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko, to enter into executive session at 9:25 p.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 05-156-2012

Reconvened from executive session in the board meeting room at 10:51 p.m.with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.



RESOLUTION NO 05-176-2012


Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Barber, to adjourn at 11:32 PM.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING June 15, 2012 4:00 P.M.

The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Jordan. Ms. Peavy was absent.

RESOLUTION NO 06-177-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko to appoint Mr. Barber to serve as Treasurer Pro Tempore in the absence of the Treasure.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 06-178-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 06-179-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan , to enter into executive session at ?????????? p.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the interviews of candidates for the position of Superintendent..

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

Ms. Peavy entered at ??????? p.m.

Mr. Burko exited at ?????? p.m. RESOLUTION NO 06-180-2012

Reconvened from executive session at 8:29 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 06-181-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.


______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Frank Barber, Treasurer Pro Tempore


The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 5:12 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Jordan. Ms. Peavy was absent.

RESOLUTION NO 06-182-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 06-183-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko , to enter into executive session at 5:14 p.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the interviews of candidates for the position of Superintendent..

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

Ms. Peavy entered at 5:25 p.m.

RESOLUTION NO 06-184-2012

Reconvened from executive session at 7:44 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

RESOLUTION NO 06-185-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the FINAL APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION (#3) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012 as follows:



001 General Fund $ 12,668,323.38 002 Bond Retirement Fund 104,429.64 003 Permanent Improvement 170,115.37 004 Capital Projects 00.00 006 Lunchroom 381,560.43 007 Expendable Trust 500.00 009 Bookstore 00.00 011 PSSA 00.00 014 Agency Funds 7,542.44 018 Principal Support 52,634.61 019 Local Grants 900.00 020 Rotary Funds 81,199.93

026 Employee Wellness 4,500.00 200 Student Activities 17,355.00

300 Student Activities 104,271.64 401 Auxiliary Funds 51,506.34 400 State Grant Allocations 8,740.46 500 Federal Grant Allocation 352,936.55

Total Final Appropriation – 2012 $14,006,165.44

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

RESOLUTION NO 06-186-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the TEMPORARY APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION (#1) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013 as follows:



001 General Fund $ 8,953,767.00 002 Bond Retirement Fund 104,429.64 003 Permanent Improvement 166,182.18 004 Capital Projects -0- 006 Lunchroom 393,514.00 007 Expendable Trust 1,500.00 009 Bookstore -0- 011 PSSA -0- 014 Agency Funds 10,000.00 018 Principal Support 67,792.00 019 Local Grants 3,760.52 020 Rotary Funds 56,387.00

200 Student Activities 21,746.00

300 Student Activities 85,095.00 401 Auxiliary Funds 58,037.39 400 State Grant Allocations 6,183.96 500 Federal Grant Allocation 229,392.41

Total Temporary Appropriations – 2013 $ 10,157,787.10

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

RESOLUTION NO 06-187-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the purchase of property, fleet and liability nsurance with the Ohio Schools Council through Todd Associates, Inc. at the cost of $57,058, for the period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 as follows (increase of $3,023.00):

Ohio Casualty Insurance Property Insurance - $2,500 deductible Inland Marine - $250 deductible Flood and Earthquake - $50,000 deductible Crime and Employee Dishonesty - $500 deductible Employee Benefits Liability - $1,000 deductible School Leaders Errors & Omissions - $5,000 deductible Sexual Misconduct & Molestation – no deductible Data Compromise to $250,000 - $2,500 deductible Violent Event Response – no deductible Commercial Automobile (fleet) - $1,000 deductible (buses) *Based on replacement cost on 10 years and newer General Liability ($2,000,000) no deductible Umbrella ($6,000,000) no deductible

TRIA (Terrorism) - Included ($1,022 deductible) Fiduciary Liability - +$35.00 in premium - coverage up to $300,000

Travelers Insurance - Boiler and Machinery ($50,000,000) - $1,000 deductible

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

RESOLUTION NO 06-188-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan , to enter into executive session at 8:08 p.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel..

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

Mr. Burko exited the executive session at 8:12 p.m.

RESOLUTION NO 06-189-2012

Reconvened from executive session at 8:29 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

RESOLUTION NO 06-190-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Frank Barber, Treasurer Pro Tempore RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING June 30, 2012 10:30 A.M.

The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 10:36 a.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Jordan.

RESOLUTION NO 06-191-2012


Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko to appoint Mr. Barber to serve as Treasurer Pro Tempore in the absence of the Treasure.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 06-192-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 06-193-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan , to enter into executive session at 10:44 a.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for interviews of candidates for the position of Superintendent...

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

RESOLUTION NO 06-194-2012 Reconvened from executive session at 3:04 p.m. with a roll call Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

RESOLUTION NO 06-195-2012


Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Barber to adjourn at 3:04 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Frank Barber, Treasurer Pro Tempore RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING JULY 9, 2012 6:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 6:060 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas

RESOLUTION NO 07-196-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-197-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session, pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

Reconvened from executive session at 8:02 p.m.with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-198-2012


Item #1 Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber, to adopt the following Board Policies: 5111.02 Residency Verification Policy Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-199-2012

Item #2 Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko, to approve the following administrative contract:

Dr. Robert Moore, Superintendent of Schools contract for the period of August 1, 2012, through July 31, 2015 contingent upon final negotiation of his employment contract outlined in the “Contract for the Employment of the Superintendent of the Richmond Heights Local School District”.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


Introduction of Intervention Specialists Flight Options Kicks off Adoption of RHE flag presentation 2012-2013 Webinar Series Technology Planning Tool


Item 1 Review of bids – Elementary Roofing Project.

RESOLUTION NO 07-200-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Financial Reports for the month ended May 2012, and further approve the payment of bills for May 2012 as found in

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-201-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following contracts for special educational services for the 2012-2013 school year as follows:

 Re-Education- Access Program: Tuition fees for three students, for 2012-2013 school year, at the rate of $244 per school day, per student.  Re-Education- Aspire Program: Tuition fees for two students, for the 2012-2013 school year at the rate of $160 per school day, per student.

 Re-Education- Transportation: Transportation service fees for five students, for the 2012-2013 school year, at the rate of $57 per school day, per student.

 Re-Education- Transportation Aid: Transportation Aid service fees for one student, for the 2012-2013 school year, at the rate of $50 per school day.

 Re-Education- Transportation ESY: Transportation service fees for one student, for the 2011-2012 Extended School Year, at the rate of $57 per school day.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-202-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following schools as impractical for transportation purposes for the 2011-2012 school year. Students attending these schools will be reimbursed at the state approved transportation in-lieu rate of $225.22 per student for the 2011-2012 school year.

Agnon School – 3 students All Saints of St. John Vianney – 2 students Communion of Saints – 1 student E-Prep – 3 students GESU – 3 students Gross Schecter – 7 students Hathaway Brown – 2 students The Intergenerational School – 1 student Mater Dei – 2 students New Day Academy – 5 students Noble Academy – 16 students Pinnacle – 6 students Ratner – 9 students Richmond Heights Christian – 11 students Sacred Heart of Jesus – 3 students St. Clare – 4 students St. Francis of Assisi – 2 students St. John Lutheran – 1 student St. Robert William – 5 students University Lower School – 1 student Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-203-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodainskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following Transfer of Funds associated with the fiscal year end - June 30, 2012:


001-7200-910 300-5100-9202 $ 35,000.00 General Fund Athletic Fund

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-204-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following Advance of Funds associated with fiscal year end – June 30, 2012:


001-7410-921 300-5100-9202 $ 2,085.19 General Fund Athletic Fund

001-7410-921 014-9100 $ 251.81 General Fund Agency Funds – Webchek

001-7410-921 020- $ 25,334.58 General Fund Special Enterprise Funds

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-205-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following resolution, appointing Peck, Shaffer & Williams LLP, Attorneys at Law, as bond counsel for the necessary proceedings and closing documents as follows: RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT



NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, County of Cuyahoga, Ohio (the “Board of Education”):

SECTION 1. That Peck, Shaffer & Williams LLP, Attorneys At Law, be and are hereby retained and authorized to prepare the necessary proceedings and closing documents for the Board of Education in connection with the proposed issuance of tax-exempt and/or taxable obligations, the proceeds of which shall be used for roof repairs and weather- proofing, as well as in connection with a potential refinancing of the Board’s Energy Conservation Notes, Series 2008. Charges for the preparation of this legal documentation shall be mutually acceptable to this Board of Education and to Peck, Shaffer & Williams LLP, and shall be negotiated based upon the standard fee schedule of Peck, Shaffer & Williams LLP, up determination of the principal amount of such obligations, and memorialized in an Engagement Letter between the Board of Education and Peck, Shaffer & Williams LLP, to be prepared by Peck, Shaffer & Williams LLP.

SECTION 2. That this Board of Education hereby finds and determines that all formal actions relative to the adoption of this resolution were taken in an open meeting of this Board of Education; and that all deliberations of this Board of Education and of its committees, in any, which resulted in formal action, were taken in meetings open to the public, in full compliance with applicable legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.

Mr. Barber seconded the motion and the roll being called upon the question of adoption of the resolution, the vote resulted as follows:

AYE: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas

NAY: None

ADOPTED this 9th day of July, 2012.


RESOLUTION NO 07-206-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH implement an Athletic Assessment Policy for all athletic co-curricular activities (including cheerleading) at a cost of $200 per each sport, for the 2012-2013 school year.


RESOLUTION NO 07-207-2012

Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Jordan to amend the above resolution to read as follows:

Recommend that the RH BOE implement an Athletic Assessment Policy for all athletic co- curricular activities (including cheerleading) at a cost of $100 per each sport, for the 2012- 2013 school year.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-208-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE accept the following Limited Teaching Contracts for the 2012/2013 School Year:

Jodi Hanford, Intervention Specialist, BA, Step 2, $40,309 Gayle A. Siebert, Intervention Specialist, MA, Step 4, $48,030 Alison Hirsch, Intervention Specialist, MA, Step 4, $48, 030 Megan Frenz, Intervention Specialist, BA+24, Step 2, $42,659 LaKisha Davies, Intervention Specialist, MA, Step 4, $48,030 Kimi Hille, Intervention Specialist, BA+12, Step 4, $44,756 Kathryn Miller, Intervention Specialist, MA, Step 1, $42,238 Hope White, Intervention Specialist, BA, Step 0, $37, 244 Melissa Jelenic, Intervention Specialist, BA+24, Step 2, 42,659

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-209-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the elementary school, grades K-5, student fees in the amount of $25.00 for the 2012-2013 school year, pursuant to the Board Policy 2530. Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-210-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the secondary school student fees for the 2012-2013 school year, pursuant to the Board Policy 2530.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-211-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Richmond Heights Elementary & Secondary School Student Handbook for the 2012- 2013 school-year.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-212-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following personnel the use of Parental Leave beginning September 24, 2012 through approximately November 5, 2012, pursuant to the Negotiated Agreement, Article VI, Section B.

Dominic Velotta, Secondary School Social Studies (9-12)

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-211-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, secdonded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE enter into an Agreement with the Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County for special education services by Positive Education Program for the 2012-2013 School Year Pursuant to Section 3313.841 O.R.C

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-212-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following Transportation Non-Instructional Aide for transportation during the summer months of 2012 at a rate of $10.17/hr. 4 hours per day, 6/1/12 – 8/23/12.

Lisa Finley Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-213-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE accept the resignation of the following certified personnel effective the 2012-2013 school year:

Tina Leonard, Richmond Heights Secondary School Teacher Jacqueline Sturm, Richmond Heights Elementary Teacher

Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Ms. Peavy. Nays: Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 3-2.

RESOLUTION NO 07-214-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE accept the resignation of the following classified personnel effective the 2012-2013 school year:

John DeBlasi, Bus Driver and Lunch Aide

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-215-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 10:25 p.m.for the purpose of the Treasurer’s evaluation.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

Reconvened from executive session at 11:07 with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.



RESOLUTION NO 07-216-2012

EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 11:20 p.m.for the purpose of personnel.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

Reconvened from executive session at 11:41 with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-217-2012


Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, to adjourn at 11:42 PM.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Pliodzinskas, Mrs. Peavy and Mr. Burko. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer /CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING July 17, 2012 7:00 A.M.

The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:05 a.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Jordan.

RESOLUTION NO 07-218-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-219-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 7:07 a.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for matters of personnel.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

Reconvened from executive session at 7:50 a.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

RESOLUTION NO 07-220-2012


Moved by Mrs. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following administrative contract:

Dr. Robert Moore, three year contract, August 1, 2012 through Juy 31, 2015, at a salary of $110,000, and all other benefits as outlined in the “Contract for the Employment of the Superintendent of the Richmond Heights Local School District” as amended to include week prior to school end and end of school, week prior to school begin and week of start of school.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0


RESOLUTION NO 07-221-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE accept the following resignations:

Dr. Robert Moore, Elementary School Principal, effective July 11, 2012 Brendan Dade, Secondary School Math Teacher, effective July 10, 2012

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

RESOLUTION NO 07-222-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Burko to recommend that the RH BOE accept the following Limited Teaching Contract for the 2012/2013 School Year:

Rebecca Bruening, Intervention Specialist, BA, Step 1, $38,775

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

RESOLUTION NO 07-223-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE enter into an agreement with University Hospitals for Sports Medicine at Richmond Heights Local Schools described in the attached letter of intent, for the 2012/2013 school year.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

RESOLUTION NO 07-224-2012


Moved by Mr. Burko, seconded by Mr. Barber to adjourn at 7:55 a.m. Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING July 30, 2012 6:30 P.M.

The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 6:38 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Jordan.

RESOLUTION NO 07-225-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 07-226-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, that the Richmond Heights Board of Education approve the contract extension of Dr. Robert Moore, Interim Superintendents, for eight work days (June 25, July 23-27, July 30-31).

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.


Item 1. Financial Discussion/Levy Discussion

Item 2. I would like to recommend that the RHBOE adopt the following resolution:

The Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, met in Special Session Monday, July 30, 2012 commencing at 6:30 p.m. in the Board of Education Meeting Room at 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Heights, Ohio, with the following members present:

Linda Pliodzinskas Bobby Jordan Frank Barber Tamitra Peavy

The Treasurer advised the Board that the notice requirements of Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised code and the implementing rules adopted by the Board pursuant thereto were complied with for the meeting.

Bobby Jordan moved the adoption of the following Resolution:

RESOLUTION 07-227-2012


WHEREAS, this Board finds that the amount of taxes which may be raised within the ten-mill limitation by levies on the current tax duplicate will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of the School District and that it is necessary to levy a tax in excess of that limitation for the purpose of current expenses; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with Division (B) of Section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, in order to submit the question of a tax levy pursuant to Section 5705.21 of the Revised Code, this Board must request that the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office certify (i) the total current tax valuation of the School District, and (ii) the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by that levy; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with Division (B) of Section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, upon receipt of a certified copy of a resolution of this Board declaring the necessity of the tax, stating its purpose, whether it is an additional levy or renewal or replacement of an existing tax, and the Section of the Revised Code authorizing its submission to the electors, and requesting such certification, the County Finance Officer is to certify the total current tax valuation of the District and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the proposed levy;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, County of Cuyahoga, State of Ohio, that:

Section 1. This Board declares that it is necessary to levy, for a continuing period of time, an additional 5.3-mill ad valorem property tax outside of the ten- mill limitation for the purpose of current expenses, and that it intends to submit the question of that additional levy to the electors at an election on November 6, 2012, as authorized by Section 5705.21 of the Revised Code. If approved, that tax would first be levied in 2012 for first collection in calendar year 2013.

Section 2. This Board requests the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office to certify to it both (i) the total current tax valuation of the District, and (ii) the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the additional levy specified in Section 1.

Section 3. The Treasurer of this Board is authorized and directed to deliver promptly to the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office a certified copy of this resolution.

Section 4. This Board finds and determines that all formal actions of this Board and of any of its committees concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were taken, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal actions were held, in meetings open to the public, in compliance with the law.

Section 5. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and immediately upon its adoption.

Frank Barber seconded the motion.

Upon roll call on the adoption of the resolution, the vote was as follows:

Linda Pliodzinskas Yes Bobby Jordan Yes

Frank Barber Yes Tamitra Peavy Yes TREASURER’S CERTIFICATION

The foregoing is a true and correct excerpt from the minutes of the Special Meeting on July 30, 2012 of the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, the time and place of which (as shown above) were established at the Board’s Organizational session in January 2012, showing the adoption of the resolution hereinabove set forth.

Written notice of the time and place of the Special Meeting of the Board of Education held July 30, 2012, was served personally upon, or actually received by each Board member at least two days in advance of such meeting; and notice of the time, place and purpose of that special meeting, was, at least twenty-four hours in advance of the time of such meeting, given to and received by all news media that had heretofore requested notification of such special meetings pursuant to Section 121.22 of the Revised Code and the procedures established by the Board for that purpose.

______Brenda M. Brcak Treasurer/CFO, Board of Education Richmond Heights Local School District, Ohio The Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, met in Special Session Monday, July 30, 2012 commencing at 6:30 p.m. in the Board of Education Meeting Room at 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Heights, Ohio, with the following members present:

Linda Pliodzinskas Bobby Jordan

Frank Barber Tamitra Peavy

The Treasurer advised the Board that the notice requirements of Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised code and the implementing rules adopted by the Board pursuant thereto were complied with for the meeting.

Bobby Jordan moved the adoption of the following Resolution:

RESOLUTION 07-228-2012


WHEREAS, this Board finds that the amount of taxes which may be raised within the ten-mill limitation by levies on the current tax duplicate will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of the School District and that it is necessary to levy a tax in excess of that limitation for the purpose of current expenses; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with Division (B) of Section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, in order to submit the question of a tax levy pursuant to Section 5705.21 of the Revised Code, this Board must request that the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office certify (i) the total current tax valuation of the School District, and (ii) the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by that levy; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with Division (B) of Section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, upon receipt of a certified copy of a resolution of this Board declaring the necessity of the tax, stating its purpose, whether it is an additional levy or renewal or replacement of an existing tax, and the Section of the Revised Code authorizing its submission to the electors, and requesting such certification, the County Finance Officer is to certify the total current tax valuation of the District and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the proposed levy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, County of Cuyahoga, State of Ohio, that:

Section 1. This Board declares that it is necessary to levy, for a continuing period of time, an additional 4.95-mill ad valorem property tax outside of the ten- mill limitation for the purpose of current expenses, and that it intends to submit the question of that additional levy to the electors at an election on November 6, 2012, as authorized by Section 5705.21 of the Revised Code. If approved, that tax would first be levied in 2012 for first collection in calendar year 2013.

Section 2. This Board requests the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office to certify to it both (i) the total current tax valuation of the District, and (ii) the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the additional levy specified in Section 1.

Section 3. The Treasurer of this Board is authorized and directed to deliver promptly to the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office a certified copy of this resolution.

Section 4. This Board finds and determines that all formal actions of this Board and of any of its committees concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were taken, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal actions were held, in meetings open to the public, in compliance with the law.

Section 5. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and immediately upon its adoption.

Frank Barber seconded the motion.

Upon roll call on the adoption of the resolution, the vote was as follows:

Linda Pliodzinskas Yes Bobby Jordan Yes

Frank Barber Yes Tamitra Peavy Yes TREASURER’S CERTIFICATION

The foregoing is a true and correct excerpt from the minutes of the Special Meeting on July 30, 2012 of the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, the time and place of which (as shown above) were established at the Board’s Organizational session in January 2012, showing the adoption of the resolution hereinabove set forth.

Written notice of the time and place of the Special Meeting of the Board of Education held July 30, 2012, was served personally upon, or actually received by each Board member at least two days in advance of such meeting; and notice of the time, place and purpose of that special meeting, was, at least twenty-four hours in advance of the time of such meeting, given to and received by all news media that had heretofore requested notification of such special meetings pursuant to Section 121.22 of the Revised Code and the procedures established by the Board for that purpose.

______Brenda M. Brcak Treasurer/CFO, Board of Education Richmond Heights Local School District, Ohio The Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, met in Special Session Monday, July 30, 2012 commencing at 6:30 p.m. in the Board of Education Meeting Room at 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Heights, Ohio, with the following members present:

Linda Pliodzinskas Bobby Jordan

Frank Barber Tamitra Peavy

The Treasurer advised the Board that the notice requirements of Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised code and the implementing rules adopted by the Board pursuant thereto were complied with for the meeting.

Linda Pliodzinskas moved the adoption of the following Resolution:

RESOLUTION 07-229-2012


WHEREAS, this Board finds that the amount of taxes which may be raised within the ten-mill limitation by levies on the current tax duplicate will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of the School District and that it is necessary to levy a tax in excess of that limitation for the purpose of current expenses; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with Division (B) of Section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, in order to submit the question of a tax levy pursuant to Section 5705.21 of the Revised Code, this Board must request that the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office certify (i) the total current tax valuation of the School District, and (ii) the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by that levy; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with Division (B) of Section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, upon receipt of a certified copy of a resolution of this Board declaring the necessity of the tax, stating its purpose, whether it is an additional levy or renewal or replacement of an existing tax, and the Section of the Revised Code authorizing its submission to the electors, and requesting such certification, the County Finance Officer is to certify the total current tax valuation of the District and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the proposed levy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, County of Cuyahoga, State of Ohio, that:

Section 1. This Board declares that it is necessary to levy, for a continuing period of time, an additional 4.95-mill General Fund and .5 mil Permanent Improvement Fund ad valorem property tax outside of the ten-mill limitation for the purpose of current expenses, and that it intends to submit the question of that additional levy to the electors at an election on November 6, 2012, as authorized by Section 5705.21 of the Revised Code. If approved, that tax would first be levied in 2012 for first collection in calendar year 2013.

Section 2. This Board requests the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office to certify to it both (i) the total current tax valuation of the District, and (ii) the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the additional levy specified in Section 1.

Section 3. The Treasurer of this Board is authorized and directed to deliver promptly to the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office a certified copy of this resolution.

Section 4. This Board finds and determines that all formal actions of this Board and of any of its committees concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were taken, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal actions were held, in meetings open to the public, in compliance with the law.

Section 5. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and immediately upon its adoption.

Bobby Jordan seconded the motion.

Upon roll call on the adoption of the resolution, the vote was as follows:

Linda Pliodzinskas Yes Bobby Jordan Yes

Frank Barber Yes Tamitra Peavy Yes TREASURER’S CERTIFICATION

The foregoing is a true and correct excerpt from the minutes of the Special Meeting on July 30, 2012 of the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, the time and place of which (as shown above) were established at the Board’s Organizational session in January 2012, showing the adoption of the resolution hereinabove set forth.

Written notice of the time and place of the Special Meeting of the Board of Education held July 30, 2012, was served personally upon, or actually received by each Board member at least two days in advance of such meeting; and notice of the time, place and purpose of that special meeting, was, at least twenty-four hours in advance of the time of such meeting, given to and received by all news media that had heretofore requested notification of such special meetings pursuant to Section 121.22 of the Revised Code and the procedures established by the Board for that purpose.

______Brenda M. Brcak Treasurer/CFO, Board of Education Richmond Heights Local School District, Ohio Need for Special Meeting - Week of August 6, 2012 for matters of finance pertaining to certification and Resolution to Board of Elections. (Due to Board of Elections by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 8, 2012.)

Meeting set for Monday, August 6, 2012 at 7:00 a.m.



RESOLUTION 07-230-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 7:43 p.m., pursuant to ORC §121.22, to discuss matters of personnel.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

Reconvened from executive session with a roll call at 10:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION 07-231-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to adjourn at 10:01 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING August 6, 2012 7:00 a.m.

The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:15 a.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Pliodzinskas and Mr. Jordan.

RESOLUTION NO 08-232-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.



Moved by Linda Pliodzinskas, seconded by Bobby Jordan, that the Richmond Heights Board of Education approve the following resolution:

Resolution No. 08-A-2012:


WHEREAS, on July 30, 2012, this Board adopted a resolution, pursuant to Section 5705.03(B) of the Revised Code, declaring it necessary to levy an additional 5.3-mill tax levy for a continuing period of time and requesting the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office to certify the total current tax valuation of the School District and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by that levy; and

WHEREAS, the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office has certified that the total tax valuation of the District (used in calculating the estimated property tax revenue shown below) is $246,199,630, and that the estimated property tax revenue to be produced by that 5.3-mill additional levy would be $1,304,858.00 annually during the life of the levy, assuming the tax valuation remains constant throughout the life of the levy;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, County of Cuyahoga, State of Ohio, two-thirds of all members of said Board elected thereto concurring, that:

Section 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the amount of taxes which may be raised by the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District within the ten-mill limitation on the current tax duplicate will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of this School District, and that it is necessary to levy a tax in excess of such limitation for the purpose of current expenses in the amount of 5.3 mills for a continuing period of time.

Section 2. The question of an additional 5.3-mill tax levy for the purpose of current expenses for a continuing period of time, beginning with the tax list and duplicate for the year 2012, the proceeds of which levy first would be available to this Board in calendar year 2013, shall be submitted under the provisions of Section 5705.21 of the Revised Code to the electors of the Richmond Heights Local School District at an election to be held therein on November 6, 2012, as authorized by law, and that election shall be held at the regular places of voting in this District as established by the Board of Elections of Cuyahoga County, or otherwise, within the times provided by law and shall be conducted, canvassed and certified in the manner provided by law.

Section 3. The form of the ballot to be cast at the election on the question of this tax levy shall be substantially as follows:


A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.

An additional tax for the benefit of the Richmond Heights Local School District for the purpose of current expenses at a rate not exceeding ______mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to ______cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a continuing period of time, commencing in 2012, first due in calendar year 2013.


Section 4. The Treasurer of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to give or cause to be given notice of said election as provided by law.

Section 5. The Treasurer is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution and deliver it and any and all other necessary documents to the Board of Elections of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, not later than the close of business on August 8, 2012.

Section 6. It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions of this Board concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its committees that resulted in those formal actions were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with the law.

Section 7. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and immediately upon its adoption.

Bobby Jordan seconded the motion.

Upon roll call on the adoption of the resolution, the vote was as follows: Linda Pliodzinskas yes_ Bobby Jordan yes Frank Barber yes Tamitra Peavy yes

TREASURER’S CERTIFICATION The foregoing is a true and correct excerpt from the minutes of the special meeting on August 6, 2012, of the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, showing the adoption of the resolution hereinabove set forth.

Written notice of the time and place of the special meeting of the Board of Education held on August 6, 2012, was served personally upon, or actually received by, each Board member at least two days in advance of such meeting; and notice of the time, place and purposes of that special meeting, was, at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time of such meeting, given to and received by all news media that had heretofore requested notification of such special meetings pursuant to Section 121.22 of the Revised Code and the procedures established by the Board for that purpose.

Dated: August 6, 2012 Treasurer of the Board of Education

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.


RESOLUTION NO 08-233-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE accept the resignation of the following certificated personnel, effective July 27, 2012:

Hope White, Richmond Heights Intervention Specialist

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-234-2012


Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber, to adjourn at 8:14 a.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 13, 2012 7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice President Bobby Jordan, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas were absent.

RESOLUTION NO 08-235-2012


Moved by Ms.Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Peavy to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.


OAA/OGT Testing Scores Data Detector Book to Read, “Courageous Conversation about Race Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Leadership Summit


RESOLUTION NO 08-236-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Financial Reports for the month and fiscal year ended June 2012, and further approve the payment of bills for June 2012.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-237-2012 Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve and accept the following funds and respective appropriations for the 2012-2013 fiscal year, and the Treasurer be authorized to include the same on the Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources on file with the Cuyahoga County Auditor


516.9013 $168,262.51 IDEA Grant - 2013

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-238-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve membership renewal in the Ohio Schools Council and Cooperative Purchasing Program for the period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, at the cost of $783.16 (increase of $14.86 from 2011-2012).

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.


RESOLUTION NO 08-239-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE employ The following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board- approved rate of compensation, effective the 2012-13 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04.

Educational Service Center Substitutes for August, 2012 Lisa Walker, Substitute Teacher, effective 8-13-12 Brittany Booker, Substitute Teacher, effective 8-21-12 Sarusha Young, Substitute Teacher, effective 8-21-12 Jessica Mangus, Substitute Teacher, effective 8-21-12 Donald Rawls, Jr., Substitute Cleaner, effective 8-15-12 Bobby Humanchuk, Substitute Cleaner, effective 8-15-12 Dontez Rawls, Substitute Cleaner, effective 8-15-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-240-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Peavy to recommend that the RH BOE accept the following Limited Teaching Contracts for the 2012/2013 School Year Brooke Schroeder, School Psychologist, MA, Step 0, $40,309 Karla Smith, ES Teacher, MA, Step 4, $48,030 Matthew Simonetta, Intervention Specialist, BA, Step 0, $37,244 Stephanie Blades, Secondary School Math Teacher, BA, Step 3, 41,840

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-241-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend the RH BOE approve the following personnel under a one-year limited supplemental or service contract for the 2012-13 contract year for the position and at the rate of compensation listed below, pursuant to ORC 3319.08 and Appendix B of the RHEA Negotiated Agreement. In the event an insufficient numbers of students sign up for the activity, or failure of payment, this contract will become null and void. At least one fundraiser will be conducted during the time-frame of the sport for minimum players per each sport. *Salary pending outcome of negotiated agreement with RHEA

*Jarritt Goode, HS Assistant Boys Football Coach, Step 1, $4,096.84 *Christopher Moore, HS Assistant Boys Football Coach, Step 1, $4,096.84 *Lindsey C. Cloud, HS Assistant Football Coach, Step1, $4,096.84 (SEE ATTACHMENT)

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-242-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend the RH BOE authorize membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association for the 2012/2013 school year. It is agreed the Richmond Heights Local School District will conduct their athletics in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, Regulations, Interpretations and decisions of the Ohio High School Athletic Association.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-243-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Peavy to recommend the RH BOE approve the change in placement on the teachers’ salary schedule for the first semester of the 2012-2013 school year, pursuant to ORC §3317.14 for the following teachers who have satisfactorily completed additional training and coursework, subject to verification by receipt of official transcripts by August 20, 2012.

Jodi Hanford, BA to BA+24, Step 2, $42,659

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-244-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Peavy to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following administrator contract for the 2012-2013 school year:

Martha A. Hasselbusch, Elementary Principal 220 days, two year contract, effective 8/1/2012-7/31/2014 at a salary of $78,500.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-245-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber t recommend that the RH BOE approve the following administrator contract for the 2012-2013 school year:

Edward T. Muffet, Secondary School Interim Assistant Principal, $300/per day with no benefits, effective August 2, 2012.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-246-2012

Moved by Mr.Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend the RH BOE enter into an agreement with the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities for Developmental Center Programs and Services for students for the 2012-2013school year.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-247-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE adopt the following courses into the Secondary School curriculum for the 2012-2013 School Year

OGT Science – The content of this course will include physical, earth and space, and an introduction to life sciences with emphasis on concepts and skills necessary for success on the Ohio Graduation Test. OGT Math – The content of this course will include basic mathematical skills that will reinforce all benchmarks that are measured on the Ohio Graduation Test.

OGT Reading/Writing – The content of this course will target the specific areas that will reinforce all benchmarks that are measured on the Ohio Graduation Test.

OGT Social Studies – The content of this course will target the specific areas that will reinforce all benchmarks that are measured on the Ohio Graduation Test.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-248-2012


Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Peavy, to enter into executive session at 7:43 p.m. pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

Reconvened from executive session with a roll call at 9:35 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-249-2012


Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to adjourn at 9:36 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Peavy. The President declared the motion passed 3-0.

______Bpbby Jordan. Vice President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 27, 2012 5:45 P.M.

The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 5:52 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Burko, Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas.

RESOLUTION NO 08-250-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 08-251-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mrs. Peavy, to enter into executive session at 5:56 p.m.pursuant to ORC §121.22, for matters of personnel, legal matters and negotiations.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0

Mr. Jordan entered into the meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Reconvened from executive session at ????? p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0

RESOLUTION NO 08-252-2012

SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATIONS Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve and ratify the proposed negotiated agreement with the Richmond Heights Education Association for the period of August 21, 2012 through February 28, 2013, amended to grandfather Supplemental contracts to after 2012 Winter.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Nays: Mr. Burko The President declared the motion passed 4-1


RESOLUTION NO 08-253-2012


Moved by Mr. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn at 7:02 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2012 7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Burko, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas.

RESOLUTION NO 09-254-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


Foreign Exchange Student Recognition Oleksiy Volodymyrovych Taraseko – Ukraine – (Grade 12) Leo Boje – France (Grade 11)


RESOLUTION NO 09-255-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Burko, to accept the resignation of Aaron Burko, Board Member, effective September 10, 2012 at 11:59 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.



Introduction of Cabinet Team Simple Solutions Math Consumable Book (Pilot) Project Love, Presentation by Mary Ellen Casalina Mark Curtis – Online Learning RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE TREASURER

Treasurer Reports

a) Policy/Procedure Review – Student Fees – 6152F b) Elementary School Roof Project c) EZpay Statue Update

RESOLUTION NO 09-256-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Financial Reports for the month ended July 2012, and further approve the payment of bills for July 2012.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-257-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following Return of Advance of Funds associated with funds advanced in fiscal year 2012 and be returned in fiscal year 2013:

FROM TO AMOUNT Return of Advance 300-9202 001 $ 2,085.19 Athletic Fund General Fund

014-9100 001 $ 251.81 Agency Funds General Fund

020-9012 001 $25,334.58 Special Enterprise General Fun

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-258-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following contracts for special educational services for the 2012-2013 school year as follows: Treasurer’s Appendix B.  Consulting Accreditation Resources Educators, LLC dba C.A.R.E., LLC: Nursing services for one student at Green Road MRDD School for the 2012-2013 school year, at the rate of 33,540.00.

 Monarch School: Tuition fees for four students, for the 2012-2013 school year at the rate of $76,500.00 per student. ($306,000 total).

 Applewood Center: Tuition fees for the 2012-2013 school year at the rate of $34,770. (Open contract for as needed services. No students currently in attendance).

Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Abstain: Mr. Jordan. The President declared the motion passed 4-0-1.

RESOLUTION NO 09-259-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Modification/Extension Agreement between The Auditor of State Office, James G. Zupka, CPA, and the Richmond Heights Board of Education for independent audit services for fiscal year of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. Said contract to be for $24,000 based on 480 contact hours (same rate as 2010-2011 audit).

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-254-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following invoice for service work ordered and completed without the encumbrance of funds prior to service. In addition, the Treasurer be authorized to issue payment of said invoice in accordance with ORC 5705.41 (Now and Then Provision).

 Guardian Alarm – Fire Inspection Services on June 14, 2012 - $1,530.00.  Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-255-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve entering into a contract with Blue Technology for printer/copier maintenance at the rate of .0055 black/white and .039 per color copies, based on a fixed rate for five years of $1,431.90 per month. ($30.00 less per month than prior contract). Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-256-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 8:28p.m.,pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

Reconvened from executive session at 10:31 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


RESOLUTION NO 09-257-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE employ the following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board- approved rate of compensation, effective the 2012-13 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04.

Jeffrey George, Substitute Teacher, effective 9-10-12 Karen Clayton-Bothwell, Substitute Teacher, effective 9-10-12 Andrea Levine, Substitute Teacher, effective 9-10-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-254-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded Mr. Burko to amend the following resolution to recommend the RH BOE approve the change in placement on the teachers’ salary schedule for the first semester of the 2012-2013 school year, pursuant to ORC §3317.14 for the following teachers who have satisfactorily completed additional training and coursework, subject to verification by receipt of official transcripts by August 20, 2012.

Patricia Grady, MA to MA+12, effective 8-13-12 Emmett Keller, BA to BA+12, effective 8-13-12 Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion amended as follows 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-255-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded Mr. Jordan to approve the following resolution to recommend the RH BOE approve the change in placement on the teachers’ salary schedule for the first semester of the 2012-2013 school year, pursuant to ORC §3317.14 for the following teachers who have satisfactorily completed additional training and coursework, subject to verification by receipt of official transcripts by August 20, 2012.

Patricia Grady, MA to MA+12, effective 8-13-12, $70,078 Emmett Keller, BA to BA+12, effective 8-13-12, $48,045

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-256-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to amend the following resolution to recommend the RH BOE approve the following personnel under a one-year limited supplemental or service contract for the 2012-13 contract year for the position and at the rate of compensation listed below, pursuant to ORC 3319.08 and Appendix B of the RHEA Negotiated Agreement. In the event an insufficient numbers of students sign up for the activity, or failure of payment, this contract will become null and void. At least one fundraiser will be conducted during the time-frame of the sport for minimum players per each sport. *Salary pending outcome of negotiated agreement with RHEA

*Andrea Manes, Washington Trip Director, Step 3, $837.99 *Nick Alcantar, Washington Trip Counselor, (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 2, $499.06 *Lakisha Davies, Washington Trip Counselor, Step 1, (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $312.84 *Erika Germano-Pietrzak, Washington Trip Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 3, $685.29 *Nick Grande, Washington Trip Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $312.84

*Jodi Hanford, Washington Trip Counselor, Step 1, (one counselor per ten student participants), $312.84 *David Miller, Washington Trip Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $312.84 *Matt Simonetta, Washington Trip Counselor, Step 1, $312.84 *Rachel Trentanelli Washington Trip Counselor, (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $312.84 *Andrea Manes, Camp Director, Step 1, $707.64 *Nick Alcantar, Camp Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 2, $633.14 *Meredith Connerton, Camp Counselor, Step 1, $595.90 *Erika Germano-Pietrzak, Camp Counselor, Step 1, $595.90 *Nick Grande, Camp Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $595.90 *Jodi Hanford, Camp Counselor, Step 1, (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $595.90 *Matt Simonetta, Camp Counselor, Step 1 (one counselor per ten student participants), $312.84 *Rachel Trentanelli, Camp Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $595.90 *Carol Tizzano, ES Art Competition, $763.50 *Mary Catherine Brondfield, MS Art Competition, $763.50 *Mary Catherine Brondfield, SS Art Competition, Step 3, $1,303.50 *Anita Caswell, Choir Director, Step 3, $3,463.16 *Anita Caswell, Drama Director, Step 3, $3,687.00 *Anita Caswell, Senior Class Advisor, Step 3, $707.64 *Anita Caswell, Jazz/Stage Director, Step 3, $2,301.00 *David McWilliams, Musical Director, Step 2, $986.96 *Patricia Grady, National Honor Society, $633.15 *Jaclyn Davey, HS Student Council, Step 2, $2,532.60 *Andrea Manes, Junior National Honor Society Advisor, Step 1, $427.38 *Andrea Manes, Lead Mentor, $1500 *Mary Catherine Nichols-Brondfield, Mentor, $500 *Jaclyn Davey, Mentor, $500 *Lori Gecina, Mentor, $500 *Patricia Grady, Mentor, $500

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion amended as follows 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-257-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve the following resolution to recommend the RH BOE approve the following personnel under a one-year limited supplemental or service contract for the 2012-13 contract year for the position and at the rate of compensation listed below, pursuant to ORC 3319.08 and Appendix B of the RHEA Negotiated Agreement. In the event an insufficient numbers of students sign up for the activity, or failure of payment, this contract will become null and void. At least one fundraiser will be conducted during the time-frame of the sport for minimum students per each activity. *Salary pending outcome of negotiated agreement with RHEA

*Andrea Manes, Washington Trip Director, Step 3, $837.99 *Nick Alcantar, Washington Trip Counselor, (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 2, $499.06 *Lakisha Davies, Washington Trip Counselor, Step 1, (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $312.84 *Erika Germano-Pietrzak, Washington Trip Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 3, $685.29 *Nick Grande, Washington Trip Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $312.84

*Jodi Hanford, Washington Trip Counselor, Step 1, (one counselor per ten student participants), $312.84 *David Miller, Washington Trip Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $312.84 *Matt Simonetta, Washington Trip Counselor, Step 1, $312.84 *Rachel Trentanelli Washington Trip Counselor, (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $312.84 *Andrea Manes, Camp Director, Step 1, $707.64 *Nick Alcantar, Camp Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 2, $633.14 *Meredith Connerton, Camp Counselor, Step 1, $595.90 *Erika Germano-Pietrzak, Camp Counselor, Step 1, $595.90 *Nick Grande, Camp Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $595.90 *Jodi Hanford, Camp Counselor, Step 1, (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $595.90 *Matt Simonetta, Camp Counselor, Step 1 (one counselor per ten student participants), $312.84 *Rachel Trentanelli, Camp Counselor (one counselor per ten student participants), Step 1, $595.90 *Carol Tizzano, ES Art Competition, $763.50 *Mary Catherine Brondfield, MS Art Competition, $763.50 *Mary Catherine Brondfield, SS Art Competition, Step 3, $1,303.50 *Anita Caswell, Choir Director, Step 3, $3,463.16 *Anita Caswell, Drama Director, Step 3, $3,687.00 *Anita Caswell, Senior Class Advisor, Step 3, $707.64 *Anita Caswell, Jazz/Stage Director, Step 3, $2,301.00 *David McWilliams, Musical Director, Step 2, $986.96 *Patricia Grady, National Honor Society, $633.15 *Jaclyn Davey, HS Student Council, Step 2, $2,532.60 *Andrea Manes, Junior National Honor Society Advisor, Step 1, $427.38 *Andrea Manes, Lead Mentor, $1500 *Mary Catherine Nichols-Brondfield, Mentor, $500 *Jaclyn Davey, Mentor, $500 *Lori Gecina, Mentor, $500 *Patricia Grady, Mentor, $500

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion approved as follows 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-258-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, sedonded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE amend the following Limited Teaching Contracts for the 2012/2013 School Year:

Brooke Schroeder, MA to MA+24, Step 0, $41,818, effective 8-13-12 Matthew Simonetta, BA to BA+24, Step 0, $39,129, effective 8-13-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion approved as follows 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-259-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following certified personnel for tutoring 3rd Grade OAA Summer Review, a total of 11 hours at a rate of $25.00/hr.

Carol Medve

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion approved as follows 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-260-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE amend the correction of the name for the following classified personnel for the 2012-2013 school year.

Dontez Rawls, Substitute Cleaner to Dontez Morgan, Substitute Cleaner, effective 8/30/12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion approved as follows 5-0. RESOLUTION NO 09-261-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE adopt the following courses into the Secondary School curriculum for the 2012-2013 School Year

OAA Science – The content of this course will include physical, earth and space, and an introduction to life sciences with emphasis on concepts and skills necessary for success on the Ohio Achievement Assessment Test.

OAA Math – The content of this course will include basic mathematical skills that will reinforce all benchmarks that are measured on the Ohio Achievement Assessment Test.

OAA Reading/Writing – The content of this course will target the specific areas that will reinforce all benchmarks that are measured on the Ohio Achievement Assessment Test.

OAA Social Studies – The content of this course will target the specific areas that will reinforce all benchmarks that are measured on the Ohio Achievement Assessment Test.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion approved as follows 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-262-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Peavy to recommend the RH BOE approve the following non-certified personnel as a bus driver, and at the Board-approved rate of compensation, effective the 2012-13 school year.

Lisa Finley, Bus Driver (4 hrs./day), step 1, effective 9-11-12 ($14.57 per hr,)

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion approved as follows 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-263-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following personnel the use of Parental Leave beginning November 13, 2012 through approximately January 7, 2013, pursuant to the Negotiated Agreement, Article VI, Section B.

Joshua Patty, Secondary School Teacher

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion approved as follows 5-0. RESOLUTION NO 09-264-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Following personnel the use of Parental Leave beginning January 7, 2013 through February 18, 2012, pursuant to the Negotiated Agreement, Article VI, Section B.

Emmett Keller, Secondary School Teacher

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion approved as follows 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-265-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE accept the resignation of the following non-certified personnel for the 2012-2013 school year.

Christopher Moore, HS Assistant Boys Football Coach

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion approved as follows 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 09-266-2012


The Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, Richmond Heights, Ohio, met in regular session on the 10th day of September, 2012 at the offices of said Board with the following members present:

Linda Pliodzinskas Bobby Jordan Frank Barber Tamitra Peavy Aaron Burko

The Treasurer advised the Board that the notice of requirements of O.R.C. §121.22 and the implementing rules adopted by the Board pursuant thereto were complied with for the meeting.

Bobby Jordan moved the adoption of the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Board employed Dr. Timothy Pingle as the Secondary School Principal under a administrator’s limited contract; and

WHEREAS, on February 27, 2012, the Board adopted a resolution declaring its intention to consider the termination of the administrator’s contract, including any supplemental contracts, of Dr. Timothy Pingle (“Dr. Pingle”) on the basis of good and just cause within the meaning of O.R.C. §3319.16. The specification of grounds for such consideration was as follows:

(A) Dr. Pingle’s statements to the Board President by email dated November 7, 2011 advocating that the Board violate Board Policy 2260B, and State and federal law, and disqualify a candidate for Interim Superintendent based upon the candidate’s race;

(B) Dr. Pingle’s repeated racially insensitive comments made during student assemblies at the beginning of the school year;

(C) Dr. Pingle’s racially derogatory statements and stereotypes as set forth in his November 6, 2011 email to the Board President;

(D) Dr. Pingle’s insubordination in directing the Secondary School Assistant Principal to not attend a “cabinet” meeting of administrators called by the Interim Superintendent on November 8, 2011, after the Interim Superintendent’s office had directed the Assistant Principal to attend that meeting; and,

(E) Dr. Pingle’s failure to properly and efficiently process student discipline referrals from November through his relief from duties in December, 2011, resulting in a backlog of almost a month in processing such referrals.

WHEREAS, the Board provided Dr. Pingle with written notice of its intention to consider the termination of his administrator’s contract, and Dr. Pingle requested a hearing before a Referee as provided by O.R.C. §3319.16; and

WHEREAS, Joel Hlavaty, Esq. was selected as Referee, and a hearing was conducted before him on May 17, 18, 21, and 31, 2012 and June 29, 2012; and

WHEREAS, on August 27, 2012, Referee Hlavaty issued his Report and Recommendation, finding in relevant part as follows: “* * * that Dr. Pingle’s emails of November 6 and 7, 2011, were not private emails, and that they had racial overtones and were racially insensitive. At worst they were racist and at best they showed poor judgment. I further find that while the Board may not have demonstrated three of the five bases for its resolution to consider the termination of Dr. Pingle, the two that it did demonstrate carry more weight than the other three, as they concern themselves with racial issues and the District was and is clearly still struggling in that regard. While the assemblies also concerned racial issues, I find that the racial comments made by Dr. Pingle in the two emails are sufficient to give the Board good and just cause to terminate his contract. In so finding, I note that as an administrator and secondary school principal, Dr. Pingle, in addition to his various duties and responsibilities, was or should have been a role model to others in the District, particularly teachers and students. Regardless of whether anyone outside of the Board knew of his emails, his action in sending them demonstrated conduct that was unacceptable and which the Board could not risk him repeating.”; and

WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed and considered Referee Hlavaty’s Report and Recommendation.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Richmond Heights Local School District, Richmond Heights, Ohio that:

Section 1. The Board hereby accepts Referee Hlavaty’s Report and Recommendation, and hereby orders the termination of Dr. Pingle’s administrator’s limited contract on the grounds of good and just cause.

Section 2. The Treasurer is directed to provide Dr. Pingle with written notice of this action on behalf of the Board.

Section 3. It is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board and any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements including O.R.C. §121.22

Aaron Burko seconded the Motion and upon roll call, the vote resulted as follows:

Pliodzinskas Yes Jordan _Yes Barber Yes Peavy Yes Burko Yes

Ayes: __ 5______

Nays: ____0______

Resolution passed and adopted this 10th day of September, 2012.



______Treasurer RESOLUTION NO 09-267-2012


Moved by Mr. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mrs. Peavy to adjourn at 11:08 p.m.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Nays: Mr. burko. The President declared the motion passed 4-1.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 1, 2012 6:30 P.M.

The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 6:34 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas.

RESOLUTION NO 10-268-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-269-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to enter into executive session at 6:39 p.nm., pursuant to ORC 121.22, for the purpose of new board member interviews.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

Reconvened from executive session with a roll call at 9:18 p.m.

RESOLUTION NO 10-270-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, that the Board appoint Bill DelSanter, to the position of board member, to fulfill the unexpired term ending December 31, 2013. Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

Oath of office administered to Bill DelSanter RESOLUTION NO 10-271-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn at 9:29 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. DelSanter, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mr. Burko and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 8, 2012 7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Mr. DelSanter was absent.

RESOLUTION NO 10-272-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

STUDENT RECOGNITION Mikaela Marino, Summer Internship @ Cleveland Clinic

Kai’Shayla Smith & Tiara Gayle, Student Representatives to the Board for the 2012-2013 School Year.

RESOLUTION NO 10-273-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to accept the resignation of Bill Delsanter, Board Member, effective October 8, 2012 at 11:59 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.


Flight Options AdvancED INTERIM Report on Student Attendance Data and Accountability System


RESOLUTION NO 10-274-2012

Moved by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Financial Reports for the month ended August 2012, and further approve the payment of bills for August 2012.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-273-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following contracts for special education services for the 2012-2013 school year as follows: Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County. – Special Education Services for in-district Extended School Year services for the 2011-2012 school year as follows:

* 2 Intervention Specialist not to exceed 17.5 hours * 3 Educational Aides not to exceed 17.5 hours * Summer MFE/IEP Clinic as needed

Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County. – Special Education Services for one student enrolled in the North Coast Academy at the rate of $45 per day.

Rose-Mary Center – Special Education Services for students enrolled in the Rose-Mary Center for OT, PT and Speech Services for two students enrolled for the 2012- 2013 school year at the follow rates:

OT Services $ 80.00 per hour PT Services $100.00 per hour Speech Services $ 80.00 per hour

Re-Education Services - Classroom Aid service for one student for the 2012- 2013 school year at the rate of $138.00 per day. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Abstain: Mr. Barber The President declared the motion passed 3-0-1.

RESOLUTION NO 10-274-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the 2012-2013 tuition rate as confirmed by the Ohio Department of Education as follows:

Annual Tuition $10,554.13 Monthly $ 1,172.68

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-275-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following grant and program funds and associated appropriations for the 2012- 2013 school year, and the Treasurer be authorized to include the same on the Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources, on file with the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer.


026 $ 5,100.00 Employee Wellness Program

504 $ 1,218.11 Education Job Fund

572-9713 $236,090.54 Title I – Reading

590-9033 $ 31,063.67

Title IIa – Teacher Quality

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-276-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following schools as impractical for transportation purposes for the 2012-2013 school year. Students attending these schools to be offered in lieu of transportation as requested: Agnon School – 3 students All Saints of St. John Vianney – 2 students Communion of Saints – 2 students E-Prep – 2 students GESU – 2 students Gross Schecter – 6 students Hathaway Brown – 2 students The Intergenerational School – 4 students Laurel – 1 student Mater Dei – 4 students New Day Academy – 1student Noble Academy – 14 students Pinnacle – 13 students Ratner – 6 students Sacred Heart of Jesus – 5 students St. Clare – 5 students St. Francis of Assisi – 4 students St. Jermome – 1 student St. John Lutheran-Mayfield – 1 student St. John Lutheran – Nottingham – 1 student St. Robert & William – 3 students University Lower School – 1 student

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-277-2012

I Special Meeting needs for items of Finance – October 2012.

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan that The Richmond Heights Board Education will meet in Special Session on Monday, October 29, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. for matters of finance associated with the presentation and adoption of the Five Year Forecast for fiscal 2013.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-278-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE employ the following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board- approved rate of compensation, effective the 2012-13 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04.

Thomas Pinter, Substitute Cleaner, effective 10-8-12 Jennelle Hammond, Substitute Cleaner, effective 10-8-12 Gloria Fields, Substitute Cleaner, effective 10-8-12 Erin Vandrak, Substitute Teacher, effective 10-8-12 Rachel Bruecker, Substitute Teacher, effective 9-14-12 Kelechi Ifeanyi, Substitute Teacher, effective 10-8-12 Samira Rogers, Substitute Teacher, effective 10-8-12 Christine Ule, Substitute Teacher, effective 10-8-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-279-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE accept the following Limited Teaching Contract for the 2012/2013 School Year:

Tracy Stapleton, Secondary School Teacher, BA, Step 0, $37,244, effective 10-8-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-280-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend the RH BOE enter into an agreement with the Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County for Admission of Tuition Pupils Pursuant to Section 3313.841 O.R.C. Programs and Services for students for the school year of 2012-2013.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-281-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the agreement between Mayfield Consortium Career Development Program (Mayfield City School District Fiscal Agent), and Richmond Heights Local Schools for the school year 2012-2013 School Year.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-282-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan ro recommend that the RH BOE accept the resignation of the following classified personnel for the purpose of retirement. Walt Mrazek, effective 12-31-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-283-2012 Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the After-School OAA/OGT Tutoring Programs for the Elementary and Secondary Schools for the 2012-2013 school year.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-284-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the resignation letters of the following classified personnel.

Darryl Williams, Bus Driver, effective 9-24-2012 Robert Dalton, 2nd Shift Maintenance Supervisor, effective 9-24-2012

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-285-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend the RH BOE approve the following personnel under a one-year limited supplemental or service contract for the 2012-13 contract year for the position and at the rate of compensation listed below, pursuant to ORC 3319.08 and Appendix B of the RHEA Negotiated Agreement. In the event an insufficient numbers of students sign up for the activity, or failure of payment, this contract will become null and void. At least one fundraiser will be conducted during the time-frame of the sport for minimum players per each sport. *Salary pending outcome of negotiated agreement with RHEA

Karen Clayton-Bothwell, Faculty Manager, Step 1, $4,096.83 (prorated), effective 10- 9-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-286-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following volunteer under a one-year limited personal service contract for the 2012-2013 school year, pursuant to Board Policy 4120.09. Brandon Clemmons, HS Assistant Football Coach, effective 10-9-12 (salary prorated)

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-287-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend the RH BOE approve the request by Mrs. Anita Caswell, High School Choir Teacher, to plan for a trip to New York City, New York-College of Staten Island, for the Secondary School Choir, April 24, 25, 26, 27, & 28, 2013 to perform at the Adjudicated Music Festival and compete with other school districts, contingent upon acceptance and approval by the board of the final plans for the trip.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-288-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend the RH BOE approve the following Home Instruction Tutor for the 2012 -2013 School Year.

Paulette Lavender, 5 hrs. /wk., $20 hr. for 8 weeks. (1 student) effective 10-1-12 through 11-23-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-289-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following classified personnel for the 2012-2013 School Year:

Frank Schneider, Elementary School Lunch Aide, $10.71/hr., 3.5 hrs./day, effective 10-9-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-290-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE enter into the Interdistrict Service Area Contract with the Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County for the 2012-2013 School Year commencing August 1, 2012 and concluding January 30, 2013.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.



Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 8:26p.m., pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

Reconvened from executive session at 11:17 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.



RESOLUTION NO 10-292-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mrs. Peavy, to adjourn at 11:18 PM.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 29 2012 6:30 P.M.

The Special Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 6:34 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas.

RESOLUTION NO 10-293-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-294-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 6:36 p.m., pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of new board member interviews.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

Reconvened from executive session at 8:07 p.m.with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, that the Board appoint Carmella Carter, to the position of board member, to fulfill the unexpired term ending December 31, 2013. Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 4-0.

Oath of Office administered to _Carmella Carter


Presentation of the Five Year Financial Forecast for Fiscal Years ending June 30, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

RESOLUTION NO 10-296-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve and adopt the Five-Year Forecastfor Fiscal Years ending June 30, 2013 through June 30, 2017 as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


RESOLUTION NO 10-297-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE employ the following administrative personnel for the 2012-2013 school year.

Terrence Highsmith, Maintenance Supervisor, effective October 22, 2012 through July 31, 2014, at the rate of $43,000.00/yr., 260 days

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-298-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE employ the following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board- approved rate of compensation, effective the 2012-13 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04.

Petra Zerbian, Substitute Teacher, effective 10-17-12 Nancy McKim, Substitute Teacher, effective 10-29-12 Gary Murphy, Substitute Teacher, effective 10-29-12 Petra Zerbian, Substitute Educational Aide, effective 10-17-12 Esther Nyakundi, Substitute Educational Aide, effective 10-29-12 Karen Wilson, Substitute Educational Aide, effective 10-29-12 Cynthia George-Bradley, Substitute Cleaner, effective 10-29-12 Karen Wilson, Substitute Cleaner, effective 10-29-12 Donald Ferritto, Substitute Cleaner/Maintenance, effective 10-29-12 Brandin Lee Thomas, Substitute Cleaner, effective 10-29-12 Bridgett Williams, Substitute Cleaner, effective 10-29-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-299-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following amendment

Frank Schneider, ES Lunch Aide, $10.71/hr. to $10.17/hr. @ 3.5, effective 10-8-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-300-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend the RH BOE approve the following personnel under a one-year limited supplemental or service contract for the 2012-13 contract year for the position and at the rate of compensation listed below, pursuant to ORC 3319.08 and Appendix B of the RHEA Negotiated Agreement. In the event an insufficient numbers of students sign up for the activity, or failure of payment, this contract will become null and void. At least one fundraiser will be conducted during the time-frame of the sport for minimum players per each sport. *Salary pending outcome of negotiated agreement with RHEA

*Keith Manos, Mentor $500

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 10-301-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE enter into an agreement on the 29th day of October, 2012 by and between the Richmond Heights Local School District Board of Education (“Board”), theRichmond Heights Education Association (“Association”), and Jim Davis (the “Employee”).

AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into on the 29th day of October, 2012 by and between the Richmond Heights Local School District Board of Education (“Board”), the Richmond Heights Education Association (“Association”), and Jim Davis (the “Employee”).

WHEREAS, the Board and the Association are parties to a Negotiated Agreement having a term through February 28, 2013 (the “Agreement”); and

WHEREAS, the Employee is a teacher employed by the Board and member of the Association; and

WHEREAS, on May 11, 2012, the Employee filed a grievance (the “grievance”) alleging certain violations of the Agreement pertaining to his being required to reimburse a student for a lost cell phone; and

WHEREAS, the grievance was denied at every step of the grievance process under the Agreement and was submitted by the Association for arbitration under the auspices of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) on or about October 16, 2012, but has not yet been the subject of an arbitration hearing; and,

WHEREAS, the parties wish to resolve the grievance in lieu of further arbitration proceedings; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE:

Section 1. Without admitting any liability or wrongdoing, and in fact expressly denying any liability or wrongdoing for the matters alleged in the grievance, the Board hereby agrees to reimburse $187.00 to the Employee for the cost of the cell phone, upon the Employee providing a copy of the invoice or receipt for his payment of the cell phone to the District Treasurer.

Section 2. The Board and the Association further agree that, from the date of this Agreement forward, teachers shall no longer take students’ cell phones or other personal belongings as collateral for portable District equipment that is lent by teachers to students. Teachers will instead be responsible for keeping any portable District equipment in their classroom secure when not in use by a student. If a student asks to use portable District equipment, such as a calculator, laptop computer, netbook, or other similar portable equipment, then the teacher will require that the student legibly sign such equipment out, noting (a) the identity of the portable equipment, (b) the identity and grade of the student borrowing the equipment; (c) the date and time the student borrowed the equipment; and (d) the date and time the student returned the equipment. If a student fails to return the equipment within a reasonable period of time, then the teacher should notify the building principal, providing him or her with a copy of the sign-out sheet evidencing the student’s possession of the District’s equipment.

Section 3. The Association and the Employee hereby withdraw the grievance without prejudice, and expressly agree that the matters set forth therein are resolved and may not be the subject of any further grievance proceedings or any other legal claim before any court or administrative agency.

Section 4. Except as modified under Section 2 herein, in all other respects, the terms and conditions of the existing Agreement remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have entered into this Settlement Agreement on the date first set forth above.


By:______By:______Dr. Robert Moore, Superintendent Lori Gecina, RHEA President


By: ______

Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Nayes: Mrs. Peavy Abstain: Mrs. Carter

The President declared the motion passed 3-1-1.

RESOLUTION NO 10-302-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 9:12 p.m. pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

Reconvened from executive session at 10:36 p.m. with a roll call Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber, to adjourn at 10:36 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 19, 2012 7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas.

RESOLUTION NO 11-304-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


Student Election Poll Workers NASA Young Astronaut Program Participants



RESOLUTION NO 11-304-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mrs. Carter, to approve a First Reading on the following Board Policies:


Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


OSBA Media Recognition  Andy Attina, Sun Messenger  Caitlin Fertal, News Herald Ohio School Council Annual Report Pepple and Waggoner Ohio School Law Update Diversity Training Employee Discipline in an Education Environment Seminar (Module #1) Forum Differetiated Instuction – 11/17/2012


Audits Auxiliary Federal Grant

RESOLUTION NO 11-305-2012 Moved by Mrs. Peavy, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Financial Reports for the month ended September 2012, and further approves the payment of bills for September 2012. Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-306-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr.Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve and accept the following donation of funds to the Choir Fund to support the transportation for the Choir Trip to New York City:

Church of the Celebration $500.00 Euclid, Ohio 44132

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-307-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Carter to recommend that the RH BOE approve the contracts for special education ervices for the 2012-2013 school year as follows:

Mayfield City School – Cuyahoga East Vocational Education Center (CEVEC) – Vocational Educational Services for six students for the 2012-2013 school year, at the cost of $14,754 per student ($88,524.00).

Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County – Special Education tuition for one student at Achievement Center for Children for the 2012-2013 school year, at the cost of $6,960 per month ($69,600).

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-308-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mrs. Carter to recommend that the RH BOE adopt the amended “Resolution Accepting The Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission And Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying Them toThe County Auditor” for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2013,as outlined in Treasurer’s Appendix C and confirmed by the Cuyahoga County Finance Office.

General Fund 80.20 mills – Outside 5.70 mills - Inside Perm. Improvement 2.00 mills – Outside

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-309-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following schools as impractical for transportation purposes for the 2012-2013 school year. Students attending these schools to be offered in lieu of transportation as requested:

New Day Academy 4 students Willo Hill Christian Academy 1 student

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-310-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the contract renewal of the Richmond Heights Board of Education and the Educational Fund Group, Inc, for e-Rate consulting services to the district for the 2013-2014 funding year at the service fee of $6,900. Estimated revenue and e-rate discounts to be award to the District are $690,000 for the 2013-2014 program year.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-311-2012

Moved by Mrs. Carter, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approved the revised Five Year Forecast for the fiscal years ending June 2013 through June 2017 as presented. Said Forecast being amended to reflect the approved 5.3 mill continuing levy, approved by the voters of Richmond Heights on November 6, 2012.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


RESOLUTION NO 11-312-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE employ the following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board- approved rate of compensation, effective the 2012-13 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04. Dionna Stewart, Substitute Teacher, effective 11-19-12 Natalie Houdek, Substitute Teacher, effective 11-19-12 Robert Houghston, Substitute Teacher, effective 11-19-12 Ipce Maldonado-Flores, Substitute Teacher, effective 11-13-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-313-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following classified personnel for the 2012-2013 School Year:

Autumn Stevens, ES Lunch Aide, $10.17/hr., 3.5 hrs./day, effective 11-19-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-314-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE amend the following supplemental Contract.

Nick Alcantar, Camp Counselor, 4 Yrs. Experience, Step 2, $633.15

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


RESOLUTION NO 11-315-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 8:05 p.m. pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of pending legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

Reconvened from executive session at 10:15 p.m.with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION


RESOLUTION NO 11-316-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to enter into executive session at 10:24 p.m. pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

Reconvened from executive session at 11:46 p.m. with a roll call

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


RESOLUTION NO 11-317-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend the RH BOE accept the settlement agreement with Jason Popp.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


RESOLUTION NO 11-318-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend the RH BOE authorize the Treasurer to pay Fowler for the exhaust fans at a cost to the district of $3,418.34.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Barber, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. Nays: Mr. Jordan. The President declared the motion passed 4-1.


RESOLUTION NO 11-319-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mrs Peavy, to adjourn at 11:49 PM.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0. ______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO RICHMOND HEIGHTS LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 10, 2012 7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the Richmond Heights Board of Education was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President Linda Pliodzinskas, in the Richmond Heights Board of Education Board Meeting room, 447 Richmond Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143. The meeting was audio recorded.

The following members answered the roll: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Peavy and Mrs. Pliodzinskas.

RESOLUTION NO 11-320-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to adopt the agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


RESOLUTION NO 11-321-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan, a second reading and adoption of the following Board Policies:


RESOLUTION NO 11-322-2012

Moved by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mrs. Carter to table Resolution 11-321-2012 until January, 2013.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.



RESOLUTION NO 11-322-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the Financial Reports for the month ended October 31, 2012 and further approves the payment of bills for October 2012

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-322-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve and accept the following donation of supplies, and equipment as gifted:


Kirtland Library Secondary School Library 1,080.00 Kirtland, Ohio 44094 60 – fiction books Medical Mutual Richmond Heights School District $ 810.00 Cleveland, Ohio 18 – multiple drawer file cabinets

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

The Richmond Heights Board of Education will hold its 2013 Annual Organizational Meeting on Monday, January 14, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room (no vote required).

RESOLUTION NO 11-323-2012

Moved by Mrs. Carter, seconded by Mr. Jordan that the Richmond Heights Board of Education appoints Linda Pliodzinskas to serve as President Pro-Tempore at the 2013 Organizational Meeting of the Board,to be held Monday, January 14, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., and to preside over the Election of the President.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


RESOLUTION NO 11-324-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE employ the following certified personnel as a casual, day-to-day substitute and at the Board-approved rate of compensation, effective the 2012-13 school-year, pursuant to Board Policy 3120.04.

Educational Service Center Substitutes, effective 2012-2013 School Year Henderson Deal Jr., Substitute Teacher, effective 12-10-12 Ipce Maldonado-Flores, Educational Aide, effective 12-10-12 Gloria Fields, Non-Instructional Aide, effective 11-8-12 Bernard Lackey, Substitute Cleaner, effective 12-10-12 Frederick Bell, Substitute Cleaner, effective 12-10-12 Jermaine Darby, Substitute Cleaner, effective 12-10-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-325-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend the RH BOE approve the following personnel under a one-year limited supplemental or service contract for the 2012-13 contract year for the position and at the rate of compensation listed below, pursuant to ORC 3319.08 and Appendix B of the RHEA Negotiated Agreement. In the event an insufficient numbers of students sign up for the activity, or failure of payment, this contract will become null and void. At least one fundraiser will be conducted during the time-frame of the sport.

Ben Collado, High School Assistant Wrestling Coach, Step 1, $3,351.96

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-326-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following certified staff as elementary school after school tutors for the 2012- 2013 school year, for 3 days per week/1 hr. per day @ $20.00/hr.

Karla Smith Brooke Schroeder Kate Crow Carol Medve, Substitute

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-327-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Pliodzinskas to recommend that the RH BOE approve the resignation of the following non-certified personnel for the 2012-2013 school year.

Carlon Brown, MS Assistant Basketball Coach, effective 11-20-2012

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-328-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following long term certified substitute for secondary school Physical Education Teacher, Jason Popp, for the 2012-2013 school year.

Jeff George, BA/Step 0, $37,244 prorated, effective December 17, 2012.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-329-2012 Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Barber to recommend that the RH BOE accept the resignation of the following classified personnel for the purpose of retirement.

Stanley Harubin, effective 12-31-12

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-330-2012

Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mrs. Carter to recommend that the RH BOE authorizes the participation in the OSBA LAF for the 2012-2013 school year and authorizes the treasurer to pay to the LAF $250.00.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

RESOLUTION NO 11-331-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend that the RH BOE approve the following camp staff for the 2013 (on an as needed basis dependent on enrollment).

Camp Expenses

$8,240 $1,000 $2,400 $2,400 $400 $2,000 $1,900 $1,600

Transportation Costs (3% over 2012) $5,150 Bus Route List $50 Cost of RH Pool-estimate $750 T-Shirts/Ribbons and Trophies $1,500 Field Trip Costs – estimate $9,000 Foods/Art-N-Crafts/Wacky Games Supplies $500 STRS $2,100 SERS $1,200 Medicare $750 Workman’s Comp $100

Part-Time Workers - $1750 (50%) 2.5 days/week $875 $1750 (50%) 2.5 days/week $875 Total Expected Cost $44,640

Projected Revenue Projected Revenue 50 Campers Projected 20 Lower Campers $925 $18,500 Projected 30 Upper Campers $975 $29,250 Total $47,750

RESOLUTION NO 11-332-2012

Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Jordan that the RH BOE recommend the approval of Summer Camp 2012 and work within the established approval of camp 2012 only and budget.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.


RESOLUTION NO 11-333-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber, to enter into executive session at 8:30 p,m. pursuant to ORC §121.22, for the purpose of personnel and legal matters.

Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

Reconvened from executive session at 11:25 p.m.with a roll call


Winter sports payment Basketball Video, 3-4 students needed. $1,400 vendor-HUDL Special Meeting January 7 at 6:00 p.m. for Policy and planning 2014 school year.

RESOLUTION NO 11-334-2012


Moved by Mrs. Pliodzinskas, seconded by Mr. Barber, to adjourn at 11:37 PM. Roll Call: Mr. Barber, Mr. Jordan, Ms. Peavy, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Pliodzinskas. The President declared the motion passed 5-0.

______Linda Pliodzinskas, President Brenda Brcak, Treasurer/CFO

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