Mitchel Troy Community Council

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Mitchel Troy Community Council

MITCHEL TROY UNITED COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting at Dingestow Village Hall, on Tuesday 10 October 2017 at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs: H Bosanquet, G Connor, C Godfrey, B Grove, V Long (Chair) A Morgan, P Penny, S Wall County Cllr. R John, PCSO Mason. Mr George Phillips.

Clerk: L Parker

George Phillips, former councillor for Tregare and several times chairman of the council was

welcomed by the Chair, Cllr Long, who presented him with a gift from councillors in recognition of and

gratitude for his conscientious long service.

17156 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Chamberlain


17158 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD on 12 September were agreed and duly signed


17129 – Workplace Pension – OVW have provided details of the advisor used when setting up their scheme: Auto Enrolment Advisory Service, an advisor is due to ring back after his annual leave to give an estimate of likely cost of their service

17130- Tregare Bus Shelter – having checked that there are no council objections local residents will shortly carry out their proposed ‘tidy up’.

17151 – Councillor Training – Cllrs Connor, Godfrey and Wall are booked onto new councillor training on 23 October in Undy. Cllr Wall now unable to attend.

17160 POLICE REPORT - PCSO Mason reported: several low level crime incidents, in particular:

A Rally – caused some Anti-Social Behaviour

Mitchel Troy - attempt break and enter

- Suspicious behaviour

- Anti-social behaviour

MTUCC Meeting 10 October 2017 Chairman……………………………………………14/11/17 1 - Suspicious behaviour, a blue Nissan Navarre being driven onto a property, same vehicle seen following the school bus.

Tregare - shed breaking

Dingestow - the owner of a van parked inconsiderately on Queen’s Hill has promised to

park elsewhere.

Mitchel Troy – Vehicle speeds are being monitored by Go Safe with a view to taking further

Acton. Interested residents are encouraged to set up a Speedwatch Group. Volunteers are

trained and equipped by the police to carry out roadside monitoring, data collected being passed

to the police for further action as appropriate.

Your Voice – online surveys to asses appropriate policing priorities – all residents should be

encouraged to respond.

17161 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – Cllr John reported:

MCC Budgets – WG settlement is a 1% cut; Highways are vulnerable, the Cabinet has agreed to prioritise capital spend in Abergavenny and school building;

Local Development Plan – officers will begin work shortly, reviewing the LDP – there are significant issues in relation land identified for house building, the county has not identified sufficient land to meet the target set by WG and house building is low generally; of particular concern in the south of the county when the Severn Bridge tolls are removed;

Broadband there have been discussions about improving access, Blue Glow, a company in Monmouth are offering a box to upgrade the signal. Installation costs £1150 but there is a WG grant available of £800. Another suggestion being considered is to use TV signal ‘white space’ via the TV aerial;

Mitchel Troy Caravan Park – planning officers have advised that the fence is not a breach of planning.



However, it was pointed out that there is a site notice displayed for application DC/2017/01149, Halcyon, Mitchel Troy. The Clerk confirmed that she had not received notice of this application or a consultation letter with plans nor was it included in the MCC list of newly registered applications checked on 9 October prior to this meeting. It was felt that this was disappointing in view of the Council’s agreement to pay MCC for paper plans and agreed that it would be taken up with MCC. Clerk

TUCC minutes, 18 Dec 2006 Page 2 of 5 17164 PLANNING DECISIONS BY MCC: - None


- 01039, Wern Ddu, land adj vineyard, steel framed portal building (Ag Notice) - approved.


The Annual Return was received and accepted. It was noted that the Auditor reported that “…the information contained within the Annual Return is in accordance with proper practices…relevant legislation and regulatory requirements…” Matters not affecting this decision were drawn to attention and the below action plan was Agreed:

Matters Raised Why does it matter Recommendation Action

Sect 1 Box 14 not Disclosure incomplete Ensure in future it is Councillor to proof read completed – N/A not answered before submission ticked on Trust Funds

Sect 1 Box 3 input error on Readers need to know No Further Action Councillor proof read last year’s figure - £411 transposed to £441

Not registered as Council unable to prove Request regular updates Discuss with MCC/consider employer MCC provide MCC has calculated and from MCC to show they are change of payroll service service paid appropriate tax making appropriate RTI submissions


The attached spend against budget was Noted. It was agreed that reminders would be sent to Mr Holmes and Churchwardens about claiming their agreed payments. Clerk


Current bank balance (less uncashed cheques): £19,518.58

Approval was given for the payment of the following cheques:

Chq no Payee Amount Power to Pay 300144 Clerk’s expenses (travel,post,phone,etc) £104.35 LGA 1972, Sect 111 300145 WAO – external Audit fees £231.30 LGA Sect 111 300146 Wonastow PCC - churchyard maintenance£138.00 LGA 1972 S 215 300147 MCC – salary July - Sept £686.73 LGA 1972, S 111

Month Total £1160.38

MTUCC Meeting 10 October 2017 Chairman……………………………………………14/11/17 3 17169 CHANGE OF BANK

It was noted that an account could be opened with Unity Trust bank, charges are £6 per month payable quarterly. It was agreed that an account would be opened, one councillor from each ward

to be signatories, any two to authorise cheques. Clerk


The previously circulated consultation was noted, and it was agreed that the Council would not respond but councillors were encouraged to respond as individuals.

17171 CWMCARVAN VACANCY – Mr Stuart Evans was interviewed for this vacancy representing

the Cwmcarvan ward. Agreed he would be appointed and he duly signed his Declaration of Acceptance of office. It was further agreed that he would attend New Councillor training in place of Cllr Wall. Clerk

17172 PLANTING LEGACY TREES - it was agreed that an application would be made for a tree to be planted on the recreation ground in Dingestow. Cllrs Wall & Bosanquet

17173 CORRESPONDENCE received 12 September – 10 October 2017

MCC, Rawlings, R, Papers for Monmouth Area Cluster meeting 26 Sept – Monmouth Hub 6.30pm MCC, John, R, Papers for Monmouth Area Cluster meeting 26 Sept – Monmouth Hub 6.30pm MCC, Cook, R, Press Release re Mitchel Troy recycling centre opening times MCC, Parkinson, S, Give Dog Fouling the Red Card – meeting notes MCC, Jones,D, Press Release - Free business workshops to aid Monmouthshire’s entrepreneurs MCC, Hacker, T, September enforcement lists

OVW, Funding Schemes opened – Rural Business Investment Scheme – Food; and Glastir Advanced 2019 - OVW, WG Consultation – "Taking forward Wales' Sustainable Management of Natural Resources PlanningAid, Wales, Annual Conference, Cardiff 8 Nov PlanningAid Wales, Planning4Communitiees, downloadable training packs (free) Paper copies for sale CountrysideAlliance – nominate for the Rural Oscars OVW, September News Bulletin OVW, Area Committee 5 Oct WG, Independent Review Panel - seeking input into Review of Community and Town Councils Monmouth CAB, Enquiry about availability of additional funding/increase next year Wonastow PCC, request for churchyard maintenance support. IRPW, Draft Annual Report *next agenda re budget setting, Planning Aid Wales Conference, Cardiff, 8 Nov Reminder


- Junct R45/29.6 deep potholes near Valley View – not repaired when re-surfaced; -Road into Dingestow under bridge too narrow for two vehicles to pass without damaging pavement; - white lines worn out at zebra crossing in Mitchel Troy; - leaving Mitchel Troy towards Dingestow the de-restriction sign is missing; - R46 layby past Croft y Cloi – fly tipping

TUCC minutes, 18 Dec 2006 Page 4 of 5 17175 URGENT ITEMS AT CHAIR’S DISCRETION Mitchel Troy Bus shelter – still has not been replaced Clerk

17176 DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, 14 November 2017, Mitchel Troy Village Hall

Meeting Closed at: 21.35

MTUCC Meeting 10 October 2017 Chairman……………………………………………14/11/17 5

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