Online Resource 1 Evolutionary Lines in Leucheria Recognized by Crisci (1976)

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Online Resource 1 Evolutionary Lines in Leucheria Recognized by Crisci (1976)

Plant Systematics and Evolution

Phylogenetic reconstruction of the South American genus Leucheria Lag. (Asteraceae, Nassauvieae) based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences

Paola Jara-Arancio12, Paula M Vidal1, Jose L Panero3, Alicia Marticorena4, Gina Arancio5, Mary T. K. Arroyo 16

1 Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile 2 Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Departamento de Ecología y Biodiversidad, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile 3 Department of Integrative Biology, University Station C0930, University of Texas, USA 4 Herbario CONC, Departamento de Botánica, Universidad de Concepción 5 Departamento de Biología, Universidad de La Serena 6 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile e-mail corresponding author: [email protected]

Online Resource 1 Evolutionary lines in Leucheria recognized by Crisci (1976) Line Taxa Characteristics L. thermarum, L. magna, L. Caulescent with numerous large capitula. Inhabits 1 Line L. thermarum coerulescens Nothofagus forests. Caulescent with numerous capitula and highly L. glacialis, L. paniculata, L. tomentose. Inhabits Nothofagus forests and areas of 2 Line L. glacialis apiifolia, L. congesta, L. the north with drier conditions above 2000 m landbeckii, L. runcinata elevation L. amoena, L. rosea, L. viscida, L. Caulescent with large panicles and numerous small garciana, L. hieracioides, L. capitula, tomentose. Inhabitants of cold, dry places 3 Line L. amoena gilliesii, L. integrifolia, L. (Andean zone from 30º - 37º S and Andean valleys lithospermifolia with rigorous climates)

L. cerberoana, L. menana, L. cumingii, L. glabriuscula, L. Caulescent or rarely branched from the base, with tenuis, L. polyclados, L. 4 Line L. cerberoana few capitula. Inhabitants of coastal to high Andean oligocephala, L. multiflora, L. habitats in central Chile. tomentosa, L. senecioides, L. gayana, L. bridgesii Scapose acaulescent, small and very tomentose, L. candidissima, L. hahnii, L. with one or very few capitula. Inhabitants of the 5 Line L. candidissima purpurea, L. diemii, L. extreme south of the continent (except L. lentopodioides, L. suaveolens candidissima and L. diemii) where they occur in above treeline habitats, and in alpine-tundra. L. salina, L. daucifolia, L. Acaulescent or caulescent, with very few capitula, 6 Line L. salina eriocephala, L. millefolium, L. slightly tomentose. Found at both high a altitudes, scrobiculata, L. pteropogon reaching 5000 m.a.s.l. in Peru. Caulescent, small, branched from the base. 7 Line L. achillaeifolia L. achillaeifolia Believed to have descended from the high Andes to colonize the Patagonian steppe 8 Line L. nutans L. nutans Originally described as the genus Clybatis, comprising a single species (C. volkmanii), which is currently a synonym of L. nutans. Believed to be an early branching line of the genus Leucheria. Inhabits austral Andean areas of Argentina and Chile Formerly placed in the genus Eizaguirrea comprising three species (E. candollei, E. 9 Line L. floribunda L. floribunda cirsioides and E. sonchifolia), all of which are now synonymized under L. floribunda. Occurs in subandean vegetation in central Chile around 33º S.

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