Name of Your French-Speaking Country:______

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Name of Your French-Speaking Country:______

La Francophonie poster project

Your name:______Name of your French-speaking country:______

DIRECTIONS: Your job is to create a poster about a French-speaking country. This poster will answer all the questions on the back of the page, and also include some visuals. The idea is not to throw as much information on a poster as possible! Use the phrasing provided in order to make your poster readable in simple French.

Requirements:  (20 pts) Être is used properly  Correctly distinguishes between singular/plural  Uses ne+pas correctly  Does not use être with other verbs  (20 pts) Adjectives are used properly  Uses correct agreement (feminine, plural, etc)  Does not put ne+pas around negatives (that’s for être!)  (20 pts) Aller is used properly  Correctly distinguishes between singular/plural  Any future tense just conjugates Aller, not 2nd verb  (10 pts) Venir is used properly  Correctly distinguishes between singular/plural  Any recent past phrases use “Venir de” plus infinitive  (10 pts) Uses the words “because”, “therefore” and “but” to link ideas together. (For example, if you say the country is hot and then you say the country averages 95° in summer, combine them to say “the country is hot because it averages 95° in summer.)  (20 pts) Presentation /Completeness  Includes a three visuals (map, flag, pictures of people, food, clothing, locations, etc)  Is completely in French (DUH)  Answers at least 15 of the questions on the back of the page

Resources you may use: . a textbook . a dictionary . (Hint: if you go to a page in English, you can usually find its French equivalent by clicking “French” in the language column on the left) . (Facts and Images) . (online French-English dictionary)

YOU MAY NOT USE ANY TRANSLATION SITES!!!! But you may use Wordreference. Remember, any obvious outside translation (from the internet or friends/family) will receive a zero! You know how to say this stuff – keep it simple and you’ll be fine! QUESTION ANSWER (put this in French) 1. How do you say the name of the country in My country/region is ______. French? Mon pays/ Ma région est ______. 2. How do you call the nationality of the people in The people are ______(nationality)______. French? Les gens sont ______. 3. What kind of government do they have? The government in (country) is a ______. (monarchy, democracy, dictatorship, etc?) 4. Who is the leader of the country? ______is the king/queen/president/ prime minister/dictator/etc 5. What is this person like? He/she is ______. 6. What continent is your country on? (Country) is in ______. 7. What is the weather like in summer? in winter? The weather in summer/winter is ______. The average temperature is ____ degrees. La température moyenne est de ____ degrés. 8. What are 3 typical foods? Three typical dishes are ______. Trois plats typiques sont ______. 9. What do they taste/seem like? (salty, sweet, (Food #1) is/seems (me semble) ______. delicious, etc) 10. What are stereotypes (good or bad) that other I think that people who come from (country) are /A people have about your country? (If you can’t stereotype of people who come from (country) is: They find stereotypes, write about how they seem to are ______. They are not ______. you) 11. Has anything interesting just happen there? In (country), they just ______. 12. Why do tourists like to go to this country? Tourists go to (country) because/in order to ______. 13. What is a good idea to bring there? If you go to (country), bring ______. 14. Is there going to be anything interesting (Country) is going to ______in (time). happening in the country soon? 15. Do you want to visit this country? I’m going/ not going to visit (country) because _____. EXTRA CREDIT QUESTIONS (only do these if you are done all the other ones) A. What language(s) do they speak there? (Choose In (country), they speak ______. three if there are a lot) B. How many people live in the country? In (country), there are (il y a) ______#______people. C. What kind of people/ethnicities live there? (Ethnicity #1) are ___% of the population. (Choose three if there are a lot) D. How important is French in your country today? In (country), French (is very/ is somewhat/ is not very) important because people speak it (always/sometimes/rarely/in the government/in school/ etc).

DIRECTIONS: When you are done looking up the information in English, translate these sentences (not the questions) into French on a piece of loose-leaf. Use the basic French that you already know! Then, have Mme Dondero check your work before you put it on to a poster.

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