My School Anywhere Information Sheet

The PTA would like to share some exciting news about what we expect to be a simpler, easier sign up process. This year, you will sign up once, in one database for everything PTA related. We will provide a secure, online link below. Here are some details about what is new this year:

 The PTA directory - enter your information online. Once you are in the database this year, information updates will occur yearly via email confirmation that will be quick and easy so you don’t have to fill out a form every year your child is at Hoover Elementary. Your information will carry forward. Details are listed below to add your information, including accepting/declining to be included in the Hoover PTA directory, as well as letting us know what information you would like to include.

 PTA email blasts - we’ve moved from Constant Contact to MySchoolAnywhere so we can consolidate everything in one place. By signing up you will receive emails about all of the wonderful events we sponsor throughout the year at Hoover. We will send bi-weekly newsletters with updated calendar information, announcements from the PTA, the school, and the Community; and details about upcoming events throughout the school year.

 PTA membership - we now have an account so that payments can be made online for membership. If you prefer, you will still be able to fill out the online form and submit a check. Please follow this link to input your information.

Previous year’s information in the directories or Constant Contact will NOT carry forward so all families will be “new families” this year. After this year, when you are in the database, your children will graduate to the next year and you will receive a prompt to quickly confirm/update your information. Here’s the link followed by instructions:

1. After clicking on the link you will be prompted to click here to register your family.

2. Add your child’s last name and class information first. If you have more than one child start with the oldest child at Hoover. Once in the software you will be able to add additional children.

3. For your family information, input personal data you’d like to share. The only required data is marked with a red asterisk. Other data is optional. Work your way through the form before you think something is missing. This service has a standard template for data collection. For example, parent info is input first and does not include home phone number. The home phone number is included with household information like address, etc. After data is input you can select to opt out of displaying certain information (e.g., address, phone number, etc.) in the directory.

4. The next step is to enter your initials to confirm the process. If you have any questions, please contact: Julie Smith, Hoover Membership Committee Chair at [email protected] or Cristina Battaglia at [email protected] 5. Once you have entered all of your family information, you will be given options to sign up for Hoover PTA membership. Here you will want to select an Individual or Family Membership. Choose your option and add it to your cart.

6. While signing up for the PTA you will also be able to order your family pizza for our upcoming Fall Family Night. There will be both cheese and pepperoni pizza options. When selecting the quantity for pizza, please remember that this is a quantity of whole pizzas and not number attending the actual event.

7. After you have selected your PTA membership and ordered a pizza if you are attending Fall Family Night, you are ready to check out. You can choose to pay online through Paypal or print an invoice and pay with a check. If you wish to pay with a check please include the invoice with your check in an envelope labeled PTA Membership. Please leave the envelope in the PTA mailbox in the Hoover Elementary School Office.

The last update is to sign up to volunteer for Hoover events and activities that occur throughout the year, including homeroom volunteers. We will also be using the MySchoolAnywhere website to host all of our volunteering opportunities. How much time you volunteer is up to you! There is something for everyone. Please indicate your interest in one or more committees (or specific programs run by those committees). The respective committee chairperson(s) will contact you. For more information on our committees, and the programs they run, please go to Hoover’s PTA website and click on Committees in the left margin. You must first sign up for the Hoover PTA to access the volunteer opportunities. Once signed up, follow this link to sign up to volunteer:

1. Once on the website, enter your email address to have a unique link sent to your email address. Once you receive this link, click back to the MySchoolAnywhere site where you will see many options for volunteering.

2. If you would like to be a homeroom coordinator or volunteer, click view to have the options shown, look for your child’s specific grade and teacher and follow the sign up link. If you have more than one child at Hoover and would like to volunteer for more than one classroom, you can do so by following the signup link under each class.

3. If you plan on attending Fall Family Night, look for the signup to attend the event. Select number of adults as well as children that will be attending with your family.

4. Review the events and volunteer options that are available throughout the year. Many of these currently have a chair for the event but will need parent volunteers to help them run smoothly. Please signup up for any opportunities you are interested in even finding out more information about. Once signed up, and once closer to the time of the event, someone will reach out to you about volunteering. Once the Hoover School Directory is complete, your account will be approved to access the online directory.

I appreciate your time getting all of your information entered into our Hoover PTA database. I look forward to working with you in the upcoming school year.

Thank you. Cristina Battaglia Hoover PTA President