Parish of Long Melford s2

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Parish of Long Melford s2

Minutes of Long Melford Parish Council Meeting held in the Large Room, United Reform Church, Hall Street, Long Melford on Tuesday 3 rd March 2015

Present: Chairman: P Turner Councillors: S Dudden, R Kemp, J Lines, C Michette, R Michette, P Moreton, J Nunn and J Watts.

Also Present: During the course of the meeting eighteen members of the public.

Attending: Gifford Lewis (Clerk)

The meeting commenced at 7.00 p.m.

01/03/15 Chairperson’s announcements The Chairman, in welcoming both councillors and the public to this extra Council meeting, emphasised the ground rules and expected behaviour and respect of all during the meeting.

02/03/15 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs T Coll, H Spear, C Spraggons and S Wordley. These were accepted.

03/03/15 To Agree the Minutes of the Previous Meeting of 17th February 2015 . The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed.

04/03/15 Declarations of interest or hospitality. Whilst Cllrs Nunn and Turner offered to declare their interest as Directors of Long Melford Open Spaces (LMOS) Cllr R Michette queried whether this interest was of a pecuniary nature. The Council deemed that neither gained financially from their respective representation on behalf of the Parish Council. Cllr Kemp declared his interests as a County Councillor.

05/03/15 Application for Dispensations As per 04/03/15 none were declared.

06/03/15 To Receive Advice on the On-going Management of the Country Park and Railway Walk (i) Nick Collinson, Natural Environment Manager, Suffolk County Council reported to Council on a meeting on 25th February 2015 between two of his colleagues and LMOS representatives. On behalf of the County Council he would be prepared to offer advice on an updated Local Nature Reserve Management Plan prior to its formal adoption by the Parish Council. He would be providing LMOS with a list of firewood contractors but stressed the need for the Council to differentiate between tree safety and the more ‘aesthetic’ management of trees. In referring to grant support he identified

Page 1 the opportunities of potential funding via the Forestry Commission / Countryside Stewardship and LEADER Wool Town. In thanking Mr Collinson the Chairman advised Council that expert opinion would be required on tree safety. Mr Collinson suggested that the required independent advice should be procured and that this would help to guide the Council in its policies towards particular species such as sycamore. At this point two members of the public joined the meeting. (ii) Mr McKenna, Chair, LMOS informed Council that the total costs of running the Country Park and Railway Walk had been exaggerated. The annual running costs including insurance / utilities and tree works were £8500 and £2500 respectively. Any other costs including capital were incidental to these costs. For the 6 month extension LMOS would require £4000 from the Parish Council and agreement to new measures involving Council volunteers. He accepted that the Management Plan would require updating in its adoption by the Council and would welcome the opportunity of continuing to work with Suffolk Wildlife Trust. The Country Park and Railway Walk was a valuable community and tourist asset with 3 reviews on Trip Advisor. A survey had indicated support for the level of activity and direction by LMOS and reinforced the tremendous role played by the volunteers. Cllr C Michette reiterated the Council’s need to safeguard flora and fauna. Through the Chair Mr Collinson advised Council that the balance of protecting the wildlife and providing public access was a key factor within the adopted Management Plan. Cllr R Michette questioned the initial negotiations with Suffolk County Council and the subsequent lease. In response the Chairman reminded him of the pertaining challenges and position of the Council and the extent of the deliberations prior to his Chairmanship. 07/03/15 To Adjourn the Meeting for a Public Forum Related to Matters Relevant to the Agenda The Council agreed that Standing Orders be suspended in order that members of the public may ask relevant questions of the Chair. A member of the public stated his concerns about statements possibly attributed to Councillors. In response the Chairman requested that these be put in writing to the Clerk. Another member of the public requested a vote by show of hands on support for the volunteers. Cllr Moreton praised the work of volunteers and questioned the conflict of interests by Cllrs Nunn and Turner as LMOS Directors. Through the Chair the Clerk read out paragraph 23.1 of LMOS Articles of Association that required two Parish Council Councillors to be appointed as Directors. A further member of the public re-iterated Mr McKenna’s comments concerning finance and stated that LMOS would be able to secure a lower insurance premium. The Chairman noted her comments.

Page 2 08/03/15 To Reconvene the Meeting Following the Public Forum The Council agreed that Standing Orders be enforced at the conclusion of the public forum. 09/03/15 To Consider the Re-instatement of Wildlife Signs The Chairman advised Council that Suffolk Wildlife Trust would be happy to advise it on appropriate signage in the context of other involvement with the Country Park and Railway Walk.

10/03/15 To Consider the Production of a Biodiversity Management Plan for the Country Park and Railway Walk The Chairman informed Council of his discussions with the Community Wildlife Advisor, Suffolk Wildlife Trust concerning the drawing up of a Local Nature Reserve Management Plan. This would be in conjunction with an independent tree safety assessment. Further, the Suffolk Wildlife Trust would be willing to assist with an Open Day. Cllr R Michette proposed and Cllr Watts seconded that (i) the Council ask Suffolk Wildlife Trust, with assistance from Suffolk County Council, to draw up a Local Nature Reserve Management Plan for Council adoption and (ii) the Chairman and Vice Chairman procure an independent and accredited arborist, at a cost of no greater than £1000, to undertake a tree survey. Council agreed this motion. At this point Mr Collinson, in leaving the meeting, was again thanked. 11/03/15 To Confirm the Interim Management Arrangements by Long Melford Open Spaces of the Country Park and Railway Walk The Chairman referred Council to its previous resolution on the interim management of the Country Park and Railway Walk until 30th September 2015. He called for a vote on the Council’s support towards the significant role played by LMOS volunteers. This was unanimous. Accordingly, the Vice Chairman and he would discuss with the Chair, LMOS the interim arrangements and the requested grant.

12/03/15 To Consider the Production of a Business / Development Plan for the Country Park and Railway Walk In accepting the focus should be on the adoption of a Local Nature Reserve Management Plan and independent tree survey the Chairman re-iterated the need for a Business / Development Plan. Whilst this could only be actioned by the incoming Council he and the Vice-Chairman would consider options towards initiating an appropriate plan for the Council’s direction towards the Country Park and Railway Walk.

13/03/15 Closure The meeting closed at 9.16 p.m.

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