Meeting Started/Ended: Andy Called Meeting to Order at 6:39 P

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Meeting Started/Ended: Andy Called Meeting to Order at 6:39 P

Meeting Started/Ended: Greg Janes called meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Attendance LSC Members (an “X” signifies attendance): X Jennifer Boyle Tucker Parent Rep X Priya Uhlig - Teacher Rep Chris Fortier - Parent Rep X Mary Lubben - Community Rep X Ellen Howard - Parent Rep X Jessica Ashley – Parent Rep X Nate Manaen- Principal X Greg Janes - Parent Rep X Jeff Switzer - Teacher Rep X Julio Sierra- Parent Rep

X Brandon Norder – Community Rep. X Kayla Hauge – Paraprofessional Rep Public Participation – A parent expressed concern with the restroom break policy for 8th grade girls. Additionally, the parent asked about some of the repairs needed in the restrooms (stall doors and toilets). Mr. Manaen will follow up on the repairs and made clear that if students need to use the restroom, access will not be denied.

Motions Content Proposed Seconded Discussion Vote I move to approve the Mary Brandon None Passed minutes from the October unanimously. 13, 2014 LSC meeting I move to adjourn Brandon Mary None Passed unanimously.


The LSC tour a tour of the school during the meeting. This gave the LSC a inside look of great things that are happening at Ravenswood on day to day basis. After the tour the LSC discussed the space issues at the school and how this is becoming a problem. It is clear that strategic decisions will need to be made to help meet the growing needs of the school.

The new nut free policy was discussed and the LSC hopes to have final procedures and communication finalized at the next LSC meeting.

Calendar of Upcoming Meetings

December 8, 2014 January 12, 2015 February 9, 2015 March 9, 2015 April 13, 2015 May 11, 2015 June 8, 2015 November Principal’s Report Budget Fund 115- Buckets created for teacher planning.

Fund 225- Bilingual Position created and search underway.

Fund 356- Will be used to pay for ½ time ESL teacher

Copiers- Purchased and delivered. The machines are running smoothly and we just received training on them from the vendor. They are built to be much sturdier and less jam-prone than previous machines.

Math Materials- Purchased and en route! (Some algebra materials pending review from Central Office)

Printers: Quotes received and will be purchased within the next few weeks. We will be purchasing 2 printers to be installed in the north and south wing.

Culture and Climate Health and Wellness Committee: We will be meeting again on 11/17. I’ll provide minutes from the meeting at our December LSC meeting.

Positive Discipline: Thanks to the support of a generous parent, Ravenswood staff and families will have the chance to receive positive discipline training this school year. This is critical given our new staff and teachers working in newer positions.

Recess Training: I’ve been working with Ms. Alison to improve the quality of our recess supervision this year. Ms. Alison and Mr. Nick have attended recess training by the district and I’ve also connected them with training on positive discipline. Additionally, we’ve juggled staff around and clarified recess supervision expectations and strategies.

Student Behavior and Misconducts- To be shared at meeting

Student Attendance- To be shared at meeting

Staff Attendance- To be shared at meeting

Operations and Safety Aramark- After e-mailing photos of our building to Aramark and Central Office I’ve seen an improvement in the cleanliness of our building. Aramark is currently working on adjusting custodial schedules to meet our school’s needs and increase the number of staff assigned to the school. I will continue to take photos and send them downtown until we attain a level of cleanliness promised by Aramark.

Basketball- An outside league will be hosting games at Ravenswood on Tuesday nights starting in January. The teams will be 6th grade girls basketball teams.

Day of Service- We have a great turnout and accomplished a lot on our Fall Day of Service including painting over old murals (to create new murals), continuing our library renewal project, cleaning out the MDF room, an outdoor campus cleanup and moving old equipment and books downstairs for removal/donations! Safety Drills- On Wednesday Nov. 2nd we completed our Shelter in Place and Lockdown Drills. We’ve also complete 3 fire drills thus far this year.

Instruction REACH- Currently almost everyone in the building has received their first REACH evaluation. Tenured teachers who have received a rating of “proficient” or higher receive 2 evaluations this year and tenured teachers who receive a “developing” or lower rating as well as all non-tenured teachers will receive 4 evaluations this year. Evaluations must be 90 days apart for tenured staff who are proficient or above and 30 days apart for everyone else.

Instructional Leadership Team- Our ILT is meeting one the first and second Tuesday of each month for an hour and a half each time to map our professional development work for the year and monitor school growth. Our ILT also met for a retreat at the end of October to map our PD time to our CIWP priorities. We’ve determined the following foci by type of PD below:

GLTs (weekly): Rotating schedule of unit planning, MTSS, peer observations and feedback, and CCSS/NGSS work

Staff Meetings (monthly): Rotating schedule of committee work, quarterly PD follow up, and unit alignment and review

Quarterly PD (quarterly half days): Ongoing focus on arts integration, positive discipline, inclusion and EL instruction

Additionally, per our last LSC meeting teachers will have the chance to use planning half days and full days to plan arts-integrated units, inclusion and EL supports. These PD times and foci closely align with our CIWP and ensure that we are working on the goals and priorities and mission we’ve identified for ourselves.

Nov. 7 PD- Our PD last Friday focused on 4 areas: committee work (rewriting CIWP milestones for specificity and clarity), arts integration, positive discipline, inclusion and English Learner education. Teachers used the other half of the day to work on report cards and prepare for conferences. Additionally, all support staff attended all PDs so that our work and foci is spread throughout the building.

Inclusion and EL Planning Days- Thus far 3 sets of teachers have used the SPED planning days and no EL teachers have.

Family and Community Bilingual Advisory Council- Our second meeting will take place this Friday at 9AM. Our first meeting of the year had 19 parents! I look forward to continuing to strengthen the BAC as well as working with our bilingual community here at Ravenswood.

Infrastructure Playground: There are still a few miscellaneous items to be wrapped up including signage and parking.

Marquee: Construction on the marquee sculpture is set to begin this month. Additionally, the marquee programming continues to be deleted as CPS has been upgrading it’s software and systems. I anticipate this final round of upgrades will allow us regular use of the marquee again.

Staffing: Bilingual ½ Time Position- We are still looking for a highly qualified half time bilingual teacher and have a lead on a couple promising candidates!

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