Columbia High School / Richland Bombers

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Columbia High School / Richland Bombers

“This Is It” Columbia High School / Richland Bombers Class of 69 Reunion Schedule

There comes a time when one realizes that simplification in the reunion process is a good thing both from those who are involved in planning it and those who enjoy attending. With this in mind your reunion committee has made a command decision to set our reunion dates and format “In Stone” from here on out until the last man or woman standing. As you know, or perhaps you haven’t heard, there is a reunion organization for Columbia/Richland High School called “Club 40”. Classmates are eligible to join and participate in their event(s) typically held on a yearly basis as long as their class has already had, or passed, their 40th reunion. We don’t want to discourage you from joining/attending “Club 40” thus we wanted to ensure you know of its availability. If you are interested in joining “Club 40” visit their Web site at for membership and activity information. Based on the input we received after our 40th reunion we felt it would be appropriate to always have a separate reunion for our class for those who would like to attend. Reunion Schedule for the Class of 69

Our reunions will always be held on the third weekend in August (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) thus the scheduled dates are as follows:

45th Reunion will be held on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of August 2014 50th Reunion will be held on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of August 2019 55th Reunion will be held on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of August 2024 60th Reunion will be held on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of August 2029 65th Reunion will be held on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of August 2034 70th Reunion will be held on the 19th, 20th, and 21st of August 2039 75th Reunion will be held on the 19th, 20th, and 21st of August 2044

Some may wonder why we aren’t listing dates for an 80th reunion but I/we guarantee you one will be held if enough classmates are still kicking to enjoy such events as wheel chair races, bedpan horseshoes, cane/crutch fencing, and denture hacky sack to name a few. One can only hope that DNA advancements will happen fast enough in our lifetime :O). Reunion Events for the Class of 69

The events listed are the ones “Set in Stone” but their locations may change depending upon availability. Some may wonder why a major dinner/party is not listed but at this time we are following the “KISS” principle but changes can always be considered over time.

Friday Night – Get together at the “Hanford House” lounge (currently called Ripples) – 6:00 PM till closing – 802 George Washington Way Saturday Night - Get together at the “Hanford House” lounge (currently called Ripples) – 6:00 PM till closing – 802 George Washington Way Note: No, you’re not seeing double. It’s simple and convenient and primarily we just want to get together to enjoy each other’s company. Sunday Noon – Family picnic at Columbia Point (turn at Winco off of GeorgeWashingtonWay and drive to the parking lot beside the river on the end of the road). It’s a potluck affair so bring something to eat and drink and share with your fellow classmates. Reunion Special Events for the Class of 69

At this time none of the following are planned for any of the upcoming reunions but they can always be spearheaded, planned, communicated, and coordinated by classmates as desired.

Events such as: Friday Day Golf – Test your skills at Columbia Point, Horn Rapids, Canyon Lakes, or the West Richland Golf Courses – Typical tee time would be 10AM with a lunch to follow. Saturday Morning (9AM) Tour of Richland High School – Yes somehow there might be spudnuts and coffee for those brave enough to get up this early. Saturday Day Noon Wine Tour and Lunch – This could be, as it has in the past, at the Hedges or Chandler Reach Wineries.

Note: Over time we may come up with other choices/options for mid-day visiting among classmates and this information could/would be disseminated at our Friday night get together. Reunion Communication for the Class of 69

The date/time and makeup of our reunions will be communicated as follows:  Alumni Sandstorm on the Web at  Class of 69 Web Page This article and any pertinent changes (i.e. locations, venue, etc.) will be posted there.  Your Email – As long as I have a valid email you will receive a notification prior to any reunion. This assumes I’m still kicking. :O)  Mailing – We will send one mailing to communicate this “Set in Stone” reunion information prior to our 45th reunion. After that we will rely on electronic communication and the fixed schedule posted. Just know that when the 3rd weekend in August is upon us, on our five year cycle graduation date, we will have a get together that we would like you to attend if at all possible.

Memory Books for the Class of 69

I will attempt to update our class database/memory book with your contact and personal information that you desire to share before each reunion. Obtaining this update info will be done via phone, internet, Facebook, and certain search mediums to the extent practical. Once we no longer have valid contact data on a classmate the old contact data will be removed but any additional family info or comments by the classmate will remain unless directed otherwise. When Memory books are available they will be provided at a break even cost if pre-ordered and you’ll receive them at the reunion. There will be a small postage fee (2$) if I need to send the book to your address. Current content will not vary except updates from classmates, the dedication to fallen classmates section/listing and/or if I or any of you have ideas to spice up the books. I will have memory books created based on up front ordering (two months prior to the scheduled reunions) with a few more added for those who didn’t order in advance to be purchased at our reunion. Other Costs of the Reunion for Attendees

No cost for attending but drinks and food at the lounge can add up. Special events, if held and attended, will have a cost associated with them. Yes, we will have a donation jar at the venues to defray mailing costs and the City of Richland rent on our Sunday picnic gazebo and a few eats, but hopefully it will only be minor expenses that need to be covered going forward. We have requested (and received) a special room rate from the “Handford House” for the 15th and 16th of August. The rooms and the rate are based on an “as available basis” with the cost being $109 per night for up to four individuals so please make your reservation in advance (1-800-733-5466) asking for “Richland High School 69 discount” if you desire a room.

Other Hotels to consider:

Richland Hampton Inn 943-4400 Shilo Inn 946-4661 Days Inn 943-4611 Kennewick Red Lion Hotel 783-0611 Comfort Inn 783-8396 Days Inn 735-9511 Pasco Red Lion Hotel 547-0701 Holiday Innn Express Hotel and Suites 543-7000 Classmate Information

Please fill out the form below if you want changes to your current information in our class memory book and/or order a memory book. I encourage you to share anything you want with classmates such as hobbies, family, skills, vacation favorites, web sites, pictures (family, pets, etc.) (ensure you send as high a resolution as possible for pictures), poetry, recipes, and such.

Current content for you in the memory book is pasted below if you’re receiving this via email or it is attached to this page if you were mailed a hardcopy (I always prefer an email response back as copy/paste is faster). As a minimum we would like to include your physical address information, phone number, and email address in our memory book if at all possible. This information is only distributed to classmates who purchase memory books and is not published/distributed electronically unless permission has been given by you to have it listed in our Class of 69 Web Page at Classmate Update/Memory Book Ordering for 45th Reunion

___Leave my information as is ___Change my information as indicated

___I would like an updated memory book and will pick it up at the reunion Cost is $11 each payable on Friday or Saturday night

___I would like an updated memory book sent to me as I will not be attending Cost is $11 each plus $2 for shipping. Send payment with any update info to me.

___Please add my email or ___Please remove my email - from class of 69 web site

Please list your updated information below ------Classmate Name: ______Please send updates via email if possible to [email protected] Or mail to Tom Albert 1531 Thayer Dr. Richland, WA 99354 Make checks out to “Tom Albert” Questions?????? Call Tom at 509-713-6865 Update required by July 1st to be entered in memory book……..thanks ------

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