FRS Marine Lab
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Fisheries Research Services School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen
Point of Contact: Dr. Carey Cunningham [email protected] Point of Contact: Dr. Beth Scott [email protected] Mailing lists for large groups within IBES Aqautic Environment Programme: Prof Colin Moffat [email protected] Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences (IBES) Prof John Speakman [email protected] Aquaculture and Aquatic Animal Health Programme: Dr Rob Raynard [email protected] Ecology : Prof Xavier Lambin [email protected] Lighthouse Prof Paul Thompson [email protected] Fisheries Management Programme: Oceanlab Prof Monty Priede [email protected] Dr Bill Turrell [email protected] ACES Aberdeen Centre for Environmental Sustainability UKPOPNET UK National Population Biology Network Freshwater Programme: Dr Trevor Hastings [email protected] Integrative physiology: Dr. Les Noble [email protected] Scottish Fish Immunology Research Centre Prof Chris Secombes [email protected]
Biological Interactions in Soil: Dr Adam Price [email protected] FRS Research Vessels Cruise Programme FRS has two major research vessels, Scotia and Alba na Mara FRS & Scottish Government-funded research (ROAMEs) (FRSVessels) and smaller inshore boats. These vessels carry out annual FRS carries out research funded by the Scottish Government under the cruise programmes that include surveys for species such as herring, cod, ROAME (Rationale, Objectives, Appraisal, Monitoring, Evaluation) monkfish, sandeel and nephrops, hydrobiology, plankton and system that is widely used in government departments and agencies. hydrography work, sampling under the National Marine Monitoring Scientific priorities and R&D proposals are developed in early spring and a Programme and other environmental sampling. Information about cruises shortlist is decided at a Scottish Government/ FRS away day in May/June. can be obtained from the relevant scientist-in-charge for a particular cruise Detailed proposals are then developed and final decisions on whether to or the ships’ manager, Iain Gibb ([email protected]) proceed or not made at Forward Look meetings in autumn dates for input of concepts for Post-graduate research Projects.
FRS-Aberdeen Collaborative Research Funding PhDs: Entry in October Project proposals due from Nov, must have by Scottish Industry/Science Partnership (SISP). Joint industry/science June. There are internal NERC and BBSRC studentships available each research projects which enhance the existing valuable cooperation between year – competition is in early December. There are also internal Industrial the Scottish catching sector and fisheries science providers. Point of and College studentships that require 50% funding. See more detail on contact Joyce Petrie Graduate school web page: PhD Joint PhD’s and Post-Doctorates. Point of contact Carey Cunningham MSc / MRes: Entry in October. Project proposals due from Dec, must Research Council Funding: Research projects, Post-docs & PhDs have by Feb. Project sheet is available from Jean Harley. Please see more Point of contact -Karen McArdle ([email protected]) details on the Graduate school web page: MSc
NERC Standard Research grants- 1st July, 1st December 4pm Honours 4th year students work on individual research projects potentially Consortium and partnership grants - 1st July, 1st December 4pm from May, but always from Sept to Dec (first 12 weeks of autumn Small research grants - 1st September 4pm semester). They can choose from a list of topics that will be submitted by New Investigator - 1st February 4pm supervisors in March. Contact Mark Young for information and Sam Hall Studentships: CASE Studentships - late October 4pm for project sheet. Specific calls with variable dates: Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services and poverty reduction Annual Post-Graduate National Conferences Oceans2025 Strategic Ocean Funding Initiative Scottish Marine Group Spring and Autumn meetings Integrative Physiology Post-Graduate students Conference BBSRC Responsive Mode – 3rd week in Jan, April, July and October Studentships: Quota doctoral training grant competition early September Weekly Seminars Series at University of Aberdeen (Programme) Targeted Priority Studentship Competition early September Wednesday PhD talks (1-2 pm) Colin Selman Industrial CASE Competition early October Thursday Community Ecology and Conservation (1-2pm) Sarah Woodin Specific calls: Friday Ecology Seminar (1-2 pm) invited speakers Jane Reid
EPSRC Responsive Mode - no closing date (apply any time). Weekly Informal discussion groups at University of Aberdeen Studentships Industrial CASE signing-up 31/08/08 / Student form 01/09/08 Tuesdays Lab discussion groups (Chris Secombes) Specific calls: Thursday Ecology discussion groups (4-5 pm) Alex Millon
EU Funding EU/FRAMEWORK 7 Weekly Seminars Series at FRS / Pitlochry (FRS Programme) Point of contact - Crystal Anderson ([email protected]) Joint PhD, MSc/MRes, Honours Research Opportunities