IB 12 Comparative Essay: Hamlet

To conclude our study of Hamlet for now, you will write an essay comparing two aspects of the play. You will choose one of the IB Paper 2 Exam Questions (on the back) and develop an original, focused thesis. The requirements are below:

 1200 minimum -1500 words maximum NOT including heading, title, or Works Cited page– MLA Format: 12 point, Times New Roman, double spaced, standard margins (1” all the way around)

 Develop a thesis that addresses the question and is focused, manageable, arguable and clear

 Make sure your introduction to your paper clearly introduces the play and any characters mentioned in the thesis, and clearly defines any terms in the thesis that the reader will need to understand to understand your argument

 Balance the paper so that the space dedicated to each aspect of the play and the depth of analysis for each of the compared aspects is equal (see Comparative Essay Structure handout)

 Quote and cite the works and analyze the quoted text thoroughly (dig into the text) in order to prove your thesis

 Lead-ins to your quotations must provide clear CONTEXT for the quoted material: who, what, where, when, etc.

 Paper 2 requires that you discuss literary conventions and their impact. Remember to address in your argument the author’s use of the particular convention raised by the prompt you chose

 Remember that you should not address ONLY similarities or ONLY differences, but BOTH.

 Paper 2 requires that you evaluate the author’s use of the convention. To do this you will need to explore where you believe Shakespeare has made the most effective use of the convention

 Word count must be stated two spaces under final paragraph.

 Correctly formatted Works Cited page required (5% off grade if missing)

DUE DATES:  Fri 10.21: Introduction and assignment  Mon 10.24: Initial evidence and thesis draft for peer editing—BRING A TYPED PAPER COPY  Fri 10.28: Formal MLA Outline due for peer editing—BRING A TYPED PAPER COPY  Wed 11.2: Draft due for peer editing—BRING A TYPED PAPER COPY  Mon 11.7: Final Draft due to turnitin.com by 7:20 A.m.—No paper copy will be submitted. NOTE! If your draft is not submitted to turnitin.com by 7:20 AM on Monday, Nov. 7, you will receive a zero on the paper.

Choose one of the following prompts: 1. Soliloquies are a convention of drama in which characters are able to reveal their inner thoughts. Consider how and to what dramatic effects Shakespeare has used two soliloquies to reveal and develop character in the play Hamlet. 2. The words and deeds of a character may contradict or correspond to one another. In Hamlet compare the extent and effect of such contradiction and/or correspondence of words and deeds in relation to two different characters. 3. Consider the ways in which Shakespeare makes use of two different stock or stereotypical characters in Hamlet, and compare the effects achieved. 4. We are fascinated by the play of power and persuasion in relationships: explore and compare the dynamics in relationships, and the dramatic means by which they are established, in two different moments of power and persuasion in the play Hamlet. 5. Individuals can be seen as representatives of a group, such as those based on generation, class or gender. With reference to Hamlet, compare how Shakespeare portrays conflicts within such groups through two different individual characters. 6. By what means and to what effect has Shakespeare used the convention of a significant arrival and/or departure to enrich Hamlet? Compare the means and effect of two different instances of significant arrival and/or departure.