Davis United Methodist Church

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Davis United Methodist Church

Davis United Methodist Church We are an inclusive community committed to living and teaching the love of Jesus Christ Church Council Meeting OCTOBER 26, 2016

Present: Cid Barcellos, Joe Archer, Paul Grench, Mary Anne Ingenthron, Joyce Smuda, Janice Morand, Dick Dowell, Louanne Horsfield, John Knight (leader), Pastor Brandon, Marge Matoba (notetaker)

Minutes were approved

Calendar events updates  Picture Directory photo sessions, Nov. 7 & 8, 12:00-8:00 , Nov. 9, 10:00 – 5:00 Kathy Schinsk asked members to encourage people to sign up, especially families with children (childcare is provided)  Prayer Vigil, Nov. 8--Pastor Brandon Austin will have the sanctuary open all day for prayer. Worship Service from 7:00-8:00. The Council agreed that this was a good idea.

 Harvest Observance Nov. 13--Pastor Brandon - Harvest of all the ministries that we do. He asks that different ministries share what they do with pictures and brief commentary. So far we have Grace Garden, Trustees, Historian (Kathy Schinski) and Beth Flory, but still need others.

 Alternative Giving Fair, Nov 20--Paul Grench – there will be tables selling things for various causes including: Sierra Club, Heifer Project, VIM, Prayer Shawl ministry, Grace Garden. Karen Hudson Bates is in charge

 Interfaith Service for Thanksgiving , Nov 22, 7:00 p.m. at DCC. Pastor Brandon Austin will be a part of it. There will be a pie potluck afterwards. They’re also asking the mayor.

 IRWS, Dec 4- 11 Sign ups will begin in November. Training for volunteers on Sunday Nov. 20.

 Advent small groups -Louanne Horsfield - The book is Not a silent night by Adam Hamilton 5 sessions, either Sundays at 3:00 or Mondays at 7:00, starting either on the 13th or 21st of Nov., ending on 18th or 19th of Dec.

 Blue Christmas Dec 18, 7:00 p.m. at UMC Davis. Joyce Smuda - plans and structure are in place. Invitation to the community to come. Promoted through the Enterprise, flyers on bulletin boards, other clergy will be invited to participate, too.

 Christmas Eve and Christmas services - Joyce Smuda and Brandon- Family service will be at 5:00 on Christmas Eve. The other, more contemplative, one at 9:00 p.m. Christmas Day service will be at 11:00 only-

 Endowment Committee Meeting - Pastor Brandon - possibly in January (Joe is chair)

 Transition Workshop (tentatively set for Jan. 2017)- Pastor Brandon explained its purpose is help make the transition to a new minister. Open to everyone, especially leaders of the church. 3 hours with interaction/sharing/discussion—maybe a breakfast, then workshop, then break for lunch

Roster of Officers for charge conference- Nominating Committee (Brandon) – There are various vacancies, some may be filled by people who haven’t responded yet, but they are still looking for more people.

Trustees Report-Dick Dowell  Church workday on Nov. 5th – Dick asked to let him know if any ministries could use some work.  Improvements to Pastor’s study—Going to look quite different, IKEA bookshelf, closet, etc.  Recommendation that Council form an ad hoc committee to study labyrinth hazard resolution –Trustees would like a better picture of how to approach it—need to decide what value the labyrinth has, what needs to be preserved so that it serves its purpose, what are the values of those who donated money for it/use it. Then come up with possible solutions, look at cost/feasibility, then make a decision or bring choices to Church Council. Volunteers will be asked from worship, pathways, interested lay parties. Trustees will pursue finding members. Joyce volunteered. Finance and Budget Report - Joe Archer and Mary Anne Ingenthron. We are in decent shape this year with a positive balance of $13000 with 3 months to go and pledges on schedule, but some big expenses are coming up. A serious concern is pledges for 2017--$213928 with 70 pledging units—we usually have about 100 pledges and need close to $300,000. Finance committee will enter cautiously into budget process. Budget requests are due Nov. 1. Special giving during the holiday season. Pastor will send a letter asking for extra giving (could emphasize three missions: Kies, Grace in Action, CA House). Christmas Eve giving best if it’s for a mission, John Knight thought it might be good if it were for the homeless, other charities were also discussed.

We are providing drinks for the Charge Committee 4:00, Oct. 30.

Membership Report -Brandon shared a list of new, professing members plus inactives. He asked that we tell him if a name on the list is wrong or if someone who’s a member has died. We need to contact inactive people.

Final Church Council meeting of 2016: Tentatively set for Wed. Dec. 21 especially for looking at the budget.

Closing Prayer by Pastor Brandon Austin

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