Historic Atkins-Porter Neighborhood Association (HAPNA) Meeting Minutes September 21, 2016

The following 25 friends and neighbors were in attendance at the AP Rec Center: Victor Brisendine, Bob Burton, Alex and Libby Conca, Kerri Crowther, Rhonda Dias, Annette Douglas, Ray and Noragene Harding, Gaines and Becky Hedges, Suzy Herron, Sheree Johnson, Susan Jones, Bob and Julie Leach, Shannon McFarlin, Kat McGavin, Ed and Vickey Roberts, Pat Stephens, Pat Terrell, Carol Thorogood, Kelli Zwayer, speaker Geneva Tharpe

After President Ed Roberts opened the meeting, and attendees introduced themselves.

Gaines Hedges moved to approve the minutes and Vickey Roberts made a second. Minutes approved.

Funds Treasurer Annette Douglas reported that our bank account will be opened at First Bank. We have a tax ID number and are in the process of registering as a Tennessee non-profit association. The bylaws have been created and we are ready to apply for 501c3 tax-exempt status. There is a $400 cost associated with that.

FREE Membership She encouraged everyone to fill out a membership form. Membership is free. Folks who don’t live or own property in the neighborhood can join as honorary members. These forms are also available at meetings an on Nextdoor (ND). Return them at meetings or by email or mail.

Join ND Annette reminded members to also join ND online. We have 119 members on ND. This is not the same as becoming a member of HAPNA. Email Annette on ND with questions.

The House Next Door Ray Harding presented a fascinating program on his historic, Walnut Street home. (His notes are attached.)

Peden Hill Neighborhood Watch Geneva Tharpe spoke to the group about the Peden Hill Neighborhood Watch (PHNW), which encompasses six streets. In 2001 neighbors noticed new traffic, speeding and strangers. Peden Hill neighbors organized PHNW for protection of Sparks Street Church of Christ and the surrounding community. Chief Cooper was instrumental in helping get organized. Geneva suggested:  ordering the NW books  getting to know your neighbors  getting block captains  getting NW signage  keeping houses repaired  applying for grants  meeting once a month with speakers such as PPD, HCMC, PFD, Office on Aging, etc. re personal safety, child safety, CPR and first aid, gangs, drugs, fire prevention, fraud, auto safety, etc.  getting code to report issues anonymously

Concerns There was discussion about speeding and neighborhood eyesores that affect health and safety. Gaines Hedges reminded individuals to email www.paris tn.gov to report a concern because the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Call Police FIRST It was also discussed that it you see something that is questionable, BEFORE you put it on Next Door or FB, CALL THE POLICE. In his presentation at a previous HAPNA meeting, Chief Elizondo was insistent that we always call the police and keep calling till the issue is resolved.

Cameras Highland Street neighbor Victor Brisendine said that he was creating a website with a live cam on the dog park. Regarding security, he wondered about putting cameras on both ends of Walnut and other places in the neighborhood. He suggested that, “Once the drug dealers and speeders find out we have this, they will find another place to deal.”

The next meeting will be October 19th with social time/snacks at 6:30 and the meeting at 7pm.

With no more business, the meeting was adjourned.

Susan Jones Secretary