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Xavier University Newswire Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2010-01-20 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2010). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 581. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/581 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact exhibit@xavier.edu. January 20, 2010 XAVIER NEWSWIRE Volume XCV Published since 1915 by the students of Xavier University Issue 17 Xavier responds Men soar over Flyers (again) The Xavier community, including Xavier topped Dayton 78-74 on Saturday, ALWAYS ONLINE: several student groups, is raising electrifying a home crowd that hasn’t seen money to assist the relief effort a Dayton win in Cincy since 1981. xavier.edu/ after the disaster in Haiti. NEWS, pg 3 SPORTS, pg 8 newswire inside @ Developments Recent numbers show on recent area criminal decrease in crime in ‘09 activity Decline C-2 carjacking On Dec. 2, 2009, a student’s attributed to car was stolen at gunpoint in the C-2 parking lot. The student was unharmed new policing and the car was recovered the next morning, and returned to strategies the student. BY ANDREW CHESTNUT Campus Police identified Managing Editor the stolen car driving on Dana Avenue, leading to a short Xavier Campus Police’s re- pursuit. cently compiled report shows Xavier and Cincinnati Police that on-campus crime statistics in pursued the car until the four sus- 2009 are down in several catego- pects fled the car. A search failed ries from 2008 levels, said Xavier to locate the suspects. Police Chief Michael Couch. Since that time, an investiga- “Despite the public percep- tion of fingerprints lifted from tion that crime may have gone up items left in the car matched and at Xavier, the numbers show that Newswire photo by Scott Holsman identified at least one suspect in crime overall decreased signifi- Campus­Police­report­the­number­of­arrests­and­citations­fell­in­2009­as­a­result­of­new­engagement­initiative. the case, against whom charges cantly in 2009,” Couch said. have been filed for possession of Campus Police does not keep “clearly reportable”—in 2009, from 12 to three instances. winter holiday, Couch said. stolen property. crime statistics in Norwood or ar- representing a 9 percent decrease Small criminal damaging, such “The community oriented “This is the first carjacking we eas neighboring Xavier, and could from the previous year. as damage to residence halls, de- policing initiative also includes a have had in the 30 years I have not comment on any changes in Additionally, there were 33 creased 30 percent, while misde- number of programs to reach out been here,” said Xavier Police off-campus crime levels. “part two” crimes—less serious meanor citations, such as underage to students,” Sgt. Ken Grossman, Chief Michael Couch. Couch believes the downturn offenses that are considered mis- consumption citations, decreased crime prevention specialist said. “Campus Police did everything in on-campus crime statistics can demeanors—in 2009, decreasing 18 percent in the past year. “These include four programs it could to help the student after be attributed to the community 11 percent from 2008. Parking citations dropped from planned to educate students about the ordeal, including offering oriented policing initiative. Reports of theft on campus 7,196 to 6,107, or 15 percent, in safe off-campus living and how to counseling,” he said. This program, initiated last decreased 3 percent, and reported the same time period. No thefts select safe off- campus housing,” August, calls for officers to proac- theft in residence halls dropped were reported on campus over the he said. Breaking and entering tively involve themselves in differ- suspect ent aspects of the Xavier commu- Campus Police recently ar- nity, Couch said, adding that this rested one suspect that was found involvement, termed “servicing,” Global virus infects, harms breaking and entering the campus can mean anything from walking construction site, said Couch. through an on-campus business The suspect was found to to assisting a motorist with a flat Xavier computer network be under investigation from tire. Norwood Police for two other BY MEGHAN BERNEKING Hanson, manager of Discovery tinued to come back. By about 4 “Officers went through train- robberies and was a suspect ing to learn how to increase their News Editor Services said. p.m. Tuesday, Discovery Services However, the network can believed the virus had been well in other breaking and entering servicing to the Xavier communi- investigations that involved off- ty, and receive bonuses according A destructive virus struck the be accessed from separate ma- under control. campus computer network over chines, just not the computers in Specialists at Discovery campus studenats, Couch said, to the number of services they are adding that the suspect may have involved in,” Couch said. “Since the weekend, incapacitating all of classroom buildings, the library, Services are taking a precaution- the university’s public computers. Gallagher Student Center, faculty ary approach to getting the sys- information about laptops that the beginning of the program were recently stolen from the [on Aug. 1], we have had 9,733 About half of the campus com- offices or other labs on-campus. tems up and running again, limit- puters were affected. Xavier is not the only institu- ing which machines are put back library. services. Couch was unable to comment “The goal of this program is to The only personal computers tion to be hit by this global virus. into use and monitoring them affected were those of faculty Some local companies have been closely. Critical places such as further on the matter because increase the visibility of Campus investigation is still ongoing and Police, which deters students and or staff that hooked up to the affected, and other local institu- classrooms and GSC laptops will university’s network. Students tions are working on solving it, be working first, followed by the being handled by the Norwood non-students from committing Police Dept. crimes. connected in the dorms or via a Hanson said. “It isn’t targeted at lab in Alter Hall and faculty lap- personal laptop are hooked up to Xavier, we just got caught in the tops, Hanson said. The drop in crime statistics is a UDF robbery suspect result of that increased visibility,” a separate access point and were crossfire,” he said. ©2010 Earlier this month, Campus he said. therefore unaffected by the virus. The virus is a “Trojan” type The first possible instance of virus, meaning once it is in the THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE Police arrested a suspect on According to the 2009 report, All rights reserved Xavier’s campus who was found which will officially be released the virus occurred on Saturday, system it invites other viruses to have just robbed the United following review by university but it was not identified until in, making it particularly difficult Dairy Farmers on Montgomery officials and made publicly avail- Monday morning. So many com- to control. Discovery Services Rd. and Dana Ave. at gunpoint, able to students in March, the puter systems were infected in has been working with Network Fax (513) 745-2898 according to Couch. total number of arrests made by the labs, Discovery Services did Associates (the company that Advertising (513) 745-3561 The investigation is still Campus Police decreased 31 per- not want to risk others getting makes McAfee antivirus soft- Circulation (513) 745-3130 pending, and is being handled by cent from 2008. infected and so asked students, ware) to attempt to fix the prob- faculty and staff not to run the lem. After several rounds of Editor-in-Chief (513) 745-3607 Norwood Police. There were eight “part one” www.xavier.edu/newswire crimes—serious offenses that are public machines at all, Doug troubleshooting, the virus con- ­—Andrew­Chestnut FIAT JUSTITIA, RUAT COELUM 2 January 20, 2010 News XAVIER NEWSWIRE XAVIER NEWSWIRE Former Iranian prisoner Medical director resigns following disagreements shares her story on campus tempt by them after I resigned BY MEGHAN BERNEKING BY JAKE HEATH News Editor to sit down and have a dialogue. Staff Writer [This is] very un-Jesuit like and The university’s Medical certainly makes you wonder about Encouraging political discus- Director, Dr. James Konerman, calling this the ‘Xavier family,’” sion about international relations who has been at Xavier for 22 Konerman said. between the United States and years, resigned Friday, Jan. 8 as a His last day will be Friday, Jan. Iran, Xavier hosted guest speaker result of disagreements with uni- 22. Haleh Esfandiari on Tuesday night versity administration regarding Dr. Oliver Birckhead, a psy- to talk about her imprisonment by management at McGrath Health chologist and former director of the Iranian government. and Wellness Center. the health center, Esfandiari studied to be one of “For the last ten was also “forced the first successful women jour- months, two [un- out” last summer, nalists in her early Iranian career. named] administra- Konerman said. Later she moved to teach at tors with no health “He’d been here universities such as Oxford and care experience have 13 years. Between Princeton. been trying to micro- the two of us, that’s She was the former Deputy manage the health 35 years of college Secretary General of the Women’s center,” Konerman health experience Organization of Iran and is cur- said. “All the pre- out the door in less rently director of the Woodrow vious administra- than six months.
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