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Alcoma School


Education for Life! PARENT HANDBOOK

2016-2017 Table of Contents



The vision of Alcoma School is to challenge students to reach their highest potential as lifelong learners. SCHOOL BELIEFS

We are committed to providing opportunities for students to develop to their fullest potential intellectually, socially, and physically. It is our goal to provide a caring learning environment in which the students will:

1. Have experiences to maximize critical thinking; 2. Have opportunities for social, physical and artistic growth; 3. Respect individuality; and 4. Develop a global perspective. PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION

The ultimate aim of education in Alberta is to develop the abilities of individuals in order that they might realize their personal aspirations while making a positive contribution to society. The educational program of Alcoma School will be organized in accordance with the educational goals of the Alberta Department of Education and of the Grasslands Regional School Division, and this program will strive for excellence in all areas.

The Grasslands Regional School Division believes in the dignity and worth of every child; therefore, we are committed to giving each child the opportunity to reach maximum potential by providing the highest quality of education possible. It should help students to become worthwhile members of society and the communities of which they are a part. The direction that educational theory and practice takes, therefore, will reflect these goals, with the primary emphasis being placed in school on intellectual development and thinking skills.


ADMINISTRAT Mr. Dana Kohlman (Principal)

TEACHERS: Madame Lorraine Adams-Smith Grade 1/2 Mr Adam toderick Grade 3/4 Mr Kit Irwin- Grade 5/6 Mr Dana Kohlman Grade 7/8/9

SUPPORT STAFF: BUS DRIVERS: Ms. Michelle Berg –Secretary Mrs. Connie Waddle- Assistant Mrs. Marion Freimuth Mrs. Janet Wagner- Assistant/Librarian Mrs. Shirley Ovinge Mrs. Stacy Quiring


Period Start End Duration AM 8:20 8:25 5 1 8:25 9:05 40 2 9:05 9:45 40 3 9:45 10:25 40 4 10:45 11:25 40 5 11:25 12:05 40 Lunch 12:05 12:40 40 PM 12:40 12:45 5 6 12:45 1:25 40 7 1:25 2:05 40 8 2:25 3:05 40 REPORT CARD AND PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE DATES

November 21 2016 Report Cards Issued November 22 &23 2016 Parent/Teacher Interviews (evenings) March 13, 2017 Report Cards Issued March 14 & 15 2017 Parent/Teacher Interviews (evenings) June 28, 2017 Report Cards Issued

Any parents who are unable to make the scheduled times for parent/teacher interviews and who wish to do so are asked to call the school and set up a time with their child's teacher(s). GENERAL INFORMATION


Alcoma School operates on the philosophy that all students have the right to learn. Each student has the right to be in a school climate that is satisfying and productive without disruptive behaviour by any student infringing upon the rights of others.

Students must understand that they are responsible for their behaviour, and they must recognize that any behaviour that disrupts or detracts from the educational climate of the school is unacceptable. Any behaviour that encroaches upon the rights of others is not responsible behaviour. Alcoma School students are expected to follow reasonable rules that are established for the benefit of the student body as a whole, as well as for the benefit of the community.


1. I have a RIGHT to learn in this school. It is my RESPONSIBILITY to come to class on time and prepared, to listen to instructions, to work quietly in my desk, and to raise my hand if I have a question, a concern, or a need to leave my classroom.

2. I have a RIGHT to hear and to be heard. It is my RESPONSIBILITY not to talk, to shout, or to make loud noises when others are speaking.

3. I have a RIGHT to be respected in this school. It is my RESPONSIBILITY not to tease or to bother other people or to hurt their feelings.

4. I have a RIGHT to be safe in this school. It is my RESPONSIBILITY not to threaten, to kick, to punch, or to physically harm anyone else.

5. I have a RIGHT to privacy and to my own personal space. It is my RESPONSIBILITY to respect the personal property of others and to accept their right to privacy. BEHAVIOURAL EXPECTATIONS OUTLINE

1. To show consideration, courtesy, and respect for others and their property. 2. To walk quietly and safely to and from all activities and in an orderly manner. Common sense and safety is our guide. 3. To avoid the use of profane language and inappropriate gestures and clothing. 4. To use school and playground equipment appropriately; we PLAY SAFE games that will not harm or potentially endanger ourselves or others. 5. To treat all school property (walls, desks, lockers, etc.) with dignity, care, and respect. DISCIPLINE

Academic/behavioral expectations and consequences: In short our expectations are fairly obvious: be polite, be respectful, be kind, keep your hands to yourself and do not interrupt the learning of others.

We have tried a number of ways to reinforce this. The most effective has been detentions. Detentions may have an assignment component. As well, students will be prevented from recesses, PE classes and may be isolated until the assignment is complete. Further, if the assignment is not completed by the first bell the following day, it is doubled.

The above does not preclude parent involvement or other consequences. The point here is that everyone, teachers, parents and students are aware of our general expectations and consequences. As in the past, students with frequent detentions will be prevented from attending both major and minor trips.

The purpose of discipline is to develop a student’s self control in the learning environment and to maintain school conditions which will contribute to effective learning for all students. Discipline will not include verbal, emotional, or physical abuse as methods of corrective measures.

Attendance: Students who attend school regularly have a greater opportunity to benefit from the school program. Regular attendance is therefore a requirement for all courses at all grade levels.

Section 7 of the Alberta School Act outlines student responsibilities necessary to foster this productive learning environment. This policy is directed by Section 7 which reads:

A student shall conduct himself so as to reasonably comply with the following code of conduct:

(1) be diligent in pursuing his studies (2) attend school regularly and punctually (3) cooperate fully with everyone authorized by the Board to provide education programs and other services (4) comply with the rules of the school (5) account to his teachers for his conduct (6) respect the rights of others

1. The Board authorizes Alcoma personnel to enforce school rules:

A. on school property at any time. B. during school hours at any place. C. at school co-curricular or extra-curricular activities at any time and at any place. D. off school property and outside of school hours at any time provided the school administration deem the infraction to be detrimental to the orderly discipline, well being, or reputation of the school or its pupils.

2. Suspension will be carried out as outlined in Section 19 of the Alberta School Act as follows:

A teacher may: A) suspend a student from a.i) a class period

A principal may: A) suspend a student from A.i) 1 or more class periods A.ii) 1 or more courses or school programs A.iii) school A.iv) riding on a school bus A.v) participating in an activity sponsored or approved by the Board

B) reinstate a student The Board delegates authority to Designated Discipline Committees* to hear and decide on expulsions as outlined in Section 19 of the Alberta School Act as follows:

The Board may:

A. expel a student from a class or school for A.A. inexcusable absences from class(es) A.B. chronic failure to complete school work A.C. disrespect for or abuse (verbal, physical, emotional) of school personnel, visitors, fellow students, school property or school rules A.D. possessing, using, under the influence of, acquiring, selling, or attempt to acquire or sell alcohol or drugs A.E. possession of dangerous weapons (see Policy

A Complete documentation of an expulsion must be submitted to the Discipline Committee of the Board. Within ten (10) school days of the original suspension, the Discipline Committee will meet and review the case. The parent/guardian and student will be notified and invited to attend. The final decision of the Committee will be made known to the student, parent/guardian and the school administration by the Central Office Administration verbally and, subsequently, in writing.

B. Written notification of the Discipline Committee’s decision will acknowledge the right to appeal an expulsion to the Minister of Education.

C. A discipline committee may recommend to the Board that a student’s expulsion from one school be extended to all schools in the division. The student has the right to be heard at the meeting convened by the Board to consider the recommendation to the Discipline Committee. D. The Discipline Committee will immediately submit in writing to the Board, the reasons for recommending expulsions from the schools in the division.

E. Within five (5) school days the Board will consider the recommendations of the Discipline Committee for expulsions from all schools in the division at the regular Board Meeting following receipt of the letter. The parent/guardian and student will be notified and invited to attend. During this period a student will not be permitted to register in any school in the division, nor attend any school-related function.

F. The final decision of the Board will be made known to the student and parent/guardian immediately by the Central Office Administration verbally and, subsequently, in writing. Written notification of the Board’s decision will acknowledge the right to appeal the expulsion.

*Composition of Discipline Committee 1 member of Grasslands Regional Division Board 1 member of the school‘s SC 1 member of the Central Office Administration


Regular and punctual attendance at school is required by the School Act and is vital to a student's academic progress. Should a student be absent, parents are asked to phone the school office to advise the secretary. Homework or other assignments are expected to be completed.

Any students missing the school day may not participate in after school events (athletics, dances, etc.) Extenuating circumstances such as doctor/dental appointments or funerals are exceptions to the rule. FAIR NOTICE STATEMENT

It is the belief of the Grasslands Public School Jurisdiction and Alcoma School that all students and staff have a right to learn in a safe and caring environment. Any behaviour by a student that might suggest some threat to himself or others will be responded to immediately.

Continuing its mandate to ensure safe and caring environments for all students and employees, Grasslands staff has been trained in the assessment of at-risk and threatening behaviour and a procedure for dealing with such behaviours has been approved by the Grasslands Board of Education.

Grasslands staff will take a zero tolerance approach toward responding to any behaviour which is perceived as being a danger to that student, other students, or Grasslands employees. This means that upon any such behaviour being reported there will be an immediate assessment by the school team, consisting of an administrator and a staff member trained in assessment to determine the level of risk and the appropriate action to take. Depending upon the assessment, the behaviour will be dealt with at the school, or immediate assistance from a community-based team will be sought.

For further information on your school’s threat assessment policy, please contact your school. ACCIDENTS/ILLNESS

Parents may be contacted by the school if their child becomes ill. They may also be asked to take the child home if it is in the best interest of the child.

Any parents new to the community will be asked to fill out a medical form indicating allergies, etc. This information will be kept on file at the office. Your child's health is very important to us. BUSSING REGULATIONS

Students are requested to time their arrivals at school as closely as possible with school opening in the morning and at noon. Students are asked to arrive no earlier than the first bus in the morning (approximately 8:30 a.m.). Exceptions may include such things as supervised student activities, student- teacher conferences, or the permission of a teacher.

Students are expected to embark on their buses promptly and are not permitted to ride home with someone else unless a parent contacts the school to make arrangements.

In order to ensure the comfort and safety of those using school buses, the following regulations regarding conduct shall apply:

1. The driver is in full charge of the bus at all times, and students must obey instructions or directives promptly.

2. Students are to be on the road at their designated stop prior to the arrival of the bus. Students frequently late for pickup may be left.

3. The driver may appoint a monitor to assist in maintaining proper conduct on the bus. Other students are expected to cooperate fully with the monitor in the carrying out of his/her duties.

4. The driver may assign the seat that the student will occupy. 5. Unnecessary conversation with the driver is prohibited.

6. Conduct that may divert the driver's attention, thus endangering the safe operation of the bus, is prohibited.

7. The use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or abusive language on school buses is prohibited.

8. The consumption of food is at the discretion of the driver. However, students must not throw paper or other garbage on the floor of the bus or out of the window.

9. Students shall not extend any parts of their bodies out of the window. 10. Students must stand well back until the bus has come to a complete stop before loading. Students must not attempt to get on or off the bus while it is in motion.

11. When entering or debussing, students must obey the directions of the driver and always pass in front of the bus.

12. Except in exceptional circumstances, students shall not leave their seats while the bus is in motion.

13. Students shall not bring objects onto the bus that may cause injury to themselves or other passengers or damage the vehicle in any way. Skates may be transported but must have guards on the blades or be in a zippered tote bag.

14. Students shall not be allowed to get on or off the bus route between their home embarkation point and the school unless authorized by the principal or written authorization is received from the parent.

15. Students/parents must try to inform the driver when absences are expected from riding the bus.

16. Parents shall make certain that students are properly dressed in case of emergencies during inclement weather. The bus driver is authorized to refuse entry onto the bus during the morning run to students who are inappropriately dressed for the prevailing weather conditions. All instances of refusing to pick up a student must be reported to the principal at the conclusion of the morning run.


Students riding bicycles MUST wear helmets. Bicycles are to be left in the designated parking area. Students should park their bicycles immediately upon arrival at school and leave them parked until they return home. Bicycles are not to be used during school hours. Motorbikes or other vehicles are not to be operated on school property unless the operator has a valid license and adequate insurance.


Educational field trips enhance curricular materials. At Alcoma School, we try to have at least one educational field trip per class per year. Individual student costs are calculated with consideration given to things such as transportation, admission, and possibly, food. Parent permission forms are sent out in advance. EVALUATION

Reporting Periods There are four reporting periods, three report cards and one parent/teacher conference in February. Please see the Alcoma School Calendar for specific dates.

Evaluation and Promotion Guidelines Evaluation is an on-going, continuous process. However, it is expected that teachers arrive at a summative mark on student achievement. There are a variety of ways of arriving at a final mark, such as assignments, projects, group work, essays, tests, checklists, quizzes, oral presentations, and class discussions. These are used to assess a student's final progress. (3) Promotion Policy (Elementary)

The normal procedure for promotion at the elementary level is to move from one grade to another in a sequential manner in June of each year.

In some cases, the level of academic achievement will result in a decision to retain a student at a grade level for another year. In such cases, the parents or guardians shall be advised that this may occur no later than the end of the third reporting period. Included in this decision may be factors such as ability, student effort, age, attitude in school, maturity (physical, emotional, social), and previous school history. At Alcoma School, the principal, in consultation with the teachers, and at times the parents, makes a decision on passing or retaining. THE BASIC GUIDELINE IS WHETHER THE STUDENT HAS SUFFICIENT FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS IN ONE GRADE FOR HIM/HER TO RECEIVE BENEFIT FROM INSTRUCTION AT THE NEXT LEVEL.

(4) Promotion Policy (Junior High)

In order for a student to be promoted to the next grade level, he/she should meet the following condition:

An overall average of at least 50% in all subject areas.

Final examinations are administered at the end of the year, where appropriate, in the primary and elementary grades. The results of these teacher-prepared exams are included in the students' final grades. Final examinations are administered at the end of the year to the junior high students. In grade 9, academic core subjects are tested using prepared finals, while grades 7 and 8 are tested using teacher prepared exams. The results of these final examinations are included in the students' final grades.

Final marks for junior high students will be determined using the following weighting:

Quarterly grades = 50-75% Final exams = 25-50%

A decision to promote or retain a child is always based on consultation with the teachers and parents. Exceptions to the above conditions could include such things as age, ability, and maturity level. APPEALS PROCEDURE

Any student, dissatisfied with his/her final standing and/or promotion or retention, has the right to progressive levels of appeal. The student has the right at all times to be represented/accompanied by parent(s), legal guardian, or legal counsel.

Appeal Level 1: The student should, within 3 calendar days, request the teacher to review the grade given and give reasons for that grade.

Appeal Level 2: If the student is dissatisfied with the review under Appeal Level 1, a written appeal shall be made to the school principal within one week of the time final standings are released to the students. A copy of the appeal shall be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools. This appeal must outline the reasons for making the request. The principal shall acknowledge receipt of the appeal, give a date of a decision, and forward a copy of all correspondence to the Superintendent of Schools. The principal's decision will be confirmed in writing to the student.

Appeal Level 3: If the student is dissatisfied with the review under Appeal Level 2, the student may appeal directly to the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent of Schools will refer the matter to an Appeals Committee, which will arrange a personal hearing for the student. The decision given to the student by the Superintendent of Schools will be final. ASSEMBLIES

Assemblies will be held once every two months, though assemblies are frequently changed to accommodate for course work. Please check the newsletter calendars. AWARDS

It is the philosophy of Alcoma School that students who work, play or contribute in a highly positive way to the betterment of themselves or Alcoma School should be recognized for their efforts. At Alcoma School, we recognize students through a system of awards, which are listed below:

Awards' Night The Alcoma School Council sponsors an Awards' Night at the end of the school year to recognize the achievements of the grade 9 students. Recognition is given to all who have completed grade 9, and special recognition, by means of trophies, scrolls, diplomas, or monetary rewards, is given to students who excel in the academics, athletic and arts areas.

Honour Roll The recognition of student success is an essential component of a positive learning environment. To this end, we have developed the following program:

Students are recognized for individual achievement using the following guidelines.

Academic Achievement 80 - 100%

Student averages are calculated by totalling all of the student marks and dividing by the number of courses that they are taking.

STUDENT RECOGNITION Every two months one class will share with the student assembly something they have been practicing. The class might sing a song, play an instrument, do choral speaking, or do any other special activity. We will then have regular announcements. BOARD LEVIED FEES

The textbook rental fee is set by the Grasslands Regional School Division and covers approximately one-third of the cost of the books. The amount is announced in the first newsletter at the beginning of the term. Students are responsible for the care and return of all textbooks issued. If textbooks are lost or returned in damaged conditions, the student will be charged for their replacement.


Parents, visitors, and volunteers are asked to please check in at the office prior to heading to a classroom or other scheduled destination. Your cooperation is appreciated in keeping classroom interruptions to a minimum. All parent volunteers must have a cleared criminal record check on file in the office before assisting in the school or on school-related functions. HOMEWORK POLICY

The school recognizes homework is often necessary for children to complete their programs in a satisfactory manner. The school approves of reasonable homework assignments.

As a general rule, a small amount of homework (20-30 minutes) may be assigned in the primary grades. As the student progresses through the grades, the amount of homework generally increases with students at the grade six level quite often spending up to one hour a day completing assigned homework. Junior high students may find it is necessary to complete between one and two hours of homework per night. LIBRARY (COMMUNITY/SCHOOL)

The school library is an area designated for quiet work and study. It is staffed by a part-time library assistant. The hours of operation for the community/school library are from 10:35 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on school days.

The library offers a variety of study, reference, and curriculum related materials, as well as books and magazines for interest and leisure. Textbook distribution and collection are also handled through the library.

Students wishing to check out books from the adult section must have their parents come to the library and meet with the librarian and parents must sign a waiver form.

Library Rules 1. No food or drink allowed. 2. All library materials must be signed out. 3. A fine of $.05 per day will be charged on all overdue materials. 4. Library privileges may be suspended for overdue materials or outstanding fines. 5. The library is an area for quiet study, research and reading, not for socializing. 6. Books can be signed out during library periods, at lunch hour, or after school. 7. The librarian will help you find material. Please ask for help. NEWSLETTERS

Our newsletters and calendars will be handed out to the youngest child in each family at the beginning of each month. Extra newsletters will be left at the post office. Community special events will be mailed through the post office to ALL community members.


The Grasslands Regional School Division encourages cooperation between home and school through a school council. At Alcoma School, the school council is the formal group responsible for ensuring liaison between parents and teachers. This council holds meetings four times a year and it is open to all parents and interested citizens.

Discussions are held on topics of concern to all. The executive is elected according to the current council bylaws.


In case of an emergency, the following procedures will be followed:

1. School Cancellation Before 8:30 a.m.

If there is a question as to whether buses or school will operate, the decision to cancel buses will be decided by the principal in consultation with the bus drivers.

Parents should listen to school closure reports on Q13 Radio & Fox 101.1 FM if there is a question of the buses operating.

In addition, a phone fan will be started as soon as the principal knows of the closure. Each household will phone the next one down the line on its route. The last person on the list will then call the bus driver to confirm that the list is completed. Please make sure you know who this is and the phone number. This list will be included in a newsletter in October.

2. Canceling School During the Day

If we should need to close the school during the day, we will call all parents to confirm someone will be home to receive the child. We have at least one alternate phone number for each child, which will be utilized should we not be able to contact a parent.

Bus drivers have been informed that they should make sure there is someone at home before leaving each house. Q13 Radio Station will also be contacted. MUDDY AND SNOWY WEATHER

During muddy and snowy weather, students are reminded to remove their footwear at the entrance. Students are encouraged to keep a clean pair of shoes at school for indoor use only. Mud and snow on shoes should be cleaned off outside prior to entering the school building.


Evacuation drills are held throughout the year to prepare the students in case of a fire or other emergency in the school. We ask that each student wear appropriate footwear so that he/she is not caught unaware when these drills occur.

In case of a fire which requires immediate evacuation of the students, the Rainier Hall will be utilized to hold the students until the buses arrive. Then, the procedure in number 2 above will be followed.

We are also conducting lockdown drills. The students will practice going to a safe part of the room and the door, which is locked, will be closed so no one can enter. SCHOOL PICTURES

Individual student pictures are normally scheduled for September and will be distributed to the students prior to the Christmas vacation. Further information regarding cost and package contents will be forwarded as soon as they are finalized with the studio. SPORTS

All Alcoma School team members must abide by the rules and regulations as set by Alcoma School, coaching staff, Grasslands Regional School Division, and the A.S.A.A. (Alberta Schools Athletic Association).

These rules are to include player behavior and attitude, academic achievement, all general school rules, as outlined in the Alcoma School Handbook, and all team regulations - conduct, team dress, bus regulations, and other rules as established by the coach.

For behavior and attitude, each player is responsible for proper conduct and behavior as a team member. It is the player's responsibility to learn, know, and abide by the regulations. Penalties for not following the regulations could result in his/her suspension. Players must be in attendance (full day) on game days except in extenuating circumstances arranged with the principal prior to the school day.

At Alcoma School, we presently offer basketball, volleyball, badminton, and track and field. ATHLETIC FEES

Students are asked to pay a fee for athletics. These fees are to be paid by the student participating in a particular sport prior to commencement of that sport. Fee schedules will be reviewed on an annual basis. If there is a difficulty in paying the fees, please contact the school. Our 2010-2011 fees are as follows:

Volleyball $75.00 Basketball $75.00 Badminton $10.00 Track $2.00


Grades 5-9 students are expected to wear suitable clothing for P.E. classes. This should include clean shorts, T-shirts, socks, and gym shoes. In keeping with good hygiene, P.E. dress should be worn only in P.E. classes.

To preserve our gym floor, we ask that street shoes not be worn when participating in physical activities.

Students wishing to be excused from P.E. classes must have a note signed by a parent stating why they are to be excused. In cases in which students ask to be excused from P.E., parents will be contacted and the reason for this confirmed by parents. In some cases, the teacher will require a doctor’s note before the child is allowed to resume activity. TRANSPORTATION OF STUDENTS

Students travelling to away games or on field trips shall be transported by school bus or in cars.

Parents are often asked to drive students, and their support of the school program is greatly appreciated. Parents must complete a form that is required by all Grasslands schools. This will be distributed at the beginning of the school year. CELL PHONE POLICY

Alcoma School recognizes the increasing use and reliance on cell phones by both staff and students. It is our policy that students do not require cell phones in their possession at school. Students who have cell phones in their possession shall have their phones held in the office until retrieved by a parent or guardian. Parents who wish to contact their children at the school are welcome to call the office or come to the school and check in at the office.

Students may use the student landline should they need to contact their parents during the school day. Students wishing to make private phone calls may request the use of the phone in the principal’s office. Students must ask the principal prior to using the phone. Staff members are not permitted to use their cell phones during instructional periods. STUDENT SERVICES


Parents from our School Council offer various meals to students who wish to purchase their lunches approximately every second week. The Junior High Students’ Union also offers special lunches as part of their fund-raising efforts. LOST AND FOUND

Elementary and junior high students may look for lost articles in the lost and found box located in the main entrance. Jewellery, watches, glasses, and other valuables may be brought directly to the office. Please try to ensure articles are CLEARLY marked with your child's name.

Unclaimed items will be donated to charity a week prior to the Christmas holidays and at the end of the school year. SPECIALIZED SERVICES AVAILABLE THROUGH THE REGION

The Grasslands Regional School Division also makes the following specialized services available to students: a) Speech Therapist b) Testing Psychologist c) Palliser Health Unit -dental checks -public nurse -hearing assessment -eye testing -behaviour specialist d) Family/school Liaison Worker


At present we have a part time assistant who is working with children at the primary level who are having particular difficulties voicing certain syllables or words. STUDENT LOCKERS

Lockers are provided for student use. Lockers are the property of Grasslands Public Schools.

Each student is responsible for the contents, as well as condition of his/her locker. Any students not accepting these responsibilities will forfeit the right to usage. Students are subject to regular locker cleanouts. STUDENTS' COUNCIL SPONSORED FUNCTIONS

Early in the school term, elections are held to fill the offices of the Students' Council. At election time students are encouraged to run for an office or nominate someone for one of the following offices: president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. A room representative will be chosen from each of grades 7, 8, and 9. Executive positions require considerable time and effort and will add to the workload of the successful candidate.

Other students may participate in various committees that are not as time consuming but are essential for the successful functioning of the organization.

All Students' Council activities must have approval from the principal and staff advisor.

Following is a list of rules/expectations that have been agreed upon by both students and staff of Alcoma School. RULES OF CONDUCT

1. All Students' Council functions such as dances, socials, etc. must end by 11:00 p.m. 2. Adult supervisors are required. 3. No activity is to be held without permission of the principal. 4. Guests are permitted only by individual invitation and must be approved by the principal. The student is responsible for his or her guest's behaviour. 5. Guests are limited to Regional students. Special situations must have approval of the principal. 6. Students and their guests are expected to remain in the building for the evening. It is assumed that all people are present to attend the function, not to use the activity as a meeting place to initiate other activities. Doors will be closed one hour after opening time. 7. Parents will be phoned to come and pick up anyone not acting in a reasonable manner. 8. Use of foul language, alcohol, tobacco, etc. will not be tolerated. 9. Sound levels must be regulated to the satisfaction of the adult supervisors. 10. Lighting in the building must be sufficient for supervisors to be able to identify all people in any portion of the building. The entrance, especially, must be sufficiently lighted so that all people entering or leaving are plainly visible. 11. Behaviour of all present should be no different from what is normally tolerated at home or in school. 12. A clean up of the building must be done after the function. There must be a committee in charge of all Students' Council activities. STUDY TIPS

Choosing a Place To Study 1. As much as possible, do your studying in one particular place. 2. Make sure that your place of study has good lighting. Using a bright desk-light in an otherwise darkened room will tire your eyes. 3. Keep the top of your desk uncluttered. 4. Use a straight chair that is not too comfortable. 5. Eliminate distracting noises, such as the sound of radio or television. A slight, regular background noise may, however, help you to concentrate.

Budgeting Your Study Time 1. Prepare a timetable, clearly indicating when you will be busy studying and when you have time set aside for other regular commitments and recreation. 2. Adjust your timetable until it is just right for a particular semester or school year. Setting unrealistic goals will only discourage you. 3. When doing your work, divide lengthy or difficult assignments into short, manageable units. 4. After completing a unit, use a short break to reward yourself. If you sit at your desk hour after hour, your mind will start to wander. 5. If certain facts or details must be memorized, do not try to do it all at once. 6. When you have completed the rough work for a writing assignment, wait a day before starting with the final draft.

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