R.J.Mitchell Medical Centre & Waterhayes Surgery P.P.G Minutes of the Meeting Held at Butt Lane Surgery on 22 nd November 2016

Present: Colin Oakley Monica Oakley Peter Hall Bob Copeland Christine Thomas Tim Hardie Derrath Machin Dianne James Dr Arshad

Apologies: Ian Knight

The Minutes of the last PPG meeting dated 28th September were read and approved.

Matters Arising :


DNA Progress:

Dianne said that letters were continuing to be sent out to DNA’s. Colin asked Dianne to check the figures as the ones being given by the surgery differed. Dianne to report back to Colin. Tim said that perhaps the wording of the surgery leaflet needed to be updated.

Practice Survey:

Colin reported that the Locality Group were to compile a Common Practice Survey to be used in all Local Surgeries which the PPG would help to distribute.

Annual Charity Fundraiser:

A total of £320 was raised to which the Dr’s added a further £50, making a final total of £370.00. Many thanks to all who helped make this a success. Colin stated that he was disappointed with the efforts from Butt Lane and that perhaps a different approach needed to be taken for next year. Derrath said that having cakes in the Surgery environment was not a good idea, and that some people had felt under pressure to buy.

Subjects for December Video:

It was decided that these were to be, Chair Exercises, Staywell TV Advert, Temperature in the Home, Dementia, Alcohol Withdrawal, Drink Driving, Xmas Carol, Plus the usual Notices.

Message in a Bottle:

Colin stated that at a recent Locality Meeting he had been notified of something called: Message in a Bottle. He handed out printouts about this. It is a project run by the Lions for Vulnerable People. The Group agreed that this would be beneficial and asked Colin to obtain supplies and advertising materials for the Surgeries.

A.O.B :

Bob reported that on his recent visit to WH Surgery the video sound had been muted and the video seemed to skip. The Staff indicated that some patients had interfered with the tv settings. Colin to look into this. Dr Arshad asked how effective the war on waste project was progressing. Colin to make representation to the Locality Meeting.


. The Next Meeting will be on Tuesday 10 th January 2017. at 6.30pm. Butt Lane Surgery

It is essential that as many members as possible attend.