Guide to Document a Rotary Community Service Project

A Guide to Document a Rotary Community Service Project: One to Share

1. Name of event or service: _Rebuilding Children's Castle Park Playground in Clayton New York______

2. Describe the event or service in 2-3 sentences:

__We arranged for the Army Corp of Engineers to volunteer all labor to rebuild the aging park. They put in 2030 hours of volunteer service. Rotary raised $8000 and worked closely with the Village Board Members to accomplish this important project. Our members also provided many meals and organized several community recognition events to honor the volunteers.______

3. How many Rotarians are needed to organize: 2______;

to implement: __8______?

4. When is a good time (season or month) for this event or service? _One time event has been completed.______

5. How much money is needed for expenses, if any? ______

6. Name of club Rotarian for contact, advice, or communication about this event or service: _David Neuroth______; phone: 315 955 4295______;

Email: [email protected]______; club name: _Rotary Club of Clayton ______

7. To whom did this event or service benefit? _All children who use the playground______

8. What would be typical anticipated profits/proceeds? _na______

Sue Bellor December 2013 [email protected] Guide to Document a Rotary Community Service Project

9. Did this event or service utilize a simplified grant or matching grant?

__yes _X__no If applicable, ___simplified ___matching?

If applicable, how much money was utilized from the grant? ______

Sue Bellor December 2013 [email protected]