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Arctic Science, Engineering, and Education

National Science Foundation


The Foundation provides awards for research in the sciences and engineering. The awardee is wholly responsible for the conduct of such research and preparation of the results for publication. The Foundation, therefore, does not assume responsibility for the research findings or their interpretation.

The Foundation welcomes proposals from all qualified scientists and engineers, and strongly encourages women, minorities, and persons with disabilities to compete fully in any of the research and related programs described here.

In accordance with federal statues, regulations, and NSF policies, no person on grounds of race, color, age, sex, national origin, or disability shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving financial assistance from the National Science Foundation.

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The following is a report on Arctic grants awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) during Fiscal Year 1996 (October 1, 1995 to September 30, 1996).

Presentation of this information is partially a response to the Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984. The Arctic is defined by the Act as “all United States and foreign territory north of the Arctic Circle and all United States territory north and west of the boundary formed by the Porcupine, Yukon, and Kuskokwin Rivers; all contiguous seas, including the Arctic Ocean and the Beaufort, Bering, and Chukchi Seas; and the Aleutian chain.”

The Act designates the NSF as lead agency and chair agency for the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee, and calls for integrated planning and budgetary processes.

This detailed listing shows the scope of NSF activities in the Arctic. Essentially, all NSF funds were devoted to basic science, engineering, and education and related operational, informational, and advisory support. Further information on other agencies’ programs is presented in the journal, Arctic Research of the United States, and the U.S. Arctic Research Plan and its biennial revisions.

In addition to investigations in Alaska and adjacent waters, research was supported in all Arctic-bordered countries. Of the total $46.07 million obligated in Fiscal Year 1996, the Office of Polar Programs’ (OPP) share is $29.12 million. The remainder was awarded from funds in other Divisions and programs throughout the Foundation. There were 326 awards to 133 institutions in 35 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Sweden, and Canada.

NSF funding of Arctic research since 1988 is shown below in thousands of dollars.

FY88 FY89 FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 FY95 FY96 OPP 8,211 10,175 12,310 14,696 20,638 22,072 24,205 25,809 29,118 Other 14,906 13,549 11,778 12,445 14,308 13,779 16,279 19,386 16,959 Total 23,117 23,724 24,088 27,151 39,946 35,851 40,484 45,195 46,077

In some instances, awards are listed that may not fall strictly within the limits of the Arctic as defined by the Arctic Research and Policy Act, but apply to processes, properties, and phenomena of the Arctic. Examples include research on boreal forests, subarctic or temperature zone glaciers, geological and atmospheric projects south of the Arctic Circle, and laboratory and theoretical studies. Individual awards contain their own logistics budgets and no attempt is made to separate those costs; only specific awards for field support are listed separately. A complete list of institutions and organization that received funds in Fiscal Year 1996 follows.

Users of this list should keep in mind that these projects do not exhaust the range of subjects that might be supported by NSF in the future. Research that promises to add significantly to science, engineering, or education is eligible for consideration. The data reported in this award list were compiled from individual program submissions from throughout the NSF. The information includes awards for research but excludes administrative costs that are included in NSF budget source documents.

Charles E. Myers Head, Interagency Arctic Staff Office of Polar Programs



ALABAMA $16,000 $34,539 $50,539 University of South Alabama ALASKA $3,301,644 $4,220,470 $7,522,114 Alaska Federation of Natives Anchorage School District Arctic Research Consortium of the United States Associated Village Council President International Union for Circumpolar Health Inuit Circumpolar Conference Scientific Fishery Systems University of Alaska–Anchorage University of Alaska–Fairbanks University of Alaska–SE Juneau ARKANSAS $91,700 $0 $91,700 University of Arkansas ARIZONA $188,251 $99,098 $287,349 Arizona State University University of Arizona CALIFORNIA $3,059,079 $2,936,013 $5,995,092 Aerospace Corporation Lockheed Miss–Palto Alto Naval Postgraduate School San Diego State University Foundation San Francisco State University San Jose State University Foundation SRI International Stanford University University of California–Berkeley University of California–Davis University of California–Irvine University of California–Los Angeles University of California–San Diego University of California–Santa Barbara University of California–Santa Cruz University of California–Scripps Institute COLORADO $3,424,510 $463,231 $3,887,741 Colorado State University

U.S. Geological Survey–Denver University Corporation for Atmospheric Research University of Colorado–Boulder

ii OPP Non-OPP Funding Funding Total University of Denver DELEWARE $0 $60,000 $60,000 Bartol Research Institute DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA $353,078 $75,100 $428,178 American Geophysical Union Department of Navy–Naval Research Laboratory Department of Navy–NOAA Ice Center Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc. National Academy of Sciences National Aeronautics and Space Administration Smithsonian Institution FLORIDA $167,362 $2,729,542 $2,896,904 Emory–Riddle Aeronautical University Florida International University Harbor Branch Ocean Institute University of Miami–School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences GEORGIA $0 $117,040 $117,040 Skidaway Institute of Oceanography GUAM $0 $18,454 $18,454 University of Guam HAWAII $170,174 $0 $170,174 University of Hawaii–Manoa ILLINOIS $58,325 $137,626 $195,951 University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign INDIANA $22,755 $56,684 $79,439 Indiana University–Bloomington Purdue University Research Foundation MAINE $226,016 $121,433 $347,449 Bates College Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Bowdoin College University of Maine MARYLAND $592,094 $200,000 $678,344 Capital Systems Group, Inc. Friday Systems Services, Inc. Johns Hopkins University National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA–Oceanic and Atmospheric Research University of Maryland–College Park MASSACHUSETTS $2,530,070 $1,264,768 $3,794,838 Bentley College Boston College

iii OPP Non-OPP Funding Funding Total Boston University Harvard University Marine Biological Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mount Holyoke College Quadrant Engineering University of Massachusetts–Amherst Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MICHIGAN $271,177 $1,091,140 $1,362,317 Calvin College Michigan State University Michigan Technological University University of Michigan MINNESOTA $770,741 $80,000 $850,741 Augsburg College St. Olaf College University of Minnesota–Twin Cities MISSOURI $105,879 $0 $105,879 University of Missouri–St. Louis NEBRASKA $3,168,741 $0 $3,168,741 University of Nebraska at Lincoln NEVADA $135,311 $0 $135,311 University of Nevada–Desert Research Institute University of Nevada–Las Vegas NEW HAMPSHIRE $1,721,789 $249,650 $1,971,439 Dartmouth College University of New Hampshire U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory NEW JERSEY $55,767 $25,767 $81,534 Rutgers, The State University NEW YORK $3,024,545 $1,002,059 $4,026,604 Colgate University Columbia University Cornell University–Endowed CUNY Hunter College Health Research, Inc. State University of New York–Albany State University of New York–Brockport State University of New York–Buffalo University of Rochester Vassar College

iv OPP Non-OPP Funding Funding Total

NORTH CAROLINA $0 $74,145 $74,145 Duke University Triangle Research and Development Corporation OHIO $423,680 $262,442 $686,122 Ohio State University Research Foundation University of Cincinnati OREGON $397,872 $195,386 $593,258 Oregon State University Southern Oregon State College University of Oregon–Eugene WET Labs, Inc. PENNSYLVANIA $537,335 $0 $537,335 Bryn Mawr College Carnegie Mellon University Lehigh University Pennsylvania State University–University Park RHODE ISLAND $122,039 $68,910 $190,949 University of Rhode Island TENNESSEE $120,404 $182,251 $302,655 University of Tennessee–Knoxville TEXAS $739,742 $186,300 $926,042 University of Houston University of Texas–Austin William Marsh Rice University UTAH $69,165 $65,000 $134,165 Brigham Young University Utah State University VIRGINIA $775,827 $158,833 $932,644 Arctic Research Commission Department of Navy–Office of Naval Research Individual Award National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs (Research Support) Old Dominion Research Foundation U.S. Geological Survey WASHINGTON $1,741,117 $400,146 $2,141,263 Alliant Techsystems, Inc. University of Washington Washington State University Western Washington University

WISCONSIN $284,684 $332,982 $617,666

v OPP Non-OPP Funding Funding Total University of Wisconsin–Madison University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee WYOMING $413,875 $0 $413,875 University of Wyoming


CANADA $0 $50,000 $50,000 Memorial University of Newfoundland SWEDEN $37,995 $0 $37,995 International Geosphere

GRAND TOTALS $29,118,743 $16,959,009 $46,077,752


OPP Non-OPP Amount Amount Total

ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES (45 awards) $1,615,107 $4,551,747 $6,164,838

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (25 awards) $2,575,215 $1,729,834 $4,305,049

EARTH SCIENCES (41 awards) $1,696,390 $1,704,065 $3,400,455

OCEAN SCIENCES (29 awards) $2,498,683 $4,075,380 $6,574,063

GLACIOLOGY (28 awards) $1,735,800 $491,104 $2,226,904

ARCTIC SYSTEM SCIENCES (96 awards) $15,653,063 $1,134,686 $16,673,999

SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCES (34 awards) $1,860,633 $242,087 $2,102,720

ENGINEERING (4 awards) $0 $259,832 $259,832

EDUCATION (7 awards) $146,875 $2,730,174 $2,877,049

ARCTIC COORDINATION & INFORMATION (9 awards) $838,701 $40,100 $878,801

ARCTIC RESEARCH SUPPORT (8 awards) $498,276 $0 $498,276

GRAND TOTAL (326 awards) $29,118,743 $16,959,009 $46,077,752


Arctic Science, Engineering, and Education Directory of Awards provides bibliographic data on the Arctic awards granted each Fiscal Year by the National Science Foundation. All awards are listed under their primary Division and within Division by program. Split-funded awards are listed only under their primary programs.

The following indexes appear at the end of the publication: Principal Investigator; Institution; Geographic Area; and Key Word. All entries are listed in alphabetical order and refer to the corresponding page number.

Sample Record and Field Definitions:

1. Title of the Award 2. Award Number 3. Starting Date; Amount Funded; and Duration of Award 4. Name of Institution (any college, university, laboratory, industry, or other organization designated as the NSF awardee) 5. Address of Awardee Institution 6. Principal Investigator (PI) 7. Abstract of Award

Format at a Glance:

1. Paleozoic Faunal Affinity Studies in West-Central and East-Central Alaska 2. EAR 9312854 3. 09/15/96; (INT) $12,919; 32 months 4. University of Oregon–Eugene 5. Eugene, OR 97403-5219 6. Norman M. Savage 7. The PI will collect brachiopod and conodont faunas of suspect terranes in central Alaska and compare these faunas with known faunas in southeastern Alaska and cratonic North America. The comparison of these faunas will help determine the history of terrane displacement in Alaska. The field effort will be coordinated with the U.S. Geological Survey.


Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric investigations. These investigations will focus on polar Regions (CEDAR): The Longyearbyen Optical cap E fields, plasma structure, polar cap auroral arcs and Station polar mesospheric echoes. In addition, the proposed ATM 9302610 infrastructure would be capable of supporting instruments 06/15/93; (ATM) $34,364; 48 months proposed by other researchers that might include a University of Alaska–Fairbanks spectrometer, interferometer, photometer, magnetometer, Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 digisonde, riometer, medium frequency (MF) radar, ST Roger W. Smith radar and more. The Longyearbyen Optical Station is the only ground station in the Northern Hemisphere with regularly Joint Incoherent Scatter Radar and Spectroscopic- scheduled airline service, which permits 24-hour Interferometric Investigations of Auroral Processes observation of the aurora and airglow. The EISCAT radar Over Sondre Stromfjord polar cap extension will be built a few miles from the ATM 9320426 observatory site. This proposal seeks funding for 04/15/94; (ATM) $100,542; 42 months maintenance of Longyearbyen in support of the Coupling, Emory–Riddle Aeronautical University Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0540 (CEDAR) and Geospace Environmental Monitoring Gulamabas G. Sivjee (GEM) programs so that it will provide a ready location This award is for joint radar and optical investigations of for continued high-latitude optical studies. The station has the interactions between the atmospheric constituents in supported investigations of dayside and nightside aurora, the polar thermosphere and precipitating auroral ionospheric currents, high-latitude dynamics of the electrons. The latter dissipate most of their energy thermosphere and mesosphere and also measurements of through a combination of processes involving stratospheric minor constituents connected with the ozone dissociation, excitation and ionization of some of the cycle. In collaboration with the University of Tromsø, the upper atmospheric constituents. In turn, the by-products University of Alaska has developed the station into a of these processes interact with ambient air particles to modern research facility complete with a set of first-class modify polar thermospheric composition and optical and magnetic instruments, individual observation thermodynamics. All these upper atmospheric auroral bays for visitors, areas for setup and repairs, and processes can be investigated by combining ground-based comfortable living conditions. The PI plans the remote-sensing measurements of auroral ionization continuation of this work with centrally supported profiles using incoherent scatter radar (ISR) sounding of maintenance of the station and its instrument complement. the auroral region, and concurrent bore-sighted spectroscopic and interferometric observations of the Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric optical signatures of the auroral electron excitation of N2, Regions (CEDAR): Early Polar Cap Observatory O2, O and N. The database for these studies will be (ESU 93-13) constructed from the ISR and spectro-interferometric ATM 9311236 observations of auroral displays occurring over Sondre 09/01/93; (OPP) $160,000, (ATM) $114,000; 60 months Stromfjord, Greenland. SRI International Menlo Park, CA 94025-3493 Geospace Environmental Monitoring (GEM): John D. Kelly Support for the Operation and Analysis of Data from The Polar Cap Observatory (PCO) is considered essential the Induction Magnetometer at Iqaluit, Northwest for continued progress in understanding the Sun’s Territories, Canada: A Conjugate Site to South Pole, influence on the structure and dynamics of our planet’s Antarctica atmosphere. An essential first step in the establishment of ATM 9400664 the PCO is the development of infrastructure in Resolute 08/15/94; (ATM) $7,630; 36 months Bay, Northwest Territories, Canada, in which to conduct University of New Hampshire preliminary scientific investigations. The PI proposes to Durham, NH 03824 provide the necessary infrastructure with which to begin Roger L. Arnoldy the Early PCO (EPCO) phase. This includes a building This proposal is a request for funds for the next three with laboratory space, optical domes and living quarters, years (remainder of the GEM Boundary Layer Campaign) along with road construction and installation of power to analyze the data that is being received from an lines. The PI will also provide a spaced-receiver induction magnetometer operating at Iqaluit, Northwest scintillation detector and ionospheric drift monitor, as Territories, Canada, which is nominally magnetically well as a frequency-agile radar for preliminary scientific conjugate to South Pole, Antarctica. The magnetometer

1 was built and installed at Iqaluit in June 1993 with funds During the summers of 1992 and 1993, eight provided under the GEM program and Grant # ATM- magnetometers were deployed at small communities in 9111929. The major objective of the GEM Boundary the eastern arctic. These eight observatories span nearly Layer Campaign is to understand the interaction of the five hours in magnetic local time in the latitude region solar wind with the Earth’s magnetic field and the most valuable for ground-based observations of the transport of energy across dayside boundaries. Waves are magnetospheric boundary layer, and also serve to connect an important mediator of this transport of energy due to existing magnetometer sites in Alaska and western the collisionless nature of the medium in which the Canada to the west and to sites on Greenland and Baffin boundaries are imbedded. Induction magnetometers Island to the east. In addition, it is proposed here to add measure the high-frequency component (greater than 0.1 data loggers at three standard Canadian observatories Hz) of naturally occurring ultra-low-frequency (ULF) (Resolute, Cambridge Bay and Baker Lake). This would waves in the Earth’s magnetosphere and in the solar wind, allow researchers to obtain one-second data from these which cannot be done with conventional magnetometers. sites and routinely combine this data with the MACCS Ground measurement and the study of these waves in the database, effectively extending the MACCS array another magnetosphere is important because they are of hour to the west. The purpose of the MACCS array is to sufficiently short wavelengths to propagate as wave study ionospheric currents, plasma flows and waves packers in the Earth’s magnetic field. In such a mode of associated with the magnetospheric cusp and neighboring propagation the Pc 1 and Pc 2 waves can be used as regions. In association with the radar systems beginning probes of the topology of the geomagnetic field and its to operate in this same area, these magnetometers will boundaries. Their resonant generation by ions and the provide high resolution, two-dimensional data on the modification of their propagation by cold plasma electrodynamics of cusp convection. The MACCS data populations indirectly provides a study of these particles. also contain numerous high-latitude substorm signatures. The location at Iqaluit is vital because this site permits a As the GEM program begins its substorm campaign, it is global study of ULF waves by using several sites in proposed to use MACCS data to study the small, Antarctica, as well as at the Sondre Stromfjord site in contracted oval substorms associated with northward Greenland. Repetitive structure in the wave form at two interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), and also to study the opposite hemisphere sites 180 degrees out of phase can be recovery phase of regular substorms during which the an indication of closed magnetic field lines. A time delay activity moves poleward over the MACCS array. between sites at different longitudes in either hemisphere can give scale size and/or motion of the source creating Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric the waves. Spacecraft making single point measurements Regions (CEDAR): Lidar Studies of the Arctic Middle are hard-pressed to define boundaries, but done in Atmosphere at Poker Flat, Alaska correlation with multiple ground measurements, as ATM 9415767 proposed here, one can begin to build a global picture of 01/15/95; (ATM) $72,311; 23 months the important dayside magnetospheric boundaries. As a University of Alaska–Fairbanks result of this correlative work in providing “space-truth,” Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 ground measurements in the future can monitor these Richard L. Collins boundaries and their dependence upon solar wind and, ultimately, solar conditions. This award will support the deployment of a resonance lidar at the Poker Flat Research Range near Fairbanks, Alaska. The lidar will provide measurements of the arctic Geospace Environmental Monitoring (GEM): middle atmosphere from the upper troposphere to the Continued Operation of the Magnetometer Array for lower thermosphere. The lidar uses scattering from Cusp and Cleft Studies (MACCS) molecules, aerosols and metal atoms to yield ATM 9401524 measurements of density, temperature, aerosol backscatter 08/01/94; (ATM) $60,000; 36 months ratio and metal density in the stratosphere and Augsburg College mesosphere. The measurements will be used to address Minneapolis, MN 55454-1338 several topics of current research interest: the role of Mark J. Engebretson aerosols in the chemistry of the high-latitude stratosphere, ATM 9401733 the occurrence of aerosols in the polar mesosphere, the 09/01/94; (ATM) $122,081; 36 months temperature structure of the lower mesosphere and Boston University stratosphere, the structure of the mesospheric metal layers Boston, MA 02118-2394 and the characteristics of waves and tides in the W. Jeffrey Hughes mesopause region. It is proposed to continue to operate and analyze data from the recently installed MACCS array of fluxgate Continuing Operation of a Magnetometer Array on magnetometers located at cusp/cleft latitudes (75° to 80°) the Greenland Ice Cap (MAGIC) to Investigate in arctic Canada in a joint effort with Augsburg College.

2 Propagating Ionospheric Current Systems for remain to be completed within the next 16 months. In Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) addition to operation and maintenance, the PIs will ensure ATM 9501380 that the software that controls the radars is maintained and 06/01/95; (OPP) $86,847, (ATM) $43,153; 24 months updated, and that data from all of the radars are collected University of Michigan onto common databases that are available to interested Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1274 scientists from all participating countries, including the Vladimir O. Papitashvili United States. They also will assist U.S. scientists in the acquisition and use of HF radar data, and continue their This proposal is directed toward the continued operation own research activities that are associated with the of an array of unattended, automatic magnetic data SuperDARN data. These include studies of the global- collection platforms on the Greenland ice cap and the scale structure and dynamics of high-latitude convection reduction, distribution and analysis of these data. The under changing interplanetary magnetic field and solar- MAGIC array complements the magnetic stations on the wind pressure, studies of transient magnetospheric coasts of Greenland. The MAGIC magnetic stations form boundary processes as imaged in the high-latitude a two-dimensional array with station separation of about ionosphere, studies of the detailed relationships that exist 150 km. The scientific objective of these magnetic in the high-latitude E-region between electric fields, measurements is to investigate, in conjunction with the currents and conductivities, studies of large-scale MH coastal stations, small-scale propagating magnetic resonances and studies of small-scale irregularity disturbances which appear to result from moving generation in the high-latitude ionosphere. filamentary field-aligned currents interacting with the ionosphere. Different classes of these systems now have been identified, and the origin of the field-aligned Polar Mesospheric Clouds and Their Atmospheric currents appears to be near the dayside magnetopause Environment within the magnetospheric boundary layer. It is ATM 9505449 particularly important to have a dense two-dimensional 09/01/95; (ATM) $105,000; 24 months array in order to resolve the motion and structural University of Colorado–Boulder evolution of these current systems. The Greenland Boulder, CO 80309-0019 stations, in combination with the other GEM funded Gary E. Thomas stations deployed in Canada, permit us to observe these The PI will study the phenomenon of mesospheric clouds, phenomena over a sufficient region so as to identify their their atmospheric environment and their role in middle generational location and resolve their motion and spatial atmospheric global change. The PI will combine (1) evolution as they propagate. These data and the proposed analysis of existing data gathered by spacecraft, rockets research are important in understanding the physics of the and ground-based radar; and (2) theoretical modeling of processes which couple energy and momentum from the the microphysics of mesospheric ice particle evolution solar wind to the magnetosphere and ionosphere, the and of the atmospheric environment, including coupled physics of the magnetospheric boundary layer and the dynamics, radiation and photochemistry of the mapping of boundary layer phenomena to the high- mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The research will latitude ionosphere. increase the understanding of physical processes that occur in the upper mesosphere, an atmospheric region SuperDARN (Dual Auroral Radar Network): Global- which is still poorly understood because of its complexity Scale Observations of the High-Latitude Ionosphere and inaccessibility. ATM 9502993 09/01/95; (ATM) $200,000; 24 months Multi-Station Auroral Spectroscopy - II Johns Hopkins University ATM 9523643 Baltimore, MD 21218 03/01/96; (ATM) $85,000; 12 months Raymond A. Greenwald Lockheed Miss–Palto Alto This project involves the operation and maintenance of Palo Alto, CA 94304-1121 radar at Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada. Over the past Gary R. Swenson several years, a global-scale network of high-latitude, The PI will continue studying auroral arcs from Godhavn, high-frequency (HF) radars has been developed to probe Greenland. Simultaneously, incoherent scatter radar and some of the critical questions in solar-terrestrial research. optical instruments at the Sondrestrom facility will view The network is known by the acronym SuperDARN and the same aurora. Overlapping fields from these two sites the radars within it are based upon the design and will provide a database for two-dimensional measurement operation of the radar located at Goose Bay. These HF and tomographic description of auroral arcs in the radars sense ionospheric plasma motions from Doppler magnetic meridian. The PI also will study auroral arcs and measurements of signals backscattered from small-scale their thermospheric effects. The PI plans to operate a ionospheric irregularities. The new radars are funded by dedicated “aeronomy” campaign each winter. Finally, he Britain, Canada, Finland, France and Antarctica; four will analyze and publish results in the third year.

3 Geospace Environmental Monitoring (GEM): A global change studies. The development of optimized Survey of Simultaneous Pc 3 Micropulsations and radiative forcing algorithms is the objective of a major High-Latitude Impulsive Events for the GEM research effort. Additional objectives of this project are to Boundary Layer Campaign measure the spectral reflective properties of various arctic ATM 9623790 surfaces such as tundra, open ocean and melting and 07/15/96; (ATM) $50,000; 11 months refreezing sea ice, and to test a new approach for University of Houston distinguishing water clouds from snow and ice surfaces. Houston, TX 77004-2610 The observations will be made from a Convair C-131A Edgar A. Bering aircraft configured specifically for airborne research. This project will undertake analysis of data to increase our understanding of the possible signatures of Multi-Radar Studies of the Dynamics of the Antarctic magnetopause and magnetospheric boundary layer Ionosphere processes that are observed in the ionosphere and on the OPP 9421266 (Arctic Funding Component) ground. The study will focus specifically on a search for 07/01/95; (OPP) $40,000; 24 months simultaneous observations of two different geomagnetic Johns Hopkins University perturbation phenomena whose possible sources may be Baltimore, MD 21218 either the magnetopause or the upstream solar wind. The Kile B. Baker phenomena that will be studied are Pc 3 micropulsations This project uses high-frequency coherent back-scatter and high-latitude magnetic impulse events known as radars to study ionospheric structures of auroral origin traveling convection vortices (TCVs). Pc 3 and to determine the magnetospheric activity responsible micropulsations are quasi-periodic pertubations of the for the radar echoes. The existing radars are at Goose Earth’s magnetic field with periods between 10 and 45 Bay, Labrador, Canada, and the British Antarctic Survey seconds. One source of these pulsations is believed to be station at Halley Bay, Antarctica. This pair is called the the upstream solar wind. High-latitude magnetic impulse Polar Anglo-American Conjugate Experiment, and they events are large amplitude (100 nt), often monopolar, are located such that their fields of view are magnetically pulsations of the geomagnetic field of 10-20 minute conjugate. A new radar, called the Southern Hemisphere durations. Interest in these pulsations was stimulated by Auroral Experiment, will be installed at the new South the hypothesis that they constituted the ionospheric African Sanae Station in Antarctica when it is built. signature of sporadic reconnection–though this Though not officially part of this consortium, the new speculation has become very controversial. Recent work radar at the Japanese Antarctic Station, Syowa, will suggests that they may occur on closed field lines. The contribute complementary data. The project is a joint possible connection between Pc 3 and TCVs has not been venture of Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics undertaken. There have, however, been some Laboratory (JHU/APL), British Antarctic Survey and the observations to indicate that Pc 3 events can occur South African National Antarctic Expedition. The simultaneously with TCV events and propagate with the Japanese National Institute of Polar Research is same horizontal speed. This suggests that they may occur cooperating closely with the PACE/SHARE on the same field lines and share a common source. A collaboration. JHU/APL developed the use of HF detailed study is needed to develop a conclusive coherent radars for auroral research, based on their determination of a possible relationship between the two extensive experience with Over-The-Horizon radars, phenomena using data from the MACCS in northern which are used for defense purposes. Canada.

The Development of a Fast-Response, Lightweight The Spectral Radiative Properties of Stratus Clouds Instrument for In Situ Measurements of Reactive and Ice Surfaces in the Arctic Chlorine and Bromine in the Lower Stratosphere OPP 9414172 ATM 9313412 03/15/95; (OPP) $132,017; 23 months 05/01/94; (OPP) $50,000, (ATM) $48,576; 36 months University of Washington University of California–Irvine Seattle, WA 98195 Irvine, CA 92717 Peter V. Hobbs Darin W. Toohey This project is an airborne study of arctic stratus clouds The concentration of ozone in the lower stratosphere is with the objective of obtaining several comprehensive sensitive to interaction of part-per-trillion abundances of sets of simultaneous measurements of their microstructure radical species in the NO , HO , ClO and BrO families. and spectral radiative properties. Such concurrent x x x x While NO and NO and HO are predominantly of natural measurements are basic to the improvement of current x x x origin, concentrations of the halogen oxides in the models of radiative properties of stratus clouds. These stratosphere are thought to be increasing due to models, in turn, are a crucial component of global anthropogenic uses of organic halides, mainly the circulation models, which form an important basis for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons, and methyl bromide.

4 The inherent non-linear coupling of these radical families arctic precipitation. The last task involves the use of a complicates interpretations of stratospheric regional atmospheric model to determine what resolution photochemistry that rely either on isolated measurements is required to realistically simulate the spatial and of a single species in the atmosphere or on measurements temporal variability of precipitation over topographically using a single detection technique. This research project complex areas in high-latitudes. will focus on the design and deployment of a new instrument for in situ measurements of reactive chlorine Theoretical Studies of the Chemical Composition of (ClO and Cl O ) and reactive bromine (BrO), one of 2 2 the Earth’s Atmosphere which is based on the technique of chemical-conversion ATM 9320778 resonance fluorescence and the other one of which has 06/15/94; (ATM) $257,000; 36 months flown successfully on aircraft and balloons. This Harvard University instrument will be sufficiently lightweight that it could be Cambridge, MA 02138-3826 deployed easily in conjunction with existing balloon- or Michael B. McElroy aircraft-borne payloads, especially those to be flown on a new class of unmanned aircraft. Two major objectives This research project is aimed at addressing key issues in will direct this project. First, these researchers will work stratospheric and tropospheric chemistry. For the closely with investigators who measure the halogen stratosphere: (1) field observations will be used to test and oxides with remote techniques from the ground, balloons refine our understanding of the role of heterogenous and space to provide a critical intercomparison of the processes on the chemistry of the lower stratosphere; (2) available techniques and an evaluation of the uncertainties diagnostic models will be developed and applied to of the measurements over the altitude range from 12 to 35 elucidate the chemical and dynamical mechanisms km. The PIs are also interested in interactions with responsible for long-term trends in the ozone, with members of both the Network for Detection of particular attention given to global effects of volcanic Stratospheric Change (NDSC) and the Upper aerosols; and (3) denitrification will be examined as the Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS). Second, the controlling influence on loss of ozone in polar regions, as project scientists will seek collaborative investigations of part of a strategy to clarify differences between ozone loss the chemical and dynamical processes that determine the in the Arctic and Antarctic. For the troposphere, the PI abundance of ozone-destroying radicals in the lower proposes to: (1) use data for short-lived species from stratosphere. Their main interest will be the influence of recent field expeditions to test and improve aerosols on the balance of NOx, ClOx and BrOx photochemical mechanisms; (2) test the distribution of the chemistries, especially near the tropical tropopause and at hydroxyl radical in a global three-dimensional Chemical mid-latitudes. Tracer Model (CTM) by observations of carbon-14, labeled carbon monoxide; (3) by use of the CTM, test inventory of sources for carbon monoxide, a key species Water Cycle Variations in Northern High-Latitudes regulating hydroxyl radical concentrations, taking ATM 9319952 advantage of new data for carbon-13 labeled carbon 04/15/94; (ATM) $79,300; 42 months monoxide and carbon-18, labeled carbon monoxide and University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign including additional studies of ethylene and acetylene; Champaign, IL 61820 and (4) by use of the CTM, investigate changes in the John E. Walsh oxidizing power of the troposphere from 1950 to the This project will serve as a bridge between global climate present. modeling and regionally focused hydrologic studies of northern high-latitudes. It will mesh with both the Global The Arctic Outflow Campaign: A Measurement Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) and the Study to Characterize the Composition and Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP). The Photochemistry of Arctic Air Transported Southward first task will be the compilation of a climatological During Spring database, including monthly fields as well as spatial and ATM 9528031 temporal variances, for use in: (1) validating climate 01/01/96; (ATM) $100,999; 12 months model simulations of the high-latitude hydrologic cycle Michigan Technological University and its variability, and (2) quantifying the low-frequency Houghton, MI 49931 variability in high-latitude hydrologic quantities. The Richard E. Honrath database compilation will focus on precipitation and runoff fields, supplemented by computations of This project consists of a multi-investigator measurement atmospheric moisture flux convergence, which will be campaign studying the springtime outflow of arctic air used to estimate the net P E (precipitation minus toward the North Atlantic. During winter and spring, evapotranspiration) on a regional basis. The second task levels of photochemically active pollutants are elevated in will be to diagnose quantitatively the high-latitude the remote arctic troposphere. Recent work indicates that hydrologic cycle of the AMIP simulations in order to transport through the Arctic provides a substantial flux of determine the reasons for the model overestimation of total reactive nitrogen (NOy) and non-methane

5 hydrocarbons to the temperate North Atlantic region. This by using scanning electron microscopic and isotherm process may play a significant role in the tropospheric adsorption methods. Models will be developed to interpret ozone budget of this and other remote regions. Current the results. understanding of these effects is limited by an absence of measurements of the relevant compounds in southward- In Situ Measurements of Halogen Oxides in the Arctic transported arctic air. The ground-based measurement Troposphere campaign will take place during January–April 1996, at a ATM 9632968 site in Newfoundland, within the dominant pathway of 04/15/96; (ATM) $23,619; 11 months springtime arctic air flow. Measurements will include University of Colorado–Boulder ozone, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, peroxyacetic nitric Boulder, CO 80309-0019 anhydride, peroxypropionic nitric anhydride, alkyl Linnea M. Avallone nitrates, total reactive nitrogen, non-methane hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide, in addition to This Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER) is standard meteorological parameters and radiometer-based being awarded for the testing and deployment of a nitrogen dioxide photodissociation rates. Real-time prototype instrument for detecting halogen oxides in the isentropic back-trajectory forecasts and meteorological troposphere. An existing and proven instrument that has analyses will be used to guide the sampling frequency to made measurements of chlorine monoxide and bromine ensure adequate coverage during outflow events. An monoxide in the stratosphere has been modified to archive of back-trajectories will assist in data perform under the higher total pressure and larger water interpretation. The results of this study will be used to vapor partial pressure conditions characteristic of the assess the impact of the winter–spring arctic reservoir on troposphere. Bromine species are believed to play a the levels and speciation of NOx, NOy and non-methane dominant role in the observed sudden depletions of ozone hydrocarbons at lower latitudes. Impacts on the local over the arctic region during springtime. Bromine ozone formation/destruction rate and budget will be monoxide has been detected in large abundance during estimated by using a photochemical box model. these events. The PI will participate in the ARCTOC 1996 campaign, which is being sponsored by the European Community during March–May 1996. During this Heterogeneous Bromine Reactions at Polar campaign, bromine monoxide will be measured using Atmospheric Conditions other techniques as well, thereby providing an opportunity ATM 9530659 to test the modified instrument. If this instrument works 08/15/96; (ATM) $70,499; 11 months as anticipated, halogen oxide measurements will be Health Research, Inc. provided with a faster time response and a lower detection Albany, NY 12237 limit than other techniques currently in use. Liang T. Chu This project will explore heterogeneous reactions of Antarctic Halos and Ice Crystals bromine, which are potentially important to polar ozone OPP 9419235 (Arctic Funding Component) depletion and ozone loss in the tropospheric Arctic 09/01/95; (OPP) $77,732; 24 months boundary layer. The role of HBr (hydrogen bromide) University of Alaska–Fairbanks conversion into photochemically active bromine on ice Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 surfaces will be explored. The results of this study will Walter Tape lead to a better mechanistic understanding of uptake and heterogeneous reactions involved in ozone depletion. The This project is an experimental and theoretical study of initial focus will be on uptake of HBr and the formation ice crystals in the Antarctic atmosphere and the halos that mechanism of HBr hydrates on ice film surfaces. The they produce. For reasons that currently are not known, phase diagram of HBr-ice, along with other the Antarctic interior experiences more frequent and thermodynamic properties will be determined from this better developed halos than any other location on Earth. study. The uptake of the hydrogen halides HF, HCl, HBr The objectives of the project are to observe natural halos and HI on ice surfaces will be compared and the trends at South Pole Station and to sample ice crystals in order to interpreted in terms of acidity and the interactions of the validate computer models of light refraction and hydrogen halides with the ice surfaces. The reaction reflection in ice crystals. Such models have the potential probabilities and mechanism of gaseous HOCl and HOBr for the remote sensing of atmospheric conditions. with HBr on ice surfaces will be determined under Controlled experiments, such as seeding the atmosphere simulated atmospheric conditions. This project will use a with dry ice, will produce artificially generated but simple glass flow reactor, together with pulsed molecular beam and well-formed single-species crystals. The project sampling, quadruple mass spectrometry and phase provides a unique mechanism for examining the crystal sensitive detection methods. Formation processes for HBr growth and evolution process in the natural atmosphere. hydrates will be examined by using specula reflection- The observation of halos through polarizing filters will absorbance IR spectroscopy. The effect of the ice film also allow an examination of the atmospheric ice crystal surface morphology on HBr uptake will be investigated orientation, shape and size. It will advance our

6 understanding of the reasons for the growth of well- The Affect of Altered Ocean Heat Transports on formed ice crystals, which is a characteristic of the Climate: Feedback Potential During Periods of Antarctic atmosphere, but is not generally observed Atmospheric Trace Gas Increase elsewhere. ATM 9320372 04/15/94; (ATM) $118,178; 36 months Collaborative Research: Atmospheric Controls on Columbia University Northern Hemisphere Cryosphere Variability New York, NY 10027 ATM 9314721 Mark A. Chandler 04/15/94; (OPP) $25,767, (ATM) $25,767; 42 months The objective of this project is to investigate the decade- Rutgers, The State University to century-scale affects of ocean heat transports in New Brunswick, NJ 08903 numerical climate change simulations. The project uses David A. Robinson the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) ATM 9315351 atmospheric general circulation model (GCM), coupled 04/15/94; (OPP) $24,228, (ATM) $24,228; 42 months with an ocean model that includes meridional transport of University of Colorado–Boulder heat by the oceans, to test directly whether changes in Boulder, CO 80309-0019 ocean heat transport could enhance or ameliorate the Mark C. Serreze effects of trace-gas-induced global warming. The project is designed as a three-year, two-phase study. In the first This award supports comprehensive study of relationships phase, surface heat flux diagnostics from GCM between atmospheric variability and fluctuations in the experiments will be used to calculate the potential ocean snow and sea-ice covers in the Northern Hemisphere. The heat transport associated with historical (20th century) primary thrust of the work is to provide a hemispheric anomalies in sea surface temperatures (SST) and sea-ice synthesis of the sensitivity of the cryosphere to regional extent. The SST and sea-ice anomalies will be acquired changes in the atmospheric circulation, and to diagnose from the most comprehensive data sets available. In this sensitivity with respect to associated interactions addition, ocean heat transports will be calculated from between precipitation, temperature, winds and the modes GCM simulations and proxy data from the Little Ice Age of large-scale teleconnection patterns. The PIs will (ca. 1700 AD) and Last Glacial Maximum (ca. 18-2lky identify those regions of the cryosphere warranting BP) in order to obtain larger variations of heat fluxes that focused monitoring for potential climate change, and may be closer to the potential variability of the system. possible future responses of the cryosphere to changes in The second phase of the project focuses on simulations of circulation regimes. As part of these efforts, they will the climatic effects of altered ocean heat transports in perform a series of intercomparisons between observed conjunction with transient trace gas increase scenarios. snow-cover patterns and those simulated by different Ten 100-year simulations are planned in which the ocean general circulation models (GCMs) under present and heat values, calculated in phase one, will be used to projected future climatic conditions. The study will perturb the normal pattern of climate change associated address at least six basic questions: (1) What are the with the atmospheric trace gas increase. The simulations relationships between variations in northern hemisphere in phase two will take approximately two years to sea ice extent and terrestrial snow cover? (2) What areas complete, based on estimates of the current computational of the cryosphere exhibit strong or weak responses to efficiency of the GISS GCM running on an IBM atmospheric circulation changes and why? (3) Which RS/6000-580 workstation. Individual transient areas contribute most strongly to northern hemisphere experiments will be completed and analyzed at the rate of cryosphere variability? (4) What are the responses of the one every three months. The primary objective of this cryosphere to the modes of large-scale teleconnections project is to identify patterns of climate change that are patterns, and how do these compare with parallel associated with variability in the air/sea/ice system and to anomalies in synoptic activity, temperature and estimate the potential ocean energy feedback that may precipitation? (5) How well do different GCMs depict the accompany climate changes induced by atmospheric trace present day distribution and variability of snow cover, and gas increase. Fingerprinting of such climate patterns will are changes in the cryosphere projected by GCMs in improve our ability to detect the signs of ocean-induced response to enhanced CO warming reasonable from the 2 climate change and can improve our ability to distinguish viewpoint of modeled circulation changes? (6) Can the between natural variability and anthropogenic climate cryosphere be used as a robust indicator of climate change. Furthermore, it will provide us with a quantitative change? For the snow and sea-ice analyses, gridded assessment of the oceans ability, through energy transport National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration feedback, to alter the climate sensitivity and GCM (NOAA) charts of Northern Hemisphere snow extent and predictions of future climate change. In lieu of fully Navy/NOAA ice concentration data will be combined coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice models, which are unlikely with available station records of snow depth, snowfall, to reach a reliable predictive capacity in the near future, precipitation and surface temperature. these experiments provide a realistic alternative for gauging the ability of the oceans to alter GCM future

7 climate diagnoses. This project is funded under the U.S. Circle to near the North Pole. The application developed Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) NSF for Phase II will identify the relevance of this work to Climate Modeling, Analysis and Prediction program. regional and global interests. From a scientific perspective, understanding environmental change is an important contribution towards understanding the earth Derivation and Analysis of Climatic Information from system. By predicting changes to Nunavut, government Tree Rings land-use policy can be modified to accommodate future ATM 9406732 developments, and to contribute to increasing the state of 07/15/94; (ATM) $245,000, (OPP) $25,000, (INT) knowledge of similar high-latitude regions of the $4,800; 36 months Americas. It is likely that the Phase II proposal will Columbia University reopen the Arctic Research Establishment, a field station New York, NY 10027 in Pond Inlet, and its training component for local Gordon C. Jacoby technicians and university students. In addition, this This award supports dendroclimatic research at the Tree- proposal will link universities in Canada and the United Ring Laboratory (TRL) at the Lamont–Doherty Earth States with the IAI Network. These countries are Observatory. Analysis of growth rings of old-aged trees members of the IAI, an initiative to stimulate global provides an almost unique tool for determining seasonal change research among the scientific institutions of the and year-by-year variations of past climate to evaluate Americas. recent climatic changes. Large-scale reconstructions and local studies show unusual warming in the past century, Polar Processes in Global Climate Models occasional abrupt climatic changes and more prevalent ATM 9612324 extremes in dry and wet events. The current effort will 09/01/96; (ATM) $58,326, (OPP) $58,325; 24 months update and improve the coverage of climatically-sensitive University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign forest-ecotone sites with the addition of sampling for Champaign, IL 61820 moisture stress variations and inclusion of subfossil John E. Walsh material to extend the tree-ring record farther into the past. This extension is crucial for comparison of the This grant will promote the diagnosis and understanding present, possibly anthropogenic, warmer period to natural of the behavior of global climate models in polar regions. warmer periods of the more distant past. The diagnostic tasks will complement upcoming Arctic field programs (Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean and Atmospheric Radiation Measurements programs), Inter-American Institute (IAI) Workshop: Nunavut driven by the need to narrow the uncertainties in model Environmental Assessment Transect (NEAT) simulations of climate change. Research will draw upon ATM 9530135 daily output of a set of global climate models to: (1) 05/15/96; (ATM) $50,000; 11 months assess the Arctic cloud-radiation-temperature associations Memorial University of Newfoundland in the model simulations, permitting direct comparisons St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada with results of the field measurements, (2) determine the Elliott Burden frequency and spatial distribution of extreme events in the This project will assemble a team of senior researchers atmospheric model simulations and (3) determine the with expertise in the areas of climate, hydrological cycles, contribution of surface winds to apparent biases in biogeochemical cycles, geological processes and human simulated evapotranspiration over polar surfaces. In interventions. This team will outline, in a conference addition, the PI will compose a review paper synthesizing format, the state of our knowledge of Nunavut and similar many recent sea-ice sensitivity experiments with global high-latitude regions, and will then propose, in round climate models to identify priorities for improving the table discussions, the designs for long-term experiments treatment of sea ice in climate models. The research will aimed at identifying and measuring change in these increase understanding of climate processes in polar systems, and the collection and compilation of other data regions, as well as improve our ability to simulate these and observations of change which will be the focus of the processes with mathematical/physical models. proposal to be submitted to IAI Start-Up Grants Phase II. Phase I of the IAI Start-Up Grants will aim to produce a A Theory of Global Climate Change on Millennial volume of review papers on the environment of Nunavut. Time Scales Invited delegates will be obligated to produce summaries ATM 9632255 of the understanding of the land, sea, air and biology of 07/01/96; (EAR) $101,658; 24 months Nunavut, and these summaries would be used to establish University of Maine baseline data and guidelines for future endeavors in Phase Orono, ME 04469-5781 II of the IAI Start-Up Grants. Logistically, platforms for Kirk A. Maasch this research may be centered on the National Park reserves on Baffin, Bylot and Ellesmere Islands. These In the Northern Hemisphere, large and rapid shifts in three islands delineate a transect from below the Arctic environmental conditions have occurred repeatedly over

8 the last glacial-interglacial cycle. Indications are that work in transport and distribution of chemical species. climate change occurs on two characteristic time scales, Currently, interpretation of the polar ice core data roughly 1–3,000 years and 5–10,000 years. Evidence for assumes that diffusion controls the rate at which chemical millennial-scale climate variability has been found in ice species are incorporated into the firn. The proposed cores drilled through the Greenland Ice Sheet, sediment project will determine the site-specific extent of cores from the North Atlantic Ocean, pollen records from ventilation in the firn, and will provide a model for both North America and Europe, and glacial deposits in multidimensional diffusion and ventilation on grain North America. Paleoclimate records from the Southern growth, sublimation rates and chemical species transport. Hemisphere also show climatic variability on millennial time scales. While interhemispheric synchrony has been Monitoring Heat Transfer Across the Active Layer observed for the last termination, the record of alpine Above Permafrost in Alaska glaciers and lake sediments in the Andes and New SBR 9308334 Zealand now suggest that these higher frequency changes 08/15/93; (OPP) $19,926; 48 months may also be synchronous with the climatic fluctuations of University of Cincinnati the Northern Hemisphere. This award supports a project Cincinnati, OH 45221 designed to model the higher frequency variations of Kenneth M. Hinkel climate. One of the challenges of developing such a theory for millennial-scale climate change will be to Rising concentrations of carbon dioxide and other gases account for interhemispheric connections within the in the atmosphere are expected to cause global warming. context of a global environmental system. While changes The effects of warming are expected to be amplified and in the thermohaline circulation of the ocean have been observable first in high-latitudes. Current models predict postulated as a cause for rapid climate change on that rapid warming will combine with increases in millennial time scales in and around the North Atlantic, summer rainfall and winter snowfall in northwestern interhemispheric synchrony would implicate the North America—conditions that may result in rapid atmosphere as a key factor in global climate change on degradation of permafrost throughout large parts of this time scale. Alaska and northwestern Canada. Similar conditions may also persist in northern Eurasia. Although permafrost is not in direct contact with the atmosphere, seasonal snow Firn Properties and Processes at Shallow Coring Sites cover, surface vegetation and an organic mat serve as an in Greenland active layer that buffers heat transfer. Energy passes OPP 9530737 through this active layer through convection and through 05/01/96; (OPP) $33,789; 12 months non-convective processes (including evaporation and U.S. Army Cold Region Research and Engineering condensation, freezing and melting and volatilization and Laboratory sublimation), which consume or release latent energy. Hanover, NH 03755-1290 High-frequency measurements of temperature and water- Mary R. Albert ionic concentrations in soils conducted by the PI in The proposed project examines physical processes that discontinuous permafrost regions covered by boreal affect the manner in which heat, vapor and chemical forests in Alaska have indicated that the non-conductive species in air are incorporated into snow and polar firn. processes can, under some circumstances, dominate heat The processes include diffusion and advection, the transfers in freezing and thawing soils. This project will transport of heat, vapor and chemical species by air flow continue this line of research in both areas of within snow and firn. An understanding of these discontinuous permafrost and expand it into Arctic areas processes is important because they control grain growth, where permafrost is continuous. Data will be collected at snow metamorphism, and the rate at which chemical two different scales, with high-frequency monitoring of species in the atmosphere become incorporated into the near-surface processes conducted at three sites. snow and firn, and thus will affect interpretation of polar Measurements also will be taken in the upper levels of ice core data. The objectives of the project are to define permafrost at the same sites in order to refine methods for the magnitude and extent, both in space and time, of these observing changes in crucial variables in this critical transfer processes, and to develop a process-level zone. This research will make contributions from both understanding and modeling capability of the phenomena substantive and methodological perspectives. It will add within the snow and firn. The approach is to conduct field to general knowledge about the role of non-conductive studies at sites where shallow cores and meteorological processes within the buffering active layer above data are being obtained on the Greenland Ice Sheet to permafrost, especially as that layer responds to changes in determine the spatial and temporal extent for key temperature and precipitation. Expansion of this line of parameters, and boundary conditions needed to model the research into the upper layers of permafrost will increase conduction and advection of heat, mass and chemical understanding of processes in this zone and will provide species within the firn. An existing multidimensional tests of the feasibility of new monitoring procedures for numerical model is being expanded to simulate the use in many similar locales. processes and serve as the basis for ongoing and future

9 Variations in Upper Atmospheric Constituents’ confirm the role of two instability processes in generating Density and Thermodynamics in the Polar Cusp and small-scale irregularities, (3) test current capability to Polar Cap Regions over Longyearbyen, Svalbard specify and forecast conditions in the high-latitudes that ATM 9528593 impact satellite communications, (4) help establish what 05/01/96; (ATM) $100,000; 12 months processes need to be included in any physics-based Emory–Riddle Aeronautical University ionospheric weather model and (5) establish the level of Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0540 detail required in the high-latitude electric field in order to Gulamabas G. Sivjee specify and forecast ionospheric weather. The PI will study, through remote sensing, various disturbances in the polar upper atmosphere over the Cusp Continuation Support of High-Latitude Geomagnetic Auroral Observatory in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. This Pulsation Measurements research will address two aeronomic problems: (1) the OPP 9217024 effects of charged particles on thermospheric composition 04/01/93; (OPP) $100,000; 54 months and thermodynamics, and (2) the effects of planetary, University of New Hampshire tidal and gravity waves on the middle atmosphere and Durham, NH 03824 lower thermosphere density and temperature. The unique Roger L. Arnoldy location of Longyearbyen permits monitoring optical This grant supports the continued operation and analysis signatures of upper atmospheric disturbances triggered by of the data produced by induction magnetometers at South the magnetospheric particles precipitating in the cusp and Pole and McMurdo Stations in Antarctica and Sondre poleward boundary of the night sector of the auroral oval, Stromfjord, Greenland. These high geomagnetic latitude as well as in the polar cap region. Large differences in the sites are ideally suited for the study of plasm physics average energy of the particles precipitating in these processes which occur near the boundary of the Earth’s regions lead to optical emissions from distinctly different magnetosphere, at the poleward edge of the auroral oval heights. Absolute intensities of the emissions will provide and in the polar cap. The data from this three station the necessary database for quantitative assessment of network, plus data from additional new magnetometers upper atmospheric disturbances. Such data constitute the operated by the same group but supported by other input needed for detailed numerical auroral model programs, will make possible research which almost calculations to derive thermospheric temperatures and certainly will result in new insight into the various constituent densities at different heights. Finally, the phenomena which produce magnetic micropulsations. proposed measurements can determine the dynamical and chemical processes that convert the effects of zonally symmetric non-migrating tides in the polar middle Magnetic Separatrix Identification and Measurement atmosphere and lower thermosphere. of Flow Across It OPP 9423489 05/01/95; (OPP) $20,000, (ATM) $24,996; 36 months Space Weather: Forecasting the High-Latitude F- Aerospace Corporation Region Weather Los Angeles, CA 90009 ATM 9613925 Lawrence R. Lyons 09/15/96; (OPP) $29,981; 11 months Boston College This is a project to investigate how energy from the solar Chestnut Hill, MA 02167-3800 wind enters Earth’s magnetosphere. The rate of energy Dwight Decker transfer is controlled by the electric field along the separatrix, which is the boundary between open and The PIs intend to test their prediction abilities of the closed magnetic field lines at the surface of the location and timing of ionospheric irregularities in the magnetosphere. For this study, ground-based observations high-latitude F region. Much of the high-latitude F-region will be used to measure the rate of reconnection of weather is caused by small-scale (irregularities) and large- magnetic field lines across the separatrix. Both the motion scale (polar cap patches, polar cap arcs, boundary blobs, of the separatrix and the flow of plasma across it must be subauroral blobs, auroral blobs and auroral ionospheric measured simultaneously. The investigators will measure cavities) electron density structures. There is an intimate these quantities using radar and optical techniques with a cause and effect relationship between these small- and time resolution sufficient to resolve changes associated large-scale irregularities. The PIs will use the Global with the growth and expansion phases of auroral Theoretical Ionospheric Model (GTIM) to determine the substorms. The results will be used to test models of requirements for accurately forecasting patches and blobs, plasma convection in the magnetosphere and to evaluate and, in turn, by using expressions for instability growth the accuracy of reconnection theories. The variation in rates, forecast the appearance of electron density reconnection rate associated with auroral substorms and irregularities. In sum, this three-year project will: (1) test dayside transient effects also will be studied. current understanding of large-scale F-region structures and their ability to produce small-scale irregularities, (2)

10 High-Latitude Cosmic Ray Observatories in Canada This award will provide continued support for the OPP 9424005 Sondrestrom incoherent scatter radar and lidar facility at 04/01/95; (ATM) $60,000; 24 months Kangerlussuaq, Greenland (formerly Sondre Stromfjord, Bartol Research Institute Greenland). SRI International will use the funds to Newark, DE 19716 continue operating, maintaining and upgrading the facility John W. Bieber and for the scientific research efforts of its professional staff. The Sondrestrom facility is the poleward mainstay This award will enable the operation of a two-station of the four-radar chain that extends to the magnetic array of cosmic ray neutron monitors in Canada to equator. The requested funding will be used to continue for two years. They are scheduled to be accomplish the following tasks involving both the radar terminated very soon by the Canadian National Research and lidar systems: (1) schedule and operate the radar Council (NRC), which owns and operates them. The PI approximately 1200 hours per year, and assist in has reached an agreement with the NRC to run them and operating collocated instruments; (2) assist users in eventually to obtain their ownership. This award allows planning, designing and interpreting results from radar time for the arrangements of transfer to occur, as well as and lidar experiments; coordinate their visits, including to determine the relative priority of various such facilities. obtaining U.S. Air Force and diplomatic approval and These instruments, along with other high-latitude providing logistics support; (3) maintain and upgrade the monitors, are especially important contributors to cosmic radar and lidar facility, and assist in maintaining other ray studies because their fields of view are well defined collocated facilities; (4) develop and maintain system and also because they are much more sensitive to low- software for acquiring, reducing and interpreting data; (5) energy cosmic rays, compared to mid-latitude monitors. carry out World Day observations and specific research programs; (6) provide World Day data to the National Riometry in Antarctica and Conjugate Regions Center for Atmospheric Research database and its users, OPP 9505823 and maintain a comprehensive data library at Menlo Park; 07/15/95; (OPP) $239,605; 23 months (7) collaborate with scientists throughout the world in University of Maryland–College Park scientific pursuits concerning the geospace environment; College Park, MD 20742 and (8) be the liaison between the Greenland Home Rule Theodore J. Rosenberg Government, Danish Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland and the National Science Foundation on The University of Maryland will continue studies of the issues related to the Sondrestrom facility. high-magnetic latitude ionosphere and magnetosphere using galactic radio noise absorption techniques (riometry). Several years ago, they developed a new Observations and Modeling of the High-Latitude imaging riometer which allows the study of auroral Ionosphere morphology during daylight and through clouds. These ATM 9523818 imaging riometers are now being operated at Iqaluit, 09/01/96; (ATM) $94,717; 12 months Canada; Sonde Stromfjord, Greenland; and South Pole, University of Alaska–Fairbanks Antarctica. Additionally, they are operating broad beam Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 riometers at Iqaluit, McMurdo and South Pole as well as Brenton J. Watkins auroral photometers at McMurdo and South Pole. In the The first part of this project will be studying the physical next few years they will provide part of the hardware and chemical processes associated with formation of thin necessary to build imaging riometers at the British Halley metallic-ion structures in the very-high-latitude upper Bay and the Australian Davis stations, both in Antarctica, atmosphere. Experiments will be conducted at the thus considerably extending coverage. The riometers Sondrestrom incoherent scatter radar facility at work synergistically with a number of other instruments Kangerlussauq, Greenland. The PI will use a routine which are operated at these sites by other investigators. A measurement program (currently underway) to establish a major focus of investigations over the next few years will database that characterizes different structures, such as be the characterization of drifting polar auroral patches single versus double layers, and latitudinal and altitude and their relationship to polar cap convection. distributions. He will also use a new experimental mode that simultaneously determines latitudinal variation of Sondestrom Facility–Research, Operation, and electric fields and high resolution density structures. In Coordination conjunction with a new numerical model, these data will ATM 9317167 investigate the relative roles of electric fields and neutral 01/15/94; (ATM) $1,970,000; 60 months winds in layer formation, determine the effects of time- SRI International varying E-fields, and discover the effects of aeronomic Menlo Park, CA 94025-3493 parameters, such as the ion-neutral collision frequency. John D. Kelly Secondly, the PI will further develop a new Eulerian 3- time-dependent model of the polar ionosphere. This approach is advantageous to the traditional Lagrangian

11 method in permitting efficient high spatial resolution, in Space Weather: Ionospheric Electric Fields at High- turn allowing time-dependent studies of polar plasma Latitudes structures and better comparisons with data. Using a new OPP 9613847 electric field model, the PI will investigate time- 10/01/96; (OPP) $75,400; 12 months dependent ionospheric effects, particularly for northward Johns Hopkins University interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions. This Baltimore, MD 21218 model can determine the continuous ionospheric response J. M. Ruohoniemi to a time-varying IMF. He can then predict “space This project will apply the capabilities of the existing weather” effects, if appropriate IMF and space-particle SuperDARN (Dual Auroral Radar Network) high- data inputs are available to the model. frequency (HF) radar pairs in the Arctic and Antarctic to the data needs of the National Space Weather Program Operation of the Alaska–Canada High-Latitude (NSWP). These radars are operated in large arrays in both Magnetometer Chain polar regions by several nations. One of the principal ATM 9523998 ways in which solar activity influences the Earth is 04/15/96; (ATM) $80,003; 11 months through the effect of the solar wind on the magnetosphere University of Alaska–Fairbanks and the upper atmosphere. The SuperDARN radars Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 measure the flow velocity of ionospheric structures in the John V. Olson upper atmosphere from which the driving magnetospheric electric fields can be deduced. Thus, in its present form, This award will continue the operation of the Alaska– the radars can provide important data for the research Canada meridian chain of magnetomers and riometers as component of the NSWP. Additionally, the project will a tool for the continued investigation of high-latitude implement real-time data links which will provide alerts geomagnetic phenomena and also as a remote sensing of sudden disturbances in the near-Earth space facility for the space physics community. The chain has environment. provided a virtually continuous database for study since the 1950s. Data from various sites are returned in near real time to the NOAA Space Environment Laboratory The Arctic Radiation Balance where it is available for public use and distribution. The OPP 9696032 data are used to study magnetospheric processes, 09/01/95; (OPP) $140,000; 26 months including substorms, convection patterns, ionospheric Boston University currents, geomagnetic pulsations and the polar cusp. The Boston, MA 02118-2394 data are also used to support rocket and satellite Jeffrey R. Key experiments that require information about the overall This three-year program will quantify the individual conditions in the space environment. The investigators energy streams that make up the arctic surface radiation will continue to operate the chain, provide data to the data budget, and will relate the observed radiation distribution center and conduct scientific studies of geomagnetic to synoptic-scale wind, pressure and moisture patterns. It processes. Three GOES satellite radio transmitters will be will be the first effort to produce a comprehensive purchased to allow real-time transmission of data from the radiation climatology for the Arctic. The arctic surface remote sites to the Space Environment Center in Boulder, energy budget, particularly that of the Arctic Ocean, has Colorado. been identified as a major component of the global climate system that is potentially sensitive to climate- scale perturbations due to feedback mechanisms involving the surface albedo, the stability of the lower troposphere and water vapor transport. The project includes four main tasks: (1) the analysis of solar and long-wave radiation data obtained directly at manned observation sites in the Arctic; (2) the calculation of radiative fluxes at the surface and at the top of the atmosphere using a satellite- based cloud data product from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP); (3) for selected months, the ISCCP-derived fluxes will be compared to the corresponding synoptic regime; and (4) a study to assess the effects of the sampling and analysis procedure on the radiation statistics and their temporal variability will be undertaken.

12 Balloon-Borne Measurements in the Arctic Vortex which is directly involved in the formation of polar OPP 9423285 stratospheric clouds (PSC), and the chemical processing 06/01/95; (OPP) $184,441; 24 months that occurs in ozone destroying conditions. The spectral University of Wyoming data also relate directly to the greenhouse effect, and will Laramie, WY 82071-3434 be used to study the effect of chemistry, clouds and snow James M. Rosen on the radiation balance. Both instruments will be used for the study of chemical processes that occur in the This research involves the application of two Arctic during the winter. The multiyear data set will be observational methods for the study of Polar Stratospheric important in the study of seasonal cycles, and in the study Clouds (PSCs) and ozone in the Arctic winter vortex. The of global change. first method uses balloon-borne aerosol and particle instrumentation floating with a fixed air mass for many days as PSCs begin to form and evolve, while at the same Support for ARGOs Data Collection and Location time ozone concentrations will be measured. The second System approach involves making normal balloon soundings with OCE 9642925 similar equipment at several Arctic stations which, in FY 1996; (OPP) $2,016; 12 months contrast to the first method, will provide information on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration the evolution of PSCs over a fixed location. This project Silver Spring, MD 20910 is a continuation and refinement of an ongoing successful Michael Hall international (United States, Russia, Germany, Denmark This project provides funds to service ARGOs via the and Finland) effort and represents a new approach to Office of Climatic and Atmospheric Research of NOAA identifying and quantifying ozone loss in the Arctic for processing data obtained from a satellite system which Stratosphere. provides global coverage every six hours. The ARGOs system was placed on Tiros and NOAA satellites Ground Based Infrared Measurements in the Arctic launched since 1979. The ARGOs system provides a OPP 9633041 means of locating platforms and relaying environmental 10/01/96; (OPP) $90,033, (ATM) $20,000; 12 months measurements from these platforms. The data are relayed University of Denver from the platforms to the satellite and thence to a ground Denver, CO 80208 station in France where they are processed and sent to Frank J. Murcray individual users. Scientific experiments sponsored by the NSF, which require the use of the ARGOs system, Infrared observations of the atmosphere from two sites in include the studies of ocean circulation patterns using the Arctic are proposed: Fairbanks, Alaska, and Eureka, fixed and drifting buoys, and the weather and climate of Northwest Territories, Canada. The instrument at Antarctica. Fairbanks will be a very high-spectral-resolution solar absorption spectrometer. This instrument covers the range from 2.5 to 15°m. At least 30 chemical compounds have absorptions in the instrument bandpass. This permits the derivation of total atmospheric quantities of those gases. The very high spectral resolution permits recovery of altitude profile information for at least half a dozen gases, including ozone, HCI, HF, and N2O. This information will be used to study stratospheric chemistry and dynamics, and will be compared with data from McMurdo Station, Antarctica and other Northern Hemisphere sites. Fairbanks is usually outside of the stratospheric polar vortex, but is in the area where maximum leakage of vortex air occurs. This allows the study of filaments of materials with different temperature, sunlight and chemical conditioning. The Eureka (80°N, 86°W) instrument is a medium-spectral-resolution system designed to measure the infrared thermal emission of the atmosphere. This instrument covers the range from 6 to 15°m. The atmosphere is very cold, and the signal is small, but measurements can be made in the absence of sunlight. Eureka is usually on the edge of the polar vortex, allowing observations in and out of vortex conditions within a few days. The amounts of several gases can be determined from the observations, particularly HNO3,


Constraints to Ecosystem Development in High Arctic decrease their sensitivity of UV radiation by synthesis of Polar Deserts UV-absorbing compounds, (3) species-specific OPP 9300045 differences in UV resistance and (4) DNA repair 09/15/93; (OPP) $33,399; 42 months capacities which are unknown for northern plankton University of Washington communities. Studies of UV damage to ichthyoplankton Seattle, WA 98195 have not been conducted at either pole. Recently Lawrence C. Bliss developed methods allow us to measure the amount of UV-induced DNA damage in individual free-living eggs Research outlined here is a continuation of a study and larvae. The results of these studies, done at temperate initiated in 1991 on the barren, upland plateau on Devon latitudes, have shown that the diel cycle of damage and Island, Canada. This research focuses upon the interactive repair, the pre-exposure conditions and interspecific roles of soil development, and cryptogamic crust and differences greatly effect the susceptibility to UV damage. vascular plant establishment and function in the formation The present study will be the first attempt to measure the of polar deserts. Research on the macroscale landscape impact of UV on early life-stages of important polar features of crusted and non-crusted sites will continue. fisheries species. The proposal brings the investigators’ This study will be expanded to include the mesoscale skills in measuring UV damage together with the unique features of stone nets and stripes and the role these location, collaborators and technical capabilities of the features play in soil weathering processes, the laboratories in Tromsø, Norway. establishment and nitrogen fixation of cryptogamic crusts, and the transfer of nitrogen from crusts to soils and vascular plants. The physiological and biomechanical Role of Biomass, Bioturbation, and Remineralization adaptations of root systems to cold, nutrient-poor, frosty in Determining the Fate of Carbon in the Arctic Ocean disturbed soils, and the role of carbon accumulation and OPP 9496298 water relations of seedlings and adults will be studied as 09/01/94; (OCE) $4,900; 32 months these aspects relate to the limited role of vascular plants Bates College within vast areas of polar desert. The large year-to-year Lewiston, ME 04240 variability provides clues on how this highly stressful William G. Ambrose system may respond to longer term climate change. Better Research supported by this grant is under the auspices of understanding the response to climate change of the Arctic Systems Science (ARCSS) Global Change extensive, but little understood, polar desert systems will Research Program and is jointly sponsored by the contribute significantly to program goals related to the Division of Ocean Sciences and the Office of Polar effect of global changes in the arctic polar environment. Programs. The research will be centered around a unique and intensive, multidisciplinary research expedition to Significance of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation in Arctic parts of the Arctic Ocean that have never been extensively Waters: Effects on Phytoplankton and studied. The 1994 U.S./Canada Arctic Ocean Section is a Ichthyoplankton collaborative effort that will involve approximately 60 OPP 9321736 scientists on a Canadian and a U.S. icebreaker during 06/15/94; (OPP) $30,521; 36 months summer 1994. NSF-funded projects will focus on University of California–Scripps Institute hydrography, biology, paleo- and sea-ice studies. Data La Jolla, CA 92093 collected will be amongst the first ever from several Osmund Holm-Hansen regions of the Arctic Ocean and will be highly relevant to improving our understanding of how the Arctic is an The effects of increased ultraviolet (UV) irradiance on indicator of changing global climate conditions and how it planktonic ecosystems have been studied in some detail affects the physical, chemical and biological features of for Antarctic waters but comparable studies have not been the more temperate oceans and regions. This work is a carried out at high northern latitudes. Recent evidence has component of the collaborative biology program. Work documented a thinning of ozone over Arctic seas, will be undertaken to examine the fate of organic matter suggesting the potential for similar UV effects in northern reaching the sea floor and model cycling between the waters. In this proposal we will determine the effects of various carbon pools. The fate of carbon fixed in the present-day UV radiation, as well as the potential effects Arctic Ocean is largely unknown, but it is surmised that a of increased UV irradiance, on phytoplankton and greater portion reaches the bottom than in other oceans. ichthyoplankton in High Arctic latitudes. Studies of Low abundance and slow feeding rates of zooplankton, Arctic phytoplankton, to be conducted in Norway, will and reduced importance of the microbial loop, may focus on: (1) the effects of UV radiation on explain why the majority of primary productivity falls to photosynthetic rates and the effect on overall rates of the benthos at high-latitudes. Research will focus on some primary production, (2) the extent to which cells can of the possible fates of carbon reaching the benthos by

14 examining patterns of benthic biomass and rates of the austral spring from ozone depletion is known to have remineralization, irrigation and particle mixing. Replicate significant effects on phytoplankton productivity. The box cores will be collected along the Section. Abundance phenomenon is less severe in the Arctic, but ozone related and biomass of macro- and meio-fauna and depth profiles increases in incident UVB have accelerated over the last of Eh and particulate carbon will be determined from three years. This proposal addresses the question of the these cores. Subcores will be incubated on-board to effects of increased UVB on large benthic marine determine rates of remineralization and bioirrigation. macroalgae (kelp) and the levels of UVB that penetrate Particle mixing rates will be determined directly from into the coastal water of the Arctic. Little is known about down-core 210Pb distribution and will be compared with the sensitivity of kelp photosynthesis to UVB. mixing estimates obtained from carbon depth-profiles and Assessment of UV effects (280–400 nm) in an bioirrigation rates. This study provides insights into the environmental context can be made by weighting the role of benthos in mediating geochemical processes and spectrum of UV irradiance with a biological weighting will provide a model of carbon cycling in Arctic function (BWF; similar to an action spectrum). The sediments which can be used to make predictions of the investigators will measure detailed BWFs and the kinetics consequences of global warming. of UV effects on photosynthesis of macroalgae in High Arctic, emphasizing the kelps Laminaria saccharina and L. solidungula, which are distributed throughout the Presidential Faculty Fellows Program circumpolar Arctic. Both laboratory cultured plants and OPP 9553064 sporophytes collected during two spring and one summer 01/01/96; (OPP) $104,084; 12 months field season, in the Canadian High Arctic (Resolute, University of Michigan 79°30'N; 95°W) will be measured. Plants exposed to Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1274 different natural light environments during the nine- George W. Kling month ice covered period will be examined for The recipient has been chosen for an NSF Presidential differences in their sensitivity to UV radiation; the Faculty Fellow Award. The recipient will continue his importance of the nitrogen status of the plants in recovery research in the transport of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus processes that counteract UV-induced damage will also and sulfur through Arctic tundra ecosystems to include be investigated. The results will enable the first both physical and geochemical transport mechanisms and quantification of potential UV exposure in kelp habitats pathways. These studies will lead to a better and the biological effects of such exposure in terms of understanding of broad environmental problems such as kelp productivity in arctic coastal systems. acid rain, eutrophication, species introductions and climate change. The research will lead to a predicative The Physiology and Biochemistry of Organic capability for ecosystem function to show how organisms Osmolytes in Arctic Fishes react to each other and to human-imposed change. OPP 9423920 Fundamental questions about geochemical cycling within 07/01/95; (OPP) $54,822; 24 months organisms at both the regional and global scales will be University of Nevada–Las Vegas examined. A novel technique involving the use of stable Las Vegas, NV 89154-9900 isotopes will be applied at the scale of entire ecosystems James A. Raymond and will be used to estimate the current carbon balance in arctic ecosystems. Determination of the processes Freezing resistance in polar fishes is usually attributed to controlling the current carbon balance will allow the PI to noncolligative peptide antifreezes. In 1991, it was found predict the changes that may occur during forecasted that some arctic fishes increase the freezing point climate change in the Arctic. depression of their body fluids by producing high concentrations of glycerol in winter. Subsequent studies of this phenomenon have led to a realization that other Ozone Depletion and Ultraviolet (UV) Inhibition of inorganic ions and organic osmolytes have important Photosynthesis in Arctic Kelps: Spectral and roles in freezing resistance in many polar fishes, and Temporal Dependence possibly other roles as well. Prominent among these OPP 9622483 solutes are trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) and urea, 06/15/96; (OPP) $482,160; 23 months which are more widely distributed in polar fishes than University of Texas–Austin glycerol. These studies have lead to several unusual Austin, TX 78713-7726 findings concerning the synthesis, roles, conservation and Kenneth H. Dunton distribution of these osmolytes. Therefore, the overall Depletion of stratospheric ozone, particularly in the polar objective of this study is to better understand the regions, is causing increased concern over the effects of biochemistry and physiology of glycerol, TMAO and urea harmful UV radiation (mainly UVB, 280–320 nm). UVB in arctic fishes. Previous studies have shown that is damaging to many biological processes, and in plants, significant glycerol losses occur in smelt and that these specifically targets photosynthesis. Large increases in the losses are compensated for by a synthetic pathway (via penetration of solar UVB in the Southern Ocean during pyruvate) that appears to differ from that in other cold-

15 hardy, glycerol-producing animals. New studies will Program for Study of Controls of Subarctic Forest focus on various amino acid substrates that may be Development involved in this pathway, and the seasonal variation in DEB 9211769 activity of three key enzymes that also are thought to be 09/01/92; (DEB) $1,245,000; 68 months involved. The unexpected occurrence of high serum University of Alaska–Fairbanks TMAO levels in many arctic fishes also raises several Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 questions. TMAO is usually acquired by teleosts through John A. Yarie the diet, but in the smelt family it appears to be This program focuses on population and ecosystem level synthesized in response to cold. TMAO synthesis will be questions within the framework of succession. It tested by an assay for TMAO oxidase in warm- and cold- capitalizes on a substantial existing base of information acclimated fishes. Inorganic ion concentrations in polar and preliminary results from past research to address fishes are high enough to interfere with intracellular hypothesized controls of structure and function of processes, such as enzyme activities. successional forest communities. These processes previously have not been examined in a comprehensive Hormone-Behavior Adaptations in Arctic Birds manner in the North American taiga. Results of this OPP 9530826 research will greatly improve understanding of the links 07/15/96; (OPP) $163,620; 11 months between resource supply (moisture, light, nutrients) and University of Washington plant growth as influenced by herbivores and soil Seattle, WA 98195 microbial activity. Researchers in interior Alaska have John C. Wingfield demonstrated their commitment to long-term studies of ecological processes. Several studies have been pursued, Arctic breeding birds arrive on their nesting grounds at a essentially by the same scientists for 20 to 25 years. For time when weather conditions may still be extreme (low example, a series of plots in various successional stages temperature, snow). However, the brief arctic summer on the floodplain of the Chena and Tanana Rivers, requires that they begin nesting as early as possible to established in 1964, are still being monitored for growth take advantage of the ephemeral abundance of food to and changes in species composition. The U.S. Department feed young. Failure to adhere to this rigid schedule results of Agriculture Forest Service also is committed to long- in drastically reduced reproductive success. Hormone- term experimentation and encourages these activities behavior adaptations that maximize survival and through their management of Bonanza Creek reproductive success under the extreme conditions of the Experimental Forest, the principal site of this research. Arctic are the focus of this proposal. It has been shown The hypotheses put forth in this proposal address that the interrelationships between testosterone and important long-term aspects of forest ecosystem structure territorial aggression are diverse, especially as birds arrive and function only initially evaluated in earlier research on the arctic breeding grounds. In some species efforts. territoriality is extremely brief, following which birds apparently become refractory to the effects of testosterone. Others are territorial throughout the breeding The Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) season, but the dependence of these behaviors upon Project: Terrestrial and Freshwater Research on testosterone activation remains unclear. Aggressive Ecological Controls behavior of between four and seven arctic breeding DEB 9211775 passerines displaying different types of territoriality will 09/01/92; (DEB) $14,000; 50 months be compared. Temporal patterns of testosterone in relation Marine Biological Laboratory to patterns of aggressive behavior and the effects of Woods Hole, MA 02543 manipulating testosterone level will also be determined. John E. Hobbie Additionally, these species will be compared with their During the first five years of the Arctic LTER at Toolik closest relatives breeding at mid-latitudes (i.e., matched Lake, Alaska, systematic measurements of climate, of pairwise comparisons to avoid confounding issues tundra plant distribution and productivity, and of lake and relating to phylogenetic relationships). In this way it is stream physics, chemistry and biology were begun. possible to determine the ecological bases of different Whole system experiments were set up on the tundra, in types of territorial behavior and interrelationships with streams, and in lakes to examine the ecological effects of testosterone, as well as indicate potential specialization of changes in environmental and biological factors such as arctic breeding birds. The same spectra of species in the air temperature, added nutrients and changes in the Arctic and at mid-latitudes will be used to compare density of the top predators and grazers. These adrenocortical responses to stress. measurements and long-term experiments are designed to help reach the overall goal: to understand how tundra, Successional Processes in Taiga Forests of Interior streams and lakes function in the Arctic and to predict Alaska: A Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) how they respond to human-induced changes including climate change. Under this broad goal there are three

16 specific goals: (1) determine year-to-year ecological The Importance of Foraging Pattern on Reproductive variability in these systems and measure long-term Success in the Northern Fur Seal, Callorhinus ursinus changes; (2) understand the extent of control by resources OPP 9500072 (bottom-up control) or by grazing and predation (top- 05/01/95; (OPP) $109,847; 24 months down control); and (3) measure rates and understand the University of California–Santa Cruz controls of the exchange of nutrients and organic matter Santa Cruz, CA 95064-1077 between land and water. Long-term experiments are the Daniel P. Costa heart of the Arctic LTER program. It has been found that Over the last several decades many populations of arctic systems often do not respond for many years, and pinnipeds and seabirds have undergone significant that long-term responses are often not predictable from declines. Many hypotheses to explain the declines have short-term responses. Changes in the responses of both been made and numerous studies have been undertaken to streams and terrestrial vegetation to nutrient amendments search for the underlying causes. Juvenile survival, are still being documented after nineyears. Lake trout however, may be one of the most critical factors manipulations take many years to show effects as these influencing the growth and recovery of depleted long-lived fish may change their diet from invertebrates to populations of pinnipeds. Maternal resources imparted to fish when they reach a certain size. As a result, most long- offspring prior to weaning are important for a successful term experiments and measurements for determining transition from nutritional dependence to independence ecological variability will be continued. The results of the and subsequent survival. This may be particularly so of long-term experiments will continue to be measured as species whose life histories are constrained by rearing more is discovered about long-term ecosystem controls by young at high latitudes and species which wean their resources and predation. New research on the controls of young abruptly. Growth and recovery of depleted the exchange of nutrients between land and water will be populations at high latitudes are further constrained when started. A major watershed experiment will be carried out life-history fecundity schedules limit individuals to to measure the movements of water and dissolved gases producing one offspring per year. Thus, the quantity and through the groundwater and into the streams. quality of maternal investment to the young are a critical determinant of post-weaning survival. This research will Controls of Structure and Function of Aquatic examine the relationship between foraging behavior and Ecosystems in the Arctic maternal investment in northern fur seals. The research OPP 9400722 will be conducted in the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, where 06/15/94; (OPP) $995,000; 36 months lactating northern fur seals have been shown to have three Marine Biological Laboratory distinct foraging patterns (shallow, deep and mixed). The Woods Hole, MA 02543 location of the Pribilof Islands, near the edge of an John E. Hobbie extensive continental shelf, fortuitously gives animals breeding there two distinct foraging environments, one on Freshwater systems are a major feature of the arctic the continental and one off. Each environment has a landscape, despite the low precipitation, because distinct assemblage of prey species. Previous studies permafrost prevents drainage and evaporation is low. show the deep diving foraging pattern to be associated Their relative biotic simplicity offers advantages to with foraging over the continental shelf. We will quantify researchers attempting to sort out the various controls and the foraging costs and total investment in pups associated interactions of arctic lakes and streams. An understanding with the different foraging strategies observed in northern of the ecological processes is a necessary part of the long- fur seals. This will be done by comparing the maternal term goal of this project: prediction of the effect of investment in terms of both the actual energy and material changes in land use and climate on arctic stream and lake delivered to the pup and the energetic cost to the mother. ecosystems. This project will be based at an LTER site, These data will be used to determine if one foraging Toolik Lake, on the North Slope of Alaska, and will make strategy is energetically more efficient or beneficial and if use of long-term experiments of stream and lake this is so, does it allow the mother to make a greater fertilization and manipulations of the dominant predator investment in her young? in lakes, the lake trout. These manipulations are maintained by the LTER group. The project also will use LTER-produced data on basic environmental conditions including climate, lake physics and chemistry, nutrient concentrations in streams and lakes and stream flow. The project will move strongly towards synthesis and use data derived from all the past studies plus data from recent manipulations on streams and lakes. The long-term goal of the synthesis and modeling is to understand the movements and transformations of water, nutrients and organic matter through an entire watershed in the High Arctic.

17 Diversity and Metabolic Capabilities of Arctic information will be used to back-calculate environmental Bacterioplankton Communities and somatic changes for individual fish. Techniques will OPP 9500237 be applied to: (1) assess life history data (i.e., growth 02/15/95; (OPP) $84,895; 23 months rates, age structure, hatch date distribution, timing of San Francisco State University spawning, etc.) in terms of life history strategies; (2) San Francisco, CA 94132-1722 establish the importance of critical life-history transitions, James T. Hollibaugh conditions affecting their onset, and derive migrational schemes (whether an individual is a migrant or a resident, This project will investigate the relationship between age at first migration, whether a former migrant bacterioplankton community composition and community individual will resume a resident life history strategy and metabolic capabilities in the Arctic Ocean. They will the events leading and following migration) by examine the patterns of spatial variation in these investigating the structural and elemental composition of properties of Arctic Ocean bacterioplankton communities fish otoliths; (3) detect differences in growth and life and attempt to relate them to sources of organic matter histories between different geographical areas as related fueling heterotrophic production. The investigation will to hydrographic, trophic or habitat conditions; (4) be conducted using samples collected from a U.S. Navy precisely time the occurrence of several pivotal life submarine from March–May 1995, which then will be history transitions and correlate them with environmental dedicated to Arctic oceanography. Collected samples will variables. The results of the proposed research will be analyzed in the laboratory after the cruise. Community provide a paradigm to the study of fish life histories. Such composition will be analyzed using a method developed knowledge is vital to our understanding of the processes at San Francisco State University based on separating fundamental to adaptable life history patterns and would partial sequences of the 16S rRNA gene. Community make it possible to link growth and migration to metabolic capabilities will be assessed by the ability of environmental occurrences. This would provide insight bacteria to grow on 95 different organic carbon sources. into the ecological process of interactions between a They will analyze water samples chemically to determine species and its environment. the concentrations of amino acids, carbohydrates and dissolved organic carbon, and conduct bioassays using native bacteria to determine directly the proportion of Ecophysical Limits to Northern Breeding dissolved organic carbon that they can metabolize. Distributions of Arctic Sandpipers OPP 9696134 11/01/95; (OPP) $105,879; 19 months Plasticity of Life History Traits in Arctic Charr: Use University of Missouri–St. Louis of Retrospective Data to Couple Migration Data with St. Louis, MO 63121-4401 Environmental Variation Robert E. Ricklefs OPP 9530081 08/15/96; (OPP) $79,568; 11 months The environment of the High Arctic imposes two critical University of Hawaii–Manoa limits to the existence of many forms of life. One includes Honolulu, HI 96822-2225 the extreme physical conditions of the environment: cold Richard L. Radtke temperatures, high wind velocities and low precipitation. The other is the briefness of the growing season. This The relationships between morphology and environmental environment is especially stringent for sandpipers history will be investigated. The plan of research is aimed (Scolopacidae), which occupy their arctic breeding at: (1) refining and advancing promising, but nascent, grounds for as little as two months, and whose chicks are techniques for extracting a record of the past life history among the smallest of warm-blooded animals. This and environmental conditions encountered by individual research project will utilize detailed measurements of the fish from otolith carbonate and archival tags, and (2) growth and development, energetics, thermal exploring a fresh approach to investigate the influence of environment, food supply and parental care of scolopacid environmental conditions upon morphology and life chicks to discover how these birds exploit the arctic history plasticity by applying experimentally validated environment so successfully. Cold temperatures require a otolith techniques to individuals from a multitude of high capacity for generating metabolic heat; short natural conditions. The goals are to establish retrospective breeding seasons require rapid growth. Therefore, the and predictive relationships between the chemical combined stresses of low temperature and short season structure of otoliths and environmental factors: to would seem to push small homeotherms to the limit in the understand interactions among environmental factors that High Arctic. The problem of resolving compromises affect chemical structure; and to combine the between the conflicting functions of growth rate and heat environmental information encoded in otoliths with field generation is an excellent model for understanding how observations to evaluate the importance of biotic and the design of the organism relates to its environmental abiotic parameters to the establishment of divergent life setting. Field and laboratory measurements will be used to history patterns in Arctic charr. Daily growth increments, determine the forms of relationships and quantify the the ratios of elements in the otolith and archival tag coefficients in a mathematical model of the scolapacid

18 chick. The essential elements of the model encompass the Latitudinal Gradients, Natural Selection and internal organization of the chick and the relationship of Variation in N:P Stoichiometry in Plankton: A Test of the chick to its environment. The model changes the Growth Rate Hypothesis continuously as the chick grows, and growth is simulated DEB 9527322 by expressions relating growth rate to functional capacity 08/01/96; (DEB) $89,198, (OPP) $22,000; 24 months of tissues, and functional capacity to the proportion of Arizona State University adult size achieved. Laboratory and field work will Tempe, AZ 85287 provide data to evaluate the scolapacid chick model. James J. Elser Laboratory investigation will focus on components of How does elemental composition (“stoichiometry”) of energy budgets; capacity of chicks to generate heat in animals vary among species? How might differences in response to cold stress; loss of heat from the body, body elemental composition affect how food webs including that caused by evaporation from the respiratory function? This project will test the hypothesis that surfaces; and tolerance of body cooling. Observations of differences among species in body stoichiometry of the free-ranging chicks in natural family groups, using radio- nutrients nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) reflect tagged individuals where practical, will help to validate differences among species in specific growth rate. It is the results from penned birds. Conditions of the thermal predicted that rapidly growing organisms must have high environment and the availability of food items will be ribosome concentrations in their bodies. Ribosomes are P- monitored continuously to provide data on the range and rich (low N:P ratio) cellular structures responsible for temporal variability of these factors. protein synthesis and thus growth. Therefore, rapidly growing organisms are predicted to have lower N:P ratios Parthenogenesis and Incompatibility Microorganisms in their bodies than slower growing species. We will test in Insects this hypothesis by studying elemental and biochemical DEB 9318783 composition and body growth rates of zooplankton 02/15/94; (DEB) $85,000; 42 months species at high latitudes versus mid-latitudes. Natural University of Rochester selection along latitudinal gradients is hypothesized to Rochester, NY 14627 select for differing growth rates among similar planktonic John H. Werren species. We will study ecological and evolutionary determinants of a parameter, animal N:P stoichiometry, Clonality is an extremely important phenomenon in that is likely to be a key factor influencing food webs of plants. Clonal plant species comprise up to 90% of the lake and ocean ecosystems. higher plant species in alpine and Arctic communities, 60% or more of temperate floras, and even in tropical habitats, the majority of woody species possess the ability Collaborative Research: Interactions Between Plant to sucker, crown sprout or develop adventitious roots. Chemicals and Microbial Communities Through Clonality is found in trees, shrubs and herbs, under Forest Succession in the Alaskan Taiga terrestrial, aquatic and arboreal conditions, and in both DEB 9527749 autotrophic and parasitic groups, yet much about this 06/01/96; (DEB) $175,000; 36 months widely successful growth mode remains poorly University of California–Santa Barbara understood. In clonal plants, sugars and other nutrients are Santa Barbara, CA 93106 transported from “mother” plants to “daughter” offshoots Joshua P. Schimel (ramets). Using greenhouse experiments to test theory, the DEB 9622788 research proposed will examine how variation in resource 06/01/96; (DEB) $65,000; 12 months allocation among ramets affects the life history and Brigham Young University contributes to the success of different genetic individuals Provo, UT 84602-1043 of the clonal plant dodder (Cuscuta exaltata). Clonal Rex G. Cates plants have broad economic importance as both crop plants (e.g., strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and The proposed research investigates the impact of plant asparagus) and noted crop pests such as dodder, which chemical inputs on soil microbial processes in the parasitizes crops including alfalfa in both temperate and Alaskan taiga forest. Studies will focus on tannins tropical agriculture. The information provided by this produced by alder and balsam poplar, two species that study may prove useful for both crop growth and pest form part of the successional sequence in the flood plain control, offering the data needed to create better schemes forests of Alaska. Tannins of varying chemical structure for timing and distribution of fertilizers in clonal crops, will be isolated from these species and added to soils from and reducing the dependence on chemical control of both alder and poplar sites. Their effects on a suite of clonal pests. microbial processes including respiration, nitrogen mineralization and enzyme activities will be measured. The specific structure of the chemicals will be linked with their biological activities to improve our understanding of the ecological function of these chemicals. Tannins will

19 be applied from each species to each soil to determine and this efflux is often greater than emissions from whether the microbial communities can adapt to the marine habitats that contain much more sulfur. Ongoing chemicals coming in. These studies will greatly improve studies reveal that rapid fluxes of DMS occur in our understanding of how plants affect the soil processes oligotrophic areas of wetlands rather than in more that control nutrient availability and therefore plant nutrient-rich sites. This peculiarity may to be due to the succession in the Alaskan taiga. We will improve our fact that the methanogenic demethylation of DMS does understanding of forest community dynamics, controls on not occur in oligotrophic peats, whereas it does occur in litter quality and decomposition, plant-microbe minerotrophic ones and also in neutral lake sediment. The interactions and the role of microbial community present study will investigate the production, composition in ecosystem function. consumption and emission of DMS in wetlands of varying trophic status to elucidate the role of terminal decomposition processes in controlling DMS release. Dissertation Research: Disequilibrum of Dynamics of Several hypotheses will be tested: (1) DMS emissions are Boreal Permafrost Peatlands During Transience to a most rapid in oligotrophic (ombrotrophic) regions of Warmer Climate wetlands, and this phenomenon is ubiquitous; (2) DMS DEB 9623598 emissions (and accumulation) are faster in oligotrophic 06/15/96; (DEB) $7,200; 23 months regions because DMS is not decomposed by Duke University methanogenic bacteria; (3) chemical conditions (i.e., pH, Durham, NC 27703-2570 mineral content) are responsible for the lack of DMS James S. Clark consumption in oligotrophic peats; (4) methylotrophic Global general circulation models suggest that the methanogens are sparse in oligotrophic areas; (5) greatest future temperature increases of 4–8ºC will occur Methylated sulfides are produced in all anoxic freshwater in boreal and tundra biomes. An understanding of the systems The project will combine: (1) field experiments future dynamics of these systems is important in measuring emissions of reduced gases and distribution of determining their role as negative or positive feedback to pertinent chemical species along trophic gradients within the global carbon cycle, especially in peatlands containing a wetland, and in separate wetlands of different trophic permafrost, which may undergo dramatic change with status; (2) field manipulations in which wetland plots will climate warming. Permafrost peatlands are a potential be amended with selected nutrients and/or trace elements; example of systems that do not respond in equilibrium (3) laboratory experiments to investigate pathways of with climate. The PIs suggest that both local and regional organic matter transformations and relationships with factors influence the dynamics of boreal permafrost trace gas production; (4) investigations of the relative peatland systems, and that the transient dynamics of these distribution and abundance of selected microorganisms landscapes will not correspond to climatic warming in an using molecular biotechnology techniques. The results equilibrial fashion due to local constraints serving as will elucidate important aspects of bacterial metabolic negative feedback to change. The goal of this study is to pathways for the production and consumption of identify the relative contributions of regional climatic methylated S compounds in wetlands, and in freshwaters versus local autogenic processes to the successional in general. Since DMS transformations are conducted dynamics in permafrost peatland landscapes. With this primarily by microorganisms situated at the important information, spatial cellular automata models will be terminal end of decomposition, these data will provide developed to test the degree of landscape disequilibrium insight into what controls decomposition in sites that tend with climate by sequentially adding local feedback to accumulate large quantities of organic matter, and how responses. The peat accumulation potential of permafrost methanogenesis, acetogenesis, anaerobic metabolism and peatlands versus melted peatlands will be measured to methylation and demethylation activity vary in response determine carbon source-sink shifts as landscapes change. to changes in trophic status.

Collaborative Research: Dimethylsulfide Metabolism Effects of Species Traits and Biodiversity on in Relation to Carbon Cycling Pathways in Ecosystem Processes in Arctic Tundra Sphagnum-Dominated Wetlands OPP 9523247 DEB 9632421 09/15/96; (OPP) $98,887; 11 months 09/01/96; (DEB) $34,539, (OPP) $16,000; 12 months University of California–Berkeley University of South Alabama Berkeley, CA 94720 Mobile, AL 36688 F. Stuart Chapin Ronald P. Kiene The objective of the proposed research is to explore the Northern sphagnum-dominated wetlands are complex, effects of biodiversity in plant species and of plant growth nutrient-poor ecosystems that are major sources of forms on ecosystem cycling of C and N in arctic tundra. atmospheric methane and store tremendous quantities of In addition, it will test whether or not functional groups of organic carbon. These systems can emit unusually large plants are an adequate approximation for detailed amounts of dimethylsulfide (DMS) into the atmosphere, physiological information on all species in understanding

20 vegetation controls over ecosystem processes, and the San Jose, CA 95172-0130 response of ecosystems to perturbations. Effort will be Rikk G. Kvitek focused on arctic tundra, a high priority ecosystem. An Ice scouring is the most disruptive and widespread integrated program of modeling and experimentation is physical disturbance to marine bottom communities in proposed. Experimentally, diversity in the tundra will be polar waters. At high-latitudes, ice pressure ridges scour manipulated by removing different growth forms of the sea floor to depths of 60 m, and larger ice bergs tundra plants (which represent functional groups in the ground as deep as 400 m. This project will explore the tundra), and all possible combinations of the species from ecological implications of this disturbance to arctic two growth forms, and effects on ecosystem C and N benthic populations and communities. It is a cycling will be measured. Simulation models will be multidisciplinary Canadian–U.S. program involving two developed to compare the effects of growth of individual major components. The first is to characterize and model plant species on ecosystem-level resource supply and the physical disturbance regime over a three-year period cycling with those of functional groups constructed by by repetitive mapping the study areas with high resolution averaging the characteristics of the different species in the side-scan sonar, and to quantify the scour recovery growth form. Plant growth for each of the major species process by divers. This approach will enable us to identify and competitive interactions during growth will be newly formed scours each season, and to generate modeled. Model predictions of the distribution and net quantitative and ecologically relevant data on disturbance productivity of species or functional groups, ecosystem coverage, frequency, intensity and physical recovery. The net primary productivity and nutrient cycling under second component is to investigate benthic population current climatic conditions will be compared. Effects of and community responses to ice scour, documenting the removing or introducing species or functional groups successional stages of biotic recovery. They will test from the models, and of perturbations caused by whether observed widespread patterns of zonation and herbivory or variable climate will also be examined, and larger spatial and temporal community mosaics are will be compared with experimental results of removing correlated to this key disturbance. This combined physical species and growth forms. This research is novel because and biotic approach will enable them to develop a it is the first experimental test of the effects of species and conceptual model of scour aging and recovery, and to growth form diversity on ecosystem processes in the evaluate the impact of this disturbance on benthic tundra, and it is the first attempt to model the impact of production and diversity. plant species and their competitive interactions on ecosystem processes in arctic tundra. This is critical to understanding the role of species and functional group diversity in ecosystem processes.

Fisheries Management Geographical Information Systems DMI 9460932 02/01/95; (DMI) $9,997; 14 months Scientific Fishery Systems Anchorage, AK 99524 Patrick K. Simpson The development of a fisheries management Geographical Information System (GIS) for the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands (BSAI) of Alaska is proposed. During Phase I, a needs assessment will be conducted, data collection and analysis will begin, requirements analysis for the fisheries managers in the BSAI region will be conducted and a fisheries management BSAI GIS specification will be produced. Phase II will complete the data collection and analysis process and implement the GIS designed during Phase I.

Research at Undergraduate Institutions (RUI): Ice Scour Disturbance and the Structure of Arctic Bottom Communities OPP 9321504 06/01/94; (OPP) $194,533; 36 months San Jose State University Foundation


Collaborative Research: Crustal Evolution of the Research at Undergraduate Institutions (RUI): Bering Shelf–Chukchi Sea Terrane Analysis of Silurian Reefal Carbonates, EAR 9316573 Alaska 03/15/94; (EAR) $36,300; 36 months EAR 9417407 William Marsh Rice University 06/01/95; (EAR) $50,853, (INT) $25,935; 36 months Houston, TX 77252-2692 Colgate University James E. Wright Hamilton, NY 13346 Constance M. Soja EAR 9317087 03/15/94; (EAR) $157,923; 42 months The accretion of terranes to continental margins is the Stanford University tectonic process believed by many geologists to have been Stanford, CA 94305 responsible for continental growth along western North Elizabeth L. Miller America in the last 60–100 million years. Because of the complex geologic relationships produced by accretionary EAR 9317142 tectonics, the complete geologic history of this tectonic 03/15/94; (EAR) $35,382; 36 months collage in western North America is still unknown. The University of California–Santa Barbara proposed project aims to build upon the PI’s previous Santa Barbara, CA 93106 research by investigating Silurian reef and reef-related Phillip B. Gans carbonate deposits in southeastern Alaska to determine EAR 9317531 their geologic relationship to Silurian limestones in 03/15/94; (EAR) $13,093; 42 months southwestern Alaska. Rocks exposed in southeastern Western Washington University Alaska belong to the Alexander terrane, which existed Bellingham, WA 98225-5996 during the Early-Middle Paleozoic as volcanically active David C. Engebretson islands at an unknown site in the ancient Pacific Ocean, whereas deposits in southwestern Alaska (Nixon Fork Since the advent of plate tectonics, earth scientists have terrane) represent an original, although dismembered, part increasingly emphasized the importance of the lateral of the North American continent. Strata in these two areas growth of continental crust by the processes of terrane share distinctive Silurian sponge faunas preserved in accretion and magmatic arc development. The Cordilleran unusual stromatolite reefs. In southeastern Alaska, orogeny of North America is one of the prime examples Silurian carbonates have been examined in detail at of such crustal growth, and the Alaskan portion of this scattered localities but mainly only in one small area in belt is considered to have been constructed almost entirely the southern part of the Alexander terrane. The research by the process of terrane accretion. This study will will enable detailed investigations of Silurian rocks that undertake an ambitious geological and geophysical are exposed in other parts of the Alexander terrane, transect across the northernmost portion of the especially where reconnaissance studies have revealed Cordilleran orogeny in the Bering–Chukchi region of the well-preserved, but as yet unstudied biotas. Field work Arctic, between mainland Alaska and Russia. The main involving undergraduate research students will focus on goals of the research are to provide us with greater insight describing rocks and collecting fossils systematically into the details of the creation, evolution and modification from measured and photographed stratigraphic sections. of the crust beneath Cordilleran-style orogenic belts, to Compilation of petrologic, petrographic and paleontolgic give us a better understanding of the coupling between data will form the basis for determining the paleoecology, tectonic and petrologic processes at deep and shallow environmental setting and faunal affinities of the crustal levels, and to help us determine the general links preserved biotas and for identifying the degree of between processes at the scale of the crust and those at the similarity in rock and fossil composition with Silurian plate tectonic scale. The project is a collaborative effort rocks in southwestern Alaska. Demonstrating that a by researchers at Stanford (Miller and Klemperer), Rice diversity of fossils from more than one small part of (Wright), Univeristy of California–Santa Barbara (Gans) southeastern Alaska is shared with southwestern Alaska and Western Washington (Engebretson). The project also represents an important advancement in our involves scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey understanding of the early geologic history of the branches of Pacific Marine Geology (Scholl and Childs), Alexander terrane. These data will help to document Alaskan Geology (Grantz and Moore), and Seismology evidence for the hypothesis that the Alexander terrane (Brocher), and three well-known Russian scientists from was in close proximity to northwestern North America, Khabarovsk (B. Natal’in), Yakutsk (L. Parfenov) and allowing faunal communication between the two Magadan (M. Gelman). localities. Such data would be important in providing a definitive paleogeographic link between the Alexander terrane and North America proper. Because similar

22 Silurian sponge deposits also occur in the Ural glacier activity. Comparing the timing of advances for Mountains, Russia, the study will lay critical groundwork these ice masses with that in Hudson Strait will indicate for exploring the idea that a seaway enabled migration of whether or not forcing is primarily climate or ice-sheet organisms along the northern rims of North America instability. Modeling our field-base glacier (Laurentia) and Europe (Baltica) in the Late Silurian. reconstructions will test whether or not they are compatible with ice physics and will provide additional insights into ice sheet dynamics. Late Quaternary Dynamics of the Labrador/Foxe Sectors of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, Eastern Canadian Arctic Reconstruction of Global Ice Age Ice Sheets from EAR 9510063 Global Sea-Level and Earth Deformation Data 08/01/95; (EAR) $94,197; 24 months EAR 9515322 University of Colorado–Boulder 09/01/96; (EAR) $33,514; 24 months Boulder, CO 80309-0019 Calvin College Gifford H. Miller Grand Rapids, MI 49506 James A. Clark Our concepts concerning the stability of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) and its role in the global climate systems The two main goals of the proposed work are: (1) to have been revised dramatically in the past five years, as reconstruct the change in thickness of all of the large ice high-resolution records have been compiled from the sea sheets that once covered much of the Earth’s surface floor, ice cores and from deposits around the margin of during the last ice age, and (2) to explain sea-level the former ice sheet. Collectively, these records document changes and earth deformation that have occurred during rapid reorganization of oceanic and atmospheric late-glacial and postglacial time as a result of glacio- circulation on time scales of a few years to a few decades, isostatic processes. The reconstruction of ice-age ice and rapid fluctuations of the ice margin that resulted in sheets has usually been attempted by glaciologists and massive transfers of ice into oceans on time scales of Quaternary geologists who model the flow of ice sheets decades to centuries. The rapid delivery of large volumes and assume that climate and other boundary conditions of ice from the land to the ocean may have altered are known. Because the great weight of the ice sheets thermohaline circulation, with subsequent reduction in caused the earth to deform, an alternative approach is to high-latitude precipitation, effectively coupling the three use earth deformation data (e.g., sea-level data, tide-gauge systems. The Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research data, geodetic/GPS data or proglacial and postglacial lake (INSTAAR) research effort of the last decade has focused shoreline tilt data) and a numerical model of viscous flow on the glacial history at the mouth of Hudson Strait, the within the Earth’s mantle to infer the weight of the ice most direct connection of the ice sheet to the ocean. We sheets as they advanced and then retreated. The success of have provided field evidence for rapid advance and retreat initial attempts to perform this “inversion” for the North of the ice margin in Hudson Strait (sustained advances in American Laurentide ice sheet have demonstrated the excess of 100 km/century), and for ice movement feasibility of performing the global calculation. To ensure independent of topography, with major advances sourced that the predicted ice sheets are plausible, the numerical in Labrador/Ungava rather than Hudson Bay. A inversion procedure utilizes quadratic programming consequence of these advances was a major flux of methods to provide physical constraints upon the icebergs into the Labrador Sea, and subsequently the predicted ice sheets. The predicted ice sheets can be North Atlantic, providing the first direct glacial geologic constrained to be always nonnegative, less than a evidence of a mechanism to produce Heinrich layers prescribed maximum thickness, with thickness profile observed in the North Atlantic. In this proposal, funding thinning in the direction of glacier flow, and having a is requested to test three questions: (1) Are observed maximum rate of thinning or thickening. Errors can be rapid ice stream advances triggered by inherent determined for the resulting ice-sheet prediction. A instabilities at the bed of the LIS, or are they climatically recently implemented method uses a priori estimates of driven? (2) Did an ice stream in Cumberland Sound the most likely ice-sheet thickness history to “guide” the contribute substantial sediment/meltwater/icebergs to the inversion process. Results are required to fit the Labrador Sea? If so, were fluctuations in phase with the deformation data using least-squares criteria, while the Hudson Strait advances? (3) Are the reconstructions predicted ice-sheet thicknesses are still as close as interpreted from the field evidence compatible with possible to the a priori model. Prescribed errors of the a glaciological theory? We proposed to address these priori model control how strongly the predicted ice sheet questions by field observations of the glacial geology at is constrained by the a priori model, although the errors the mouth of Cumberland Sound and by applying a three- may be exceeded if the deformation data warrant it. This glaciological model to the Labrador/Baffin region using approach allows considerable spatial resolution in the our field-based boundary conditions. The Cumberland inversion for ice-sheet history because the inverse Sound region should preserve evidence that will clarify problem is always overdetermined regardless of the the timing and magnitude of a Foxe Basin ice stream, and number of unknown ice-sheet thicknesses. The number of to the north, provide an independent record of local equations always exceeds the number of unknowns. An

23 additional benefit is that the procedure provides Tectonic Processes, Architecture and Isotopic remarkable numerical stability in the determination of the Systematics of Deep Crustal Levels: Investigation of matrix eigenstructure. As the ice sheets retreated, their the Nagssugtoqidian Orogen of West Greenland meltwater filled the ocean basins resulting in a rise in sea EAR 9526684 level, which has been observed in the geological record 01/01/96; (EAR) $100,000; 24 months and recently estimated through time. This “eustatic” sea University of Texas–Austin level rise provides an important constraint upon the Austin, TX 78713-7726 inversion process by indicating the volume change of the James N. Connelly Earth’s ice sheets during deglaciation, whereas Deep crustal features associated with continent–continent deformation data provide an estimate of the spatial collisions are difficult to study in most phanerozoic distribution of this volume. Meltwater loading of the orogens because the exposure levels are seldom deep ocean floor is an important factor contributing to variation enough. The Nagssugtoqidian Orogen of West Greenland in relative sea-level curves at sites distant from ice sheets. has attracted much attention as one of the world’s most An important goal of the proposed work is to include this completely exposed foreland-to-foreland transects of a factor in the inverse procedure, together with the deep Precambrian orogen. However, recent work has requirement that sea level remain on a gravitational failed to confirm the presence of major displacement, equipotential surface. crustal-scale shear zones and thrusts anywhere in the orogen that should mark a continent–continent suture. Shortening, Gravity-Driven Compensation and the This project, in conjunction with the Danish Lithosphere Thermal Evolution of the East Greenland Caledonides Centre, will attempt to date, characterize and interpret EAR 9526659 metamorphism of this belt, previously thought to be an 07/15/96; (OPP) $165,000, (EAR) $132,679; 36 months example of a deep suture, and to develop a tectonic model Massachusetts Institute of Technology for its formation. Results should determine whether or not Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 the deformation was due to an intracontinental, or an Kip V. Hodges intercontinental, tectonic setting. The process of extensional deformation within orogenic belts is of considerable interest in the development of Paleozoic Faunal Affinity Studies in West-Central and collisional mountain ranges. First well-documented in the East-Central Alaska Himalayas, these extensional structures appear to provide EAR 9312854 a mechanism for limiting the topographic relief and mean 06/01/94; (INT) $12,919; 32 months elevation when physical erosion is not sufficient to University of Oregon–Eugene compensate for the compression-drives uplift. Commonly Eugene, OR 97403-5219 associated with these extensional features is an enigmatic Norman M. Savage metamorphic relationship in which the metamorphic The PI will collect brachiopod and conodont faunas of grade is inverted, that is, increases upward. From thermal suspect terranes in central Alaska and compare these modeling it is clear that these inverted metamorphic faunas with known faunas in southeastern Alaska and gradients can be preserved only with rapid cooling. cratonic North America. The comparison of these faunas However, the temporal, spatial and mechanical will help determine the history of terrane displacement in relationships between deformation (compression with Alaska. The field effort will be coordinated with the U.S. extensional unroofing accommodation) and the Geological Survey. geothermal budget (metamorphic grade and pressure- temperature-time path) of these systems is not well understood. This project will study tectonic denudation Collaborative Research: Iridium Deposition in and inverted metamorphism in the East Greenland Central Greenland Ice: Temporal Variability of Caledonides. This area exposes a much deeper part of an Cosmic and Volcanic Sources orogen, and the inverted metamorphic gradient is present EAR 9316183 in a different structural setting from analogous structures 08/15/94; (OPP) $30,000; 36 months in the Himalayas. Technically, the high-precision Rutgers, The State University geochronologic techniques to be used are capable of more New Brunswick, NJ 08903 closely tying deformation metamorphism in this older Robert M. Sherrell orogen. The expected results of this research include a better understanding of the thermal behavior of actively EAR 9316207 deforming orogens, particularly in response to episodes of 08/15/94; (EAR) $30,000; 36 months extension in the overall compressional orogens. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 Edward A. Boyle PIs have found iridium (Ir) anomalies in ice cores associated with the 1908 Tunguska event and the 1783

24 Laki eruption. In collaboration with Robert Rocchia aspects of the sediment record that offer the most (Paris), they will extend these analyses to other ice cores information on subglacial processes with respect to with the following goals: (1) test and verify findings, (2) mechanisms of ice-sheet behaviors as well as for make systematic studies on ice core samples to clarify comparison to modeling studies. Our experimental work partitioning of Ir and (3) investigate temporal variability will involve using geotechnical analyses of fine-grained of background Ir deposition. Results have implications for diamictons deposited by the lobes to define the range in debate over impact versus volcanic sources for Ir in the rheological parameters of different till sheets that are stratigraphic record, and also for linking volcanism and needed in the constitutive sediment flow law we use in impacts to climatic changes. modeling studies. We will use a one-dimensional coupled ice-sediment numerical model that integrates results of experimental work to investigate mechanisms of unstable Collaborative Research: Unstable Behavior of the ice-sheet behavior due to internal ice-sheet dynamics or Southern Margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and external climate forcing. Finally, we will focus on Implications for Ice-Sheet Dynamics and Climate intercomparison of results from field and modeling Changes studies of subglacial hydrology, subglacial sediment EAR 9405117 processes and sediment transport fluxes. 07/15/94; (EAR) $18,454; 36 months University of Guam Mangilao, GQ 96910 Late Cretaceous to Paleocene Depositional Systems, John W. Jenson Paleoclimate and Strike-Slip Basin Development, Denali Fault System, Alaska EAR 9405334 EAR 9406078 07/15/94; (EAR) $49,000; 36 months 08/15/94; (EAR) $56,684; 36 months Oregon State University Purdue University Research Foundation Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 West Lafayette, IN 47907 Peter U. Clark Kenneth D. Ridgway EAR 9410262 PI will investigate the Cantwell Basin strata in Alaska, 07/15/94; (EAR) $33,000; 36 months addressing questions of depositional systems, basin Washington State University development and paleoclimate. Strata in the basin may Pullman, WA 99164-3140 preserve the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary as well, Carlton L. Ho offering opportunities to investigate fossil plant Unstable ice-sheet behavior is now recognized as an community changes at this time in a high-latitude basin. important characteristic of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) Analysis of the Cantwell Basin will be a key step in during the last glaciation, and it played a crucial role in developing a regionally integrated database for strike-slip forcing abrupt climate change in the circum-North basins along the Denali fault system. Atlantic region, and perhaps globally. In this collaborative work, we propose to evaluate mechanisms of unstable ice- Pleistocene Glacial Ice Cover and Interglacial sheet behavior based on the late-Pleistocene sedimentary Paleoclimatic History in the NE Russian Arctic– record of the Des Moines and Lake Michigan lobes along Comparisons with Alaska the southern margin of the LIS. This behavior is far better OPP 9423730 documented by well-dated records of these lobes than for 07/15/95; (OPP) $134,178; 23 months any other sector of the ice sheet, thus providing the best University of Massachusetts–Amherst opportunity to explore mechanisms of such behavior and Amherst, MA 01003 its relationship to abrupt climate change. Results from this Julie Brigham-Grette research will have significant application to other areas where unstable behavior of the LIS occurred, but which This award supports a project to study the late are less well-constrained by the geologic record (for Pleistoceneglacial geology of the regions bordering the example, Hudson Strait). Models of ice-sheet instability Bering Strait. Field work and laboratory analyses of fossil thus far have treated the sources of the instability as materials collected on Chukotka Peninsula over the last arising from internal ice-sheet dynamics involving three years indicate that the late Cenozoic stratigraphic saturated, deforming subglacial sediment. The Des framework for Northeast Russia is in need of significant Moines and Lake Michigan lobes advanced across fine- revision. The development of a unified stratigraphic grained sediments that, when water saturated, would have scheme for those parts of Beringia on both sides of the deformed under the shear stress applied by the ice. Bering Strait requires that the Pleistocene stratigraphy of Additional studies, however, suggest external (climate) NE Russia be more firmly based upon modern concepts forcing mechanisms for unstable ice-sheet behavior. We of glacial sedimentology, isostasy and eustasy and will continue our collaborative work of integrating field, secured with better geochronology. Knowledge of glacial experimental and modeling studies to investigate potential ice extent in the Russian Arctic is important for forcing mechanisms. Our field studies will center on those establishing accurate boundary conditions for

25 paleoclimatic modeling. Likewise, knowledge of exposure age chronology for the region, and to evaluate interglacial marine conditions in the region is important the correlation of previously mapped and correlated for understanding changes in the distribution of water deposits. Potential results of the proposed work and its masses and heat transport, as well as understanding the possible extensions include: (1) absolute chronology for a role of the Bering Strait in global ocean circulation largely undated glacial sequence in an area that is crucial models. Based upon past field work and a complete for reconstructing the margins of the Laurentide Ice Sheet inventory of moraines and other glaciogenic deposits at the last glacial maximum (LGM); (2) age constraints using European Space Agency synthetic-aperture-radar for glacial deposits and ice-sheet limits related to pre- images across Northeast Russia, this project will revise LGM Laurentide Ice Sheet advances in Labrador; and (3) the Late Cenozoic stratigraphy of the region and provide constraints on erosion rates and weathering history of an opportunity for both U.S. and Russian researchers to rock surfaces in sub-Arctic/Arctic regions. compare and exchange field methods and laboratory techniques via joint study of crucial stratigraphic sections An Integrated Modeling and Experimental Study of and moraine sequences on both sides of the Bering Strait. the Formation and Dynamics of Patterned Ground Special attention will be given to the paleoclimatic and OPP 9530809 paleoceanographic significance of similarities and 06/01/96; (OPP) $88,719; 12 months contrasts in the Pleistocene records. The correlation and University of Washington geochronology of the deposits will be based upon a Seattle, WA 98195 variety of modern techniques, including amino acid Bernard Hallet geochronology of mollusks, soft sediment paleomagnetism, cosmogenic isotope surface exposure OPP 9530860 dating and quantitative geomorphology of moraines, 06/01/96; (OPP) $77,494; 12 months along with traditional biostratigraphy. The results of this University of California–Scripps Institute project will be important to developing a complete picture La Jolla, CA 92093 of paleoenvironmental conditions in this region. Bradley Werner The emergence of order from disorder is observed in a Cosmogenic Nuclide Chronology of Weathering Zones wide range of complex dynamical systems. Several and Ice-Sheet Limits in Northern Labrador: A Pilot geological features, including patterned ground, constitute Study some of the clearest and most accessible examples of OPP 9530682 abiotic self-organization in nature. It is proposed to 06/15/96; (OPP) $49,039; 11 months investigate the spontaneous emergence and dynamics of University of Rhode Island patterned ground through a coordinated program of field Kingston, RI 02881 measurement and computer simulation of discrete particle Edward J. Brook motion in soil subjected to freeze/thaw activity. The close bending of these two approaches promises to be OPP 9530759 synergistic, with the simulations guiding the 06/15/96; (OPP) $28,829; 11 months investigations in formulating novel and more precise Oregon State University questions in the field and vice versa. A new and more Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 fundamental view of patterned ground as a prime example Peter U. Clark of self-organization will be obtained through the This proposal requests funds for a pilot study applying integration of the following specific objectives: (1) to cosmogenic nuclide exposure ages to glacial deposits in develop a three-dimensional computer simulation of the Torngat Mountains, northern Labrador, that were discrete particle motion in soil subjected to recurrent deposited by the eastern margin of the Laurentide Ice freezing and thawing, and to use it to investigate the Sheet. This sequence of moraines and drift represents at development of patterns in frozen ground; (2) to measure least two successively limited glaciations of the Torngat stone and soil displacements, document the formation of Mountains and is a “type area” for study of weathering patterns and their reaction to disturbances, and monitor zones in North America. Despite over a century of study, with automated instrumentation soil temperature, the chronology of this classic sequence of differentially moisture and climate parameters in established study sites weathered glacial deposits is highly uncertain. with well-developed sorted circles and stripes; (3) to Furthermore, the glacial history of this region is a key construct a micro-mechanical model of sorting in component in reconstructing the past history of the patterned ground through computer simulation and Laurentide Ice Sheet, which exerted a major influence on laboratory experimentation; and (4) to develop a realistic global climate during the last glacial period. Examples heat and mass transfer model to investigate factors critical for measurement of cosmogenic 10Be and other in the formation of sorted circles—active layer depth and cosmogenic nuclides will be collected to evaluate the three-dimensional geometry of propagating freezing and suitability of this region for exposure dating studies. The thawing fronts. An important practical benefit of preliminary 10Be data will be used to create an absolute developing a realistic near-surface heat transfer model for

26 frozen ground is that it promises to contribute to a more A Study of Crustal Anisotropy in Alaska precise understanding of both the anticipated impacts of EAR 9505837 climate change permafrost areas, and the record of recent 09/01/95; (EAR) $27,927; 24 months climate change that is contained in permafrost University of Alaska–Fairbanks temperatures. The goal of the proposed research is to Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 understand the processes through which patterns such as Max Wyss these circles of stones in the Arctic arise from a This research is to measure the direction of polarization of disordered initial state—in this case, a wave cut platform the S-waves from local earthquakes recorded by most of covered with 1–2 m of assorted beach sediments. the 12 three-component seismograph stations in the Alaska network. Emphasis will be placed on those History of Quaternary Ice Sheets on Arctic Islands, stations where preferred mineral orientation is not likely Phase 1: Integrated Approach Using Dating of to be responsible for the anisotropy. The derived stress Terrestrial Glacial Deposits, Glacially Abraded directions will be compared to those estimated in Bedrock and Marine Shorelines previously funded NSF work based on inversion of fault- OPP 9530857 plane solutions. It is important to estimate stress 07/15/96; (OPP) $108,531; 11 months directions from S-polarizations, where this can be done, University of Arizona because there is not enough information available Tucson, AZ 85721 concerning stress directions to understand the seismic Marek G. Zreda hazard in central and southern Alaska. All stress direction estimates (from fault-plane solutions, volcanic dikes, The extent of arctic ice sheets during the last glaciation is hydrofracture and anisotropy) will be integrated to among the most controversial issues in arctic glacial construct a seismotectonic model for central and southern geology, paleoglaciology and paleoclimatology. One of Alaska. This research is a component of the National the main reasons is our inability to accurately date Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program. terrestrial deposits that define ancient ice margins. The in situ accumulation of cosmogenic nuclides can be used to approach this problem. In this study, cosmogenic surface Geophysical Study of Chukchi Borderland and exposure dating methods will be used to reconstruct the Lomonosov and Alpha Ridges history of the last arctic ice sheets. The main goals of the OPP 9423419 proposed integrated study are to provide clear evidence 02/15/95; (OPP) $55,130; 23 months either for or against the existence of the Innuitian Ice Columbia University Sheet in the late Quaternary, to reconstruct the history of New York, NY 10027 the last ice sheets, from their birth until today, and to Bernard J. Coakley determine the duration of ice-free period before the last This award supports a geophysical survey from a nuclear glaciation started. The investigation will obtain submarine during the operation of the SCICEX-95 cruise cosmogenic surface exposure ages for glacial deposits and to the Arctic Ocean. The survey will result in a polished bedrock in northwestern Greenland, eastern comprehensive map of bathymetry and gravity of the Ellesmere Island and several small islands between them, Chukchi Borderland and portions of the Lomonosov western Ellesmere and eastern Axel Heiberg Islands, Ridge, Makarov Basin and Mendeleev Ridge. These areas Devon, Baffin, Cornwallis, Somerset, Bathurst, Prince are out of the normal operating range of aerogeophysics Patrick and Ellef Ringness Islands. They will also obtain platforms, and data from the region that are available to cosmogenic and radiocarbon ages for raised marine western scientists are extremely sparse. The proposed shorelines in order to reconstruct the history of sea-level survey is designed to test current hypotheses of the changes at these locations. The results will provide the geologic structure and tectonic development of the main much needed chronologic control for the late Quaternary geographic features of the region. Whether or not the glaciations in arctic islands. The results will also have hypotheses prove to be true, the data will fill a important implications for paleoclimatologic studies conspicuous gap in the geophysical data coverage in the because of a possibility to establish whether or not there Arctic Ocean Basin. Hence, the data collected will be was a connection between the Arctic Ocean and Baffin valuable in determining the geologic and tectonic Bay during the last glaciation. structure of the region and, in turn, will also be useful for evaluating tectonic models for the development of the region.

27 Collaborative Research: Aerogeophysics in the climatic and hydrologic changes to be expected from Canada Basin anthropogenic global warming. In addition, the results OPP 9531249 will allow estimates to be made of the effects of climatic 06/15/96; (OPP) $105,603; 11 months deterioration (i.e., glacial maximum conditions) on global University of Texas–Austin weathering fluxes, presently a topic of much controversy Austin, TX 78713-7726 owing, mainly, to lack of data. Strong constraints will also Lawrence A. Lawver be placed on the assumptions used in global climate models of the geologic past that invoke a pCO - OPP 9626701 2 weathering feedback to stabilize the greenhouse effect. 06/15/96; (OPP) $202,820; 11 months Extensive field work has been carried out in the basins of Department of Navy–Naval Research Laboratory the Lena, Yana and Kolyma. Data from steams draining Washington, DC 20375-5328 the igneous and metamorphic basement rocks of the John M. Brozena Aldan Shield and Trans-Baikal Highland in the Lena The Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean remains one of the headwaters give areal chemical fluxes comparable to least known regions of the Earth, yet understanding its those from the Guayana Shield in the drainage of the evolution is important in understanding the history of Orinoco, despite the fact that the latter has an annual ocean circulation and climate generation, as well as the average temperature that is ~50°C warmer and receives at fact that the Alaska margin of the Canada Basin contains least four times the amount of precipitation. While the one of the world’s giant hydrocarbon fields. In order to chemical yields are comparable the severity of complete the aerogeophysical coverage of the Canada weathering, as indicated by Na/K ratios and the 87 Basin between the Alpha and Mendeleyev ridges and the Sr/86Sr values, is much less in the Siberian basins. In the Arctic Alaska/Canada and Far Eastern Siberia margins, Tropics weathering of basement is essentially complete, two seasons of aerogeophysics are proposed. The three to kaolinite and gibbsite, but extremely slow, “transport most important aspects of the proposed work are: (1) limited.” In cold climates frost action continually collect reconnaissance aerogeophysical data that will generates fresh reaction surfaces at all scales leading to allow specific hypotheses to be formulated about the essentially an “exposure limited” situation. In addition, tectonic evolution of the Canada Basin of the Arctic; (2) rivers draining the complete range of sedimentary rock combine the aerogeophysical data collected offshore with types give fluxes similar to those observed in lower a high-resolution aeromagnetics survey of Arctic Alaska’s latitudes (e.g., the large rivers of China). It is proposed to continental shelf (these two datasets definitely should extend this work to the other important rivers of the answer the question of the nature of the Ocean–Continent region—the Anabar, Olenek, Indigirka and Anadyrs—and Boundary along Arctic Alaska); and (3) survey in detail, to make a complete characterization of the major, minor gravity over the Chukchi Plateau and onto the continental and trace element geochemistry and of the isotopic margin of what should be the buried North Chukchi systematics of the dissolved and particulate organic Basin, to allow insight into the evolution of this margin. carbon and nitrogen systems of the fluvial regimes in this Present data does not allow reasonable interpretation of unglaciated but cold-dominated environment. the evolution of this margin. Collaborative Research: Structural and Fluvial Geochemistry of the Arctic Rivers of Eastern Geochronologic Analysis of the Ruby Terrane Central Siberia Alaska: Thermal and Tectonic Processes of Arc- EAR 9627613 Continent Collision and Exhumation 07/15/96; (EAR) $92,500, (OPP) $60,000, (INT) $20,500; EAR 9406404 23 months 06/15/94; (EAR) $16,162; 36 months Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of California–Santa Barbara Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 Santa Barbara, CA 93106 John M. Edmond William C. McClelland The aims of this continuing project are to: (1) characterize EAR 9406480 the chemical compositions of the pristine large rivers of 06/15/94; (EAR) $21,491; 36 months Eastern Siberia and their fluxes to the Arctic Ocean; (2) University of California–Davis investigate the factors controlling weathering rates in low- Davis, CA 95616-8671 temperature environments as compared to those operating Sarah Roeske in similar geologic terrains in the Tropics; (3) constrain Northern and central Alaska consist primarily of large the effects that the large expansion of peri-glacial blocks of continental crust that are locally overlain by environments characteristic of the glacial maxima had on oceanic crustal fragments. Gross similarities between weathering fluxes; and (4) provide baseline data for the them has led to speculation that they are all fragments of environment likely to be most impacted by future North America’s continental margin. However, data to greenhouse warming. This work will provide insights into support or refute this hypothesis is particularly sparse in the biogeochemical effects that will result from the

28 the Ruby terrane of central Alaska. This project will extensive (>5000 km2) and tectonically active region provide the necessary thermal and structural history of the drained by Bering Glacier, including the Mt. St. Elias area area in order to reconstruct the subduction and with unsurpassed relief from sea level, by monitoring exhumation events so that firm comparisons to other sediment accumulation in the proglacial Vitus Lake continental blocks can be made. Results should lead to a complex to examine considerable new data recently robust model of the Mesozoic paleogeography of the obtained by researchers in the fjords and inland passages northern Cordillera and answer the questions of what the of Southeast Alaska. These data promise to yield valuable relative significance of strike-slip, thrust and extensional information about Quaternary and Holocene sediment tectonics were in the history of the Ruby terrane, and also yields over a broad, heavily glacierized area that can be how it arrived at its current oblique angle to the regional compared to longer term regional exhumation rates trends in the northern Cordillera. known to be high; to compile readily available data from other Southeast Alaska glaciers to improve the definition and understanding of factors controlling regional rates of Geometry and Kinematics of Faulting and Dike glacial erosion and sediment transfer to fjords; to develop Intrusion in the Tertiary East Greenland Rifted a quantitative framework for exploring the topographic Margin and geodynamic implications of rapid glacial erosion and EAR 9508250 sediment transfer through a continuum mechanical model 07/01/95; (EAR) $56,945; 24 months of crustal convergence coupled with a simple abstraction Duke University of erosion and sediment transfer by glaciers. The Durham, NC 27703-2570 multifaceted research is deemed feasible, within the five- Jeffrey A. Karson year proposed duration of the project. It is a group effort This project will conduct mapping and paleomagnetic involving four established researchers and is founded on studies of the East Greenland rifted margin along the considerable data already available. It involves Lew northeast branch of the Atlantic Ocean, a uniquely Hunter of the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and uplifted and exposed area of rifted continental margin. Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), and independently The basaltic lavas of rifted margins are typically imaged funded U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) researchers Bruce on seismic reflection profiles as a series of seaward- Molnia and Paul Carslon, as well as PI Bernard Hallet and dipping reflectors that record a progressive subsidence research assistant Yann Merrand (both at the University and flexure of the continental edge during the transition to of Washington). All members will participate in field sea floor spreading. Surface mapping will document the work. The collective expertise of our team is ideally interaction of faulting and basalt intrusion, and the large suited for the proposed work; it emanates from fjords will afford natural cross sections of key parts of the considerable field experience in fjords and coastal waters major structures. The onshore data will be integrated with and on glaciers in Alaska, and from quantitative studies of offshore data to provide a comprehensive view of the glacial erosion and calving-margin processes, process internal structure and composition of this continental geomorphology and geodynamics. We stress that the NSF margin. Logistical support is being provided by the resources requested herein strongly will be leveraged by Danish Geological Survey. The results of this project will the collaboration with the USGS and CRREL. provide a comprehensive view of the internal structure and composition of this continental margin, and will be Collaborative Research: Mesozoic to Present-Day applicable to other rifted margins in a variety of tectonic Tectonics of Northeast Russia: A Cooperative regimes. Research Program with the Yakut Science Center (YSC) and the Northeast Interdisciplinary Scientific Rates of Glacial Erosion in Southern Alaska Research Institute (NEISRI) EAR 9628675 OPP 9424139 08/15/96; (EAR) $100,620; 11 months 06/15/95; (OPP) $14,305; 23 months University of Washington Michigan State University Seattle, WA 98195 East Lansing, MI 48824 Bernard Hallet Kazuya Fujita The research bears on an outstanding issue of broad OPP 9500241 scientific interest: the rate of glacial erosion in a 06/15/95; (OPP) $72,723; 23 months tectonically active area, and its implications for the University of Alaska–Fairbanks development of mountain ranges as dictated by the Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 interplay of tectonics, climate and erosion. The Bering Paul W. Layer Glacier section of the proposed study also promises to This award provides support to continue a cooperative yield valuable new information on rapid glacial research program between the University of Alaska– overriding of sediments and its implication regarding the Fairbanks, Michigan State University, the Yakut Science dynamics of glaciers and the stability of calving glaciers. Center (Yakutsk, Russia) and the Northeast Objectives are to determine current erosion rates in the

29 Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute (Magadan, Testing Earth System Models with Russia) which was initiated in 1990. The research Paleoenvironmental Observations (TEMPO) program is interdisciplinary, using paleomagnetism, ATM 9510668 geochronology, geochemistry, seismology and structural 09/01/95; (OPP) $25,000, (EAR) $150,000, (ATM) geology to study the Mesozoic to Cenozoic tectonic $80,000; 24 months history of northeastern Russia from the edge of the University of Wisconsin–Madison Siberian platform up to, and including, the Okhotsk– Madison, WI 53706-1490 Chukotka volcanic belt (OCVB). The study area includes John E. Kutzbach the zone of Mesozoic accretion of terranes of both Arctic This award supports a project under the Earth System and Pacific origins and the present-day plate boundary History (ESH) Program of the U.S. Global Change between North America (NA) and Eurasia (EU). So far, Research Program (USGCRP). The objective of this this cooperative project has detected an age progression award is to improve the ability of models to simulate large among Mesozoic granites, identified a widespread changes in the Earth system and to understand the paleomagnetic overprint in the northwestern Kolyma interactions and feedback among components of the Structural Loop (KSL), and obtained previously published system. The Earth’s climate system with its vegetation, paleomagnetic data for the region. To expand lakes, wetlands and oceans has changed dramatically in understanding of the KSL, this project will focus on its the past, and the data about these large changes provide southeastern end, where formations similar to those “ground truth” for testing the accuracy of the Earth studied in the northeastern part of the loop turn from a system models. The research team will develop an southeasterly strike to a northeasterly one. This region integrated equilibrium biosphere model, a also lies along the NA-OK plate boundary, and fault lake/continental-hydrology model, and coupling traces and seismically generated features are visible in procedures to link these models off-line to atmospheric low-resolution satellite images. general circulation models and an ocean general circulation model. A regional fine-mesh climate model The Strand Fiord Large Igneous Province: A will also be used for studying Earth system changes in Multidisciplinary Investigation of Its Origin and regions of complex topography. With these coupled Paleomagnetic Record models, it will be possible to explore a wide variety of OPP 9531007 potential Earth system feedback including: (1) 06/01/96; (OPP) $106,022; 12 months atmosphere–biosphere interactions associated with boreal University of Rochester forest replacing tundra, or tropical savannah replacing Rochester, NY 14627 desert; (2) atmosphere/land-surface-hydrology John A. Tarduno interactions associated with increases or decreases in the area extend of lakes and wetlands; and (3) A multidisciplinary study of the Strand Fiord and related atmosphere/ocean/terrestrial-vegetation interactions volcanics is planned to address several questions of Arctic associated with changes in Arctic sea-ice, the North tectonic evolution and global change, taking advantage of Atlantic thermohaline circulation and coastal and the exposed sections to obtain high-latitude equatorial upwelling. Global paleovegetation and lake paleomagnetic data. The following five questions will be status data sets will be compiled for 6,000 and 21,000 addressed through the collection of new paleomagnetic, years ago, and these data sets will be used along with data radiometric and geochemical data: (1) What is the exact for ocean circulation and from previous interglacial data age and duration of the Strand Fiord volcanics, and do to make comparisons with the coupled earth system these flood basalt correlate, as do others (Deccan and models. Siberian Traps), with a global extinction event? (2) What is the relationship between the Strand Fiord volcanics and the older Isachesen volcanics, and can any of these units Support of Travel to 30th International Geological be used to constrain the geomagnetic timescale? (3) What Congress, Beijing, China, August 4–14, 1996 is the relationship between these volcanics and mantle EAR 9627219 plumes, such as Iceland, and a larger scale activity such as 07/01/96; (EAR) $8,000, (OPP) $2,000, (ATM) $2,000; the “superplume?” (4) Can a paleomagnetic record from 12 months the Strand Fiord volcanics answer the Nares Strait American Geophysical Union problem? (5) Can the Strand Fiord volcanics provide Washington, DC 20009-1231 geomagnetic paleointensity information for the A. F. Spilhaus Cretaceous Normal Polarity Superchron? The study of The objective of this project is to make possible the these geological and geophysical questions is linked participation of approximately seven researchers from the through a common sampling scheme, the flow-by-flow United States in the International Geological Congress sampling of long, continuous volcanic sections for (IGC). The 30th IGC will take place August 4–14, 1996, paleomagnetic and geochemical analyses. in Beijing, China. This venue will highlight the demands of massive populations and evolving economies on the

30 resources of the earth and the environment. It also will University of Alaska–Fairbanks offer unparalleled opportunities for U.S. scientists to learn Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 about the unique geology of China and the progress made Thomas E. Osterkamp by Chinese geoscientists. The scientific contacts and new This award supports a study of discontinuous permafrost perspectives that U.S. scientists will find at the technical in northern Alaska. Permafrost exists in arctic and sessions and field trips of the IGC will be invaluable for subarctic regions where changes in climate are most likely advancing understanding of the dynamic earth system. to be largest and to occur first. Warm discontinuous permafrost will be the first to thaw in the event of any Acquisition of a Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometer for climatic warming. Climatic data indicate that Alaska is Automated Carbonate Analysis: Analytical currently warming at a rate of about 2.4ºC per century. Instrumentation for Earth Science/Global Change Data has been obtained which shows that the Research discontinuous permafrost south of the Yukon River in EAR 9628080 Alaska has recently warmed by as much as 1.5ºC and that 09/15/96; (EAR) $50,987, (OPP) $36,000, (ATM) some of it is already thawing. The objective of this $17,000; 23 months research is to develop a better understanding of the University of Colorado–Boulder response of discontinuous permafrost to changes in Boulder, CO 80309-0019 climate and human activities. The significance of Julia E. Cole permafrost in the context of climatic change studies is that permafrost can detect and record climatic changes in its This grant provides $113,487 as one-half support of the thermal regime. In thawing, it can act as an agent of costs of acquiring a stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer environmental changes that influences ecological and (SIRMS) with a dual inlet system and a Kiel device for human communities, and it can amplify climatic change automated carbonate sample introduction. The PI’s by feedback effects associated with the release of carbon research involves deciphering high-resolution records of stored in the permafrost. This research includes analyses climate change indicated by variations in the carbon and and interpretations of an extensive long-term (18 years) oxygen isotopic signatures recorded in biogenic data set obtained at more than a dozen sites representing a carbonates including corals, foraminifera and mollusc wide range of environmental conditions that span the shells. The primary focus of research to be conducted discontinuous permafrost zone along a north–south utilizing this mass spectrometer will be on analyses of the transect of Alaska, measurements of current conditions, del 18-O recorded in massive, scleractinian coral and assessing changes that have occurred and those that skeletons as high-resolution indicators of variability in are still occurring. Six sites will be instrumented to tropical sea surface temperatures. These corals grow measure temperatures in the air and active layer, rapidly and can live for periods as long as 800 years, and, permafrost, moisture contents (including unfrozen water), thus, offer a unique, high-resolution record of climate thermal parameters, snow cover and active layer variability over decadal-to-centurian time scales, and also characteristics, and heave. Less detailed measurements can aid our understanding of coupled ocean-atmospheric will be made at eight other sites. This research also will systems, such as the El Niño/Southern Oscillation that has include an investigation of temporal and spatial trends in global significance in determining patterns of the data, the flow of heat and moisture (including several precipitation, and, thus, is relevant to worldwide existing hypotheses) and the application of an analytical agriculture and flooding hazard mitigation. To effectively model and of two existing numerical models for and efficiently analyze the carbon and oxygen isotopic predicting the thermal regime and talik development in ratios recorded in biogenic carbonates at sub-monthly warm and thawing permafrost. A sensitivity analysis will resolutions requires a sensitive mass spectrometer capable be carried out on the effects of changes in climatic of analyzing samples in the 100–600 mg size range with variables and active layer characteristics on the thermal high throughput. Analyses of upwards of 10,000 samples regime of the discontinuous permafrost. per year including sufficient replicates so as to ensure regional fidelity can be required for century-scale records. The inclusion of a Kiel device in this acquisition will A Laboratory Study of Till Deformation allow unassisted and sequential sample introduction of up OPP 9530814 to 74 samples, thus allowing for nighttime operations 08/15/96; (OPP) $144,285, (ATM) $20,000; 23 months which are essential for maintaining the high throughput University of Minnesota–Twin Cities necessary for these high-resolution studies. Minneapolis, MN 55415-1226 Neal R. Iverson Investigation of the Effects of Climatic Change and Deformation of water-saturated sediment (till) beneath Human Activities on Discontinuous Permafrost in glaciers may, in effect, lubricate glacier beds. Such Alaska deformation has been measured beneath a number of OPP 9423426 modern glaciers and also may have contributed to the fast 07/01/95; (OPP) $79,229; 24 months flow of Pleistocene ice masses with a possibly profound

31 effect on regional climate. Support is requested to study measurements and analyses and interpretation of data to with a rotary (ring-shear) device that shears a water- be obtained at six long-term study sites along a transect saturated till sample. Because the device can deform a from Prudhoe Bay across the coastal plain and foothills large sample to infinitely high strains, it can be used to into the Brooks Range. These sites are in undisturbed test a much broader range of hypotheses than traditional areas, span a wide range of permafrost, climatic and soil testing devices. For example, it has been used environmental conditions, include drillholes in the successfully to study stress concentrations in shearing permafrost (40 to 75 m in depth) and have a long-time sediment and the consequent evolution of till grain size. series of data (since 1983). Special features of the device allow continuous observation of the distribution of shear strain, Atmospheric Contamination of Russian Soils (1895– measurement of local stresses normal to the direction of Present) shear and isolation of wall effects. In experiments aimed SBR 9601272 at better understanding till rheology, both clay-rich and 09/15/96; (SBR) $160,000; 23 months clay-poor tills will be sheared with the primary goal of State University of New York–Albany determining the relation between deformation rate and the Albany, NY 12201-0009 steady (residual) till strength. In some experiments the Andrei Lapenis effective normal stress will be varied to investigate the role of transient pore-pressure gradients on the apparent The research supported by this award aims to take till rheology. In a second set of experiments, the evolution advantage of the recent discovery of information that of contacts, the preservation of structures (e.g., describes the location and circumstances of late-19th- sublithified sand clasts) and the development of fabric century soil samples from sites across Russia (across the will be studied to test field criteria for the identification of East European Plain and in central and eastern Siberia). highly strained Pleistocene tills. In addition, grain The study will: measure the accumulation of atmospheric communication will continue to be studied with the contaminants in Russian soils by comparing the 1895 and additional important goal of quantifying the progressive 1996/1997 samples; measure the changes in soil carbon degradation of selected diatom species as a function of stocks; combine these analyses to assess the effect of shear strain. climate and soil type on the presence of trace metals in the soil profiles; and provide data to constrain models of atmospheric emission of these elements during Russian Influence of Climate and Environmental Factors on industrialization. The samples have been carefully stored, the Thermal Regime of the Active Layer and and with the help of a pilot award from NSF (as well as Permafrost some institutional and some personal funds), the PI has OPP 9531220 ascertained that 47 samples are in exceptionally good 08/01/96; (OPP) $111,483; 12 months condition, and that the locational and attribute information University of Alaska–Fairbanks is sufficient to locate and access the sites for current-day Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 sampling. In addition, some of the sites are in Thomas E. Osterkamp environmentally protected or controlled locations. The PI Permafrost is one of the primary components of the Arctic has collected long-term weather records for some of the land-atmosphere-ice system. Recent unexpected sites already. The current research will focus on four sites, discoveries of a large-amplitude temperature cycle in the which have been located exactly from the documentation permafrost and of large and systematic changes in active of the original samples. Three of the sites have the same layer thicknesses (since 1986) indicate that the current vegetative profile now as they did in the late 19th century. understanding of climate-active layer-permafrost All four sites will be resampled, and all eight samples will interactions needs improvement. These interactions are be analyzed for organic matter, radiocarbon content, trace important because warmer air temperatures predicted in elements, base cations, pH and particular anthropogenic the Arctic from increases in greenhouse gases will cause organic compounds. These data will be used to: measure permafrost to thaw as the active layer becomes thicker. A the accumulation of radiocarbon and toxic metals, trace better understanding of the linkages between the nutrients and other atmospheric inputs; model the rate and atmosphere, soil surface, active layer and permafrost is form in which these elements are processed in the required to answer questions regarding the rate and extent different soils and ecosystems; and relate the storage, of permafrost degradation, modifications to its thermal depth distribution and form of these constituents to regime, release of carbon and trace gases by thawing climate and soil characteristics. permafrost, changes in soil moisture, the biota, the hydrological cycle, how these changes will influence the use of polar lands and the development, calibration, and validation of small-scale numerical models (<2 km grids) of land-atmosphere interactions that are to be nested in larger scale models. A permafrost research program is proposed that combines field measurements, laboratory


Marine Technicians Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 OCE 9400282 Thomas D. Smith 04/01/94; (OCE) $149,454; 42 months OCE 9622783 University of Alaska–Fairbanks 01/01/96; (OCE) $2,529,000; 12 months Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 Harbor Branch Ocean Institute Thomas D. Smith Fort Pierce, FL 34946-7303 The University of Alaska (UA) requests renewed funding Tim Askew for shipboard technician activities associated with the The University of Alaska will operate the 133-foot 133-foot research vessel Alpha Helix. The Alpha Helix is general oceanographic research vessel (R/V) Alpha Helix owned by the NSF and operated by UA. In calendar year during 1996 in support of NSF-funded projects. The ship 1994, the Alpha Helix will support 145 days of NSF- is scheduled for 174 operating days in 1996, of which 123 funded research projects in the Gulf of Alaska and the days are in support of NSF-sponsored projects. The Bering Sea. UA technicians will be responsible for cruises will be primarily in the north Pacific Ocean but operating and repairing instruments while at sea, include significant research cruise legs to the Aleutian, maintaining instruments ashore and assisting with Bering and Chukchi Seas regions during minimum ice scientific operations necessary before and after cruises. conditions in late summer. This vessel is part of a fleet Budgets for years two and three of this award will be used by the NSF and other research agencies to support negotiated when ship schedules are finalized. oceanographic research. Most oceanographic research requires specialized equipment that must be permanently Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment installed on the research vessel. Trained crew members OCE 9530903 are also required to support the equipment systems and 05/01/96; (OCE) $15,977; 24 months research operations. This is the first year of a planned University of Alaska–Fairbanks three-year award. Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 Thomas D. Smith Collaborative Research: Improved Instrumentation This project will provide shipboard scientific support for Arctic Submarine-Based Geophysical Surveys equipment for the research vessel Alpha Helix, an NSF- OPP 9615283 owned ship operated by the University of Alaska, Institute 09/01/96; (OPP) $1,200,810; 12 months of Marine Science, and dedicated to use in support of Columbia University ocean science research. The Shipboard Scientific Support New York, NY 10027 Equipment Program provides funds for ship equipment Dale N. Chayes deemed essential to the proper and safe conduct of ocean OPP 9615666 science research. This Program provides support for such 09/01/96; (OPP) $90,606; 12 months items as deck equipment including winch systems for the University of Hawaii–Manoa deployment and retrieval of scientific instruments, Honolulu, HI 96822-2225 navigational equipment such as radars, gyroscopes and Margo H. Edwards earth satellite receivers to pinpoint the location of research sites, communication equipment including radio This work is to develop an improved geophysical transceivers and satellite transceivers for voice and instrument package for use on U.S. Navy nuclear- scientific data communications and other equipment such powered submarines during science cruises to the Arctic as motorized workboats for transporting scientists to and Ocean. The PIs plan an integrated data acquisition system from data retrieval sites. The Project Director, Thomas D. that would expand the current instrument suite to include Smith, is fully qualified to direct this project, having had a swath-bathymetric imaging system, a “chirp”-type low- considerable experience in overseeing the acquisition and frequency bottom penetrating sonar and an integrated data installation of shipboard equipment. This project will logging and quality control computer system. With allow the institution to replace the ship’s obsolete SSB specifically adapted instrumentation the submarine is the radio with one that meets current requirements, replace only platform for underway marine geophysical surveys fire fighting nozzles with modern ones and install in the High Arctic. The proposed 12 kHz bathymetric uninterruptable power supplies to protect equipment. imaging system will acquire co-registered bathymetry and backscatter from the sea floor across a swath up to 20 km wide. Data from the “chirp” sonar will, under favorable Ship Operations conditions, define the acoustic stratigraphy of at least the OCE 9622696 upper 100 m sediment below the sea floor. Transducers 01/01/96; (OCE) $405,095; 12 months for both sonars will be housed in a single pod secured University of Alaska–Fairbanks

33 beneath the submarine. The combined backscatter, bathymetric imaging system on the submarine assigned to bathymetry, “chirp” profiles and gravity anomaly data the 1997 SUBSCI cruise. collected over the entire deep Arctic Ocean will provide not only the basis for solving some of the vexing Influence of Joekulhlaups on Deep-Sea Sedimentation problems of Arctic tectonics, but it also will provide an Adjacent to the Iceland Hotspot essential database for planning future coring, dredging or OCE 9402296 deep sea drilling. This instrument package will make the 02/15/95; (OCE) $68,910; 23 months most of the opportunity generously offered by the U.S. University of Rhode Island Navy to provide operational support for annual submarine Kingston, RI 02881 cruises through 1999. Critical design goals include: Steven Carey collection of high quality data, dockside installation (i.e., without dry-docking), boat-to-boat transfer with modest The PIs will investigate the record of the catastrophic effort and cost; and minimization of returns from the ice floods, known as joekulhlaups, generated by subglacial canopy. The proposed development, integration and eruptions or drainage of ice-dammed lakes on Iceland that testing effort is a complex undertaking, requiring cause the introduction of volcaniclastic material into the coordination between participating organizations, user ocean, where it is deposited as turbidites on the submarine community and the submarine fleet. These submarine fan. Samples of land-based joekulhlaup events, as well as cruises will be the only opportunity to systematically those from deep sea cores, will be examined. Oxygen collect this data with a set of optimized instruments over isotopic stratigraphy will provide chronology. The the entire ocean basin. The combined suite of swath findings will help resolve the history of flood events and bathymetry and backscatter imagery, gravity anomaly contribute to the modeling of sedimentation around a data, bottom-penetrating chirp sonar, and possibly volcanic hotspot such as Iceland that is strongly magnetometer data, will provide a complete geophysical influenced by glacial cycles. characterization of the morphology, recent sedimentology, shallow stratigraphy and deep structure of the major Arctic Ocean basins. Deep Structure of a Hotspot-Influenced Rifted Volcanic Margin: A Joint U.S.–Danish Seismic Experiment off Southeast Greenland Collaborative Research: Design Study for a Portable OCE 9416631 Swath Bathymetric Imaging System for Sturgeon 06/01/96; (OCE) $386,393; 12 months Class Submarines Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution OPP 9622604 Woods Hole, MA 02543 07/01/96; (OPP) $17,755; 12 months W. S. Holbrook Columbia University New York, NY 10027 This project is a U.S.–Danish study of the Southeast Bernard J. Coakley Greenland margin to provide a better understanding of the volcanic rifted continental margins which contain great OPP 9626702 thicknesses of mafic igneous material emplaced during 07/01/96; (OPP) $38,998; 12 months continental breakup. This is an ideal setting to study Alliant Techsystems, Inc. volcanic rifted margins, because of a known hotspot and Mukilteo, WA 98275-4844 well-defined hot-spot track, a relatively simple tectonic James Kosalos and geologic history and a thin postrift sediment cover. The NSF’s recent Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) drilling This proposal seeks support for a design study of a and numerous existing field studies provide additional submarine-mounted Swath Bathymetric Imaging System background data. A multichannel and wide-angle seismic (SWABS) to be used on U.S. Navy nuclear-powered study is planned with the objectives to determine the submarines during future unclassified science cruises to influence of a mantle plume on the rifted margin the Arctic Ocean. The system would be an adaptation of a magmatism, the detailed structure of the continent–ocean demonstrated design, the SeaMARCTM towed side- transition, and to compare the crustal structure of looking sonar system. Towed platforms can be readily conjugate volcanic margin segments. The data will adapted for hull mounting on a submarine. The proposed provide a framework for interpreting geological and 12-kHz side-looking sonar will acquire co-registered drilling results on the margin, and for constraining bathymetry and backscatter of the sea floor across a swath thermomechanical models of volcanic rifted margin up to 20 km wide. If the SWABS is installed for the 1997 evolution. cruise, the remaining three cruises in the Submarine Science program (SUBSCI) could collect more than 800,000 km2 of data, covering a large fraction of the deep Abrupt Onset of Large-Scale Northern Hemisphere Arctic Basin operational area for these cruises. The final Glaciation: Are Volcanoes the Smoking Gun? result of this study will be a set of documents that OCE 9506716 demonstrate the feasibility of installing a swath 03/01/96; (OCE) $65,000; 12 months

34 University of Michigan Iceland, across Denmark Strait to the East Greenland Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1274 margin at ca. 68°N. The major goal of the cruise is to David K. Rea extract sediment cores which will provide information on the extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet in the Denmark A high-resolution stratigraphic study will be undertaken Strait, and the late Quaternary paleoceanography and on to ascertain the timing of the onset of global conditions on ice-sheet/ocean interactions across this critical “gateway” Siberia and Alaska and the timing of the massive late between the Arctic and mid-latitude North Atlantic. Based Pliocene volcanism on the North Pacific rim on orbital on existing core data (mainly 1–2 m long gravity cores) and millennial time scales, based on fluxes and and on a detailed analysis of 1655 km of seismic tephrochronology of cores from the North Pacific, tracklines on the East Greenland shelf, key coring sites respectively. The temporal relationship between the two have been selected to: (1) test potential late Quaternary phenomena will determine if the massive volcanic activity ice-sheet grounding positions on the shelf and (2) extend was responsible for the onset of large-scale glaciation in our paleoceanographic time-frame on the shelf well the Northern Hemisphere at the end of Pliocene. beyond the 8–14 ka basal age limit that we encountered previously. The ability to obtain 10 m cores will Ocean–Ice-Sheet Interactions in the North Atlantic potentially allow the team to obtain records into Marine Prior to ~130,000 Years Ago Isotope Stage 2/3, depending on the glacial history. The OCE 9509997 Jan Mayen will be equipped with a piston corer that will 09/15/95; (OCE) $110,105; 23 months allow the scientists to obtain 10 m cores, which will Columbia University revolutionize their ability to extract the information New York, NY 10027 needed to obtain data on glacial ice extent and icesheet Gerard C. Bond ocean interactions. Preliminary analyses of the East Greenland cores also will be undertaken, including visual Fast-paced cycles of 2,000–3,000 years recorded in the and x-radiograph core descriptions, laser color logging, North Atlantic cores show apparently synchronous bulk density measurements, volume and mass magnetic discharge of icebergs from at least two sources on Iceland susceptibility, accelerator maps spectrometry 14C dating and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and may be related to of foraminifera and potentially molluscs, and coarse mechanisms originating in the ocean/atmosphere system. resolution foraminiferal biostratigraphy. Each cycle also correlates with cold pulses in Greenland ice cores and linked to Heinrich events. The PI’s research will investigate further the role of ice sheets in forcing Nansen Arctic Drilling (NAD) Program Workshop: rapid climate shifts. If the 2,000–3,000 year cycles persist Ten-Year Implementation Plan for Scientific Ocean through different glacial/interglacial periods, then they Drilling in the Arctic Seas; St. Petersburg, Russia, would imply that the oscillations operate independently of October 14–15, 1996 large glaciers and originate in the atmosphere/ocean OPP 9622496 system. 09/15/96; (OPP) $26,800; 8 months Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc. Washington, DC 20036-2102 Support for a Coring Cruise to the East Greenland Ellen Kappel Continental Margin and Denmark Strait, and Preliminary Data Analysis Joint Oceanographic Institutions Incorporated (JOI) OPP 9615935 proposes to provide the U.S. oceanographic community 09/15/96; (OPP) $50,000; 11 months the opportunity to participate in the future planning of the University of Colorado–Boulder Nansen Arctic Drilling Program (NAD). NAD is a Boulder, CO 80309-0019 potentially significant international research effort Anne Jennings designed to understand the geological and oceanographic evolution of the Arctic, as well as elucidate the This project is to participate in a cruise on the Research contribution of the Arctic region to global change and its Vessel Jan Mayen (University of Tromsø, Norway) which forcing functions. This knowledge will help characterize was planned as a U.S.–Norwegian research cruise the Arctic basin and its impact on global processes. NAD between investigators at the University of Colorado and is planning a workshop to produce a ten-year the University of Tromsø. The Co-Chief Scientists on the “Implementation Plan” for scientific ocean drilling in the cruise will be Hald (Tromsø) and Jennings (Colorado). Arctic. The NAD Implementation Plan will outline the The research plan was developed jointly during a strategy and steps necessary to achieve NAD’s scientific sabbatical of Hald in Colorado and built upon the goals. Because of the difficult and costly nature of reconnaissance marine cruises that had been undertaken scientific ocean drilling in the Arctic, the endeavor will with the Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research require close multinational cooperation and funding. The (INSTAAR) leadership in 1991 and 1993. The cruise will workshop’s planning and organization will be guided by take place between Sept. 21 and Oct. 10, 1996 (Tromsø- the NAD Secretariat, which is funded by the eight NAD to-Tromsø), and will undertake a transect from NW member countries and housed at JOI. Specifically, this

35 proposal seeks full support for the travel of U.S. scientists During the summer of 1995, a U.S.–Norwegian–Russian and two JOI staff to attend the workshop, as well as expedition in the Norwegian–Greenland and Barents Sea partial funding to cover the cost for the JOI/NAD discovered a warm gas vent located on an ancient fracture Secretariat to organize the workshop, and also to produce zone known as the Hornsund Fault, at great distance from and print the resulting NAD Implementation Plan. The known present-day plate boundaries in the region. The travel expenses of the participating non-U.S. scientists vent was characterized by high heat flow, clathrates, H2S (about 30) will be covered by individual NAD member and an unknown species of Pogonophore worm. This and observer countries. Funding for the rest of the cost of award is to return rapidly back to the site, to map, in the workshop will be sought from participating countries, detail, the extent of the vent domain using a Russian and the balance will be covered by the NAD Secretariat. vessel equipped with side-looking sonar and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). In addition, it is to investigate likely sites along the Knipovich Ridge for recent Arctic Gravity and Bathymetric Data Acquisition hydrothermal activity. It is believed that the examination Over the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR) and the of the warm gas vents along the margin of the Barents Sea Lomonosov Ridge may shed new light on the degree of thermal rejuvenation OPP 9623170 of ancient plate boundaries in the region, and the possible 05/15/96; (OPP) $54,509; 11 months role that warn vents in the Arctic region may play on Columbia University deglaciation events, either in modern settings on land New York, NY 10027 (such as Spitsbergen) or in ancient glaciated regions, such Bernard J. Coakley as the Bear Island Fan. Funds are requested to cover the costs of gravity and bathymetry data acquisition in the Arctic Ocean for a Selenium in Lake Sediments: A Measure of the Extent study of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR) and the of Sea-Ice Cover adjacent sliver of continental crust, the Lomonosov ATM 9634345 Ridge. In concert with the physical oceanographic 06/01/96; (OPP) $25,000, (ATM) $14,875; 12 months program, we would like to collect additional long University of Maine bathymetric and gravity anomaly profiles across the Orono, ME 04469-5781 combined Lomonosov Ridge and AMOR. This data, Stephen A. Norton combined with that collected on previous submarine science cruises, will permit the construction of regional Several lines of paleolimnological and lake water scale maps across much of the basin within the chemistry research suggest that: (1) selenium (Se) in lake operational area. The advance of plate tectonics into the sediments is linearly related to the percentage of organic Arctic Ocean basin has reached only to the Lomonosov matter for individual lakes and (2) normalized to organic Ridge. The AMOR is the northern extension of the Mid- matter concentration for lake districts, Se concentration is Atlantic Ridge. It is perhaps the slowest spreading ridge related to distance from the open ocean. The linkage is on Earth. Propagation of the AMOR into the Arctic Ocean through the delivery of Se in marine aerosols from the separated the Lomonosov Ridge from the northern edge open ocean to lake basin catchments, and the subsequent of Eurasia beginning at about 58 Ma. This separation has incorporation of Se (a chemical analog for S) into organic continued up until the present time. Maps produced matter. Marine aerosols are the only significant sources of during this study will be used to define transverse Se to most aquatic ecosystems. This Small Grant for structures in the ridge (the geometry of half graben Exploratory Research (SGER) award supports the bounding faults and transfer zones) and the morphology investigation of stratigraphic variations in Se of the AMOR. The regional lines also will be useful for concentration in coastal lakes as a record of changing studies of isostatic compensation of both the Lomonosov distance to open ocean and as a proxy for sea-ice cover. Ridge and the AMOR, as well as defining he transition Methods will involve chemical palynological and from the Lomonosov Ridge to the adjacent enigmatic radiometric analyses (the later to establish absolute age) Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge. of existing cores spanning the Holocene and core spanning the Little Age to the present. This will enable calibration of the method against known climate variation U.S.–Russian–Norwegian Investigation of Gas and historically-documented variation in sea-ice cover. Hydrate and Hydrothermal Activity in Ancient and Recent Plate Boundaries Within the Norwegian– Greenland and Barents Seas Oxygen, Nutrient and Salinity Analyses in the Eastern OPP 9634505 Arctic Ocean 08/15/96; (OPP) $41,484; 11 months OCE 9521382 Columbia University 04/15/96; (OCE) $113,555; 11 months New York, NY 10027 University of California–Scripps Institute Kathleen Crane La Jolla, CA 92093 James H. Swift

36 In this project, the PI will participate, with Scripps Ocean DOC and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Data Facility (ODF) personnel, in oceanographic sections Approximately 100 water samples will be analyzed for crossing from the Siberian continental shelves into the dissolved oxygen, alkalinity and chlorophyll pigments Nansen, Amundsen and Makarov Basins of the Arctic during the cruise track. These data will be used to Ocean, and a transect of the Siberian ends of the three determine the sources of DOC to the various regions, the basins from July–September 1996, as part of the ACSYS rates of microbial remineralization processes and the (Arctic System Sciences) program on both Swedish and coupling between nitrogen and carbon cycling. German icebreakers. The PI proposes to augment the full- depth current and temperature (CT) measurements by Submarine Cruise 1996: Tracer Studies of the Large- providing 36-place rosettes, and carrying out top-quality Scale Circulation of the Upper Waters in the measurements of salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients Canadian Basin at about 120 locations along the tracks. These data are OPP 9529834 crucial to understanding the interactions of the Arctic 06/15/96; (OPP) $112,826; 11 months Ocean circulation on the global climate system. The ODF Columbia University capability will add a very important element of quality New York, NY 10027 control to this set of measurements. Peter Schlosser This proposal requests funds for collection, measurement A Tracer Release Experiment in the Greenland Sea and interpretation of about 200 tracer element (Tritium, OCE 9529605 Helium, Oxygen and CFC’s) samples in the framework of 05/01/96; (OCE) $69,976; 12 months the planned 1996 Arctic Ocean submarine cruise. The University of Wisconsin–Madison work will be focused on a broad survey of the upper Madison, WI 53706-1490 waters in the Canadian Basin. Results from a previous Kim A. Van Scoy submarine cruise (USS Pargo, 1993) demonstrated the An inert and safe chemical tracer will be released in the feasibility of obtaining high-quality transient tracer center of the Greenland Sea gyre during the summer of samples from surface stations. The measurements will be 1996 to study mixing, convection and circulation within used, together with hydrographic data, to: (1) study the the gyre, as well as exchange with the surrounding waters, transport of shelf waters into the Arctic halocline; (2) and flow into the North Atlantic through the Denmark derive evolution, circulation patterns and mean residence Strait. The tracer will be sampled in November 1996, times of the upper waters in the Canadian Basin; (3) prior to winter convection, in March 1997, during or just delineate pathways and storage times of river runoff and after winter convection, and again in May 1997. Samples sea-ice meltwater in the upper layers of the Canadian also will be taken in the surrounding waters and across the Basin; and (4) validate Arctic Ocean circulation models. Denmark Strait on cruises through 1998 to study the paths and rates of water mass exchange. This work is in Polar Sea Convective Instabilities collaboration with European scientists (European OPP 9530530 Subpolar Ocean Programme Phase 2) and contributes to 07/15/96; (OPP) $101,400; 11 months the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE). Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Shelf-Derived Carbon Roland W. Garwood Dispersal Within the Arctic Basins, as Sampled by The major scientific objective of this proposed four-year Submarine study is to understand the coupled ocean mixed layer-ice OPP 9423349 system response to the passage of atmospheric storms. 02/15/95; (OPP) $104,428; 23 months The most intense surface cooling and wind stresses in the University of Texas–Austin Arctic are associated with these storms, and their long- Austin, TX 78713-7726 term cumulative effects on the heat and water budgets for Terry E. Whitledge the Arctic Ocean cannot be predicted without including Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is the major reservoir of realistic mixed layer physics, ice thermodynamics and organic carbon in the Arctic Ocean, and as such this three-dimensional wind-driven ocean circulation. The PI reservoir may also serve as an important sink for has shown in previous work that oceanic instabilities may atmospheric carbon dioxide. Characterization of the lead to significant deep oceanic convection and possible processes controlling the concentrations and fates of DOC formation of bottom water. The initial energy source to is therefore critical for gaining a quantitative trigger these instabilities may be provided by transient understanding of the Arctic Ocean carbon cycle. During a atmospheric forcing. Numerical models will be U.S. Navy submarine cruise from March–May 1995 along developed, including a three-dimensional simulation of the shelf breaks of the Beaufort, Chukchi, East Siberian the upper ocean (temperature, salinity, circulation and ice) and Laptev Seas, approximately 1,000 samples will be response to passage of atmospheric storms. This collected and analyzed for concentrations of nutrients, numerical model will consist of an existing ocean

37 primitive equation model with embedded turbulence- OPP 9622603 closure mixed layer and an ice model with realistic 05/15/96; (OPP) $126,825, (OCE) $30,000; 11 months thermodynamics and mechanical properties. The Oregon State University embedded mixed layer will include previously neglected Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 physics to predict the onset of conditional instabilities and Kelly K. Falkner possible formation of deep water. The realistic prediction Among the outstanding issues regarding Arctic Ocean of deep convection is necessary to understand the start of circulation are the fate of its riverine inputs and the nature the global conveyor belt and the role of the oceans in of the processes ventilating sub-surface waters of its climate change. A major deficiency in earlier ocean interior. Circulation and material transport and models has been the lack of adequate convection physics transformation in the Arctic needs to be more completely to realistically predict the correct temperature and salinity characterized because of the potentially critical role the properties for the convectively produced deeper water Arctic plays in global themohaline circulation and on a masses. The proposed modeling program, including more immediate timescale, because of the need to predict realistic storm forcing and realistic ocean convection, will the fate of pollutants, including radioactive and industrial directly tie atmospheric forcing and ice thermodynamics wastes and pesticides, in this sensitive environment. It is to mixed layer dynamics and the start of the global proposed to develop and apply new means to address conveyor belt in the Greenland–Iceland Seas. The results these issues by adapting methodologies for mapping will lead to more realistic parameterization of subgrid geochemical tracer fields in real time using the submarine scale convection of heat, mass, momentum, nutrients and platform, in combination with more conventional tracers in basin and global oceanic models. chemical hydrography conducted from the ice upon surfacing with the sub. Specifically, a sea-going fiber Turbulent Mixing in Barrow Strait optic UV spectrometer will be mounted on the hull of the OPP 9530916 submarine. This instrument will continuously monitor the 07/15/96; (OPP) $138,571; 23 months humic fraction of dissolved organic matter along track Oregon State University during the SCICEX-96 field season (August 1996) and Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 monitor multiple parameters during the SCICEX-97 field Laurence Padman season. In addition discreet samples will be taken via ice- based hydrocasts from the ice for calibration purposes and This proposal requests funds to continue analysis of data continuation of a related study to track Arctic river waters collected in the Northwest Passage near Resolute, by geochemical means. This dataset will allow an Northwest Territories, Canada, in April and May of 1995. unprecedented examination of the carbon cycle and The data that was collected consisted of nearly 1,200 circulation questions in the Arctic. vertical profiles of microstructure temperature (T), conductivity (C) and turbulent dissipation rate, continuous measurements of the vertical profile of currents with a Fluxes of Dissolved Inorganic, Dissolved Organic and 300-kHz acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP); and Particulate Carbon Associated with Water Masses of continuous measurement of T (10 depths) and C (3 the Arctic Ocean Based on Samples from the 1996 U.S. depths) from sensors mounted on a mooring. All Navy Pargo Cruise measurements span the approximate depth range from 2 OPP 9622621 to 125 m below the ice base, in 150 m of water. The 05/01/96; (OPP) $103,437; 12 months three-dimensional structure and horizontal phase Columbia University propagation of the large-amplitude internal gravity waves New York, NY 10027 that are responsible for most of the mixing in this region Raymond N. Sambrotto were determined. A separate study by Cota (University of The recent use of the U.S. Navy’s atomic submarine Tennessee) investigates the relative importance of light Pargo for non-military scientific exploration in the Arctic and nutrient fluxes on the spring growth of ice algal has opened a new dimension in the oceanography of the communities. The two-year period covered by this least-sampled ocean basin. Based on samples brought renewal will allow the study of generation, evolution and back from the 1996 science cruise of the Pargo, the dissipation of large-amplitude, non-linear waves (with proposed project will make additional measurements of Ingram and Marsden); surface mixing under the smooth, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and add new and land-fast sea ice (with McPhee); and the role of tide- critical measurements of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) related vertical mixing on the provision of nutrients to the and particulate carbon (PC). These measurements will ice algal communities (with Cota). qualify the inorganic and organic carbon pools associated with waters in the Canada, Makarov, Amundsen and Tracing Riverine Inputs and Ventilation Processes of Nansen Basins, as well as shelf and upper slope waters of the Upper Arctic by Means of Submarine Mounted the Chukchi region that appear to be the site of entry for a On-Line Chemical Sensors huge amount of carbon to the upper halocline of adjacent waters. Spatial changes in the carbon pools will be

38 analyzed with respect to geochemical tracer data such as Diversity and Metabolic Capabilities of Arctic tritium and 3He collected from the Pargo and other Arctic Bacterioplankton Communities cruises to estimate the rates of change associated with OPP 9625131 each pool. Such rates are critical for understanding the 05/15/96; (OPP) $90,260; 11 months Arctic’s role in the carbon cycle at the world ocean and San Francisco State University global scale. As one of the atmospheric constituents that San Francisco, CA 94132-1722 is prominent in the heat budget of the lower atmosphere, James T. Hollibaugh carbon dioxide has received increasing scrutiny to assess The proposed study is to investigate the distribution of the non-human induced factors that influence its key properties—abundance, community composition and abundance. The Arctic Ocean is currently poorly community metabolic capabilities—of bacterioplankton characterized in this respect but is a potentially important communities in the Arctic Ocean. In conjunction with link in the dynamics of the ocean’s carbon cycle. First data collected during April on the SCICEX-95 cruise, the order questions include the size of the carbon reservoirs seasonal and spatial variation of these properties will be associated with the unique water masses of the Arctic, the studied. The patterns of spatial and temporal variation of water mass formation rates and the changes, if any, that these properties will be examined and related to sources can be expected in these cold reservoirs if climate change of organic matter fueling heterotrophic production. The brings about a warning in this region. investigation will be conducted using samples collected from a submarine dedicated to Arctic oceanography and Viral Diversity and Mortality of Phyto- and analyzed in the laboratory after the cruise. Community Bacterioplankton in the Arctic Ocean composition will be analyzed using a method developed OPP 9623130 in the PI’s laboratory based on separating partial 05/01/96; (OPP) $79,233; 12 months sequences of the 16S rRNA gene. Community metabolic University of California–Scripps Institute capabilities will be assessed by the ability of bacteria to La Jolla, CA 92093 grow heterotrophically on a battery of 95 different sole C Farooq Azam sources. Bacterioplankton abundance will be determined by epifluorescence microscopy. We will analyze water This proposal requests funding to investigate the samples chemically to determine the concentrations of magnitude and variability of bacteria and phytoplankton amino acids, carbohydrates and dissolved organic carbon, mortality due to viral attack in the Arctic Ocean. Viral and conduct bioassays using native bacteria to determine distribution, abundance and variations in composition and directly the proportion of dissolved organic carbon that diversity of viruses in the study area also will be they can metabolize. investigated. In addition to the examination of natural viral communities, samples will be screened for the presence of sewage-derived bacterial viruses as an Processes Affecting Material Transport to the Oceans indicator of the penetration of terrestrial biological from Arctic–Subarctic Watershed, from Direct pollutants into the Arctic Ocean. Collection, fixation and Groundwater Discharge and Through Lagoonal concentration of sea water samples will be accomplished Systems at sampling sites by deployment from a U.S. Navy OCE 9415789 submarine. Subsequent analyses will be conducted in the 11/15/94; (OCE) $117,040; 23 months laboratory. Total counts of viruses and the frequency of Skidaway Institute of Oceanography viral infection in phytoplankton and bacteria will be Savannah, GA 31411 determined by electron microscopy on fixed samples. To Herbert L. Windom examine natural community diversity, concentrates of A number of gaps exist in the understanding of viruses will be purified and subjected to pulsed-field gel biogeochemical processes associated with the transport of electrophoresis to separate viral DNA based on genome material across the land–sea boundary. Among these gaps size. From the number, positions and staining intensity of are lack of data on: (1) small watersheds of different different bands, the diversity, genome sizes and morphoclimatic zones and their ability/efficiency, relative abundance of viruses in each sample will be estimated. to larger watersheds, to transport materials to the oceans; Sewage-derived viruses will be detected by amplification (2) transport of material through lagoonal estuarine of target DNA sequences using the polymerase chain systems, the mixing rates of which are slow and the reaction and by plaque assay. Through coordination with mixing zones large; and (3) inputs of material to coastal other researchers, viral abundance, frequency of viral waters in groundwater. Research is proposed to address infections and viral community diversity will be related to these gaps through investigations on three types of under- hydrographic and biological variables in order to studied systems with the following objectives: (1) To determine those which may be important in regulating obtain a better understanding of products resulting from viral propagation. arctic-subarctic weathering, the fate of these materials (primary trace elements) in the freshwater-seawater mixing zone and relative contribution of fluxes to the

39 ocean from smaller rivers of this morphoclimatic zone. improve our knowledge of environmental change in the These studies will be carried out in the Anadyr River– Eurasian Arctic. Reconstruction of amplitude and timing Estuary system in northeastern Russia. (2) To identify the of riverine and Atlantic water pulses throughout the major biogeochemical interactions that control trace Holocene will reveal new insights into mechanisms of element fluxes through a lagoonal estuary, taking heat and water vapor transfer from the North Atlantic to advantage of the slow mixing rate/long residence times of the Arctic, and their controls on the extent of sea ice and materials in such systems to obtain better resolution of formation of water masses in the Arctic Ocean. solute-master variable relationships during mixing in the low salinity region. The Patos Lagoons, in Southern Brazil will provide the field site for these investigators. (3) To determine the composition and concentrations of subterranean weathering products associated with the Floridian Aquifer and to investigate biogeochemical processes that influence the fate of trace elements upon entering the marine environment. Freshwater springs, which discharge directly into coastal waters of the West Florida shelf, and the adjacent coastal waters will provide the site for these studies.

Assessing Holocene Environmental Change in the Kara Sea, Eurasian Arctic OPP 9529133 09/15/96; (OPP) $95,741; 23 months Ohio State University Research Foundation Columbus, OH 43210-1016 Leonid Polyak Little is known about the environmental change in the Eurasian Arctic, a major site for the formation and passage of sea-ice and water masses in the Arctic Ocean. The knowledge of climatic and oceanographic fluctuations in this region on a millenial and submillenial scale is especially important in view of the special role of the Arctic in the modern global change. This project is aimed at the first time-constrained reconstruction of Holocene paleoenvironments in the Kara Sea, which is strongly influenced by both the extensive continental runoff and the Atlantic water advection. The Kara Sea sediments contain a unique record of variations in the discharge of Siberian rivers, Atlantic water flow, and the formation of bottom waters. A number of sediment cores and surface sediment samples were collected recently in the Kara Sea. Cores from key sites located in a corridor between the estuaries of Ob’ and Yenisey Rivers and the marginal Saint Anna Trough, are chosen for a study of the Holocene environmental change on a millenial-to- centennial time scale. Core stratigraphy will be time- constrained by AMS 14C dating of in situ calcareous faunal remnants. Mineralogical, geochemical and grain- size analyses will be used to assess sediment dispersal sources and depositional environments. Stable isotopes will be measured on planktonic foraminifers from the northern Kara Sea to understand the relation between the Siberian river discharge and oceanographic change in the eastern Arctic Ocean. Modern distributional patterns of foraminifers and ostracodes, with respect to the Kara Sea hydrology, will be established to provide reliable paleoenvironmental reconstructions for the Holocene. Results of this collaborative research will significantly


A Cooperative Ice Core Paleoclimate Study of former Soviet Union but is in danger of getting lost Monsoon Variability as Archived in the Dasuopu permanently. The project is guided by criteria for priority Glacier, China databases established by the International Permafrost ATM 9523237 Association (IPA) working group on permafrost data and 05/01/96; (ATM) $182,442, (INT) $50,000; 12 months information. This data is very valuable for climate Ohio State University Research Foundation research. Columbus, OH 43210-1016 Lonnie G. Thompson Inter-American Institute (IAI) Workshop: Climate This award supports the retrieval and analysis of ice cores Variability in the Americas from High Elevation Ice from the tropical Dasuopu glacier located in the south Cores central Himalayas, where conventional, long-term ATM 9530179 climatic data are completely absent. Tropical records are 07/01/96; (ATM) $49,937; 12 months of particular interest because 50% of the global surface University of Massachusetts–Amherst lies between 30°N and 30°S, and 75% of the Earth’s Amherst, MA 01003 population inhabits these climatically tropical lands. The Raymond S. Bradley records from these cores will complement the long The purpose of this workshop on Climate Variability in histories recovered from the Dunde and Guliya ice caps the Americas from High Elevation Ice Cores is to develop on the northeastern and northwestern margins of the plans for obtaining a set of ice cores from sites distributed Qinghai–Tibetan (Q–T) Plateau. Located on the southern along the mountainous western axis of the Americas, margin of the Q–T Plateau the new drilling site lies well from Alaska/Yukon to the southern tip of South America. within the spatial extent of the monsoon system. Although most ice core research has been in polar Dominance of monsoonal circulation produces distinctly regions, ice cores from high elevations in the Americas annual cycles in oxygen isotopic ratios and in the have also provided unique and detailed insights into deposition of visible dust, which permit the reconstruction paleoclimates of the past, and this workshop will build on of high resolution (annual) records of climatic and the analysis which has been carried out in the past. The environmental conditions. Dasuopu is located just north workshop will bring together interested parties from of the Himalayas with annual precipitation of about 300 different research institutions in the region: Argentina, mm water equivalent (H O eq.). The high elevation of this 2 Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and the site ensures that ice temperatures will be well below OºC; United States. The primary goal of the workshop is to hence this glacier may be “polar” in character and is prepare a document outlining the opportunities that ice likely to contain a long, well-preserved record. The initial core studies in the high mountains of the Americas can field program includes a complement of geophysical and provide in understanding El Niño Southern Oscillations surface studies designed to determine the suitability of (ENSO)-related interannual variability and cold region this glacier for the recovery of high resolution, well- processes. The goal will be achieved by: identifying the preserved ice core records. Studies of the climate of China principal scientific questions which can be answered by are plagued by the absence of data from major sections of ice core studies; determining which ice caps have the the Q–T Plateau and the surrounding high mountain potential of yielding high-resolution paleoenvironmental ranges. The successful retrieval of previous records records; prioritizing the most important sites; planning (Dunde and Guliya) suggests that ice cores from carefully preparatory glaciological and geophysical surveys to selected ice caps in Asia are excellent archives for determine in detail the optimum coring sites; establishing climatic and environmental histories. These records are which research institutions and individuals have the essential to fill one of the major spatial gaps in the Earth’s necessary technical and analytical skills and the climate history. motivation to carry out the required work; determining what funding would be required to carry out the proposed Implementation of a Pilot Global Geocryological research and to establish a time-frame for accomplishing Database at the World Data Center (WDC-A) the work; and developing a plan for interinstitutional Glaciology exchange of scientists and graduate students to ensure that ATM 9528007 the research program is truly collaborative, international 05/01/96; (OPP) $30,000, (ATM) $30,000; 12 months and multidisciplinary. These objectives will contribute to University of Colorado–Boulder the study of an IAI research priority, which is, to what Boulder, CO 80309-0019 extent climate variability in the two hemispheres is Roger G. Barry synchronous. The workshop will identify institutions and individuals and their relevant expertise to assign areas of This is a one-year grant to rescue, recover, archive and responsibility for subsequent research. A priority list of disseminate permafrost data that was collected in the sites where research should be initiated will also be

41 prepared in order to build on existing knowledge or new changes and to point the way towards research programs, areas for reconnaissance studies. Workshop participants a workshop will be held in Norway on the global will discuss what mechanisms currently exist or will be interactions between glaciers, ice sheets and sea level. required to ensure that the proposed research will be This award will make possible the participation by U.S. carried out in the framework of full international invitees in the workshop. collaboration. Study of Photoplastic Effect on Ice Relationships Between Climate and Glacier Variations DMR 9413362 in Western North America 12/15/94; (DMR) $60,000, (OPP) $25,000; 23 months ATM 9530691 Dartmouth College 05/15/96; (ATM) $41,877, (OPP) $30,000; 11 months Hanover, NH 03755 University of Washington Victor F. Petrenko Seattle, WA 98195 This project is co-funded between the Condensed Matter Howard Conway Physics and Polar Glaciology Programs. The project will This award will support a study designed to establish investigate the characteristics and physical mechanisms of what climate information can be extracted from the the photoplastic effect (PPE) in ice: pure and doped ice glacial record on the west coast of North America. demonstrate significant and persistent hardening under the Glaciers contain a non-linear transformation of past action of ultraviolet illumination. The fundamental meteorological conditions and a systematic comparison of mechanism of PPE in ice is not understood, and is of the behavior of these glaciers has potential to reveal importance from a fundamental solid-state physics considerable new information about past climate in the standpoint, as well as geophysical and environmental region. The Aleutian Low in the north Pacific has a viewpoints. Both laboratory and field experiments will be steering effect on storm tracks such that conditions are conducted. Emphasis will be placed on microscopic dry in Washington and wet in Alaska during years when processes which are studied by internal friction, the Pacific–North America index is positive; there is a dislocation currents, conductivity and photoconductivity, negative correlation between the mass balance of Alaskan etching and replicating of dislocations emerging on the and Washington glaciers. This study will improve surface of the ice and spectroscopic study of understanding of atmosphere–glacier processes. Although photochemical products accumulating ice under many high-resolution meteorological observations are illumination. The project also includes a modest theory needed to accurately model atmosphere–glacier processes component. The results are intended to determine the over short (annual) time scales, two or three variables fundamental mechanism of the PPE in ice, and whether or should be sufficient to explain behavior over longer not ultraviolet solar irradiation is essential in forming (decadal) time scales. Sensitivity studies will explore plastic properties of natural ice and snow. glacier response to climate (both mass changes and subsequent dynamic response) through physical models of Development of Laser-Based Resonance Ionization decreasing complexity, and establish the simplest Spectroscopy Techniques for 81Kr and 85Kr workable model that accurately simulates behavior over Measurements in the Geosciences decadal time scales. EAR 9410695 09/01/94; (EAR) $71,848, (OPP) $10,000; 36 months Travel Support for U.S. Participants in Workshop on University of Tennessee–Knoxville Glaciers, Ice Sheets, and Sea Level; Fjaerland, Knoxville, TN 37996-0140 Norway; June 21–22, 1996 Norbert Thonnard ATM 9612799 This award provides funding for the development of a 06/15/96; (OPP) $6,115, (ATM) $5,000; 11 months laser-based resonance ionization spectroscopy technique University of Wisconsin–Madison capable of measuring the isotopic abundances of noble Madison, WI 53706-1490 gas constituents krypton-81 (81Kr) and krypton-85 (85Kr) Charles R. Bentley in natural samples. The project is to be carried out in the The ice bodies of the world contain sufficient water to Institute for Rare Isotope Measurements at the University raise worldwide sea level by more than 70 m if melted of Tennessee. Accurate measurements of the radionuclei completely. Glaciers and ice sheets might be a major of 81Kr and 85Kr can contribute to a better understanding source of water for the present-day rise in sea level, but of processes in the environment, including dating of polar the uncertainty is large. All glacial ice on the Earth must ice and very old groundwater, deep ocean circulation rates be considered in evaluating the contribution of changing and modern water flow patterns. These isotopes have ice masses to changing sea level. Furthermore, it is half-lives of 210,000 and 10.8 years, respectively, and are necessary to consider the history of past ice-sheet changes found in natural samples with isotopic abundances usually in order to interpret the present changes and predict those less than one part per trillion. Accurate analysis is a of the future. To evaluate all these factors in sea-level problem that has not yet been solved. The PI and

42 colleagues on this project will develop a multi-step Buffalo, NY 14260 technique aimed at achieving an analytical procedure Parker E. Calkin capable of measuring hundreds of environmentally This award is for a three-year study to investigate the significant samples per year. subarctic climatic history as recorded largely in the tree- ring record, and to precisely date glacial fluctuations of Collaborative Research: Late Weichselian (Valdi) ice tongues terminating in, and occurring at, the margins Glaciation and Deglaciation of Franz Josef Land, of the deep, 50-km long fjords of Yakutat and Icy Bays of Russia southeastern coastal Alaska. Chronologies drawn from OPP 9222972 500- to 900-year-old living trees cross-dated with logs of 05/01/93; (OPP) $5,000; 48 months buried forests at multiple sites in each of the fjords will Ohio State University Research Foundation provide the main basis for climatic reconstruction over the Columbus, OH 43210-1016 last two millenia. Climatic and glacial series together are Steven L. Forman expected to yield the first sound basis for testing response of fjord glaciers to climate change. This award is for support of a glacial geologic, stratigraphic, and geochronologic study of the limits and timing of Late Weichselian/Holocene glacial and Studies on the Mechanics of Columbia Glacier, deglacial events on Franz Josef Land, Russia. High- Alaska, During its Rapid Retreat resolution satellite imagery will be used to identify study OPP 9321556 areas; radiocarbon dating of subfossils included in raised 06/15/94; (OPP) $83,343; 36 months beaches of known elevation will provide information on Ohio State University Research Foundation the timing and rate of glacial-isostatic uplift; stratigraphic Columbus, OH 43210-1016 and sedimentological studies of glacial deposits will Cornelis J. Van der Veen provide information on provenance; and integration of This award is for support for a study on the mechanics of field data with isostatic and glaciological modeling will Columbia Glacier, Alaska, during its current rapid retreat. provide insight into glacial thickness, position of ice The extensive data set of surface elevations and velocities divides, domes and streams and possible response to sea- obtained from many repeat aerial photogrammetries of the level rise. This study will provide new data on Holocene glacier will be analyzed in order to identify the sites of, and Late Weichselian glacial geometry in the Russian and magnitudes of mechanical controls on the lower part Arctic, where little data currently exists. of the glacier. This data also will provide information to help determine whether the ongoing retreat is associated Relation Between Water Input, Water Pressure, with a major change in flow style, and to test various Surface Speed, and Basal Till Deformation, calving relations at each phase of retreat of the ice front. Storglaciaren The understanding of the controls of the collapse of the OPP 9224209 Columbia Glacier, obtained from these data, will be very 04/15/93; (OPP) $13,947; 54 months helpful in understanding major collapses of other glaciers. University of Minnesota–Twin Cities Minneapolis, MN 55415-1226 Geologic Test for Extent of Wisconsinian Glaciation Roger Hooke on Southern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada, from This award is for support of a project to study a small Exposure Ages Determined by Radionuclides 26A1 valley glacier in northern Sweden, Storglaciaren. The and 10Be three objectives of this project are to: (1) develop an OPP 9321733 empirical relation between melt rates on the glacier 06/01/94; (OPP) $6,222; 42 months surface and meteorological forcing; (2) establish a Bentley College relation between subglacial water pressures and velocities Waltham, MA 02154-4705 at the glacier surface; and (3) measure strain rates, shear P. Thompson Davis stresses and water pressures in the subglacial till in order This award is for support for a project to refine the glacial to establish a constitutive relation for till deformation. A chronology on southern Baffin Island by determining long-term goal of this work is to develop a model to cosmogenic exposure ages of polished and striated predict glacier motion on diurnal-to-seasonal time scales. bedrock surfaces and morainal boulders. In order to estimate the timing of deglaciation, the Beryllium-10 and Reconstruction of the Subarctic Climatic History and Aluminum-26 in quartz separates from: (1) polished and High-Resolution Dating of Glacier Fluctuations Using striated bedrock surfaces on valley bottoms and along Tree-Ring Analysis at Yakutat and Icy Bays, Alaska fjord sidewalls, and (2) boulders on nested sets of OPP 9321213 moraines will be measured. Preliminary results suggest 06/01/94; (OPP) $95,982; 36 months that deglaciation in the Pangnirtung area of southern State University of New York–Buffalo Baffin Island occurred around 7,500 years ago. This work

43 will provide information to help resolve a long-standing and the experimentally observed flow fields will permit controversy in Quaternary science involving the extent of an evaluation of various constitutive laws. Numerical ice sheets in the eastern Canadian Arctic during the late values will be determined for the material constants in the Wisconsinian. models that give the best fit to the observed flow field.

An Ice Core Derived Multivariate Proxy Record of Basal Morphology and Dynamics of a Temperate Holocene Climate Change from the Penny Ice Cap, Surge-Type Glacier Baffin Island, Canada OPP 9423477 OPP 9322045 07/01/95; (OPP) $234,033; 24 months 04/15/94; (OPP) $80,176; 42 months University of Alaska–Fairbanks University of New Hampshire Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 Durham, NH 03824 William D. Harrison Gregory A. Zielinski This award supports a three-year project to determine the This award supports participation by a U.S. research team morphology of the base of a surge-type glacier (Black from the University of New Hampshire in an international Rapids Glacier, Alaska) using modern wireline drilling collaborative effort to collect and study an approximately and sampling techniques, along with related 500 m ice core from the Penny Ice Cap on Baffin Island, measurements of basal water pressure, surface speed and Canada. This project is a collaboration with the other parameters. The project is an attempt to shed light, Geological Survey of Canada and Japan’s National by direct observation, on the most important unsolved Institute of Polar Research. Field work includes study of problem in glacier and ice-sheet dynamics—the role of snow pits and shallow cores in addition to collection and basal motion and how it is affected by basal morphology. analysis of the main 500 m core. Laboratory work The role of bed morphology in glacier surging is of supported by this award includes analysis of major ions particular interest, because the restricted geographic (sodium, ammonium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, occurrence of these glaciers may reflect necessary basal chloride, nitrate and sulfate), insoluble microparticles and conditions. The drilling and sampling program proposed methanesulfonic acid. These data will be integrated with here should be able to recover continuous core of virtually analytical data collected in Canada and Japan and the any length, from the base of the clean ice, through any complete set of analyses will be used to construct a proxy basal ice, sediments or combination of sediments and ice, record of climate and environmental conditions for Baffin and into the underlying bedrock. Although such sampling Island for the Holocene. These data from the Penny Ice has been accomplished before in connection with mineral Cap will complement records from the Greenland Ice exploration, it would be the first scientific effort of its Sheet Project (GISP). Specifically, these data will kind in a temperate glacier. provide information about climatic conditions at lower elevations that will allow a useful comparison to Assessment of Variations in the Snow Accumulation interpretations from the GISP cores. Rate in Northern Greenland OPP 9423530 Rheology of Basal Ice 04/01/95; (OPP) $126,236; 24 months OPP 9423422 University of Colorado–Boulder 04/01/95; (OPP) $78,291; 24 months Boulder, CO 80309-0019 University of Minnesota–Twin Cities Konrad Steffen Minneapolis, MN 55415-1226 This award is for support for a three-year program to Roger Hooke assess the variation in the snow accumulation rate in This award supports a two-year study of the rheology of northern Greenland. Previous work has shown that basal ice. The study has two principal parts: (1) isotope records from shallow ice cores can be used to measurements of the ice flow field around an artificial identify interannual, and perhaps seasonal, cycles of snow irregularity at the base of the glacier Engabreen in temperature and accumulation. In order to assess seasonal northern Norway; and (2) development of a theoretical and interannual variability, the isotope temperature record (numerical) model that describes the three-dimensional requires calibration from in situ meteorologic flow field in basal ice. Tunnels through the bedrock measurements. Ongoing remote sensing research appears beneath Engabreen will provide the unique setting and to show that interannual trends in brightness temperature opportunity to directly measure the flow field in basal ice. can be used as proxy data for annual accumulation, but The velocity field will be determined by using a video this work requires calibration from ice core data in camera to monitor the position of markers in the ice. The northern Greenland. Combining stable isotope numerical model will be based on an existing finite measurements, remote sensing and surface energy balance element code at the University of Minnesota, taking data will allow an assessment of how interannual and advantage of the facilities at the Minnesota seasonal processes affect the magnitude and variability of Supercomputer Institute. Comparison between the model snow accumulation. Meteorologic data collection stations

44 will be established and five shallow ice cores will be geochronologic studies to provide new field data to drilled in a 400-km2 area around each of two stations, one independently evaluate the limits and timing of in northeastern and one in northwestern Greenland. Argos Weichselian glacial and deglacial events on Novaya satellite links will provide data transmission capability Zemlya, Russia. Field research will focus on three field from each remote site. Grain size and temperature areas on northern Novaya Zemlya, where ice-free profiles, sublimation and energy balance will be forelands contain abundant raised marine and glacial calculated using a one-dimensional energy and mass flux features. We plan to use the following approaches to model. decipher the record of Quaternary glaciations on Novaya Zemlya: (1) High-resolution (10-m pixels) SPOT satellite imagery will be used to evaluate large-scale sea-level, Evaluation of a General Sliding Law by Flow glacial erosional and depositional features (moraines) that Simulation, Haut Glacier d’Arolla, Switzerland may not readily be discernible in the field. (2) OPP 9496345 Documentation of the timing and rate of the glacial- 08/01/94; (OPP) $12,766; 36 months isostatic response by radiocarbon dating of subfossils Purdue University Research Foundation included in raised beaches of known elevation. (3) A West Lafayette, IN 47907 study of the stratigraphy and sedimentology of Jonathan M. Harbor superimposed Quaternary sediments in cliff sections. This award is for support for a project to use a finite Particular attention will be given to the recognition of element model for cross-sectional flow to constrain glacial damicts and unconformities, and the collection of sliding and flow laws for the Haut Glacier d’Arolla micro- and macrofauna for paleoenvironmental (Switzerland). By varying sliding law exponents, the assessment and chronological control. (4) Age control for piezometric surface form and position, and the pattern of the latest glacial/sea-level events will be derived from basal friction, it will be possible to constrain the range of conventional and AMS radiocarbon dating of included conditions that yields velocity fields consistent with marine subfossil and driftage. (5) Integration of field data empirical data. This work takes advantage of a unique with isostatic and glaciological modeling to provide chance to test and refine the general sliding law, and an insight into glacier thickness, position of ice divides, opportunity to explicitly examine spatial variations in domes and streams and response to sea-level rise. Results sliding, in the context of detailed information on the from this study are important for evaluating if ice sheets temporal and spatial development of the glacier’s on northern continental shelves responded synchronously, hydrologic system. Although this work will be based on if the Barents, Kara and Norwegian Seas deglaciated prior data collected in a mid-latitude alpine area, the results will to 14 ka ago, and the effect of Eurasian ice sheets on be of direct relevance to polar glaciology because they North Atlantic thermohaline circulation. can also be applied to glaciers with temperate (warm based) areas in polar regions. Pleistocene Sea-Level and Glacial Fluctuations, Coastal Ahklun Mountains, Southwest Alaska Collaborative Research: Late Quaternary Glaciations OPP 9529940 of Northern Novaya Zemlya, Russia 06/15/96; (OPP) $69,165; 11 months OPP 9529293 Utah State University 07/15/96; (OPP) $88,222; 11 months Logan, UT 84322 Ohio State University Research Foundation Darrell Kaufman Columbus, OH 43210-1016 Recent work in the south part of the west coast of Alaska Steven L. Forman (eastern Bristol Bay, 59°N) demonstrates that glaciers OPP 9529350 experienced extensive advances during the late 07/15/96; (OPP) $52,429; 11 months Pleistocene. In northwestern Alaska (Seward Peninsula, University of Colorado–Boulder 65°N, and western Brooks Range, 67°N), on the other Boulder, CO 80309-0019 hand, early Wisconsin glaciers were restricted to the Gifford H. Miller highest mountain valleys and occupied an area approximately an order of magnitude less extensive than The extent and timing of Pleistocene ice sheets over during middle and early Pleistocene advances. The most northern Eurasia remain unresolved. The views range recent major advance of glacier ice to the coast in from full coverage of the Barents and Kara Seas by a southwestern Alaska was at least 300,000 years younger marine-based ice sheet to land-based ice cap systems on than the last advance of ice to the coast in northwestern adjacent archipelagos. The heart of the divergence on the Alaska. To understand the cause and significance of this nature of last glaciation in northern Eurasia is uncertainty apparent glacial-geologic and paleoclimatological on ice-sheet thickness over Novaya Zemlya, Russia, and incongruity, the following must be addressed: (1) Where extension into Siberia. In collaboration with the and over what distance along the coast between eastern Murmansk Institute of Marine Biology, we propose to Bristol Bay and Seward Peninsula does the crossover initiate basic glacial-geologic, stratigraphic and between late Pleistocene glacial maxima and middle

45 Pleistocene maxima occur? (2) To what extent do valley englacial debris bands at the Matanuska Glacier will hypsometries control the extent of ice from the different provide information on the genesis of these ubiquitous source areas? (3) What does the geographic distribution of and controversial features. Interpretations of Heinrich late-Wisconsin and pre-late-Wisconsin ice imply about events, estimates of glacial debris flux and models of equilibrium line altitude (ELA) lowering and equilibrium glacier sliding all require knowledge or assumptions of line altitude (ELA) gradients, and consequently, moisture subglacial conditions and mechanisms of debris sources and other climate variables? Solving these entrainment. The information gained from this research questions will require extensive field, aerial photographic will increase our understanding of subglacial processes and geochronologic research in the only glaciated region and will provide critical constraints to numerical models between eastern Bristol Bay and Seward Peninsula—the of glacier flow and debris transport in the glacial system. Ahklun Mountains. It will depend on a multidisciplinary effort to obtain numerical-age control on the deposits. Global Glacier Mass Balance Synthesis State-of-the-art geochronologic and sedimentologic OPP 9530782 techniques will be applied to reconstruct the spatial and 09/01/96; (OPP) $84,597; 12 months temporal pattern of Pleistocene sea-level and glacier University of Colorado–Boulder fluctuations. This work will improve the understanding of Boulder, CO 80309-0019 the paleoclimatological controls of glaciation across Mark F. Meier western Alaska and their relation to the global climate system; it also should enable us to address whether or not A global synthesis of glacier mass balance data is glaciation in southwestern Alaska is synchronous with proposed, which will include an evaluation and Northern Hemispheric ice-sheet fluctuations, or whether digitization of measured mass balance data. The mass or not major glaciations here precedes ice build-up at balance data set will include three databases: (1) annual lower latitude. specific mass balances of all measured mountain and subpolar glaciers; (2) annual accumulation (or winter balance) and annual ablation (or summer balance); and (3) Tritium in Basal Ice and Debris Bands: winter, summer and annual mass balance gradients with Demonstration of Freeze-On from Subglacial Waters altitude. These data will be analyzed in several ways: OPP 9530757 statistical spatio-temporal analyses of individual glaciers, 07/15/96; (OPP) $197,150; 23 months mountain ranges and countries, both hemispheric and Lehigh University global; analyses of annual fluctuations and determination Bethlehem, PA 18015-3005 of long-term mass-balance trends; and analyses of mass Edward B. Evenson balance gradient changes. The main tasks: (1) assemble The objectives of the proposed research are to determine and check the annual specific mass balance data of all the rates of subglacial ice accretion, identify the genesis measured glaciers since 1945; (2) determine the of englacial debris bands and assess the generality of contribution of glacier changes to sea level (e.g., how freeze-on mechanisms. Recent research by the authors much do different glacier regions contribute to sea-level demonstrates that debris-rich basal ice at the Matanuska change?); (3) estimate the variability of winter and Glacier in south-central Alaska forms by basal freeze-on summer balances (or annual accumulation and ablation) in an open hydrologic system. Evidence includes: (1) and their impact on annual mass balances in different tritium-rich basal ice; (2) summer melt-season ice growth geographical locations; (4) determine the main causes for in subglacially-fed, high-pressure discharge vents; and (3) mass balance changes in different mountain regions; and measurements of sub-zero water temperatures. Subglacial (5) analyze mass balance gradients (activity indices) and water flowing towards the terminus supercools when the their changes in connection with climate change. The end pressure-melting point rises faster than the temperature products of this research will include three mass balance increases. During periods of high discharge, supercooling data sets which will be produced at INSTAAR in a form occurs where the slope of the bed is steeper and in the accessible by the community, and in a data report. opposite direction of the slope of the glacier surface. Tritium analysis provides a “fingerprint” of ice which Glaciological Interpretation of Changes in Radar formed since 1952. Elevated concentrations of tritium in Reflection Characteristics from Glaciers basal ice indicate post-1952 freeze-on from OPP 9530827 atmospherically-derived waters. High-resolution analysis 07/01/96; (OPP) $37,540; 12 months of tritium from multiple basal sections at the Matanuska University of Washington Glacier will provide data necessary to calculate subglacial Seattle, WA 98195 accretion rates and to estimate the relative contributions Charles F. Raymond of different water sources to the subglacial drainage system. A record of tritium concentrations in precipitation The speed of glaciers and ice sheets can be affected by in this region from 1958 to 1993 provides an input hydraulic conditions at their beds. Examples are the function to which the tritium profiles in basal ice can be dramatic fast-motion of ice streams and glacier surges or correlated. In addition, tritium in samples obtained across the more modest seasonal variations in speed that are

46 common in temperate glaciers. The connection between necessary for understanding the dynamics of virtually all glacier speed and hydraulic conditions at the bed has been ice masses of current interest. Variations in basal and established through borehole and glacial discharge marginal tractions are critical controlling factors in polar observations. However, these observations yield only very ice streams, calving and surging glaciers. The behavior of limited spatial coverage (in the case of boreholes) or ice sheets, as well as the stratigraphic interpretation of resolution (in the case of stream discharges). Radio echo- cores taken from ice sheets, depend on an understanding sounding (RES) has been used extensively to map the of the patterns of coupling at the bed and the velocity thickness and structure of many glaciers and ice sheets. fields that arise in the ice as a consequence. The PI recently used RES to monitor the spatial and temporal reflection changes within a temperate glacier Ice/Radar and Satellite Remote-Sensing Studies of (Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska) and across a relict ice Glaciers and Ice Sheets–II stream margin in Antarctica. Results from Black Rapids OPP 9531501 (Arctic Funding Component) Glacier show distinct temporal changes in RES return 04/15/96; (OPP) $15,075; 11 months characteristics during the early part of the melt season St. Olaf College when the speed of the glacier increased significantly. Northfield, MN 55057 Results from Antarctica show a large spatial change in Robert W. Jacobel RES return characteristics; the reflection strength of the bed changed by about 300% in a traverse across the relict This project is for continued funding of the Research margin. Interpretation of the evolving physical conditions Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site at St. Olaf at the bed is complicated because some of the observed College and South Cascade Glacier, West Antarctic. changes in RES returns from the bed may be caused by Since 1987, with support from the NSF, the St. Olaf ice changes at the surface and/or within the interior of the ice. radar has been part of the effort to understand the The PI proposes to determine the changes in reflection dynamics of the West Antarctic ice sheet. The St. Olaf characteristics of the bed by using multivariate analysis to contribution to this project has been the development and remove the effects of transmission through the surface deployment of a ground-based radar system used in and propagation within the ice. Models of reflection from studies of several of the fast ice streams which drain into layered dielectric media will be used to investigate the Ross Ice Shelf. Through the current REU award, the relationships between the changes in reflection coefficient group has more recently become involved in the use of and changes in basal conditions, such as the thickness and satellite imagery for obtaining ice velocities—a electrical conductivity of water at the bed. The objective complementary tool to the radar also used for is to use the RES records to gain understanding about understanding ice dynamics. At the same time, St. Olaf physical conditions at the bed of glaciers and ice sheets. has carried out an active research program on South Cascade Glacier in collaboration with scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey. In addition to serving as a testing Collaborative Research: Direct Measurement of the and development site for the Antarctic radar system, this In Situ Stress Tensor at Depth in Glacier Ice glacier has been the focus of an intensive effort to OPP 9531450 investigate the problem of englacial and subglacial 07/15/96; (OPP) $128,881; 11 months drainage and hydrology. Studies on South Cascade University of Colorado–Boulder Glacier also provide an accessible site for students to Boulder, CO 80309-0019 experience glaciological science in the field, and to plan W. Tad Pfeffer and carry out experiments of their own design, similar to OPP 9531565 those done in the polar regions. This proposal will enable 08/01/96; (OPP) $62,048; 12 months undergraduate students to participate in the data reduction University of Wyoming and analysis phase of radar and ice dynamical studies Laramie, WY 82071-3434 being carried out on Siple Dome, Antarctica. It also will Neil F. Humphrey fund a complementary study of ice velocities in this area using satellite imagery to answer questions about the A technique for direct, in situ measurement of the stress transitory nature of the ice streams surrounding the dome. tensor in deep glacier ice will be developed by adapting The proposal supports continued field work in South methods presently in use in rock mechanics for the Cascade Glacier to study problems of glacial hydrology measurement of in situ stress in visco-elastic/plastic and further developments of the radar system. materials. Direct stress and deformation measurements will be combined. This will provide two critical properties near the bed of a glacier experiencing fairly complex Radar Array Suppression of Englacial Coherent Noise sliding behavior. For the first time, independent in Probing Temperate Glaciers observations of the full stress tensor and the full strain OPP 9531579 rate tensor in glacier ice will be obtained. The 09/01/96; (OPP) $58,273; 24 months determination of the spatial and temporal character of Penn State University–University Park coupling between glacier ice and the glacier bed is University Park, PA 16802-1503

47 Roy J. Greenfield mechanisms, basal freeze, and sediment transport. The radar array technique will also be applicable to Antarctic High Frequency Radar Array Characterization of glaciers. Temperate Glacier Hydrology OPP 9531800 09/01/96; (OPP) $58,208; 24 months Operation and Maintenance of the U.S. National Ice U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Core Laboratory Laboratory OPP 9634659 Hanover, NH 03755-1290 03/01/96; (OPP) $47,101; 69 months Mark L. Moran U.S. Geological Survey Reston, VA 22092 The ultimate scientific objective of this study is to Joan J. Fitzpatrick investigate a new high-frequency radar array technology for characterizing temperate glaciers by mapping bed This award is for support for the operations and topography, basal ice hydrologic features, thickness and maintenance of the U.S. National Ice Core Laboratory distribution of saturated tills and deep englacial drainage (NICL), a government-owned facility for storing, curating channels. It is widely acknowledged that presently there and studying ice cores recovered from the ice-covered are no effective direct, or remote, methods capable of regions of the world. NICL provides NSF- and U.S. delineating these structures. Radar methods fail because Geological Survey-funded investigators with the of the intrinsic high noise properties of temperate glaciers. capability to conduct examinations and measurements of Modern radar instruments have overcome random noise ice cores while preserving the integrity of these cores in a and antenna noise problems. The current limitation on safeguarded environment. NICL fosters the utilization of radar is noise resulting from subsurface water inclusions, these cores for scientific research by handling inquiries which impose a 10-mHz upper frequency limitation on from scientists interested in obtaining samples of ice conventional temperate glacier surveying methods. A cores, by making inventory listings easily available radar survey method utilizing array processing can through electronic distribution, by acting as an significantly suppress noise from water-filled scattering information resource to the scientific community and by inclusions. Numerical models and time domain data improving current technologies for ice core analysis in processing algorithms will be developed to guide the accordance with the needs and requirements of their client array design, performance analysis and interpretation base. NICL is located at the Denver Federal Center in procedures. In addition, a physical scale model of a Lakewood, Colorado, and is housed administratively temperate glacier will be used to collect radar data in the within the USGS Office of the Central Regional millimeter wave frequency (30 gHz) range. The physical Geologist, Geologic Division. model results will be used to verify numerical and theoretical array processing results and further refine the approach. A field experiment will be carried out on the shallow (100–200 m), readily accessible Gulkana Glacier, Alaska. This field experiment will include conventional radar and radar array data collection methods with 100- mHz antennas. In the field operations they will be specifically interested in demonstrating the improved depth of penetration using the array method as compared to the conventional technique. The immediate glaciologic benefits will be an accurate picture of how near-surface englacial and basal ice water channels are interconnected and oriented on a small, but interesting temperate glacier. The extended benefit will be the development of a practical method for sounding much deeper temperate glaciers. For example, on very deep (1000 m) temperate glaciers they believe the high-frequency radar array could operate at a center frequency around 30 mHz. In this band, multiple radar array stations, or a towed array, would have the potential to define, characterize and spatially map meter scale englacial and basal ice hydrologic features, as well as ice bed topography. This is particularly relevant since the depth and bottom topography of almost all large subpolar ice fields are unknown. In addition, a high-resolution deep penetration radar capability applied to large ice masses would help answer questions about steady flow and surge


GREENLAND ICE SHEET PROJECT times higher than the observed effects. This suggests that the viscous response of the mantle to long-term changes (GISP2) in ice loading may be canceling some of the elastic response. Current changes in gravity and crustal motion depend critically on the time-lagged response of the Snow-Atmosphere Transfer Function for Reversibly Earth’s mantle to previous loading histories, lasting as Deposited Chemical Species long as tens of thousands of years. Spatial and temporal OPP 9224192 changes in mass balance from late Pleistocene 08/15/93; (OPP) $14,276; 42 months deglaciation and the subsequent interglacial period will be University of Arizona combined with current mass balance estimates to Tucson, AZ 85721 assemble time histories for ice thickness throughout the Roger C. Bales ice sheet. From these histories, the elastic results for This is one of four coordinated projects that will make use gravity, rotation and deformation can be corrected by the of the camp facilities established on the ice sheet in the use of glacial rebound models, such as the visco-elastic interior of Greenland as part of the GISP2 ice core drilling spherical Earth model. The viscous correction to the effort, in order to investigate how atmospheric trace elastic loading for several cases of late Pleistocene elements are deposited on the ice and what kind of deglaciation and more recent thickness change will be changes they undergo as they are being incorporated into calculated for various upper- and lower-mantle viscosity the ice. An understanding of such processes is necessary profiles. A 20 km x 20 km grid will provide means of in order to properly interpret the proxy climate data that projecting the viscous rebound rates for the point mass can be recovered from ice cores. While significant model into the non-pointlike structure of the Greenland progress has been made recently in extracting and Ice Sheet. In addition to gravity, the components of analyzing ice cores, progress in understanding the air-to- crustal deformation and tilt are important in geodetic snow transfer process for reactive chemical species has measurements from space. This project also will assess lagged behind. The goal of this project is to determine the the impact that future observational improvements will atmosphere-to-snow transfer function for chemical have on understanding the mass balance of Greenland. species whose deposition is reversible (i.e., ones that can The observational improvements are anticipated from move from the snow back into the atmosphere to be global positioning system (GPS) studies and studies removed or redeposited elsewhere). The two species to be involving satellites that use laser ranging. The use of investigated are hydrogen peroxide and formaldehyde. existing gridded meteorological, accumulation, ablation Based on measurements of their concentration in the free and ice-thickness data, along with ice-flow models to atmosphere and in the air within the snow, as well as in predict future ice thickness changes in Greenland, are snow and ice, a transfer model will be developed. expected to greatly reduce the difficulty in calculating Concurrent laboratory studies will be done to determine gravity coefficients and crustal motion for both the elastic and constrain model parameters such as chemical and viscous cases. The effects of the possible changes in equilibrium coefficients and mass transfer coefficients. the position of the upper boundary of appreciable summer The model will be generalized to other reactive species, snow melt that roughly follows the periphery of the ice such as nitric acid and organic acids. sheet called the Benson Line can be used to predict vertical motion near the ice sheet boundary and the results may be checked against sea-level records, where they Effects of Greenland Ice on the Earth’s Gravity, exist. Greenland strain and velocity data may be used to Crustal Deformation and Tilt estimate retention time of new accumulation and the rates OPP 9320568 of discharge at the perimeter of the ice sheet. The 09/01/94; (OPP) $29,918; 36 months sensitivity of ice model contributions to the total mass Vassar College loss (or gain) to the oceans and to changes in other ice Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 systems will be investigated. Andrew S. Trupin This award supports a theoretical and modeling effort to The Oxygen Isotope Record of Climatic Change in the determine the effects of the Greenland Ice Sheet on the GISP2 Core rotation and gravity field of Earth. To accomplish the OPP 9321164 goals, the secular and interannual changes in the 05/01/94; (OPP) $105,000; 36 months geopotential, the position in the Earth’s rotation axis and University of Washington certain other parameters, such as center-of-mass motion Seattle, WA 98195 and length of day, will be calculated from mass balance Minze Stuiver changes in ice. The largest gravitational effects of ice- thickness change shown in simple models are up to many

49 This award is for support to complete the oxygen isotope the effects of atmospheric circulation and of atmospheric GISP2 ice core at 1.0-m and 0.2-m resolution. The chemistry on nuclide deposition. The successful coring of relative importance of central Greenland temperature the sub-ice bedrock has also provided the opportunity of change versus ocean source temperature change will be studying the exposure age of the sub-ice surface. investigated (in cooperation with James White, University of Colorado, Boulder) by calculating the deuterium excess GISP2 Major Ions—History and Cause(s) of Climate of these samples. In addition, the phase relationships Change between oxygen isotope patterns and changes in OPP 9321428 accumulation rate, ice chemistry, dust content and 05/01/94; (OPP) $140,071; 42 months atmospheric trace gases will be determined. The climatic University of New Hampshire and environmental significance of the ice core record will Durham, NH 03824 be assessed, and the spatial and temporal variability of the Paul A. Mayewski isotope record will determined. This award is for support to provide a high-resolution paleoenvironmental record of major anions and cations in High-Precision Temperature Log of GISP2 and GRIP the GISP2 ice core. The parameters to be measured Boreholes, Summit, Greenland, for Paleoclimate include chloride, nitrate, sulfate, sodium, calcium, Reconstruction and Ice Dynamics Studies magnesium, potassium and ammonium. The high quality, OPP 9321376 continuous, high-resolution multivariate chemical series 05/01/94; (OPP) $30,181; 36 months will be combined with mathematical and statistical University of Washington techniques in order to examine the history and understand Seattle, WA 98195 the causes of climate change. This work will allow the Edwin D. Waddington characterization of the fundamental connections among This award is for support for a three-year project to obtain the glaciochemical signals and the other parameters temperature logs in the GISP2 and Greenland Ice Core measured in the GISP2 core, and will permit a Project (GRIP) boreholes at Summit, Greenland, using the comparison with other ice core records, instrumental U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) high-precision records and other proxy records. This study also will temperature logging system. Temperatures also will be allow for the interpretation of changes in the sources and logged in several dry holes near GISP2 and GRIP, since production rates of the chemical species recorded in the the upper 100 m in the main holes have been thermally GISP2 ice, and will permit an investigation into the disturbed by the drill domes and drilling activities. The causes of climate change on a variety of time scales. data are needed to derive surface paleotemperatures directly from the present-day temperature transients University of New Hampshire (UNH) Science remaining at depth at these sites, and to better calibrate Management Office: GISP2 the isotope paleothermometer over the past 25,000 years. OPP 9321499 Simultaneous inversion of high-precision data from both 05/01/94; (OPP) $109,707; 36 months deep holes will allow isolation of the paleoclimate signal University of New Hampshire from ice dynamics effects. The temperature data may also Durham, NH 03824 allow detection of rapid shearing in the silty basal ice, Paul A. Mayewski thus providing a test independent of the borehole deformation. This award is for support for three years of funding for the Science Management Office (SMO) for GISP2. The major tasks are: to act as an organizational tool for Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the GISP2 Ice Core: GISP2 PIs; to continue data handling and development of 10Be, 26Al and 36Cl a “final” data set; to coordinate ice core collection OPP 9321407 activities in Denver at the National Ice Core Laboratory; 09/01/94; (OPP) $90,500; 36 months to guide and organize statistical tools; to maintain current University of California–Berkeley ties with the European Greenland Ice Core Project Berkeley, CA 94720 (GRIP); to include additional viewpoints and disciplines; Kunihiko Nishiizumi to handle specific issues (e.g., dating and intercalibration); This award supports a program to measure Beryllium-10, to coordinate workshops and meetings; to organize final Aluminum-26 and Chlorine-36 in samples from the products including a compendium volume and papers; GISP2 ice core. A continuous profile of cosmogenic and continued communications with PIs, other scientists, nuclide concentrations from the surface to the bottom of the NSF, GRIP and the public. the core will be measured and the resulting time series of nuclide concentrations will be applied to deducing the The Geochemistry of Trapped Gases in the GISP2 Ice history of solar activity, deducing the history of variations Core in the geomagnetic field and dating of ice cores. The time series also will be used to study climatic history through

50 OPP 9321514 information about the mechanisms and processes 08/01/94; (OPP) $73,000; 36 months responsible for carbon dioxide and climate variations. University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 02881 Delta and Deuterium Excess in the GISP2 Ice Core Michael L. Bender OPP 9321564 OPP 9529101 07/15/94; (OPP) $87,000; 36 months 09/01/95; (OPP) $11,150; 24 months University of Colorado–Boulder Penn State University–University Park Boulder, CO 80309-0019 University Park, PA 16802-1503 James W. White Todd Sowers This award is for support to continue measurements of This award is for support to continue research on the deuterium on samples from the GISP2 ice core. The concentration of methane, the isotopic composition and values of deuterium measured on the GISP2 ice core concentration of oxygen, nitrogen, argon and total gas samples will be used to reconstruct and interpret the content of samples from the GISP2 ice core. The methane temperature history recorded in the core. Deuterium concentration of air is a proxy for the extent of wetlands excess values will also be calculated in order to determine and the warm, wet climates they signify. Methane is also the climate conditions at the oceanic moisture source. a radiatively active gas which affects climate. The This work will be coordinated with the group from the isotopic composition of oxygen in air reflects relative University of Washington that is measuring oxygen rates of primary production in the terrestrial and marine isotope ratios on the ice core. Work to date suggests that environments, and humidity in productive continental records of pressure (North Atlantic Oscillation) and areas. Methane and the isotopic composition of oxygen temperature (Jakobshave-Oslo seesaw) oscillations are are also constant (or nearly so) throughout the atmosphere recorded in the deuterium and deuterium excess values. at any one time. They therefore serve as time stratigraphic Values of deuterium excess during the last glacial period markers for correlating Greenland and Antarctic ice cores. show sharp changes at the times of some, but not all, of Nitrogen and argon isotopes indicate the extent of the massive fluxes of icebergs into the North Atlantic gravitational fractionation during the trapping process and (Heinrich Events). Major questions to be addressed allow for correction of the measured concentrations and include the nature of rapid climate changes seen in many isotopic compositions of these gases. Total gas content of the climate proxies measured in the core, the existence reflects paleoelevation of ice sheets among other poorly of modes of climate as reflected by preferred states of the understood influences. This work will provide climate proxies and the importance for the climate record information on climate and biogeochemistry during the of differential thinning and thickening of layers, as well as last approximately 250,000 years of Earth history. possible folding and faulting of the near basal ice.

Reconstruction of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Physical and Structural Properties of the GISP2 Deep Delta Carbon-13 from the High-Resolution GISP2 Ice Core Core OPP 9321624 OPP 9321552 05/01/94; (OPP) $66,958; 36 months 05/01/94; (OPP) $121,000; 36 months U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering University of California–San Diego Laboratory (USACRREL) La Jolla, CA 92093-0234 Hanover, NH 03755-1290 Martin Wahlen Anthony J. Gow This award is for support to investigate, in detail, the This award is for support for a three-year project to timing between changes in temperature (indicated by the complete physical properties work (analysis of visual isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in the ice, as well as the stratigraphy, density variations and c-axis fabric accumulation rate) and atmospheric carbon dioxide (from measurements) on the GISP2 ice core. The objectives of measurements of occluded air) in the high-resolution this project are to: (1) complete the dating of the core, GISP2 ice core from central Greenland. The carbon providing as highly accurate a depth/age scale as is dioxide measurements will be performed over periods of possible using all available parameters; (2) determine the rapid climate change, such as the last glacial-to- accumulation history at Summit, Greenland, to the interglacial transition, and during the glacial interstadials, maximum possible depth; (3) use ice crystal c-axis fabrics the Eemian and the previous glacial. The determination of and related structural parameters to assess the extent and leads or lags between temperature and atmospheric nature of the distortion which has been observed in the carbon dioxide will help to understand the interplay of bottom 200–300 m of ice; (4) continue monitoring carbon dioxide and climate. The carbon isotope relaxation characteristics of the ice through repeated composition of atmospheric carbon dioxide will also be measurements of ice sample density and ultrasonic analyzed for these periods in order to gain more velocities; and (5) carry out detailed examination of the basal debris layer to determine its compositional and

51 structural characteristics and to delineate the origin and be studied to examine climate-related variability of MSA mechanics of incorporation of the debris-rich ice. during the Holocene.

Insoluble Particles in the GISP2 Ice Core: Analysis of Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Chemical Core Stratigraphy by Laser-Light Scattering and Constituents at Summit, Greenland: Interpretation of Changes in Minerology and Particle Size in Glacial Ice the GISP2 Ice Core OPP 9322401 OPP 9423410 05/01/94; (OPP) $90,998; 36 months 06/01/95; (OPP) $132,160; 24 months State University of New York–Buffalo Carnegie Mellon University Buffalo, NY 14260 Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3815 Michael Ram Cliff I. Davidson This award is for support for a three-year project to This project is the continuation of an investigation of the complete measurements of stratigraphy on the GISP2 ice transport of chemical trace elements and species from core with laser-light scattering, using both a solid source regions through the atmosphere to the Greenland technique and a technique that involves analysis of Ice Sheet. Its goal is to provide information for the meltwater. At present, the resolution of the meltwater interpretation of the trace element distribution in the long measurements only allows annual layers larger than 3 cm ice core that has been obtained through the GISP2 drilling to be distinguished, so ice below 1900 m cannot be effort. The ice core will provide a detailed record properly analyzed by scattering from meltwater. The spanning 200,000 years. The project has three specific resolution of these measurements will be improved so that objectives: (1) the identification of source regions and annual layers as small as 1 cm will be able to be measured atmospheric pathways for the chemical constituents by this technique. Measurements using the solid technique reaching the drill site, including the possible changes in have, so far, only been applied to bubble-free ice. It will air mass characteristics during transit; (2) the be demonstrated that this technique can be extended to quantification of relationships between chemical species bubbly ice, and this method will be used to analyze all in the atmosphere and those in the ice sheet; and (3) the remaining sections of the ice core. The laser-light interpretation of the deep ice core data using this scattering measurements will be calibrated so that they information. Prior field work has resulted in the collection give the variation in number of particles larger than 0.5 of samples of air, aerosol, precipitation and deposited microns along the core, rather than just the relative snow, which will be analyzed for various anions and scattered light intensity. Finally, selected sections of the cations, trace elements, carbon compounds and trace core will be measured at regular time intervals to gases. This project will emphasize the deposition determine how the scattered signal changes with time as mechanisms. The first objective will be achieved by bubbles reemerge. measuring concentrations of chemical species in air and snow, and then combining this information with meteorological data of other investigators. Concentrations Methanesulfonate in the GISP2 Ice Core (Summit, of major anions and cations will be determined by ion Greenland) chromatography in our laboratories, while concentrations OPP 9322518 of trace elements and other species will be obtained by 05/15/94; (OPP) $65,000; 36 months collaboration with other groups. The second objective University of Miami School of Marine and Atmospheric involves measurement of wet, dry and fog deposition, as Sciences well as changes that occur in the snow pack after Miami, FL 33149 deposition of chemical species. The third objective will be Eric S. Saltzman achieved by developing models to explain the processes This award is for support for an investigation of the influencing air and snow chemistry at the site in distribution of methanesulfonate (MSA) in the GISP2 ice collaboration with GISP2 researchers who are actively core in order to assess the relationship between biogenic working with the core data. The results will be a better sulfur emissions, atmospheric aerosols and climate interpretation of the ice core data, and the reduction of change over the North Atlantic. This project is primarily uncertainties involved in using the core data to determine directed at completing the GISP2 MSA record from past atmospheric conditions. Summit, Greenland, which will cover an entire glacial/interglacial cycle. The GISP2 record already has demonstrated dramatic differences between glacial/interglacial trends in Greenland as compared to Antarctica. This work will provide new information about the factors controlling the variability in the atmospheric sulfur signal and its relationship to other changes in atmospheric chemistry. Samples from two other Greenland ice cores (Camp Century and Dye-3) will also

52 Tephrochronolgy of the GISP2 Ice Core Relationships Between Air and Snow Chemistry in OPP 9423441 Winter at Summit, Greenland 04/15/95; (OPP) $86,738; 23 months OPP 9530575 University of New Hampshire 09/01/96; (OPP) $19,444; 12 months Durham, NH 03824 University of Arizona Gregory A. Zielinski Tucson, AZ 85721 Roger C. Bales Researchers at the University of New Hampshire will investigate the relationship between climate and OPP 9530579 volcanism by extracting ash layers from ice cores 09/01/96; (OPP) $139,184; 12 months recovered by the GISP2. Large volumes of volcanic University of New Hampshire material in the atmosphere may affect the global heat Durham, NH 03824 budget for years. The relationship of volcanism and Jack E. Dibb climate change, however, has not been convincingly OPP 9530670 demonstrated due to the lack of a data set that contains 09/01/96; (OPP) $20,000; 12 months records of both volcanism and climate. GISP2 ice cores Carnegie Mellon University provide such a record. The ash layers will be analyzed Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3815 geochemically so that the “fingerprint” of individual ash Cliff I. Davidson layers may be used to determine the volcanic center where the eruption occurred. Once the source of the ash is OPP 9530706 determined and the timing is established by the location 09/01/96; (OPP) $19,836; 12 months of the ash within the well-dated ice core, then the relative University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee magnitude of the eruption will be known. By comparing Milwaukee, WI 53201-0340 the timing of the volcanic eruptions to the climate record Jonathan D. Kahl in the ice core, the potential impact of large eruptions on OPP 9530738 climate change may be examined. 09/01/96; (OPP) $20,520; 12 months U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Characterization of the Atmospheric Concentration Laboratory and Air–Snow Exchange of Soluble Gaseous Acids at Hanover, NH 03755-1290 Summit, Greenland Mary R. Albert OPP 9423490 OPP 9530818 04/15/95; (OPP) $93,980; 23 months 09/01/96; (OPP) $20,000; 12 months University of New Hampshire University of California–Irvine Durham, NH 03824 Irvine, CA 92717 Jack E. Dibb Donald R. Blake This award is for support for a two-year program to study The research is a collaborative project among researchers the origin of nitrate in the atmosphere and surface snow at at six universities. The researchers will extend their Summit, Greenland. Preliminary results from unfunded previous study of the record of atmospheric chemistry pilot studies suggest that nitric acid (HNO ) is not the 3 concentrations recorded in the glacial ice at Summit, only, and may not be even the major, nitrogen species Greenland, from a summer only to a full year study by contributing to nitrate (NO3-) in summertime snow at adding a winter sampling program. The ice core record Summit. Peroxy acetyl nitrate and one or more alkyl from the GISP2 has been analyzed for traces of nitrate species seem to be the most likely candidates, and atmospheric chemistry, but the results cannot be assessed they also may be contributing to the elevated fully until a complete annual record of present chemistry concentrations of organic acids observed just above the is available because the largest signal in the ice core snow surface at Summit. Gradient measurements of results from snow that accumulates during the winter soluble acidic gases will be made with two mist chamber months. A winter sampling program has been logistically samplers at different heights in the 1995 and 1996 seasons impossible until this year. at Summit. These measurements will be complemented with intensive experiments comparing mist chamber samples to nylon filter samples and the use of nylon filters The Record of Cosmogenic In Situ and Atmospheric on the mist chamber inlet, to quantify soluble nitrogen 14C in GISP2 Ice Core species besides nitric acid. The primary goal of this study OPP 9530897 will be to enable improved interpretation of the nitrate 09/15/96; (OPP) $147,526; 36 months records in polar ice, but additional insights into reactive University of California–San Diego nitrogen chemistry over snow covered surfaces are also La Jolla, CA 92093-0234 anticipated. Devendra Lal

53 The PI proposes to study the record of the cosmogenic Arctic Ocean. Research will focus on three areas: (1) the and atmospheric 14C in air samples that have been structure of the halocine, wherein density differences trapped in the ice core recovered from the summit of the between masses of seawater may drive the circulation and Greenland Ice Sheet by the GISP2. The abundance of 14C mixing of deep Arctic Ocean water with water from other in the GISP2 ice core will be used to determine the parts of the world’s oceans; (2) seawater properties and atmospheric chemistry at the site for the past 30,000 years gradients near major sea floor features; and (3) the and to determine the chronology of climatic changes. horizontal and vertical structure of the water column Changes in the 14C tracer are an important piece of the below 1500 m. evidence of a changing atmosphere during the transition from full glacial conditions to the present interglacial Oxygen Consumption, Denitrification and Carbon period. Oxidation Rates In Near-Surface Sediments of the Arctic Ocean Origins of Atmospheric Dust in GISP2 Ice Core OPP 9400058 OPP 9530978 05/01/94; (OPP) $8,550; 30 months 05/01/96; (OPP) $318,588; 24 months Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Columbia University West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575 New York, NY 10027 John P. Christensen Pierre E. Biscaye This work is a component of the collaborative biology Investigators will continue a project of extracting dust program. Research will be undertaken to determine the samples from the GISP2 ice core. The origin of the dust rates of oxygen consumption and carbon oxidation in will be determined by comparing the geochemistry of the sediments along the cruise track. Sedimentary oxidation dust from the ice core to that of samples taken from rates are said to relate to the flux of usable organic matter potential continental sources worldwide. Changes in the from overlying surface waters. Hence, it is an indicator of source area for the dust in the ice cores will reveal how primary production and possible transport of carbon and continental weathering and atmospheric transport have nutrients from the marginal regions. A series of box and changed in response to changing climate during the past piston cores will be taken and sub-samples provided to a 100,000 years. Changes in atmospheric transport patterns number of PIs. Measurements will be made of key will provide data for testing climate models that predict biogeochemical solutes [oxygen, nutrients, alkalinity, pH, changes in atmospheric conditions during climate events soluble iron and manganese, sulfate, chloride, calcium, during both glacial and interglacial climate extremes. magnesium, sulfide (if present)] and solid constituents such as porosity, surface area, organic carbon and nitrogen and carbonate. Sites to be sampled include OCEAN–ATMOSPHERE–ICE continental shelves, slopes, abyssal plains and mid-basin INTERACTION (OAII) ridges. The data will be used to evaluate sediment-bottom water fluxes and to estimate rates of oxygen consumption, denitrification and carbon oxidation. Information will A CTD/Hydrographic Section Across the Arctic Ocean provide a greater understanding of the carbon budget and OPP 9322546 nitrogen budget in the Arctic and global ocean. 04/01/94; (OPP) $17,519, (OCE) $17,519; 42 months University of Washington Sea-Ice Measurements on the U.S./Canada Arctic Seattle, WA 98195 Ocean Section Knut Aagaard OPP 9400241 The Arctic Ocean Section is under the auspices of the 05/01/94; (OPP) $6,561, (ESI) $10,786; 36 months Arctic Systems Science (ARCSS) Global Change U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Research Program and research is jointly sponsored by Laboratory the Division of Ocean Sciences, the Office of Polar Hanover, NH 03755-1290 Programs and Office of Naval Research (ONR). Data Walter B. Tucker collected should be relevant to improving our This project is part of the program that focuses on the understanding of how the Arctic is an indicator of interrelationship of sea-ice physical and electromagnetic changing global climate conditions, and how it affects the properties. A two-stage approach will be undertaken: physical, chemical and biological features of the more Small-scale detailed studies of the different ice types and temperate oceans and regions. This specific research large-scale surveys to determine their relative areal project encompasses part of the hydrography program. coverage will be performed. Measurements of spectral Precision temperature, conductivity, oxygen and nutrient albedo, bidirectional reflectance and wavelength profiles will be collected at intervals along the cruise integrated albedo at visible and near-infrared wavelengths track. Resulting data will be analyzed to increase will be made. Ice cores will be taken and studied for understanding of the structure and circulation of the physical state and structure, including vertical profiles of

54 temperature, salinity, brine and air volume, collected, as well as from existing surface sediments crystallography and inclusion size distribution. These collected by the Geological Survey of Canada from small-scale measurements will be done in conjunction several other Arctic Ocean sites, including the northern with helicopter surveys of active and passive microwave Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Ostracodes are small observations of the same ice to determine the range of calcareous bivalved crustaceans, and some benthic marine physical properties, and also to determine the impact of ostracodes are attuned, within narrow limits, to several changes in the physical properties on electromagnetic environmental variables, the most important of which are signatures. Helicopter transects, using an airborne temperature, salinity, dissolved O2, nutrients and spectroradiometer, as well as conventional photographic substrate. Their distribution on the sea floor therefore and video cameras will be used to determine a reflects bottom water conditions, making ostracodes ideal quantitative estimate of large-scale albedo, ice monitors of water mass changes and circulation anomalies concentration, melt pond fraction and floe size through geological time. Previous investigations have distribution. These large-scale measurements will be suggested that ostracodes are useful for linked with small-scale data to provide an understanding paleoceanographic reconstructions of water mass history. of the spatial and temporal variability of ice albedo and This work will provide a better understanding of the the coupling of shortwave irradiance to ice ablation. Such relationship between modern ostracodes, water masses measurements are critical to our understanding of how the and Arctic bathymetry; of the relationship between Arctic Ocean stores and reflects heat and its influence on intermediate-depth and deep-water ostracodes and climate variability. Atlantic and Pacific faunas; and of faunal history and inferred ocean history during the Holocene, the Last Glaciation, and possibly, the whole of the Brunhes Epoch. Nd, Sr and Pb Isotope, Major Cation, and Rare-Earth Element Geochemistry of the Arctic Ocean OPP 9400254 Dense Water Transport off Arctic Continental 05/15/94; (OPP) $28,007, (OCE) $28,006; 36 months Shelves: Numerical Studies of Shelf–Basin Interaction University of Wisconsin–Madison OPP 9422292 Madison, WI 53706-1490 04/15/95; (OPP) $71,542, (OCE) $71,542; 23 months David L. Clark Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 This specific research effort involves the study of rare- Glen G. Gawarkiewicz earth element (REE) and Nd isotope systematics in order to gain insights on the interplay of ocean chemistry, Investigators at the Woods Hole Oceanographic biology and physics. REE and Nd isotope measurements Institution will undertake research to increase the will be obtained from sediment and water samples complexity of computer model simulations of the collected during the cruise and will be used to determine formation of dense high-salinity water that leaves the the origin of different water masses comprising the Arctic Arctic continental shelf and flows to the deep Arctic Ocean. Information also will be derived on the origin and Ocean. The flows are capable of carrying nutrients and maintenance of the seawater stratification, mixing sediments from the continental shelf to the deeper ocean, processes, circulation and biogeochemical processes. In and may play a major role in the transfer of heat between addition, these data will allow the Arctic Ocean to be the atmosphere and deep ocean. Fluctuations in the placed in context with other existing REE and Nd isotope formation of the cross-shelf flow could affect the transfer data from the sub-Arctic oceans and to be integrated into of heat from warm deep water in the Arctic Ocean that is existing global, interoceanic circulation models. Analysis produced in the Atlantic Ocean. Heat from that warm of ice-borne and seabed sediments for Pb, REE, and Nd- deep flow controls the formation of sea ice in the Pb-Sr isotopes will allow integration of Late Cenozoic climatically sensitive Arctic Ocean. The improved Arctic Ocean sediment geochemistry to the current computer models will, for the first time, take into account understanding of sediment sources and dispersal in the the effects of coastal currents, topographic complexities Arctic Ocean. and water mass stratification of the continental slopes so that the models may begin to approach real world conditions. The improved models are necessary to Late Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Arctic understand how the Arctic ocean–atmosphere–ice system Ocean operates to affect, and be affected by, global climates. OPP 9400255 07/01/94; (OPP) $71,921; 36 months University of Colorado–Boulder Boulder, CO 80309-0019 William M. Briggs This work is a component of the collaborative paleoceanographic program. Work will involve research on ostracodes contained in sediment samples to be

55 Vertical and Lateral Mixing in the Upper Arctic Analysis of Existing Aircraft Data Sets of Arctic Ocean: Studies at the Surface Heat Budget of the Clouds, Radiation and Surface Characteristics: Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) Ice Camp Applications to SHEBA Planning OPP 9503330 OPP 9504261 07/01/95; (OPP) $154,428, (OCE) $154,428; 24 months 06/15/95; (OPP) $175,230; 23 months University of California–San Diego University of Colorado–Boulder La Jolla, CA 92093-0234 Boulder, CO 80309-0019 Robert Pinkel Judith A. Curry Research supported by this grant is under the auspices of Researchers at the University of Colorado will use data the Arctic Systems Science (ARCSS) Global Change taken from aircraft in previous experiments similar to Research Program and is jointly sponsored by the SHEBA to analyze the status cloud data so that the Division of Ocean Sciences and the Office of Polar SHEBA field experiment may be planned more Programs. Work to be performed represents preliminary efficiently. The aircraft-derived data will be used to steps towards a major five-year research project named validate the results from remote sensing data taken from SHEBA, which is envisioned to study the heat budget of satellites so that those results may be extended beyond the the Arctic Ocean and its impact on global change. The specific region of the proposed field experiment. primary goals of SHEBA are to: (1) develop, test and implement models of Arctic ocean–atmosphere–ice Development of a Sample, Lightweight processes that demonstrably improve simulations of the Cloud/Radiation Instrumentation Package and present day arctic climate, including its variability, using Balloon Platform for Deployment at the SHEBA Ice General Circulation Models (GCMs), and (2) improve the Camp interpretation of satellite remote sensing data in the Arctic OPP 9504356 for analysis of the arctic climate system and provide 08/15/95; (OPP) $107,677; 23 months reliable data for model input, model validation and University of Alaska–Fairbanks climate monitoring. Researchers at the University of Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 California–San Diego, will build an instrument that will Knut Stamnes measure the vertical and horizontal flux of heat and momentum under the sea ice at the location of the A Tethered Balloon Cloud Microphysical and proposed ice camp in 1997. The proposed sonar system Chemical Sounding System will provide accurate measurements of mixing processes OPP 9504551 that will improve the ability of models to predict the 07/15/95; (OPP) $80,489; 23 months component of the heat budget of the Arctic that is University of Nevada–Desert Research Institute produced within the ocean. Reno, NV 89506-0220 Randolph D. Borys Boundary-Layer Dynamics and Cloud-Radiative This work is a collaborative effort between the University Studies in SHEBA: Development of an Atmospheric of Nevada–Desert Research Institute and the University Lidar and a Wind Profiler of Alaska–Geophysical Institute. Several key atmospheric OPP 9503654 measurements during the SHEBA field program will be 05/01/95; (OPP) $250,000; 24 months made from tethered balloons that will carry scientific NOAA–Environmental Research Laboratory instruments up to 1 km above the ice surface. Some of Boulder, CO 80303-3328 these instruments must be adapted and tested for Arctic C. W. Fairall conditions. One group of measurements focuses on cloud microphysics and another group involves radiative heat This work will develop, construct and prepare for flux measurements. The microphysics instruments will deployment two new instruments that will be built provide characterizations of cloud particles at different specifically for autonomous operation at the main altitudes as the balloon moves vertically through cloud SHEBA ice camp. The first is a wind profiler to provide layers. The radiative instrument package will consist of wind and temperature profiles continuously to 2.5 km self-leveling up and down short-wave flux radiometers, altitude. The second is a lidar for cloud and aerosol cloud liquid water instruments, and meteorological monitoring, which will measure optical depth and provide packages for pressure, temperature, humidity and wind. ice/water determinations. The instruments will be The collaborative effort will provide common operational designed to optimize performance under Arctic and data logging components. Partial support is also being conditions. This instrumentation will be useful in provided by the Department of Energy. addressing an identified critical issue of SHEBA, the sea Arctic cloud-radiation feedback mechanism.

56 SHEBA Project Office than previously thought. Furthermore, a large pool of OPP 9505093 organic rich sediments underlies much of the Russian 07/01/95; (OPP) $143,921, (OCE) $94,037; 24 months Chukchi Sea, suggesting that even larger areas of University of Washington sedimentary consumption, perhaps with even greater rates Seattle, WA 98195 of oxidation and denitrification, may occur in the Russian Richard E. Moritz areas. The organic rich areas of the U.S. and Russian Chukchi Sea will be sampled throughout the ice-free This award to the University of Washington establishes a regions in midsummer of 1996. At each site, sediment- Science Project Office for the SHEBA Program. The water fluxes of O , N , N O, inorganic nutrients, TCO Office will coordinate planning activities and data 2 2 2 2 and alkalinity will be measured in replicate flux collection, and will also serve as the primary point of experiments. Vertical profiles of sulfate reduction rates contact for the project. The data generated by all of the will be determined by current 35SO tracer techniques. Phase I PIs will be transmitted to the Office and made 4 Porosity, organic matter content and pore water available to other investigators so that the planning effort distributions of key solutes will also be determined. These for the field program will be efficiently conducted with data would expand our knowledge of sedimentary carbon the most recent data set available. oxidation and denitrification rates and their role in the productivity cycle in the Chukchi Sea. The improved U.S. Interagency Arctic Buoy Program estimates of these sedimentary processes will better OPP 9510436 estimate the potential for this region to export significant 05/15/95; (OPP) $25,000, (OCE) $25,000; 23 months quantities of organic matter to the rest of the Arctic basin. Department of Navy–NOAA Ice Center Washington, DC 20395-0001 Tritium/He-3 and O-18 Measurements During the David A. Benner ACSYS Expedition 1996 By interagency agreement the U.S. Navy/NOAA Joint Ice OPP 9530795 Center will provide the management structure and 05/01/96; (OPP) $120,055, (OCE) $120,055; 36 months coordination necessary to establish and maintain a Columbia University network of drifting meteorological buoys in the Arctic. New York, NY 10027 The buoys will be emplaced at a sufficient spatial Peter Schlosser resolution and longevity to define surface synoptic scale The PI proposes to conduct a research project on a cruise atmospheric pressure, air temperature and sea-ice fields. aboard the German research vessel Polarstern as a part of The data will be made available in real time for the international initiative ACSYS planned by the World operational weather forecasting and will be used by Meteorological Organization. He will make tritium, researchers for studying global change in the climatically helium, and oxygen isotope measurements in the eastern sensitive Arctic. Arctic Ocean to determine the extent of Atlantic water that has recently been found to extend much farther into Carbon Oxidation and Denitrification Rates in the basin than previously known. The expansion of Sediments of the Chukchi Sea Atlantic water into the Arctic could be the result of global OPP 9530774 change in response to a warming climate, or a temporary 06/15/96; (OPP) $123,445; 11 months change in circulation due to factors not associated with Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences climate. The data collected on this cruise will fill in an West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575 important gap in the Arctic Ocean so that future studies John P. Christensen may observe the persistence of the change in circulation within a global change context. The northward flow through the Bering Strait transports nitrate-rich Pacific waters into the Arctic basin. This influx supports the richest productivity found in the ARCSS/OAII Biological Initiative in the Arctic: Arctic. It has been hypothesized that export of part of this Shelf–Basin Interactions Science Planning Workshop productivity could supply significant amounts of organic OPP 9612784 matter to the central Arctic. Part of the productivity is 06/15/96; (OPP) $39,205, (OCE) $39,205; 11 months consumed within the Chukchi Sea, via sedimentary University of Tennessee–Knoxville carbon oxidation, and the rates in the U.S. region of the Knoxville, TN 37996-0140 Chukchi are moderately high. However, new Jacqueline M. Grebmeier measurements of sedimentary sulfate reduction rates The award is to support a planning workshop to develop a indicate that past estimates were severalfold low. science plan for studies of the physical and Furthermore, conversion of inorganic nitrogen to N by 2 biogeochemical interactions of Arctic Ocean shelves. The denitrification in these sediments appears to be rapid. Shelf–Basin Interactions initiative to be developed by the Thus, the sediments in the U.S. Chukchi Sea may oxidize workshop participants will identify a research program more of the productivity and remove more of the nitrogen that may be conducted to address the question of the fate

57 of organically derived material from the shelf that is of OAII results at national meetings and between PIs, transported to the deep basin in response to global change. facilitate logistical arrangements and promote integration The fate of the organic material must be determined in of OAII activities with other components of the Arctic order to improve models for estimating the volume of System Science (ARCSS) Program. The SSC will conduct carbon dioxide exchange with the atmosphere during planning meetings for future OAII science projects, global warming. At present, the carbon exchange from appoint working groups to conduct workshops for shelf to basin is largely unknown in the Arctic Ocean, and development of science plans for new initiatives and must be investigated if accurate estimates of the impact of provide the ARCSS Program with an assessment on global change on the climatically sensitive Arctic region priorities for OAII global change initiatives/projects in the is to be determined. The workshop will produce a science Arctic that are developed through the workshops. plan for conducting a research program. Workshop: Polar Processes in Global Climate Modeling the Long-Term Turbulent Circulation of the OPP 9614741 Arctic Ocean and Its Sea Ice 07/01/96; (OPP) $40,000; 12 months OPP 9613892 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 09/01/96; (OPP) $291,000; 36 months Washington, DC 20036-5915 Naval Postgraduate School Robert H. Thomas Monterey, CA 93943 A jointly supported NASA/NSF workshop will examine Wieslaw Maslowski bipolar processes of climate change. Research results and The PIs will develop an Arctic Ocean circulation model climate models suggest that climate changes observed in coupled to a sea-ice model on two spatial grids. The Antarctic and Arctic records have occurred similarly in model numerical will allow the researchers to investigate both polar regions. The workshop participants will the input of Pacific Ocean water and the outflow of Arctic examine the recent results collected separately at the two Ocean water to the Atlantic so that not only the poles and discuss a strategy for modeling climate changes circulation within the Arctic Ocean is simulated but also that involve bipolar interactions of the climate. The the important inputs and outputs are derived. The model increased communication between scientists separately should produce a very realistic circulation that may be studying Antarctic or Arctic climates will foster examined for changing climatic conditions to determine development of better models and enhanced collaboration the climatic effect on both Arctic Ocean circulation and that will lead to improved understanding of global climate the effects of that circulation on the North Atlantic Ocean. changes. The model will provide a framework for other studies in the Arctic that require a predictive capability for ocean Analysis of Arctic Ice Draft Profiles Obtained by circulation in areas of the Arctic Ocean where no Submarines observational data exists. OPP 9634513 08/15/96; (OPP) $171,234, (OCE) $171,234; 36 months Collaborative Research: Science Management for the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Arctic System Science’s Ocean–Atmosphere–Ice Laboratory Interactions (OAII) Component Hanover, NH 03755-1290 OPP 9614710 Walter B. Tucker 08/15/96; (OPP) $158,833, (OCE) $158,833; 36 months The PIs propose to examine the iceberg keel depth data Old Dominion Research Foundation taken on U.S. nuclear submarines under the Arctic pack Norfolk, VA 23508-0369 ice for a record of temporal changes in ice thickness in the Louis A. Codispoti Arctic Ocean. These data provide the only means of OPP 9615002 looking at the historical record of ice thickness for the 08/15/96; (OPP) $71,199, (OCE) $71,198; 36 months past 30 years and, as such, are an excellent recorder of the University of Tennessee–Knoxville possible impact of global change on the Arctic. The Knoxville, TN 37996-0140 results of this study are very important for understanding Jacqueline M. Grebmeier the persistence of the pack ice in the past with the possibility of predicting changes that could occur in the This is a joint proposal to support the OAII Science near future. The results will be a valuable test of Management Office (SMO) and Science Steering predictions from climate models that indicate a magnified Committee (SSC). The SMO will be located at Old global warming effect in the Arctic that might result in the Dominion University and the chair of the SSC will be at disappearance of the pack ice. the University of Tennessee. The SMO will support the activities of the OAII SSC (e.g., workshops, planning meetings and coordination with international science Submarine Arctic Science Program: Technical projects), publish a newsletter, promote correspondence Support

58 OPP 9643488 Collaborative Research: Laminated Lake Sediments FY 1996; (OPP) $113,750; 12 months from the Canadian High Arctic: Understanding the Department of Navy–Office of Naval Research Climatic Signal for Paleoclimatic Reconstruction Arlington, VA 22217 ATM 9322768 Thomas Curtin 05/15/94; (OPP) $41,000; 36 months Bates College This action provides support for the U.S. Navy Arctic Lewiston, ME 04240 Submarine Laboratory for baseline and special data Michael J. Retelle acquisition during an extended scientific cruise of a submarine under the Arctic Ocean ice cover in the ATM 9322769 summer of 1995. The basis for this support is a 05/15/94; (OPP) $100,000; 36 months Memorandum of Agreement among four operational units University of Massachusetts–Amherst of the Navy and three civilian federal agencies: the Amherst, MA 01003 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Raymond S. Bradley U.S. Geological Survey and the NSF. Ice core and other paleoclimatic records from the High Arctic suggest that summer temperatures reached PALEOCLIMATES FROM ARCTIC minimum levels for the entire Holocene during the last 500 years, but underwent a dramatic reversal in the last LAKES AND ESTUARIES (PALE) 100 years. This award, under the PALE program, is designed to study lake sediments from a number of sites to determine if this hypothesis is supported by the Late Quaternary Climates of Western Beringia sedimentary record. To better understand the ATM 9317569 paleoclimatic signal in the sediments, a three-year 04/15/94; (OPP) $152,894; 42 months process-based study is planned to determine the primary University of Washington controls on sediment flux and varved sediment formation Seattle, WA 98195 in Sophia Lake, a High Arctic hypersaline, meromictic Patricia M. Anderson lake. Sophia Lake provides a simple topographic This award supports a project under PALE, a program environment, which will facilitate efforts to isolate the that focuses on the timing, magnitude and rates of change primary climatic forcing. Sediments from lakes on the in Arctic climates during the late Quaternary. margin of Agassiz Ice Cap also will be recovered in order Understanding the complex regional responses to past to link the paleoclimatic record of ice cores from the ice shifts in global climate requires: (1) the compilation of cap to sedimentary records from the glacier margin. numerous well-dated records of paleoclimate indicators (e.g., pollen); (2) the calibration of these proxies by A PALE Lake Sediment Calibration Network for the defining their modern climatic relationships; and (3) the Eastern Canadian Arctic comparison of climatic histories inferred from the ATM 9402657 paleodata to qualitative or quantitative paleoclimatic 07/01/94; (OPP) $114,918; 36 months models. Although such data sets are available from lakes University of Colorado–Boulder in many areas of the North American and European Boulder, CO 80309-0019 Arctic, comparable information is virtually absent from Jonathan T. Overpeck northern Siberia. This award supports a project designed to analyze pollen, spores, plant macrofossils and sediment This award supports a PALE/ARCSS effort to construct a geochemistry of lake cores to reconstruct the late high-quality data set for surficial lake sediment Quaternary vegetation and climate of Western Beringia calibration in the eastern Canadian Arctic. A detailed (northeast Siberia). These histories will be reconstructed sampling and analysis program will allow the for six study areas, which today encompass the range of development of new calibration data for fossil pollen and vegetation and climate in far northeast Russia. Analyses isotopic and palelimnological proxies. Modern numerical of surficial lake muds will improve the definition of analysis will be applied to existing lake-based fossil modern pollen–vegetation–climate relationships and aid pollen records to produce a new generation of quantitative the paleoclimatic interpretation of fossil data. The new paleoclimate estimates. This work will result in a large Russian data will allow a more detailed description of public domain database, and will make a collection of trans-Beringian paleovegetational patterns and inferred surface lake sediments available to the paleoclimate paleoclimates. Definition of such broad-scale patterns will community for additional research. help paleodata/GCM comparisons for the Arctic, thereby improving the understanding of high-latitude responses to global climatic changes.

59 Cooperative Agreement: Support of the National impacts outside the Arctic in the past, and may have Center for Atmospheric Research similar future impacts. These impacts underlie current ATM 9403608 interest in the role of the Arctic in the global climate 12/01/93; (OPP) $120,000; 58 months system. A primary objective of PALE is to obtain and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research analyze a series of lake sediment cores that span the Boulder, CO 80307-3000 circumarctic region. This project focuses on the 0– Richard Anthes 20,000-year time period, with opportunistic sampling of older records and high-resolution younger records where These funds support a cooperative agreement for the encountered. Research will continue lake-coring research National Center for Atmospheric Research: Arctic efforts, including the interpretation of pollen, diatom, System Science Program support for the PALE program. sedimentological and isotopic analyses. additional proxies for past climate utilizing the isotopic composition (C and Late Quaternary Climatic and Vegetation History of O isotopes) of aquatic macrofossils and specific classes of the Alaskan North Slope: Part II, Analysis of Paleo dissolved organic matter preserved in lake sediments and Records changes in diatom floral assemblages. ATM 9423392 04/15/95; (OPP) $134,000; 23 months PALE Steering Committee, Data Coordination and University of Washington Community Radiocarbon Dating Seattle, WA 98195 ATM 9526384 Linda B. Brubaker 09/01/95; (OPP) $147,270, (ATM) $43,200; 24 months Beringia (far northwest Canada, Alaska, and northeast University of Colorado–Boulder Siberia) is an important region of paleoclimate study for Boulder, CO 80309-0019 the NSF PALE program because it remained unglaciated Gifford H. Miller during the late Quaternary and experienced extensive This award supports activities that are central to the changes in paleogeography due to changing sea levels. success of PALE, a project within the Arctic Systems This research is designed to describe the late Quaternary Science (ARCSS) Program, but which are beyond the climate history of the North Slope (ca. 150,000 years BP scope of individually funded research projects. The to present) through the analysis of proxy climate general contribution of PALE to the ARCSS program is indicators in a suite of lake sediment cores on the Alaskan the description of temporal and spatial variations in late North Slope. The research will: (1) describe temporal and Quaternary (150,000 years to present). Arctic climates are spatial variations in the pollen, spores, plant macrofossils determined by multiple proxy indicators preserved in and selected geochemical properties; (2) interpret lacustrine and estuarine sediment records. These data, variations in paleoclimate from proxy indicators (using when coupled with paleoclimatic models, provide a fuller analytical approaches and large modern calibration data understanding of possible mechanisms and feedback that sets for the interpretation of pollen data); and (3) infer affect both circumarctic and regional high-latitude climate potential causes of paleoclimatic variations using a changes. Such knowledge improves predictive capabilities conceptual framework of large-scale controls of eastern for assessing possible environmental responses to future Beringian climate and climate model simulations as part climatic fluctuations. This award will support the of ongoing PALE paleoclimate projects. Results of the activities of the PALE Steering Committee for proposed research will contribute directly to PALE’s goal coordination among national and international scientific of documenting circumarctic paleoclimate variability. programs. A data coordinator is also supported as being vital to PALE as the major facilitator for compilation, Paleoclimate Records from Lake Sediments in a Cape storage and exchange of data with other paleoclimatic Dyer–Quvitu Transect, Eastern Baffin Island, Arctic programs. Support for radiocarbon analyses will ensure Canada the high quality chronologies necessary to PALE. ATM 9503279 05/01/95; (OPP) $97,805; 24 months Paleoclimate (0 to >14 ka) of West and Northwest University of Colorado–Boulder Iceland, A Comparison of Lake and Near-Shore Boulder, CO 80309-0019 Marine Proxy Records: A U.S./Iceland Contribution Gifford H. Miller to PALE The sensitivity of the polar regions to increased ATM 9531397 greenhouse gases is described by global circulation 05/15/96; (OPP) $95,560; 11 months models. Rapid changes in Arctic boundary conditions that University of Colorado–Boulder influence climate, such as vegetation type (especially Boulder, CO 80309-0019 tundra versus boreal forest), extent and duration of sea ice John T. Andrews and seasonal snow cover, and continental ice Iceland is located on the eastern side of Denmark Strait in thickness/iceberg discharge may have had dramatic a region where changes in the extent and duration of sea

60 ice have major impacts on both the marine and terrestrial The aim of this grant is to synthesize and quantify environments. This area monitors the relative strength of paleoclimate reconstructions on the basis of fossil insect both the northward advection of Atlantic water and the data from Eastern Beringia (Alaska, the Yukon Territory) southward flux of sea ice and freshwater in the East and the Bering Land Bridge, using the Mutual Climate Greenland Current. This PALE/ARCSS award supports Range method. The Quaternary insect fossil record is a the recovery of a series of sediment cores from lakes in source of proxy data that provides sensitive, accurate Northwest Iceland and compares their proxy records of paleoclimatic reconstructions for terrestrial ecosystems. climate with proxy records from marine cores taken from As with any single source of proxy data, fossil insect fjords and shelf-troughs off Northwest Iceland. Based on interpretations cannot provide the complete earlier PALE studies, decadal/centennial sampling paleoenvironmental picture. This investigation will resolution is realistic in both environments, and promote interdisciplinary cooperation by generating correlations within systems and between lakes and the calibrated, quantitative paleotemperature data for fossil offshore are enhanced by an abundance of regional beetle assemblages that will be more readily comparable tephras. A major Icelandic contribution to the grant will to the reconstructions based on the interpretation of other include ship-time to carry out coring along three fjord proxy data, such as pollen response surfaces and transfer shelf transects in Northwest Iceland. functions. A principal objective of this investigation will be to establish the nature, timing and intensity of the major climatic transitions of the late Pleistocene. Quaternary Paleoclimatic Variations of Beringia: Secondly, this method will be applied in Eastern Beringia Large-Scale Controls and Regional Responses to calibrate existing data and provide seasonal ATM 9532074 temperature reconstructions. 06/01/96; (OPP) $83,647; 12 months University of Oregon–Eugene Eugene, OR 97403-5219 Collaborative Research: Paleoenvironmental Time Patrick J. Bartlein Series from Postglacial Lake Basins on Kola Peninsula, Russia The climate system of the Arctic is a key component of ATM 9600126 the global system, and an understanding of the nature of 07/01/96; (OPP) $50,934, (INT) $30,000; 12 months paleoclimatic variations in the Arctic is therefore an Ohio State University Research Foundation important element in predicting how that region may Columbus, OH 43210-1016 respond to changes in the large-scale controls of climate. Steven L. Forman This PALE/ARCSS award supports the analysis of Quaternary paleoecological records from Beringia to: (1) ATM 9632926 document the nature and magnitude of past climatic 07/01/96; (OPP) $41,170, (INT) $19,500; 12 months changes; (2) test hypotheses about the controls of regional University of California–Los Angeles climatic variations, and how changes in those controls are Los Angeles, CA 90024-1301 expressed at the regional and local levels; and (3) exploit Glen M. MacDonald the growing number of paleoenvironmental records from It is poorly known how dramatic changes in deglacial and this region for use in the examination of paleoclimatic Holocene climates in the North Atlantic region variations along key transects, and for application in propagated into the Eurasian Arctic. Lacustrine and model-validation studies. This analysis requires the estuarine records from the Kola Peninsula, adjacent to the compilation of modern sets of climate and vegetation data North Cape Current, the easternmost limb of the North from the region, and their use to establish relationships Atlantic Current, provide archives to assess postglacial between vegetation and climate. These relationships can and Holocene variations in lakes, vegetation and tree line then be applied to: (1) interpret fossil–pollen data in and inferred changes in atmospheric and oceanic climate terms, thereby illustrating the range of past circulation. Extant cores from the northern Kola Peninsula climate changes; (2) test specific hypotheses about the provide estuarine and lacustrine records spanning at least controls of past climatic variations by comparing the the last 12,000 years. Preliminary analyses demonstrate “observed” record of vegetation change with that implied that these sediments are rich in biologic remains, ideal for by the hypotheses; and (3) validate climate model securing a reliable radiocarbon chronology and for simulations of Arctic paleoclimates. determining environmental changes. This PALE/ARCSS award supports lake coring on a transect from the tundra- Mutual Climatic Range Reconstructions of Late dominated northern coast to the forested center of the Quaternary Climates in Beringia Kola Peninsula. This research will utilize an array of ATM 9612641 paleoecological techniques such as pollen, diatom, 09/01/96; (OPP) $166,297; 36 months macrofossil and sediment analyses, augmented by recent University of Colorado–Boulder advances in stomate, chironomid and cellulose stable Boulder, CO 80309-0019 isotope analyses. To strengthen the paleoenvironmental Scott A. Elias interpretations of the cores, modern sediment samples will

61 be collected from lakes to statistically calibrate pollen, University of Alaska–Anchorage stomate, diatom and chironomid records with present Anchorage, AK 99508-4614 climatic, edaphic and vegetation conditions. The research Wendy R. Eisner will provide new late glacial and Holocene records from This research will analyze the pollen from selected peat the western Russian Arctic, currently a void in global cores from the tundra of Beringia, the ancient paleoclimatic time series. subcontinent which now includes Alaska and northeastern Siberia. The Arctic tundra is a major ecosystem which The Paleoclimatic Record of Elgygytgyn Lake, plays a significant role as a major repository of the Northeast Russia: A Pilot Study world’s carbon. Whether northern peat is still ATM 9615768 accumulating soil carbon or may actually be losing carbon 10/01/96; (OPP) $36,756, (ATM) $13,226; 16 months is a question with important consequences for global University of Massachusetts–Amherst change scenarios. This work will use plant ecology and Amherst, MA 01003 soil studies to interpret pollen records. Pollen analysis Julie Brigham-Grette offers ecologists a long-term perspective on vegetation change in this complex environment. Interactive activities This Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER) include teaching a course directly related to this research, award supports a pilot study of Elgygytgyn Lake, a large and introducing students to the tools and methods used to lacustrine basin located 100 km north of the Arctic Circle understand past environmental change. In addition, a in northeast Russia. This lake was created by a meteorite seminar will be offered, entitled Women in Prehistoric impact that generated a crater roughly 23 km in diameter. Society. This course is an exploration of the traditional The lack of glaciation in this basin makes it highly likely biases toward gender roles in prehistory, which will that the modern lake contains a continuous enable the PI to extend her visibility and contribution to paleoenvironmental record of at least the last 250,000 other departments at the University of Alaska. years, but probably back to the time of impact. It is believed that an international, multidisciplinary project to collect and analyze core materials from this lake will Laurentide Ice Sheet Instability: Heinrich Events in provide a paleoclimate record unparalleled in northern the Labrador Sea and Rapid Climate Changes Asia. The objectives in this project are intended to test the OPP 9321135 hypothesis that this large, but morphologically simple 04/01/94; (OPP) $115,504; 42 months lacustrine system contains a high-resolution sediment University of Colorado–Boulder archive extending through the Holocene and well into the Boulder, CO 80309-0019 late Pleistocene. If successful, these cores will provide the John T. Andrews impetus for a major deep drilling program to retrieve the This award is for support for a study to continue entire record in the future. development of a chronology, reconstruct paleoenvironments and understand the processes Assessment of Pre-Late Wisconsin-Kettle Basins: associated with major ice sheet instability (Heinrich Potentially Long Records of Environmental Change, events) of the eastern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska over the last glacial cycle. During the continental ATM 9633517 glaciation of North America, Hudson Strait drained one- 06/01/96; (OPP) $20,660; 12 months quarter to one-third of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and was Mount Holyoke College the major conduit for the transport of water, sediment and South Hadley, MA 01075 icebergs from the ice sheet into the North Atlantic. The Al Werner fluxes of these materials into the Labrador Sea and North Atlantic would have had a dramatic effect on the global This SGER awards supports the exploration of two small climate system. A number of cores have been identified lakes in the Denali area of Alaska for their potential to for study that will provide high-resolution records of ice yield a continuous environmental record of the last 60,000 sheet (Heinrich) events on centurial-to-decadal time years. Field work will include the documentation of basin scales. bathymetry, structure of the sediment fill through acoustic profiling and nature of the sediment infill. If successful, these basins could provide a key record of paleoclimate LAND–ATMOSPHERE–ICE for the glacial period. INTERACTIONS (LAII)

Holocene Landscape Dynamics in Northern Alaska: Paleoceanological Investigations of Peat Deposits from Effects of Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise on Former Thaw Lake Basins Trophic Dynamics and Ecosystem Processes of the HRD 9550382 Coastal Tundra Ecosystem, the Yukon–Kuskokwim 09/01/95; (HRD) $11,917; 27 months Delta, Alaska

62 OPP 9214970 The research, a part of the ARCSS LAII Study, will take 08/15/93; (OPP) $266,302; 54 months place in Arctic Alaska in the headwaters of the Kuparuk University of Alaska–Fairbanks River. There are four parts: (1) the measurements of flux Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 of carbon as CO2 and organic matter from James S. Sedinger groundwater/land to streams and lakes and eventually, in the case of CO , to the atmosphere (calibrations to be This project seeks to develop a dynamic model to 2 carried out with the help of the Chapin project); (2) the describe the potential impact of climate variation on the measurement of the concentration of nutrients (PO , NO , tropic structure of a coastal Alaskan ecosystem by 4 3 NH ) and dissolved and particulate organic matter in the assessing the degree to which climate change influences 4 Kuparuk River in order to calculate flux to the ocean; (3) habitat structure and availability with the population the enhancement of a General Ecosystem Model (GEM) dynamics of a colonially nesting bird, the Pacific brant. to include anaerobic conditions and phosphorus cycling in The area of study, the Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta, has order to understand and predict the interactions of been traditionally exploited by Yup’ik people, and geese variations in vegetation, soil, and carbon cycling on CO are a seasonally important resource. A parallel study of 2 and methane transfer to the atmosphere; and (4) The native oral history will be conducted in order to access enhancement of a Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) to traditional knowledge of the ecology of this region. include permafrost in the soil moisture calculations in order to make spatially explicit regional estimates of CO2 Large Area Estimates of Carbon Fluxes in Arctic exchange between vegetation/soil and the atmosphere. Landscapes OPP 9318527 A Hierarchic GIS for Studies of Process, Pattern and 06/01/94; (OPP) $641,789; 36 months Scale in Arctic Ecosystems San Diego State University Foundation OPP 9318530 San Diego, CA 92115-2412 06/15/94; (OPP) $170,579; 48 months Walter C. Oechel University of Colorado–Boulder This project is a significant contribution to the Arctic Boulder, CO 80309-0019 System Science (ARCSS) Land–Atmosphere–Ice Donald A. Walker Interactions (LAII) study. The research proposed will This component of the Arctic System Science (ARCSS) determine CO and water, momentum, and energy fluxes 2 LAII Flux Study will: (1) develop GIS databases at five at three spatial scales (plot, landscape and mesoscale) scales (1:10, 1:500, 1:5000, 1:25,000 and 1:250,000) and using chamber, tower-based eddy correlation techniques, at five sites; (2) develop an understanding of the and aircraft-based eddy correlation techniques. The relationship between vegetation signals and key terrain information obtained from each of these techniques will parameters; and (3) develop a method to use remotely- be analyzed and compared, especially in light of defining sensed images and GIS variables to distinguish key the most efficient approaches for estimating large spatial vegetation parameters for spatial models of trace gas scale CO flux in the Arctic. Remotely sensed spectral 2 fluxes. One task will be the development of methane and indices, geographic information system (GIS), process CO flux maps at multiple scales of the Toolik Lake– model, and phenomenological models will be used to 2 Imnavait Creek region, using an empirical approach based develop a methodology for efficiently estimating on field measurements of trace gas fluxes in a hierarchy ecosystem CO flux over meso- and global scales. Initial 2 of vegetation types, and a modeled approach using a testing of the applicability of these methods will be variety of remotely-sensed satellite data. Measurements of undertaken during 1993–1996. The research will yield the vegetation, biomass, soil, site and spectral reflectance current CO flux for the area studied (east-central North 2 characteristics will be made at permanent study plots Slope of Alaska), the contribution to CO flux of various 2 representing the majority of landscape variation. Trace elements of the landscape, the sensitivity of net ecosystem gas measurements by other investigators at the same sites CO flux to altered environmental conditions, models and 2 and GIS databases will be used to extrapolate this methodology to predict CO flux in the Arctic and 2 information to landscape and regional scales. Permanently efficient techniques for estimating meso- and global scale marked 1 km x 1 km grids at the five study areas will be CO and other trace gas fluxes. 2 used as a sampling framework for much of this research (e.g., monitoring trends in species composition and Attaining Ecological Understanding at the Regional canopy structure in relation to landscape variables and Level: The Kuparuk River as a Model Arctic System climate change) and other research within the project. OPP 9318529 Data from GIS databases also will be used by other 06/01/94; (OPP) $190,000; 36 months investigators in hydrology models, terrain models of trace Marine Biological Laboratory gas fluxes and algorithms to scale plot level Woods Hole, MA 02543 measurements to regional scales. John E. Hobbie

63 CO2 and Methane Fluxes by Ecosystem Type and the A Regional Model of the Arctic Land–Atmosphere Long-Term Feedback Relationship with the System Atmosphere: Methane Fluxes and Control OPP 9318533 OPP 9318531 06/15/94; (OPP) $184,779; 36 months 06/15/94; (OPP) $113,672; 36 months University of Alaska–Fairbanks University of California–Irvine Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 Irvine, CA 92717 Gunter E. Weller William S. Reeburgh The goal of this project is the implementation of a

The goals of the CH4 component of the Arctic System regional model of the Arctic atmosphere–land system for Science (ARCSS) LAII Flux Study are to produce use in the Flux Study of the ARCSS LAII program. regional CH4 flux estimates and perform field Specific objectives are to simulate the land–atmosphere experiments that will elucidate the controls and feedback interactions that control the hydrology and the trace gas on CH4 and CO2 emission from tundra environments. The fluxes over the northern Alaskan region, and to project region flux estimates will be made using time series changes in the climate and surface forcing of this region. chamber measurements of CH4 flux at permanent sites The atmospheric simulations utilize the NCAR/Penn State along a transect covering a range of physiographic mesoscale analyses to provide the lateral forcing. The provinces. The locations and times of measurements will surface exchanges will draw upon a coupling to soil- be coordinated with atmospheric CO2 studies, with vegetation and hydrological models under development in vegetation mapping studies, and with soil chemistry other Flux Study projects. Mesoscale topography, studies. The field experiments will involve manipulations vegetation and soil data also provided by other Flux Study of soil temperature and water table level, jar and core projects will be incorporated into the model. The regional experiments at a range of temperatures and moisture model provides the framework for scaling up the study’s contents and a series of isotope labeling experiments. The plot, tower and aircraft measurements of the surface experiments will provide information on CH4 oxidation to fluxes. Finally, output from a global circulation model temperature and moisture changes, and the role of will be used to drive the regional model in a series of recently fixed carbon in CH4 and CO2 emissions. These greenhouse-induced climate change experiments, thereby experiments will be performed in collaboration with other providing high-resolution scenarios of regional climate LAII investigators. change for assessments of future trace gas fluxes.

CO2 and Methane Fluxes by Ecosystem Type and LAII Flux Study: CO2 and Methane Fluxes by Long-Term Feedback Relationships with the Ecosystem Type and Long-Term Feedback Atmosphere Relationships with the Atmosphere OPP 9318532 OPP 9318534 06/15/94; (OPP) $182,528; 42 months 06/15/94; (OPP) $140,000; 36 months University of California–Berkeley University of Alaska–Fairbanks Berkeley, CA 94720 Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 F. Stuart Chapin Chien-Lu Ping The three major aspects of this project are: (1) The major objective of this research is to assess the comparison of CO2, water and energy fluxes in different quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM) and to vegetation types and climates; (2) evaluating the roles of test the roles of the active fractions of SOM in CO2 and water and energy fluxes as components of the coupled CH4 production in the Arctic ecosystem. The first phase land–atmosphere system; and (3) determining the relative of this project involves the sampling and full importance of soil, root and above-ground components of characterization of soils on the flux study sites which net ecosystem CO2 flux. Fluxes will be measured in were jointly selected by all PIs involved in this reference vegetation types by other projects. The role of collaborative proposal. The soil characterization will water and energy fluxes in regional climate will assessed provide a database for extrapolating the results of gas flux by a land-surface model that can be coupled to a regional studies over a geographic base. The second phase climate model. Sensitivity analysis with this land-surface involves the isolation and characterization of the inactive model will determine the major ways in which regional and active organic fractions in soils and soil solutions; climate affects water and energy fluxes. Labeling of soils then identification of the microbial active fractions by with stable isotopes will be used to evaluate the relative using respiration experiments under controlled conditions importance of roots and soil in controlling CO2 flux from and the identification of active components as substrates tundra. These experiments will be coordinated with for gas flux (both CO2 and CH4) by using carbon labeling measurements of soil organic matter content and quality experiments. It is hypothesized that the major sources of and of ecosystem CO2 flux made by other projects in the CO2 and CH4 production are the active fractions in SOM. Arctic System Science (ARCSS) LAII Flux Study. The composition, quantity of active and inactive organic carbon fraction and their turnover rate are expected to

64 closely relate to gas flux on different arctic ecosystems. substantially. Using Alaskan tundra as a model system, This project is part of the larger integrated LAII Flux this project addresses the questions: (1) What are the Study. constraints on phenological patterns for the dominant species? (2) What physiological adjustments will species make in response to an extended period of resource Hydrologic Linkages with Arctic Freshwater and availability? (3) How will growth of the dominant Terrestrial Systems species, ecosystem productivity and ecosystem carbon OPP 9318535 fluxes change under field-simulated extended seasons? 06/15/94; (OPP) $388,081; 48 months These questions will be addressed using a combination of University of Alaska–Fairbanks controlled-environment studies and field manipulations of Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 season length. Growth chamber studies will examine the Douglas L. Kane effects of photoperiod, soil and air temperature, and leaf Development of climatic models has intensely highlighted age on phenological patterns and carbon gain of selected the fact that almost all of the important processes species of the dominant growth forms. Field studies will controlling climate are interactive, and that it is vital to examine the effects of extended active period on understand the linkages between these processes; for phenology, growth, productivity and ecosystem carbon example, what is the role of the hydrologic system in balance. Results from this study will be used to develop a connecting atmospheric and terrestrial processes? As a model of phenological patterns of tundra plants that can component of the ARCSS LAII Flux Study, the objective be used to evaluate species’ responses to extended of this project is to improve the understanding of the growing season. linkages between atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic systems. Specifically, this means developing a Evolutionary Response of Arctic Plant Populations to quantitative understanding of the energy and mass Climate Change transfer processes of the hydrologic regime. A primary OPP 9321917 component of this study is a field measurement program 07/01/94; (OPP) $74,161; 36 months to quantify the water balance of watersheds that are University of Alaska–Fairbanks physically quite different (e.g., watersheds in the foothills Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 compared to those on the coastal plain) and an energy Kent E. Schwaegerle balance of the entire region from the Arctic Ocean to the Brooks Range. One goal is to develop a physically based, Rising levels of greenhouse gases are expected to bring spatially distributed hydrologic model that, when about a host of changes in climate and terrestrial combined with the results of cooperating LAII ecosystems. These changes are expected to be greatest at researchers, can be coupled with the biogeochemical high-latitudes. This project will assess the capacity of processes of a watershed. Other goals are to develop an three important arctic plant species to adapt to new understanding of the mechanisms which impact snow environments that may arise as a consequence of climate distribution and a working model of lateral and vertical change. Because the exact nature of future climate change fluxes of water and energy in the entire Kuparuk is, at present, unclear, this research will focus on plant watershed. response to multiple environmental factors including

temperature, moisture, CO2 and nutrients. In this way, models of evolutionary response will be developed that Effects of Increased Season Length on Plant have predictive value among a range of alternative Phenology, Community Composition, Productivity scenarios of climate change. A series of experiments will and Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes in Alaskan Tundra: focus on plant growth rate and morphological traits, Implications for Climate Warming relationships between traits and growth, and quantitative OPP 9321626 genetic analysis. This research is expected to produce 07/15/94; (OPP) $102,362; 38 months evolutionary models of each species that describe the Florida International University capacity of arctic plant populations to adapt to new Miami, FL 33199 environments and the patterns of morphological and Steven F. Oberbauer physiological changes that would be favored by natural Global warming will substantially increase the length of selection in these altered environments. the active season for high-latitude ecosystems, but many plant species in these areas have phenological patterns Comparative Responses of Moist and Dry Arctic adapted to short growing seasons. Some, but not all, of Tundra to Altered Snow and Temperature Regimes the factors that affect phenological stages will change OPP 9400083 with global warming. Those species constrained by cues 07/15/94; (OPP) $135,515; 36 months that will be unchanged with global warming, such as University of Colorado–Boulder photoperiod, will be unable to respond to extended season Boulder, CO 80309-0019 length. As a result, species composition, productivity and Marilyn D. Walker carbon fluxes from these ecosystems will change

65 OPP 9321730 modeling and data management requirements will be 07/15/94; (OPP) $96,642; 23 months specified in the context of the overall ARCSS program, Colorado State University and logistics needs will be coordinated. The SMO will be Fort Collins, CO 80523 advised by an Executive Committee of four, including the Jeffrey M. Welker director of the SMO, and a Steering Committee of both external members and LAII PIs. The establishment of the OPP 9617643 LAII SMO is in response to a recommendation from the 09/15/96; (OPP) $167,386; 36 months NSF review panel for the LAII Flux Study. University of Wyoming Laramie, WY 82071-3434 Jeffrey M. Welker The Role of Snow Cover and Its Distribution in Governing Heat and Mass Exchange in the Arctic This project will evaluate the ecological consequences of OPP 9415386 climate change in moist and dry Arctic tundra with field 09/15/94; (OPP) $153,590; 36 months manipulations of winter precipitation and summer U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering temperature. Project scientists will investigate effects on Laboratory species performance, community structure and ecosystem Hanover, NH 03755-1290 C and N dynamics. They will erect snow fences to Matthew Sturm increase snowpack and use small greenhouses to warm air and soil temperatures. Growth rings and annual stem A combined program of field measurements and increments of wood species and physiological plant modeling of the Arctic snow cover is proposed as an performance will be compared with historical temperature addition to the LAII component of the Arctic System and precipitation records. Experimental findings also will Science Program. The objective of the proposed program be compared to natural vegetation patterns along snow is to understand the role of the Arctic snow cover in gradients and areas where long-term anthropogenic governing the winter heat and mass exchange between the increases in snow cover have occurred. Simulation ground and the atmosphere. The justification for studying modeling will be used to extend their findings with a the Arctic snow cover is that it is one of the dominant focus on net ecosystem carbon budgets. The main effort features of the Arctic system and needs to be accurately will be to quantify and understand the magnitude and incorporated in an Arctic system model. Studies have direction of the transient response of Arctic tundra to a shown that long-term changes in the depth and thermal series of climate change scenarios. The experimental properties of the snow that could accompany a change in infrastructure will permit more detailed investigations by climate would affect plants under the snow as well as the other investigators in future years if the response is, as we temperature. Furthermore, thawing of carbon-rich anticipate, of sufficient magnitude to be of importance for permafrost may release CO2 to the atmosphere, providing evaluation effects of climate change to arctic ecosystems. a strong feedback mechanism for local and global The project is a U.S. contribution of the International warming. Predicting how the Arctic will respond to a Tundra Experiment (ITEX). changing climate will require understanding the role of the winter snow cover. The core of the proposed program is a series of over-snow traverses during which extensive ARCSS Land–Atmosphere–Ice Interactions (LAII) measurements of the physical and thermal properties of Science Management Office the snow will be made. Traverse measurements, along OPP 9403647 with knowledge of the physical process that affect the 04/01/94; (OPP) $147,915; 42 months Arctic snow cover, will be used to develop an Arctic University of Alaska–Fairbanks snow distribution model. The validated snow distribution Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 model can be incorporated in both climate and surface Gunter E. Weller process models being developed under other LAII The LAII Science Management Office, located at the projects. University of Alaska–Fairbanks, is part of the LAII Flux Study, but it also is involved in the integration and Primary Production in Arctic Ecosystems: Interacting coordination of the Flux Study within the broader aspects Mechanisms of Adjustment to Climate Change of LAII, and indeed the entire Arctic System Science OPP 9415411 program of the NSF. The SMO will also establish 04/15/95; (OPP) $180,000; 23 months connections to other international programs of global Marine Biological Laboratory change research in the Arctic. The SMO will facilitate Woods Hole, MA 02543 project planning and integration by providing active Edward B. Rastetter scientific leadership and coordination service to the LAII projects, by holding science planning and synthesis The aim of this research is to analyze the role of meetings, providing communications between PIs and temperature, light and nutrient availability in regulating ensuring linkages to related programs. Specifically, long- primary production of Arctic tundra ecosystems at several term science plans for the Flux Study will be developed, levels of ecological organization and at different time

66 scales. The research is organized around three general University of Cincinnati hypotheses about the mechanisms reevaluating Cincinnati, OH 45221 adjustments of primary production in response to short- Kenneth M. Hinkel and long-term variation in climate. The basic idea is that This project will examine the processes for transfer of different mechanisms control the responses to climate at heat from the atmosphere into the permafrost at the different levels of ecological organization and at different Barrow Environmental Observatory on the North Slope of time scales. In order to obtain useful predictions of the Alaska. Data loggers will be installed at 3 m depth in the effects of climate change on primary production, a better soil at numerous sites to monitor the effects of moisture understanding of relationships between these interacting on heat transfer during the seasonal freeze/thaw cycle of mechanisms of adjustment to climate change is needed. the upper permafrost layer. The data will be used to To test the three general hypotheses, this five-year establish how moisture and climate affect the permafrost program of research will focus on an integrated series of so that the potential effects of climate change on the field experiments in moist tussock tundra at Toolik Lake, permafrost layer may be predicted. The research will test Alaska. The mechanisms to be studied include those a new theory about the way permafrost responds to operating at the physiological level (e.g., photosynthesis), seasonal temperature changes in order to examine the role the whole-plant level (storage and recycling, changes in that global warming may play on the surficial frozen soil allocation and biomass turnover), the species and ecotype layer in the Arctic. The results are critically important to levels (constraints on nutrient use efficiency and growth planning for the potential impacts of proposed climate rates), and the whole-ecosystem level (climate controls on change on the construction of buildings, roads, and other soil nutrient supply). This project is part of the infrastructure in the Arctic. International Tundra Experiment (ITEX). Collaboration with other ecologists working at Toolik Lake and at other Arctic sites, as part of the Long-Term Ecological Active Layer/Landscape Interactions: A Research (LTER) and Global Change in Terrestrial Retrospective and Contemporary Approach in Arctic Ecosystems (GCTE) Programs, will increase the Alaska application and impact of this research. OPP 9612647 06/01/96; (OPP) $305,561; 12 months State University of New York–Albany Arctic–Boreal Transects: Synthesis of Information on Albany, NY 12201-0009 the Effects of Climate and Vegetation Diversity on Frederick E. Nelson Ecosystem and Global Processes OPP 9523396 This project addresses the central hypotheses of the Arctic 09/15/95; (OPP) $110,691; 23 months System Science LAII Flux Study by examining spatial University of California–Berkeley (local and regional) and temporal (interannual to Berkeley, CA 94720 interdecadal) variations in soil active layer thickness. This F. Stuart Chapin is done on representative landscapes by using different probing and soil coring approaches (grids, transects, and A researcher at the University of California will conduct point data). Standard 1-km x 1-km grids are located in two workshops to examine trace gas feedback to global different landscape units across the Alaska Arctic Slope. climates, water/energy feedback to climate and the role of The LAII sites, which are shared by other Flux Study vegetation structure and change in feedback to climate. projects, were selected in most cases based on availability The workshops will address the importance of of long-term data sets, including soil thaw and local biodiversity and vegetation structure to large-scale climate records. The study relies upon high-frequency, (regional to global) processes. The workshops will serve site-specific determination of active layer thickness as a to integrate the results of several separate high-latitude function of climate, soil properties and landscape units programs into a comprehensive framework to determine (geobotanical complexes). The historical boundary the interactive roles of vegetation and ecosystem between the base of the recelt soil thaw and the upper processes in the feedback of high-latitude ecosystems to permafrost is established by coring the frozen ground and global climate. Separate workshops are planned to observing the distribution and morphology of the ground summarize the vegetation and water feedback to climate. ice. The thaw-depth measurements are used to validate or The workshops will constitute the U.S. contribution to the modify active layer models and to assess climate change International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme effort to upon the Arctic tundra ecosystem. The carbon status of coordinate North American high-latitude research in the soils and near-surface permafrost are established global change. across landscape units and serve as a basis for carbon balance extrapolations to regional scales. Detection of Heat and Moisture Movement in the Upper Permafrost, Northern Alaska Modeling Canopy Carbon and Energy Balances in the OPP 9529783 Pan-Arctic: Scaling from Leaf to Region 06/01/96; (OPP) $80,514; 12 months

67 OPP 9614038 historical weather prediction models in the Arctic as a 09/01/96; (OPP) $285,707; 36 months means for predicting climate variables in the region. The Marine Biological Laboratory model output will be validated using observed data. The Woods Hole, MA 02543 resulting calibrated models of Arctic temperature and Edward B. Rastetter precipitation, for example, will be used to examine the relationship between climate variables and fresh water The goal of this project is to quantify and to improve input, circulation fields and sea-ice extent. The results of understanding of changes in carbon storage in terrestrial this project will provide a very important set of predicted Arctic ecosystems. The balance between canopy and soil climate parameters for regions where observational data is carbon cycling processes, and the interactions between scarce, or absent. Therefore, the output of the derived data them and soil moisture, will help determine whether the will serve as input for other models that require closely Arctic develops as an important sink or source for carbon. spaced observational data that is not available directly. This project will focus specifically on modeling canopy carbon and water exchange, and synthesize information gathered in experimental components of existing Collaborative Research: Effects of Climate– programs. A hierarchy of models will be employed that Landscape Interactions on Soil Carbon Storage and will produce robust regional models of canopy carbon and Cycling in Arctic Alaska energy exchange, derived from validated process-based OPP 9615947 models. The project will integrate information collected 09/15/96; (OPP) $108,251; 36 months from the Toolik Lake LTER site, make linkages that will University of Washington facilitate the construction of simpler and coarsely-scaled Seattle, WA 98195 models of canopy process and create suitably scaled Linda B. Brubaker representations of canopy process for use by other OPP 9615986 regional modeling efforts. 09/01/96; (OPP) $65,941; 36 months University of Michigan The Role of High-Latitude Ecosystems in the Global Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1274 Carbon Cycle George W. Kling OPP 9614253 OPP 9616288 09/15/96; (OPP) $442,026; 36 months 09/15/96; (OPP) $128,429; 36 months University of Alaska–Fairbanks University of Minnesota–Twin Cities Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 Minneapolis, MN 55415-1226 A. David McGuire Feng S. Hu This study proposes to elucidate the role of high-latitude Researchers will examine the role of climate forcing and ecosystems in the global carbon cycle and to assess the landscape character on the evolution of vegetation cover sensitivity and uncertainty of terrestrial carbon storage and soil carbon storage in the central Arctic foothills of responses to transient changes in climate. The study will Alaska. A combination of field methods, modeling and synthesize and integrate data from investigations of paleoreconstruction will be used to determine the spatial carbon cycling at local, regional, and global scales with variation of ecosystem processes on different age the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM). Once the TEM landscapes. The results of this study will provide an is tested, the model will be run for the historical transient indication of expected changes to the carbon balance in climate to compare estimated temporal and spatial the Arctic due to changes in tundra ecology as a result of variations in terrestrial carbon storage with those global climate change. The study is important for estimated by analysis of the historical record of understanding the role of tundra as a source or reservoir atmospheric carbon dioxide. The results will be useful for of terrestrial carbon that may be added to, or extracted identifying the uncertainty in carbon storage responses of from, the atmosphere under proposed greenhouse climate high-latitude ecosystems and for assessing the effects of conditions. climate change in terrestrial systems.

Development of a Linked Hydro-Biogeochemical The Utility of NCEP/NCAR “Reanalysis” Fields for Model for an Arctic Watershed Arctic Climate Studies OPP 9622157 OPP 9614297 04/15/96; (OPP) $115,024; 23 months 09/01/96; (OPP) $219,747; 24 months Marine Biological Laboratory University of Colorado–Boulder Woods Hole, MA 02543 Boulder, CO 80309-0019 Anne E. Giblin Mark C. Serreze Investigators from the Marine Biological Laboratory and The research project will examine the fluctuations in fresh the University of Michigan propose to apply a new, water input into the Arctic by utilizing output from computationally simple, modeling scheme to the problem

68 of understanding the hydrological controls on terrestrial resulting from decay of organic matter incorporated into Arctic ecosystems. The model will allow researchers to the frozen soil. This study will be an important calculate the flux of nutrients, gases and water through component of ongoing studies relating the tundra lakes, streams and entire watersheds so that the ecological ecosystem to climate in the Arctic. response of the terrestrial vegetation may be examined. The development of a model to determine the flux of A New Methodology for Assessing Glacier Mass materials and water flow is urgently needed because the Balances and Runoff for Global Studies of Climate cost of observing and calculating the flow throughout the Change and Sea-Level Rise Arctic is prohibitive. The new model will be used in OPP 9634289 conjunction with global climate models to test the effects 10/01/96; (OPP) $344,953, (OCE) $55,000; 39 months of changing climate scenarios on the response of University of Colorado–Boulder vegetation in the Arctic. The Arctic is expected to feel the Boulder, CO 80309-0019 impact of global change to a greater degree than other Mark Dyurgerov places on Earth and the new modeling scheme will allow predictions of the ecosystem response on the landscape The researchers will develop a new method for studying scale without the necessity to run complex models the annual cycle of glacial melting in relation to climate requiring prohibitively long computational times. change. Satellite imagery will be used to examine large areas encompassing many glaciers rather than traditional methods of studying individual glaciers using time- Effect of Treeline Movement in the Alaskan Arctic on consuming field measurements. The assessment of annual Global Climate Change glacial melting rates is important because it may provide a OPP 9630913 precursor to climate change and the meltwater will 09/01/96; (OPP) $390,714; 36 months contribute to a sea-level rise. That rise will have University of Minnesota–Twin Cities potentially serious effects on coastal human populations Minneapolis, MN 55415-1226 and must be examined if management policies are Anthony M. Starfield required to prepare for the rise. The proposed research will address a major problem in climate change research in the Arctic. The role of shifts in treeline due to past climate change will be examined GENERAL using the relationships of modern treeline position with measured climate variables. The results from the study of predicted response of treeline position to climate changes Arctic System Science Data Coordination Center At in the past will then be used to examine changes that the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) could take place due to proposed climate changes in the OPP 9321416 future. The consequences of feedback to climate change 09/15/94; (OPP) $172,236; 36 months due to the movement of the treeline is important to University of Colorado–Boulder ascertain so that management and policy decisions can be Boulder, CO 80309-0019 made concerning the impacts of global change and other David L. McGinnis disturbance factors on human use of forest resources in The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) the Arctic. proposes an ARCSS (Arctic System Science) Data Coordination Center to integrate management of data for Dissertation Research: The Effects of Climate and LAII, OAII, GISP2, PALE, and the emerging Arctic Vegetation on Below-Ground CO2 Fluxes in Arctic Archaeology component. In this three-year view, NSIDC Ecosystems envisions a distributed set of ARCSS data archives with OPP 9632380 data sets held in appropriate centers (including NSIDC), 06/15/96; (OPP) $29,130; 23 months linked by NSIDC’s “front end” coordination to ensure University of California–Berkeley that ARCSS-funded researchers can easily obtain required Berkeley, CA 94720 data, and to guarantee archival of data they collect during F. Stuart Chapin ARCSS. The “front end,” or Data Coordination Center, will produce the results described below: (1) publishing The PIs propose to examine the climatic effects of a of ARCSS and other Arctic data sets and products of warming trend on the below-ground component of plant importance to ARCSS science priorities in an ARCSS respiration. The results of this study will complement the Catalog and in the Global Change Master Directory; (2) results of a large study on the Alaskan North Slope that is making ARCSS and other Arctic data sets and products examining the effects of global warming on the flux of easier to access and to use for research; (3) coordinating carbon dioxide from plants and soil. The assessment of and managing ARCSS data sets within the framework of the below-ground component of the carbon dioxide flux established and emerging U.S. and international data will allow researchers to differentiate between the carbon systems and centers; (4) establishing a data accession and dioxide flux due to respiration of living plants from that

69 archival system for ARCSS data sets and products at scientific operations in Greenland and at other Arctic NSIDC; (5) developing and promulgating guidelines for locations. data formats and documents, including GIS and model output data sets, within the ARCSS community; (6) delivering tailored data products, on CD-ROM, diskette, and via electronic file transfer delivering to ARCSS investigators; (7) working with the ARCSS Data Management Working Group, ARCSS Modeling Working Group, and ARCSS Science Steering Committees to identify data priorities for ARCSS-funded research; (8) facilitating exchange of information about data sets and data-related activities among members of the ARCSS community will be facilitation by an electronic bulletin board, newsletter, and information clearinghouse at NSIDC; and (9) initiating work on a geocryological database by capitalizing on recent opportunities to obtain data from the former Soviet Union.

Organizational Support to the U.S. Arctic Science Program OPP 9404321 05/01/94; (OPP) $479,165; 36 months Arctic Research Consortium of the United States Fairbanks, AK 99708-0684 Nicholas E. Flanders With this award the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) has entered into a three-year cooperative agreement with the NSF’s Office of Polar Programs. This agreement will facilitate the continuing development, promotion and implementation of the Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Program, with special emphasis on integrating and synthesizing its various parts, and to broaden ARCSS so that it involves other presently neglected areas, such as the human aspect of global change. ARCUS will work to increase communication among Arctic researchers, academic institutions, federal agencies and logistical field facilities and projects; to inform policymakers, funding sources (federal agencies, private foundations and corporate bodies), and educators on the need, opportunities and benefits in Arctic research; and to improve offerings and programs in Arctic science education. ARCUS will facilitate an Arctic Week, combining several of these activities to increase participation of all interested Arctic groups and individuals, to foster interdisciplinary exchanges and to make the most effective use of available resources.

Logistic and Engineering Support by the Polar Ice Coring Office OPP 9423042 FY 1996; (OPP) $3,168,741; 12 months University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588 Karl Kuivinen This award continues funding of the Polar Ice Coring Office at the University of Nebraska for support of


Dissertation Research: The Organization of quantitative data on diachronic indices of risk factors and Complexity: A Study of Late Prehistoric Village health behavior change, and qualitative, ethnographic data Organization in the Eastern Aleutian Region describing cognitive categories related to preventive OPP 9629992 health domains, explanatory models of illness episodes 06/15/96; (OPP) $30,216; 11 months and their relationship to wellness and health behavior University of Wisconsin–Madison “success stories.” By focusing on contemporary beliefs, Madison, WI 53706-1490 the research will advance the knowledge of: Yup’ik Herbert D. G. Maschner conceptual categories of etiology and prevention; beliefs of a much wider age group than has previously been This dissertation grant is for support of an archaeological described; and beliefs related to health issues previously project on Unimak Island in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. unexamined. Paradoxically, this work that focuses on the The goal is to illuminate the socioeconomic organization contemporary and on fostering behavior change, could of a complex hunter–gatherer village. The site consists of advance the Yup’ik cultural revitalization agenda by nine semi-subterranean houses. Preservation at the site is reinforcing the traditional Yup’ik value of illness excellent and this site is ideal for archaeological study in prevention and belief in the role of human agency in the this little known region. Ethnohistorical and health of the individual and the community. Interactive archaeological data suggest that early contact-period activities include teaching an undergraduate course, Aleut society was socially and politically complex. There instruction and supervision of students as research were numerous ranked societies, permanent communal assistants, teaching a graduate course for health care houses, intensive warfare and interregional exchange providers and giving guest lectures, including instruction networks. The relationships between rank, economic for Community Health Aides, at the Alaska Statewide organization and the corporate group will be investigated Community Health Aide Conference in Anchorage in through the excavation of these multi-family houses and April 1997. analysis of artifacts, features and food refuse.

Russian Translation Project, Arctic Anthropology Visiting Professorships for Women (VPW): Yup’ik OPP 9112838 Conception of Wellness 09/01/91; (OPP) $6,700; 66 months HRD 9627078 University of Arkansas 09/01/96; (HRD) $130,968; 12 months Fayetteville, AR 72701 University of Alaska–Fairbanks Allen P. McCartney Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 Penelope M. Cordes Funds are requested for a three-year Russian translation project to be organized by the international circumpolar This project describes contemporary Yup’ik conceptions journal Arctic Anthropology. There is an urgent need to of wellness (i.e., beliefs and practices associated with disseminate the scholarship of Soviet anthropologists health promotion and illness prevention). Research is working in the Eurasian Arctic and Subarctic. Since only being conducted over a 12-month period in Bethel, a few Soviet scholars are sufficiently fluent to write for Alaska, which is the hub of the Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta English language journals, important research —the most populous region of Yup’ik speakers in the contributions are off-limits to all but a few Russian- state. The hospital there serves as the medical center for reading North American scholars. This project hopes to 56 villages. The project entails collaboration with the provide systematic coverage of Soviet scholarship, Alaska Native regional health entity operating the hospital publishing 5–6 papers in each volume over a three-year to prioritize specific issues of concern within the topic of period. Yup’ik conceptions of wellness. The specific issues identified are the focus of ethnographic research at the hospital. By most epidemiologic, economic, demographic North Atlantic Biocultural Coordination and Research and social health measures this region is the most Project disadvantaged in the state. Acute infectious disease OPP 9222956 contributes to substantial morbidity. Additionally, many 04/01/93; (OPP) $173,142; 54 months health problems are due to chronic disease, injury and CUNY Hunter College other health problems that have a behavioral factor as a New York, NY 10021-5024 contributing cause, the prevention of which entails a Thomas H. McGovern behavior change component. The illness profile Scandinavian settlers colonized the islands of the North describing the disease and psychosocial dysfunction of Atlantic 500 years before Columbus. They introduced the people of the region is well defined. A wellness European economies and culture into fragile Arctic profile will be developed through compilation of terrestrial and marine ecosystems and, over time, suffered

71 the consequences of ecological damage, human social changes in a rapidly transforming environment and population decreases and extinction. The Nordic yield practical insights for those involved in education, archaeological, historical and ecological data on these social services and occupational training for Native human impacts is unique in the circumpolar world and youths in rural Alaska. highly relevant to our understanding of global change. This five-year project seeks to coordinate, integrate and Archaeology of the North Alaska Coast: A Settlement analyze the complex multidisciplinary data from the Pattern Study from Point Franklin to Wainwright North Atlantic region. This effort will greatly enhance the OPP 9321112 value of individual research projects in ten countries, and 04/01/94; (OPP) $118,602; 48 months is of direct relevance to applied studies of fisheries and Bryn Mawr College agriculture in the North. Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Glenn W. Sheehan The Development of Cultural Complexity in the This archaeological project will recover data on Shumagin Islands prehistoric and historic occupations at Pingasagruk, Point OPP 9223473 Franklin, once a whaling village on Alaska’s Chukchi Sea 06/01/93; (OPP) $12,438; 54 months coast. The rapidly eroding site will provide comparative Vassar College data on differential access to trade and resources in the Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 region, and provide a background for interpreting the Lucy L. Johnson well-documented aboriginal warfare of the past. In The prehistory of the Aleutian Islands is poorly known addition to analyzing settlement abandonment phases and and there is little understanding of the development of the hiatus between the historic and prehistoric settlement cultural complexity in this region. This archaeological at Pingasagruk, poorly documented outlying sites will be investigation involves the excavation and analysis of recorded using spatial domain radar. Information on structures and middens in the Shumagin Islands. The house pit reuse and the vertical and historical extents of project is designed to determine how many of the middens can be used to refine population estimates and structures were occupied simultaneously and what patterns of resource exploitation. The project will be variation exists in larger and smaller structures. In carried out in cooperation with Wainwright village addition to determining the distributions of implements residents and the North Slope Borough. Both students and and prestige goods, the excavations will render food elders will participate. remains indicative of diet. Combined with this new information, overall patterns of site densities in the Indigenous Knowledge and Practice in Changing Aleutian Islands will enable estimates of prehistoric Greenlandic Resource Management Regimes Aleutian populations. OPP 9403834 07/15/94; (OPP) $26,183; 42 months Occupational, Educational and Residential Choices of University of Alaska–Fairbanks Arctic Youth: Longitudinal Comparison of High Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 School Aspirations and Young Adult Behaviors Richard A. Caulfield OPP 9319921 The proposed research will examine the changing 04/01/94; (OPP) $61,628; 42 months significance of indigenous knowledge and practice in Old Dominion Research Foundation shaping resource management schemes. The principal Norfolk, VA 23508-0369 research question examines whether or not attempts to Garland F. White integrate indigenous knowledge and practice with Danish Rapid social and economic changes have taken place management systems have led to more effective resource throughout rural Alaska, but relatively little research has management in Greenland. The project seeks to focused specifically on how these changes affect understand what forms of indigenous knowledge and adolescents whose life changes and beliefs about their practice underlie use of renewable resources in West future foreshadow the destiny of many Arctic villages. Greenland, and how indigenous knowledge and practice This project is a longitudinal study based on the might contribute to future sustainable development in Northwest Alaska Borough, site of a large zinc mine, and Greenland under Home Rule. Ethnohistorical materials the Bristol Bay area, where commercial fishing will be analyzed, hunting lists compiled and case studies dominates. The project systematically explores the will be carried out within the the project. These data will progression from high school expectations to post-high additionally be made available to other North Atlantic school experiences. The data will be based on surveys, as projects (NABO) and the Danish Polar Centre. well as ethnographic fieldwork, interviews, employment, police and Native association records. The data collected An Ethnohistory of Yuit and Inupiat Women’s will help test the relationship between intentions and Culture behavior, describe connections between individual and

72 OPP 9411706 in the scientific literature. While traditional knowledge is 03/01/95; (OPP) $5,000; 24 months often discussed, little research of this kind has been done Associated Village Council President in Alaska and Chukotka. This is also a pilot project of the Bethel, AK 99559-0219 Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy, and is intended Molly Lee to demonstrate how indigenous knowledge can be documented and incorporated into this and other The focus of this study is the weaving culture of Alaska management and conservation programs. Yup’ik and Inupiat Eskimo. Practiced continuously for at least a century, coiled basketry is nonetheless almost completely undocumented. Coiled basketry is a women’s A Directory of Arctic Social Scientists art and, as such, has been eclipsed by male art forms such OPP 9422303 as ivory carving and mask making. This collaborative 12/01/94; (OPP) $6,249; 24 months Alaska Native study will be a first step in documenting Individual Award this art form. The hypothesis that rapid social change Arlington, VA 22230 negatively impacts indigenous art forms will be Ernest S. Burch, Jr. examined, as will the role of art in reinforcing cultural The number of social scientists engaged in Arctic research and gender identity in Native Alaska. has grown substantially over the past two decades. This expansion in numbers, and in the variety of fields Late Prehistoric and Ipiutak Settlements in the Brooks represented, has made it increasingly difficult to keep Range abreast of this research. The proposed project is intended OPP 9413112 to foster communication between social scientists and 08/15/94; (OPP) $98,805; 36 months others working in the Arctic by creating a worldwide State University of New York–Brockport directory which could be made available free of charge to Brockport, NY 14420 both individuals and organizations. The directory will Richard E. Reanier further make known the expertise of Arctic social scientists to northern residents and natural scientists. This archaeological project in northwestern interior Alaska seeks to elucidate the character of the Ipiutak and Late Prehistoric cultures, which span the transition U.S.–Russia Joint Collaborative Research: Y between the 4000-year old Arctic Small Tool tradition Chromosome Variation in Native Human Populations and recent peoples of the region. The Ipiutak culture of Siberia contrasts dramatically with Late Prehistoric cultures and OPP 9423429 various hypotheses to explain these differences will be 08/15/95; (OPP) $24,000, (SBR) $7,068, (INT) $2,832; tested using excavated data from numerous sites. Points 23 months of comparison will include settlement patterns, University of Arizona subsistence systems, house forms, tool types and Tucson, AZ 85721 paleoenvironmental data. Although some new field work Michael F. Hammer will be undertaken, a major component of the project Well publicized genetic studies linking the origin of consists of analysis of previously excavated, but modern humans to Africa have been based largely on unpublished, material. The product will stand as a maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA, which reveal significant contribution to anthropology and to the nothing about the role of males in the dynamics of human knowledge of cultural development in Alaska. migration. The overall goal of this research project is to use the Y chromosome (carried by males alone) as an Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Beluga Whales: independent tool to test hypotheses regarding the origin An Indigenous Knowledge Pilot Project in the and migration patterns of modern human populations and Chukchi and Northern Bering Seas the male-dedicated gene flow in selected regions of the OPP 9422070 world. This research is the first comprehensive effort to 05/15/95; (OPP) $49,041; 23 months systematically examine genetic variation in the human Y Inuit Circumpolar Conference chromosome. These paternally derived data will Anchorage, AK 99503 complement the growing wealth of linguistic and Henry P. Huntington archaeological data in northern Eurasia, and will give a more complete view of the origins and migration patterns This research project will document traditional ecological of humans into the New World. wisdom of beluga whales in native villages in northwest Alaska and in Chukotka, Russia. The objectives are to gather information on the natural history of beluga Human Adaptation to Large-Scale Ecological Decline: whales, including aspects of human use and interaction. A A Comparative Study of North Atlantic Fishing primary focus will be to examine patterns and changes Communities over time, providing a temporal depth that is unavailable

73 OPP 9515380 an econometric and institutional analysis of petroleum 06/01/96; (OPP) $374,900; 36 months investments as affected by environmental costs and public University of New Hampshire policies; (4) a comparative analysis of policy vehicles for Durham, NH 03824 responding to forces of change; and (5) development of a Lawrence C. Hamilton synthesis framework for relating policies to future outcomes. The study will not attempt to link the detailed Major declines in fish stocks in the North Atlantic region subsystem models in a single grand model. Rather, the are having extensive impacts on northern communities. subsystem models will be designed to operate This three-year comparative environmental, sociological independently with the outputs of one subsystem model and anthropological study examines how communities are serving as key inputs to the other subsystem models. responding to these environmental changes. The research Integration of the subsystems will start with a simple design involves the collection and multivariate analysis of meta-model that reflects gross changes and then statistical data on fishing communities in Newfoundland, successively elaborate the model to a level of detail Greenland, Iceland and Norway accompanied by more appropriate to address specific policy questions. The detailed qualitative case studies on single communities in ultimate goal is to develop a means by which policy Iceland, Newfoundland and northern Norway. The makers can systematically examine relationships between objectives are to examine exactly how people are being policy choices and possible futures, as well as to provide impacted, and what households, communities, a vehicle for scientists from different disciplines to governments and other institutions are doing to adapt to combine their data and develop complementary research these changes. Of particular interest are concerns about programs. sustainability, and how these vary by generation, gender, family, community, culture, levels of human and social capital, and political context. Finally, various adaptive Historical Dimensions of Sustainability in the North responses that increase or reduce the resource base will be Atlantic ca. 2000 BP–Present examined. The project is an important contribution to OPP 9523529 research on environmental policy, economic change, 09/15/96; (OPP) $50,085; 11 months social change and global change. CUNY Hunter College New York, NY 10021-5024 Thomas H. McGovern Sustainability of Arctic Communities: Interactions Between Global Changes, Public Policies and This proposal is for support of an interdisciplinary, Ecological Processes international research group studying OPP 9521459 human/environmental interactions over the past 2000 09/01/95; (OPP) $95,161; 24 months years in the North Atlantic region. The North Atlantic University of Alaska–Anchorage Biocultural Organization (NABO) has developed a Anchorage, AK 99508-4614 network of researchers from over 40 organizations and ten John A. Kruse nations. Operating under the theoretical orientation of historical ecology, NABO workers are integrating This study addresses policy questions about the ability of historical, archaeological and ethnographic data with Arctic communities to sustain themselves in the face of recent paleoenvironmental data derived from ice cores, climate changes and development. For the past 25 years, pollen analysis, bones, insects and other sources. The communities in Alaska’s North Slope Borough have overarching goal is to develop an integrated analytical sustained themselves through a combination of wage approach to complex problems of climate impact on employment derived from petroleum revenues, harvests humans, human impacts on the environment, and the of caribou, marine mammals, and other resources. Local environmental effects of humans’ interactions with each control has been exercised through regional government other. Systematic working meetings are needed to and Native-owned corporations. The principal climate advance U.S. and international human dimensions of changes considered in this study are rising temperatures, global change research. increased precipitation and increased frequency of extreme events. Climate changes of these types will affect caribou and other populations important to the local Alaska Native Science Commission subsistence economy, as well as construction, OPP 9527788 transportation, and regional development. The policy 03/15/96; (OPP) $40,000; 11 months audience includes state and national entities and the North Alaska Federation of Natives Slope Borough. An interdisciplinary group will focus on a Anchorage, AK 99501 number of goals including: (1) development of a Dorothy M. Larson vegetation model that predicts forage for caribou and a This proposal is for initial support of an Alaska Native model that responds to climate variables and human Science Commission (ANSC). The concept was harvest; (2) a subsistence hunting/wage employment developed following a series of planning meetings model as affected by caribou and wage opportunities; (3) organized by the Alaska Federation of Natives, in concert

74 with the University of Alaska Anchorage and other and to ensure indigenous participation in the development scientific and indigenous groups. The mission of the of these principles. The workshop will take place in ANSC is to facilitate the integration of indigenous Inuvik, Canada, on June 2–3, 1995. U.S. support is being knowledge into science; influence priorities in research; provided for Alaskan and Russian participants. Canada is mandate participation of Natives at all levels of science; supporting Canadian, Greenlandic and European provide mechanisms for the feedback of results; promote participation. science to young people; encourage Native people to enter science; and to ensure that Native people share in the Dissertation Research: An Examination of Lithic economic benefits derived from their intellectual Technology During the Transition from Late property. Pleistocene to Modern Environments in the Upper Kolyma Region, Western Beringia Doctoral Dissertation Research: Kinship, Economic OPP 9612532 Organization and Ethnicity Among the Dolgan of 07/15/96; (OPP) $10,000; 11 months Arctic Siberia University of Washington OPP 9528936 Seattle, WA 98195 03/01/96; (OPP) $18,575; 18 months Donald K. Grayson University of California–Santa Barbara This dissertation project will use data from the Upper Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Kolyma region, northeastern Siberia, to undertake a broad Napoleon A. Chagnon examination of stone tool technology over a 4000-year This dissertation research project will test the proposition period (11,000–7,000 B.P.). The proposed research that Siberian peoples are becoming more integrated with involves an analysis of material from three sites (Uptar, the Russian and global market economy. Although Kheta, Buyunda), an analysis of assemblage variability microeconomic theory and ethnographic reports support using published reports and the investigation of the this hypothesis for many regions, there is reason to potentials of an environmental model for explaining question it for the Siberian north. Since the dissolution of artifact variability in this region. This study will make a the Soviet Union, native people across Siberia are significant contribution toward understanding the early instituting “family and clan” farms. They are replacing prehistory of northeastern Siberia. A regional analysis of the state farm economy and may represent greater tools and manufacturing debris, and the environment in autonomy on the part of native people. The project will which people made and used tools, is prerequisite to an generate both quantitative and qualitative data from understanding of the earliest settlers of Beringia and the household surveys, interviews and participant observation New World. in the community of Ust Avan. These data will be used to analyze and compare family/clan farms with the state LINK: Small-Scale Societies of the North Atlantic farm system, modes of exchange, patterns of land and OPP 9615812 resource use and ethnicity. 09/01/96; (OPP) $28,021; 24 months Bowdoin College International Workshop on Archeological Human Brunswick, ME 04011 Remains: Examining the Past to Protect the Future Susan A. Kaplan OPP 9612381 This goal of this proposal is to convene two international 06/15/96; (OPP) $5,000, (SBR) $5,000; 11 months workshops incorporating social and natural scientists in International Union for Circumpolar Health order to examine how small-scale societies, such as the Anchorage, AK 99514-1594 Labrador Inuit, have responded to long- and short-term Thomas R. Bender climate fluctuation in the North Atlantic region. The This workshop will bring together Arctic indigenous collaborators all conduct research in the North Atlantic people and applied health scientists from the United region and conceive of their individual study areas as States, Canada and Siberia to discuss ethical issues in regional monitoring sites in which chronology, climate, health research. Many of these issues involve social and subsistence and technological issues can be examined. cultural communication and the linkages between rapid The study sites range from northern Greenland to social change and health status. This linkage is recognized Newfoundland. This region is strongly influenced by El by the U.S. Arctic Research Policy Act of 1984 and the Niño effects, and ice core data afford exceptional climate Polar Research Board of the U.S. National Academy of records for comparisons with human settlement and Sciences. The objectives of the workshop are to resource changes over time. significantly extend the current dialogue between health researchers and indigenous peoples’ organizations in the Doctoral Dissertation Research: Portrait of Nash circumpolar north, to exchange information on health Harbor: Prehistory, History and Lifeways of an research ethics, to adopt principles on health research Alaskan Community ethics which may be adopted by the circumpolar nations,

75 OPP 9629758 culture-constructing event, as well as an end product. 06/15/96; (OPP) $20,000; 23 months Contemporary Nuxalk art can be interpreted as a University of Oregon–Eugene manifestation of the current struggles surrounding Nuxalk Eugene, OR 97403-5219 identity. Art will be studied from the perspective of its Don E. Dumond producers, as well as its Native consumers. This study, which will employ participant-observation and open- This dissertation improvement grant proposal combines ended interviews, relates to issues of object and archaeology and oral history in an analysis of Cupiit knowledge appropriation and repatriation. Eskimo society on Nunivak Island, Alaska. Due to their isolation, these people were long able to maintain their traditional lifestyle. The focus of the study is Nash Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Harbor, a known late historic village with at least 350 Development for Archaeological, Ecological and years of occupation. By integrating the oral testimony of Geomorphological Reconnaissance on the Peninsula island elders with the results of archaeological OPP 9630072 excavations and known ethnographic accounts, a 07/01/96; (OPP) $165,570; 12 months comprehensive view of the lifeways of this unique culture University of Wisconsin–Madison will be revealed. This project will provide an enhanced Madison, WI 53706-1490 understanding of the intimate relationship between the Herbert D. G. Maschner Cupiit people and their environment before the contact Recent research in the lower Alaskan Peninsula and period, as well as an assessment of the impacts of Unimak Island has demonstrated that this area is critical Euroamerican culture into the late 20th century. The to our understanding of the development of Aleut society program involves local people in research, and contributes and human adaptation to climate change and landscape to an increased scientific and cultural literacy at the evolution in the region. A broad regional approach to community level. these problems depends on large-scale systematic archaeological survey. Because of the expense of doing Dissertation Research: Is Salmon Specialization surveys in this remote region, satellite images, aerial Concurrent with Changing Village Organization in the photography, a Geographic Information System and Kodiak Archipelago statistical modeling, combined with field controls, will be OPP 9629947 utilized and tested. If successful, this method will greatly 07/15/96; (OPP) $9,940; 23 months facilitate the discovery of archaeological sites and University of Wisconsin–Madison enhance our understanding of regional ecology and Madison, WI 53706-1490 human adaptation in the North Pacific region. James B. Stoltman This dissertation grant proposal focuses on subsistence Preparation of Internet Profiles on NSF Arctic Social specialization during the last 1,000 years in the Kodiak Science Projects for Presentation on the Arctic Studies Archipelago in Alaska. The role of marine resource Center’s Web Site specialization has been debated in the North Pacific OPP 9632174 region. This archaeological study will involve systematic 06/01/96; (OPP) $16,358; 12 months collection and analysis of faunal remains from two Smithsonian Institution prehistoric sites. Multiple faunal seasonality indicators Washington, DC 20560 will be used to test the hypothesis that salmon William W. Fitzhugh specialization was a major factor in changing village This project by the Smithsonian Institution’s Arctic organization. The research will be part of, and will benefit Studies Center is designed to present profiles of NSF- from, a larger scale project on Alutiiq history by the supported research projects on the Arctic Studies Center Afognak Native Corporation. web site. The Smithsonian Institution (SI) is a major web site with thousands of “hits” per day. Since an important Doctoral Dissertation Research: Cultural Revival in strategic goal of the NSF is scientific literacy, this linkage Bella Coola: Art, Appropriation and National Identity to the SI offers a unique opportunity for the Arctic Social OPP 9630019 Sciences Program. The web site team will be tasked with 08/01/96; (OPP) $12,000; 24 months designing and operating a NSF Arctic Social Sciences Columbia University graphic identity, which will introduce a mission New York, NY 10027 statement, a menu page for Arctic Social Science projects, David C. Koester reports and information, news and notables, hot links to other polar sites, and the NSF Home Page. The object of the dissertation project in anthropology is to investigate the role of native art in cultural identity and revival among the Bella Coola, or Nuxalk, people of Workshop of the Social Transition in the North British Columbia. For the Nuxalk, art is a process and a Project

76 OPP 9633690 Seattle, WA 98195 04/01/96; (OPP) $108,116, (INT) $25,000; 36 months Carol Z. Jolles Alaska Federation of Natives This project will investigate the lives of women and Anchorage, AK 99501 children in two Yup’ik Eskimo communities on St. Patricia A. Cochran Lawrence Island, Alaska, and in Chukotka, Russia. The This proposal is for a series of workshops and working people of both communities, Gambell and Sireniki, are sessions to coordinate the scientific data and results of the close kin and still strongly identify themselves as Yup’ik, project “Social Transitions in the North: Alaska and the but they have experienced very different histories of Russian Far East” (OPP-9496351). The PIs of the original contact with Western policies and cultures. The project, Steven McNabb, Alexander Pika and William researchers will work with elders, family groups, and Richards, died while doing field work in the Russian Far Yup’ik women in community work forces. Life histories East. They were completing the fourth year of a study will be recorded, as well as documentation of examining social change and health in Native villages in childbearing tasks, interactions of families and in Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, Chukotka and Kamchatka. education settings. Analysis of words related to emotions The Alaska Native Science Commission (ANSC) will and values also will be carried out. The special features of serve as successor institution and coordinate the activities the research are the circumpolar comparisons, the of a senior advisory group, which will oversee the combinations of multifaceted methodologies, the attention completion of the project. This group consists of Patricia paid to women, children and family life and a focus on Cochran, Executive Director, Alaska Native Science cultural psychology, the nature of personhood and the Commission; Professor Lydia Black, University of socialization of emotions and values. Alaska–Fairbanks; Professor Joseph Jorgensen, University of California–Irvine; and Professor Robert Western Arctic Whale Hunting Societies: Origins, Kraus, University of Kentucky. The ANSC will convene Development, Environmental Responses and the meetings, facilitate the archiving of project materials, Contemporary Sociocultural Dimensions— manage the budget and help produce a final report. Sociocultural Component OPP 9634538 An Archaeological Resource Dilemma in Perspective: 09/01/96; (OPP) $51,418; 24 months Values and Practices on St. Lawrence Island University of Alaska–Anchorage OPP 9633760 Anchorage, AK 99508-4614 08/01/96; (OPP) $9,989; 12 months Roger K. Harritt Indiana University–Bloomington This small grant for exploratory research is intended to Bloomington, IN 47402-1847 bring the PIs together with the Alaska Native Whaling Richard Wilk Commission and the North Slope Borough History, A definite relationship has been found between the Language and Culture Commission for purposes of commercialization of archaeological finds and the research planning and coordination. The focus will be on destruction of archaeological sites. In spite of worldwide prehistoric and contemporary whaling practices and public attention to archaeological heritage preservation, cultures. Among the primary questions to be addressed site destruction continues to increase. The objective of are the environmental contexts within which whaling this dissertation study is to analyze the rules, values and originated and developed, the varied importance of practices that affect the use of archaeological resources on whaling through time, oral traditions, gender roles and St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Straits of Alaska. The ceremonialism. This combination of scientific expertise Native village of Gambell is a unique case of a legal with Native interests has great potential and is in keeping archaeological market. Many residents recover and sell with the goal of creating research partnerships with marketable artifacts as a means of meeting subsistence Native peoples. needs in a cash economy. Other residents oppose this practice. This project addresses the dilemma of selling cultural heritage property, protecting archaeological resources and the clash between cultural resource managers and local people with limited sources of cash income.

Yup’ik Women, Yup’ik Families: A Comparative Study of Siberian Yup’ik and St. Lawrence Island Yup’ik Family Life OPP 9634390 10/01/96; (OPP) $100,121; 12 months University of Washington

77 Western Arctic Whale Hunting Societies: Whale occurring speech of various kinds). Project work involves: Biometrics and Environments (1) two three-week field trips to Chevak, Alaska, a village OPP 9634834 where a particular dialect of Central Alaskan Yup’ik is 08/15/96; (OPP) $85,000; 23 months spoken, in order to construct and record sets of utterances University of Arkansas in which potentially independent determinants of Fayetteville, AR 72701 postlexical prosody are systematically varied, and to Allen P. McCartney examine prosodic usage in already existing recordings from Chevak of oral literature and other speech; (2) This proposed research project will investigate baleen instrumental and other linguistic analysis of both elicited whale bones on precontact and contact Eskimo village and naturalistic recordings at the PIs home base; and (3) sites between Barrow and St. Lawrence Island in northern writing for a book on the project’s topic. The project is Alaska. Bone elements will be identified to species and expected to have significance for: (1) the documentation size for purposes of reconstructing the relative abundance and description of Central Alaskan Yup’ik, a language of major species, their ages and sizes at death, and the that is rapidly becoming moribund as fewer and fewer ways they were used by humans. The analysis of children learn it; (2) the theory of postlexical prosody, by mortality profiles in zooarchaeological assemblages is contributing a case study and by exploring the idea that important for understanding the relationships between syntax, discourse structure and interpretation directly human predators and prey species. Further, because the determine the distributions of individual prosodic distribution of bowheads and gray whales is ice- and elements; (3) prosodic methodology, by establishing the season-dependent, whale abundance, or scarcity, will be importance of studying distribution and use side by side, related to long-term climatic reconstructions. using quantitative data from both repetitive elicitation and Comparisons will be made with previously analyzed bone natural discourse; and (4) the promotion (via the assemblages from northern Canada. foregoing) of research on a wide range of languages, especially those studied in the “field” and faced with Athabaskan–Eyak–Tlingit Comparative Lexical imminent extinction. Database SBR 9410909 Dissertation: Morphosyntactic Interactions in the 05/01/95; (SBR) $31,040, (OPP) $31,040; 24 months First Language Acquisition of Inuktitut University of Alaska–Fairbanks SBR 9529166 Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 03/01/96; (SBR) $11,634; 12 months Jeffry A. Leer Cornell University–Endowed The objective of this research project is to produce a Ithaca, NY 14853-2801 relational database documenting the genetic relationship Barbara Lust of Athabaskan, Eyak and Tlingit, as well as explanatory This dissertation project will provide experimental and prose. The main tables within the database will include: naturalistic studies of the language acquisition of children (1) a combined morpheme list for the (proto-) languages 3–6 years of age as they acquire Inuktitut (a language of compared; (2) citations for Proto-Athabaskan the Eskimo–Aleut family) as their first language in reconstructions and other comparisons in the published Igloolik, Northwest Territories, Canada. This research and unpublished literature; (3) the cognate sets will be particularly significant because it: (1) will themselves; (4) sets of conceivably interrelated cognate contribute to providing foundational knowledge on the sets; and (5) tables of regular sound correspondence. The acquisition of languages with highly complex database and prose explanation will be disseminated in morphology; (2) will examine the concurrent acquisition diskette sets that are compatible with either MacIntosh or of syntax and morphology, and the ways in which the DOS-based computers. child’s developing knowledge of one might contribute to knowledge of the other; (3) will investigate aspects of the The Postlexical Prosody of Central Alaskan Yup’ik human cognitive competence for language in the context SBR 9511856 of a language (and a language family) which has been 08/01/95; (OPP) $47,551; 24 months little studied to date; and (4) will provide important University of Texas–Austin descriptive information on a North American language in Austin, TX 78713-7726 an area where there is current concern about severe Anthony C. Woodbury language loss. This is a project to study the phonetic and phonological elements of Central Alaskan Yup’ik postlexical prosody; their distribution with respect to each other and with respect to independently motivated syntactic and discourse structures; and their meaning (i.e., their pragmatic value and their use in framing naturally

78 The Upper Paleolithic Settlement of the Transbaikal, Siberia SBR 9600664 08/01/96; (SBR) $28,545; 18 months Southern Oregon State College Ashland, OR 97520-5001 Frank (Ted) E. Goebel With NSF support, the PI, in collaboration with American and Russian colleagues will conduct archaeological excavations at the site of Masterov Kliuch’, which is located in the Transbaikal region of Siberia. Previous test excavations have revealed five stratigraphically separate archaeological components. The lowest three contain Upper Paleolithic materials and span the period from ca. 40,000 to 10,000 years ago. In addition to excavation, the team will apply a number of specialized techniques that will enhance the capture of archaeological information. The entire stratigraphic profile will be chronometrically dated through multiple procedures, including accelerator radiocarbon, luminescence and electron spin resonance. All excavated artifacts and ecofacts will be precisely provenienced, and orientations will be noted to reconstruct site formation processes. Fauna will be studied in detail and lithic artifacts analyzed and refitted to trace technological manufacturing processes, as well as site spatial patterns. Humans first penetrated Siberia during Upper Paleolithic times and the Northern Eurasian region constituted the last major habitable area to be settled. Based on available information, it appears that groups expanded from West to East and the stone blade tools characteristic of these groups appear to stop in the Transbaikal region. The reason for this is not known and the phenomenon is interesting, because it may shed light on basic processes of human adaptation. This research is significant for several reasons. It will add to our understanding of the origins and dispersal of modern humans, especially attempts to explain the pattern of human global colonization. It will significantly increase our knowledge of the Upper Paleolithic of the Old World. Through the application of paleoecological and paleogeographic perspectives, the research will add to a growing body of knowledge addressing past human adaptive strategies and associated environmental limiting factors affecting past and present population distributions. Finally, the project will offer unique research experiences for undergraduate students.


Materials for Extending Endurance and Productivity resolution will be achieved by unfocused Synthetic of Underwater Divers in Cold Waters Aperture Radar (SAR) processing. The resultant volume DMI 9461179 images generated by this radar will have spatial resolution 06/01/95; (DMI) $10,000; 14 months on the order of 30 m x 30 m x 30 m at ranges from 1 to 2 Triangle Research and Development Corporation km, sampled from the top surface down to ground level Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2696 several kilometers below the surface. Potential Yvonne G. Bryant commercial applications include surveying ice in polar regions, as well as subsurface imaging of metallic objects, This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I hazardous waste, tunnels, and detection of hard targets project will investigate using microencapsulated phase through foliage. change materials (microPCMs) in a fabric layer as a thermal barrier to extend the endurance and productivity of underwater divers in cold water. MicroPCM-enhanced Development of a Frazil Ice Meter fabrics could be used alone (passively), or in conjunction DMI 9561330 with an auxiliary heating device (actively). For Phase I 04/01/96; (DMI) $74,922; 6 months research purposes, the emphasis will be on studying the WET Labs, Inc. effectiveness of a microPCM fabric as a thermal barrier in Philomath, OR 97370-0518 a diver’s dry suit. However, the concepts developed here Casey C. Moore also will apply to wet suits. Phase I objectives will be to: This SBIR Phase I project is to develop a differential select, encapsulate and evaluate thermal properties of absorption meter optimized for frazil ice detection. Small appropriate PCMs; acquire coated microPCM fabric crystals known as frazil ice form when heat is removed samples and controls and evaluate their thermal from a turbulent water body that is at, or below, the properties; design laboratory tests to evaluate thermal freezing point. This process proves a major factor in ice performance of test fabrics; and evaluate thermal formation of northern lakes and exposed polar oceanic performance of test fabrics with and without auxiliary bodies, and plays an important role in numerous physical heating. The potential use of microPCM material to keep and biological processes. In addition, frazil ice formation divers comfortable and extend their work period will be can severely impact various cold-climate industrial water thoroughly examined and recommendations will be made use processes. Yet the mechanism, it’s prevalence, and to the NSF for a follow-on Phase II effort. the associated dynamics remain poorly understood, largely for lack of effective instrumentation. Researchers A Subsurface Volume Imaging Radar for Polar recently successfully tested a measurement technique in Region Ice Studies which the differential absorption of water and ice were DMI 9560637 determined to yield ice crystal concentration. This 03/01/96; (DMI) $74,910; 6 months technique shows great promise in becoming an accepted Quadrant Engineering method if an instrument can be developed to effectively Amherst, MA 01002 exploit it. Phase I effort will focus upon the development Philip M. Langlois and testing of a proof of principal prototype. Commercial uses of this meter range from research applications to This SBIR Phase I project describes remote sensing of the environmental and process monitoring. Potential physical properties of Earth’s surface and subsurface with customers include scientists, government agencies, radar systems. It is of generic interest to the geophysical hydroelectric power authorities, municipal water sciences community and is important to a wide range of authorities, shipping companies and other industrial military and commercial applications. Recently, an concerns. experimental radar was used by researchers from the University of Kansas to map the thickness of the Jacobshavn glacier in Greenland. This radar produced Dynamics of Ice Surfaces high-range resolution measurements of ice thickness, but DMR 9623590 suffered from very coarse cross-track resolution. This 05/01/96; (DMR) $100,000; 12 months proposal describes a novel nadir-looking imaging radar University of Washington system that can provide three-dimension volume images Seattle, WA 98195 of the structure and depth of glaciers and icebergs to Samuel C. Fain depths of several kilometers. Utilizing a conformal array Fain Ice is important in a number of environments on the of many antenna elements mounted on the underside of an Earth, in the atmosphere, on other planets, and in space. aircraft wing, we can use digital beamforming techniques The objective of this project is to understand the to generate up to 40 beams in the cross-track direction, interaction between ice surfaces and other solids in a each with a narrow 1.4–3 degree beamwidth. Along-track controlled environment at temperatures near the triple

80 point. Dynamical measurements of the normal and lateral forces exerted on scanning mechanical probes by the surface of ice will be made as a function of temperature, atmosphere above the ice surface and electric potential between the probe and the ice. The probe could be a very sharp point or a very small diameter sphere; forces exerted on the probe as it comes into contact with the surface will be measured by deflecting a laser beam from a microscopic lever. The fundamental information obtained by such microscopic scale measurements will aid in understanding macroscopic mechanical interactions between ice surfaces and other solids such as occur in the adhesion of ice to objects in a cold environment.


University Corporation for Atmospheric Research degree programs and for transition into the work force in (UCAR) Educational Outreach and Related Activities rural Alaska. ATM 9417693 07/01/94; (OPP) $99,875; 51 months Project on Leading Alaska Reform in Science University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (POLARIS) Boulder, CO 80307-3000 ESI 9454390 Richard Anthes 11/01/94; (ESI) $749,104; 36 months This Scientific Program Order (SPO) supports the Anchorage School District University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Anchorage, AK 99508-3126 (UCAR) Educational Outreach Program and related Robert M. Nanney activities. Specifically, this SPO will support visiting POLARIS, the Project On Leading Alaska Reform In scientists at UCAR, postdoctoral research in ocean Science, is a four-year program to effect comprehensive modeling, summer employment programs, and workshops science education reform in schools along the length of involving the atmospheric community. the Alaska Highway, from Kenai to Fairbanks. Sixty leader teachers, from grades seven through nine, will Rural Alaskan Environmental Education Program participate in a series of two six-day academies each DUE 9553680 summer, a three-day winter short course and ten follow- 10/01/95; (DUE) $170,000, (ESI) $80,000; 24 months up meetings during the academic year. Workshop content University of Alaska–SE Juneau and pedagogy will be merged so that teachers will learn in Juneau, AK 99801-8625 a format that their students are expected to use. The John W. Carnegie science content will be guided by local needs, national science education reform efforts and the emerging The University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) proposes a National Research Council (NRC) standards. Reflecting three-year project to develop and implement the Rural its comprehensive nature these teachers also will learn Alaskan Sanitation Education Program. The project assessment techniques, applications of technology and establishes a centralized educational center at the UAS leadership skills and strategies. Other middle and high Sitka Campus, as well as a system for dissemination of school science teachers in the participating districts will curriculum to teachers and students in remote villages be included in the project through intensive workshop throughout the state. The program is modeled on the experiences lasting 105 hours. These second tier recommendations of the federal Field Working Group on workshops will be conducted by the leader teachers. The Rural Alaska Sanitation Problems and represents a Anchorage School District will be the lead district. The cooperative effort of secondary/postsecondary educators, extraordinary contrast between urban centers and road- Native leaders and those state and federal agencies accessible, remote rural communities will be alleviated by responsible for environmental sanitation programs in the partnering the resources of each by using electronic State of Alaska. The program addresses a critical public networks. health need, throughout Alaska and other rural settings, for sanitation technicians and environmental scientists. It is designed to establish cultural awareness of the linkage The Earth Systems Implementation Project (ESIP) between the environment and public health, engaging ESI 9454411 village youth as agents of change. The program will 02/01/95; (ESI) $810,919; 31 months provide a cross-disciplinary curriculum in an articulated Anchorage School District 2+2 tech-prep format for grades 11–14. Curriculum Anchorage, AK 99508-3126 components encompass an academic core (math, written Judy Reid and oral communications, social science); laboratory The Earth Systems Implementation Project is the science (chemistry, microbiology, geology, climate) and culmination of an elementary science reform effort which systems technology (hydraulics, mechanics, electronics). was first initiated by an Anchorage School District’s Students will complete a systematic program leading from (ASD) elementary teacher in 1992, and which builds on secondary diploma to postsecondary associate degree, the system’s award winning elementary science program. along with field experience necessary to achieve The effort has involved administrators, parents and technician certification under Alaska regulations for community members from the major Alaskan science operation of water and wastewater treatment, distribution professions working with teachers to develop an advanced and collection systems. An academic and career K–6 inquiry-based hands-on science curriculum. This counseling program, based on professional mentoring and new curriculum, made up of modules from nationally service learning, will assure that students completing the validated elementary science materials development program are prepared both for transfer to baccalaureate projects, will be implemented in each of the district’s 58

82 elementary schools. To accomplish this, the project will tests, evaluates, and integrates a high-performance, group- provide approximately 1,000 elementary school teachers centered computing environment into the collaborative with the content and teaching strategies needed to experimental and modeling activities ongoing in the upper implement the program. The project also will involve atmospheric research community. The upper atmospheric over 2,000 parents working directly with teachers in researchers here are a collaborating group engaged in support of the project. Cost sharing will be 69% of the observational activities using a variety of instruments NSF funds. located at the Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland, upper atmospheric research facility. Many of these activities are directed at rare, or intermittent, phenomena requiring real SSC: Ellamek Elicaraq (Yup’ik) “Learning About time control of instruments by the scientists observing the Our World” changing conditions. This is presently accomplished by HRD 9353255 visits to the remote facility. To prototype test and evaluate 09/15/93; (HRD) $71,677; 42 months the distributed tools for collaboration, research under this Anchorage School District agreement will develop a user-oriented, rapid prototyping Anchorage, AK 99508-3126 testbed built around the Sondre Stromfjord facility and its Edna Lamebull user community. Testing and evaluation of the prototype This three-year project is designed for seventh-, eighth-, tools will involve measurements of human behavior. and ninth-grade Alaskan Eskimo and Indian children. It is strengthened by links with Native American cultures and Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site: traditions. Each year’s camp is a five-week hands-on Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry in Alaska exploration of science and math applications to the OPP 9501808 Alaskan environment and major related careers. 07/01/95; (OPP) $47,000; 24 months Professional role models and mentors are important University of Alaska–Fairbanks components. School year follow-up and mentoring is Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 provided for each student. The program’s purpose is to Lawrence K. Duffy provide students with basic tools to choose science and math courses, stay with their studies, achieve in their This program would provide an organized opportunity for studies, and graduate to further science studies or careers. undergraduates in a relatively isolated geographical area A summary of objectives and significances is: (1) to gain research experience in environmental chemistry allowing 50 middle school age Alaska Native students and biochemistry. A diversified approach centering each year to remain in school and pursue appropriate around environmental and biotechnical applications of science and math studies, including a five-week hands-on chemistry and biology is proposed in which students work camp with highly motivating interactive science and math with committed faculty. This research focus, spotlighting experiences and extended on-site field trips to prepare chemical and biochemical components of environmental them for academic school year curriculum; (2) providing and ecological studies specific to high-latitudes, is students with experiential knowledge of Alaskan appropriate for undergraduates. Core disciplines in environment, geology, climate, ecology, habitats and chemistry and biochemistry are well represented with technologies coincident to Alaskan science careers; (3) projects. Research projects include environmental developing student skills and application of knowledge chemistry, molecular evolution, bioinorganic chemistry, embedded in the natural and cultural world which molecular biology of marine organisms and atmospheric surrounds them; and (4) providing ongoing guidance and chemistry. The program will recruit undergraduate career exposure for academic and career preparation in students who are majoring in chemical or biological Alaska-based science and engineering professions. science, and encourages women and minorities, such as Native Alaskans, who are attending the University of Alaska to apply. We wish to continue our cross-cultural A Scientific Group Communications and approach in which Alaskan students exchange scientific Collaborative Testbed for Upper Atmospheric and social perspectives with students from the lower 48. Research A summer seminar series by both local faculty and IRI 9216848 visitors is included in our program to increase the 09/01/92; (IRI) $448,474, (ATM) $400,000; 73 months exposure of the students to a wide range of chemistry and University of Michigan biochemistry. Ethics and honor in science discussions also Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1274 are held weekly, and outside speakers will be invited. Daniel E. Atkins Evening workshops on graduate school admission and This is a cooperative agreement to fund a selection, as well as discussions of career opportunities multidisciplinary effort linking research in computer will be held. We also will develop an improved follow- science, behavioral science, and upper atmospheric and through and tracking of students to monitor what careers space science to build a prototype system for a distributed the students pursued. but shared working environment; the vision of a collaboratory. This effort conceives, develops, deploys,


U.S. Support for Central Scientific Coordination and OPP 9321320 Integration Activities of the International Geosphere– 03/15/94; (OPP) $21,054; 42 months Biosphere Programme (IGBP) University of Colorado–Boulder OCE 9320648 Boulder, CO 80309-0019 09/15/93; (OPP) $37,995; 48 months Martha Andrews International Geosphere The project proposes to coordinate continuing U.S. Stockholm, SW activities that have resulted in improved access to polar Chris G. Rapley bibliographic information resources. Publication of NSF support is provided from funds allocated by federal research results by the polar scientific community agency members of the interagency Committee on Earth continues to increase rapidly with 15,000 to 20,000 new and Environmental Sciences (CEES) Subcommittee on papers being indexed annually. It is essential to deliver Global Change Research, for shared international funding access to these research results to the desktop of every of the centralized costs of planning for the International potential user of polar regions information in the most Geosphere–Biosphere Programme (IGBP). Planning and user-friendly manner possible. This project provides development of a series of core research projects of the funding for three annual meetings of the USPIWG in IGBP will be undertaken. The IGBP and these core 1994, 1995 and 1996, to be held in Cambridge, UK, projects will support development of a global observing Washington, DC, and Anchorage, Alaska. Individuals system; will contribute to international assessments of representing U.S. bodies that provide polar information global change science, in particular to those of the and/or information services will participate in each Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); will meeting. The USPIWG is a formally constituted body improve and facilitate the flow of data and information in whose goal is to meet the research needs of the polar support of IGBP research; and will assist scientists and scientific community through user-based information scientific institutions in developing countries to access systems. Effective dissemination of polar regions participate more fully in and support such research. information is necessary for the United States to carry out Results of the IGBP will provide input into the analysis, research and management activities provided for in the modeling and interpretation of global change. To achieve Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984 (amended 1990), these objectives, meetings of international scientific the U.S. Arctic Research Plan and its revisions, and the committees and scientific steering groups for the core U.S. Antarctic Program (USAP). The USPIWG goals are projects will be convened. Scientific and technological consistent with the goals of the Arctic Research reports, which result from IGBP activities, will be Commission. In line with its intention to offer its services prepared and distributed. The IGBP Secretariat will to the organizations serving the U.S. polar scientific support these activities. communities, USPIWG contributes to the biennial revision to the U.S. Arctic Research Plan. At an international level, USPIWG continues to play a Arctic Research Commission leadership role within the Polar Libraries Colloquy. OPP 9023825 10/01/90; (OPP) $500,000; 85 months Arctic Research Commission Arctic Environmental Data Management Arlington, VA 22230 OPP 9615032 Garrett W. Brass 08/15/96; (OPP) $100,000; 11 months U.S. Geological Survey–Denver This action continues the Interagency Agreement between Denver, CO 80201 the NSF and the Arctic Research Commission and Douglas R. Posson provides for its continuing operations. The Arctic Research Commission was established under the Arctic In 1988, the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Research Policy Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-373) and Committee (IARPC) established the Arctic Environmenal Executive Order 12501. The General Services Directory (AED) Working Group to identify, organize, Administration will provide administrative services to the preserve and present information about Arctic Commission as specified in PL# 98-373 [Section 106(4)]. environmental data which is available from U.S. federal This action fulfills the intent of Congress to provide FY agencies and selected Alaska State agencies and academic 1996 funding for the Commission through the NSF. institutions. The Arctic Environmental Data Directory (AEDD) was assembled as a subset of the Earth Science Data Directory of the U.S. Geological Survey. AED A User-Based Polar Information System: contains more than 400 references to data sets, each of Coordinating Responsibilities Through the U.S. Polar which has been reviewed for completeness, consistency Information Working Group (USPIWG) and accuracy. Data sets described cover many disciplines

84 including geophysics, hydrology, geochemistry, involve editing and preparation of the camera-ready copy oceanography, cartography, atmospheric physics and of the Spring and Fall 1996 and 1997 issues of the chemistry, marine and terrestrial biology, health and journal, Arctic Research of the United States. The journal medicine, contaminants, remote sensed data and in situ serves an essential step in fulfilling the requirements of data. AED resides on a computer system accessible to Public Law 98-373, the Arctic Research and Policy Act. It scientists, policy makers, educators and the interested contains information on research activities of the federal public over the Internet. This proposal is for continuation agencies involved in the Arctic and reports and minutes of of funding support for the project activities of the AED meetings from the Arctic Research Commission and Working Group for 1996–1997. The AED Working IARPC. This action provides support for preparation of Group is comprised of members of the IARPC the journal and documentation of the interagency agencies,and academic representatives. These activities programs. include: maintenance of the AEDD, including entry and review of new data set descriptions, updates to existing Polar Libraries Colloquy: Proceedings and entries, personal computer hardware and software; Participant Support Internet access to Aden, a UNIX server, located in offices OPP 9627353 of the U.S. Geological Survey in Anchorage, Alaska; 06/01/96; (OPP) $18,329; 6 months development of an international counterpart to AEDD, the University of Alaska–Anchorage international Arctic Data Directory (ADD) with partner Anchorage, AK 99508-4614 organizations initially in Canada, Denmark, Finland, Barbara J. Sokolov Norway and Russia; coordination with and links to related data management activities, such as the Global Change The Polar Libraries Colloquy (Colloquy) was founded in Master Director and the ADD; outreach and information 1971 to provide an international forum for librarians and dissemination, including sponsorship of and participation others involved in the collection, preservation and in workshops, conferences and meetings involving dissemination of polar information. Colloquy participants agencies, academics, the Arctic Research Commission, represent the institutions generating and housing most of the IARPC and international partners; and liaison with the unpublished and published information about the related U.S. and international environmental programs. Arctic and Antarctic. Colloquy’s purpose is to bring these This project supports the IARPC response to specialists together to discuss issues of mutual interest recommendations of the Arctic Research Commission on and to promote improved and expanded collections, Arctic Data and Information. coordinated information systems, improved delivery of information and materials and other services. NSF funding supports production of the 1996 Colloquy Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) proceedings, which will include the text of presented Support papers, poster sessions, a summary of the business OPP 9616613 meeting and a list of participants. The published 09/01/96; (OPP) $40,000; 12 months proceedings provide an invaluable and unique reference NOAA–Oceanic and Atmospheric Research and reach a broader audience than does Colloquy itself. Silver Spring, MD 20910 They foster collaborative projects, report on the status of Edward P. Myers polar information preservation and dissemination, and aid The Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee in identifying information gaps. The proceedings are provides leadership for the U.S. AMAP. The National important as the most comprehensive record available Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) concerning polar information management. functions as the U.S. Secretariat to the AMAP program. Funds are provided via this interagency transfer for The 1996 International Radiation Commission (IRC) publication of the state of the Arctic Environment Report Symposium “IRS 96: Current Problems in and the AMAP Arctic Assessment Report. Atmospheric Radiation” OPP 9632183 Support to Interagency Arctic Research Policy 08/15/96; (OPP) $20,050; 11 months Committee Staff University of Alaska–Fairbanks OPP 9622318 Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 01/01/96; (OPP) $61,173; 12 months Knut Stamnes U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering The symposium will provide a forum for Laboratory multidisciplinary discussion of remote sensing and Hanover, NH 03755-1290 physical/natural science studies related to atmospheric David W. Cate radiation. Ten science discussion sessions are planned This Interagency Agreement supports activities of the with participation from both international and U.S. Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC), scientists expected. An emphasis of the symposium will for which NSF has lead agency role. These activities be discussion of phenomena and processes relevant to

85 high-latitude research. The symposium will bring together a large number of scientists studying a problem that is very important to the development of an upcoming research program, Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean.

Core Support for the Polar Research Board OPP 9633478 08/15/96; (OPP) $40,100, (OCE) $40,100; 11 months National Academy of Sciences Washington, DC 20418-0007 Chris Elfring The Polar Research Board (PRB), a unit of the National Research Council, was established in 1958 to advise the government on polar issues. The PRB strives to make research in the polar regions more productive and responsive to the needs of the United States, to maintain U.S. awareness of, and representation in, international science programs, and to enhance understanding of issues in polar regions. The Board provides national and international scientific and technical information to U.S. government policy makers and the polar community, represents U.S. interests in international nongovernmental polar scientific organizations and conducts focused studies in areas of polar science, technology and resource management. The PRB facilitates participation of U.S. scientists in two critical international committees dedicated to planning and coordinating research in the Arctic and Antarctic [i.e., the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)]. PRB activities are conducted by a group of volunteer experts, supported by a small staff, selected from academic institutions, industry and national laboratories. The PRB will continue to serve as an information center for distributing materials on IASC and SCAR to U.S. government agencies and the polar community. Other federal agencies and foundations also provide support to the PRB.


IPA Support FY 1996; (OPP) $347,562; 12 months OPP 9615194, OPP 9615900, OPP 9640989 National Science Foundation,Office of Polar Programs Arlington, VA 22230 Arctic Science Program Funds expended to provide salary, travel and other support for Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) personnel assigned to the Arctic Sciences Section, Office of Polar Programs.

Support Services for the Arctic Natural Sciences Program in OPP (Task Order #115, CPO-9596088) OPP 9630104 01/29/96; (OPP) $57,145; 12 months Friday Systems Services, Inc. Lanham–Seabrook, MD 20706 Thomas L. Binaut The Friday Systems Services (FSS) staff member will provide proposal processing services to the Arctic Natural Sciences Program in the Office of Polar Programs for approximately 100 proposals.

Scientific Meeting Panel Support FY 1996; (OPP) $33,754; 12 months National Science Foundation,Office of Polar Programs Arlington, VA 22230 Arctic Science Program Funds expended in support of panelists for scientific reviews of proposals.

Publication Costs FY 1996; (OPP) $33,621; 12 months National Science Foundation,Office of Polar Programs Arlington, VA 22230 Arctic Science Program Funds expended for Arctic publications to include: Arctic Research Journal; Federal Research in the Arctic; and Arctic Science, Engineering and Education.

Preparation of the Arctic Science, Engineering, and Education Directory of Awards: Fiscal Year 1996 (Task Order #45, OPP 9200919) OPP 9200919 12/01/91; (OPP) $26,194; 4 months Capital Systems Group, Inc. Rockville, MD 20850-4315 Raj N. Shah This task order is to provide the NSF with editorial and data analysis services for the Arctic Science, Engineering, and Education Directory of Awards: Fiscal Year 1996, report on Arctic research. The report provides essential information in support of the requirements of the Arctic Research and Policy Act.


A Chapin, F. Stuart...... 20, 64, 67, 69 Chayes, Dale N...... 33 Aagaard, Knut...... 54 Christensen, John P...... 54, 57 Albert, Mary R...... 9, 53 Chu, Liang T...... 6 Ambrose, William G...... 14 Clark, David L...... 55 Anderson, Patricia M...... 59 Clark, James A...... 23 Andrews, John T...... 60, 62 Clark, James S...... 20 Andrews, Martha...... 84 Clark, Peter U...... 25, 26 Anthes, Richard...... 60, 82 Coakley, Bernard J...... 27, 34, 36 Arnoldy, Roger L...... 1, 10 Cochran, Patricia A...... 77 Askew, Tim...... 33 Codispoti, Louis A...... 58 Atkins, Daniel E...... 83 Cole, Julia E...... 31 Avallone, Linnea M...... 6 Collins, Richard L...... 2 Azam, Farooq...... 39 Connelly, James N...... 24 B Conway, Howard...... 42 Cordes, Penelope M...... 71 Baker, Kile B...... 4 Costa, Daniel P...... 17 Bales, Roger C...... 49, 53 Crane, Kathleen...... 36 Barry, Roger G...... 41 Curry, Judith A...... 56 Bartlein, Patrick J...... 61 Curtin, Thomas...... 59 Bender, Michael L...... 51 Bender, Thomas R...... 75 D Benner, David A...... 57 Davidson, Cliff I...... 52, 53 Bentley, Charles R...... 42 Davis, P. Thompson...... 43 Bering, Edgar A...... 4 Decker, Dwight...... 10 Bieber, John W...... 11 Dibb, Jack E...... 53 Binaut, Thomas L...... 87 Duffy, Lawrence K...... 83 Biscaye, Pierre E...... 54 Dumond, Don E...... 76 Blake, Donald R...... 53 Dunton, Kenneth H...... 15 Bliss, Lawrence C...... 14 Dyurgerov, Mark...... 69 Bond, Gerard C...... 35 Borys, Randolph D...... 56 E Boyle, Edward A...... 24 Edmond, John M...... 28 Bradley, Raymond S...... 41, 59 Edwards, Margo H...... 33 Brass, Garrett W...... 84 Eisner, Wendy R...... 62 Briggs, William M...... 55 Elfring, Chris...... 86 Brigham-Grette, Julie...... 25, 62 Elias, Scott A...... 61 Brook, Edward J...... 26 Elser, James J...... 19 Brozena, John M...... 28 Engebretson, David C...... 22 Brubaker, Linda B...... 60, 68 Engebretson, Mark J...... 2 Bryant, Yvonne G...... 80 Evenson, Edward B...... 46 Burch, Jr., Ernest S...... 73 Burden, Elliott...... 8 F C Fain, Samuel C...... 80 Fairall, C. W...... 56 Calkin, Parker E...... 43 Falkner, Kelly K...... 38 Carey, Steven...... 34 Fitzhugh, William W...... 76 Carnegie, John W...... 82 Fitzpatrick, Joan J...... 48 Cate, David W...... 85 Flanders, Nicholas E...... 70 Cates, Rex G...... 19 Forman, Steven L...... 43, 45, 61 Caulfield, Richard A...... 72 Fujita, Kazuya...... 29 Chagnon, Napoleon A...... 75 Chandler, Mark A...... 7 G Koester, David C...... 76 Kosalos, James...... 34 Gans, Phillip B...... 22 Kruse, John A...... 74 Garwood, Roland W...... 37 Kuivinen, Karl...... 70 Gawarkiewicz, Glen G...... 55 Kutzbach, John E...... 30 Giblin, Anne E...... 69 Kvitek, Rikk G...... 21 Goebel, Frank (Ted) E...... 79 Gow, Anthony J...... 51 L Grayson, Donald K...... 75 Lal, Devendra...... 53 Grebmeier, Jacqueline M...... 57, 58 Lamebull, Edna...... 83 Greenfield, Roy J...... 48 Langlois, Philip M...... 80 Greenwald, Raymond A...... 3 Lapenis, Andrei...... 32 H Larson, Dorothy M...... 74 Lawver, Lawrence A...... 28 Hall, Michael...... 13 Layer, Paul W...... 29 Hallet, Bernard...... 26, 29 Lee, Molly...... 73 Hamilton, Lawrence C...... 74 Leer, Jeffry A...... 78 Hammer, Michael F...... 73 Lust, Barbara...... 78 Harbor, Jonathan M...... 45 Lyons, Lawrence R...... 10 Harrison, William D...... 44 Harritt, Roger K...... 77 M Hinkel, Kenneth M...... 9, 67 Maasch, Kirk A...... 9 Ho, Carlton L...... 25 MacDonald, Glen M...... 61 Hobbie, John E...... 16, 17, 63 Maschner, Herbert D. G...... 71, 76 Hobbs, Peter V...... 4 Maslowski, Wieslaw...... 58 Hodges, Kip V...... 24 Mayewski, Paul A...... 50 Holbrook, W. S...... 34 McCartney, Allen P...... 71, 78 Hollibaugh, James T...... 18, 39 McClelland, William C...... 28 Holm-Hansen, Osmund...... 14 McElroy, Michael B...... 5 Honrath, Richard E...... 5 McGinnis, David L...... 69 Hooke, Roger...... 43, 44 McGovern, Thomas H...... 71, 74 Hu, Feng S...... 68 McGuire, A. David...... 68 Hughes, W. Jeffrey...... 2 Meier, Mark F...... 46 Humphrey, Neil F...... 47 Miller, Elizabeth L...... 22 Huntington, Henry P...... 73 Miller, Gifford H...... 23, 45, 60 Moore, Casey C...... 80 I Moran, Mark L...... 48 Iverson, Neal R...... 31 Moritz, Richard E...... 57 J Murcray, Frank J...... 13 Myers, Edward P...... 85 Jacoby, Gordon C...... 8 Jacobel, Robert W...... 47 N Jennings, Anne...... 35 Nanney, Robert M...... 82 Jenson, John W...... 25 Nelson, Frederick E...... 67 Johnson, Lucy L...... 72 Nishiizumi, Kunihiko...... 50 Jolles, Carol Z...... 77 Norton, Stephen A...... 36 K O Kahl, Jonathan D...... 53 Oberbauer, Steven F...... 65 Kane, Douglas L...... 65 Oechel, Walter C...... 63 Kaplan, Susan A...... 75 Olson, John V...... 12 Kappel, Ellen...... 35 Osterkamp, Thomas E...... 31, 32 Karson, Jeffrey A...... 29 Overpeck, Jonathan T...... 59 Kaufman, Darrell...... 45 Kelly, John D...... 1, 11 P Key, Jeffrey R...... 12 Kiene, Ronald P...... 20 Padman, Laurence...... 38 Kling, George W...... 15, 68 Papitashvili, Vladimir O...... 3 Petrenko, Victor F...... 42

ii Pfeffer, W. Tad...... 47 Thomas, Gary E...... 3 Ping, Chien-Lu...... 64 Thomas, Robert H...... 58 Pinkel, Robert...... 56 Thompson, Lonnie G...... 41 Polyak, Leonid...... 40 Thonnard, Norbert...... 42 Posson, Douglas R...... 84 Toohey, Darin W...... 4 Trupin, Andrew S...... 49 R Tucker, Walter B...... 54, 58 Radtke, Richard L...... 18 V Ram, Michael...... 52 Rapley, Chris G...... 84 Van der Veen, Cornelis J...... 43 Rastetter, Edward B...... 67, 68 Van Scoy, Kim A...... 37 Raymond, Charles F...... 47 Raymond, James A...... 15 W Rea, David K...... 35 Waddington, Edwin D...... 50 Reanier, Richard E...... 73 Wahlen, Martin...... 51 Reeburgh, William S...... 64 Walker, Donald A...... 63 Reid, Judy...... 82 Walker, Marilyn D...... 66 Retelle, Michael J...... 59 Walsh, John E...... 5, 8 Ricklefs, Robert E...... 18 Watkins, Brenton J...... 11 Ridgway, Kenneth D...... 25 Welker, Jeffrey M...... 66 Robinson, David A...... 7 Weller, Gunter E...... 64, 66 Roeske, Sarah...... 28 Werner, Al...... 62 Rosen, James M...... 13 Werner, Bradley...... 26 Rosenberg, Theodore J...... 11 Werren, John H...... 19 Ruohoniemi, J. M...... 12 White, Garland F...... 72 S White, James W...... 51 Whitledge, Terry E...... 37 Saltzman, Eric S...... 52 Wilk, Richard...... 77 Sambrotto, Raymond N...... 38 Windom, Herbert L...... 39 Savage, Norman M...... 24 Wingfield, John C...... 16 Schimel, Joshua P...... 19 Woodbury, Anthony C...... 78 Schlosser, Peter...... 37, 57 Wright, James E...... 22 Schwaegerle, Kent E...... 65 Wyss, Max...... 27 Sedinger, James S...... 63 Serreze, Mark C...... 7, 68 Y Shah, Raj N...... 87 Yarie, John A...... 16 Sheehan, Glenn W...... 72 Sherrell, Robert M...... 24 Z Simpson, Patrick K...... 21 Zielinski, Gregory A...... 44, 53 Sivjee, Gulamabas G...... 1, 10 Zreda, Marek G...... 27 Smith, Roger W...... 1 Smith, Thomas D...... 33 Soja, Constance M...... 22 Sokolov, Barbara J...... 85 Sowers, Todd...... 51 Spilhaus, A. F...... 30 Stamnes, Knut...... 56, 85 Starfield, Anthony M...... 69 Steffen, Konrad...... 44 Stoltman, James B...... 76 Stuiver, Minze...... 49 Sturm, Matthew...... 66 Swenson, Gary R...... 3 Swift, James H...... 37 T Tape, Walter...... 6 Tarduno, John A...... 30


A H Aerospace Corporation...... 10 Harbor Branch Ocean Institute...... 33 Alaska Federation of Natives...... 74, 75, 77 Harvard University...... 5 Alliant Techsystems, Inc...... 34 Health Research, Inc...... 6 American Geophysical Union...... 30 Anchorage School District...... 82, 83 I Arctic Research Commission...... 84, 85 Indiana University–Bloomington...... 77 Arctic Research Consortium of the United States...... 70 International Geosphere...... 67, 84 Arizona State University...... 19 International Union of Circumpolar Health...... 75 Associated Village Council President...... 73 Inuit Circumpolar Conference...... 73 Augsburg College...... 2 J B Johns Hopkins University...... 3, 4, 12 Bartol Research Institute...... 11 Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc...... 35 Bates College...... 14, 59 Bentley College...... 43 L Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences...... 54, 57 Lehigh University...... 46 Boston College...... 10 Lockheed Miss–Palo Alto...... 3 Boston University...... 2, 12 Bowdoin College...... 75 M Brigham Young University...... 19 Bryn Mawr College...... 72 Marine Biological Laboratory...... 16, 17, 63, 67, 68, 69 Massachusetts Institute of Technology...... 24, 28 C Memorial University of Newfoundland...... 8 Michigan State University...... 29, 30 Calvin College...... 23 Michigan Technological University...... v Capital Systems Group, Inc...... 87 Mount Holyoke College...... 62 Carnegie Mellon University...... 52, 53 Colgate University...... 22 N Colorado State University...... 66 Columbia University...... 7, 8, 27, 33, 34, National Academy of Sciences...... 75, 86 ...... 35, 36, 37, 38, 54, 57, 76 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Cornell University–Endowed...... 78 ...... 58 CUNY Hunter College...... 71, 74 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)...... 7, 13, 57, 85 D NOAA–Environmental Research Laboratory...... 56 NOAA–Oceanic and Atmospheric Research...... 85 Dartmouth College...... 42 National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs 87 Department of Navy–Naval Research Laboratory...... 28 Naval Postgraduate School...... 37, 58 Department of Navy–NOAA Ice Center...... 57 Department of Navy–Office of Naval Research...... 59 O Duke University...... 20, 29 Ohio State University Research Foundation...... 40, 41, 43, E ...... 45, 61 Emory–Riddle Aeronautical University...... 1, 10 Old Dominion Research Foundation...... 58, 72 Oregon State University...... 25, 26, 38 F P Florida International University...... 65 Friday Systems Services, Inc...... 87 Penn State University–University Park...... 48, 51 Purdue University Research Foundation...... 25, 45

4 Q University of Maryland–College Park...... 11 University of Massachusetts–Amherst...... 25, 41, 59, 62 Quadrant Engineering...... 80 University of Miami–School of Marine and Atmospheric R Sciences...... 52 University of Michigan...... 3, 15, 35, 68, 69, 83 Rutgers, The State University...... 7, 24 University of Minnesota–Twin Cities.....31, 43, 44, 68, 69 University of Missouri–St. Louis...... 18 S University of Nebraska at Lincoln...... 70 San Diego State University Foundation...... 63 University of Nevada–Desert Research Institute...... 56 San Francisco State University...... 18, 39 University of Nevada–Las Vegas...... 15 San Jose State University Foundation...... 21 University of New Hampshire...... 1, 10, 44, 50, 53, 74 Scientific Fishery Systems...... 21 University of Oregon–Eugene...... 24, 61, 76 Skidaway Institute of Oceanography...... 39 University of Rhode Island...... 26, 34, 51 Smithsonian Institution...... 76 University of Rochester...... 19, 30 Southern Oregon State College...... 79 University of South Alabama...... 20 SRI International...... 1, 11 University of Tennessee-Knoxville...... 42, 57, 58 St. Olaf College...... 47 University of Texas–Austin...... 15, 24, 25, 37, 78 Stanford University...... 22 University of Washington.4, 14, 16, 26, 29, 42, 47, 49, 50, State University of New York–Albany...... 32, 67 ...... 51, 54, 57, 59, 60, 68, 75, 77, 80 State University of New York–Brockport...... 73 University of Wisconsin–Madison....30, 37, 42, 55, 71, 76 State University of New York–Buffalo...... 43, 52 University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee...... 53 University of Wyoming...... 13, 47, 66 T Utah State University...... 45 Triangle Research and Development Corporation...... 80 V U Vassar College...... 49, 72 U.S. Army Cold Region Research and Engineering W Laboratory (USACRREL)...9, 48, 51, 53, 54, 58, 66, 85 U.S. Geological Survey...22, 24, 29, 47, 48, 50, 59, 84, 85 Washington State University...... 25 U.S. Geological Survey–Denver...... 84 Western Washington University...... 22 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research...60, 82 WET Labs, Inc...... 80 University of Alaska–Anchorage...... 62, 74, 77, 85 William Marsh Rice University...... 22 University of Alaska–Fairbanks.1, 2, 6, 11, 12, 16, 27, 29, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution...... 34, 55 . 31, 32, 33, 44, 56, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 71, 72, 78, 83, 85 University of Alaska–SE Juneau...... 82 University of Arizona...... 27, 49, 53, 73 University of Arkansas...... 71, 78 University of California–Berkley...... 20, 50, 64, 67, 69 University of California–Davis...... 28 University of California–Irvine...... 4, 53, 54 University of California–Los Angeles...... 61 University of California–San Diego...... 51, 53, 56 University of California–Santa Barbara...... 19, 22, 28, 75 University of California–Santa Cruz...... 17 University of California–Scripps Institute.....14, 26, 37, 39 University of Cincinnati...... 9, 67 University of Colorado–Boulder...... 3, 6, 7, 23, 31, 35, 41, ...... 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 68, ...... 69, 84 University of Denver...... 13 University of Guam...... 25 University of Hawaii–Manoa...... 18, 33 University of Houston...... 4 University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign...... 5, 8 University of Maine...... 9, 36


A Bristol Bay...... 45, 72 British Columbia...... 76 Africa...... 73 Brooks Range...... 32, 65, 73 Agassiz Ice Cap...... 59 Buyunda...... 75 Ahklun Mountains...... 45, 46 Bylot...... 8 Alaska.1, 2, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, C 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, Cambridge Bay...... 2 ...... 76, 77, 78, 82, 83, 84, 85 Canada....1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 39, 41, 43, Aldan Shield...... 28 ...... 44, 54, 55, 60, 75, 78, 85 Aleutian...... 21, 33, 42, 71, 72, 77 Cantwell Basin...... 25 Aleutian Islands...... 21, 71, 72, 77 Chena...... 16 Alexander terrane...... 22 Chevak...... 78 Alpha Ridges...... 27 Chile...... 41 Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge...... 28 China...... 28, 30, 31, 41 Americas...... 8, 41 Chukchi Borderland...... 22, 27, 28, 33, 37, 39, 57, 72, 73 Amundsen...... 37, 39 Chukchi Sea...... 22, 27, 28, 33, 37, 39, 57, 72, 73 Anabar...... 28 Chukotka...... 25, 30, 73, 77 Anadyr...... 40 Chukotka Peninsula...... 25 Antarctica...... 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 47, 52 Columbia Glacier...... 43 Arctic Basin...... 34, 37 Continental Margin...... 35 Arctic Circle...... 8, 62 Cordillera...... 29 Arctic Continental Shelves...... 55 Cornwallis...... 27 Arctic Ocean...8, 12, 14, 18, 27, 28, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, Cumberland Sound...... 23 ...... 40, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 65, 86 Argentina...... 41 D Asia...... 41, 62 Atlantic. 6, 9, 23, 25, 29, 30, 35, 36, 37, 40, 45, 51, 52, 55, Dasuopu Glacier...... 41 ...... 57, 58, 61, 62, 71, 72, 74, 75 Davis...... 11, 28, 43 Deccan and Siberian Traps...... 30 B Denali Fault System...... 25 Denali National Park and Preserve...... 62 Baffin Bay...... 27 Denmark...... 13, 35, 37, 61, 85 Baffin Island...... 2, 43, 44, 60 Denmark Strait...... 35, 37, 61 Baker Lake...... 2 Devon...... 14, 27 Baltica...... 23 Devon Island...... 14 Barents Sea...... 36 Dunde...... 41 Barrow...... 38, 67, 78 Bathurst...... 27 E Bear Island Fan...... 36 Beijing...... 30, 31 East European Plain...... 32 Bering Glacier...... 29 Ecuador...... 41 Bering Land Bridge...... 61 Elgygytgyn Lake...... 62 Bering Sea...... 21, 33, 73 Ellef Ringness Islands...... 27 Bering Shelf...... 22 Engabreen...... 44 Bering Strait...... 25, 57, 77 Eurasia...... 9, 30, 36, 40, 45, 61, 71, 73, 79 Beringia...... 59, 60, 61, 62, 75 Eureka...... 13 Bethel...... 71, 73 F Black Rapids Glacier...... 44, 47 Bolivia...... 41 Fairbanks, Alaska.....1, 2, 6, 11, 12, 13, 16, 27, 30, 31, 32, Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest...... 16 ...... 33, 44, 56, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 77, 78, 82, Brazil...... 40, 41 ...... 83, 85

6 Finland...... 3, 13, 85 Labrador Sea...... 23, 62 Fjaerland...... 42 Lakewood, Colorado...... 48 Foxe Basin...... 23 Laki...... 25 France...... 3, 13 Laptev...... 37 Franz Josef Land...... 43 Laurentia...... 23 Laurentide Ice Sheet...... 23, 25, 26, 62 G Lena...... 28 Gambell...... 77 Lomonosov Ridge...... 27, 36 Germany...... 13 M Goose Bay, Labrador...... 3, 4 Greenland. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 24, 27, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, Magadan...... 22, 30 ...... 44, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 61, 72, 74, 75, 80, 83 Makarov...... 27, 37, 39 Greenland Ice Sheet...... 9, 35, 44, 49, 52, 54 Makarov Basin...... 27, 37 Greenland Sea...... 37 Matanuska Glacier...... 46 Guayana Shield...... 28 McMurdo Stations...... 10 Gulf of Alaska...... 33 Mendeleev Ridge...... 27, 36 Gulf of St. Lawrence...... 35 Minnesota...... 31, 43, 44, 68, 69 Guliya...... 41 Mt. St. Elias...... 29 H N Halley Bay...... 4, 11 Nagssugtoqidian...... 24 Hornsund Fault...... 36 Nansen...... 35, 37, 39 Hudson Bay...... 23 Nares Strait...... 30 Hudson Strait...... 23, 25, 62 Nash Harbor...... 76 Native Alaska...... 73, 83 I Newfoundland...... 6, 8, 74, 75 Iceland...... 30, 34, 35, 38, 60, 61, 74 Nixon Fork...... 22 Icy Bays...... 43 North America....16, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30, 42, 59, 62, 67, Igloolik...... 78 ...... 71, 78 Imnavait Creek...... 63 North Atlantic Ocean....6, 9, 23, 25, 30, 35, 37, 45, 51, 52, Indigirka...... 28 ...... 58, 61, 62, 71, 72, 74, 75 Innuitian Ice Sheet...... 27 North Cape Current...... 61 Inuvik...... 75 North Chukchi Basin...... 28 Iqaluit...... 1, 2, 11 North Pole...... 8 Isachesen volcanics...... 30 North Slope...... 17, 60, 63, 67, 69, 72, 74, 77 Northern Hemisphere...... 1, 7, 9, 13, 35 J Northwest Passage...... 38 Northwest Territories...... 1, 13, 38, 78 Jacobshavn glacier...... 80 Norway...... 14, 35, 42, 44, 74, 85 Japan...... 44 Norwegian Seas...... 45 K Novaya Zemlya...... 45 Nunavut...... 8 Kamchatka...... 77 Nunivak Island...... 76 Kara Sea...... 40, 45 Kenai...... 82 O Khabarovsk...... 22 Ob’...... 40 Kheta...... 75 Olenek...... 28 Knipovich Ridge...... 36 Orinoco...... 28 Kola Peninsula...... 61 Kolyma...... 28, 30, 75 P Kuparuk...... 63, 65 Kuparuk River...... 63 Pacific Ocean...... 22, 30, 33, 35, 42, 55, 57, 58, 63, 76 Pacific rim...... 35 L Patos Lagoons...... 40 Penny Ice Cap...... 44 Labrador...... 3, 4, 23, 26, 62, 75 Peru...... 41

7 Pingasagruk...... 72 Tunguska...... 25 Point Franklin...... 72 Poker Flat...... 2 U Polar Deserts...... 14 Ungava...... 23 Polar Sea...... 37 Unimak Island...... 71, 76 Pond Inlet...... 8 United States...... 3, 13, 21, 31, 34, 36, 41, 42, 60, 67, 73, Pribilof Islands...... 17 ...... 74, 75, 84, 85, 86 Prince Patrick...... 27 Upper Kolyma Region...... 75 Prudhoe Bay, Alaska...... 32 Uptar...... 75 R Ural Mountains...... 23 Resolute Bay, Canada...... 1 V Resolute, Canada...... 1, 2, 15, 38 Valdi...... 43 Ross Ice Shelf...... 47 Vitus Lake...... 29 Ruby Terrane...... 28 Russia....13, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 32, 35, 40, 43, 45, 59, 61, W 62, Wainwright...... 72 ...... 73, 77, 85 West Antarctic Ice Sheet...... 47 S West Florida shelf...... 40 Saint Anna Trough...... 40 Y Saint Lawrence Island...... 77, 78 Yakutat...... 43 Seward Peninsula...... 46 Yakutsk...... 22, 30 Shumagin Islands...... 72 Yana...... 28 Siberia28, 30, 32, 35, 37, 40, 45, 59, 60, 62, 73, 75, 77, 79 Yenisey...... 40 Siberian basins...... 28 Yukon...... 31, 41, 61, 63, 71 Siberian rivers...... 40 Silurian reef...... 22 Sireniki...... 77 Somerset...... 27 Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland...... 1, 2, 10, 11, 83 Sondrestrom...... 3, 11 Sophia Lake...... 59 South African Sanae Station...... 4 South America...... 41 South Cascade Glacier...... 47 South Pole, Antarctica...... 1, 2, 6, 10, 11 Southern Ocean...... 15 Soviet Union (former)...... 41, 70, 75 Spitsbergen...... 36 St. Lawrence Island...... 77, 78 Storglaciaren...... 43 Strand Fiord...... 30 Summit, Greenland...... 50, 51, 52, 53 Svalbard, Norway...... 10 Sweden...... 43 Switzerland...... 45 T Tanana...... 16 Tennessee...... 38, 42, 57, 58 Toolik Lake, Alaska...... 16, 17, 63, 67, 68 Torngat Mountains...... 26 Tromsø, Norway...... 1, 14, 35 Tropics...... 28


A ...... 67, 68, 69, 74, 76, 84 clouds...... 3, 4, 11, 13, 56 aerogeophysics...... 27, 28 contaminants...... 32, 85 air...... 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 31, 32, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, Cordillera...... 29 ...... 55, 57, 65, 66 coring...... 9, 34, 35, 41, 50, 60, 61, 67, 70 Alaska Native Science Commission (ANSC).....74, 75, 77 cosmic ray...... 11 Aleut...... 71, 76, 78 Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Alpha Helix research vessel...... 33 Regions (CEDAR)...... 1, 2 Arctic charr...... 18 crustal deformation...... 49 Arctic Data Directory (ADD)...... 85 culture, clutural...... 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 82, 83 Arctic Environmental Data Directory (AEDD)...... 85 Cupiit...... 76 Arctic Environmental Directory (AED)...... 84 Arctic fishes...... 15 D Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP)...85 Denali fault...... 25 Arctic radiation...... 12 Deuterium...... 51 Arctic Systems Science (ARCSS)....14, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, diet...... 16, 17, 72 ...... 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70 Arctic Vortex...... 13 E Arctic whale...... 73, 77, 78 aurora...... 1 Earth Systems Implementation Project (ESIP)...... 82 Auroral Spectroscopy...... 3 ecosystem(s). 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 32, 36, 61, 62, 63, ...... 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72 B education...... 70, 72, 77, 82, 87 El Niño Southern Oscillations (ENSO)...... 31, 41, 75 Bacterioplankton...... 18, 39 equilibrium line altitude (ELA)...... 46 balloon(s)...... 5, 13, 56 Eskimo(s)...... 73, 76, 77, 78, 83 basal ice...... 44, 46, 48, 50, 51 Eyak...... 78 bathymetry...... 27, 34, 36, 55, 62 bedrock...... 27, 44, 50 F behavior...... 8, 16, 17, 24, 25, 42, 47, 71, 72, 83 Bella Coola...... 76 fauna...... 22, 24, 55, 79 biochemistry...... 83 firn...... 9 biodiversity...... 20, 67 fish...... 15, 17, 18, 74 biology...... 8, 14, 16, 54, 55, 83, 85 fishing...... 74 bird(s)...... 16, 18, 63 flow...... 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 23, 25, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 40, 43, ...... 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 55, 57, 69, 73, 84 C flux(es)....5, 6, 7, 12, 20, 23, 25, 28, 35, 38, 40, 45, 46, 51, ...... 54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69 carbon.....5, 6, 9, 14, 15, 18, 20, 28, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 51, forest(s)...... 8, 9, 16, 19, 30, 43, 60, 69 ...... 52, 54, 57, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69 fossil...... 22, 25, 59, 61 carbon cycle...... 20, 37, 38, 39, 68 frazil ice...... 80 carbon cycling...... 15, 37, 63, 68 freshwater...... 16, 17, 20, 40, 61, 65 chemistry....2, 5, 13, 16, 17, 36, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 64, 82, ...... 83, 85 G circulation.....4, 7, 9, 13, 20, 23, 26, 28, 30, 37, 38, 41, 42, ...... 45, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 64, 68 General Circulation Models (GCMs)...... 7, 20, 30, 56 climate...... 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 25, Geographic Information System (GIS)...... 21, 63, 70, 76 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, geology...... 23, 25, 27, 30, 31, 82, 83 46,. 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, geomagnetic...... 2, 4, 10, 12, 30, 50 ...... 63,64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 74, 75, 76, 80, 82, 83 Geospace Environmental Monitoring (GEM). 1, 2, 3, 4, 63 climate change....7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 25, 27, 31, 38, 39, 43, glacial, glacier(s)....7, 9, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, 35, ...... 44, 46, 50, 51, 52, 53, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, . 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 62, 69, 80

9 Global Change in Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) K Programs...... 67 global climate.....5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 23, 26, 28, 37, 46, 54, 55, kelp...... 15 ...... 58, 59, 60, 62, 67, 68, 69 L global positioning system (GPS)...... 49 global warming...... 7, 9, 15, 28, 65, 66, 67, 69 lake(s)...... 9, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 30, 36, 59, 60, 61, 62 greenhouse gases...... 32, 60, 65 Land–Atmosphere–Ice Interactions (LAII)...... 63, 64, 65, Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP)...... 50 ...... 66, 67 Greenland Ice Sheet...... 9, 35, 44, 49, 52, 54 Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS)...... 23, 25, 26, 62 Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP2) ....44, 49, 50, 51, 52, lidar...... 2, 11, 56 ...... 53, 54 Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER).....16, 17, 67, 68 groundwater...... 39 Longyearbyen Optical Station...... 1 H M halos...... 6 magnetometer...... 1, 2, 10, 34 Heinrich Events...... 51, 62 Magnetometer Array for Cusp and Cleft Studies High Arctic...... 14, 15, 17, 18, 33, 59 (MACCS)...... 2, 4 Holocene...... 29, 36, 40, 43, 44, 52, 55, 59, 61, 62 Magnetometer Array on the Greenland Ice Cap (MAGIC) hotspot...... 34 ...... 3 human(s)...8, 15, 17, 31, 39, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, magnetosphere...... 2, 3, 10, 12 ...... 78, 79, 83 marine ecosystems...... 72 hunting...... 77, 78 mesospheric clouds...... 3 Mesozoic...... 29, 30 I Methane...... 51, 64 ice camp...... 56 models, modeling. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, ice core(s). 9, 23, 25, 35, 41, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, ...... 59, 74 49, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, ice sheet(s).....23, 25, 27, 35, 42, 44, 45, 47, 49, 51, 52, 62 ...... 71, 74, 76, 82, 83, 84 incoherent scatter radar (ISR)...... 1, 3, 11 N indigenous...... 72, 73, 75 induction magnetometer...... 10 Nansen Arctic Drilling Program (NAD)...... 35 infrared...... 13 National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)....11, Insects...... 19 60, Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)..23, ...... 64, 68 35 National Ice Core Laboratory (NICL)...... 48, 50 Instrumentation...... 31, 33, 56 National Research Council (NRC)...... 11, 82, 86 Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC). National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)...... 69 84, Native...... 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 82, 83 ...... 85 Northeast Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute Inter-American Institute (IAI)...... 8, 41 (NEISRI)...... 29, 30 Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)...... 87 Northern Fur Seal...... 17 International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)...... 86 Numerical models...... 38, 48 International Geological Congress (IGC)...... 31 Nunavut Environmental Assessment Transect (NEAT)....8 International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP).84 Nuxalk...... 76 International Tundra Experiment (ITEX)...... 66, 67 Inuit...... 73, 75 O Inuktitut...... 78 Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)...... 34 Inupiat...... 73 Ocean–Atmosphere–Ice Interaction (OAII)...... 54, 57, 58 ionosphere...... 3, 4, 11, 12 orogeny, orogenic...... 22, 24 isotopic...... 28, 31, 34, 41, 42, 51, 59, 60 oxygen isotope...... 50, 51, 57 J ozone...... 1, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15 Jan Mayen research vessel...... 35 P joekulhlaups...... 34 pack ice...... 58 paleoclimate...... 9, 25, 41, 50, 59, 60, 61, 62

10 Paleoclimates from Arctic Lakes and Estuaries (PALE)... stratosphere...... 2, 4, 5, 6, 13 59, submarine...... 18, 27, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 59 ...... 60, 61 SuperDARN (Dual Auroral Radar Network)...... 3, 12 Pargo research vessel...... 37, 38 Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA).56, 57 patterned ground...... 26 Swath Bathymetric Imaging System (SWABS)...... 34 peatlands...... 20 permafrost...... 9, 17, 20, 27, 31, 32, 41, 63, 66, 67, 68 T photochemistry...... 3, 5, 6 taiga...... 16, 19 photoplastic effect (PPE)...... 42 photosynthesis...... 15, 67 Phytoplankton...... 14, 15, 39 plants...... 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 65, 66, 69 Pleistocene...... 25, 26, 32, 45, 49, 61, 62, 75 Polar Cap...... 1, 10 Polar Cusp...... 10 polar desert(s)...... 14 Polar Ice Coring Office (PICO)...... 70 Polar Libraries Colloquy...... 84, 85 Polar Research Board (PRB)...... 75, 86 Polarstern research vessel...... 57 pollen...... 9, 59, 60, 61, 62, 74 Project On Leading Alaska Reform in Science (POLARIS)...... 82 Q Quaternary...... 23, 27, 29, 35, 44, 45, 55, 59, 60, 61 R radar...... 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 26, 47, 48, 72, 80 radiation...... 8, 12, 14, 56 Radio echo-sounding (RES)...... 47 rare-earth element (REE)...... 55 Research at Undergraduate Institutions (RUI)...... 21, 22 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)....47, 83 research vessel...... 33, 57 riometry...... 11 rock(s)...... 22, 26, 28, 47 Rural Alaskan Sanitation Education Program...... 82 S sandpipers...... 18 satellite imagery...... 43, 45, 47 school...... 37, 52, 58, 72, 82, 83 Science Management Office (SMO)...... 50, 58, 66 Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)....86 sea ice...... 4, 7, 38, 40, 55, 56, 60, 61 sediment(s).....9, 15, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, 34, 35, 36, ...... 40, 44, 45, 48, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)...... 80 Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER)....6, 36, 62 snow...4, 7, 9, 13, 16, 31, 42, 44, 49, 52, 53, 60, 65, 66, 69 soil organic matter (SOM)...... 64 soil(s)...... 14, 16, 19, 26, 32, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer (SIRMS)...... 31 strata...... 22, 25

11 tannins...... 19 tectonic...... 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34 temperature...... 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 28, 32, 37, 38, 45, 46, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, ...... 68, 81 terrestrial....3, 17, 19, 27, 30, 39, 51, 61, 65, 68, 69, 72, 85 Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM)...... 63, 68 Testing Earth System Models with Paleoenvironmental Observations (TEMPO)...... 30 till...... 25, 32, 43 Tlingit...... 78 treeline...... 69 tree-ring...... 8, 43 trees...... 8, 19, 43 troposphere...... 2, 5, 6, 12 tundra...... 4, 15, 16, 20, 21, 30, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, ...... 67, 68, 69 U U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP)...8, 30 U.S. Polar Information Working Group (USPIWG)...... 84 ultraviolet radiation...... 14, 15, 38, 42 undergraduate...... 22, 47, 71, 79, 83 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)...... 60, 82 V vegetation...... 9, 17, 21, 30, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, ...... 68, 69, 74 volcanic, volcanism...... 5, 25, 27, 30, 34, 35, 53 W water cycle...... 5 watershed...... 39, 69 weather...... 10, 12, 13, 16, 32, 57, 68 web site...... 76 wetlands...... 20, 30, 51 women...... 62, 71, 73, 77, 83 World Data Center (WDC-A)...... 41 Y Yakut Science Center (YSC)...... 29, 30 Yup’ik...... 63, 71, 73, 77, 78, 83 Z Zooplankton...... 19

12 NSF 97-78 (Replaces NSF 96-101)


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