Simple FAQ’s

Simple837 Simple837 – How do I have the same Archive Data on all the computers in my network?

In Simple837, click on the Setup button, then the Simple837 Data Location TAB. Check the “Enable Shared Simple837 Dataset” box. Type in the UNC data path to that location. It must be in the format of \\Servername\Sharename\Datafolder. This data folder must also be on the same computer as Advantage Database server.

Simple837 – Where are the claim files stored that get auto-uploaded to the clearinghouse?

Simple837 does not keep the batch file it auto-uploads to a clearinghouse. During the batch creation process, Simple837 stores a temporary file in the EMC\Transmit folder in your medisoft dataset. This Transmit folder will always be empty before and after creating a batch.

Simple837 – What are stored in each of the folders in the EMC folder in my dataset?

In your dataset folder, Simple837 will create a folder called EMC and in that folder, it creates the following folders: EMC\Reports – All downloaded reports and the archive pre-reports are stored there. EMC\Send – If you are manually uploading the claims to the clearinghouse, they are stored here. EMC\TCH – a human readable copy of the batch created EMC\Transmit – a temporary holding bin for the creation of the claims.

\ERA\Downloaded – where the ERA files are placed if Get Reports (auto-upload) is enabled.

Simple837 – I get an error auto-uploading the claims batch and then I get duplicate claims.

The EMC\Transmit folder is not empty prior to sending a batch to the clearinghouse. Update Simple837 to take care of this issue.

Simple837 – Why is my Get Reports button grayed out?

The clearinghouse you are using does not have auto-upload ability or you have Manual selected in the Clearinghouse Settings in the Setup screen.

Simple837 – Why do I have 4 EDI receivers in medisoft?

Simple837 by default creates an EDI receiver for BlueCross/BlueShield, Commercials, Medicare, and Medicaid. Quite often, the EDI receivers need to have different settings. You can then manually make the changes to that particular receiver and not affect the remaining ones. Also, if there is something that needs to be fixed in a particular batch (i.e. a payer ID in the commercial batch), you can still send the remaining batches. The creation of 4 batches and transmitting them is really no more time then keeping them as one file.

Simple837 – How do I manually create an EDI receiver for Simple837?

To ensure you are filling in all the correct fields for the Edi receiver, we recommend creating the EDI receivers for the Medical Group Tutorial dataset in medisoft. This will allow you to edit the receiver and duplicate all the fields that are populated by Simple837 Creation Utility in the Setup screen.

Simple837 – The update failed. How do I get the update manually?

Go to . Download the appropriate zipped program and version to you local computer. Copy the files of that zip file to c:\Program Files\Simple837 . It should ask you to overwrite the existing files. Click on Yes to All. See –

Simple837 – Are there specific setting I need to do to make Simple837 work with my clearinghouse?

Normally, no you do not have to tweak anything. There are exceptions of course. They can be found in this document: If you clearinghouse needs something special, please contact your VAR to see what can be done.

Simple837 – How to I add the taxonomy codes for some insurances and not others?

There are three options: 1. EDI Receiver type “C” in the receiver will not send the taxonomy code on the claims at all. 2. EDI Receiver Type “T” - will send the taxonomy code in one of two fields depending on the set up. - No group/person – will only pull in 2000A - Group/non-person – will only pull in 2310B 3. If the EDI Receiver Type is “BLANK” then the taxonomy code will be sent one of the following way depending on the set up. - No group/person – will only pull in 2000A - Group / non-person – will pull in BOTH 2000A & 2310B 4. EDI Receiver Type “G” will allow two different taxonomy codes (see Simple837DataElements.doc for details)

Simple837 – How do I get the taxonomy code in specific loops and segments?

There are three options: 1. EDI Receiver type “C” in the receiver will not send the taxonomy code on the claims at all. 2. EDI Receiver Type “T” - will send the taxonomy code in one of two fields depending on the set up. - No group/person – will only pull in 2000A - Group/non-person – will only pull in 2310B 3. If the EDI Receiver Type is “BLANK” then the taxonomy code will be sent one of the following way depending on the set up. - No group/person – will only pull in 2000A - Group / non-person – will pull in BOTH 2000A & 2310B 4. EDI Receiver Type “G” will allow two different taxonomy codes (see Simple837DataElements.doc for details)

SimpleERA SimpleERA - How do I have the same Archive Data on all the computers in my network?

In SimpleERA, click on the Setup button, then check the “Enable Shared SimpleERA Dataset” box. Type in the UNC data path to that location. It must be in the format of \\Servername\Sharename\Datafolder. This data folder must also be on the same computer as Advantage Database server.

SimpleERA – How can I repost an ERA file again?

SimpleERA will move the ERA file to the dataset folder displayed on the front screen into a folder called ERA\Posted. You need to click on the Get ERA button and point it to that folder. The file is renamed with an extension of .PST. you will need to sort by date to find the one you are looking for.

SimpleERA – When I read in an ERA file, what happens to the original ERA file?

SimpleERA will move the ERA file to the dataset folder displayed on the front screen into a folder called ERA\Posted. The file is renamed with an extension of .PST. The ERA files are moved to this location regardless if they have actually been posted or not.

SimpleERA – How come nothing is displayed in the data grid when I read in an ERA file?

The ERA files is not a valid ANSI 835 file.

SimpleERA – How can I split a single check to multiple practices?

SimpleERA does not allow this to be done.

SimpleERA – How can I select different insurance carriers in medisoft for a single EOB to post payments to?

SimpleERA does not allow this to be done. The selection of different insurance carriers is not needed for posting the payments. SimpleERA will read in the carrier from the case for that charge.

SimpleERA – What is the “Mark Rejections as Complete” used for?

For those that want the charged to be marked as complete for that insurance regardless if it was rejected by the insurance carrier or not. We do NOT recommend using this option. SimpleERA – How can I get it to post regardless of the modifier(s) used or not used?

In SimpleERA, click on Setup, then check the option “Ignore Modifiers When Posting Payments”. We recommending coding the charge to match when the insurance carrier wants and not use this option if possible.

SimpleERA – Why are the deductibles posted into medisoft incorrect for certain insurance carriers?

Certain insurance carriers will include the patients co-pay amount in the deductible field. This will cause SimpleERA to double the patient responsibility. You can go into the Setup screen and check the option “Show Post Deductibles on Main Screen”. This will then display an option on the main screen that you can turn this option on or off per insurance carrier. By default, it is on for all carriers.

SimpleERA – Where are the files SimpleERA downloaded stored?

SimpleERA does not download files. You need to manually download them or some other program needs to get them such as Simple837.

SimpleERA – How do I get the ERA files for SimpleERA?

SimpleERA does not download files. You need to manually download them or some other program needs to get them such as Simple837.

SimpleERA – The update failed. How do I get the update manually?

Go to . Download the appropriate zipped program and version to you local computer. Copy the files of that zip file to c:\Program Files\SimpleERA.. It should ask you to overwrite the existing files. Click on Yes to All.