MOT - General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Eff. by Particle Size

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MOT - General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Eff. by Particle Size

Draft Meeting Minutes ASHRAE SSPC 52.2 MOT - General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Eff. by Particle Size Saturday, 18 January 2014, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm “New York Room” – 4th Floor” New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019

Votes: Font is Bold, Black Task Groups: Font is Bold, Blue Action Items: Font is Bold, Red

©2012 ASHRAE. All rights reserved. This is a draft document for review only by the cognizant ASHRAE groups and other designated reviewers and is not intended for distribution to any private interests, individuals, or third parties that are not designated as ASHRAE reviewers for this document. This document may not be distributed in whole or in part in either paper or in digital form without the express permission of the chair of the committee originating this document. The appearance of any technical data or editorial material in this draft document does not constitute endorsement, warranty, or guaranty by ASHRAE of any product, service, process, procedure, design, or the like, and ASHRAE expressly disclaims same.

1) Call to Order a) Introductions b) Roll call & quorum confirmation – quorum confirmed with 12 attending  Bob Burkhead - present  Bruce McDonald - present  Peter Shipp (resigned) - no  Michael Corbat - present  Zied Driss – present (8:51 arrival)  Len Duello - present  Tom Justice - present  Gemma Kerr - present  Marianne Lane (resigned) - no  Dave Matier - present  Phil Maybee - present  Stephen Nicholas - present  Kathleen Owen - present  John Robertson - no  Christine Sun – present  12 here, 3 not 2) Review of this agenda – approved as presented 3) Review and approval of the Denver 2013 minutes - moved by Maybee, seconded by Tom Justice: 9 yes, 2 abstain of 11 present. Approved. 4) Chair’s Remarks – Bob spoke for a few minutes about progress since last meeting and plans. Draft Meeting Minutes ASHRAE SSPC 52.2 MOT - General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Eff. by Particle Size Saturday, 18 January 2014, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm “New York Room” – 4th Floor” New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019

a) Review of objectives  Republication in 2017  Planned addenda focus through 2017/narrow issues – let’s get the current addenda finished. b) SPLS Roster recommendations for 2014 – current voting status – note that we need to update Len’s status after he turns in the paperwork. He’s now a gen interest. Bob notes anyone can get on committee if they tell us and do paperwork (both forms and on-line bio). Folks may join as voting or non-voting members. Please email Kathleen if you can’t find the forms. Status changes also require paperwork. Note that roster changes take place after meeting. (Action items: Len turn in paperwork, Bob turn in paperwork for roster change.) 5) Liaison Reports (15 min.) a) Standards – Rita Harold – introduced herself, but let us know that she is in Standards meeting today so she couldn’t stay. Our membership requests got approved. Some issues to talk to us about offline, especially having two categories of manufacturers, need to send in the definitions again. (Bob/Kathleen do this) b) SSPC 62.2 – Ian Walker was not here. Report from Tim Johnson - republishing in 2016, so items need to go out ASAP. Discussion of moving MERV up, but not anytime soon. c) 52.2 Research Subcommittee – Keith Chesson – Bob says he will turn meeting over to Keith when we get to the research part. 6) Old Business Items/Committee Reports (1 hour) a) Publication Public Review of active addendum activities.  Addendum A - MERV Table Changes – through Public Review; 2 comments received. One supportive, one negative. 1. Bob asked if anyone missed the public review. Thad did miss it but is ok with that. 2. KO read Phil Maybee’s comment – discussed setting up a WG to review 52.2 for out-of-date references. Bob ended discussion without an answer to this idea. Mike is drafting response 3. KO read Mark Renn’s comments. Mark was not present to be able to expand. The committee discussed his comments. Bob will write response and/or interact with Mark to resolve the comment, then have the final draft sent to committee for vote. 4. We hope to get this addendum finalized and out for publication before the next meeting.  Addendum C - OPC specification listing – has completed Public Review with 4 comments, 3 of them negative. 1. Persily’s comment – comment appreciated as we did have two statements out of place. KO suggested moving the comments to the right place, KO will draft revised OPC changes and check with MOS to see if we can consider this non-substantive (not needing new Public Review) and send this change to committee for vote. If committee accepts, response to Persily saying we agree and will move the statements needs to be drafted, voted on, and uploaded by Bob. Draft Meeting Minutes ASHRAE SSPC 52.2 MOT - General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Eff. by Particle Size Saturday, 18 January 2014, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm “New York Room” – 4th Floor” New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019

2. Al’s comments – KO read – Al explained that he thought that the change was intended to change the flowrate to the particle counter rather than make sure it is at the manufacturer’s recommended level. Committee agreed verbally (no vote) to switch the word within to ±5%. Comments during the meeting – Mike will draft the response and send it to the committee for vote. If approved, Bob will upload comment and Kathleen will modify draft of the addendum to reflect change. 3. Vijay’s – 3rd negative – Bob read this and asked Vijay for more detail. Vijay explained that he thinks it’s complete as is. There was much discussion about good metrology, use of OPCs and other instrument, the need to reduce variability and other related issues. The changes are based on our RP. WG set up Mike Corbat with Bruce McDonald and Jim Hanley to address the comment. Vijay did not want to be on the WG. Jim Hanley responded to Al Vatine’s statement that we haven’t addressed aerosol dryness by referring him to the RH addendum that was recently sent out for publication that was done, in part, to address the dryness issue.  Addendum D - RH target change – is already out for publication, no comments were received during Public Review.  Addendum B - Shedding assessment – will go out for Public Review on 1/24/14. Zied was our only negative vote in committee, so Bob gave him a chance to speak. Mike read his comments from the voting aloud. Zied will consider submitting further comments during the Public Review.

b) Interpretation request status – Kathleen Owen – Bruce withdrew his, Kristy’s was dealt with – all done.

There was discussion from Vijay about other dusts at this point.

c) New Dust Proposal – Monroe Britt (champion) – he’s not here today – move idea to Research subcommittee for later discussion

d) Application guide status – Phil Maybee (champion) – we didn’t work on it. He may try to get folks together in NY (including Bob Burkhead). Work will be done.

7) Task Group Reports and Discussions (1 hour) a) TG for Variation control – Christopher Campion (Chris is not with ASHRAE anymore) – Gemma has the RTAR – move forward with this RTAR, but not a separate TG. Move to research subcommittee. More notes later when this was discussed further. b) TG for Air Density calculation (Monroe Britt) – get this in as a change to the method, not RTAR or TG, per se. If Monroe or someone else supplies this, Kathleen will do paperwork to get it submitted. c) TG for IPA vapor conditioning (Monroe Britt). Mike Corbat – Round Robin, Bob wants it as a separate group.  Bob asked what the committee thinks. Various comments were made including: 1. likes App J. but notes we may want to comply with ISO Draft Meeting Minutes ASHRAE SSPC 52.2 MOT - General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Eff. by Particle Size Saturday, 18 January 2014, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm “New York Room” – 4th Floor” New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019

2. likes IPA – cheaper, easier, but not defensible; 3. IPA isn’t sellable; 4. filters not completely discharged; 5. IPA vapor in ISO is reporting the IPA average with the initial (not minimum); 6. safety issues with IPA; 7. talked about DHC; 8. NIOSH 42CFR Part 84 and slope of efficiency – we could refer to this; 9. something about oil, 10.wants to simulate real life; 11.Freudenberg’s position is that the IPA is a chemical treatment, and particles are preferred; 12.doesn’t like IPA as non-standard; 13.App J is applicable to more filters to make even non-charged filters test as they really perform; 14.suggested that we add another Appendix for IPA; 15.IPA is not real, but is it a surrogate for TVOC and asked how is the RR going. Don says in Europe, the RR is complete. Data is published within the ISO group. In US not done.  Vote of entire room: 1. Do we think we should chase an IPA vapor method at all? 18 yes, 15 no, some did not vote

Discussion continuing: Do we want to do an RR of IPA vs. App J?

 pointed out that IPA is a problem for nanofibers and their binders, not realistic in the world.  ‘if the world is doing this method and there is a strong dollar drive,” don’t we want to have a ASHRAE standard method so we can have comparable data to compare.  supported Kathleen’s idea of another App.  need for standardization.  Suggests we put App J into the required 52.2 method.  ISO/Eu will do IPA – do we want to be different?  we should leave this to think about.

Bob will review the ISO RR data and share with the 52.2 committee.

New topic based on Don’s comment: should we bring App J into the method as required? This discussion veered strongly from the agenda but continued unabated.

 historically, we didn’t make it mandatory due to politics. We couldn’t get the votes. He wants it to go in now.  suggests taking out the intermediate dust steps to save time so the App J addition wouldn’t make the tests too expensive. Draft Meeting Minutes ASHRAE SSPC 52.2 MOT - General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Eff. by Particle Size Saturday, 18 January 2014, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm “New York Room” – 4th Floor” New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019

 Bruce McDonald moved that we move App J into 52.2 to replace the current conditioning step? Mike Corbat made a friendly amendment to have the test be comprised of initial efficiency, App J, efficiency, then one dust load with a final efficiency test after the dust load. Bruce agreed. Phil seconded.

Motion: “Move Appendix J into 52.2 to replace the current conditioning step. Also eliminate dust loads so that the test will be initial efficiency, App J, efficiency, then one dust load with a final efficiency test after the dust load.”

After more discussion, it was decided to table the motion and review it later. Bruce McDonald will work on drafting the changes (Bob or Kathleen send him Word version 52.2-2012): moved by Steve, 2nd Mike. 12 yeses, so tabled to next meeting.

Bob ending ’52.2’ portion of meeting to move to Research portion, but group immediately diverged back to non-research: Changes to MERV table from ~2006 to eliminate the 17-20 from the table have been approved and published as a change, but were not included in the reprint. Phil will send KO a copy and she will get with MOS to get it set up as an errata (and then published).

Research Portion – with Keith, but mostly Bob leading – Research Subcommittee will have its own well-delineated meeting in Seattle. Whether this will be an official, separate meeting or simply the last section of the 52.2 meeting will be worked out among Keith, Mike and Bob before Seattle.

Research ideas and related subjects were discussed:

1) Modified dust (Monroe) for higher efficiency filters (MERV 11) 2) RTAR (see above) Gemma – RR with current 52.2 (after addendum changes) WG: Kathleen, Peter H, and Vijay. Gemma will update with comments from last meeting, then distribute to WG. Officially rec that we get 2.4 co-sponsorship. Keith will follow up with 2.4. 3) RTAR – dust loading for Energy Efficiency – (old minutes said Monroe’s idea should be made into an RTAR - Christine Stanfel & Paolo will be doing something like this through the Energy GPC). ASHRAE dust not good for estimating energy use, so looking into different dust. Since this is energy related (thus not in scope for 52.2) should come out of 2.4 research. 4) RTAR - Develop stage testing to test prefilter/filter systems (Monroe) – could be docket item, not RTAR. Keith will talk to Monroe. 5) DP drop off (ex. Bag filters) – not research 6) 52.3 – where did this end up? Last time left as long-term planning. This would be a total new test that would replace 52.2. Might need research. Discuss later. 7) Sending out survey to get user input – Al Veeck – where is this? Follow up with Al. Draft Meeting Minutes ASHRAE SSPC 52.2 MOT - General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Eff. by Particle Size Saturday, 18 January 2014, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm “New York Room” – 4th Floor” New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019

8) Do we need to include nano? CEN is working on this. Can we use their method? It’s for flat-sheet filter media. 20 nm – 500 nm and 3-30 nm. Vijay in on the committee. Paolo knows a lot about it and shared. Keep an eye on this, but not a part of 52.2 for now. a. Barney – outside ozone – the reactions lead to sometimes particles and sometimes gases. Is the reaction in the filter leading to downstream small particles from ozone reactions? Send to 2.4 and 2.3 research. Where is the reaction happening (fans, filters, air, up- or down-stream of filters)? b. Gemma – RTAR looking at ozone is in the works in 2.3. Literature shows Barney is right. Others agree. 9) Bob – IPA vapor – should there be an organized, funded RR for App J vs IPA vapor. Bruce points out that we need a standard IPA vapor test method. Don says ISO method is going out in ~Feb, so we’d be good for next meeting. Bob will start draft of RTAR. 10) Barney – MERV levels used in health care. MERV 15 vs HEPA, dP problems with high dP on HEPAs. How does MERV 14, 15, and HEPA affect air change rates. If we use higher air exchange rates giving more filtration, would we be better off than using HEPAs. What is influence on health effects and energy use? Perhaps this is 2.4. Send idea there. 11) Bruce – neutralization of the efficiency test aerosol – Bruce doesn’t believe the checks are adequate. Do we need research into what this does? Bruce to start draft of RTAR. WG Thad Ptak, Peter Hoekstra 12) Drying particles – Al thinks we need more work on being sure the aerosol is dry. Discussion of deliquescence and RH and such. 13) Quantify particle shedding from loaded air filters. Dave Matier champion. Kathleen or Keith send email to Waring (2.4 research) to tell him our RTAR ideas. (done)

Motion to adjourn: 12 yes

Meeting adjourned at 11:30 am. Draft Meeting Minutes ASHRAE SSPC 52.2 MOT - General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Eff. by Particle Size Saturday, 18 January 2014, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm “New York Room” – 4th Floor” New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019

Appendix: Attendees (54)

Member Company Member Company Bob Burkhead Blue Heaven Gemma Kerr Retired – Canada Bruce McDonald Mostly Retired Dave Matier Freudenberg Michael Corbat Filtration Group Phil Maybee The Filter Man Zied Driss Camfil Stephen Nicholas Air Industries Len Duello Georgia-Pacific Kathleen Owen RTI Tom Justice Zene Christine Sun Textile Rsrch Assoc.

Non-members Barney Burroughs Building Wellness Harry Allen Allergy Zone Volker Haendler Freudenberg Al Veeck NAFA David Chojnowski Univ of Ill. Paolo Tronville Politecnico Di Torino Shanna Schoppman Nanostatics Corp Thad Ptak CI Bruce Duffy Tri-Dim Sanjeev Hingorani Lennox Tim Ahn Clean & Science Dan Haas Clarcor Jaijeong Moon Clean & Science Dale Montgomery Blue Heaven Keith Chesson Clarcor Chris Fischer Bloomington, MN Tim Johnson TSI Satish Dinakaran Flanders Christine Stanfel Freudenberg Joel Davis Flanders Peter Hoekstra IBR Laboratories David Christopher HDK Jim Hanley RTI Kyung-Ju Choi Clean & Science Grace Byfield RTI John Simenson Johns-Manville Kartik Potukuchi Graver Technologies Don Thornburg Camfil Eric Brodsky Research Products Lubos Forest Ingersoll Rand Kevin Morrow Kimberly-Clark Nancy Zimmerman Kimberly-Clark Robert Martin Kimberly-Clark Paul Bryant Clarcor Per Lindblum Hollingsworth & Vose Rahul Bharadwaj AAF Geoff Crosby Lydall Donna Kasper H&V Mike McCarthy PGI Nonwovens Andreas Manz PGI Nonwovens Al Vatine LMS Technologies R. Vijayakumar Aerfil

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