Shelton School District No. 309 s3

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Shelton School District No. 309 s3


The Shelton School District Board of Directors met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on March 14, 2006 in the board room located at CHOICE Alternative School.

Board members present: Chairman Ross Gallagher, Julianna Miljour, Bill Freund, Holly Sharpe and student board representative Amy Thornton.

Staff members present: Superintendent Joan Zook, Mark Weston, Alison Nutt, Jackie McGuire, Gordy Hansen and Stacey Anderson.

Others present: Jeff Green, Dedrick Allen, Jon Gores and one high school student.

CALL TO ORDER Chairman Gallagher called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Bill Freund read the district’s Mission Statement.

ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA There was one addition to the consent agenda which as a new Item 8.10 – Supplemental Personnel Report. Holly Sharpe made a motion to adopt the agenda as amended with the addition of Item 8.10. Julianna Miljour seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0.

REPORTS AND RECOGNITIONS 6.01 – Bond refunding: Jon Gores, Vice-President of Seattle Northwest Securities, discussed the possibility of refunding the district’s bonds at a lower interest rate than the district is currently paying and the pros and cons of doing such. This item will be back on the March 28th regular board meeting agenda for further discussion.

6.02 – Honoring of school retirees: Board members recognized school retirees in honor of March 20-26, 2006 being School Retirees Appreciation Week. Superintendent Zook commented that she was unable to get a school retiree at tonight’s meeting, but will honor the Mason County School Retirees Association by way of a letter and a copy of Governor Gregoire’s proclamation.

6.03 – Overnight travel for CHOICE / New Market students: CHOICE Principal Gordy Hansen spoke about the overnight travel request on the consent agenda to allow three CHOICE / New Market Vocational Skills Center students to participate in the State Leadership Conference & Skills Contest in Tacoma on April 13-15, 2006. Alysha Boxberger and Crystal Edwards are competing in Cosmetology and Amanda Hobson is competing in Culinary Arts. If they do well in this competition they will have an opportunity to travel to Kansas City, Missouri to represent Washington in the national competition. Gordy had expected two of the students to be present at tonight’s meeting. Chairman Gallagher asked Gordy to convey the board’s congratulations to the students and he also directed the superintendent to send a letter to the students on behalf of the board. SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING, MARCH 14, 2006 PAGE 2

Chairman Gallagher then called for a 5-minute recess and board and audience members enjoyed birthday cake in celebration of tomorrow being Superintendent Zook’s birthday.

DISCUSSION ITEMS 7.01 – Proposed educational specifications for Mt. View Elementary School: Mark Weston, Director of Facilities & Operations, reviewed with board members the educational specifications for the Mt. View Elementary School remodel project. Mark explained that the ed specs are part of the ‘D’ process for approval for state funding. The Mt. View Project Design Team involved in the development of the ed specs consisted of 18 staff members representing all grade levels and specialized programs; Mark Weston; project architect Steve Storaasli; and facilitator Dick Withycombe. Mark said he was very pleased with where we are in the process and that his first meeting with the City of Shelton is scheduled for Thursday. Mark is requesting approval of the educational specifications tonight, not the building design which will continue to evolve. He hopes to have a more definite drawing of the new building by April or May. Julianna Miljour made a motion to approve the educational specifications for the Mt. View Elementary School remodel project as presented. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0.

7.02 – Proposed agreement with Mason County for use of facilities: Board members reviewed an agreement with Mason County for the use of facilities and grounds as mass distribution / vaccination / care centers in the event of a disaster. Joan Zook commented that not only is Mason County entering into facility use agreements with all Mason County school districts, counties and school districts state-wide are entering into similar agreements. Chairman Gallagher asked about the use of our school buses to transport people in the event of a disaster and Joan Zook said she had not had that conversation with anyone, but it would seem logical that if the buses were needed then the district would allow that. Bill Freund asked if this agreement was with Mason County only. Joan responded that it is with the Mason County Health Department who would take direction from the state government. Bill was uncomfortable with the agreement because he thought that there was something in the state budget regarding the use of school facilities. Board members agreed to postpone action on this agreement until the next regular board meeting and in the meantime Joan will follow up on Bill’s concerns.

7.03 – Qwest lawsuit and settlement: Jackie McGuire, Director of Finance, explained that Washington State has been sued by Qwest and a settlement has been reached that states Qwest’s assessed value was too high for the years of 2002 through 2005 and they are entitled to a refund of taxes they have already paid. Mason County’s share of the refund Qwest is due is $150,026.55 and consequently Shelton School District’s share, including interest, is $34,737.43. Since Qwest was assessed too high and subsequently paid more in taxes, the other taxpayers in our district essentially paid less than they would have paid had it been calculated differently. Therefore, Shelton School District has the option of paying this obligation in one of two ways. We can either pay up front from our current cash reserves or we can authorize Mason County to implement a “Refund Levy” to recover the taxes that are due. Jackie feels that it is the district’s best interest to do the Refund Levy and board members and the superintendent agreed. Bill Freund made a motion to direct the Mason SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING, MARCH 14, 2006 PAGE 3

County Treasurer’s Office to initiate the Refund Levy process for 2007. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0.

7.04 – Preliminary 2006-07 budget timeline: Jackie McGuire presented a preliminary master timeline for the 2006-07 budget preparation and reviewed budget highlights from the legislative session.

CONSENT AGENDA CHOICE teacher Stacey Anderson spoke briefly about the proposed trip on the consent agenda allowing CHOICE students to go on a 3-day backpacking trip to Mt. Rainier or the Olympic National Park on May 15-17. Specific location will depend on weather and safety factors. Only those students who successfully complete the wilderness class and demonstrate appropriate behaviors will be considered for the trip. The wilderness permit allows for only 12 people, so there will be a maximum of 10 students and staff members Stacey Anderson and John Johnson traveling. CHOICE has taken a similar backpacking trip every year for a number of years.

Bill Freund had a question regarding the proposed travel to Seattle for Key Club students, which was whether or not any of the students would be driving themselves to the convention. Joan Zook did not think was the case but will definitely check with Leah Clarke, the Key Club Advisor.

Julianna Miljour made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0. The board:

 Approved minutes of the February 28, 2006 regular board meeting.  Approved Private Purpose Fund Voucher No. 107 in the amount of $1,000.00.  Approved overnight travel to Tacoma on April 13-15, 2006 for 3 CHOICE / New Market Vocational Skills Center students to participate in the State Leadership Conference & Skills Contest.  Approved an overnight backpacking trip to Mt. Rainier or the Olympic National Park on May 15-17, 2006 for CHOICE students.  Approved overnight travel to Yakima on March 23-25, 2006 for the Shelton High School Dance Team to compete in the Washington Dance & Drill Competition.  Approved overnight travel to Seattle on April 7-9, 2006 for the Shelton High School Key Club to attend the 57th Annual Convention of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International.  Authorized the surplus of a 1982 Thomas school bus and a 1983 Ford school bus that are cost prohibitive to repair.  Authorized the surplus of a 1984 Chevrolet ¾ ton van, a 1986 Ford van, and several miscellaneous pieces of equipment in poor condition.  Approved the regular and supplemental personnel reports as presented and as listed below: SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING, MARCH 14, 2006 PAGE 4

- Hired Tracy Lusby as an 8th grade English long-term substitute teacher at Oakland Bay J.H. effective 3/6/06 through 5/31/06 (for Kim Hummell). - Accepted the retirement of Carol Olin, Mt. View Elementary librarian, effective at the end of the 2005-06 school year. - Approved a leave of absence for Jennifer Johnson, 1st grade teacher at Evergreen, from approximately 4/10/06 through 6/22/06 and also for the 2006-07 school year. - Accepted the retirement of JaNean (Ginger) Brown as Special Services pre- school secretary effective at the end of the 2005-06 school year. - Hired Marcy Schneider as a substitute custodian, as needed, effective 3/8/06. - Hired Jennifer Beerbower and Don Taylor as asst. track coaches at Oakland Bay J.H. for the 2005-06 season. - Hired Trevor Cahoon as 8th grade boy’s baseball coach at Oakland Bay J.H. for the 2005-06 season. - Hired Cathy Cole, Mike Fox, John Sells and Daryl White as asst. track coaches at Shelton High School for the 2005-06 season. - Hired Candelario Gonzales and Elli Harron as elementary volleyball co-coaches at Evergreen for the 2005-06 season. - Hired Craig Gregory as asst. baseball coach at Shelton High School for the 2005- 06 season. - Hired Chris Schumaker as intramural advisor for flag football, soccer and basketball at Oakland Bay J.H. for the 2005-06 season.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Superintendent Zook reported that all school board policies are now available on-line on the district’s website.

BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS  Julianna Miljour spoke about the cut in the President’s budget in Safe and Drug Free Community funding. Luckily, the state funded the loss of dollars, otherwise there would have been a loss of services to school districts or a fee attached for districts. Emergency Medical Services has asked that each student in the Class of 2006 receive a yellow bracelet as their gift as a reminder to stay safe and sober and Julianna handed out bracelets to those at the meeting. Julianna also commented that her niece has been selected as a finalist in the Junior Miss Washington competition.

 Ross Gallagher commented on the joint dinner meeting the school board held last night with the Squaxin Island Tribal Council. He said the meeting was very well attended and he looks forward to meeting with them again in the future. He also said that he had prepared a report on the legislative session but left his notes at home. Ross is leaving tomorrow night on a trip to Florida.

 Holly Sharpe and her husband went to Mariner spring training in Arizona last week and had a wonderful time. SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING, MARCH 14, 2006 PAGE 5

 Bill Freund said Julianna’s comments reminded him that Chief Davenport told us we would see drug dogs again this year on campus but that has not happened. Bill was on the Shelton High School campus last Friday and had a wonderful time. He visited the reading assistance classroom taught by Jennifer Chevalier which has had fantastic results. He also looked in on the Read Right program and he and Sue McCausland had lunch on campus. Bill said he discovered that all 10th graders were taking the WASL even though some of the students are not technically sophomores because they do not have enough credits. He thought that it was the district’s policy not to advance students in that circumstance and said we need to review our policy. Bill also commented that he received a phone call from some who was angry about the amount of litter on the Shelton High School campus. Bill thought that students in detention should have the task of picking up litter. Amy Thornton commented that students in detention (Wednesday School) do have to pick up litter.

 Amy Thornton said the 10th graders were taking the first part of the WASL this week and how nice it has been for the 11th and 12th graders to be able to sleep in since they don’t have to be at school until later in the morning during WASL testing. The 3rd trimester started on Monday and she has 63 more days of school until graduation.

FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER D.A.R.E. graduation ceremonies are scheduled as follows: - Monday, March 27 at Mt. View from 6:00-7:00 p.m. - Tuesday, March 28 at Bordeaux from 6:00-7:00 p.m. - Wednesday, March 29 at Evergreen from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Ross and Holly will attend Mt. View’s ceremony on the 27th. Ross and Julianna will attend Evergreen’s ceremony on the 29th. Bordeaux’s ceremony on the 28th falls on a school board meeting night.

EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:50 p.m. Chairman Gallagher announced that the board would take a 5-minute recess and would then enter into an executive session to discuss negotiations and a personnel matter.

At 8:25 p.m. the board returned to regular session.

ADJOURN Chairman Gallagher declared the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


Secretary to the Board

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