Windsor Locks Police Commission
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WINDSOR LOCKS POLICE COMMISSION Minutes of Regular Meeting Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Commissioners present: Chairman Kevin Brace, George Hall, Edward Lanati, James Gaylord, Dennis Gragnolati and Neal Cunningham
Commissioners absent: None
Also Present: Chief Eric Osanitsch
1) Call to Order – Chairman Brace called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
2) Pledge of Allegiance – The Pledge of Allegiance was not recited because there was no flag in the Town Hall break room where the meeting was held.
MOTION: To add to the Agenda as Item #7a a discussion of the retirement badge policy. Executive Session becomes #7b. Neal Cunningham Seconded by George Hall Motion Passed Unanimously
MOTION: To add to the Executive Session a discussion regarding legal matters pertaining to Robert Koistinen. Dennis Gragnolati Seconded by James Gaylord Motion Passed Unanimously
3) Public Input –
Michael Bracken – 12 Tinker Drive – 1) Mr. Bracken wanted to make a clarification with regard to correspondence written by Sgt. Garofalo and read at the last Commission meeting. He clarified that he never said he represented the Union but only that his proposal regarding death benefits would benefit the Union; 2) He stated that he believes the letter published in the Patch where Sgt. Garofalo backed Michelle Hill and other political parties is a conflict of interest; 3) He stated he is “on the fence” in regards to whether or not he feels Lt. Smith should have a Department car assigned to him for use driving back and forth to work.
4) Approval of the minutes for the regular meeting of September 11, 2013.
MOTION: To approve the minutes of the September 11, 2013 regular meeting. Neal Cunningham Seconded by James Gaylord Motion Passed Unanimously
5) Correspondence – 1) A letter from the CT Coalition against Domestic Violence addressed to Chairman Brace, Chief Osanitsch and Sgt. Garofalo informing them that they have been selected as one of “100+ men” for their efforts in bringing lethality assessment to the WLPD making it the first Police Department in north Central CT to do lethality assessments on domestic violence victims; 2) A thank you note to the WLPD from the Rivers Family for capturing the arsonist that destroyed their home; 3) A letter to Lt. Smith from Mischelle Stoll expressing her families appreciation to Officer Hoynoski for everything he did when their father passed away; 4) An emailed letter of recognition from William Rousseau commending ACO Kathleen Dibacco for her professionalism, kindness and compassion; 5) An email to the Commission from Lee Zononi requesting a retirement badge for their father who was a Windsor Locks Police Commissioner.
6) Chief’s Report –
All six newly promoted supervisors attended a three-day supervision class in September. On October 14, K-9 Jaxx and Officer Malone will begin training to become narcotics certified. Officer Devanney was injured during a struggle when placing a person under arrest. He received a puncture wound to his hand and is recovering.
Page 1 7) New Business –
a) Discuss a Retirement Badge Policy – After a brief discussion amongst the Commissioners, two motions were made regarding retirement badges.
MOTION: To present a retirement badge to the family of Patsy Ruggiero. George Hall Seconded by Dennis Gragnolati Motion Passed Unanimously
MOTION: To make it a department policy to award retirement badges to Police Officers and Commissioners who retire in good standing. Neal Cunningham Seconded by Edward Lanati Motion Passed Unanimously
Commissioner Cunningham presented retired Police Officer William Rousseau with a retirement badge thanking him for his years of service to the Department and the Town.
b) Executive Session – to interview candidates for Police Officer(s).
MOTION: To enter into Executive Session at 7:35 pm for the purpose of interviewing candidates for Police Officer(s) and to discuss legal matters pertaining to Robert Koistinen. Chief Osanitsch was invited to attend. Edward Lanati Seconded by Neal Cunningham Motion Passed Unanimously
MOTION: To end Executive Session at 9:05 pm. Dennis Gragnolati Seconded by Neal Cunningham Motion Passed Unanimously
8) Possible Vote -
MOTION: To make conditional job offers pending successful completion of the background process to the following individuals in the following order.
Michael Foley Harry Garcia Steve Dibella Heriberto Resto
James Gaylord Seconded by Dennis Gragnolati Motion Passed Unanimously
9) Public Input (agenda items only) – None.
10) Commissioner’s Comments – Chairman Brace recognized that this was Commissioner Gragnolati’s last meeting and he thanked him for his service. Commissioner Gragnolati expressed that the last six years on the Commission have been interesting, and although they may not have all agreed at times, a lot of good things have been accomplished.
11) Adjournment –
MOTION: To adjourn at 9:15 pm. Edward Lanati Seconded by Dennis Gragnolati Motion Passed Unanimously
Respectfully Submitted,
Sharon Pfaffenbichler Recording Secretary
A recording of this meeting is available on CD in the Town Clerk’s Office.
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