Review for TEST If You Study This You Will Do Fine on the Test
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Review for TEST – If you study this – you will do fine on the test Rebuilding a Nation Chapter 16 As the Civil War ended, the nation faced enormous challenges: Much of the south lay in ruins The homeless needed food and shelter Many in the North and South felt hatred toward each other Lincoln’s Plan- goal was to restore the union; bind up wounds quickly Wade-Davis Bill Ten Percent Plan Abolish slavery by state governments 1. Majority (50%) of state’s voters take Former Confederates who swear loyalty loyalty oath were pardoned, but could not hold office _2. Abolish slavery (13 th amend.) and set up 10% of state had to take loyalty oath new state govt. 3. Confederate volunteers were barred from voting or holding office.
The first duty of the Freedmen’s Bureau: provide emergency relief to people displaced by war . Add: Did to help: started schools, found jobs, settled disputes. Provided medical care Battle Over Reconstruction Black codes – in South – used to limit political and economical rights of African Americans. Control Af.-Amer. Johnson’s Plan – as mild as Lincoln’s Radical Republican’s Goals Southern states ratify Thirteenth Prevent former Confederates from Amendment regaining control of southern Former confederates could hold politics office when new state govts were Protect Freedmen formed. Guarantee them the right to vote. Majority voters swear loyalty
Radical Reconstruction
Chap. 16 1 Radical Republicans imposed military rule on all southern governments that did not ratify the Fourteenth Amendment. During Radical Reconstruction, African Americans played an important role in politics, and women were given property rights. Southern states opened public schools for the first time. Legislators spread taxes more evenly and made fairer _voting rules. Johnson was impeached because he disagreed with Congress End of Reconstruction
As Radical Republican support died, many called for local self-rule and federal troops removed from the South. The end of Reconstruction was realized with the election of Rutherford B. Hayes– he agreed to end Reconstruction. Southern whites prevented African Americans The South’s economy began to recover due from voting with techniques such as a poll tax to industries based on raw materials such and as iron, timber and oil. literacy tests, as well as the grandfather clause.
Ku Klux Klan formed to keep blacks Plessy vs. Ferguson – legal for separate (Af.Am.) out of positions of power but equal facilities
Know for test: _Hiram Revels – first black U. S. senator
scalawags - carpetbaggers – amnesty – grandfather clause - Chap. 16 2 Poll tax – Impeachment - Know these people: Ulysses S. Grant – President after Johnson, had a corrupt govt. didn’t accomplish much Andrew Johnson – became President after Lincoln’s death, impeached because he disagreed with Congress John Wilkes Booth – assassinated President Lincoln Rutherford B. Hayes – president who ended Reconstruction Describe these amendments:______13th Amendment – abolished slavery 14th Amendment – gave citizenship and rights to anyone born or naturalized in the United States. 15th Amendment – gave the right to vote to any male over the age of 21 regardless of race, color, or previous servitude. Find in your notes and make a chart of the three different reconstruction plans. Know the differences!
Lincoln pg. 546 Johnson (554) Radical (Republicans) - 554
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Chap. 16 3