The American Pageant Chapter 32 Reading Questions

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The American Pageant Chapter 32 Reading Questions

The American Pageant Chapter 32 Reading Questions Vocabulary Adkins v. Children’s Hospital Nine-Power Treaty Kellogg-Briand Pact Fordney-McCumber Tariff Teapot Dome Scandal McNary-Haugen Bill Dawes Plan Agricultural Marketing Act Hawley-Smoot Tariff Black Tuesday Hoovervilles Reconstruction Finance Corporation Norris-LaGuardia Anti-Injunction Act Bonus Army

Reading Questions 1. Who were some of the members of Harding’s “Ohio Gang” and what were their roles in his administration? 2. How did Harding’s nominees to the Supreme Court strip away some of the gains of the Progressives? (Especially Adkins v. Children’s Hospital) 3. What laws are passed in the post-World War I years that dismantle wartime government controls on the economy? 4. How did military veterans make gains after World War I? 5. In what ways did Harding become involved in international affairs, even though he ran for office as an isolationist? 6. Describe the significance of the following international agreements during the 1920s: Washington Conference and Five-Power Naval Treaty, Nine-Power Treaty, Kellogg-Briand Pact. 7. How did the Fordney-McCumber Tariff alter tariff policy in the United States? What are the results of this tariff? 8. Describe the scandals that rocked the Harding Administration. 9. Following Harding’s death, how was Coolidge similar to Harding, and how was he different? 10. How did economics change for farmers in the post-World War I years? 11. How was the McNary-Haugen Bill supposed to help farmers? What stops it? 12. Who runs for president in 1924? What are the major ideas of La Follette? Who wins? 13. How does the issue of Allied war debts and German reparations become a major foreign policy issue in the 1920s? 14. What events finally force the United States to intervene in the European economic issues? 15. What is the Dawes Plan, and how does it propose to keep peace in Europe? 16. Describe Herbert Hoover’s personality, and explain how he wins the election of 1928. 17. What is significant about Al Smith running for president in 1928? What issues cost him the election? 18. Explain the Agricultural Marketing Act. 19. What does the Hawley-Smoot Tariff do? After reading about the causes of the Great Depression, explain how this creates major international problems. 20. What is Black Tuesday? What happens to the U.S. economy following the crash? 21. In the section called “Hooked on the Horn of Plenty” explain the causes of the Great Depression. 22. What is Hoover’s response to the start of the Great Depression, and what does he mean by rugged individualism? 23. What projects does Hoover promote to create public works? 24. What is the purpose of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation? 25. Explain the significance of the Norris-La Guardia Anti-Injunction Act. 26. What is the issue with the Bonus Army, and how does Hoover’s response cement his fate as a one-term president? 27. Explain what actions the Japanese took in China in the early 1930s. How does the League of Nations respond? 28. How does President Hoover start the idea of the “Good Neighbor Policy”?

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