UPR of Bahrain (2Nd Cycle 13Th Session) Thematic List of Recommendations Page 1 of 36
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UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 1 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation Right or area: 2.1. Acceptance of international norms 115.1. Ratify OP-CAT ( Czech Republic ); Noted 2.1 Acceptance of international norms 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Affected persons: Para. 19(b) - general - persons deprived of their liberty 115.2. Consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Supported 2.1 Acceptance of international norms 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment Convention against Torture ( Brazil ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 19(a) - persons deprived of their liberty 115.3. Ratify the Optional Protocol to the Conven- Supported/ 12.4 Death penalty 13.2 Enforced disappearances tion against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or De- Noted 2.1 Acceptance of international norms grading Treatment or Punishment; the First and 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment Second Optional Protocols to the International Cov- 11 Civil & political rights - general measures of implementation enant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Affected persons: - disappeared persons Convention for the Protection of all Persons against - general Enforced (Spain); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 17(b) Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1, para. 17(b) states: Bahrain has acceded to the UN Convention Against Torture, and is completing the process of acceding to the ICCPED. There are domestic guarantees in the independent judicial system of Bahrain that makes it possible for any individuals to bring grievances to the Public Prosecution (Special Investigations Unit). Meanwhile, improving existing institutions is a con- tinuing internal process in the Kingdom. 115.4. Accede to ICCPR OP1, ICCPR OP2, OP-CAT Noted 12.4 Death penalty 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity and ratify Rome Statute of the ICC ( Estonia ); 20.3 International humanitarian law Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - 2.1 Acceptance of international norms Para. 19(b) 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment 11 Civil & political rights - general measures of implementation Affected persons: - general - persons deprived of their liberty UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 2 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.5. Ratify the International Convention for the Supported/ 2.1 Acceptance of international norms 12.4 Death penalty Protection of all Persons against Enforced Disappear- Noted 13.2 Enforced disappearances ance and the Second Optional Protocol to ICCPR for Affected persons: the elimination of the death penalty (Uruguay); - disappeared persons - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 17(a) Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1, para. 17(a) states: Bahrain accepts Part 1 of the Recommendation, and is currently working on completing the process of ac- ceding to the International Convention for the Protec- tion of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICCPED). Part 2 conflicts with the Constitution and Penal Code providing for the death penalty with ad- equate safeguards to ensure its just application of this penalty for serious crimes. 115.6. Continue to intensify efforts to ratify the In- Supported 13.2 Enforced disappearances 2.1 Acceptance of international norms ternational Convention for the Protection of all Per- Affected persons: sons against Enforced Disappearance ( Argentina ); - disappeared persons Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - general 115.9. Withdraw reservations to CEDAW as well as Supported/ 2.2 Reservations 2.1 Acceptance of international norms to other conventions and ratify the Optional Protocol Noted 29.1 Discrimination against women to CEDAW and other outstanding core human rights Affected persons: instruments ( Slovenia ); - women Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 17(c) Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1, para. 17(c) states: (See comments to 115.7) 115.11. Ratify the Rome statue of the International Noted 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 20.3 International humanitarian law Criminal Court, including its Agreement on Priv- 2.1 Acceptance of international norms ileges and Immunities ( Slovakia ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 19(b) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 3 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.12. Ratify the Rome Statute of the ICC and fully Noted 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 20.3 International humanitarian law align its legislation with all obligations under the 2.1 Acceptance of international norms Rome Statute, including incorporating the Rome Affected persons: Statute’s definition of crimes and general principles, - general as well as adopting provisions enabling cooperation with the Court (Latvia); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 19(b) 115.13. Ratify the Rome Statute of the International Noted 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 20.3 International humanitarian law Criminal Court ( Costa Rica ); 2.1 Acceptance of international norms Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Affected persons: Para. 19(b) - general 115.14. Ratify the International Convention for the Supported 13.2 Enforced disappearances 2.1 Acceptance of international norms Protection of all Persons against Enforced Disappear- Affected persons: ance ( France ); - disappeared persons Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 16(a) 115.15. Ratify the Rome Statute and take the neces- Noted 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 20.3 International humanitarian law sary measures to ensure the full implementation of 2.1 Acceptance of international norms the Statute in its national legislation ( Switzerland ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 19(b) 115.16. Ratify and fully align its national legislation Noted 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 20.3 International humanitarian law with all obligations under the Rome Statue of Inter- 2.1 Acceptance of international norms national Criminal Court, including incorporating the Affected persons: Statue definition of crimes and general principles, as - general well as adopting provisions enabling cooperation with the Court, and to accede to the Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Court (Finland); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 25(a) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 4 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.17. The ratification of the Rome Statute of the Noted 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 20.3 International humanitarian law International Criminal Court and the full alignment 2.1 Acceptance of international norms of Bahrain ’s national legislation with its provisions Affected persons: ( Hungary ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 19(b) 115.18. Bring in line the definition of the crime of Supported/ 2.1 Acceptance of international norms 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment torture with the Convention against Torture and ac- Noted Affected persons: cede to the Optional Protocol to the Convention - general against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrad- - persons deprived of their liberty ing Treatment or Punishment ( Uruguay ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 24 Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 states at para 24: The Kingdom accepts Part 1 as the crime of tor- ture is punishable under Articles 208 and 232 of the Bahraini penal code. A draft law amending the two aforementioned articles has been passed, so as to in- clude in the penal code a definition of the crime of torture, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which was ratified in 1998. The Kingdom does not accept Part 2 for reasons given under 5. 115.19. Commute all death sentences to prison terms Noted 12.4 Death penalty 2.1 Acceptance of international norms and ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the Inter- 12.6 Conditions of detention national Covenant on Civil and Political Rights with Affected persons: a view to definitively abolishing the death penalty - persons deprived of their liberty (France); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 25(b) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 5 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.20. Consider joining other states in ratifying the Noted 34 Migrants 2.1 Acceptance of international norms International Convention on the Protection of the Affected persons: Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their - migrant workers Families and the ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers, as it progressively marches towards institutionalizing protective mech- anisms for migrant workers (Philippines); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 18(a) 115.79. Ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the Noted 12.4 Death penalty 2.1 Acceptance of international norms ICCPR ( Austria ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 19(c)
Right or area: 2.2. Reservations UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 6 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.7. Withdraw reservations to the Convention on Supported/ 2.2 Reservations 2.1 Acceptance of international norms the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Noted 29.1 Discrimination against women against Women and ratify its Optional Protocol ( Ur- Affected persons: uguay ); - women Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 17(c) Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1, para. 17(c) states: Relevant government departments are reviewing the possibility of withdrawing certain reservations on, or the amendment of certain provisions of, the Conven- tion, without prejudice to the Constitution. The reser- vation on Article 2 is currently under reconsideration as it relates in its narrow interpretation to the wo- man’s position in the family. On the reservation on Article 9, Paragraph 2 of the Convention pertaining to nationality, a proposed amendment of the Nation- ality Act is currently under discussion with depart- ments concerned to allowing the children of Bahraini women married to non-Bahraini men to receive Bahraini nationality. Concerned departments are working in collaboration with the legislature to accel- erate consideration of the Nationality Act Draft Amendment. As to Article 15, Paragraph 4 of the Convention, it is noted that the Constitution gives the women equal rights of freedom of movement without restriction. A husband may not withhold the travel documents of the wife to prevent her free movement and travel. Therefore, the Kingdom’s reservation is practically limited to the marital abode, which satis- fies all the conditions required by Law and Shari’a to ensure the freedom, dignity and independence of wo- men. UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 7 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.8. Withdraw reservations to Convention on the Supported/ 2.2 Reservations 29.1 Discrimination against women Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Noted Affected persons: Women ( Chile ); - women Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 17(c) Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1, para. 17(c) states: (See comments to 115.7) 115.10. Withdraw its reservations to CEDAW as Supported/ 2.2 Reservations 29.1 Discrimination against women soon as possible ( Republic of Korea ); Noted Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - women Para. 17(c) Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1, para. 17(c) states: (See comments to 115.7) Right or area: 3. Cooperation with human rights mechanisms and institutions 115.57. Continue efforts made by the State and to in- Supported 3 Cooperation with human rights mechanisms and UN institutions 4 Inter-State cooperation & development assistance crease international cooperation, in order to be ex- Affected persons: posed to all relevant international experiences ( Saudi - general Arabia ) ; Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 16(b) 115.58. Continue its active engagement with the hu- Supported 3 Cooperation with human rights mechanisms and UN institutions 5.2 Institutions & policies - General man rights mechanisms of the United Nations for the Affected persons: protection and promotion of human rights - general ( Azerbaijan ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 16(b) 115.66. Continue and strengthen cooperation with the Supported 3 Cooperation with human rights mechanisms and UN institutions 3.3 Cooperation with other international mechanisms and institutions UN Human Rights Mechanisms and its various ef- 6 Human rights education, trainings forts made for human rights capacity-building ( Re- Affected persons: public of Korea ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 16(b) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 8 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation Right or area: 3.1. Cooperation with treaty bodies 115.67. Take additional efforts in order to improve Supported 3.1 Cooperation with treaty bodies Affected persons: its reporting to the treaty bodies on human rights - general ( Belarus ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 16(b) Right or area: 3.2. Cooperation with special procedures 115.59. Allow the Special Rapporteur on torture to Supported 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment 3.2 Cooperation with special procedures visit be fore the end of 2012 ( Austria ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - persons deprived of their liberty Para. 16(c) 115.60. Step up its cooperation with special proced- Supported/ 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment ures’ mandate holders by responding positively to the Noted 3.2 Cooperation with special procedures visit request of the Special Rapporteur on the rights Affected persons: to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, and - general facilitating, in a timely manner, a visit by the Special - persons deprived of their liberty Rapporteur on torture (Latvia); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 18 Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 states at para 18: Bahrain currently considers and deals with each visit in coordination with the departments concerned. Visits are considered the most important acts of Spe- cial Rapporteurs to shed light on special allegations of human rights abuses. The visit of a Rapporteur to any country gives that Rapporteur the opportunity to get acquainted with all aspects of such alleged ab- uses, and results in a number of outcomes, such as al- lowing the Rapporteur to interact with persons rep- resenting government and non-governmental organ- izations, including rights societies, as well as victims of human rights abuses. UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 9 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.61. Consider extending a standing invitation to Supported/ 3.2 Cooperation with special procedures Affected persons: all special procedures of the Human Rights Council ( Noted - general Latvia ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 18 Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 states at para 18: (see comment to 115.60) 115.62. Extend an open invitation to all of the special Supported/ 3.2 Cooperation with special procedures Affected persons: procedures of the Human Rights Council Noted - general ( Uruguay ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 18 Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 states at para 18: (see comment to 115.60) 115.63. Accept the visit of the Special Rapporteur on Supported/ 3.3 Cooperation with other international mechanisms and institutions 3.2 Cooperation with special procedures Freedom of assembly and association (France); Noted Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 18 Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 states at para 18: (see comment to 115.60) 115.64. That the country visit by the Special Rappor- Supported/ 3.3 Cooperation with other international mechanisms and institutions 3.2 Cooperation with special procedures teur on Torture is realized in the near future ( Repub- Noted Affected persons: lic of Korea ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 18 Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 states at para 18: (see comment to 115.60) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 10 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.65. Respond favorably to the requests for visit of Supported/ 3.3 Cooperation with other international mechanisms and institutions 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment the country and also facilitate the visits of the Special Noted 3.2 Cooperation with special procedures Rapporteur on migrants, Special Rapporteur on tor- Affected persons: ture and the Special Rapporteur on freedom of peacef - general ul assembly and of association ( Slovenia ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 18 Comments: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 states at para 18: (see comment to 115.60) Right or area: 5.1. Constitutional & legislative framework 115.21. Incorporate into national law Bahrain ’s ob- Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 12.4 Death penalty ligations under the International Covenant on Civil 30.1 Children: definition; general principles; protection and Political Rights, the Convention against Torture 30.3 Children: protection against exploitation and the Convention on the Rights of the Child ( Bel- Affected persons: gium ); - general - children Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) 115.22. Explicitly criminalize torture and other cruel Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and inhuman treatment ( Spain ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 5(a) 115.23. To reflect in domestic law-in particular the Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 2.1 Acceptance of international norms Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure- Affected persons: Bahrain’s obligations under international human - general rights laws and conventions (United Kingdom); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) 115.24. Align the national legislation on freedom of Supported 14.5 Freedom of association 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly expression, association and assembly with country’s 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework international HR obligations ( Slovakia ); 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Affected persons: - general Para. 23(b) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 11 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.25. Adopt as soon as possible a legislative Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression framework on freedom of expression, including ac- Affected persons: cess to internet, to decriminalize defamation and - general slander as cri mes ( Mexico ); - media Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 13 115.26. The revision and amendment of relevant le- Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly gislation, in particular Decree 32 of 2006, in order to 14.5 Freedom of association bring it into full compliance with Bahrain ’s human Affected persons: rights obligations under the ICCPR ( Hungary ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) 115.27. Amend any article of its Penal Code that can Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression be used to prosecute individuals for the exercise of 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful as- Affected persons: sembly or association, and bring its laws into line - general with international standards established by the Inter- - media national Covenant for Civil and Political Rights ( Ire- land ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) 115.29. Enhance the protection for child rights by is- Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 30.1 Children: definition; general principles; protection suing the child law ( Sudan ); 30.3 Children: protection against exploitation Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Affected persons: Para. 14 - children 115.30. Speed up the adoption of legislative amend- Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression ments relevant to the speciali z ed laws on freedom 30.2 Children: family environment and alternative care of expression in the Bahraini Criminal law ( Egypt ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general - children Para. 13 - media 115.32. Speed up the adoption of amendments to all Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 30.2 Children: family environment and alternative care national legislation in particular for the penal code Affected persons: and relevant legislation ( Mauritania ); - children Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 12 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.33. Accelerate legislative amendments [with re- Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 13.2 Enforced disappearances gards to forced disappearance] in order to include Affected persons: provisions on enforced disappearance in the penal - disappeared persons code ( Morocco ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) 115.38. Adopt a national policy on children with dis- Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 31.1 Persons with disabilities: definition, general principles abilities ( Chile ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - children Para. 8 115.46. Make continuous efforts in its economic and Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 5.2 Institutions & policies - General social development, improve its legal system and 21 Economic, social & cultural rights - general measures of implementa- ensure equal enjoyment of human rights by its people tion ( China ); 37 Right to development - general measures of implementation Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 8 115.49. Continue the enactment of laws and the Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 5.2 Institutions & policies - General strengthen of policies aimed at safe guarding the pos- 29.1 Discrimination against women ition of women and strengthening their roles in soci- Affected persons: ety ( Egypt ); - women Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 9 115.53. Implement the constitutional reforms in the Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 18 Right to participation in public affairs and right to vote elections of 2014 ( Qatar ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 23(a) 115.68. Take further measures, including legislative, Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 29.1 Discrimination against women in order to expand rights and opportunities of women Affected persons: and promote gender equality ( Belarus ); - women Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 13 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.88. Incorporate an explicit prohibition of torture Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and other ill-treatment, as well as a clear definition of Affected persons: torture, into national legislation in order to comply - persons deprived of their liberty with the obligations derived from CAT and facilitate independent, timely and thorough investigations of all allegations of torture to facilitate appropriate re- dress for victims (Maldives); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) 115.90. Clearly prohibit torture and ill-treatment Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment along with effective enforcement of relevant legisla- Affected persons: tions ( Republic of Korea ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) 115.92. Prohibit torture and other ill-treatment, in Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment national legislation and in practice in line with its ob- 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial ligations under CAT, ensuring that all allegations of Affected persons: torture or other ill-treatment are independently, - general promptly and thoroughly investigated, and perpetrat- - persons deprived of their liberty ors are brought to justice in accordance to interna- tional fair trial standards (Slovakia); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(a) 115.95. Adopt legislation that allows children of Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 17 Rights related to name, identity, nationality Bahraini mothers and non-Bahraini fathers to obtain 30.1 Children: definition; general principles; protection Bahraini nationality ( Uruguay ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - children Para. 7 115.119. Laws should be enacted that would prohibit Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial civilians being tried in military courts in the future Affected persons: ( Ireland ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 27 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 14 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.139. Consider passing legislation on family law Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 8 Equality & non-discrimination containing clear and non-discriminatory provisions 12.6 Conditions of detention on marriage, divorce, inheritance and child custody 30.2 Children: family environment and alternative care ( Brazil ); Affected persons: - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 9 115.141. Enact law providing for full citizenship Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 17 Rights related to name, identity, nationality rights for the children of Bahrain mothers and non- Affected persons: Bahrain fathers ( Norway ); - children Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 7 115.142. Complete by making the amendment to the Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 17 Rights related to name, identity, nationality proposed amendment to the nationality law that guar- Affected persons: antees the Bahraini nationality for children from a - children Bahraini mother and a non-Bahraini father law ( Su- dan ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 7 115.143. Speed up the reforms on the legislation for Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 17 Rights related to name, identity, nationality citizenship for children of Bahraini mother and non- Affected persons: Bahraini father; ( Algeria ); - children Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 7 115.151. Repeal or amend the 2002 Press Law elim- Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 2.1 Acceptance of international norms inating all restrictions upon the freedom of the press 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression not in line with relevant provisions of the ICCPR. Affected persons: ( Austria ); - media Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) 115.152. Enact a progressive, substantive Freedom of Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression Information law Austria ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - media Para. 13 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 15 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.153. Amend the Penal Code to remove all crim- Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression inal penalties for alleged libel offences and the press Affected persons: law to bring its provisions into compliance with art- - media icle 19 of ICCPR ( Canada ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) 115.154. Bring both the Press law and Penal Code in Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression line with article 19 of ICCPR ( Estonia ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - media Para. 23(b) 115.157. Abolish legal provisions unduly restricting Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression peaceful demonstrations, remove restrictions on free- Affected persons: dom of expression contained in Law 32 of 2006, and - media allow the opposition greater access to television broadcasts, radio broadcasts and print media (Nether- lands); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 16(e) 115.160. Revise the Public Gathering Law (32/2006), Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly so that peaceful demonstrations can be held as estab- Affected persons: lished by the International Covenant on Civil and - general Political Rights ( Costa Rica ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) 115.164. Speed up as far as possible the adoption of Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 30.2 Children: family environment and alternative care the draft labour law including the section on domest- Affected persons: ic workers ( Ecuador ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 15(b) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 16 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.168. Review national legislation and develop Supported 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework 8 Equality & non-discrimination awareness and training programmes in order to elim- 31 Persons with disabilities inate legal and de facto discrimination against boys Affected persons: and girls with disabilities and as well as with respect - children to those children living in the poorest areas of the - girls country (Uruguay); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 8 Right or area: 5.2. Institutions & policies 115.34. Facilitate the work and function of the na- Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General Affected persons: tional human rights institution in accordance with the - general Paris Principles ( Indonesia ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 12 115.35. Ensure that the work of the NHRI is aligned Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General Affected persons: with the Paris Principles ( Maldives ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 12 115.36. Establish a national human rights institution Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General Affected persons: in full compliance with the Paris Principles ( Poland - general ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 12 115.37. Continue its efforts to build up capacities and Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General Affected persons: knowledge of human rights in its public sector - general ( Singapore ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 27 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 17 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.44. Reconsider the restrictions imposed by the Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General 5.3 Political framework & good governance Ministry of Social Development and take appropriate 11 Civil & political rights - general measures of implementation measures to ensure that civil society organizations 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression can take an active part in the public debate on human 36 Human rights defenders rights ( Sweden ); Affected persons: - human rights defenders Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 21 115.48. Continue its efforts to strengthen the policies, Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General 29.1 Discrimination against women programs and mechanism for enhancing women Affected persons: rights Bangladesh ); - women Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28 115.50. Modernize the national plan for the develop- Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General 8 Equality & non-discrimination ment of Bahraini women in line with the anti-dis- 29.1 Discrimination against women crimination programs and to evaluate the effects of Affected persons: those programs and projects on the development of - women them and the society at large ( Oman ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28 115.52. Pursuing policies and programs in the educa- Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General 17 Rights related to name, identity, nationality tion of citizenship and human rights as best practices 25 Right to education - General ( United Arab Emirates ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 8 115.96. Take the necessary measures in order to Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General 8 Equality & non-discrimination eliminate all discriminatory treatment of Bahraini Affected persons: women married to non-Bahraini s ( Argentina ); - women Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 7 115.113. Develop procedures for accountability and Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General 2.1 Acceptance of international norms compensation in place in accordance with best prac- 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity tices and related international standards ( Kuwait ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 5(a) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 18 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.144. Continue to support efforts, programs and Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General 30.2 Children: family environment and alternative care initiatives aimed at providing protection for all fam- Affected persons: ily members; ( Saudi Arabia ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 22 155.77. Continue supporting national initiatives that Supported 5.2 Institutions & policies - General 29.1 Discrimination against women promote the full respect for human rights in particu- Affected persons: lar the field of the rights of women ( Nicaragua ); - women Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28 Right or area: 5.3. Political framework & good governance 115.40. Include opposition parliamentary groups and Supported 5.3 Political framework & good governance 11 Civil & political rights - general measures of implementation invite civil society in the implementation of the Na- 14.5 Freedom of association tional Consensus Dialogue ( Mexico ); 7.1 Context, statistics, budget, dissemination, civil society Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Affected persons: - general Para. 20 115.41. Take immediate actions to restore peace and Supported 5.3 Political framework & good governance 5.2 Institutions & policies - General the respect of human rights and fundamental 2.1 Acceptance of international norms freedoms ( Slovenia ); 20.3 International humanitarian law Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Affected persons: - general Para. 27 115.55. Continuation of cooperation between govern- Supported 5.3 Political framework & good governance 7.1 Context, statistics, budget, dissemination, civil society mental and non-governmental institutions, consider- Affected persons: ing the dialogue and cooperation among them - general ( Jordan ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 20 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 19 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.129. Establish an open, genuine, all-inclusive Supported 5.3 Political framework & good governance 11 Civil & political rights - general measures of implementation and effective national dialogue among different con- 4 Inter-State cooperation & development assistance cerned parties with the aim of effectively addressing Affected persons: the legitimate aspirations and concerns of all the - general population in a democratic mann er ( Iran (Islamic Republic of) ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 20 115.131. Trust be generated, through in-depth demo- Supported 5.3 Political framework & good governance 11 Civil & political rights - general measures of implementation cratic reforms and promoting national social and 5.2 Institutions & policies - General political dialogue, that is inclusive and representat- Affected persons: ive, to address the country’s central issues - general ( Uruguay ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 20 115.162. That further progress be made toward con- Supported 5.3 Political framework & good governance 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression crete and visible reform, including through imple- 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity mentation of the follow-up committee’s report, in a Affected persons: way which guarantees transparency and freedom of - general speech ( Japan ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 Right or area: 6. Human rights education and training 115.102. Continue the process of reform of the secur- Supported 6 Human rights education, trainings Affected persons: ity forces to provide them with better capacity and - general training on human rights and moderate the use of force ( Spain ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 10 115.103. Create a more diverse, inclusive police Supported 6 Human rights education, trainings Affected persons: force, reflective of society ( United States of America - general ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 27 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 20 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.104. Continuing of institutional and capacity Supported 6 Human rights education, trainings Affected persons: building of the Bahraini police forces in a way that - general positively reflects effective respect to human rights ( Palestine ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 10 115.105. Enhance the efforts for capacity building Supported 6 Human rights education, trainings 5.2 Institutions & policies - General for police and law enforcement officers ( Saudi Ara- Affected persons: bia ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 10 115.166. Step up efforts to strengthen public educa- Supported 6 Human rights education, trainings Affected persons: tion, awareness programme and skill training, partic- - general ularly aimed at increasing awareness on human rights in Bahrain ( Malaysia ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 8 115.167. Strengthen education and awareness of hu- Supported 6 Human rights education, trainings Affected persons: man rights at the national level ( Senegal ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 8 Right or area: 8. Non-discrimination 115.70. Meet the aspirations of groups that are the Supported 8 Equality & non-discrimination Affected persons: victim of discrimination ( Belgium ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28 Right or area: 10. Discrimination against women 115.74. Continue to pay attention to promoting Supported 10 Discrimination against women 29.1 Discrimination against women gender equality and eliminating discrimination Affected persons: against women ( Singapore ); - women Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 21 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation Right or area: 12. Right to physical and moral integrity 115.89. Ensure that security forces respond propor- Supported 12 Right to physical and moral integrity 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment tionally and with the utmost restraint to non-peaceful Affected persons: protests ( Germany ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 10
Right or area: 12.1. Right to life 115.121. Establish, in line with international stand- Supported 12.1 Right to life 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment ards, a standing independent body to carry out invest- 12.6 Conditions of detention igations of all allegations of torture and other ill- 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity treatment, deaths in custody and unlawful killings Affected persons: (Finland); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(a) Right or area: 12.4. Death penalty 115.78. Abolish the death penalty, introducing in the Noted 12.4 Death penalty Affected persons: meantime a formal moratorium ( Austria ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 25(b) 115.80. Establish an official moratorium on execu- Noted 12.4 Death penalty Affected persons: tions with a view to abolishing the death penalty - general ( Spain ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 25(b) 115.81. Establish a moratorium on executions with a Noted 12.4 Death penalty Affected persons: view to abolishing the death penalty ( Italy ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 25(b) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 22 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.82. Establish a moratorium on the execution of Noted 12.4 Death penalty Affected persons: the death penalty ( Germany ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 25(b) 115.83. Consider the possibility of repealing the Noted 12.4 Death penalty Affected persons: death penalty from its legal system ( Argentina ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 25(b)
Right or area: 12.6. Conditions of detention 115.120. That Abdulhadi Al Khawaja be transferred Noted 12.6 Conditions of detention 12 Right to physical and moral integrity to the Danish authorities for medical treatment, in 36 Human rights defenders line with the agreement reached on March 14 th 24 Right to health - General ( Denmark ); Affected persons: - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 30 Right or area: 12.7. Prohibition of slavery, trafficking 115.94. Continue its efforts with a view to the pre- Supported 12.7 Prohibition of slavery, trafficking Affected persons: vention and elimination of trafficking in human be- - general ings ( Azerbaijan ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 15(a) 115.97. Increase its further efforts in the area of com- Supported 30.3 Children: protection against exploitation 12.7 Prohibition of slavery, trafficking bating human trafficking, including considering the Affected persons: possibility to develop a state program or a plan of - children actions aimed at strengthening the Government’s measures to prevent and eliminate sexual exploitation and trafficking of children (Belarus); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 15(a) Right or area: 13. Right to liberty and securtiy UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 23 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.91. Release, immediately and unconditionally, Supported 13 Right to liberty and security 13 Right to liberty and security all detainees, who have participated in peaceful 1 Right of self-determination protests lacking credible criminal charges 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly ( Slovakia ); 12.6 Conditions of detention Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - persons deprived of their liberty Para. 5(d)
Right or area: 13.3. Arbitrary arrest and detention 115.100. Release immediately and unconditionally Supported 13.3 Arbitrary arrest and detention 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression all persons convicted for merely exercising their fun- Affected persons: damental rights to freedom of expression and as- - general sembly, especially during anti-government protests that began in February 2011 ( Czech Republic ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(d) 115.101. Release immediately all persons solely con- Supported 13.3 Arbitrary arrest and detention 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly victed or detained for offences connected to peaceful Affected persons: assembly and free speech ( Germany ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(d) 115.122. Release unconditionally the individuals Supported 13.3 Arbitrary arrest and detention 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression who were convicted by special courts, or are await- 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly ing trial, for merely exercising their fundamental 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial rights of expression and assembly ( Norway ); 36 Human rights defenders Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - persons deprived of their liberty Para. 5(d) 115.146. Release all political prisoners and bring its Supported 13.3 Arbitrary arrest and detention 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework national legislation into compliance with article 19 of 12.6 Conditions of detention the International Covenant on Civil and Political 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression Rights which guarantees freedom of expression Affected persons: ( France ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 23(b) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 24 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.159. Release persons imprisoned as required by Supported 13.3 Arbitrary arrest and detention 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework freedom of expression and repeal all legislation that 13 Right to liberty and security criminalizes the exercise of this right ( Switzerland ); 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression Affected persons: Para. 5(d) - general
Right or area: 14.2. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion 115.145. Implement the commitment to rebuild the Supported 14.2 Freedom of thought, conscience and religion Affected persons: Shi’a places of worship destroyed ( Austria ); - minorities/ racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious or descent-based groups Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 26 Right or area: 14.3. Freedom of opinion and expression 115.148. Strengthen the right to freedom of expres- Supported 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression Affected persons: sion in its new Press Law, as well as allowing foreign - media media to enter the country and report freely ( Norway ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 13 115.149. With respect to the draft law on the press Supported 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression Affected persons: currently under exam, repeal restrictions to freedom - media of expression and ensure that it comply with interna- tional norms ( Chile ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 13 115.155. Undertake all efforts to relax censorship Supported 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression 14.5 Freedom of association and to grant oppositional groups the possibility to es- Affected persons: tablish their own media outlets ( Germany ); - media Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 13 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 25 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.156. Lift all restrictions on movements of for- Supported 36 Human rights defenders 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression eign journalists and international organizations de- Affected persons: fending human rights ( Belgium ); - human rights defenders Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - media Para. 29 115.161. Respect the legitimate rights of all its cit- Supported 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression izens to freedom of assembly and expression, and Affected persons: maintain its commitment to achieving concrete polit- - general ical reform based on respect for the legitimate rights and aspirations of all its citizens ( Australia ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 27 Right or area: 14.4. Right to peaceful assembly 115.99. Reinstate all employees and students dis- Supported 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly 5.3 Political framework & good governance missed following the events of February and March 11 Civil & political rights - general measures of implementation 2011 whose political activities were consistent with 5.1 Constitutional and legislative framework the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and of as- 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly sociation, and amend Law 21/1989 and Law 32/2006 14.5 Freedom of association Affected persons: on public gathering to bring their provisions into - general compliance with article 21 and 22 of ICCPR, and de- velop an enabling legal environment for civil society to flourish (Canada); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 115.163. That the necessary measures are implemen- Supported 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly Affected persons: ted to guarantee freedoms of expression, association - general and peaceful assembly ( Japan ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 16(d) Right or area: 15.1. Administration of justice & fair trial UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 26 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.31. Follow up on the appreciated initiative of the Supported 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial 3 Cooperation with human rights mechanisms and UN institutions Kingdom of Bahrain for the creation of the Arab 2.1 Acceptance of international norms Court for human rights, as reflected in the commit- 43 Comments from States parties ment of Bahrain in the promotion and protection of Affected persons: human rights ( Jordan ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(c) 115.98. Review convictions, commute sentences, or Supported 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity drop charges for all persons who engaged in non-vi- 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression olent political expression ( United States of 14.4 Right to peaceful assembly America ); 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - persons deprived of their liberty Para. 5(b) 115.106. Ensure that all allegation of human rights Supported 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity violations during and after the February – March Affected persons: 2011 protests by the security forces are independ- - general ently, promptly and thoroughly investigated, bringing perpetrators to justice and providing victims with due redress and rehabilitation (Slovakia); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(a) 115.114. Make subject to review in civilian courts all Supported 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial Affected persons: convictions and sentences rendered b y the National - persons deprived of their liberty Security Courts ( Austria ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(b) 115.115. Ensure that all detainees are charged with Supported 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial 12.6 Conditions of detention an offense established under the law and receive a Institutions & policies fair trial before the ordinary criminal courts, in con- Affected persons: formity with international standards ( Belgium ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 27 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 27 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.116. Repeal all sentences by the National Safety Supported 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial Affected persons: Court , to refer these cases to criminal courts in order - persons deprived of their liberty that all these trials are conducted in a fair, swift and transparent manner ( Germany ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(b) 115.117. Ensure that all the cases of civilians, in tri- Supported 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial Affected persons: als before the National Safety Court for crimes al- - persons deprived of their liberty legedly committed during protests in 2011, are re- ferred to civilian courts ( Poland ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(b) 115.118. All decisions of the National Safety Courts Supported 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial Affected persons: should be subject to review in ordinary courts ( Ire- - persons deprived of their liberty land ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(b) 115.123. Adopt standards on trials in criminal cases Supported 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial 12.6 Conditions of detention and also to guarantee the rights of detainees and pris- Affected persons: oners, in keeping with best practices and relevant in- - persons deprived of their liberty ternational standards. ( Mauritania ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 27 115.125. Urgently conduct new trials of all defend- Supported 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial ants who have been convicted in national safety Affected persons: courts ( United Kingdom ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(b) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 28 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.130. Entrench in the standard procedures that Supported 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial 5.2 Institutions & policies - General every person arrested be given a copy of the arrest 12.6 Conditions of detention warrant and no person should be held incommunic- Affected persons: ado. In any event, all detention should be subject to - persons deprived of their liberty effective monitoring by an independent body ( Neth- erlands ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 10 Right or area: 16. Right to an effective remedy, impunity 115.28. Established proper timelines for the imple- Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Affected persons: mentation of the recommendations of the Bahrain - general Independent Commission of Inquiry ( Norway ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 115.42. Take actions to provide accountability for Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 20.3 International humanitarian law human rights violations ( Slovenia ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 5(a) 115.43. Establish an adequate time frame and a trans- Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 3.3 Cooperation with other international mechanisms and institutions parent follow-up mechanism for an accelerated im- Affected persons: plementation of the recommendations by the Inde- - general pendent Commission of Inquiry ( Sweden ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 115.45. Implement the recommendations of the re- Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Affected persons: port of the Bahrain International Commission of In- - general quiry in such a way to foster a spirit of national unity and consensus conducive to the advancement of the reform process in line with the legitimate aspirations of the people ( Turkey ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 29 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.56. Operationalize the fund establishment for Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Affected persons: compensation of victims of the unfortunate events re- - general cently faced Bahrain , in accordance with relevant best practices ( Palestine ) ; Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 6 115.84. Investigate the deaths in government custody Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 12.1 Right to life ( Czech Republic ); 12.6 Conditions of detention Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Affected persons: Para. 5(a) - general 115.85. Investigate properly all alleged cases of mis- Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial treatment and torture and establish accountability of 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment those responsible ( Italy ); 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Affected persons: - persons deprived of their liberty Para. 5(a) 115.86. Prosecute effectively all security agents that Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment have allegedly tortured or otherwise abused protest- Affected persons: ors ( Austria ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(a) 115.87. Investigate and prosecute all those respons- Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment ible for torture and ill-treatment, unlawful killings Affected persons: and widespread arbitrary arrests ( Czech Republic ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(a) 115.107. Fully implement the Bahrain Independent Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial Commission of Inquiry’s (BICI) recommendations 6 Human rights education, trainings that cover a broad range of tasks, including the ensur- Affected persons: ing of accountability, prevention of the recurrence of - general human rights violations through law reform and training of law enforcement personnel, and respect of due process (Republic of Korea); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 30 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.108. Hold officials of all ranks accountable for Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment their actions, especially regarding allegations of Affected persons: killings, torture and other ill-treatment ( Germany ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(a) 115.109. Take steps to develop new legislation and Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 5.2 Institutions & policies - General policies for law enforcement officials to guarantee 6 Human rights education, trainings accountability of security forces and respect for hu- Affected persons: man rights ( Canada ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 10 115.110. Implement fully all recommendations made Noted 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 12.6 Conditions of detention to Bahrain by the United Nations mandate holders in- 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial cluding the immediate end of violence and release of Affected persons: all political prisoners and ending impunity thus - persons deprived of their liberty bringing perpetrators to justice (Iran (Islamic Repub- lic of) ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 30 115.111. Without delay, carry out an in-depth inquiry Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 5.3 Political framework & good governance into past and present allegations of torture as well as 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment all allegations of excessive and illegal use of force Affected persons: and bring those responsible to justice ( Switzerland ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(a) 115.112. Continue the reform process and ensure ac- Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 12.5 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment countability by investigating all allegations of torture 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial and mistreatment and by prosecuting any individuals Affected persons: found responsible, including senior government offi- - persons deprived of their liberty cials ( Norway ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(a) UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 31 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.124. Implement swiftly and resolutely all the re- Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity 5.2 Institutions & policies - General commendations made by the BICI, including the in- 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial vestigation of documented human rights abuses dur- Affected persons: ing recent protests, with a view to ensuring full ac- - persons deprived of their liberty countability, justice and reparations for the victims (Denmark); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 115.127. Implement fully the recommendations of Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Affected persons: the BICI report ( Thailand ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 115.128. Implement the recommendations contained Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Affected persons: in the Commission’s report which were all accepted - general by the Government, particularly the one regarding the establishment of a programme of national recon- ciliation (Belgium); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 115.132. My country’s delegation welcomes the way Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Affected persons: in which Bahrain has managed the regrettable - general events of February and March 2011. We would ask Bahrain to ensure that there is follow - up of the re- commendations of the BICI ( Qatar ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 115.133. Implements as quickly as possible recom- Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Affected persons: mendations drawn up by BICI ( Egypt ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 32 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.134. Finalize working on the implementation of Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Affected persons: the recommendations of the BICI and to implement - general the outcome of the national conciliation dialogue ( Jordan ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 115.135. Follow up on implementation of recom- Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Affected persons: mendations made by the BICI, in order to overcome - general the effects of unfortunate events ( Kuwait ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 115.136. Continue implementing the recommenda- Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Affected persons: tions of the BICI ( Oman ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11 115.137. Continue the implementation of all the re- Supported 16 Right to an effective remedy, impunity Affected persons: commendations of the BICI ( Saudi Arabia ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 11
Right or area: 17. Rights related to name, identity, nationality 115.75. Continue taking temporary measures for Supported 17 Rights related to name, identity, nationality Affected persons: granting citizenship to children of Bahraini women - children married to non-Bahraini s until the draft law amend- - women ing the Nationality Law comes into effect (India); - non-citizens Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 7 115.140. Continue to take the vital steps to grant cit- Supported 17 Rights related to name, identity, nationality Affected persons: izenship to children of Bahraini mothers in the same - children fashion as children of Bahraini fathers as CEDAW and the CRC have pointed out (Japan); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 7 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 33 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation Right or area: 19. Rights related to marriage & family 115.138. Carry-out awareness raising campaigns on Supported 29.2 Violence against women, trafficking and exploitation of prostitution 19 Rights related to marriage & family the importance of adopting a unified law on the fam- 30.2 Children: family environment and alternative care ily and increasing the minimum age for marriage Affected persons: ( Chile ); - general Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 9 Right or area: 22.1. Right to an adequate standard of living - general 115.47. Intensify its efforts in addressing the welfare Supported 22.1 Right to an adequate standard of living - general 22.4 Right to social security of expected levels ( Bangladesh ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - general Para. 22 Right or area: 22.3. Right to adequate housing 115.165. Continue its efforts in ensuring that the Supported 22.3 Right to adequate housing Affected persons: housing conditions of workers to be continuously in- - general spected and monitored ( Malaysia ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 15(b)
Right or area: 23.1. Right to work 115.175. Implements both procedural and legislative Supported 34 Migrants 23.1 Right to work measures to protect to the utmost extent possible mi- 23.2 Right to just and favourable conditions of work grant workers in the country ( Egypt ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - migrant workers Para. 15(b) 115.176. Intensify efforts and measures to enhance Supported 34 Migrants 23.1 Right to work and expand protection for migrant workers in 23.2 Right to just and favourable conditions of work Bahrain ( Lebanon ) . Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - migrant workers Para. 15(b) Right or area: 25. Right to education UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 34 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.169. Continue taking necessary efforts and ac- Supported 31 Persons with disabilities 25 Right to education - General tion to provide appropriate educational opportunities Affected persons: for persons with disabilities ( Ecuador ); - persons with disabilities Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 8 115.170. Continue strengthening efforts to guarantee Supported 31 Persons with disabilities 25 Right to education - General access to adequate education for persons with disab- Affected persons: ilities ( U nited A rab E mirates ); - persons with disabilities Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 8 115.171. Efforts should continue to be perused in or- Supported 31 Persons with disabilities 25 Right to education - General der to provide opportunities of adequate education Affected persons: for persons with disabilities ( Yemen ); - persons with disabilities Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 8 115.172. Provide adequate education opportunities Supported 31 Persons with disabilities 25 Right to education - General for the persons with disabilities ( Saudi Arabia ); Affected persons: Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - persons with disabilities Para. 8
Right or area: 29.1. Discrimination against women 115.39. Continue progress in the implementation of Supported 29.1 Discrimination against women Affected persons: policies designed for the advancement of women and - women ensuring quality social services that are universal in coverage and benefit the whole of the population (Cuba); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28 115.51. Continue the efforts in favour of the promo- Supported 29.1 Discrimination against women Affected persons: tion of women's rights ( Senegal ); - women Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 35 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.69. Take all necessary measures to combat all Supported 29.1 Discrimination against women Affected persons: forms of discrimination against women and enhance - women their participation is State institution ( Jordan ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28 115.71. Continue its efforts to empower women eco- Supported 29.1 Discrimination against women Affected persons: nomically, politically and socially, and to take all ne- - women cessary measures to eliminate all forms of discrimin- ation against women. ( Morocco ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28 115.72. Strengthen its efforts to promote gender Supported 29.1 Discrimination against women Affected persons: equality ( Republic of Korea ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28 115.73. Continue promoting initiatives aimed at em- Supported 29.1 Discrimination against women Affected persons: powering women of the country in their economic, - women political and social level ( Chile ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 28
Right or area: 32. Members of minorities 115.93. Prevent incidents of violence against mem- Supported 32 Members of minorities 13.1 Liberty and security - general bers of ethnic and religious communities ( Canada ); Institutions & policies Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Affected persons: Para. 27 - minorities/ racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious or descent-based groups Right or area: 34. Migrants UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 36 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.76. Take necessary measures to address issues Supported 34 Migrants 23.1 Right to work relating to foreign workers, such as their facing travel 23.2 Right to just and favourable conditions of work bans and sometimes loss of rights to residence and Affected persons: work while being investigated for financial irregular- - migrant workers ity, so that the principles of natural justice are a dhered to scrupulously (India); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 15(b) 115.173. Step up its efforts in promoting and protect- Supported 34 Migrants 23.1 Right to work ing migrant workers ( Indonesia ); 23.2 Right to just and favourable conditions of work Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Institutions & policies Para. 15(b) Affected persons: - migrant workers 115.174. Continue efforts to ensure a larger and more Supported 34 Migrants 23.1 Right to work inclusive protection for foreign workers ( Algeria ); 23.2 Right to just and favourable conditions of work Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Institutions & policies Para. 15(b) Affected persons: - migrant workers Right or area: 36. Human rights defenders 115.126. A speedy conclusion to these cases (of hu- Supported 36 Human rights defenders 15.1 Administration of justice & fair trial man rights violations against peaceful protestors), Affected persons: such as the ongoing case of Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja - human rights defenders ( Australia ); - persons deprived of their liberty Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 5(d) 115.147. That human rights defenders must be pro- Supported 36 Human rights defenders Affected persons: tected and allowed to conduct their work without - human rights defenders hindrance, intimidation or harassment ( Norway ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 29 UPR of Bahrain (2nd Cycle – 13th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 37 of 37
Recommendation Position Full list of themes Assessment/comments on level of implementation 115.150. Abandon any restriction or obstacle to the Supported 36 Human rights defenders Affected persons: work of persons and institutions engaged in the pro- - human rights defenders tection and promotion of human rights ( Switzerland ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 29 115.158. Cease all intimidation or repression against Supported 36 Human rights defenders 14.3 Freedom of opinion and expression human rights defenders, journalists and Non-Govern- Affected persons: mental Organizations ( Spain ); - human rights defenders Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - - media Para. 29 Right or area: 43. Comments from States Parties 115.54. Invite the Council to adopt the National Re- Supported 43 Comments from States parties 5.2 Institutions & policies - General port of the Kingdom of Bahrain and to present the Affected persons: comprehensive support needed for the Kingdom of - general Bahrain in order to handle related challenges ( Qatar ); Source of position: A/HRC/21/6/Add.1/Rev.1 - Para. 16(b)