CRLA ITTPC Reviewer Checklist Rev.10/01/12Ras Reviewer: Date Began: Date Completed
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CRLA ITTPC Reviewer Checklist rev.10/01/12ras Reviewer: Date Began: Date Completed:
___New (Complete & comprehensive app.) or ___Recert (Confirm program still meeting min. requirements) NOTE: If a program is submitting separate kinds of certification, a different application is required for each type. Renewal is reviewed by ITTPC Coordinator and should not be out for review. Level(s) applied for: Program ID: Institution: Program Name: Contact Person: Contact Phone: Contact Email: Single:__ or Multiple: #__programs /#__ campuses Reviewer recommendation: ___Approve ___Do not Approve at this time Overall comments:
Positive Comments:
SECTION A: DURATION Level1: ___Application indicates a minimum of ten hours of tutor training as one of the following: 1. __ a quarter, semester, or year-long tutor training course. 2. __ a quarter, semester, or year-long tutor training (non-course work). 3. Other (specify): Level2: ___Application indicates a minimum of ten hours of tutor training as one of the following: 1. __ a quarter, semester, or year-long tutor training course. 2. __ a quarter, semester, or year-long tutor training (non-course work). 3. Other (specify): Level3: ___Application indicates a minimum of ten hours of tutor training as one of the following: 1. __ a quarter, semester, or year-long tutor training course. 2. __ a quarter, semester, or year-long tutor training (non-course work). 3. Other (specify):
SECTION B: MODES Level1: ___Application demonstrates a minimum of 6 hours of Tutor-trainer supervised, Interactive, Live, and Real-time tutor training using one or more of the following modes: _____ workshop instruction/seminar session _____ face-to-face or online discussions _____ multi-user virtual environment (MUVE, like Second Life) _____ other (specify): Additional training modes documented include: _____ videotapes/DVDs/websites _____ conferences with tutor training/supervisor _____webquests/podcasts, wikis, blogs _____ texts, handouts, scavenger hunts _____ special tutor projects _____ other (specify): Level2: ___Application demonstrates a minimum of 4 hours of Tutor-trainer supervised, Interactive, Live, and Real-time tutor training using one or more of the following modes: _____ workshop instruction/seminar session _____ face-to-face or online discussions _____ multi-user virtual environment (MUVE, like Second Life) _____ other (specify): Additional training modes documented include: _____ videotapes/DVDs/websites _____ conferences with tutor training/supervisor _____webquests/podcasts, wikis, blogs _____ texts, handouts, scavenger hunts _____ special tutor projects _____ other (specify): Level3: ___Application demonstrates a minimum of 2 hours of Tutor-trainer supervised, Interactive, Live, and Real-time tutor training using one or more of the following modes: _____ workshop instruction/seminar session _____ face-to-face or online discussions _____ multi-user virtual environment (MUVE, like Second Life) _____ other (specify): Additional training modes documented include: _____ videotapes/DVDs/websites _____ conferences with tutor training/supervisor _____webquests/podcasts, wikis, blogs _____ texts, handouts, scavenger hunts _____ special tutor projects _____ other (specify):
SECTION C: TOPICS Level1: ___ A minimum of 8 of the following are documented: _____ Definition of tutoring and tutoring responsibilities. _____ Basic Tutoring Guidelines/Tutoring Do’s/Tutoring Don’ts _____ Techniques for successfully beginning and ending a tutoring session. _____ Adult learners/ learning theory/ learning styles _____ Assertiveness/ handling difficult students _____ Role modeling _____ Setting goals/planning _____Communication skills _____ Active listening and paraphrasing _____ Referral skills _____ Study skills _____ Critical thinking skills _____ Compliance with the ethics and philosophy of the tutor program/sexual harassment/plagiarism _____ Modeling problem solving ____ Other (please specify) ______
SECTION C: TOPICS Level 2: ____ Review of Level 1 topics + four additional topics In addition to reviewing the topics covered in Level 1 a minimum of four (4) of the following topics (or topics not covered in Level 1) should be covered in Level 2 training. The exact amount of time devoted to each topic may vary. ____ Use of probing questions ____ Brain Dominance Learning ____ Cultural Awareness and inter-cultural communications / Diversity ____ Identifying and using resources ____ Tutoring in specific skill/subject areas ____ Assessing or Changing Study Behaviors ____ Level 1 Topic (not covered in Level1) ______Other (please specify) ______
SECTION C: TOPICS Level3: ____ Review of Level 1 topics + four additional topics In addition to reviewing the topics covered in Level 1 a minimum of four (4) of the following topics (or topics not covered in Level 1 or 2 and should be covered in Level 3 training. The exact amount of time devoted to each topic may vary. ____ Review of Level 1 and Level 2 topics ____ Self-regulated Learning/ Brain Learning/ Memory ____ How to tutor/deal with Target Populations ____ The role of Learning Centers in Higher Education ____ Structuring the learning experience ____ Training and supervising other tutors (supervisory skills) ____ Group management skills (group interaction and group dynamics) ____ Level __ 1 or __ 2 Topic (not covered in Level 1 or 2) ______Other (please specify) ______
SECTION D: REQUIRED TUTORING EXPERIENCE (Explain if documentation differs among levels) ___ Level1: Indicates how program assesses minimum of 25 hours actual tutoring experience. ___ Level2: Indicates how program assesses minimum of 25 hours actual tutoring experience. ___ Level3: Indicates how program assesses minimum of 25 hours actual tutoring experience. Documentation includes: ___ Sample report(s) documenting hours of tutoring ___ Accutrack ___ Tutortrac ___ Other (specify): ___ Other (specify):
SECTION E: TUTOR SELECTION CRITERIA: (Explain if documentation differs among levels) ___ Level1: Indicates how Tutor selection criteria was met. ___ Level2: Indicates how Tutor selection criteria was met. ___ Level3: Indicates how Tutor selection criteria was met. ___ Interview plus (plus one or both of the following) ___ written approval of a content/skill instructor and/or ___ endorsement of tutor trainer/supervisor AND ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: ___ Grade of “A” or “B” in subject content being tutored ___ Documented experience equivalent to the above item. ___ Other (specify):
SECTION F: TUTOR EVALUATION (Explain if documentation differs among levels) ___ Level 1: Clearly documents that an evaluation is in place. ___ Level 2: Clearly documents that an evaluation is in place. ___ Level 3: Clearly documents that an evaluation is in place. ___ A formal and/or ___ informal evaluation process is in place ___ A formal and/or ___ informal occurs on a regular basis ___ The results of the evaluation process are made known to the tutors. ___ Other (specify):