Aldana, U., Barham, B., Foltz, J., & Useche, P. (2012). Early Adoption, Experience, And

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Aldana, U., Barham, B., Foltz, J., & Useche, P. (2012). Early Adoption, Experience, And

2012 Publications

Aldana, U., Barham, B., Foltz, J., & Useche, P. (2012). Early adoption, experience, and farm performance of GM corn seeds. Agricultural Economics, 43(s1), 11-18.

Andersen, M. A., Alston, J. M., & Pardey, P. G. (2012). Capital Services in US Agriculture: Concepts, Comparisons, and the Treatment of Interest Rates: An Error and a Correction. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 94(5), 1247-1248.

Andersen, M. A., Alston, J. M., & Pardey, P. G. (2012). Capital use intensity and productivity biases. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 37(1), 59-71.

Asfaw, S., Lipper, L., Dalton, T. J., & Audi, P. (2012). Market participation, on-farm crop diversity and household welfare: micro-evidence from Kenya. Environment and Development Economics, 1(1), 1-23.

Ball, V. E., & Wang, S. L. (2012). Productivity growth in US agriculture. Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 2012 Edition, 10. Washington, DC: USDA, Economic Research Service.

Beach, R. H., Zhang, Y. W., & McCarl, B. A. (2012). Modeling Bioenergy, Land Use, And Ghg Emissions With Fasomghg: Model Overview And Analysis Of Storage Cost Implications. Climate Change Economics, 3(03), DOI: 10.1142/S2010007812500121.

Bekkerman, A., Smith, V. H., & Watts, M. J. (2012). The SURE program and incentives for crop insurance participation: A theoretical and empirical analysis. Agricultural Finance Review, 72(3), 381-401.

Bervejillo, J. E., Alston, J. M., & Tumber, K. P. (2012). The benefits from public agricultural research in Uruguay. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 56(4), 475-497.

Biscotti, D., Lacy, W. B., Glenna, L. L., & Welsh, R. (2012). Constructing “Disinterested” Academic Science Relational Work in University–Industry Research Collaborations. Politics & Society, 40(2), 273-308.

Bobenrieth, E. S., Bobenrieth, J. R., & Wright, B. D. (2012). Strict concavity of the value function for a family of dynamic accumulation models. The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics, 12(1).

Bond, J., & Graff, G. (2012). GA Alsos, S. Carter, E. Ljunggren, and F. Welter (eds.), The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Rural Development. Northhampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. Cahill, S. A., Rich, T., Fuglie, K. O., Wang, S. L., & Ball, V. E. (2012). Measurement of Canadian Agricultural Productivity Growth. In Fuglie, K. O., Wang, S. L., & Ball, V. E. (eds.) Productivity growth in agriculture: an international perspective. Productivity growth in agriculture: an international perspective. Cambridge, MA: CABI.

Chavas, J. P., & Shi, G. (2012). Market Concentration and the Analysis of Vertical Organization. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(1), 1-6.

Chavas, J. P., Barham, B., Foltz, J., & Kim, K. (2012). Analysis and decomposition of scope economies: R&D at US research universities. Applied Economics, 44(11), 1387- 1404.

Daku, L., Peshin, R., Norton, G. W., & Taylor, D. B. (2012). Economic Impact Assessment of Oilseed IPM Programs. In S.K. Gupta (ed.) Technological Innovations in Major World Oil Crops, Volume 2. Springer New York.

Foltz, J. D., Barham, B. L., Chavas, J. P., & Kim, K. (2012). Efficiency and technological change at US research universities. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 37(2), 171-186.

Foltz, J. D., Aldana, U. T., & Laris, P. (2012). The Sahel's Silent Maize Revolution: Analyzing Maize Productivity in Mali at the Farm-level (NBER Working Paper No. 17801. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Foltz, J. D., & Gajigo, O. (2012). Assessing the Returns to Education in the Gambia. Journal of African Economies, 21(4), 580-608.

Francisco, S. R., Aragon, C. A., & Norton, G. W. (2012). Potential poverty reducing impacts of Bt eggplant adoption in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Crop Science, 37(3), 30-39.

Frisvold, G. B., & Deva, S. (2012). Farm Size, Irrigation Practices, and Conservation Program Participation in the US Southwest. Irrigation and Drainage, 61(5), 569-582.

Frisvold, G.B. (2012) A social science perspective on weed management practices. In National Summit on Strategies to Manage Herbicide-Resistant Weeds: Proceedings of a Symposium. National Research Council (ed.) Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Fuglie, K., Heisey, P., King, J., Pray, C. E., & Schimmelpfennig, D. (2012). The contribution of private industry to agricultural innovation. Science, 338(6110), 1031- 1032.

Fuglie, K. O., Wang, S. L., & Ball, V. E. (2012). Productivity growth in agriculture: an international perspective. Productivity growth in agriculture: an international perspective. Cambridge, MA: CABI. Fuglie, K., Heisey, P., King, J., & Schimmelpfennig, D. (2012). Private Industry Investing Heavily, and Globally, in Research To Improve Agricultural Productivity. Amber Waves, (2).

Glenna, L., Ader, D., Bauchspies, W., Traoré, A., & Agboh-Noameshi, R. A. (2012). The Efficacy of a Program Promoting Rice Self-Sufficiency in Ghana during a Period of Neoliberalism. Rural Sociology, 77(4), 520-546.

Ghimire, R., Norton, J. B., Norton, U., Ritten, J. P., Stahl, P. D., & Krall, J. M. (2012). Long-term farming systems research in the central High Plains. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-11.

Graff, G. D., & Zilberman, D. (2012). Agricultural Biotechnology: Equity and Prosperity. In Popp, J. S., Matlock, M. D., Jahn, M. M., & Kemper, N. P. (Eds.). The role of biotechnology in a sustainable food supply. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hagerman, A. D., McCarl, B. A., Carpenter, T. E., Ward, M. P., & O'Brien, J. (2012). Emergency vaccination to control foot-and-mouth disease: Implications of its inclusion as a US policy option. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 34(1), 119-146.

Hagerman, A. D., Jr, K. H. M., & McCarl, B. A. (2012). Economic dimensions and directions of animal disease policy. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 16(4), 248-264.

Hochman, G., Kaplan, S., Rajagopal, D., & Zilberman, D. (2012). Biofuel and food- commodity prices. Agriculture, 2(3), 272-281.

Huffman, W. E. (2012). Adoption and impacts at farm level in the USA. JRC Scientific and Policy Reports. In M. Lusser, T. Raney, P. Tillie, K. Dillen, and E. Rodriguez Cerezo (Eds.) International workshop on socioeconomic impacts of genetically modified crops co-organised by JRC-IPTS and FAO Workshop proceedings. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union and Rome: Food an Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Huffman, W. E. (2012). Kahneman’s Psychology of Value: The Sixth TW Schultz Lecture. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 94(2), 285-290.

Huffman, W. E. (2012). The Status of Labor-Saving Mechanization in US Fruit and Vegetable Harvesting. Choices, 27(2).

Ifft, J., & Zilberman, D. (2012). The Evolution of Animal Agricultural Systems and Supply Chains: Theory and Practice. In D. Zilberman, J. Otte, D. Roland-Holst, D. Pfeiffer. Health and Animal Agriculture in Developing Countries. New York: Springer. Ifft, J., Roland-Holst, D., & Zilberman, D. (2012). Consumer valuation of safety-labeled free-ange chicken: results of a field experiment in Hanoi. Agricultural Economics, 43(6), 607-620.

Janda, K., Kristoufek, L., & Zilberman, D. (2012). Biofuels: Policies and impacts. Agricultural Economics, 58(8), 372-386.

Khanna, M., & Zilberman, D. (2012). Modeling The Land-Use And Greenhouse-Gas Implications Of Biofuels. Climate Change Economics, 3(03).

Kim, K., Chavas, J. P., Barham, B., & Foltz, J. (2012). Specialization, diversification, and productivity: a panel data analysis of rice farms in Korea. Agricultural Economics, 43(6), 687-700.

Kristoufek, L., Janda, K., & Zilberman, D. (2012). Correlations between biofuels and related commodities before and during the food crisis: A taxonomy perspective. Energy Economics, 34(5), 1380-1391.

Lapan, H., & Moschini, G. (2012). Second-best biofuel policies and the welfare effects of quantity mandates and subsidies. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 63(2), 224-241.

Leelaruban, N., Oduor, P. G., Akyuz, A., Shaik, S., & Padmanabhan, G. (2012). Leveraging a spatio–temporal drought severity and coverage index with crop yield modelled as a stochastic process. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 2(3), 219-236.

Loveridge, S., Miller, S., & Komarek, T. (2012). Residents Support Entrepreneurship But Policy Lags. Choices, 27(2).

Loveridge, S., Miller, S., Komarek, T., & Satimanon, T. (2012). Assessing Regional Attitudes about Entrepreneurship. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 42(3).

Miljkovic, D., Shaik, S., & Braun, D. (2012). Impact of biofuel policies on livestock production in the United States. Journal of Policy Modeling.

Moschini, G., Cui, J., & Lapan, H. (2012). Economics of Biofuels: An Overview of Policies, Impacts and Prospects. Bio-based and Applied Economics, 1(3), 269-296.

Norsworthy, J., S. Ward, D. Shaw, R. Llewellyn, R. Nichols, T. Webster, K. Bradley, G. Frisvold, S. Powles, N. Burgos, W. Witt, & M. Barrett (2012). Reducing the risks of herbicide resistance: best management practices and recommendations. Weed Science, 60(sp1), 31-62. Olson, S. N., Ritter, K., Rooney, W., Kemanian, A., McCarl, B. A., Zhang, Y., ... & Mullet, J. (2012). High biomass yield energy sorghum: developing a genetic model for C4 grass bioenergy crops. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 6(6), 640-655.

Pardey, P. G., & Alston, J. M. (2012). For Want of a Nail: The Case for Increased Agricultural R&D Spending. Report in the series, American Boondoggle: Fixing the Farm Bill. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute.

Pardey, P. G., Alston, J. M., (2012). Global and US trends in Agricultural R&D in a Global Food Security Setting. In Improving Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems OECD Conference Proceedings. Paris: OECD.

Perrin, R., Sesmero, J., Wamisho, K., & Bacha, D. (2012). Biomass supply schedules for Great Plains delivery points. Biomass and Bioenergy, 37, 213-220.

Plastina, A., & Fulginiti, L. (2012). Rates of return to public agricultural research in 48 US states. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 37(2), 95-113.

Poudel, B. N., Paudel, K. P., Timilsina, G., & Zilberman, D. (2012). Providing Numbers for a Food versus Fuel Debate: An Analysis of a Future Biofuel Production Scenario. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 34(4), 637-668.

Pray, C.E. (2012). Welfare creation and distribution. JRC Scientific and Policy Reports. In M. Lusser, T. Raney, P. Tillie, K. Dillen, and E. Rodriguez Cerezo (Eds.) International workshop on socioeconomic impacts of genetically modified crops co-organised by JRC- IPTS and FAO Workshop proceedings. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union and Rome: Food an Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Roberts, T. W., Peck, D. E., & Ritten, J. P. (2012). Cattle producers’ economic incentives for preventing bovine brucellosis under uncertainty. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 107(3-4), 187-203.

Sauer, J., & Zilberman, D. (2012). Sequential technology implementation, network externalities, and risk: the case of automatic milking systems. Agricultural Economics, 43(3), 233-252.

Schmit, T. M., Rickard, B. J., & Taber, J. (2012). Consumer Valuation of Environmentally Friendly Production Practices in Wines, considering Asymmetric Information and Sensory Effects. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 64(2), 483–504.

Sesmero, J. P., Perrin, R. K., & Fulginiti, L. E. (2012). Environmental efficiency among corn ethanol plants. Biomass and Bioenergy, 46, 634-644.

Sexton, S., & Zilberman, D. (2012). Land Food and Fuel Production. In Zivin, J. S. G., & Perloff, J. M. (Eds.) The Intended and Unintended Effects of US Agricultural and Biotechnology Policies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Shaik, S., Allen, A. J., Edwards, S., & Harris, J. (2012). Market Structure Conduct Performance Hypothesis Revisited Using Stochastic Frontier Efficiency Analysis. In Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, 48(3), 5-18.

Shaik, S., Mishra, A. K., & Atwood, J. (2012). Aggregation issues in the estimation of linear programming productivity measures. Journal of Applied Economics, 15(1), 169- 187.

Shi, G., & Pray, C. (2012). Modeling agricultural innovation in a rapidly developing country: the case of Chinese pesticide industry. Agricultural Economics, 43(4), 379-390.

Shi, G., Chavas, J. P., Stiegert, K., & Meng, X. (2012). An analysis of bundle pricing: the case of biotech seeds. Agricultural Economics, 43(s1), 125-139.

Tong, H., Fulginiti, L. E., Sesmero, J. P., Fuglie, K. O., Wang, S. L., & Ball, V. E. (2012). Agricultural productivity in China: national and regional growth patterns, 1993- 2005. In Fuglie, K. O., Wang, S. L., & Ball, V. E. (eds.) Productivity growth in agriculture: an international perspective. Productivity growth in agriculture: an international perspective. Cambridge, MA: CABI.

Useche, P., Barham, B., & Foltz, J. (2012). A State Contingent Approach to Farmer Valuation and Adoption of New Crop Traits. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Wang, S. L., Ball, V. E., Fulginiti, L. E., Plastina, A., & Fuglie, K. O. (2012). Accounting for the impact of local and spill-in public research, extension and roads on US regional agricultural productivity, 1980-2004. In Fuglie, K. O., Wang, S. L., & Ball, V. E. (eds.) Productivity growth in agriculture: an international perspective. Productivity growth in agriculture: an international perspective. Cambridge, MA: CABI.

Wang, S. L., Schimmelpfennig, D., Fuglie, K. O., & Ball, V. E. (2012). Is Agricultural Productivity Growth Slowing in Western Europe. In Fuglie, K. O., Wang, S. L., & Ball, V. E. (eds.) Productivity growth in agriculture: an international perspective. Productivity growth in agriculture: an international perspective. Cambridge, MA: CABI.

Waterfield, G., & Zilberman, D. (2012). Pest Management in Food Systems: An Economic Perspective. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 37, 223-245.

Wright, B. D. (2012). Grand missions of agricultural innovation. Research Policy, 41(10), 1716–1728.

Yeboah, O., Shaik, S., Quaicoe, O., & Wetzstein, M. E. (2012). Evaluating the Causes of Rising Food Prices in Low and Middle Income Countries. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 44(3), 411. Zaitchik, B. F., Simane, B., Habib, S., Anderson, M. C., Ozdogan, M., & Foltz, J. D. (2012). Building climate resilience in the blue nile/abay highlands: A role for earth system sciences. International journal of environmental research and public health, 9(2), 435-461.

Zheng, Q., & Shumway, C. R. (2012). Washington biofuel feedstock crop supply under output price and quantity uncertainty. Energy Policy, 48, 515-525.

Zilberman, D. (2012). Impacts of biotechnology on global productivity and world food prices. JRC Scientific and Policy Reports. In M. Lusser, T. Raney, P. Tillie, K. Dillen, and E. Rodriguez Cerezo (Eds.) International workshop on socioeconomic impacts of genetically modified crops co-organised by JRC-IPTS and FAO Workshop proceedings. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union and Rome: Food an Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Zilberman, D. & Sexton, S. (2012). Enhancing Productivity while Safeguarding Environmental Quality. In I. Parry and F. Day (Eds.) Issues of the Day: 100 Commentaries on Climate, Energy, the Environment, Transportation, and Public Health Policy. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future Press.

Zilberman, D., Sproul, T. W., Sexton, S., & Roland-Holst, D. (2012). The Economics of Zoonotic Diseases: An Application to Avian Flu. In Health and Animal Agriculture in Developing Countries. New York: Springer.

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