Word Study Lesson Plan

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Word Study Lesson Plan



E What is your objective?  PATTERN(S). E What letter(s) or sound-spelling correspondence(s)/pattern(s)/word parts will you W

emphasize? (There are examples in the Words Their Way book and in your ISAT

E unit plan.)  H What knowledge and skills are embedded in the objective?  T Prefixes: re, pre, un R SWBAT spell, decode and O

F define words that have simple

G prefixes un, re, pre. N I ASSESSMENT FOR FRIDAY T

T Describe, briefly, what students will do to show you that they have mastered (or made progress toward) the objective. 

E Attach your daily assessment, completed to include an exemplary student response that illustrates the expected level of rigor.  S - 10 words: N regroup untie preschool prefirst replay preview rethink O I

S reapply unwilling unable I V W O H S

, O S

, W O N K MONDAY (25 MIN.) – Focus on I and B I can identify the ___ sound. I can blend words with the ___ and ___ spellings. INTRODUCE THE SOUNDS/WORD PARTS Materials How will you introduce the targeted letter(s)/correspondence(s)/pattern(s)?  . What memory aides will you use to help students remember the letter(s)/correspondence(s)/pattern(s)?  . How will you visually represent the letter(s)/correspondence(s)/pattern(s)?  . Which potential misunderstandings do you anticipate?  How will you proactively mitigate them?  . How/when will you check for understanding?  How will you address misunderstandings?  . How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?  Why will students be engaged?  GUIDED PRACTICE INTRO TO NEW MATERIAL Ifextra time, studentsreadhave listsofwiththe wordspartner. a Grades ( unhappy,unfortunate, unreal, unsteady,unwind, unscrew,unsafe unable,UN: unathlethic, unattractive, unbearable,unbelievable, uneasy,unclear, unfair, reread, reunite, retire, revise, rewash, rewrite RE:reappear, reapply, rearrange, recount, recall, rediscover, recycle, remix,reload, refill, preseason,pregame, preview, prefirst, premature PRE:prearrange, predawn, preheat,prejudge, preplan,premix, prework, prewash, reading for fluency. Blend listsof onthe words and board give studentsthen copiesofliststo the practice discuss… which begin and a with prefix why beginsthe with letters notun does prefix sortmean it’s a … Blend listsof with words prefixes.the about non-examples.Talk Just because a words behavioralHow clearly andwillexpectations? state youmodel understanding? Howmonitorperformance check willto for you hard?to from scaffoldedeasy with multiple opportunities How practice, exercises ensure to have willall students you that . guidedHow structure will practice? the you definewordthe partswords. and example:For Ifextra time, studentspickhave threewords each(one with andprefix) illustrate and Unhitch, uneducated,unable Rewind,redo, regroup Prefirst,premature, preschool Introduce words each 3 for prefix.Review motionstheand chants times.the many motion) un= not, motion– indexfingerstocross make anX,no, “Un… not”no, (anddo the “ tore doagain, = motion – roll hands backwards(basketball travelingsignal backwards) before” (anddomotion)the pre =beginning, before,motion-move #1 and fingerbefore, “Pre that’s wait … … first Introduce: Have3all prefixeson a chartshow and them individually I introduce soundeach word ofmeaningthe part changesPREFIXES: beginningittoof thea … Aword the that word is added Great Resource forGreatWord ListsResource Wait … rewind… re, Wait re”… (and do re, motion)the Preschool= =School Pre= o FOLLOWING: IS BLENDING ANSWER LESSON, THE IF THISA o o Decodable Text – What decodable text will you have students read? text read? willText Decodable decodablestudents you What have – have read? willReading sentences What students Sentences you – – Blendwillblend? words What students  by Wiley Blevins) preschool I wordsI with andcan ___ spellings.blend the ___ I can sort with andI ___ sounds.the ___ words TUESDAY (25 MIN.) – Focus on I and Bandon MIN.)I Focus (25 – TUESDAY Rewind = Rewind = Wind = Re : : TeachingPhonics Word in & Study Intermediatethe   rewind   Why willbe engaged? students How will you misunderstandings?How address unable,unplug,uncle, under   Unable= Able = Un= unable  

and definitions illustrations student worksheet for 3box definitions prefix Chart with each prefix word lists for Copiesof the definitions prefixesand Poster of Materials WEDNESDAY (25 MIN.) – Focus on B and R I can read sentences with ___ and ___ words. I can segment and spell with _____ and _____ words. How will you structure the guided practice?  Materials . IF THIS IS A BLENDING LESSON, ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: o Blend – What words will students blend?  o Reading Sentences – What sentences will you have students read?  o Decodable Text – What decodable text will you have students read?  How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to practice, with exercises scaffolded from easy to hard?  How will you monitor performance to check for understanding?  How will you address misunderstandings?  How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?  Why will students be engaged?  1) Have students review the definitions, motions, and chants. Poster of 2) Have students read through the lists of words as a warm-up with a partner. prefixes and 3) Have sentences written on chart paper with words with the prefixes. definitions *My cousin just started preschool, though she had a preview of her classroom last week. * I rewound the tape because my friends wanted me to replay that song. Copies of the * The boat trailer was stuck and I was unable to unhitch the boat or undo the straps. word lists for 4) If finish early, have students write their own sentences with words with one or all of the each prefix prefixes of the week.

THURSDAY (25 MIN.) – Focus on D I can read a decodable text with ___ and ___ words. How will you structure the guided practice?  Materials . IF THIS IS A BLENDING LESSON, ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: o Blend – What words will students blend?  o Reading Sentences – What sentences will you have students read?  o Decodable Text – What decodable text will you have students read?  How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to practice, with exercises scaffolded from easy to hard?  How will you monitor performance to check for understanding?  How will you address misunderstandings?  How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?  Why will students be engaged?  1) Have students review the definitions, motions, and chants. 2) Have students read through the lists of words as a warm-up with a partner. 3) Have sentences written on chart paper with words with the prefixes.

Read a text with many examples of prefix words.

E FRIDAY (25 MIN.) – Focus on S and D (review) C

I I can spell words with the ___ and ___ sound. T I reread a decodable text with __ and __ words. (review) C

A How will you structure the independent practice?  Materials R What words will students spell to practice the targeted correspondence(s)/pattern(s)

P o

T independently? 

N How will you provide opportunities for remediation and extension? (See “constructive phonics activities” on

E Elementary Literacy pp.63-64)  D How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?  Why will students be engaged?  N

E Give spelling test Spelling test P Reread word lists, sentences, and decodable passage paper E

D Materials used N I If extra time, Prefix Spin Game (see page 226 of the Words Their Way Book) previously *Make spinners with the 3 prefixes. Have a deck of cards with the following base words. during the Demonstrate the game as a group. week 1) Spin 2) Pick a card Spinners, 3) Make a word … If it is a real word, you keep the card. If it is not a real word, you put the paperclips, card back. pencils, 4) You play until all the cards are gone. The winner is the student who has the most cards Base word at the end of the game. cards

Extension Activity: Choose 1 word for each prefix: pre-, re-, and un-. Illustrate the words and define the word parts and the whole word.


Pre = Re = Un =

______= ______= ______=

______= ______= ______=

SENTENCES TO PRACTICE: (Read sentences, highlight prefixes, re-read sentences with a partner, use a timer to encourage students to read quickly and accurately.)

*My cousin just started preschool today, though she had a preview of her classroom last week.

* My mom asked me to premix the ingredients and preheat the oven so we would be ready to make the cake.

* I rewound the tape because my friends wanted me to replay that song.

* It is important that we recycle or reuse our plastic bottles.

* The boat trailer was stuck and I was unable to unhitch the boat or undo the straps.

* When I got to my car in the parking lot, the heat was so unbearable I knew it would be unsafe for me to get inside.

DECODABLE TEXT: It’s insane! My older sister went to this school too, and my teacher mistakes me for her all the time. I don’t like to misbehave, but it infuriates me not to be called by my own name. I don’t think it is unreasonable for him to figure out my name. --Unnamed Dina

Dear Unnamed,

I’d be discouraged, too. Tell him how you feel, then make a bright name tag and wear it for a few days to remind him. It might help refresh his memory. Remember, nothing is impossible. And remember too, we’re all a little imperfect—even me!

PRE: prejudge preseason premix pregame prearrange preplan preview predawn prework prefirst preheat prewash premature reload unbearable remix unbelievable reread unclear RE: retire uneasy reunite unfair reappear revise unhappy reapply rewash unfortunate rearrange rewrite unreal recall UN: unwind recount unsteady recycle unable unscrew rediscover unathletic unsafe refill unattractive

RE Base Words for the Prefix Spin Game

PRE count, judge, match, take, use, set, test, view, charge, pay, able, like, form, place, wrap, order, cover, pack


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