2Nd Grade Supplements for Year Long Use

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2Nd Grade Supplements for Year Long Use

2nd grade Supplements for year long use:

Supplements for calendar: ● Bridges number corner pieces ● Creative Mathematics (ask Amy Swearengin) Creative Mathematics ● Everyday Math Everyday Mathematics

Calendar activites for the year: (5 min a day, hit the date, pick one of the other skills to hit on throughout the month) calendar skills for the year: ● day and date every day ● hundreds, tens, ones ● once a month count to a big number 500 or more ● graphing, comparing numbers on graph, how many more chose one thing over the other, how many students were surveyed. ● coins do this some (bigger coins help) ● odd and even ● patterns calendar pieces find the pattern ● count bys ● measurement

**supplements for homework: ● drops in the bucket ● Math 4 Today ● Common Core Daily Math Warmups (Teachers pay teachers- See Amy Swearengin) Daily math warm ups- not a free resource

**Supplements for assessment: ● Class project math assessment binder (just got this- don’t know how well this will work?) ● Howard county public schools (website) exit tickets links at the bottom ● North Carolina Performance tasks- links at the bottom ● Engage NewYork has end of module tasks that do correlate with Investigations units… please use these as needed for additional assessments.

**Supplements for fact practice: ● Engage NewYork- sprints from 2.1 or any beginning of every module there are fact fluency practice sheets EngageNY ● Triangle flash cards (attached master copies) Triangle Flash cards ● Mad minutes ● Xtra math (free online practice)-can do it at home!!! XtraMath ● Moby Math (pay online subscription) MobyMax: Complete K-8 Curriculum ● TenMarks (pay online subscription- free version) tenmarks ● IXL (free and pay version) IXL Math and English | Online math and language arts practice

**supplements for worksheets for extra practice - ● Eureka Math- Engaged NewYork- see links at bottom Grade and Unit 1: Addition, Subtraction, and the Days: Number System 1 Overview: counting sets of up to 60 objects, counting 27 days accurately and in more than one way. Counting by 10’s, All 27 are priority lessons structure of the 100’s chart, and developing patterns in the structure of the number system.

STANDARDS: CURRICULUM: 2.0A.1 Investigations 2.0A.2 All lesson in this unit are priority 2.0A.4 Omissions: 2.NBT.2 none 2.NBT.3 2,NBT.5 Supplements: 2.NBT.7 2.NBT.9 *see first pages for year long supplimental materials 2.MD.6 CLASS GRANT- formative assessment notebook 2.MD.7 2.MD.8

Vocabulary Notes: accuracy use standard notation ( < > + - =) greater than and less than analog clock, digital clock adding coin names data zero addend parts whole equation plus sign equal sign more same fewer minus sign double dozen array

Grade and Unit 2: 2D and 3D Geometry Days: Overview: composing and decomposing 2 dimensional 9 days are priority lessons and 3 dimensional shapes, describing, identifying , 2 are supplemental lessons comparing and sorting 2 and 3 dimensional shapes. STANDARDS: CURRICULUM: 2.0A.1 Investigations 2.0A.2 Combine 2.1 and 2.2 into one day 2.0A.4 Combine 2.4 and 2.5 into one day 2.NBT.2 2.MD.7 Omissions: 2.G.1 Investigation 3 Symmetry skip 2.G.2 Session 2.8 skip

Supplements: Engage NewYork: 2.8 student pages 3, 6, 12 CLASS GRANT- formative assessment notebook

Vocabulary Notes: polygon geometry Combine 2.1 and 2.2 into one day two-dimensional shapes Combine 2.4 and 2.5 into one day three-dimensional shapes face angle right angle rectangle quadrilateral area congruent column rectangular prism

Grade and Unit3 : Addition, Subtraction and Days: Number System 2 27 days Overview:making sense of and developing straegies to 26 are priority 1 day is supplemental solve addition and subtraction problems with totals up to 45. Understanding the properties of addition and subtraction, counting by equal groups, accurately counting, equivalence, and using manipulatives, show work to solve problems. Knowing basic math facts to 10+10

STANDARDS: CURRICULUM: 2.0A.1 Investigations 2.0A.2 2.OA.3 Omissions: 2.0A.4 none 2.NBT.2 2.NBT.5 Supplements: 2.NBT.6 CLASS GRANT- formative assessment notebook 2.NBT.9 2.MD.6 2.MD.7 2.MD.8

Vocabulary Notes: order total addend doubles near-doubles doubles plus or minus 1 calculator count on doubles combinations count all count on add tens and ones count back addition and subtraction equation equal groups even odd counting by fives counting by tens coin names tally marks grouping by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s two digit numbers plus 10 combinations tens, tens place ones, ones place

Grade and Unit 4: Data Analysis Days: 0 days Overview: sorting, classify, representing and describing Include data analysis is other places data. Design and carry out data investigation. Work on up to 10+ 10 addition facts.

STANDARDS: CURRICULUM: 2.OA.2 2.NBT.2 Inves 2.NBT.5 Omissions: 2.MD.7 Skip this unit 2.MD.8 2.MD.10 2.G.1 Supplements: CLASS GRANT- formative assessment notebook

Vocabulary Notes: data See Investigation 2 sessions 2.2 through 2.7 for ideas rule representation This can be added into calendar math. bar graphs Concepts to review in calendar: circle graphs graphing, read, create graphs, picture graphs and bar collecting and comparing data graphs and solve simple comparing problems using the graphs skip counting, coins, add and subtract within 100, clocks, geometric shapes, Grade and Unit 5: Patterns, Functions and Days: Change 11 days and all are priority Overview: Linear relationships (describing and representing ratios, using tables and graphs to represent change.) Extending and creating repeating patterns-especially basic number patterns for count by’s.

STANDARDS: CURRICULUM: 2.0A.1 Investigations Unit 5 2.0A.2 2.OA.3 Omissions: 2.0A.4 2.NBT.2 2.NBT.3 Supplements: 2.NBT.5 CLASS GRANT- formative assessment notebook 2.NBT.6 2.MD.7 2.MD.8 2.MD.10 2.G.1

Vocabulary: Notes: table column row trigangle trapezoid hexagon rhombus repeating pattern unit even odd multiple

Grade and Unit 6: Addition, Subtraction and Days: the Number System 3 23 days all are priority Overview: addition and subtraction to 100. Structure, fluency and pattern of 100’s chart. Base 10, skip counting 2, 5, 10’s. Show work using manipulatives, drawings, tools and notation.

STANDARDS: CURRICULUM: 2.0A.2 Investigations 2.0A.3 2.NBT.1 Omissions: 2.NBT.2 2.NBT.3 not omitting anything 2.NBT.4 2.NBT.5 Supplements: 2.NBT.6 CLASS GRANT- formative assessment notebook 2.NBT.7 2.NBT.8 Base ten blocks 2.NBT.9 2.NBT.10 2.MD.6 2.MD.7 2.MD.8 2.G.1

Vocabulary Notes: tens ones CCSS three digit numbers come in in this unit story problem Base ten blocks to help with big number understanding 100 chart coin names dollar cents array multiple skip counting

Grade and Unit 7: Fractions Days: 10 days Overview: Understanding fractions as equal parts of a 7 days are priority 4 are supplemental whole and as equal part of a group (ie: equal parts of a candy bar vs. equal parts of a classroom of children) Being able to write fractions correctly ¼, understand the terms

STANDARDS: CURRICULUM: 2.NBT.2 Investigations 2.NBT.5 2.MD.7 Omissions: 2.G.3 Combine 11th assessment day with the 10th day

Supplements: Engage NewYork 2.8, Fraction pages pages 19, 23, 26, 27, 28. Time pages: 29, 30, 33 End of module task 37-40 (geometry, fractions and time) CLASS GRANT- formative assessment notebook

***introduce vocabulary of numerator and denominator

Vocabulary: Notes: one half fraction Explicitly teach that 3/3 is a whole equal ⅓, ⅔, 3/3 is the whole half halves, thirds and fourths the same one and a half fractions are equal parts of a whole two and a half ½ = 1 part of a whole one fourth one quarter fourths one third two thirds numerator and denominator (not included in vocab of lessons, but should be.

Grade and Unit 8: Addition, Subtraction and Days: the Number System 4 Overview: Adding even and odd numbers (conjecture- 20 days all of them are priority what happens if I add two even numbers, two odd numbers or 1 odd/1 even) fluency in basic math facts to 10+10. Visualize, retell and model addition and subtraction to 100. Use tools and drawings to show strategies and solutions.

STANDARDS: CURRICULUM: Investigations 2.0A.1 2.0A.2 Omissions: 2.0A.3 none 2.NBT.1 a 2.NBT.2 Supplements: 2.NBT.5 Engage NewYork- practice problem solving with 2 2.NBT.6 strategies- pages 37-38 module 2.5 2.NBT.7 2.NBT.9 CLASS GRANT- formative assessment notebook 2.MD.6 2.MD.7

Vocabulary: Notes: even odd This unit is where we are adding and subtracting really sum big numbers so it is important. conjecture vertical If you are running behind skip the paper clip lessons or horizontal just demonstrate in front of the class instead of giving diagonal them practice 3.1, then worksheets through unit.

Grade and Unit 9: Measurement Days: Overview: Understanding length, using linear units, 7 days -quick unit- measuring with standard units.

STANDARDS: CURRICULUM: 2.0A.2 2.NBT.5 Investigations 2.MD.1 Omissions: 2.MD.2 2.MD.3 1.1 skip 2.MD. 4 1.2 skip 2.MD.5 1.4 skip 2.MD.7 Skip Investigation 4 completely 2.MD.8 2.MD.9 ** see notes below for clarification- several lessons are combined and lots are omitted.

Supplements: Add other measurement activities if needed. More measuring practice in standard and metric is needed.

Assessment; ENGAGE NEWYORK. pg 71-77 End of module 2.7

Vocabulary Notes: length 1.1 skip width 1.2 skip height 1.3 and 1.5 combine into 1 day measure 1.4 skip estimate 1.6 is assessment- squish it in. unit 2.1 and 2.2 combine into 1 day inch measurement 2.3 is a great last week of school activity if time accurate available. accurately 3.1 and 3.2 combine to 1 day footlength 3.3 do as directed ruler 3.4 do as directed tape measure 3.5 do as directed yard stick inch yard ( nails or popsicle sticks or linker cubes, markers, paper foot clips or hands are great non-standard units) body benchmarks You can skip any worksheets with blue and yellow metric system strips- do not make yellow, blue strips- omit any centimeter worksheets that use these. meter Go quickly through non standard measurement 2.1 is important, but do not spend time creating inch brick rulers. Do not spend time creating inch brick rulers, give them rulers.

Grade and Unit Days: Overview




Vocabulary Notes:

Grade and Unit Days: Overview




Vocabulary Notes:

https://grade4commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/ http://3-5cctask.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/3.OA.1-3.OA.4 http://commoncoretasks.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/1.OA.1-1.OA.2+Tasks http://commoncore.org/maps/math/module-pdfs

Triangle flash cards

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