Appointment Checklist: Assistant Professor, tenure track and non-tenure track

RECRUITMENT: • Submit recruitment request for approval before advertising. • Submit draft offer packet for approval before sending letter to candidate. APPOINTMENT: • A complete faculty appointment packet for this rank may take two months to process, as it must be reviewed by the OAA, School of Medicine Council, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Dean. • An approved UMSOM faculty appointment is required before any UMMC privileges may be granted. Refer to the January 19, 2010 Dean’s letter for more details. • Use candidate’s legal name on all documents. • All effective dates must be consistent throughout packet (E.g. Chair’s letter, Salary Sheet, FAIS, FAR). • Review this checklist while you collect the materials and compile the packet. PACKET PREPARATION: • Convert each document to a pdf and insert each page in the order listed below to create ONE pdf packet. • Name the packet with the appointment date and candidate’s name: YYYY-MMDD-lastname-firstname-AP. • Submit electronic packet to OAA.

DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS □ Chair’s Request • Dated within 90 days before submitted to OAA Letter First Paragraph • Legal name and degree • Proposed rank and tenure status • Official SOM department name • Division; Program, Center and/or Institute (if applicable) • Pay status (full-time, part-time, volunteer) • Effective date * Exclude age and salary Subsequent Paragraphs • Background summary (education, scholarships or academic honors, special training, and/or employment history.) • Clearly details the candidate’s potential for success in the following areas, regardless of strengths: contributions to knowledge, teaching, service, and clinical (if applicable.) See UMSOM APT Policy for details. • State expectations for teaching, research, University service, and clinical responsibilities (if applicable). • For clinicians who will NOT have patient contact, explicitly explain why licensure and/or UMMC privileges are NOT required for the position and state that s/he will NOT have any patient contact. * For a tenure track appointment, the letter must address the candidate’s research mentoring program and name the Research Mentoring Committee chair. See the March 9, 2010 letter from Drs. Civin and Jarrell for details. • Department chair’s signature [No electronic or stamped signatures] □ CV Verification • Dated on or after CV date • Candidate’s signature [No electronic or stamped signatures] □ CV • Dated on or before CV verification date AND within 90 days before submitted to OAA • Use SOM CV format • List each degree as awarded (e.g., MBBS instead of MD) * Candidate must explain time gaps greater than one year in a separate document/e-mail * Exclude pending SOM appointment DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS □ Letters of • Dated within 90 days before submitted to OAA Recommendation • Department Chair or designee must solicit recommendations (3-5 required) • Do NOT ask anyone on search committee to complete a recommendation * Include ALL • Reviewer’s rank is equal to or above candidate’s proposed rank received, per • Addressed to the Department Chair campus policy • States support for proposed rank and tenure status □ Salary Sheet • Ensure that all required information is entered and no red fields remain on spreadsheet. □ FAIS • Salary, funding sources must match information in column ‘FAIS Line #C’ of Salary Sheet • Use whole dollars (may round up or down) • Chair’s signature(s) [No electronic or stamped signatures] □ Interim FAIS • Rank must be Interim Visiting Assistant Professor • Tenure Status must be Non-Tenure Track • End date must be exactly six months from appointment date • Salary, funding sources must match information in column ‘FAIS Line #C’ of Salary Sheet • Use whole dollars (may round up or down) • Chair’s signature(s) [No electronic or stamped signatures] □ VA MOU If any portion of salary paid by VA 8ths • Appropriate signatures [No electronic or stamped signatures] □ Maryland License If applicable Verification • Screenshot from website of applicable Maryland licensing board (e.g., ) □ Transcript(s) • Include official transcript verifying degree and date conferred for any of the following*: • terminal degree • any graduate degree required for the position • any degree to be listed on the faculty profile * If institution does not provide official transcripts, contact OAA. □ Demographic • Form should be completed by candidate and reviewed by APT Partner to ensure accuracy Form and completion □ Faculty • Approved position number Appointment • Correct rank, tenure status, effective date Report (FAR) • Gender and race code for each member of search committee and each candidate • Explain selection or non-selection of each candidate using detailed, specific, job-related OR reasons that mirror the ad Waiver Approval • If only one candidate was interviewed, state so on FAR • Department chair’s signature [No electronic or stamped signatures] □ Published Ads • Use required language, per Office of Accountability and Compliance Faculty Recruitment (Include all Packet guidelines posted ads) □ Offer Letter • Signed by candidate • On or about start date may be within 60 days of actual start date □ Background • E-mail from HR stating that the candidate has cleared the background check OR is cleared to Check begin working contingent upon education verification. * Only an interim appointment can be approved while the education verification is pending.

AFTER SUBMISSION: - OAA will review the packet and contact you via e-mail to request any required revisions. - Submit any revised documents as a pdf file via e-mail to requester. - Once the packet is complete, OAA will obtain required approvals and e-mail the appointment letter and FAIS to you.