TO: Principals, Charter School Administrators, ESE Chairpersons

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TO: Principals, Charter School Administrators, ESE Chairpersons

DATE: August 30, 2013

TO: Principals, Charter School Administrators, ESE Chairpersons

FROM: Laura Luter, Resolution Specialist of Student Support Programs and Services Madonna S. Vance, Supervisor of Student Support Programs and Services Holly Rockhill, Senior Supervisor of Student Support Programs and Services Melissa Musselwhite, Director of Student Support Programs and Services

RE: Matrix of Services Training and Application for 2013-2014

New legislation approved this summer requires schools to report exceptional student education (ESE) funding levels to parents. We anticipate parents asking for funding levels specific to their child, necessitating individual education plan (IEP) teams develop a Matrix of Service funding document. In addition, results from the recent self-monitoring audits and school staff changes, support the need for continued training on Matrix development, documentation and application. Accurate Matrix development and documentation are necessary to receive the appropriate weighted funding for students who require intensive educational services. Schools are requested to send self-contained ESE teachers and related service providers who work with students who have Matrices to one of the trainings indicated below, if not previously trained. In addition, there should be a department chair or other school-based ESE teacher trained for case managers to contact when parents request funding levels for individual students. Several trainings are offered during the year. A copy of the 2012 Matrix of Services Handbook will be provided. Training will involve accessing materials through the district wiki link, so teachers should bring a laptop. New self-contained ESE teachers and ESE teachers who have not been previously trained in Matrix should plan to attend one of the initial Matrix trainings below.

Date Time Location Wednesday, 9/25/2013 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Training Room A Tuesday, 1/22/2014 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Training Room A In addition, there is limited space in an online Matrix course provided through Florida Diagnostic Learning and Resource Services (FDLRS), which runs from 9/16/2013 - 10/21/2013. Participants may sign up for this online course in lieu of face to face training, through Anne Fouda at [email protected]. Any ESE teachers who have participated in initial Matrix training may sign up for Matrix Application training to apply their skills. The Matrix Application training will emphasize T/IEP content, documentation tools and previous audit recommendations using a teacher’s student currently being served. Full-day Matrix Application trainings are being offered in all regions of the county.

Date Time Location by Regions 10/15/2013 (Tuesday) 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. SW – GTES Media Center 10/17/2013 (Thursday) 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. C – PVMS Little House 10/29/2013 (Tuesday) 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. NW – BPMS SHARE Room 11/5/2013 (Tuesday) 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. E – RBCES Media Center 2/11/2014 (Tuesday) 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. E – WCHS Room 327 2/13/2014 (Thursday) 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. NW – MTEC C09-006 3/4/2014 (Tuesday) 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. C – CSRMS Room 322 3/6/2014 (Thursday) 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. SW – RRMS Media Center

Please complete the registration sheet on the next page and return it to Robin Bienasz at OSSPS/District Office to ensure space for your teachers. The coding for substitute authorization is: 421-school cost center #-3402-0751-5200-0000. Please contact Laura Luter at [email protected] or Toni Clayton at [email protected] if you have any questions about this training.

LL/rb xc: Kurt Browning, Superintendent Ray Gadd, Assistant Superintendent for Administration and Operations Amelia VanName Larson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Achievement Ray Bonti, Executive Director for Support Services Kevin Shibley, Esq., Executive Director for Administration Beth Brown, Learning Community Executive Director Todd Cluff, Learning Community Executive Director Monica Ilse, Ed.D., Learning Community Executive Director David Scanga, Ed.D., Learning Community Executive Director Kara Smucker, Principal Coach of Professional Development and School Supports Marsha Van Hook, Principal Coach of Professional Development and School Supports Rob Aguis, Director of Career and Technical Education Christopher Christoff, Director of Professional Development and School Supports Linda Cobbe, Director of Communications and Government Relations Vanessa Hilton, Director of Teaching and Learning Peggy Jones, Ph.D., Director of Accountability, Research and Measurement Angela Porterfield, Director of Early Childhood Programs Nancy Scowcroft, Supervisor of Charter Schools Ramon Suarez, Supervisor of Career and Technical Education Student Support Programs and Services Staff

Attachment: Matrix Training Registration Matrix Training Registration

Initial Matrix Training Initial Training Date (√ one) Training Training Teacher Name and Email up to @ (please print legibly) Room A Room A 9/25/2013 1/22/2014

Regional Matrix Application Training – Fall 2013 Update Training Date (√ one) NW SW C E Teacher Name and Email up to @ (please print legibly) 10/29/13 10/15/13 10/17/13 11/5/13

Regional Matrix Application Training – Spring 2014 Update Training Date (√ one) NW SW C E Teacher Name and Email up to @ (please print legibly) 2/13/14 3/6/14 3/4/13 2/11/14


Administrator’s Signature:


Please return to Robin Bienasz, OSSPS – by 9/20/2013

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