Putney Selectboard
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TOWN OF PUTNEY PO BOX 233 PUTNEY, VT 05346 802-387-5862 Putney Selectboard
Minutes of March 27, 2008
The Town of Putney Selectboard met on Thursday, March 27, 2008, at the Putney Town Hall at 6:00 PM.
Board Members Present: R. Scott Henry, Bradley King
Others Present: Chris Ryan, Town Manager; Laura Barcomb, Administrative Assistant; Anita Coomes, Town Clerk/Treasurer.
Scott Henry called the meeting was called to order at 6:25 p.m.
Minutes: On a motion by S. Henry, seconded by B. King, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of March 12, 2008 as submitted.
Town Manager report: 2008 Appointments: On a motion by S. Henry, seconded by B. King the Board voted unanimously to make the following appointments as presented:
Fence Viewer: Gene Litch, 1 year term Fence Viewer: R. Scott Henry, 1 year term Fence Viewer: Susan “Sissy” Heller, 1 year term Surveyor of Wood & Lumber: Frank Wilson, 1 year term Tree Warden: William Harlow, 1 year term Animal Advisory Board: Sandra Hartley, 3 year term Animal Advisory Board: Honey Loring, 2 year term Windham Regional Rep: Paul Peterson, 1 year term Weigher of Coal: David Hannum, 1 year term WSWMD Representative: Daniel Toomey, 1 year term BCTV Representative: Tim Wessell, 1 year term Council on Aging Representative: Elizabeth Stead, 1 year term Rescue Inc. Representative: Wayne Wagenbach, 1 year term Town Service Officer: Lyssa Papazian, 1 year term Constable: William Graham, 1 year term Energy Coordinator: Daniel Hoviss, 1 year term District 13 Ambulance Committee Rep.: Thomas Goddard, 1 year term Planning Commission: Mark Bowen, 3 year term Planning Commission: Mary Heller Osgood, 3 year term Planning Commission: Robert Olson, 3 year term Conservation Commission: Pamela Cubbage, 3 year term Conservation Commission: Jacquie Walker, 3 year term Conservation Commission: Kathryn Karmen, 3 year term ZBA: Mary Heller Osgood, 3 year term ZBA: Hildamarie Hendricks, 3 year term ZBA: Carl Noe, 3 year term Auditor: Mary Jones, 1 year term The Board hopes to fill the following vacant positions:
Animal Advisory Board: 1 year term Windham Regional Commission Rep.: 1 year term WSWMD Representative: 1 year term, alternate CT River Joint Commission: 1 year term CT River Joint Commission: 1 year term Planning Commission: 1 year term Conservation Commission: 2 year term ZBA: 1 year term
Town Party: The Town Party will be held this Saturday evening at the Putney Inn. The Board discussed last minute details associated with the Person of the Year award.
Water Rates Discussion: Acting as Water & Sewer Commissioners, on a motion by S. Henry, seconded by B. King, the Board voted unanimously based on C. Ryan’s request to reduce the water and sewer assessment on the Putney Fire Department to conform to actual usage as of January 1, 2008.
The Board also discussed current water and sewer rates for Dummerston users. After discussion, the Board voted unanimously, on a motion by B. King, seconded by J. Laughlin, that the water rate policy shall be amended to reflect the sewer rate policy, which is the in-town rate multiplied by two.
The Board discussed the ongoing issue of the Putney Inn water hook up. C. Ryan informed the Bard of a suggestion by Mark Simon, Simon Operation Services, that the town might contract to connect the Inn to system, then collect for the work through the quarterly billing. The Board agreed it would be beneficial to the town to have the Putney Inn connected to the system rather than postpone to some future date. C. Ryan has asked Randi Ziter for estimated costs associated with connecting to the town water system.
Wellness Program Discussion: The Board reviewed draft Health & Safety, Smoking & Tobacco, and Prohibition of Harassment policies. The draft Smoking & Tobacco policy would update the current outdated policy. L. Barcomb informed the Board that Harassment is currently covered under the Town Personnel Policies, but putting these policies in place and updating them yearly will be benefit the town as well as its employees and earn credit towards the Leader program. The Board also discussed acting as Safety Committee and having regular health and safety discussions at board meetings involving department heads.
National Grid Upgrade: C. Ryan has talked to the engineer working on plans for the upgrade and they are aware of the easement due to expire on the Town Garage land. D. Wilson informed C. Ryan of gravel in the area of the easement which he hopes to make use of. A Public Service Board hearing will take place before the upgrade which is scheduled to begin in 2009.
Town Garage: The Board discussed the wood splitting operation behind the Town Garage originally leased to David Hannum. The Town has been addressed by its insurance carrier about this issue. Due to insurance reasons, the need for more space at the garage, and the recent accident at the fire department, it was agreed that it would be in the best interests of the town to discontinue this lease in the coming year.
Affordable Housing Study Committee Update Robert White, who also worked for the town on the Visualizing Density project, has been hired as the consultant. The contract will be signed at the April 8th meeting.
Town Hall Renovations Update Steve Ingram is planning to start work in the basement next Tuesday. He also plans to bring by an expert by to look at jacking the structure in areas that have settled.
Old Business: Putney Commons: C. Ryan has talked to Anne Fines and a representative from Putney Paper Company. A meeting will be scheduled in the near future. Pool Vandalism Repairs: C. Ryan is waiting for an estimate from a local contractor. Fire Station Plantings: S. Henry and B. King have both made contact with the Career Center at BUHS to see if they are interested in the project. Ancient Roads: Laura Heller should be in within the next month or so to discuss.
Executive Session: None
Warrants- The Board signed the following warrants: Payroll #37 $5,339.13 Payroll #38 $5,002.45 Payable #27 $232,092.94
On a motion by S. Henry, seconded by B. King the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
Next Meeting: Affordable Housing Study Committee – April 8, 2008, 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall Selectboard – April 9, 2008, 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall Respectfully submitted by Laura Barcomb