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These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
Call to Order / Quorum Check
The Electronics Task Group (ETG) was called to order at 8:00 a.m., 22-Oct-12.
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portions of the meeting. Open vs. Closed meeting rules were reviewed.
Time keeper established as: Frank Cristofol (BAE Systems)
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
Michael Bath DCMA * William Cardinal Hamilton Sundstrand Bob Cashman Parker Aerospace Francisco Cristofol BAE Systems Time Keeper * Roy Garside Rolls-Royce Jerome Hery SAFRAN Bob Koukol Honeywell Aerospace * Eric Lacourt Thales * John Mastorides Honeywell Aerospace Secretary * Scott Meyer Goodrich (UTAS) Chairperson * Richard Rumas Honeywell Aerospace Vice Chairperson * Suzanne Steketee Ball Aerospace & Technologies * Barbara Waller Raytheon Co
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
* Cristiano Bazzi Somacis S.p.A. Becky DeGutis SAE Ross Harelson American Distributors Inc * Donna Lopez Cristek * Ishwar Mathur IEC Electronics Corp Craig Militello Westinghouse Electric Co Mark Northrup IEC Electronics Corp Scott Potts WETSU Group * Douglas Schueller AbelConn LLC Kees Van der Schoor Fokker Elmo B.V. Tim Voeller Logic PD, Inc. 1 ELECTRONICS OCTOBER 2012 CONFIRMED MINUTES * Jennifer Wagner Ducommun LaBarge Technologies
PRI Staff Present
Bill Dumas Susan Frailey Jesse Lehmier Melanie Petrucci Shanwen Yu
Code of Conduct, Ethics/Conflict of Interest and Export Control Presentations were reviewed. PRI Staff presented a Nadcap video which reviewed Nadcap meeting rules, guidelines and requirements including anti-trust, export controls, and code of conduct.
1.2 Approval of Previous Meeting – OPEN
Motion made by Richard Rumas and seconded by Roy Garside to approve the meeting minutes from June 2012 as written. Motion Passed
Three findings documented in audit 148274, for AC7120, were disputed by the Supplier. The Task Group (TG) reviewed the disputed items and determined that all findings are valid and the Supplier’s arguments were non-persuasive. Disputed items included: 1. Use of shelf life/pot life materials and their controls, considered valid since the Supplier not following their own procedures, 2. a non-sustaining corrective actions for the recurrence of non-labeled materials, 3. the request to combine two findings into one item. The request combine was rejected based on the two findings being independent issues.
PRI Staff reviewed the eAuditNet electronic audit system and the TG audit review process. Topics included: the balloting process, recommendation to approve with comment rather than reject, and other items including how the system sets findings as minor or major based input provided by the Auditor during documentation of the finding. The TG was encouraged to review and ballot audits.
A request was made for all TG members that review audits and find issues/concerns with audits that require feedback to the Auditors to provide that information to Barbara Waller even if you keep your own records.
PRI Staff reviewed the Staff Engineer Delegation Report which indicated a 93.8% Staff Delegation with 100% TG Oversight.
Auditor metrics were reviewed.
PRI Staff provided updates on Auditor candidates. Bill Dumas will contact an auditor candidate that was interviewed in September 2011 to determine his interest in becoming an ETG Auditor. The candidate was not accepted at that time due to limited knowledge of all three checklists. After additional TG discussions, it was determined that his expertise with AC7119 would be a benefit based on the number of audits scheduled. The eAuditNet system will allow PRI to limit audit scheduling by scope (limit to AC7119).
TG supplied inputs for the ETG Planning & Operations report out.
The TG would like more communication time with Auditors which is currently only once a year at the October meeting.
The goal is to obtain their input prior to making checklist revisions and to provide more timely feedback and updates. 2 ELECTRONICS OCTOBER 2012 CONFIRMED MINUTES
Recommendations for consideration: Determine Auditor availability at least once per quarter for conference call or WebEx Consider an Auditor newsletter or advisory
Actions identified for open meeting discussion: Ask Suppliers if they still want both audit notes and question source paragraphs in the same document or split them into two documents (split would be due to size and format of documents). Change AC7121 checklist question 41.1(IPC certs) to clarify the intent is for operators/inspectors to have official IPC cert from a sanctioned IPC certification institution. It currently can be interpreted to mean any IPC-620 Cert.
TG provided input to PRI Staff for creating NCR data gathering categories for consistency with tracking data. Categories include: poorly written, not against a checklist requirement, unclear of actual non-conformance (defect), misinterpretation of the checklist requirement, going beyond the checklist requirement, and other. This list will be modified as required.
Motion made by Richard Rumas and seconded by Roy Garside to nominate Frank Cristofol (BAE Systems) as a Subscriber voting member. Motion Passed.
Motion made by Richard Rumas and seconded by Suzanne Steketee to nominate Jerome Hery (SAFRAN) as an Alternate Subscriber voting member. Motion passed.
PRI Staff announced the contracting of a new Auditor for ETG. New Auditors are required to participate in at least 2 training audits (one as an observer with an existing Auditor and the other in which the new Auditor conducts the audit with oversight by an existing Auditor).
PRI Staff reviewed changes to m-frm-01 for new members. This form now has options for Subscriber and Supplier “non-voting” status to help recognize new participants that want to receive TG information.
Gary Winters will no longer support ETG for Northrop Grumman. He will be supporting the Nadcap Welding Group. Northrop Grumman has not stated if an alternate individual will be representing them at ETG meetings.
TG discussed options of changes to a-frm-04, QUESTIONNAIRE FOR POTENTIAL Nadcap AUDITORS. Richard Rumas proposed to leave form as is with minor corrections to specifications and address key form changes at the February 2013 meeting in Dallas. The form will be modified for the following items: IPC-6012 is not Flexible PBs, IPC-6018 is RF PBs. Assemblies should be better defined to PB Assemblies.
3.1 NMC Metrics
NMC Metrics for ETG were reviewed. Metrics appear to indicate that there is an excess of ETG Auditors but the inability to schedule requested audits does not support this metric indicator. The Staff Engineer will address this inconsistency with the NMC Metrics team.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to discuss this topic with the PRI representative to the NMC Metrics team. (Due Date: 16-Nov-12)
3.2 RAIL Review
The RAIL was reviewed and items closed as appropriate.
3 ELECTRONICS OCTOBER 2012 CONFIRMED MINUTES ACTION ITEM: PRI (Bill Dumas) to send to the proposal to NIP 4-01 change, (per item 30, June 2012 RAIL) to new document owner for ballot. (Due Date: 16-Nov-12)
ACTION ITEM: PRI (Susan Frailey) to send email to Auditors in reference to issues with truncating audit questions (per item 6, Oct. 2011 RAIL). (Due Date: 09-Nov-12)
ACTION ITEM: Scott Meyer to send PRI (Susan Frailey/Bill Dumas) updated slide that lists corporations that either Mandate or Accept Nadcap (per item 52, June 2012 RAIL). (Due Date: 09-Nov-12)
Clarification for RAIL item 49 June 2012: Scott Meyer to forward “letter from the Chair” concerning meeting notification to PRI for distribution. This was based on the request from the last meeting that all meeting notices for all TG meetings are forwarded to all TG members so they can participate if desired. The TG agreed with this proposal and PRI will start forwarding the notices accordingly. PRI will include meeting topic information in the “subject” so the recipients can review topic quickly to determine level of interest and participation. Scott’s “letter” will be a onetime distribution to inform recipients of why they are receiving notices to all TG meetings.
ACTION ITEM: PRI to research option of hiring an employment placement organization to fill Auditor job openings for all commodities and report back to TG. (Due Date: 22-Feb-13)
ACTION ITEM: Barbara Waller to remove “Ripple Measurement” from the next revision of the AC7119 checklist. Immediate action item is to be included revision on AC7119 b-frm-04 (Due Date: 15-Nov-12)
ACTION ITEM: Susan Frailey to contact Richard Rowe and obtain details from the audit in which an Auditor referenced a manufacturer’s website as objective evidence of compliance to the checklist. This information will be communicated to the Auditors with notification of applicable (and unacceptable) items that can be referenced. Susan Frailey will also coordinate with Suzanne Steketee to formulate the applicable verbiage to be communicated and send the draft to the TG for review prior to distributing to Auditors. (Due Date: 15-Nov-12)
TG agreed to place the following items in a “HOLD” status based on priorities set at the last meeting and discussions at this meeting: Space Addendum & Lead-Free Controls.
3.3 Review Feedback from Oversight Audits
TG Chair reviewed finding from the Oversight audit.
3.4 Review Result from Audit Observers
TG reviewed feedback from Susan Frailey and Bill Dumas on their observation audits.
TG reviewed feedback from TG members on pros/cons of observer audits.
3.5 Recap of Auditor Conference
Suzanne Steketee provided an overview of conference items covered during the Auditor conference.
ACTION ITEM: TG to address definition of Demonstration Hardware as a result of Auditor feedback during the conference this week. Definition of Demonstration Hardware to be addressed at this meeting, Agenda item 10.0 of this meeting. Auditors require more details to better define TG intent. (Due Date: 26-Oct-12)
3.6 Status of Appendix Ballot NTGOP-001
Appendix V changes required based on last meeting had been implemented and were reviewed with TG. 4 ELECTRONICS OCTOBER 2012 CONFIRMED MINUTES NIP 6-01 Appendix ETG changes required based on last meeting had been implemented and were reviewed with TG.
ACTION ITEM: PRI to request from NMC information on why standard meeting agenda format does not include Saturday or Sunday events (including Auditor conference). (Due Date: 26-Nov-12)
TG members are strongly encouraged to participate with the sub-team.
Suzanne Steketee presented an updated status of the Conformal Coating checklist sub-team’s accomplishments.
The total number of questions reviewed based on NASA-STD-8739.1, IPC-CC-830 & Honeywell HPS1007 checklist was 295. The number of question initially selected was160. The reduction of questions due to duplication of similar questions was 73. The next phase is expected to remove another 3 to 6 questions.
A working copy of checklist has been created in standard PRI/Nadcap AC checklist format to facilitate ease of editing the draft accordingly.
Suzanne Steketee will review for rewording of checklist questions.
Bill Dumas proposed the slash sheet format of AC7108/2 for the stand alone checklist. Questions could be identified in the new checklist as not requiring a response when they were repeats of questions from the AC7120 checklist. This option should not affect the time of the existing AC7120 audit and would allow the use of the Conformal Coating checklist with the AC7120 checklist.
ACTION ITEM: PRI to send template of slash sheet format to Suzanne Steketee for review by the Conformal Coating sub-team to consider a slash sheet asterisk format for the stand alone Conformal Coating checklist. (Due Date: 20-Nov-12)
ACTION ITEM: Suzanne Steketee to work with Conformal Coating sub-team to create a Conformal Coating checklist with the slash sheet asterisk format draft of the stand alone checklist for review by the TG. (Due Date: 19-Feb-13).
Suzanne Steketee presented an updated status of the Space Addendum checklist sub-team’s accomplishments to date. This will be a slash sheet option. The Space Addendum is in a hold status based on being a lower priority than the Conformal Coating.
Barbara Waller presented AC7119 updates. Presentation will be posted in the Electronics section on eAuditNet.
AC7119 Proposed Handbook changes were presented. PRI Staff (Bill Dumas) has master document with changes agreed to by TG.
Notes for audit clarification were reviewed to address quality systems questions from TG members. General AS9100 questions have been removed from checklists but if the questions can relate directly to commodity hardware, the questions may be included with clarification of what the Auditor should be looking for. 5 ELECTRONICS OCTOBER 2012 CONFIRMED MINUTES
The TG may want to consider review of AC7108 for control of plating operations for incorporation in AC7119. The Chemical Processing (CP) TG spent a lot time to create verbiage that provides an effective review of plating system but not prescriptive of the requirements.
ACTION ITEM: Bill Dumas to locate b-frm-04 for AC7119 with revision notes from D to E to assist sub- team with identification of required handbook notes. (Due Date: 16-Nov-12).
ACTION ITEM: Barbara Waller to create AC7119 paragraph reference document and forward to PRI for distribution and/or posting for review. (Due Date: 21-Dec-12).
ACTION ITEM: Barbara Waller to create AC7119 handbook draft and forward to PRI for distribution and/or posting for review. (Due Date: 21-Dec-12).
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to forward AC7119 paragraph reference document and AC7119 handbook to AC7119 sub-team for review. (Due Date: 21-Dec-12).
TG discussed options for AC7119 going forward: 1) Remove reference to IPC-6012 2) Align (rewrite) checklist with IPC-6012 Note: approximately only 10% of IPC-6012 is currently included in AC7119.
Barbara Waller will create a new checklist based on all IPC-6012 requirements as phase 1 task. Phase 2 will compare new checklist with existing AC7119 to create a final checklist.
ACTION ITEM: Barbara Waller to create a new checklist based on all IPC-6012 requirements as phase 1 task (phase 2 due date TBD after Dallas meeting). (Due Date: 21-Dec-12).
Neither the committee lead nor the co-lead was in attendance and the TG felt an additional co-lead is required to support the committee.
Roy Garside volunteered to be interim AC7120 Committee Lead. All TG members present were in favor of Roy Garside supporting the interim co-lead role. Roy Garside will contact Eddie Lewis and Richard Rowe to obtain applicable documents and information to support the new interim lead role.
ACTION ITEM: Richard Rumas to forward AC7120 sub-team presentation to Roy Garside. This presentation was created by Richard Rowe and contains useful information for the new committee co-lead. (Due Date: 16-Nov-12).
Richard Rumas presented AC7121 updates. The presentation will be posted in the Electronics section on eAuditNet. AC721 Handbook has been released and is posted in the Electronics section on eAuditNet. Minimum scope of approval completed (items identified). Demonstration Hardware updates has been considered and the new TG definition will be considered. Visual acuity Reference Item 9 of these minutes
The TG started reviewing comments for AC7121 checklist Revision B (decisions on proposed changes were captured on the revision control document- b-frm-04, updated 24-Oct-12 and will be posted on eAuditNet). .
6 ELECTRONICS OCTOBER 2012 CONFIRMED MINUTES ACTION ITEM: Richard Rumas (& AC7121 sub-team) to ensure rework questions are in sync across all ETG checklists. This includes a review of the rework/repair sub-team updates to verify that applicable changes are considered. (Due Date: 06-Feb-13)
ACTION ITEM: Richard Rumas to update AC7121 questions 20.10 & 55.20 and/or add audit note for clarification on crimping/soldering of solid conductors. This is in reference to deletion of 29.1.2. (Due Date: 06-Feb-13)
ACTION ITEM: PRI to modify AC7121 question numbers 48.3 a-e in reference to rework from compliance to procedure sections as an editorial change. (Due Date: 15-Dec-12)
Richard Rumas reviewed the sub-team report out for participants that were not able to attend prior sessions.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff (Bill Dumas) to forward AC7121 updated b-frm-04 documents with accepted changes and actions to sub-team for review. (Due Date: 16-Nov-12).
Kees van der Schoor (Fokker Elmo) presented their position on checklist item 41.1 of AC7121 for mandated IPC issued certifications. The request was to change the requirement from requiring official IPC Certs to requiring an IPC Certified Instructor (no more official certs for each operators/inspectors). This request was based on 1) additional cost of IPC training ($10 - $30 per person), 2) In house “Better Than” IPC based on excluding class 1 & 2 in training (which was disputed to be “better than”),
The resolution of this issue will be evaluated by the AC7121 sub-team for options to IPC Certs that would provide equivalent training/testing without adding additional time to the audits and limit the Auditor from determining adequacy of training. The sub-team will present their suggestions at the February 2013 meeting in Dallas.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff (Bill Dumas) to forward the following AC7121 question to AC7120 & AC7119 committee team leads and co-leads for consideration to add to their checklists: “Has the Supplier completed a self audit to this checklist per Para. 2.2.1” (Due Date: 22-Nov-12).
Motion made and seconded to reject proposal to add red plague controls for silver plated wire to checklist and reserve this requirement for Space Addendum based on requirement source is a industry standard (IPC-A-620AS) for Space products. Motion passed
In addition, no control plan requirements are identified. Sub-team may still review this to create a minimum set of required controls and re-submit the request with modifications.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff (Bill Dumas) to forward the comparison document of USA specifications and equivalent European/International specifications, to all sub-teams for review and consideration of including them in applicable checklists. (Due Date: 22-Nov-12).
Roy Garside presented the visual acuity sub-team’s accomplishments from the June 2012 meeting in Berlin. The team created a comparison matrix of visual acuity requirements for several Subscriber and Supplier documents. The team also established that the term “Optometrist” is an internationally recognized term for a medical professional that can conduct eye exams. Kees van der Schoor & Ishwar Mathur will forward their company’s visual acuity requirements to Roy Garside for inclusion into the matrix. The NDT checklist AC7114 visual acuity questions in section 5.4 were reviewed for consideration of adopting them in whole or part.
ACTION ITEM: Kees van der Schoor & Ishwar Mathur to forward their company’s visual acuity requirements to Roy Garside for inclusion into the matrix. (Due Date: 16-Nov-12).
7 ELECTRONICS OCTOBER 2012 CONFIRMED MINUTES ACTION ITEM: The visual acuity sub-team to review the NDT checklist AC7114 visual acuity questions in section 5.4 and Supplier/Subscriber requirements to create proposed checklist questions and present to the TG at the February 2013 meeting in Dallas. (Due Date: 13-Feb-13).
The TG agreed on a definition for demonstration hardware at the last meeting and the action was for sub-team leads to review this definition with their teams and determine where/when demonstration hardware can and cannot be used. The AC7121 sub-team completed this task and proposed that demonstration hardware can be used but not on “core” checklist items. After additional TG discussions, the AC7121 sub-team established that they must conduct a more in- depth review of the checklist to determine demonstration hardware applicability.
Proposals were made to create an order of precedence for audited hardware and only new processes / scope cannot have demonstration hardware. Proposed definition included below:
Demonstration Hardware: NOTE: The use of Demonstration Hardware should be the last resort “Hardware produced without a purchase order so as to demonstrate process compliance when actual hardware is not available. The processes used with demo hardware shall be indistinguishable from PO-driven processes.” The following shall be applied:
Demonstration hardware cannot be used on any new scope. The following order of precedence shall be used for the selection of compliance audits: 1. Aerospace class 3 PO driven product 2. Class 3 PO driven product 3. Historical class 3 PO paper audit with demonstration hardware
Note: additional details of “paper audit” is located in NTGOP Appendix 8.
The TG agreed that this definition for demonstration hardware applies to all ETG checklists with the understanding that all sub-teams can identify items on their checklists in which demonstration hardware cannot be used.
Motion made and seconded to 1. accept the definition as presented, 2. PRI to send an advisory to all eAuditNet electronics registrants including Auditors, 3. to update all handbooks. Motion passed.
ACTION ITEM: AC7119 sub-team leads to review this definition (demonstration hardware) with their teams and determine which sections it should be included in and forward information to PRI Staff for updating AC7119 handbook. (Due Date: 20-Nov-12).
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to forward an Advisory with definition of demonstration hardware to all eAuditNet electronics registrants including electronics auditors. (Due Date: 22-Nov-12).
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to update all three handbooks with Demonstration hardware definitions. The definition and applicability both will be added to section 2.1 in the AC7121 & AC7120. (Due Date: 22-Nov- 12).
11.0 WORKING SESSIONS – OPEN Breakout teams met to continue actions created by each sub-team. The TG agreed that the Long Term Part Storage team did not require a session at this meeting based on priorities and limited member support. The Lead Free team was led by Richard Rumas in the absence of Stephan Gehrke. Mixed Metallurgy/Lead Free: (Lead-Stephan Gehrke) ESD (Lead- Suzanne Steketee) Repair/Rework (Lead- John Mastorides) AC7119 Team (Lead- Barbara Waller) 8 ELECTRONICS OCTOBER 2012 CONFIRMED MINUTES
ACTION ITEM: Breakout sub-team leads to contact PRI to coordinate dates for follow-on sub-team meetings as required. (Due Date: 13-Dec-12).
ACTION ITEM: Breakout sub-team leads to forward report out presentations to PRI (only if required based on any final modifications). (Due Date: 09-Nov-12).
The TG discussed which breakout working sessions will be conducted at next meeting in Dallas. The following topics were selected for consideration and reviewed at Friday’s meeting: Lead Free: (Lead-Stephan Gehrke) ESD (Lead- Suzanne Steketee) Counterfeit Parts (Lead- TBD due to new topic) Question removal (Lead- Richard Rowe) High Frequency (RF) PBs – IPC-6018 (Lead – TBD) o Note: Suzanne Steketee to bring applicable documents o Note: Suzanne Steketee has created several of the questions and can provide to team once established.
12.0 7004/9100 COMPARISON – OPEN
TG discussed concerns with Suppliers taking exception to 9100 7.5.2 (special processes).
The TG reviewed the AC7004E and 9100C comparison matrix and established that there are still gaps that must be addressed based on assumptions that the special process Auditor is reviewing items that may not be happening.
Questions were asked why the AC7004 does not include all 9100 requirements. The response was that the AQS TG removed redundant questions that would be covered by the special process checklists. The AC7004 checklist is aimed at smaller Suppliers. The AQS TG put in requirements they felt would provide an acceptable quality system for the Nadcap program.
The TG discussed options to limit quality system certifications to just 9100 (& exclude AC7004). NTGOP-001 Appendix XII Additional Requirements for Elastomers Seals (SEALS) TG limits quality certifications.
Motion made and seconded to update NTGOP-001 Appendix V to limit quality system certifications to AS9100 for all ETG checklists and to use the existing NTGOP-001, Appendix XII verbiage. Motion passed.
Motion made and seconded that checklists should be evaluated individually for applicability of accepting 9100 and AC7004 requirements. The format of NTGOP-001 Appendix XIV for Composites (COMP) can be used to identify different quality requirements for each checklist. Motion passed.
Motion made and seconded that the AC7121 checklist should allow the option of 9100 or AC7004. Motion failed.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to update (submit for ballot) NTGOP-001 section 3.4 and ETG appendix V to limit quality system certifications to 9100 for all ETG checklists and to use the existing NTGOP-001 Appendix XII SEAL verbiage. (Due Date: 13-Dec-12).
Motion made and seconded that Suppliers will have 12 months to obtain 9100 from date of release of new NTGOP-001Appendix V requirement that previously accepted AC7004. Motion passed.
13.1 IPC Report out
Richard Rumas provided the IPC updates. Feedback from the TG was requested on information provided and if the TG would prefer the updates to be limited to items that directly affect Nadcap checklists or continue to provide the all inclusive updates. The TG prefers to maintain the current presentation format of an all inclusive presentation.
13.2 AQS Report out
AQS decided to conduct future Liaison meetings on Wednesdays instead of Mondays to provide better input from the meetings (information obtained on Monday and Tuesday).
13.3 SSC Report out
Doug Schueller provided the SSC report out. Members split into two groups to provide input from different perspectives. The group categories are those with 5 years or less and those with greater than 5 years with the Nadcap program. The presentation will be posted on the ETG website.
13.4 TG Chair Roundtable and Planning and Ops Report out
Round Table Report out provided by the ETG Chairperson. Job audit tracking – Coatings (CT) and CP TGs keep logs of part numbers that are audited during job audits to ensure a variety of hardware (by customer and type) is evaluated at annual or periodic audits.
There are concerns of Auditors’ limitations based on special accommodations/arrangements (canes, physical limitations, pace makers etc). Auditor should provide/request special accommodations/arrangements in their intro letter to the Supplier. Auditor conference feedback: if you have positive input to help Auditors conduct better audits or improve audit process, feel free to submit your training package and participate with Auditor training (may require review and approval of the TG).
Planning and Ops report out provided by the TG Vice Chairperson. Key items included that the NMC is requesting report outs from each TG including goals, concerns and feedback. Three TGs raised concerns about scheduling of meetings and overlapping with TG meetings. NIP 7-02 has been updated to include procedures that address that a Supplier cannot drop categories from the scope of their audits after the audits starts.
It was proposed that all future meetings accommodate a system/method (white board, etc) to capture parking lot.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to ensure a white board or other method of capturing parking lot issues is available at next meeting in Dallas (and all future meetings). (Due Date: 18-Feb-13).
Bill Dumas brought forward the issue of the TG allowing Staff Engineer delegation for audit approvals. The approval would be limited to Bill Dumas. Comments and concerns were discussed. The delegation requirements and audit approval processes were reviewed. It was noted that all “accept with comments” will be addressed prior to closing the audit.
Motion made for Bill Dumas to have Staff Engineer delegation for ETG audits. Motion passed.
Bill Dumas presented on a new Auditor orientation program which includes basic Auditor guidance which is not commodity specific. The driver for this training is Auditor inconsistency. This program has been tested and the plan is for official implementation in December 2012. A sub-team has worked for approximately a year to develop the training topics. The training program includes information from the Auditor handbook. Commodity specific training is still a TG responsibility. The TG is encouraged to provide their commodity specific training to the SE to allow uploading into the LMS system when the system becomes available. 10 ELECTRONICS OCTOBER 2012 CONFIRMED MINUTES
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to request availability to the new Auditor (Basic) training program for TG review. (Due Date: 22-Nov-12).
Suzanne Steketee resigned as the Auditor Training sub-team lead. Barbara Waller accepted the assignment of Auditor Training sub-team lead.
TG reviewed priority list and modified accordingly. Updated list to be posted in eAuditNet.
Options for the ETG Newsletter were discussed and possible topics include: Notification of February 2013 meeting, IPC update, inquiries to determine if a Supplier symposium is desired, message from Chair, Supplier perspective, information on June 2013 meeting (highlights, things to see in Paris, etc.). TG Chair and Co-chair will create a survey with open text inquiry for items of interest for Newsletter content. Supplier survey will be forwarded prior to February 2013 meeting. PRI will add new Suppliers (initiated audits) to survey list, if possible. Newsletter to be posted shortly after February 2013 meeting. Supplier survey to remain open until 31-Jan-13.
The next Symposium will be in June 2013 meeting (not February 2013 meeting).
ACTION ITEM : PRI Staff to add new Suppliers (initiated audits) to Supplier survey list, if possible, to obtain their input for the newsletter and forward the survey. (Due Date: 15-Dec-12).
ACTION ITEM: TG Chair and Co-chair will create a Supplier survey with open text inquiry for items of interest for Newsletter content (Due Date: 21-Nov-12).
ACTION ITEM: PRI (Sue Frailey) to forward to audit finding metrics to all sub-team leads for review so leads can include this data in their commodity presentations for February 2013 meeting in Dallas. Only the data from the latest checklist revisions should be included. (Due Date: 09-Jan-13).
ACTION ITEM: All sub-team leads to present audit finding metrics during their commodity presentations at February 2013 meeting in Dallas. Only the data from the latest checklist revisions should be included. PRI will provide this data to the Leads by 09-JAN-13. (Due Date: 18-Feb-13).
TG reviewed sub-team member lists and modified accordingly.
Recommendation made to review sub-team Member lists earlier during the sessions when more members are present to verify participation status and modify accordingly.
ACTION ITEM: PRI to forward sub-team member lists to all TG members for verification that existing members desire to maintain an active status and to solicit any new member participation. (Due Date: 15- Nov-12).
TG created agenda for the February 2013 meeting in Dallas. Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and SEs to set final agenda for February 2013 meeting.
Final RAIL review to capture items closed with this meeting.
ACTION ITEM: PRI (Sue Frailey) to forward standardized audit introduction letters to TG and Auditors for review and comment. Due Date: (15-NOV-12).
Minutes Captured by: John Mastorides - [email protected]
***** For PRI Staff use only: ******
Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one)
*If yes, the following information is required:
Documents requiring Who is responsible: Due date: revision: None N/A N/A