Parent and Teacher Home S Upport
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Year Group: FS 2
Week beginning: 25th September 2017
P arent and T eacher H ome S upport
Dear Parents,
Thank you for taking the time to look at our first PATHS for the year. We update PATHS weekly to inform you about all the exciting things your child will be doing in class that week. The purpose is to share the children’s learning, as well as give you, as parents, information so you can provide your child with extra support at home.
Here are some reminders:
No jewellery should be worn on PE days. No chocolate of any sort to be sent into school. Children must bring in a healthy lunch and snack – please save any treats for treat Thursday’s. Do check the School website and Home communication book every day- there will always be some helpful information and some things that we may need from you as parents.
Need to talk to us? Below are our e- mail ID’s. Please feel free to contact us as and when you need.
Ms Charlene Van Wyk (HOY) [email protected] Ms Creina Hayes [email protected] Ms Sharon Strader [email protected] Ms Christine Lachapelle [email protected] m Ms Oscillia Mutepfa [email protected] Ms Brittany Everett [email protected] Current Theme: How full is your bucket?
This week we will be looking at the book ‘How full is your bucket?’. The children will discuss how we can be bucket fillers, by being kind and helping our friends. They will also learn about how people can be bucket dippers, by not sharing and being unkind. This book is a great way for us to help reinforce the positive behaviour we expect of the children, as well as providing discussion surrounding how we can be bucket fillers, instead of bucket dippers. Below are some details or the book, if you would like to read it, or discuss it with your child at home.
How full is your bucket? YouTube By Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer /watch?v=A5R6-2m_qHk
Communication Language and Literacy and Phonics (CLL):
This week we will be starting Phonics, it was fantastic to see so many of you attended the Phonics workshop held on the 13th September. Each week, we will be focusing on different sounds within class, in the PATHS document we will tell you what our focus sounds for each week will be.
Our focus sounds for this week are: s, a, t Here are some websites that you can use to support learning at home: %2Fexperience-dreambox&grade=1 – this is a great site to find the resources you need such as the sounds, sight words and high frequency words. What are we learning in Arabic? : (سلحفاة - سيارة - سمكة - ساعة حرف السين (س اللون : بــنـــفــســجي الطعام : سـمك الحيوان : ســلحفاة
نشيد : نشيد العداد سوف يتم إرسال كتاب اللغة العربية كل أسبوع مع الطلب يوم الثنين، نرجو من الهل الكرام إعادته يوم .اللحد للتصحيح ) س – Letter: (sa ســلحفاة) - Animal: ( Tortoise – solhofa ســمك) - Food : (Fish – Sammak ) بــنـفــســجــي -Color : (Purple – Banfsaji
نشيد العائلة Song : Family song