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2017-2018 Valley View Student Handbook Please refer to the RSD Parent-Student Handbook for more information.
Valley View Leadership Academy Roosevelt School District # 66 8220 S. 7th Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 85041 (602) 232-4980 (602) 243-4926 Fax
Principal: Bryce A. McClellan Assistant Principal: Brigette Smith Welcome
Welcome to Valley View Leadership Academy! Please use this handbook as a reference. Copies of the Roosevelt School District Policy Manuals, detailing school district policies and procedures, are maintained in the Valley View office. Students and parents may make an appointment to review the policy manual during regular school hours. Valley View Administration reserves the right to update and/or modify this handbook as necessary to promote a safe learning environment.
Valley View Community Compact
At Valley View Leadership Academy, our learning community includes every child and adult who is engaged in fulfilling the Valley View Vision Statement: Valley View Leadership Academy empowers its leaders to be loving, responsible, and respectful members of the community.
Our Mission Statement is: Valley View Leadership Academy provides high-quality, rigorous educational opportunities for all students as they become independent learners.
Our Motto is: Love. Learn. Lead.
As a student, I agree to: Treat all others with the love I hope to receive. I am respectful of others in all situations. Pursue excellence every day in my own academic, artistic, and social development. Spend time reading every day and record my reading minutes. Be responsible for my own learning success. I am prepared every day to learn to my potential. Volunteer for and engage in leadership opportunities at school and at home.
As a parent, I agree to: Treat my child with the love necessary to grow a kind heart and spirit. Support my child in pursuit of academic, artistic, and social excellence. Support my child by reading with him or her every night and ensuring homework is completed. Support my child in being prepared and on time for school each and every day. Attend and/or participate in a school event at least once each school month. School Hours Student hours are as follows: All grades, Full Day: 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; Early Dismissal Days: 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Students are not to be on campus prior to 7:00 a.m. because there is no adult supervision until that time. Breakfast is served in homerooms at 7:15 a.m. All students who arrive at school after 7:30 a.m. must report to the School Office with their parent to sign in and receive a pass to be admitted to class. Students are required to leave campus immediately at dismissal time (2:30 p.m. or 12:30 p.m.) unless they are involved in a specific school-sponsored activity such as tutoring or after-school clubs/sports. Office Hours The school office is open Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. E-mails ([email protected]), phone calls, and letters are welcomed. To schedule an appointment with administration, please contact the school secretary at 602-232- 4980. Visitors on Campus Adult visitors are welcome at our school but are required to register in the office in compliance with Arizona state statutes. No high school or school-age children who are not currently enrolled students of Valley View School are allowed on campus during school hours. Procedure for Reporting Absences (Policy JED) Arizona State Law provides that students must attend school from ages 6 to 16, and must attend the required number of days that comprise a school year. Absences are excused only by a parent’s phone call or note. A doctor’s note is required for extended or excessive absences. Parents must report any absence by telephone (602-232-4980) as soon as they know a student is going to be absent for justifiable reasons such as illness, bereavement, family emergencies, and religious observances. Parents are encouraged to arrange medical appointments for their children outside of normal school hours. The Court Unified Truancy Suppression Program will be followed for excessive absences and tardies. Students Leaving School Grounds (Policy JEDB) Valley View School is a closed campus. Students may not leave the school grounds from the time they arrive in the morning until they go home in the afternoon unless signed out by the parent/guardian. Only adults identified on the child’s Emergency Contact form may sign a student out during the school day and must report to the school office to do so.
Tardies (Policy JED) After 7:30 a.m., a tardy pass must be presented to the teacher before a student is allowed into class. To receive an excused tardy, a student must bring a note from his/her doctor or dentist. All other reasons for tardiness such as oversleeping, car trouble, etc., constitute unexcused tardiness. Excessive tardiness is in violation of Governing Board policy and state law. School-Wide Rules Valley View students are expected to respect and show compassion for other students, staff, and self verbally, socially, and physically. Additionally, students are expected to: 1. Follow directions given by staff members immediately; 2. Stay in assigned areas; 3. Finish all work assigned using best efforts. 4. Students in grades 4-8 must have their STAR Card in their possession at all times. The purposes of the STAR Card are to track student behavior, to be a recording device for homework, and a form of communication between home and school. Homework Policy (for Parents) 1. Students are expected to complete assigned homework each night or as assigned by the teacher. 2. On average, homework time (in minutes) should approximately equal ten times the grade of the student. (Example: A third grader will typically have 30 minutes of homework each night while a fifth grader will have 50 minutes of homework.) 3. Parents are expected to provide an organized place for their children to do homework. 4. Parents are expected to encourage their children to do homework each night and help them determine a specific timeframe to do the homework. 5. Parents are expected to ensure their children have sufficient sleep each night. If it is “bedtime” and your child is still doing homework, please send them to bed. Adjust the times for homework the next day. 6. If your child seems to be having extreme difficulty with homework or spends too much time on homework, please talk with your child’s teacher. Playground/Lunch Rules Before school, after school, and during recess, students are to be on the playgrounds only, unless directly supervised by staff. During recess, all student materials are to be kept in the classroom. No backpacks, pencils, pens, etc. are needed during lunch or recess. In the cafeteria, all students are to keep their eating areas clean and follow Cafeteria Procedures as described by their teachers. Outside bathrooms are to be used during recess time. Cafeteria bathrooms are to be used only with permission from the duty staff. Only safe games are allowed on campus; i.e., no contact sports such as tackle football. Telephone Use School phones are located in every classroom. Student use of phones will be monitored by an adult. Only the school nurse or office staff may call parents to pick up a student during the school day. Student use of cell phones during the school day is prohibited unless under direct supervision of a staff member. School-Wide Discipline Policy It is expected that a clear and logical discipline plan is in place in every classroom. The plan provides a consistent structure for addressing most classroom behavior issues. Generally, the teacher will contact parents if a concern exists about a child’s behavior.
School-wide, Valley View is proactive about teaching appropriate behaviors to maintain a safe learning environment. Social skills are actively taught through The Leader In Me program.
Serious inappropriate behaviors that threaten the safety of others or preclude learning will be referred directly and immediately to school administration. Administrators will counsel referred students and administer consequences as outlined in Governing Board policies.
Gum Policy Gum chewing is NOT allowed on campus. Violators of this rule are subject to the consequences defined in the teacher’s classroom discipline plan. Sexual Harassment Students and adults have the right to attend school in a safe environment free from sexual harassment. Students and adults have a right and responsibility to report harassment incidents. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with a student’s school performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive school environment. Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to: 1. Suggestive or obscene letters, notes or invitations; 2. Sexually derogatory comments, slurs, or jokes; 3. Sexual name-calling or spreading of rumors; 4. Sexual touching, impeding or blocking movement, leering gestures or display of sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or cartoons. 5. Continuing to express sexual interest after being informed that the interest is unwelcome. Anyone who knowingly files or threatens to file a false complaint regarding sexual harassment is subject to disciplinary action, which may include warning, censure, dismissal, suspension, or expulsion. Dangerous Weapons Policy (JFCJ) Students using, displaying, or knowingly possessing any dangerous instrument at school or at any school/district function shall be subject to suspension and/or expulsion. Dangerous Instrument means anything that, under the circumstances in which it is used, attempts to be used, or threatens to be used, is capable of causing death or serious injury. This term includes explosive devices or anything perceived by a reasonable person to be capable of causing injury or death. Students using, displaying, or knowingly possessing a deadly weapon on District property or at any District function shall be subject to expulsion. Deadly Weapon means anything designed for lethal use or any device capable of propelling a lethal projectile. The term includes operable or inoperable firearms. Gang Policy (Policy JFCA, JFCE, JG(2)-R) It is unacceptable behavior to exhibit gang-like affiliations such as writing of gang-related graffiti and symbols, hand gestures, language, colors or logos, including handkerchiefs, etc. Consequences may include, but are not limited to: conference with parents, mandatory counseling referral, and suspension from school. Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs (Policy JFCG, JFCI-R) The possession/use of tobacco, alcohol or non-prescription drugs is not permitted at anytime on campus or in the area surrounding the school. Violations of this rule will result in suspension or expulsion. All prescription drugs must be entrusted to the school nurse. Electronic Equipment Cell phones are allowed on campus for use before and after school only! Staff members are required by administration to confiscate electronic equipment that causes any kind of disruption at any time on the school campus. Items confiscated may be returned to the parent/guardian through the office. Repetitive offenses may result in confiscation until the end of the school year. The school is not liable for personal property. We encourage all students to leave personal items of value at home. Student Dress Code (Policy JFCA) Students are expected to dress in the proper uniform attire. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure compliance with the dress code. All students who attend schools in Roosevelt School District must be in uniform. The Dress Code promotes safety in schools. 1. All students will wear the designated school uniform clothing. The clothing may not be altered with slits, shredded hems, etc. There may be additional items added to the designated uniform during the school year, such as sports vests, sweaters, or jackets. The designated uniform shall be: Boys: Solid white, red, or navy blue school “polo” or dress shirt with collar. Only very small logos are allowed on shirts. Navy blue or khaki pants or shorts. No denim or jeans allowed. (In extreme cold, “sweatpants” will be allowed.) Girls: Solid white, red, or navy blue collared blouse or school “polo” shirt. Only very small logos are allowed on the blouse or shirt. Navy blue or khaki pants, shorts or skirts no shorter than mid-thigh in length. No denim or jeans allowed. (In extreme cold, “sweatpants” will be allowed.) 2. Baggy or oversized uniforms are prohibited. Uniforms may not be more than one size too large. 3. Belts must be a solid color and may not be more than one size larger than the waist. Web belts are not acceptable nor are belts with advertising or messages on them. 4. Shirts must be tucked in except on “Spirit Days” or “Dress Up Days” (declared by administration). 5. Undergarments may be any color but printing on undergarments may not show through the uniform shirt. No undergarments may show below the bottom of shirts. Girls may wear shorts under skirts provided they do not show. 6. Hats may be worn on campus outside of classrooms. Hats may not be worn inside buildings unless approved by administration. 7. Flip-flops, slippers and bare feet are not allowed. Students must wear closed-toe shoes secured behind the heels for prevention of injuries. 8. Any color socks may be worn. Full-length tights and knee-high socks/tights are acceptable for girls. 9. Any buttons, jewelry, belt buckles and other clothing/accessories which contain vulgar, lewd, obscene or offensive messages, or which may lead to substantial interference with the learning environment are not allowed. 10. Students not in uniform will be required to do one of the following: Call home and request parents to bring change of clothing. Borrow a uniform from the Parent Center, if available. Spend the day in In-School-Suspension and lose Friday “Spirit Day/Dress Up Day” privilege (must wear uniform on Friday). 11. Clothing must be modest. No baggy clothes, bare midriff, short shorts (need to be mid-thigh), spaghetti straps, nor gang- affiliated clothing allowed. 12. New students have five (5) days to comply with the dress code. 13. Administration may make changes to the dress code as deemed necessary. 14. “Spirit Day” dress will be observed every Friday during the school year unless designated as a “Dress Up” day. Spirit Day dress consists of a Valley View shirt with jeans (any color) - or students may choose to dress in uniform. 15. “Dress Up” days will be approved and announced by Administration 16. Body or facial piercing jewelry is not allowed to be visible, except for earrings (not to exceed the size of a dime for boys and the size of a quarter for girls). 17. Students are expected to remove sweatshirts and jackets when inside classrooms upon staff request.
Please sign that you have read the handbook and return this page only. Keep the booklet as a reference.
Parent Signature Date
Student Signature