Request for Proposals s8

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Request for Proposals s8


Proposals Due: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 by 4:00 p.m.

Application Webinar: Thursday, February 27, 2014 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

For program questions contact: Kasey Herndon ([email protected] or 303-866-6573) Nancie Linville ([email protected] or 303-866-6239)

For fiscal/budget questions contact: Marti Rodriguez ([email protected] or 303-866-6769)

For RFP specific questions contact: Lynn Bamberry ([email protected] or 303-866-6813)

Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program - Overview REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Proposals Due: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 This Request for Proposals (RFP) is designed to distribute funding for the provision of scholarships, coaching and other incentives for members of the workforce who directly Introduction serve children with High Needs and populations that are ethnically and linguistically diverse pursuant to the requirements of the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program.

The purpose is to provide initiatives and innovations to accelerate the achievement of professional competencies and career advancement, especially for educators serving young children with high needs. In addition, the purpose is to provide support for Purpose scholarships and incentives to increase access to professional development opportunities for professionals who serve children with high needs throughout the entire state of Colorado.

Approximately $210,000 is available for distribution to an organization for the purpose of providing scholarship funds to eligible college foundations. This grant proposal does not allow indirect to be charged. A maximum of 5% ($10,000) may be included in the budget for Available Funds administrative costs associated with managing this grant.

Applicant, or its sub recipients, is required to match the tuition awards made to individuals for a total match of $200,000.

Eligible Eligible applicants are organizations that provide support to educational institutions Applicants offering Early Childhood Education Associate Degrees, Early Childhood Education Certificates and Degrees or Certificates that support children with high needs (SPED, ELL, children in poverty, etc.). These educational institutions must serve Colorado residents currently enrolled in one or more of these higher education programs and are on track to complete a higher education program that prepares personnel for certificates/ degrees/endorsements.

The selected grantee will be required to:  Manage disbursement of funding to colleges;  Match $200,000 over a 1 year period;  Ensure compliance of colleges to program requirements;  Track and report progress; and  Participate in joint evaluation of success, identification of barriers and continuous improvement approach to adapting program requirements.

The recipient must be able to manage and disburse funds to the following eligible college foundations: 1. Aims Community College Foundation 2. Arapahoe Community College Foundation 3. Colorado Mountain College Foundation 4. Community College of Aurora Foundation 5. Community College of Denver Foundation 6. Colorado Northwestern Community College Foundation 7. Front Range Community College Foundation 8. Lamar Community College Foundation Title I, Part A Reallocated Funds 2010 Family Literacy Grant 9. Morgan Community College Foundation 10. Northeastern Junior College Foundation 11. Otero Junior College Foundation 12. Pueblo Community College Foundation 13. Pikes Peak Community College Foundation 14. Red Rocks Community College Foundation 15. Trinidad State Junior College Foundation 16. Delta-Montrose Technical College Foundation 17. Mesa State/Western Regional Community College Foundation

The selected grantee will be required to disperse Early Learning Challenge Funds to eligible college foundations for the purpose of providing scholarships to individuals working toward certificates and/or degrees in Early Childhood Education.

Scholarship Criteria: Scholarships recipients must meet the following criteria.  Completed enrollment in a Community College Early Childhood course, program certificate or degree program. Includes completing the Accuplacer exam at some Community Colleges; Allowable Use  Acquire tuition for courses leading to Early Childhood Education Certificates and of Funds Early Childhood Education Associate Degrees; and  Completion of all coursework with a C or above.

Prioritization of Scholarship Recipients: If necessary, students will be prioritized by the following criteria.  Scholarships pursuing degree/certificate programs over individual courses;  Students currently working in the field of Early Childhood Education; and  Students closer to degree completion.

Duration of Funds must be expended by June 30, 2015. Grant

Each recipient that receives a grant through the program will be required to report, at a minimum, the following information to the Department on or before January 31, 2015 :  Names of organizations receiving funds;  Number of individuals receiving funds;  Completion of enrollment in Colorado’s Professional Development Information System for Early Childhood Professionals (system available by July 1, 2014); Evaluation &  The amount of individual scholarships; Reporting  The use of funds (tuition and books);  Number, types and completion dates for degrees and certificates earned with these funds;  Assurance that all coursework was completed with a C or above to receive funds; and  Number of children with high needs (SPED, CCAP, ELL, children in poverty) served by scholarship recipients (program and classroom level).

Title I, Part A Reallocated Funds 2010 Family Literacy Grant An application training webinar will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. Technical – 2:00 p.m. To register for this technical assistance opportunity, email Camila Zardo at Assistance [email protected].

Applications will be reviewed by CDE staff to ensure they contain all required components. Note: This is a competitive process – applicants must score at least 43 points out of the 61 possible points to be approved for funding. There is no guarantee that submitting a proposal will result in funding or funding at the requested level. All award decisions are final. Applicants that do not meet the qualifications will be notified and Review Process may reapply in future grant applications. Applicants will be notified of award status no later than Friday, March 28, 2014.

Please note: Grant applications submitted to the Colorado Department of Education are public record and do not contain any confidential data; therefore CDE will release applications when requested.

Title I, Part A Reallocated Funds 2010 Family Literacy Grant Submission Process and Deadline The original plus three (3) copies must be received at CDE by Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 4:00 pm. In addition to the four (4) hard copies, an electronic copy of the proposal and electronic budget must be submitted to: [email protected]. The electronic version should include all required components of the proposal as one document. Please attach the electronic budget workbook as a separate document. Faxes will not be accepted. Incomplete or late proposals will not be considered. Application materials and budget are available for download on the CDE Website at:

APPLICATION FORMAT 1* The total narrative (Sections A – C) of the application cannot exceed 8 pages. 2* All pages must be standard letter size, 8-1/2” x 11” using 12-point font and single-spaced with 1-inch margins and numbered pages. 3* The signature page must include original signatures of the lead organization/fiscal agent. 4* Successful applicants will be required to submit disclosure and assurance pages with original signatures. 5* Staple the pages of the original and each copy of the proposal. Please do not use paperclips, rubber bands, binders or report covers.

REQUIRED ELEMENTS The format outlined below must be followed in order to assure consistent application of the evaluation criteria. See evaluation rubric for specific selection criteria needed in sections A-C (pages 12-14).

Part I: Proposal Introduction (not scored) Cover Page, Signature Pages and Assurances Form Executive Summary Table of Contents

Part II: Narrative – Sections A through C Electronic Budget (not included in page limit)

2014 Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program 5 Budget Instructions and Assurances When completing the proposed budget and budget narrative, it is recommended that you examine costs related to disbursing Early Learning Challenge funds to college foundations for the purpose of providing scholarships to students pursuing Early Childhood Education degrees and certificates. Funds may be used to supplement and not supplant any moneys currently being used.

The budget must include how the match dollars identified will be spent. Allowable activities for match are the same as listed below for grant expenditures. Include the source of match funding in the description column of 2a-Budget Detail.

When the applications have been reviewed, final grant amounts will be determined and a more detailed budget may be required. The final budget must comply with the application review comments and the proposed budget. Please remember that no grant funds can be obligated or spent until a final budget has been received and approved by CDE.

Your budget narrative should provide enough detail so that the appropriate object category can be confirmed. Allowable activities include: Salary costs, stipends, scholarships, tuition, supplies required to administer this grant. Activities that will not be funded include: Indirect costs, administrative costs that exceed the 5% maximum. Examples of the types of expenses that may be included in each object category are listed below for guidance only.

(100) Salaries - Amounts paid for personal services for both permanent and temporary employees, including personnel substituting for those in permanent positions. This includes gross salary for personal services rendered while on the payroll of the school district/agency/organization.

(200) Employee Benefits - Amounts paid on behalf of employees; generally those amounts are not included in the gross salary, but are in addition to that amount. Such payments are fringe benefit payments and, while not paid directly to employees, never-the-less are part of the cost of personal services. Workers’ compensation premiums should not be charged here, but rather to object (500 other purchased services).

(300) Purchased Professional and Technical Services – Services which by their nature can be performed only by persons or firms with specialized skills and knowledge. While a product may or may not result from the transaction, the primary reason for the purchase is the service provided. Included are the services of auditors, consultants, teachers, etc.

(500) Other Purchased Services – Amounts paid for services rendered by organizations or personnel not on the payroll of the district (separate from Professional and Technical Services or Property Services). While a product may or may not result from the transaction, the primary reason for the purchase is the service provided.

(600) Supplies – Amounts paid for items that are consumed, worn out, or deteriorated through use; or items that lose their identity through fabrication or incorporation into different or more complex units or substances. Items that do not contribute to a district’s fixed assets, as evaluated by the district’s fixed assets policy, may be coded as supply items, or may be coded as Non-Capital Equipment. Items that contribute to a district’s fixed assets must be coded as equipment. All computers must be entered as equipment. Include all supplies, food, books and periodicals and electronic media materials here.

(800) Other Expenses – Amounts paid for good and services not otherwise classified above. Some expenditures may cross object category lines. For example, professional development and evaluation may include salaries, purchased

2014 Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program 6 services (printing) and supplies/materials. The budget narrative should identify these elements so that a total cost of the activity can be determined.

2014 Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program 7 Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program 2014-2015

PART I: COVER PAGE (Complete and attach as the first page of proposal) Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Authorized Representative: Telephone: Fax: Email: Signature: Program Contact Person: Telephone: Fax: Email: Signature: Fiscal Manager: Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Region: Indicate the region(s) this proposal will directly impact  Metro  Pikes Peak  North Central  Northwest  West Central  Southwest  Southeast  Northeast  Statewide Participating College Foundations: Indicate the intended sub-recipient college foundations (additional rows may be added).

Amount Requested: $

Please note: If grant is approved, funding will not awarded until all signatures are in place. Please attempt to obtain all signatures before submitting the application.

8 Part IA: Recipient Information and Signature Page

It is understood that college foundation signatures may not be available at the time of application. If so, please provide a name and phone number for at least 3 separate college foundation representatives. If selected, college foundation signatures will be required within 30 days of award. If necessary, additional copies of this page may be attached.

Applicant Signatures Applicant Name: Authorized Representative Name: Authorized Representative Signature:

College Foundation Information and Signatures (Copy and complete this page for each intended recipient college foundation) College Foundation Name: Authorized Representative Name:

Authorized Representative Signature:

Address: Phone: Email:

Part IB: Assurances (Complete and attach after signature page)

2014 Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program

The Authorized Representative must sign below to indicate their approval of the contents of the application and the receipt of program funds.

On (date) , 2014, (applicant) hereby agrees to the following assurances:

1. The grantee will obtain letters of commitment from participating college foundations to provide the required match within thirty (30) days of the grant award.

9 2. The grantee will annually provide evaluation information to the Colorado Department of Education, including: a. Names of organizations receiving funds; b. Number of individuals receiving funds; c. Completion of enrollment in Colorado’s Professional Development Information System for Early Childhood Professionals (system available by July 1, 2014); d. The amount of individual scholarships; e. The use of funds (tuition and books); f. Number, types and completion dates for degrees and certificates earned with these funds; g. All coursework must be completed with a C or above to receive funds; and h. Number of children with high needs (SPED, CCAP, ELL, children in poverty) served by scholarship recipients (program and classroom level). 2. The grantee will work with and provide requested data, feedback and improvement strategies to CDE for the Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program within the time frames specified. 3. The grantee will require each participating college, specifically its Early Childhood Department, to: a. Maintain NAEYC accreditation b. Participate in the Early Childhood Faculty Coalition. c. Participate annually in the Early Childhood Faculty Institute d. Assign current Early Childhood Professional/Provider (in addition to faculty) participating on the ECC Department Advisory Board to serve on the College Foundation’s Scholarship Award Committee. e. Participate in the local Early Childhood Council. f. Require individual scholarship recipients to enroll in Colorado’s Professional Development Information System. 2. The grantee will not discriminate against anyone regarding race, gender, national origin, color, disability, or age. 3. That funded projects will maintain appropriate fiscal and program records and that fiscal audits of this program will be conducted by the grantees as a part of their regular audits. 4. That if any findings of misuse of these funds are discovered, project funds will be returned to CDE. 5. The grantee will maintain sole responsibility for the project even though subcontractors may be used to perform certain services.

The Colorado Department of Education may terminate a grant award upon thirty (30) days’ notice if it is deemed by CDE that the applicant is not fulfilling the requirements of the funded program as specified in the approved project application, or if the program is generating less than satisfactory results.

Project modifications and changes in the approved budget must be requested in writing and be approved in writing by the Colorado Department of Education before modifications are made to the expenditures. Please contact Marti Rodriguez ([email protected] / 303-866-6769) of CDE’s Grants Fiscal Management for any modifications.

Name of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative

10 Name of Program Contact Signature of Program Contact Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program Evaluation Rubric

Part I:I Proposal Introduction No Points Part II: Narrative Section A: Capacity /19 Section B: Implementation /27 Section C: Budget Narrative and Budget Form /15 Total /61

GENERAL COMMENTS: Please indicate support for scoring by including overall strengths and weaknesses. These comments are used on feedback forms to applicants.

Strengths:  

Weaknesses:  

Required Changes:  


11 Request for Proposal Selection Criteria & Evaluation Rubric

Part I: Proposal Introduction No Points Cover Pages and Certification Complete the attached cover page, signature pages and Certification Form and attach as the first three pages of the proposal. Executive Summary Provide a brief description (no more than 1 page) of the proposed project. This summary does not count toward the 8-page narrative page limit. Table of Contents Place a table of contents after the Executive Summary.

Part II: Narrative

61 Points The following criteria will be used by reviewers to evaluate the application as a whole. In order for the application to be recommended for funding, it must receive at least 43 points out of the 61 possible points and all required elements must be addressed. An application that receives a score of 0 on any required elements will not be funded.

Inadequate Minimal Adequate Excellent Section A: Capacity (information (requires (clear and (concise and not provided) additional complete) thoroughly clarification) developed)

a) List and prioritize the eligible college foundations your organization intends to serve with this program. Provide a 0 3 5 7 description of any ongoing relationships and how the organization serves the foundations. b) Provide evidence of the organizations strategic approach to ensuring statewide participation and consideration of the geographical needs of providers and educators, educational needs, number of students with focused studies in early 0 1 3 5 childhood special education and other factors to support young children with high needs across the state of Colorado. c) Provide evidence of any previous experience with administering successful matching scholarship programs on 0 3 5 7 a statewide level.

2014 Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program 12 Reviewer Comments:


Inadequate Minimal Adequate Excellent Section B: Implementation (information (requires (clear and (concise and not provided) additional complete) thoroughly clarification) developed) a) Clearly describe the approach for implementation, including how the organization will support ongoing, sustained support for the college foundations in recruiting and 0 3 5 7 awarding scholarships and meeting the requirements of the program. b) Provide a clear description of the weighted selection 0 1 3 5 process that will be used to prioritize funds. c) Clearly describe any challenges anticipated in program 0 1 3 5 implementation and provide potential solutions. d) Identify, by position, the individual(s) responsible for the activities required by the program or how those individuals 0 1 3 5 will be identified (i.e., Scholarship dissemination, Evaluation data collected and submitted). e)Provide sample(s) of a scholarship application that reflects 0 1 3 5 Individual Recipient(s) Requirements.

Reviewer Comments:


Inadequate Minimal Adequate Excellent Section C: Budget Narrative (information (requires (clear and (concise and not provided) additional complete) thoroughly clarification) developed)

2014 Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program 13 a) All expenditures contained in the electronic budget are described in the budget narrative and connected to project goals and activities. The costs of the proposed project (as presented in the electronic budget and budget narrative) 0 1 3 5 are reasonable and the budget sufficient in relation to the objectives, design, scope and sustainability of project activities. b) Provide a plan and timeline for collecting commitments of 0 1 3 5 matching funds in the amount of the tuition awards.

c) Demonstrate how the funds awarded under the program will be used to supplement the level of funds available for 0 1 3 5 authorized programs and activities and will not supplant federal, state, local, or non-federal funds.

Reviewer Comments:


2014 Early Learning Challenge Fund Scholarship and Incentive Program 14

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