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Sacramento City College s8

Sacramento City College Unit Plans Completed Spring 2005

Department Name: Political Science

Department Spokesperson: Eileen Sarasohn Prepared by Paul Frank, Dagne Tedla, Alex Xiao Division Dean: Kari Forbes-Boyte

Place an X in the boxes of included elements:


X Three-Year Plan

X Action Plan

X Budget Request

X Budget Narrative

X Key Performance Indicators Political Science Department / Accomplishments 2003 – 2004

Linkage to # Action Plan Year-End Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 1: Provide subject relevance to contemporary political life for students Political Science was involved in having five Continue to offer a Political Science Speaker 1a speakers come to campus. Continue to so as Series opportunities present. Goal 2: Provide course outreach in non traditional formats Political Science staff has begun looking at different 2a Develop an online Political Science 1 options for an online course in POLS 301 Goal 3: Promote interdisciplinary cooperation Provide course for Scholar in Residence, if No scholar-in residence in ISP program; ISP is still 3a ISP applicable exploring the option. Political Science staff has attended student leadership Continue exploring development of a student Student 3b program development meetings and will continue to leadership program Development do so. Goal 4: Provide a full range of courses in Political Science and comply with the 75/25 hiring goal 4a Submit request for new hire Accomplished-Faculty is ‘ On Board’ Other Accomplishments: Political Science staff has worked with the SCC One-Stop Center to link students with political internship opportunities. We have also matched students with political volunteer opportunities. POLS staff has supported the ISP by counseling/advising ISP majors, coordinating summer overseas programs, and linking students with ISP guest speakers. POLS staff has secured several additional learning resource materials, including books and movies, as well as facilitated the use of technology in the classroom by purchasing a computer cart. The POLS website is up and running and continues to be developed. The POLS endowment/scholarship program has begun development and funding.

Three-Year Plan Political Science Department

# Long Range Plan 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 1. Continue Political Science Speaker Program X X X Continue exploring student leadership 2. X X X program 3. Continue political internship opportunities X X X Continue ISP support: Fulbright scholars in 4. Residence; Summer overseas programs; X X X Counsel/Advise ISP majors Secure additional LR Material - - video, 5. X X X books, and other materials 6. Add smart classrooms in RN 267, 220, 208 X X X 7. Continue Political Science Web Development X X X 8. Develop an online Political Science 1 X X X Explore participation in Model UN in 9. X X X conjunction with ISP Explore student career development in 10. X X X political science Expand overseas summer language program- (X) Brazil (X) Brazil 11. (X) Cuba in conjunction with ISP Portuguese Portuguese Expand Political Science 12. X X X endowment/scholarship program 13. Develop Political Science as a major at SCC X X X Acquire a printer for Political Science faculty 14. X X X use Expand faculty membership in Political 15. X X X Science professional organizations Support Smart room expansion effort for RN 16. X X 208 and/or 228. Outreach effort to the Asian American 17. X X X community Develop and maintain temporary Political 18. X Science brochure Develop and maintain Political Science 19. X X X Website 20. 21. 22. 23. Political Science Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006

Linkage to # Action Item Year-end Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 1: Provide subject relevance to contemporary political life for students 1a Continue to offer Political Science Speakers Series CG On Going Continue to match students with careers in Political 1b CG In Process Science Goal 2: Provide course outreach in non-traditional formats PT; SP; CG; 2a Develop an online POLS 301 In Process IT PT; SP/ CG; 2b Continue to offer interactive televised POLS 301 In Process IT Goal 3: Promote interdisciplinary cooperation Student 3a Continue to explore development of student Continuing Development; leadership program CG ISP; PT; SP; 3b Support Fall 2005 NCAGE conference at SCC Planning CG ISP; PT; SP; 3c Support ISP Scholar-in-Residence for Fall 2005 Planning CG Goal 4: Provide a full range of courses in Political Science and comply with the 75/25 hiring goal

Completed 4a Begin to offer POLS 320 with new faculty hire 4b Offer Women in Politics Adjunct hired for the class and advertising completed 4c Develop a State and Local Politics course Political Science Department Budget Request 2005 - 2006 Operating New Marketin Line Instruction Remodel Faculty Staff Student Temp Description Budget Computers Equipment Furniture Program g # Supplies Space Hires Hires Hires Hires Increase Start-up Materials 1 Printer Smart classroom 267 Total 2 approximately $16,000 Smart classroom 220 Same as X X 3 above Smart classroom 208 Same as X X 4 above 5 Smart Cart X 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Totals Budget Narrative 2005-2006 Political Science Department Line Total Priority Description Justification Amount Rank Save time going from office to BSS printer; devote more time to students and 1 Printers (2) $500 1 instruction All full time instructors make extensive use of the technology and are not 2 Smart classroom RN 267 $16,000 2 scheduled in smart classrooms for all classes. 3 Smart classroom RN 220 $16,000 3 Same as above. 4 Smart classroom RN 208 $16,000 4 Same as above. 5 Smart Cart $8,000 3 Utilize mobile technology where classroom space limit such access 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Key Performance Indictors for Political Science Department

Measuring outreach to students and the campus community to benefit speaker series events that provide subject relevance to contemporary political life. The benchmark will be four guest speakers per year that attract 30 students per speaker. This year the goal was exceeded with five speakers. This effort has worked and the objective is to continue this activity in conjunction with other departments such as Geography, History, and Economics.

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