Osage Beach Fire Protection District s1
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February 18, 2014
Present: Director Tony Cicerelli, Director Martin, Director Rick Goedde, Fire Chief Jeff Dorhauer, Assistant Chief Steve Stafford, Attorney John Kaltenbronn, Fire Marshal Ed Nicholson, Office Manager Shelley Dougan, Bob Matula – President Lazy Days Condo Association.
Director Cicerelli called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
Public Comment:
Bob Matula, President of the Lazy Days Condo Association was present to introduce himself as a candidate for Aldermen in Ward 2.
Consent Agenda:
Director Martin made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Director Goedde seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed.
Old Business:
Chief Dorhauer discussed two ordinance changes for approval by the board. Ordinance 2014-1 Building Code and 2014-2 Fire Code to require electronic copies of floor plans and all life safety features. Director Goedde made a motion to accept Ordinance 2014-1 Building Code requiring electronic copies of floor plans and all life safety features. Director Martin seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed. Director Martin made a motion to accept Ordinance 2014-2 Fire Code requiring electronic copies of floor plans and all life safety features. Director Goedde seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed.
New Business:
Chief Dorhauer discussed the Standard & Poor’s review that was received earlier this month. Originally this was done in 2009 for the 2010 taxable certificates and the district received an A Rating for the Build America Bonds and an A+ issuer credit rating. Upon the second review the district was able to maintain the same ratings which is a great accomplishment during a definite down turn in the economy.
Chief Dorhauer discussed SOG language changes to mirror the MOU Contract that was signed in December 2013. Language changes were made to SOG 300-1 Vacation, 300-11 Comp Time, 300-14 Sick Leave and 500-2 Grievance. Director Martin made a motion to accept the language changes to SOG 300-1 Vacation. Director Godde seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed. Director Martin made a motion to accept the language changes to SOG 300-11 Comp Time. Director Godde seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed. Director Goedde made a motion to accept the language changes to SOG 300-14 Sick Leave. Director Martin seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed. Director Goedde made a motion to accept the language changes to SOG 500-2 Grievance. Director Martin seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed. Osage Beach Fire Protection District Board of Directors Meeting March 18, 2014 Page two Chief Dorhauer discussed a tentative offer to purchase a dock no longer being utilized by Lake Ozark Fire to move into our district by the Grand Glaize bridge. Ameren UE would consider no charge for the utilization of the property for the dock if we add a second slip for them to utilize. The district would need to write bid specs and accept bids to move the dock, install piers for ramp and cables, install electric, add additional slip with roof, gravel for turn around and truck parking pad and move lift to new location. Lake Ozark had the dock valued at $18,000 - $20,000, comparison of other docks for sale ranged $24,500 - $32,000, the board approved a budget amount of $40,000. Director Martin made a motion to allow Chief Dorhauer $16,000 - $18,000 to offer Lake Ozark for the purchase of their dock contingent upon a successful contract signed between Osage Beach Fire District and Ameren UE and successful award of bids for the items listed above. Director Goedde seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed. Chief Dorhauer submitted travel request to York, PA in July for the Can-Am Games. The committee is applying for the 2020 games to come to Lake of the Ozarks and the Can-Am Games committee suggested attending the games to get a better idea of how they operate. Director Martin made a motion to allow Chief Dorhauer to travel to York, PA on behalf of the local Can-Am Game committee. Director Goedde seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed. Reports: Assistant Chief’s report was accepted as submitted. Chief Stafford reviewed the increase in call load due to both brush and structure fires. April mandatory spring training is set for the 26th and 27th at Advanced Metals on A Road. Also stated that he received an electronic copy of the fire protection and safety plan from Lake Regional Hospital.
Fire Marshall Nicholson’s report was accepted as submitted.
Captain’s report was accepted as submitted.
Roll call vote to adjourn to Executive Session for discussion of Personnel and Litigation at 4:30 p.m.: Director Cicerelli – yes; Director Martin – yes; Director Goedde – yes.
General Meeting reconvened at 4:38 p.m. Director Cicerelli announced that there was nothing to report.
Meeting adjourned at 4:39 p.m.
Next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors is Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 4:00 p.m.
Approved by:
Date: ______
Prepared by: Shelley Dougan