Module 1 - SQL Server Fundamentals & T-SQL

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Module 1 - SQL Server Fundamentals & T-SQL

SQL Server DBA Course Module 1 - SQL Server Fundamentals & T-SQL

1. SQL Server Introduction & Installation 7. Indexes and Query Tuning

 SQL Server Installation  Architecture of Table Indexes  Services & Authentication  Clustered & Non Clustered Indexes  SQL Server Components & Firewall  SORT_IN_TEMPDB, ONLINE  SSMS, Configuration Tools & SMO  FILLFACTOR and PAD_INDEX  Protocols & Server Aliases  Execution Plans and Performance  Linked Servers & Types  Unique Indexes and Uses 2. SQL Server 2012 Database Design  Working with Indexed Views

 SQL Database Creation 8. Stored Procedures and Benefits  Files & File Group Options  Stored Procedures & Use  Data File Recommendations  Variables and Parameters  Log File Recommendations  SCHEMABINDING, ENCRYPTION  DB Offline & Online Options  INPUT & OUTPUT Parameters  Database Modifications  Dynamic SQL Queries 3. SQL Server Tables & Data  Procedure Cache & Recompilation

 Table Design and T-SQL Data Types 9. User Defined Functions and Usage  INSERT & SELECT Options, Aliasing  Functions Use & Types  Schemas, Tables & File Group Usage  Scalar & Table Valued Functions  DELETE versus TRUNCATE  SCHEMABINDING, ENCRYPTION 4. Data Validations and Constraints  System Functions and Events

 Constraints - Properties & Objects  Date, Time, String and Metadata Functions  UNIQUE KEY and NOT NULL 10. Triggers and Cursors – Memory Limitations  PRIMARY KEYS & Usage  DML Triggers & Performance  Composite Keys, CHECK and DEFAULTS  INSERTED and DELETED tables 5. Basic Queries and JOIN Queries  STATIC and DYNAMIC cursors

 EXISTS, APPLY, WHERE  SCROLL & FORWARD_ONLY  ORDER BY, GROUPING, HAVING  LOCAL and GLOBAL cursors  Sub Queries & Nested Queries  KEYSET Cursors and Usage  Bulk Operations – Local & Remote  Embedding Cursors in SPs ______SQL School (SequelGate Innovative Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) #302, Sai Manor Complex, SR Nagar,

Hyderabad - 38, India. Tel: 040 64577244 (Off), +9109666440801 (Mobile) 6. Views and Row Data Security 11. Transaction Concepts in Realtime

 Views as Virtual Objects  Transaction Types & Use  Views as Physical Objects  Blocking - DML Operations  SCHEMABINDING, ENCRYPTION  Blocking - DDL Operations  Issues with ALTER TABLE  COMMIT & ROLLBACK Options  System Views & Dynamic Management Views  SAVEPOINT & CHECKPOINT  Views with Joins and Views  Deciding Transaction Types  Querying SQL_MODULES View

Module 2 – Basic SQL DBA

12. Transaction Locks and Deadlocks 16. Data Replications and DR Process

 Significance of LOCKS and Usage  Replication Architecture and Configuration  Types of Locks and Lock Hints?  Snapshot and Transactional Replications  Isolation Levels - Types & Usage  Merge Replication, DB Recovery process  Choosing best Isolation Level  Peer-Peer with Backup Initialization  TempDB Issues with Isolation Levels  Replication Types - PUSH & PULL  Recovery Models and Options  Replication Alerts, Warnings and Emails  Choosing Best Recovery Model  Replication Monitors and Event Watch  Real-time Data Deployment Issues  Replication for Load Balancing & DR 13. Database Backups Strategies  Agent Operators, Notifications / Emails

 Need for Backups Strategies  Data Access Modes and Agent Properties  Database Backups and Partial Backups 17. Log Shipping and DB Mirroring  FORMAT, INIT, SKIP, CHECKSUM Options  Disaster Recovery in SQL Server  Backup using T-SQL Scripts & UI  Log Shipping Configuration and Modes  Backup validations and Restore Paths  Manual DB Failover using Log Shipping  MSDB History Tables, Backup Audits  DB Mirroring Configuration and Modes  Compressed Backups and Expiry  Automatic and Manual Failover Options  Log backups and Truncation options  Mirror Monitors, Network Considerations  Backup Audit Tables in MSDB  Comparing Log Shipping and Mirroring  Media Sets and Media Truncate Options 18. Security and Data Encryption

14. Database Restores and Recovery Paths  Levels of Security Implementation  Need for Restores and Types  Server level Logins and DB level Users  Backup Verification using T-SQL & UI  Server Roles and User Mappings  Restore Phases and Recovery Path  Schema Level Security and DB Roles  Database, File Group, File Restores  Table and Column permissions, DB roles  PARTIAL and Piecemeal Restores  Data Encryption Keys and Certificates  Point-In-Time Restores and Options  Login Failures, Authentication Audits  Compressed Tail Log Restores, Recovery 19. Server Audits and DB Monitors

 MOVE and FILELISTONLY Options  Types of Audits and SQL Tools 15. SQL Server Jobs & Alerts  Server level Audits and Error Logs  Creating Jobs using UI  Activity Monitors and IO Usage Reports  Creating Jobs using T-SQL Scripts  SQL Profiler, Deadlock Graphs and Filters  Understanding Job Steps and Schedules  DMVs for Query Audits, Tempdb Audits  Backup Schedules & Jobs using Scripts  DMFs for Index, Session and Log Audits  Job Failures and History View  DMFs, DMVs for Queries, Tempdb Audits  Enabling and Disabling Jobs  Important Queries for DBCC  Job Activity Monitor and Agent Status  Important DMVs and DMFs  Alert System and DB Mail Configuration  Security Audits and Profiling

Module 3 – Advanced SQL DBA

20. Database Maintenance Plans (SSIS) 25. DB Engine Configurations and PBM

 Database Maintenance Plan Strategies  Working with SQL Engine Properties  Wizard Based DMPs and Schedules  DTC and Remote Connection Properties  Control Flow Tasks, Precedence Usage  Query Governor and Timeout Options  Index Rebuilds and Reorganization  Database State Properties and Options  Deciding Fill Factor and PAD_INDEX Options  Policy Based Management (PBM) Usage  Managing MSDB and TEMPDB  Database Facets and Conditions  Using NOTIFY OPERATOR task in DMP  Scheduling and Reporting Policies  Using UPDATE STATISTICS and Agent  Resource Governor & Browser Tools  Maintenance Issues in Real-time  Server Properties and Configurations 21. Partitions and Full Text Indexes 26. Server Updates and Upgrades

 Table Partitions and Compressions  Establish Downtime, Sample Notifications  Aligned Partitions and Fill Factor  PRIOR Maintenance activities, Precautions  Managing Partitions for Query Tuning  Applying Patch/hot fix and Service Packs  Statistics with Indexes and Partitions  Verifying Updates and Smoke Test Options  Full Text Search Usage and Catalogs  Understanding Upgrade Advisor Issues

______SQL School (SequelGate Innovative Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) #302, Sai Manor Complex, SR Nagar,

Hyderabad - 38, India. Tel: 040 64577244 (Off), +9109666440801 (Mobile)  Full Text Indexes for Query Tuning  Server Upgrades and Smoke Tests  CHANGE_TRACKING options and Use  Rollback Service Packs and Precautions  Tuning Implementations with Cache  System Database Rebuilds  Compressed Indexes with Partitions 27. Windows and SQL Cluster Configurations

22. Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA)  Windows and SQL Licensing Options  Creating Workload Files using Profiler  Domain Controller and Active Directory  Workload Tables with SQL Profiler  Windows and Network Configuration  TUNING Templates and Column Filters  PING tests and DTC Configurations  Index Selectivity and DTA Usage  QUORUM settings and SAN Settings  Filtered Indexes and Index Sizing  SQL Server Cluster Installation  Role of Statistics in Performance Tuning  SQL Group and RAID Configurations  Index Fragmentation and REBUILDS  Virtual SAN Setup and Verification 23. Alerts and Troubleshooting 28. SQL Cluster Issues and Troubleshooting

 LOG SPACE Issues - Alerts and Solutions  SQL Cluster Node Installation  TEMPDB Issues - Alerts and Solutions  QUORUM Check and DTC Settings  MEMORY Issues - Alerts and Solutions  Connection Issues and Drains  DB STATE Issues - Alerts and Solutions  SQL Cluster Configurations and Heartbeat  Network Issues - Alerts and Optimizations  Security Issues with Solutions  Using PERFMON Counters and Filters  Storage Issues with Solutions  Replication and Mirroring Thresholds  Always-On (AAG) Groups and HA  Activity Monitor and Deadlock Issues  Practical Considerations For HA

** Pre-requisites: This is a starter course. Basic to Advanced SQL DBA course. No pre-requisites required. We shall provide additional orientation classes for participants from non-technical background.

All the concepts will be discussed practically. We provide Study Material, Interview & Certification Guidance along with one Real Time Case Study for this course. 24x7 LIVE Server access with Virtual Lab facility available.

About Trainer: Mr. Sai Phanindra Tholeti, having 7+ years of experience exclusively on SQL Server & BI is a Database Consultant working for his own company - SequelGate Innovative Technologies Pvt. Ltd. He renders technical and support services for corporate clients involving Database Hosting, Business Consulting, CLOUD Storage (AZURE) and Data Support activities. All training sessions are completely practical, real-time and highly interactive. Complete profiler of the trainer available @

Training Highlights:  Real-time Sessions and Completely Interactive  Complete Practical Sessions with Study Material  Screenshot based Practice Material  Session wise notes & Doubts Clarifications  Certification Material  Resume Preparation  Interview Questions and Guidance  Free Workshops & Technical Support  Videos for missing sessions  24x7 LIVE Server Access with TWO Databases  Virtual Lab Facility

All Trainings are completely practical and real-time.

Joining Procedure: Participant needs to attend for a free demo. Registrations accepted after attending the demo session. Payment details to be shared after you attend free demo.

For Free demo / Further Clarifications: Reach us: 0 9666440801 (Mobile) (Country: India. Telephone Code: 0091) 040 64577244 (Office) 040 66343536 (Office)

Mail us: [email protected]

Skype: SQL School

For Course Fee and Free Demo schedules, you may also refer to

______SQL School (SequelGate Innovative Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) #302, Sai Manor Complex, SR Nagar,

Hyderabad - 38, India. Tel: 040 64577244 (Off), +9109666440801 (Mobile)

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