The Parish of Mother of Unfailing Help
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THE PARISH OF MOTHER OF UNFAILING HELP Cathedral Church of St Anne Church of the Holy Rosary Cookridge Street, Leeds LS2 8BE Chapeltown Road, Leeds LS7 4BZ Postal address for all communications: Cathedral House, Great George Street, Leeds LS2 8BE Phone: (0113) 2454545 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Parish & Cathedral Staff Music Department (0113) 244 8634 Priests Rev Mgr Philip Moger Director of Music Benjamin Saunders Rev Fr Matthew Habron Secretary Mrs Peyee Chen Also in residence: E-mail [email protected] Rev Mgr Michael McQuinn Website (0113) 245 6339 Rev Fr John McAulay MHM Wheeler Hall (0113) 243 6871 (0113) 242 2326 Administrator Mrs Geraldine Manfredonia Secretary Mrs Geraldine Manfredonia E-mail [email protected] Deacons Rev John Lythe, Rev Dr Michael Mkpadi, Rev Dr Joseph Cortis Sisters Sr Chibuakum Osuagwu DMMM, Sr Valentia Chikwendu DMMM, Sr Cecilia Njoku DMMM Convent Holy Rosary Presbytery, 3 Cross Francis Street, Leeds LS7 4BZ. Tel (0113) 262 2466 Eritrean (Ge’ez Rite) Chaplain: Rev Fr Ghebreyesus Ghebrezghi: 07506 994513/ (0113) 3450017 e-mail: [email protected] Primary School Holy Rosary & St Anne, Leopold St, Leeds LS7 4AW. Headteacher: Mrs E McDonagh-Smith Tel. 0113 336 8433; Fax. 0113 262 3305; e-mail [email protected] Services marked HR take place at the Holy Rosary Church; all others take place at the Cathedral
SS The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph – Sunday 30th December 2012 Day Liturgy Mass intention Confessions times Mon, Weds - Fri Sun Vigil Mass 6.00pm Stella & John Mullins Ints 11.00am – 12.15pm 30th The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and 9.30am Private Intention 4.30pm – 5.00pm Joseph 10.30amHR People of the Parish Tuesday – 1st Jan 11.00am Noel Roarty RIP 12noon-12.15pm 6.00pm Francis Ikechukkiy Ogbughaly RIP Saturday Mon 12.30pm Desmond Judge RIP 10.30am – 11.45am 31st 5.30pm Deborah Howley RIP 4.30pm – 5.30pm Praise & Worship for New Year’s Eve 10.00pmHR ------Sunday Before Tue Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of 10.00amHR Bernard Murphy RIP 10.30am Mass HR 1st God - Bank holiday 12.30pm Anne McLoughlin RIP Morning Prayer Wed Ss Basil & Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops 12.30pm Joan Powell RIP Fri 8.55am HR 2nd & Doctors of the Church 5.30pm Jerry McGillycuddy RIP Vespers Thu The Most Holy Name of Jesus 12.30pm Cathy Burke B’day Ints Mon – Fri @ 5.10pm 3rd 5.30pm Stephen Ridge & Bernadette Gaffrey (sung Tues & Wed in Fri 9.15amHR November Dead List choir term time) 4th 12.30pm Bridget McGuire Healing Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 5.30pm Mary Hosty Healing Monday - Friday Sat 12noon Janina’s Intentions 3.00pm – 5.00pm th Wedding Service 5 2.00pm ------Rosary Solemn Holy Mass of Eritrean 6.00pmHR ------Monday - Friday Christmas 6.00pm Henry Coupe RIP 12noon Sunday Vigil Mass Your offerings last week £ 2844.41 (including standing orders) Received with thanks PLEASE REMEMBER THE PARISH IN YOUR WILL PLEASE PRAY FOR all who are sick, especially for Paul CHILDREN’S LITURGY each Sunday at 10.30am Mass Thomas; for Margaret Martinand all who have died recently; at Holy Rosary. and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. COFFEE IS SERVED each Sunday after the 10.30am THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM is celebrated Mass (Holy Rosary Community Room) and 11.00am by arrangement on Sundays at the Cathedral and Mass (Cathedral - in Wheeler Hall) Holy Rosary. LES LECTURES DE LA MESSE sont disponsibles en CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING at Holy Rosary Francais. LAS LECTURAS DE LA MISA están each Sunday from 5.00pm until 7.00pm. All are disponibles en Español. AS LEITURAS DE MASSA cordially invited. For more information, contact Jones estȃo disponiveís em Português. Bediako on 07983 776337 or Paddy Spiller on 01274 THE CATHEDRAL ORGAN APPEAL has now 566332; reached £125,987.73 (The total cost is €700,000). Pipes may still be sponsored; all donations gratefully received. DIOCESAN DIRECTORIES 2013 Next Sunday, 6th January 2012 at 3.00pm On sale at £3 Holy Rosary Church MUSIC AT THE CATHEDRAL PREPARATION FOR BAPTISM FOR CHILDREN OF Hymns: Entrance: 128 Offertory 151 CATECHETICAL AGE for children of catechetical age Holy Communion: 137 (7 years and above). A course of preparation will run Credo III (for words & music see Hymn 503) on Saturday mornings from 10.30am, beginning on 12th January 2013 at the Holy Rosary. For more 9.30am: Sung information please speak to one of the clergy. 11.00am: Cantor THERE’S A PARTY in Cathedral House for all Missa de Angelis (see hymn 497ff) who help with the life, work and worship of the parish, next Sunday, 6th January after the MASS INTENTIONS: For the Dead: Michael evening Mass, around 7.00pm. Please collect a Grenham, John Parle, Bernard Murphy (2), Peter form from the sacristy and return the lower Jackson, Luisito Pagsanjan Jr., Dierdre MacSharry, Anniversaries: Martin Jordan, Bernard McGeever, portion, as soon as possible, so that we can Denise McGeever, Peter Carolan; Intentions: gauge numbers. Thanksgiving for blessings and protection (Sr. C.O.), THE SVP meets next on Tuesday, 8th January Sr Ceclia and family, Betty Parle, Thanksgiving for 2013 at 7.00pm in Wheeler Hall. New prayers (Ansard); Healing: Steven Ramsden members always welcome. Further details THE CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS are traditionally from 0793 905 2706; e-mail: for the priests of the parish and we are most [email protected]. grateful for your generous contributions. Thank POSITIVE ACTION FOR REFUGEES & ASYLUM you also for the many gifts and cards we have SEEKERS (Holy Rosary) needs tinned & dry food. received. Also chocolate bars, long-life milk, fruit juices, biscuits, nuts, dried fruit; toiletries. Cash gifts A BIG THANKS to all who work so hard in the may be placed in the box on the paper counter. parish, at the service of the liturgy, in outreach to those in need for the care upkeep of the THIS YEAR’S CRIB OFFERINGS buildings, and in many other ways. A special are for Catholic Care word of thanks for coping so well with all the CARDINAL HEENAN HIGH SCHOOL is advertising for inconvenience which made the television a Lay chaplain website: 18 hrs per week (over 3 days). broadcast of Midnight Mass possible. Inviting so Term Time Only plus 5 Training Days, Grade C1- many others to share in our worship is a work of (currently £19,621 -£21,519pro rata). Closing date: hospitality and evangelization. (Apologies to Friday 18 January 2013 at 3.30 pm. Further details and those who were unable to get into the Cathedral CES application forms are available from the school or for the Mass). see website: PRAISE & WORSHIP ON NEW YEAR’S EVE 10.00pm – 2.00am at Holy Rosary Church All welcome LEEDS PEOPLE FOR LIFE meet on the first If you would like a lift home, contact Chris Reddington: Saturday of each month at the Cenotaph, The [email protected]; 07983 776337 Headrow, from 10.30am-11.45am, to pray the rosary WE WELCOME TO THE PARISH Robert- and give Christian witness. All welcome. Francis Moir, a seminarian from the diocese of CATHEDRAL LECTURES 2012 The Southwark, who will be spending the month of next lecture is on Wednesday, 9th January January on pastoral placement at St George’s 2013 in Wheeler Hall at 7.00pm. The Crypt, and living at the Cathedral. He is currently a Speaker is Donal Foley and the title of his student in the Preparatory Year at the English talk is “Marian apparitions through history College, Valladolid. At the same time we bid and their Significance for Today”. All farewell to our seminarians who will be returning to welcome. Romae: Ben Hilton (English College) & Darren FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2013 If your child is in Jones (Beda). year 3 or above at school, and you attend Mass at the THE ERITREAN (GE’EZ RITE) Cathedral, and he/she is ready to join the preparation class, then please ask for an application form in the CHRISTMAS MASS is next Saturday, 5th sacristy after Mass. Those who are being prepared in our January at 6.00pm at the Holy Rosary. Primary School, will be formally presented at the THE YEAR OF FAITH ‘The Church on 10.30am Mass today. the day of Pentecost demonstrates with A KNITTING GROUP will meet in the Holy Rosary utter clarity the public dimension of Community Room from 11.30 am - 1.30 pm next believing and proclaiming one’s faith Saturday 5th January. No experience necessary, fearlessly to every person. It is the gift beginners welcome. Bring along any existing projects of the Holy Spirit that makes us fit for you may have. Alternatively, patterns, wool and knitting mission and strengthens our witness, making it frank needles will be available if necessary, for a small and courageous.’ (Porta Fidei #10) donation. COFFEE resumes this Thursday, 3rd January PARISH EPIPHANY CAROL in Wheeler Hall after 12.30pm Mass. SERVICE THE JOURNEY INTO FAITH PROGRAMME Diocese Schools. Contact us for more information: Tel: 0113 meets next at 6.30pm on THURSDAY, 10th January in 3314121 Email: [email protected] Visit: Wheeler Hall. THE CATHEDRAL 20 - 35 GROUP meets regularly for spiritual, social and charitable DO YOU KNOW ANYONE who lives in the parish activities. If you would like to join, search for ‘Leeds and is unable to come to Mass, or has lost touch with Cathedral 20-35 Group’ on Facebook. Phone 07810 the Church and is feeling isolated? For further 291154 or email: [email protected] information, pick up a flyer from the back of the Cathedral or Holy Rosary, or phone (in confidence): 07951 438 818. STARTING in January 2013, a two-session Baptism preparation course will take place at various intervals WE NEED MARRIED COUPLES to help prepare throughout the year for those families who wish to others for marriage. Could you help? Training would have their child baptised in the Parish. Course details be given. If you can, please contact one of the clergy. of the course and application forms, from the sacristy. COULD YOU HELP WITH OUR CHILDREN’S More items may be found on the Cathedral website LITURGY? (Each Sunday during 10.30am Mass at Holy Rosary). This is a rewarding role, for which training is available. All volunteers are CRB checked. Information from Belinda on (0113) 239 2599.
THERE ARE VACANCIES for Cathedral bell ringers: full training given. Contact Barrie Dove: OUR PRIMARY SCHOOL collects Morrisons’ e-mail [email protected] or tel. 07952 School vouchers. They may be handed in at 026608. either church, or school. OUR PRIMARY SCHOOL is buying new crucifixes for each class room and the hall. It would deepen VOCATIONS - DISCERNMENT GROUP (for men who are the link between school and parish if we could buy 2 considering the priesthood). Contact Mgr. Paul Grogan. large crucifixes. If anyone would like to contribute e.mail: [email protected] tel. no. (0113) 283 towards these, please see one of the priests, or 7199. Facebook: Leeds Diocesan Vocations Group. Marjorie & Jean Parker, or the school direct (c/o Mrs. LEEDS DIOCESAN PATHWAYS GROUP (for young men J Coyle). aged 14 – 18yrs), organised by Mgr. Paul Grogan and Mr. CATHOLIC SINGLES is an organisation which helps John Wood. Contact Mgr. Paul Grogan e.mail: single practising Catholics meet up, either ‘one to one’ or [email protected] through social events. For more information please tel. - Tel. (0113) 283 7199. Facebook: Vocation Pathways – 0161 941 3498, or email: [email protected] Leeds Diocesan Group for Boys.
IF YOU HAVE MOVED HOUSE – and particularly if you EVERY FRIDAY is set aside as a special day of have completed a Gift Aid Declaration – please let us know! penitence. The Bishops of England & Wales have Also, please make any cheques payable to ‘St Anne’s decided to re-establish the practice that this penance Cathedral’. Thank you. should be fulfilled simply by abstaining from meat and by uniting this to prayer. Those who cannot or choose MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION at all sung Masses in not to eat meat as part of their normal diet should the Cathedral until further notice. abstain from some other food of which they regularly partake. DO YOU PLAY CHESS? Would you like to learn? Would you like to join a Cathedral Chess Club? Contact Peter Exley on 07543 537553; e-mail: [email protected]
PLEASE REMEMBER to switch off your A WARM WELCOME to those of you who have mobile phone when you come into Church recently made the Cathedral or Holy Rosary your regular place of worship. If you are already an altar server, PRAYER The Jesuits run a very useful website reader, or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, and called “Sacred Space”, which gives a prayer for would be prepared to exercise your ministry here, please each day and a simple method of meditation. speak to one of the priests, deacons or sisters. Could be useful for those few spare minutes you HEALTH & SAFETY TIP Lighting a candle is a symbol of may have at lunchtime: our prayer and a way of extending it when we can no THE KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBA are seeking new longer be there. But, please place lighted candles only members locally. They are a fraternity dedicated to in the sockets provided. If there isn’t room, leave your charitable works and supporting the clergy. Any man unlit votive candle on the tray beneath the lighted interested in joining, please contact Jason on candles. It will be lit for you when there is space. [email protected] or 07976 428 198 WORK IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS - offers flexible supply work assignments for Primary Teachers, Secondary Teachers and Support Staff to work in Leeds Catholic