For Persons with Disabilities (CCPD)
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MU Chancellor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities (CCPD) Minutes for November 16, 2011
Attendees: Cindy Cotner, Sara Crites, Barb Hammer, Lee Henson, Carol Howald, Andy Knoop, Gerald Morgan, Abbie O’Sullivan, Heidi Shearer.
Recognition for Sara Crites: Sara Crites, student member of CCPD for three semesters, was recognized with a plaque and card for her role in the award of over $27.000 from the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee (SFCIC). The award is to make the Lewis and Clark building more accessible by installing a door and ramp.
Progress Update: Although a shortfall existed in the monetary grant from SFCIC, Gerald said Campus Facilities contributed $5,000 to this project. Concrete was poured this week. It appears that the structure is, in fact, concrete and not wood as feared. Gerald said he recommended that the project be a low or no-maintenance project.
New Committee Members: Committee leadership: The Chancellor’s office is reviewing our request to add Gui DeSouza to the committee. The hope is that if approved, Gui will agree to assume the role of chair after one year. Draft Policy for Campus Accessibility: Last Friday afternoon five members of CCPD (Shigaki, Henson, Hammer, O’Sulllivan and Cotner) met with Provost Brian Foster, Deputy Provost Ken Dean and Deputy Chancellor Mike Middleton regarding our draft policy for campus disability. The reaction of the group was favorable, and after a bit of discussion on wording, they expressed support and said that we should send the draft policy next to Chancellor Brady Deaton, in view of the fact that we are a committee of the Chancellor. Lee made a motion that the chair of CCPD write a letter to Chancellor Brady Deaton requesting this policy be instituted. In addition, the chair would write a thank you letter on behalf of the committee to the provost thanking him for this time and support, etc. The motion was seconded and passed.
Shuttle Service (Lee): Lee sent the CCPD study of the shuttle service to the other campuses with student fees funding. The Family Friendly group has also expressed interest in shuttle services. Lee expressed kudos to the committee for the shuttle service available for the Athletics Department.
Residential Life Emergency Preparedness Plan (Heidi): Heidi gave a detailed explanation about how Residential Life personnel are trained and how they deal with various emergencies for students with disabilities who live in the campus residence halls.
Next Meeting: It was determined that the December meeting will be cancelled. The next meeting will be January 18, 2012, S204 Memorial Union.