The Democracy-Security Nexus in and Around the Caucasus
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International conference
20-21 October 2016
Université libre de Bruxelles, Institut de Sociologie, 44 Avenue Jeanne, Campus du Solbosch B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
This international conference will be organised as part of the EU-FP7 CASCADE project ( It will critically re-examine the link between security and democratisation in the Caucasus, in a context of growing authoritarianism and new protest movements, as well as conflict transformation resulting from broader political upheavals in the wider neighbourhood. This re-examination will be informed by a combination of macro- and micro-approaches.
Contact: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Online registration (required): Agenda and details: Scientific committee: Leila Alieva, Oxford University; Derek Averre, University of Birmingham; Laure Delcour, FMSH; Nino Kemoklidze, University of Birmingham; Kakha Gogolashvili, GFSIS; Ashot Khurshudyan, ICHD; Vladimir Kolosov, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Anne Le Huérou, FMSH; Florian Mühlfried, Jena University; Kevork Oskanian, University of Birmingham; Silvia Serrano, FMSH. Organising committee: Nino Kemoklidze, University of Birmingham; Irina Lamour, FMSH; Myriam Morcel, FMSH; Laure Delcour, FMSH; Leslie Grietens, ULB, Yalchin Mammadov, ULB; Aude Merlin, ULB; Artem Remizov, ULB; Bénédicte Stoufflet, ULB; Marie-Line Furst, ULB.
Hosts and Organisers
EU FP7 CASCADE Project members
1 Conference Programme
Wednesday, 19 Oct. 2016 Arrival of delegates
Thursday, 20 Oct. 2016
9:00 – Coffee and Registration [Hall Dupréel, “Conseil d’administration Room”, 1st Floor (=2nd Level)]
9:30 – Welcoming remarks Andrea Rea, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, ULB Laure Delcour, Scientific coordinator of CASCADE project Derek Averre, University of Birmingham
9:45-11:15 PANEL 1: GENDER, ACTIVISM AND THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE CAUCASUS [Salle du Conseil d’administration, 1st Floor] Chair: Aude Merlin (CASCADE/CEVIPOL, ULB) Discussant: Alice Szczepanikova (formerly at CEVIPOL, ULB) Ilkin Mehrabov (Karlstad University). Gender, Activism and Surveillance: Azerbaijani Women Protesters Online and Offline. Evia H. Hovhannisyan (University at St. Petersburg). "Exorcism of Cultural Otherness": The Refugee Women in Post-Conflict Armenia. Irina Kosterina (Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, Moscow). Women as Agents of Modernisation in Northern Caucasus
11:15-11:30 – Coffee break
11:30-13:00 PANEL 2: WAR VETERANS, FIGHTERS AND USE OF FORCE IN POST- CONFLICT SITUATIONS [Conseil d’administration Room, 1st Floor] Chair: Nataliia Stukalo (Olas Honchar Dnipropetrovsk' National University) Discussant: Christophe Wasinski (REPI, ULB) Aude Merlin (CASCADE/CEVIPOL, ULB) Armenian Volunteer Fighters in the Nagorno- Karabakh Conflict: Change and Continuity From One War to the Next. Some Preliminary Findings (co-author Taline Papazian). Anne Le Huérou (CASCADE/FMSH). An Ingushetya «Counter Model» of Bringing Peace at Home? The Commission for the Reintegration of Former Fighters into Civilian Life. Julie Wilhelmsen (NUPI, Oslo). Russian Governance of the North Caucasus: Dilemmas of Force and Inclusion.
2 13:00-14:30 – Lunch break
14:30-16:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS – Panels 3 and 4
PANEL 3: LOCAL DYNAMICS AND EXTERNAL ACTORS IN THE CONFLICT ZONES [Conseil d’administration Room, 1st Floor] Chair: Syuzanna Vasilyan (CEVIPOL, ULB) Discussant: Stefan Wolff (UoB) Roxana Andrei (University of Coimbra). Peacebuilding and Status Quo in the Unrecognized States of the South Caucasus: Internal and External Limitations. Benedikt Harzl (Johns Hopkins University). Self-Determination as “Opium of the Peoples”: Engaging Abkhazia. Franziska Smolnik, Andrea Weiss and Yana Zabanova (ISSICEU/SWP Berlin). Between “Sultan” and “Tsar”: Impact of the Russian-Turkish Crisis on Georgia and Abkhazia.
PANEL 4: DEMOCRATISATION, MODERNISATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE CAUCASUS [Henri Janne Room, 15th Level] Chair: Derek Averre (CASCADE/UoB) Discussant: Mark Youngman (UoB) Leila Alieva (CASCADE/University of Oxford). The Limits of the “Democratization via Europeanization” Process in the Eastern Neighbourhood: The Case of Azerbaijan. Olga Vendina (CASCADE/IGRAS). Transformation Policies and Local Modernization Initiatives in the North Caucasus. Jean Radvanyi (CASCADE/National Institute of Oriental Languages, Paris). Dagestan and Georgia: New developments in the Mountain Areas in a time of Geopolitical Constraints.
16:00-16:15 – Coffee break
16:15-18:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS – Panels 5 and 6
PANEL 5: CONFLICT AND VIOLENCE IN THE CAUCASUS [Henri Janne Room, 15th Level] Chair: Nino Kemoklidze (CASCADE/UoB) Discussant: Caroline Holmqvist (REPI, ULB) Anastasia Shesterinina (Yale University). Pre-War Mobilization and Violence Onset: The Case of Abkhazia, 1988-1989. Lasha Tchantouridzé (Norwich University, Vermont). Proto-Diplomacy and Armed Conflict in Georgia.
3 Sos Avetisyan (University of Oxford). Nagorno-Karabakh Armed Conflict and Armenia’s Post-War Democratisation.
PANEL 6: CONFLICT, RELIGION AND DOMESTIC REGIMES [Conseil d’administration Room, 1st Floor] Chair: Anna Zaytseva (CASCADE/ CEVIPOL, ULB) Discussant: Silvia Serrano (CASCADE/FMSH) Murad Ismaylov (University of Cambridge). State and Religion in post-Soviet Azerbaijan: The Evolution of the Engagement. Bartłomiej Krzysztan and Marcin Rutowicz (University of Wrocław/Ilia State University). Far from Sustainability and Equality: Towards Socio-Economic Analysis of Ethnic and Religious Minorities Radicalization in Georgia. Jean-François Ratelle (University of Ottawa). Being a Salafi in the North Caucasus: Political Ethnography of Islamic Radicalization in Dagestan. Irina Starodubrovskaya (Gaidar Institute for the Economic Policy, Moscow). Islamic Fundamentalism as an Ideology of Protest Movement in the North Caucasus.
Friday, 21 Oct. 2016
9:00 – Coffee
9:15-11:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS – Panels 7 and 8
PANEL 7: CLEAVAGES AND COOPERATION WITHIN AND AROUND THE CAUCASUS: A MULTI-LEVEL APPROACH [Conseil d’administration Room, 1st Floor] Chair: Seda Gurkan (CEVIPOL, ULB) Discussant: Hrant Kostanyan (CEPS) Giulia Prelz Oltramonti (CASCADE/ULB). Overlapping and Non-Overlapping Cleavages in the South Caucasus. Laure Delcour (CASCADE/FMSH) and Samuele Dominioni (CASCADE/Sciences Po Paris). Deep Economic Integration: An Instrument of Increased Fragmentation or Renewed Cooperation in the South Caucasus? Kakha Gogolashvili (CASCADE/GFSIS). Georgia’s Association with the EU: Avoiding the South Caucasian Geopolitical Split. Tamar Khutsishvili (CASCADE/Jena). Trade and Trade Networks in an Armenian Border Village of Pshatavan.
4 Chair: Yalchin Mammadov (CEVIPOL, ULB) Discussant: Derek Averre (CASCADE/UoB)
Giorgi Tarkhan-Mouravi (Institute for Policy Studies, Tbilisi). National Security– Democratization Nexus and the Multiple Interpretations of National Interests in Georgia. Marion Kipiani (Freelance consultant). The Tip of the Democratization Spear? The Role and Importance of the Georgian Armed Forces in the Context of Democratization and European Integration. Mariam Pipia (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University). Linguistic and Value Asymmetry of Democratic and Anti-Democratic Movements in Georgia. Oliver Reisner (Ilia State University). On Challenges of Democratisation in Georgia Before and After the Parliamentary Elections of 2016.
11:15-13:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS – Panels 9 and 10
PANEL 9: MIGRATION AND MOBILITIES IN AND OUT OF THE CAUCASUS [Conseil d’administration Room, 1st Floor] Chair: Firouzeh Nahavandi (CECID, ULB) Discussant: Florian Mühlfried (CASCADE/Jena) Maroussia Ferry (School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, Paris). Georgian Migration Toward Turkey: Patterns and New Developments. Weronika Zmiejewski (CASCADE/Jena). “Managing” Uncertainty: Georgian Domestic Workers in Greece. Ritsa Zelnitskaya (Russian Ethnographic Museum, St. Petersburg). Return to the Historical Homeland: Problems of Adaptation.
PANEL 10: DEMOCRACY PROMOTION AND CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE CAUCASUS [Henri Janne Room, 15th Level] Chair: Ramona Coman (CEVIPOL, ULB) Discussant: Bruce Grant (New York University) Simon Tordjman (Sciences-Po Toulouse). Misunderstanding(s) as a Condition of Possibility: The European Endowment for Democracy and Democracy Promotion in the Caucasus. Murad Nasibov (Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Baku) and Laurent Vinatier (Thomas More Institute, Paris). Russia as a Role Model in Reconstructing “West” and “Civil Society:” The Case of Azerbaijan. Huseyn Aliyev (University of Oxford). Towards "Uncivil" Society? Informality and Civil Society in Georgia (co-author Tatia Chikhladze).
13:00-14:15 – Lunch break
5 14:15-15:45 PANEL 11: THE CAUCASUS IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE [Conseil d’administration Room, 1st Floor] Chair: Artem Remizov (CEVIPOL, ULB)
Discussant: Bruno Coppieters (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Nino Kemoklidze (CASCADE/UoB), Tatyana Malyarenko (Johns Hopkins University) and Stefan Wolff (UoB). In the Crosshairs of Great Powers? Linkage, Leverage and Protracted Transitions in Weak States. Ryhor Nizhikau (University of Tartu). External Involvement in Post-Soviet Space: Comparing the Reform Trajectories in Belarus and Georgia (co-author Amiran Kavadze). Sophie Bedford (UCRS, Uppsala University). Resisting the Irresistible: "Failed" Opposition in Azerbaijan and Belarus Revisited.
15:45-16:00 – Closing remarks