For Grace Bible Church

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For Grace Bible Church

BY-LAWS some function as its legal trustees under the Certificate of Incorporation and the laws of the State of Indiana. for Grace Bible Church of New Whiteland, Indiana ARTICLE VI. DOCTRINAL AGREEMENT

Adopted fall 2004 All elected officers of the church shall be in agreement with the doctrinal position of Revision & adopted fall 2007 the church as set forth in the church’s Statement of Faith. Should an elected officer of the church change his or her doctrinal position and become in disagreement with ARTICLE I. NAME the Statement of Faith, that individual shall be obligated to resign from their place of responsibility. The name of this organization shall be: Grace Bible Church, located in Greenwood, Indiana. ARTICLE VII. MEMBERSHIP

ARTICLE II. PURPOSE Any person who has received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord, who shows evidence of the new life in Christ, who has in accordance with our Lord's The purpose of this church is to glorify God by making disciples of all peoples who command and example been baptized by immersion upon their profession of faith in will manifest the reality of Jesus Christ to the world. All the purposes of the Grace Jesus Christ, and who is in agreement with the faith and practices of this church, Bible Church are exclusively spiritual, charitable, and educational in nature. shall be eligible for membership. Recommendation for membership shall be by the pastors/elders/overseers (i.e. Leadership Team). No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation SECTION 1. Responsibilities of Members shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing and distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Christian Living. All members shall diligently seek to live in accordance with the pattern of the New Testament for believers as stated in the church covenant. They ARTICLE III. AUTHORITY should desire to meet regularly with God’s people, pray for and support one another and the leadership of the church, and promote the spiritual welfare of the church by This church acknowledges Jesus Christ as its only Head in matters of faith and their influence and example. government. Its government is invested in its assembled membership under the Christian Service. Since God desires and gifts all members for service, it is expected leadership of duly elected pastors/elders/overseers who are individually subject to its that all believers shall serve one another in accordance with their spiritual gifts and corporate action. Just as leadership is directly and primarily accountable to God abilities. through their obedience to Scripture in leading the people, so are the people Christian Giving. Every Christian should desire to give back to God a portion of accountable to God through obedience to Scripture in following their leaders (1 what he receives willingly and cheerfully as they are persuaded by Him. THESS 5:12-13; 1 TIM 5:17; TITUS 2:15; HEB 13:17). Christian Unity. Every member shall preserve the unity of the church and, if at any time they find themselves opposed to the fundamental teachings of this church, they ARTICLE IV. AFFILIATION will not seek to disrupt its fellowship by sowing discord, but will seek to discuss their differences with the church leadership (EPH 4:25-32). If differences cannot be The church is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body but reserves the resolved, that member shall peacefully remove themselves from the membership. right to affiliate with any other Christian organization which takes a like position with regard to faith and practice. SECTION 2. Receiving of Members Persons desiring membership shall express their desire to the elders at which time ARTICLE V. INCORPORATION those individuals will share their testimony of salvation before them and indicate their agreement with the Statement of Faith and their willingness to abide by the The title to the property of this church shall be vested in a corporation consisting of Covenant and By-Laws of the church. After candidates for membership have been the members of the Grace Bible Church acting through its elected officers, of whom approved by the elders, and baptized (if necessary), the elders shall announce to the 2 people, one week in advance, the candidate’s desire to unite with the church. Should when admonition and reconciliation have failed, who is members know of something which might disqualify the candidate for membership, recommended for dismissal by the elders, shall be dismissed by they shall bring the matter to the elders during this time. Candidates shall be majority vote of the voting members present. received into membership by a unanimous vote at any regular church service. If a member who has erred in biblical conduct or doctrine shall voluntarily confess it SECTION 3. Inactive Members to the church and manifest repentance, no further proceedings shall be entertained Should any member absent himself from the services of this church for a period of against him in this matter. Upon such spiritual restoration, and at the four (4) consecutive weeks without justifiable cause, he or she shall be placed on an recommendation of the elders, the congregation shall restore the person to full inactive list and issued a notification. Upon notification, the individual is given one membership. The elders shall determine to what extent the restored individual may month to show his interest in returning to services and becoming an active member. or may not hold elected office. Those who have not responded favorably to urgings from the body shall be removed from membership. ARTICLE VIII. GOVERNMENT SECTION 4. Dismissal of Members SECTION 1. Church Officers Members may be dismissed from church membership for any of the following reasons: at the request of the individual, when any member unites with another Classification: As the New Testament sets forth only two local church offices, that church, or when the individual is dismissed from the membership as part of of pastor/elder/overseers (terms used interchangeably for one office, the occupants disciplinary action taken in accordance with the provisions for the discipline of being male) and servants (male and female), the officers shall be composed of the members. following and shall be elected by the congregation as the need may arise and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As the New Testament local church is a family that is responsible for holding one another accountable for faithfulness to Christ and growth in the Christian life, there 1. Elders, functioning as pastors and overseers. are times when, for the sake of the erring one and for the purity of the body, that 2. Service Team (i.e. Treasurer, Church Clerk and other service positions as censure, reprimand, and /or removal from membership must be administered by the needs arise). church to those who will not repent of un-Christ like attitudes and behavior. Un- Qualifications: All officers shall be members of Grace Bible Church and shall be in Christ like attitudes and behavior can be evident in any of the following, but not agreement with the Statement of Faith and the By-Laws of the church. Officers shall limited to the following, ways: immoral conduct, persistent breach of covenant meet the requirements pertaining to their respective office as found in I TIM 3:1-12 vows, misdemeanor in office, willfully promoting or fueling disruption and disunity, and TITUS 1:5-9; I TIM 6:10-12; 2 TIM 4:1-5; 1 PT 5:1-3; ACTS 20:17-35. harboring a contentious spirit. R esponsibilities: The responsibilities of the officers shall be commensurate with a. If a member errors in biblical conduct or doctrine, all disciplinary their God-given gifts and appointed titles. The elders shall have as their primary action shall be conducted in accordance with MATT 18:15-18; responsibility the teaching of God’s Word and the spiritual oversight of the church. TITUS 3:10; 1 COR 5. Under their direction, those on the Service Team shall assist the elders in serving the b. If a member errors in biblical conduct or doctrine, the member who needs of the body, enabling the elders to devote their time and attention to their has that knowledge shall, in brotherly love, attempt to admonish primary responsibilities. and correct him according to MATT 18:15-17. If he does not respond to such action, the elders shall be notified and shall Selection: If a need arises to add an elder(s), the existing elders will recommend admonish him. If the person remains unrepentant, the elders shall them to the body for examination and majority approval. Should a need arise for a bring the matter before the body. The accused shall be notified of servant(s) to serve in some capacity, members may express their desire for an the time and place of the meeting in advance. individual to serve by making their choice known to the elders. Upon evaluation and c. If thereafter a member fails to respond to the urgings of those approval from the elders, the results shall be presented to the church for majority within the body for a period of more than two (2) weeks, the elders approval. shall recommend that the person be dismissed, after which the Term of Office: The elders and servants shall serve for an indefinite period of time church shall withdraw from him the hand of fellowship. with the right to terminate their services at any time. If at any time any officer is d. The exclusion of a disciplined member must be acted upon by the questioned, he shall be confronted and counseled according to MATT 18:15-17, church which alone has the authority to act. Any erring member, GAL 6:1-2, and 1 TIM 5:19. If discipline is exercised against any officer by 3 majority vote of the church, their duties and church membership will be terminated proposed budget shall be made at the annual meeting. The proposed budget will be immediately as will all claim to, and possession of, church property. If he is a adopted by majority vote. compensated elder, he shall, from the time of the vote, continue to receive compensation for at least thirty (30) days. ARTICLE XI. MEETINGS

SECTION 1. Worship ARTICLE IX. LICENSING AND ORDINATION The church shall meet regularly each Sunday for worship as demonstrated by the early church and in accordance with their commemoration of Christ’s resurrection on SECTION 1. Licensing the first day of the week. A male church member may seek licensure from the church to perform sacradotal duties (such as officiating at a wedding). After satisfactory examination before the SECTION 2. Business Meetings elders, they shall recommend the candidate to the church for licensure. The church An annual meeting to elect officers for the new year and approve a new year’s shall be granted the opportunity to question the candidate and then to approve his budget shall be held at a time in December according to the elders choosing and licensure by not less than two-thirds vote at any regular business meeting. The announced no less than two months in advance. The elders may, without special license shall remain in effect until the termination of the candidate’s membership notice, transact business requiring immediate attention at any one of its regularly with Grace Bible Church. scheduled services. To conduct business thirty-three percent (33%) of the active membership must be present. SECTION 2. Ordination A male church member may seek ordination by the church. After satisfactory SECTION 3. Special Business Meetings examination before the elders, they shall recommend the candidate for examination A special meeting for the election or dismissal of an elder, for the sale or purchase of before a duly assembled council of theologically trained ministers. If the council property, for the assumption of a financial obligation exceeding $2,500, or for the commends the candidate for ordination, the church shall approve his ordination by ratification or amending of these By-Laws or the Church’s Statement of Faith shall majority vote. Ordination shall remain in effect unless the church votes to revoke it. be deemed duly called when announcement is made in one Sunday worship service two weeks in advance of the meeting. A special meeting may also be called by the body petitioning the elders, signed by a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) by ARTICLE X. COMMITTEES all active members. Fifty percent (50%) of the active memberships present shall constitute a quorum for all special business meetings. SECTION 1. General Guidelines Committees may be appointed by the elders as needs arise. The elders shall serve as SECTION 4. Moderator ex-officio members of all committees. Except when otherwise provided, the An elder shall serve as moderator at all business meetings providing that the business committee serves for the calendar year. does not pertain to him personally. SECTION 2. Budget Committee SECTION 5. Voting This committee shall consist of the elders, the treasurer, and at least two male Only active members who are present in the meeting and who are at least eighteen members appointed by the elders with the majority approval of the church. This (18) years of age, shall be permitted to vote. A majority approval shall be required committee shall prepare a budget for the coming fiscal year. The proposed budget for all regular business. shall be made available to the church at least four weeks before the annual meeting. Within this four-week period, members may discuss the proposed budget with the Budget Committee. Two weeks before the annual meeting, a question and answer meeting shall be made available to those interested in attending. Should the Budget Committee determine that changes are in order, these changes shall be communicated to the church prior to the annual meeting. No changes to the 4


SECTION 1. General Guidelines The fiscal year of the church shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st. All monies raised for the church general fund shall be raised by free-will offering. All monies should be dispersed by check or by direct electronic methods. The church financial records shall be audited after the end of each fiscal year by a two man auditing committee appointed by the elders and the finance committee. Their report shall be made available to the Church.

SECTION 2. Budget The church budget shall be for one fiscal year. All church monies shall be disbursed according to the church budget. All expenditures not provided for in the budget or expenditures that exceed the approved budget amounts must be approved by majority vote of the church.


In the event of the disbanding of this church, the property, both real and personal, as well as other assets, shall be given to a non-profit organization designated by the church. No individual shall personally profit from the assets of the church. Every reasonable effort shall be made to place these properties into the hands of a church of like faith and practice.


Suggested amendments or additions to these By-Laws or to the Statement of Faith shall be presented to the elders for their prayerful consideration. Should the elders return a favorable recommendation, the amendment(s) shall be presented to the congregation at a regular business meeting announced one week in advance. Those same proposed amendments or additions shall then be made available to the church thirty days prior to a special meeting(s) at which they are to be thoroughly discussed. The proposed amendments may be adopted by majority vote of all active voting members.


Following the command of the Apostle Paul in 1 COR 6:1-8, no member shall take any legal action against Grace Bible Church or any one of its members.

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