American Academy in Rome the American Academy in Rome Is One of the Leading American Overseas

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American Academy in Rome the American Academy in Rome Is One of the Leading American Overseas

American Academy in Rome – The American Academy in Rome is one of the leading American overseas centers for independent study and advanced research in the fine arts and the humanities. Through its annual Rome Prize fellowship program, the Academy supports up to thirty individuals working in archaeology, architecture, classical studies, design arts, historic preservation and conservation, history of art, landscape architecture, literature, modern Italian studies, musical composition, post-classical humanistic studies and visual arts. The Academy community is strengthened by the recipients of other fellowships and by large numbers of Visiting Artists and Scholars who rent rooms, apartments and studios during the course of the year. The community increases to include graduate students and high school teachers during the summer months, when the Academy's Classical Summer Schooland National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar take place.

American Academy of Religion – To fulfill its commitment to advance research in religion, the AAR each year grants awards ranging from $500 to $5,000 each to support projects proposed by AAR members and selected by the Academy's Research Grants Review Committee. AAR grants are for both individual and collaborative research.

American Oriental Society – The AOS is the oldest learned society in the United States devoted to a particular field of scholarship, having been founded in 1842. The encouragement of basic research in the languages and literatures of Asia has always been central in its tradition. The research of AOS includes such subjects as philology, literary criticism, textual criticism, paleography, epigraphy, linguistics, biography, archaeology, and the history of the intellectual and imaginative aspects of Oriental civilizations, especially of philosophy, religion, folklore and art.

 Hackney Fellowship for the Study of Chinese Art ( %7Eaos/hackney.htm)  Greenfield Prize for Younger Semitists ( %7Eaos/greenfield.html)

American Center of Oriental Research – The American Center of Oriental Research in Amman, Jordan, is a private, non-profit academic institution dedicated to promoting research and publication in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, history, languages, biblical studies, Arabic, Islamic studies and other aspects of Near Eastern studies. Its fellowships, applications for which are usually due in the first months of the year, are numerous and diverse.

American Council of Learned Societies – ACLS offers fellowships and grants in more than a dozen programs for research in the humanities and related social sciences at the doctoral and postdoctoral levels. Awards of over $8.3 million were made to 232 U.S.-based scholars in 2007, an increase of more than 60% over 2005-06 awards, in the humanities and related social sciences, which include but are not limited to American studies; anthropology; archaeology; art and architectural history; classics; economics; film; geography; history; languages and literatures; legal studies; linguistics; musicology; philosophy; political science; psychology; religious studies; rhetoric, communication, and media studies; science, technology, and medicine studies; sociology; and theater, dance, and performance studies.

American Research Institute in Turkey – The American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) is a non-profit educational institution dedicated to promoting American and Turkish research and exchange related to Turkey in all fields of the humanities and social sciences. ARIT offers a number of fellowships both U.S.-based and overseas-based in fields such as Turkish history, art and architecture, general aspects of cultural history, and language studies.

American Schools of Oriental Research – ASOR supports and encourages the study of the peoples and cultures of the Near East, from the earliest times to the present. Founded in 1900, ASOR is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization that is apolitical and has no religious affiliation. ASOR communicates news of the latest research findings in its publications and through lectures at its Annual Meeting, while its overseas institutes host scholars working in the Middle East.

 ASOR Heritage Excavation Grants (  ASOR Platt Excavation Fellowships (

For more information on other grants, fellowships, and scholarships through ASOR, please visit their website. ASOR has affiliate centers in Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, and Iraq that also offer resources and opportunities.

Archaeological Institute of America – AIA is pleased to offer six fellowships for travel and study to deserving scholars, as well as a number of scholarships and grants for students, publications, and AIA Societies. Fellowships, scholarships, and grants are open to members of the Archaeological Institute of America. The AIA also lists outside grants and fellowships.

Association for the Sociology of Religion – ASR lists grant and funding opportunities in the field of sociology of religion. Sometimes these grants are provided by secondary sources.

Association of Theological Schools – Through its faculty grant programs, ATS seeks to (1) develop theological research that serves the needs of theological schools, communities of faith, and the wider society and (2) enhance faculty skill and capacity as theological researchers and scholars. Applicants to these programs must be full-time faculty members at ATS accredited and candidate member schools.

 Henry Luce III Fellows in Theology (  Lilly Theological Research Grants (

The Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) is affiliated with the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) and the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC), CAARI offers world-class resources through our comprehensive library of materials relating to Cyprus and adjacent geographic regions. Visiting students and scholars can find living quarters as well as technical and logistical support facilities.They also offer fellowships.

Center for the Study of Religion – The Center for the Study of Religion brings a select number of pre-tenure scholars and recent Ph.D. graduates to Princeton University to study religion and religious history. The fellows, who are appointed by the Dean of the Faculty, devote time to serving the intellectual life of the Center and the University through mentoring graduate and undergraduate students and participating in one of the Center's weekly interdisciplinary seminar.

The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences - CTNS is committed to drawing theologians, religious scholars, ethicists, philosophers, and historians into conversation with natural scientists to foster a legacy of mutually enriching scholarship. The J.K. Russell Fellowship in Religion and Science has enabled senior scholars in the field of theology and the natural sciences to visit the Graduate Theological Union and CTNS and to conduct research, teach courses, and present public lectures. These visiting scholars and research fellows often contribute to CTNS publications as well as give a presentation to a CTNS/GTU graduate course.

Columbia Society of Fellows in the Humanities – The Columbia Society of Fellows in the Humanities, with grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the William R. Kenan Trust, appoints a number of post-doctoral fellows in the humanities. Fellows are appointed as Lecturers in appropriate departments at Columbia University and as postdoctoral research fellows. The fellowship is renewable for a second and third year, involves teaching, and requires attendance at the Society's lectures and events as well as active participation in the intellectual life of the Society and of the department with which the Fellow is affiliated.

Council on Library and Information Resources –

 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Scholarly Information Resources - Awarded to recent Ph.Ds who believe there are opportunities to develop meaningful linkages among disciplinary scholarship, libraries, archives, and evolving digital tools. (  Rovelstad Scholarship in International Librarianship - Provides all expenses for a student of library and information science to attend the annual IFLA meeting. (  Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources - Awards about 10 fellowships each year for dissertation research in the humanities in original sources. (  A. R. Zipf Fellowship - Awarded annually to a student in the early stages of graduate school, who shows exceptional promise for leadership and technical achievement in information management. (

Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest – The Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest is an annual competition designed to challenge college students to analyze the urgent ethical issues confronting them in today's complex world. Students are encouraged to write thought-provoking personal essays that raise questions, single out issues and are rational arguments for ethical action. Full-time undergraduate juniors and seniors at accredited four-year colleges and universities in the US are welcome to enter the Essay Contest.

Fulbright Program – The Fulbright Program, the U.S. government's flagship program in international educational exchange, offers numerous highly competitive grants to U.S. citizens and nationals of other countries for a variety of educational activities, primarily university lecturing, advanced research, graduate study and teaching in elementary and secondary schools. General areas of grants include the U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program; Visiting Fulbright Scholar Program; Pre-Doctoral Fellowships; the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program; the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program; the College and University Affiliations Program; and the Fulbright-Hays Foreign Area and Language Training Programs.

Fund for Theological Education – From fellowships for prospective and current seminary students to recruitment initiatives for congregations, FTE offers many different kind of resources for many different needs. Its programs include Undergraduates Exploring Ministry; Support for Seminary Students; African-American Ph.D./Th.D. Scholars; Racial/Ethnic Ph.D./Th.D. Scholars; Calling Congregations; Programs for High School Youth; Programs for Colleges and Universities; and New Pastor Support.

The International Research Consortium on "Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe" at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, invites applications for a Fellowship for Research on the History of Religions along the trade routes between the Mediterranean Area and South / East Asia in Antiquity during the academic year April 2009 through March 2010. Application Deadline:December 31st, 2008. For complete information contact: International Research Consortium "Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe"Ruhr-Universität Bochum Universitätsstr. 150 D-44780 Bochum, Germany [email protected]

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation – The MacArthur Foundation is a private, independent grantmaking institution dedicated to helping groups and individuals foster lasting improvement in the human condition. It makes grants and loans through four programs:

 Program on Global Security and Sustainability – various international issues, including human rights, conservation and sustainable development, and higher education;  Program on Human and Community Development – issues in the U.S., including community and economic development, housing, and juvenile justice reform;  General Program – public interest media; and  MacArthur Fellows Program - unrestricted fellowships to individuals across all ages and fields who show exceptional merit and promise of continued creative work.

Library of Congress – The John W. Kluge Center also accommodates up to two dozen post- doctoral Fellows pursuing resident research, usually for periods from six to twelve months. Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural topics of a kind normally not encouraged in specialized departmental settings are welcome. Selection of a diverse group of Fellows is by various competitions. Post-doctoral Fellows have an opportunity to discuss their research with the Kluge Scholars and to explore possibilities for intellectual collaboration with other Fellows.

Louisville Institute - The Louisville Institute offers eight grant programs. Each gives preference to proposals that creatively bring together the wisdom of pastors and academics on behalf of American Christians and their churches. Applicants may apply to only one program during a given grant year.

 The Christian Faith and Life Grant Program supports research projects by academics and pastors designed to make more accessible to religious believers the themes of Christian faith in relation to the realities of their contemporary lives. Research periods may range from nine weeks to nine months. The maximum award is $40,000.  The Dissertation Fellowship Program offers $18,000 grants to support the final year of Ph.D. or Th.D. dissertation writing for students engaged in research pertaining to North American Christianity, especially projects related to the current program priorities of the Louisville Institute.  The First Book Grant Program for Minority Scholars assists junior, non-tenured religion scholars of color to complete a major research project on an issue in North American Christianity related to the priorities of the Louisville Institute. Research periods may range from nine weeks to nine months. The maximum award is $40,000.  The General Grant Program makes grants in April, August, and December to support a limited number of individual or collaborative projects by academics and/or pastoral leaders that will advance learning about the conditions, challenges, and possibilities facing religious life in North America today. Grant size varies.  The Pastoral Leadership Grant program supports research projects by pastors and academics on the nature and challenges of North American pastoral leadership, with special attention to the conditions of contemporary Christian ministry and the character of pastoral excellence. Research periods may range from nine weeks to nine months. The maximum award is $40,000.  The Religious Institutions Grant Program supports research projects by academics and pastors designed to encourage reflection on the theological, historical, and sociological nature of and challenges to religious organizations and institutions in contemporary North America. Research periods may range from nine weeks to nine months. The maximum award is $40,000.  The Sabbatical Grants for Pastoral Leaders Program provides pastoral leaders with sustained periods of time for reflective engagement with their life and work and issues related to contemporary religious leadership. Grants of $10,000 or $15,000 support sabbaticals of eight or twelve weeks respectively.  The Summer Stipend Program offers $9,000 grants to academics and pastors engaged in research projects pertaining to North American Christianity, especially those related to the priorities of the Louisville Institute.

Mellon Fellowships for Assistant Professors – The School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study, with the support of the Andrew Mellon Foundation, has established a program of one year memberships for assistant professors at universities and colleges in the United States and Canada to support promising young scholars who have embarked on professional careers. While at the Institute they will be expected to engage exclusively in scholarly research and writing. The School is interested in all fields of historical research, but is concerned principally with the history of Western, Near Eastern and Far Eastern civilizations, with particular emphasis upon Greek and Roman civilization, the history of Europe (medieval, early modern, and modern), the Islamic world, East Asian studies, the history of art, the history of science, and modern international relations.

Middle East Studies Association of North America – MESA is a private, non-profit, non-political learned society that brings together scholars, educators, and those interested in the study of the region from all over the world. It lists opportunities for awards, grants, fellowships, and prizes in related areas of scholarship that are offered other institutions.

National Endowment for the Humanities – Fellowships support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to scholars and general audiences in the humanities for a period of six to twelve months. Recipients usually produce articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, and other scholarly tools. The Endowment currently sponsors one agency-wide program, We the People, and two special initiatives, Rediscovering Afghanistan and the Digital Humanities Initiative.

The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago invites applications for the Oriental Institute's Annual Post-Doctoral Scholar Conference program for the 2009–2010 academic year. This is a twelve-month, non-renewable appointment. The Post-Doctoral Scholar will organize and conduct a two-day conference at the Oriental Institute on key comparatively oriented theoretical or methodological issues in the field of ancient studies (archaeological, text-based, and/or art historical avenues of research). We encourage cross-disciplinary proposals that deal with the ancient Near East (including Egypt) or that compare the Near East with other cultural areas. Applicants should take into consideration the research interests represented at the Oriental Institute. The conference will take place in early to mid March 2010. After the conference, the Post-Doctoral Scholar will work with publication staff to assemble and edit the proceedings for publication in the "Oriental Institute Seminars" series. The incumbent is also encouraged to pursue his or her own research while in residence and to interact with the Oriental Institute community. Information on past Oriental Institute Annual symposia can be viewed at: Qualifications: Ph.D. in a discipline relating to ancient studies must be complete at the time of appointment. Applicants should send: 1. 5-page proposal outlining nature and structure of the conference (including names and paper topics of six to eight key participants who have agreed to make presentations, should the conference be funded) 2. curriculum vitae 3. 3 letters of reference (these may be sent under separate cover)

Electronic submissions are welcome. Deadline for completed applications is Friday, January 9th, 2009. Start date is September 1, 2009. Please send applications to:

Post-Doctoral Scholar Program attn. Mariana Perlinac, Oriental Institute University of Chicago 1155 East 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637

Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts – The Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, comprised of recent Ph.D. recipients in the humanities, and in selected social and natural sciences, seeks to promote innovative interdisciplinary approaches to scholarship and teaching. Postdoctoral (Cotsen) Fellows are appointed for three-year terms to pursue research and teach half-time in their academic department, in the Program in Humanistic Studies, or in other university programs.

Talbots Women's Scholarship Fund – Talbots Women's Scholarship Fund, a program of the Talbots Charitable Foundation, will award $100,000 in scholarships to women determined to finally get that college degree. Five women will each be awarded $10,000 scholarships, and 50 women will each be awarded $1,000 scholarships. All applicants must be seeking an undergraduate degree from an accredited two- or four-year college or university, or vocational- technical school. Only applicants seeking a bachelor's degree from a four-year college or university are eligible to receive a $10,000 award. Scholarship awards are based primarily on financial need and previous achievements for women who earned their high school diploma or GED at least 10 years ago.

Wabash Center - The Wabash Center provides funds for projects that enhance teaching and learning in the fields of religion or theology. It seeks to fund projects that a) improve the practical application of teaching and learning methods; b) create supportive environments for teachers; or c) promote a sustained conversation about pedagogy. The website provides a few suggestions as to a project’s details and notes the two types of grants available: small project grants (up to $2,500) and project grants (up to $20,000).

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation –

 Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships support the final year of dissertation writing for Ph.D. or Th.D. candidates in the humanities and social sciences whose research addresses ethical or religious values. The 29 Newcombe Fellows to be named in 2009 will each receive a stipend of $24,000; their institutions are asked to waive or otherwise cover tuition and fees.  Also intended to assist students in the final year of dissertation writing, the Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowships in Women’s Studies offer $3,000 to help defray expenses of doctoral candidates doing original and significant research about women that crosses disciplinary, regional, or cultural boundaries.

Yad HaNadiv and the Beracha Foundation- Fellowships are awarded each year to scholars in Jewish Studies, who hold non-tenured university positions at the time of their application. Fellows will spend a year in Israel, pursuing their research projects, while participating in a structured programme in their field of study. This fellowship is a great opportunity, and in the 20 years of its existence has brought some of the most prominent young Bible and Judaic Studies scholars to Jerusalem for what proved to be a major stage in their academic development.

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