Ward Avenue Church of God of Prophecy s1
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Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014, 11am
Title: “Seeking God’s Plan for My Life” Text: Jeremiah 29:4-14 Topic: A Season of Seeking Thesis: We are reminded that God has a unique plan for each of us and our lives. Pursuing His plan for us will lead to a fulfilling life. The Israelite captives, in the midst of their challenges, were encouraged by the prophet Jeremiah to seek God’s plan and abandon their own pursuits. Point 1: Be Confirmed in Our General State (4) A. A Personal Message Announced B. A Purposeful Method Assured Point 2: Be Contented with Our Given Situation (5-7) A. Intermingle Plentifully for Meaningful Prosperity B. Intercessory Prayer for Mutual Peace Point 3: Be Confronted by Our Grand Sights (8-9) A. Do not Yield to Peer Pressure & Anxiety B. Do not Yearn for Personal Ambition Point 4: Be Comforted in Our God’s Sovereignty (10-14) A. A Restoration from God Understood B. A Resolution to God Undertaken
Date: Sunday, January 12, 2014, 11am
Title: “Seeking God with Perseverance” Text: Luke 18:1-8 Topic: A Season of Seeking Thesis: Jesus shares a parable to emphasize the importance and benefits of frequent prayer with God. Seeking God via ongoing prayers is very rewarding for the believer spiritually and in lots of other ways. Yet, many Christians struggle with establishing or maintaining a disciplined prayer life. Point 1: A Stated Principle (1) A. Always be Prayerful B. Always be Persistent Point 2: A Simple Parable (2-5) A. The Justice from an Adversary Obtained after Many Petitions B. The Judge finally Avenges Obligingly after Much Procrastination Point 3: A Sound Proclamation (6-8a) A. The Comparison Found of a Satisfying Result B. The Comforting Fact of a Swift Response Point 4: A Sure Perplexity (8b) A. An Incitement to Call Us to Prayerfulness B. An Indictment to Convict Us of Prayerlessness
Date: Sunday, January 19, 2014, 11am
Title: “Seeking God for Our Nation” Text: 2 Chronicles 7:14-16 Topic: A Season of Seeking Thesis: God answers King Solomon’s prayer with assurance that He will always hear and respond to the prayers of a people who seek His face with humility and repentance. This promise, directly given to Israel, is available for America today. Point 1: The People God Holds (14a) A. Our Connection is with Him B. Our Character is from Him C. Our Choice is before Him Point 2: The Posture God Honors (14b) A. Is Prostrate before Him B. Is Prayerful to Him C. Is Penitent with Him Point 3: The Prayer God Hears (14c-16) A. Brings Reconciliation with God B. Brings Restoration by God C. Brings Reassurance from God
Date: Sunday, January 26, 2014, 11am NO SERMON OUTLINES (SPECIAL CONCERT WITH FREEDOM’S CROSSING) Date: Sunday, February 2, 2014, 11am
Text: Matthew 13:1-3a, 10-17, 34-35, 53-58 Topic: The Kingdom Parables
Thesis: Jesus spoke in parables. His doing so fulfills prophecy and reveals the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven to those God appointed; yet, there were many who rejected Him and His teachings.
Point 1: The Revelation to a People Selected (1-3a, 10-13, and 16-17) A. The Formal Religious are Blinded B. The Familiar Relations are Blessed
Point 2: The Recognition of a Prophecy Satisfied (14-15, 34-35) A. The Parables Conveyed B. The Prophecies Confirmed
Point 3: The Rejection of the Prophet by the Synagogue (53-58) A. The Skeptics in Abundance B. The Saying in Abidance
Date: Sunday, February 9, 2014, 11am
Title: “The Parable of the Sower” Text: Matthew 13:3 -9, 18-23 Topic: The Kingdom Parables
Thesis: Jesus speaks in this parable of a familiar agrarian setting: a farmer sows seed and depending on the soil on which it lands there are different results. He indicates that the soils of the hearts of mankind are different and produce different reactions to the same Word sown in them.
Point 1: The Parable is Expressed to Us (3-8) A. The Sower is Unique B. The Seed is Unchanged C. The Soils are Unalike
Point 2: The Parable is Explained for Us (18-23) A. The Surface and Fallow Soil (Perplexing) B. The Shallow and Fading Soil (Persecuted) C. The Suffocating and Failing Soil (Problematic) D. The Strong and Fertile Soil (Prosperous)
Point 3: The Parable is Exposed in Us (9) A. The Physical Ears Receive the Message B. The Prophetic Ears Perceive the Meaning
Date: Sunday, February 16, 2014, 11am
Title: “The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares” Text: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 Topic: The Kingdom Parables
Thesis: In this parable, Jesus informs us that He has established His kingdom, with His saints, which will last forever; yet, the devil, a counterfeiter, has mixed his sinister minions among us in the world bringing confusion and deception when trying to distinguish the genuine kingdom of God. Nevertheless, there is a time appointed when the true kingdom will be seen and perfected while the imitation kingdom of the devil will be destroyed.
Point 1: The Kingdom Elected (24, 36-38a) A. The Savior (Son of God) Throws Seed in Quality B. The Seeds (sons of God) Thrive Successfully in Quantity
Point 2: The Kingdom Infected (25-28a, 38b-39a) A. The Tyrannical Adversary Instigates the Fraud B. The Tares Adversely Infiltrate the Field
Point 3: The Kingdom Perfected (28b-30, 39b-43) A. The Wheat Harvested to the Barn (Righteous Preserved) B. The Weeds Heaved to the Burn (Unrighteous Punished) Date: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 11am
Title: “The Parable of the Mustard Seed” Text: Matthew 13:31-32 Topic: The Kingdom Parables
Thesis: In this parable, Christ shares a common example to His audience comparing the Kingdom of God to a plain mustard seed. Like the mustard seed, God’s Kingdom grows amazingly and is offered as a refuge to whosoever will come and lodge there.
Point 1: The Simple Pattern (from Common to Commanding, 31) A. The Familiarity of the Master’s Story B. The Feature of the Mustard Seed
Point 2: The Sensational Progress (from Puny to Prominent, 32a) A. The Fragility of the Mustard Seed B. The Fertility of the Mustard Seed
Point 3: The Sheltered Place (from Homeless to Haven, 32b) A. Is for Those Who Respond to God B. Is for Those Who Remain with God
Date: Sunday, February 30, 2014, 11am SPECIAL GUEST PASTOR PAUL FREEMAN
Date: Sunday, March 09, 2014, 11am NO SERVICE (POWER OUTAGE)
Date: Sunday, March 16, 2014, 11am
Title: “The Parable of the Leaven” Text: Matthew 13:33 Topic: The Kingdom Parables
Thesis: In this parable, Christ again describes the remarkable reach of the kingdom of heaven.
Point 1: The Insight about Leaven (33a) A. Its Purpose and Description in Baking B. Its Prominent Depiction in the Bible
Point 2: The Infusion of Leaven (33b) A. Releases an Invisible and Pervasive Function B. Realizes an Influential and Perfect Force
Point 3: The Inspiration from Leaven (33c) A. Personal Growth in Walk of Faith B. Produce Good Works and Fruit
Date: Sunday, March 23, 2014, 11am
Title: “The Parable of the Hidden Treasure” Text: Matthew 13:44 Topic: The Kingdom Parables
Thesis: Christ refers to the value of the kingdom of God via His redemptive purchase of humanity.
Point 1: The Lost and Treasured People (44a) A. The Main Problem of Disconnect through Sin B. The Messiah’s Passion to Discover and Save C. The Mysterious Plan Divinely Supervised
Point 2: The Lavish and Timely Purchase (44b) A. It was Pleasurable for Christ B. It was Precious to Christ C. It was Personal with Christ Date: Sunday, March 30, 2014, 11am
Title: “The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price” Text: Matthew 13:45 Topic: The Kingdom Parables (sermon 7 of 9)
Thesis: Christ refers again to the value of God’s kingdom via His redemptive purchase of humanity.
Point 1: The Prince of Grace Pictured (45a) A. The Trader is the Holy Christ B. The Treasure is the Human Creation
Point 2: The Pearl of Great Price (45b) A. The Discovery of the Gem and its Immense Outlay B. The Decision for the Gem and its Immediate Outcome
Date: Sunday, April 6, 2014, 11am
Title: “The Parable of the Dragnet” Text: Matthew 13:47-52 Topic: The Kingdom Parables (sermon 8 of 8)
Thesis: Christ speaks of the coming judgment upon all of humanity (of the good and of the bad).
Point 1: A Comparison Announced (47-48) A. The Goodly Fish Received B. The Ghastly Filth Removed
Point 2: A Confirmation Affirmed (49-50) A. The Great Separation at the Event B. The Grave Sentence upon the Evil
Point 3: A Comprehension Attained (51-52) A. The Appropriation of Truths Concerning the Kingdom B. The Application of Time Completing this Knowledge
Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014, 11am
Title: “To Know Him…” Text: Philippians 3:10 Topic: Palm Sunday
Thesis: The apostle Paul speaks of his pursuit in knowing Christ more intimately via identifying with Him inversely; i.e., i n the reverse sequence of His Passion: His resurrection, His suffering, and His death.
Point 1: … Is to Feel the Power Surge from Him (10a) A. The Grace to Believe for Salvation B. The Grace to Behave through Sanctification Point 2: … Is to Form a Partnership Seen with Him (10b) A. The Grace to Endure in Suffering B. The Grace to Endow by Serving Point 3: … Is to Follow the Pattern Set by Him (10c) A. The Grace to Conform to His Sacrifice B. The Grace to Convey of His Sacredness
Date: Sunday, April 20, 2014, 11am
Title: “Loosed from Our Infirmity” Text: Luke 13:10-17 Topic: Resurrection Sunday
Thesis: Jesus does for a woman what she cannot do for herself – He raises her up and loses her from her ill-health. Spiritually, He does the same for all who believe on Him and the power of His resurrection!
Point 1: Our Helpless Condition (10-11) A. We too are Warped in Spirit B. We too are Weakened by Sin
Point 2: Our Hope in Christ (12-13) A. He Finds Us in His Way and Time He Frees Us with His Word and Touch
Point 3: Our Harassment by Critics (14-17) The Voices Silenced and Humiliated The Victory Savored and Heralded Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 11am
Title: “The Wickedness and Judgment of Mankind” Text: Genesis 6:1-22 Topic: Noah’s Story
Thesis: The evil of mankind resulted in God’s destruction of the earth by water. All of mankind and all of the land animal life were destroyed, with the exception of Noah and his family and a selection of animals. Similarly, another judgment is coming from God upon all of mankind; only those hidden inside Christ, our Ark of Salvation, will be secure and safe.
Point 1: The Provocation to Wrath (1-2, 4-13, 17) A. The Great Flourishing of Universal Iniquity B. The Grace Found in a Unique Individual
Point 2: The Preparation for Rain (3, 14-16) A. The Twelve Decades of Mercy Appointed B. The Terrific Design and Making of the Ark
Point 3: The Preservation and Rescue (18-22) A. The Family of Noah Secured B. The Fauna by Number Selected
Date: Sunday, May 4, 2014, 11am Special Guest Speaker Minister Paul Freeman
Date: Sunday, May 11, 2014, 11am
Title: “The Great Flood” Text: Genesis 7:1-24 Topic: Noah’s Story
Thesis: All of mankind and all of the land animal life were destroyed in the flood, with the exception of Noah and his family and a medley of animals. Similarly, another judgment is coming from God upon all of mankind; only those hidden inside Christ, our Ark of Salvation, will be secure and safe.
Point 1: The Invitation & Selection of those Inside the Ark (1-9) A. The Family of Noah Secured B. The Fauna of Nature Selected
Point 2: The Insulation & Security for those Inside the Ark (3, 14-16, 23b) A. The Atoning Seal Protects with Integrity B. The Access Shut Prevents any Intrusion
Point 3: The Inundation & Severity for those Outside the Ark (10-12, 17-23a, 24) A. The Deluge over the Whole Environment B. The Destruction of the Wicked Existence
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2014, 11am
Title: “Noah’s Deliverance” Text: Genesis 8:1-22 Topic: Noah’s Story
Thesis: All of mankind and all of the land animal life were destroyed in the flood, with the exception of Noah and his family and a medley of animals. Similarly, another judgment is coming from God upon all of mankind; only those hidden inside Christ, our Ark of Salvation, will be secure and safe.
Point 1: The Deluge of Water Finishes (1-5) A. The Family Remembered B. The Fountains Receded
Point 2: The Days of Waiting Fulfilled (6-14) A. The Fowls Patiently Explore B. The Flora Presently Emerge
Point 3: The Disembarking into a World Fresh (15-19) A. The Coming Aground of the Family and Mammals B. The Commanding of the Aggregate to be Fruitful and Multiply
Point 4: The Discharge of a Worshipful Fragrance (20-22) A. The Sacrifice to God of the Clean Animals B. The Statement from God of the Covenant Always Date: Sunday, May 25, 2014, 11am
Title: “After the Flood” Text: Genesis 9:1-28 Topic: Noah’s Story
Thesis: Noah and his family step into a new world with new commandments. God promises never again to destroy the earth with water and gives the rainbow as a visible token to us. Mankind’s sinful nature is revealed to be present even after the flood.
Point 1: Heaven’s Commandments Proclaimed (1-7) A. The Earthlings to Multiply B. The Eating of Mammals C. The Edict on Murder
Point 2: Holy Covenant Promised (8-17) A. A Rainbow to Hang B. A Remembrance to Honor
Point 3: Humanity’s Carnality Persists (18-28) A. The Drunkenness of a Man Revealed B. The Depravity of Mankind Resumed
Date: Sunday, June 01, 2014, 11am
Title: “Where Do I Begin?” Text: Isaiah 55:1-4 Topic: Your Invitation to an Abundant Life
Thesis: The prophet Isaiah is quoted over 65 times and mentioned by name over 20 times in the New Testament. He lived and prophesied during the divided kingdom (circa 739-681 B.C.) to Judah, the southern kingdom. In this passage, he gives insights to all who would desire to have life in abundance.
Point 1: An Invitation to Engage in Bartering (1) A. Who is Called? 1. The Parched 2. The Penniless
B. Which are the Commodities? 1. Water (Salvation): Our Establishment 2. Milk (Sanctification): Our Nourishment 3. Wine (Spirit-filled): Our Merriment
C. What is the Cost? 1. It is a Present 2. It is Priceless
Point 2: An Inquisition about Empty Behavior (2) A. The Problem: Unfulfilled Pursuits B. The Promise: Unlimited Provisions
Point 3: An Inclination to Enjoy Benefits (3-4) A. A Personal Connection that Results in Divine Life B. A Perpetual Covenant that Resembles David’s Legacy
Date: Sunday, June 08, 2014, 11am
Title: “Abundant Treasure in Heaven” Text: Isaiah 55:5-7 Topic: Your Invitation to an Abundant Life
Thesis: The prophet Isaiah’s message is that an abundant life begins with a relationship with God via Christ; it continues as we share the gospel with others and lay up abundant treasures in Heaven for ourselves.
Point 1: A Commission Received by Shining Believers (5) A. To Contact the Anonymous People B. To Connect the Assembly of People
Point 2: A Communication Revealed about the Supernatural Being (6) A. The Pursuit of God – He is Now! B. The Proximity of God – He is Near!
Point 3: A Commitment Required in Specific Behavior (7) A. The Renunciation of Sin B. The Return to the Savior
Date: Sunday, June 15, 2014, 11am Special Guest Speaker: Lay Minister Rhonda Freeman
Date: Sunday, June 22, 2014, 11am Special Guest Speaker: Kade Green (Youth Pastor Candidate) Date: Sunday, June 29, 2014, 11am (Ward Ave)
Title: “The Omniscience of God Text: Isaiah 55:8-9 Topic: Your Invitation to an Abundant Life
Thesis: The prophet Isaiah’s message is that an abundant life begins with a relationship with God via Christ; it continues as we share the gospel with others and lay up plentiful treasures in Heaven for ourselves. We then happily discover God’s infinite knowledge is present to comfort and guide us in all of the challenges of this life.
Point 1: A Distinct Comprehension in Thoughts & Ways (8) A. The Limits of a Human Malevolence! B. The Limitlessness of a Holy Magnificence!
Point 2: A Distant Comparison of Thoughts & Ways (9) A. The Lofty Celestial: Inaccessible B. The Lowly Terrestrial: Inexcusable
Date: Sunday, June 29, 2014, 5pm (Stanton Place, Pastor Ben Duncan Guest Speaker)
Time: Sunday Evening (Stanton Place) Title: “Life Grows Wherever the River Flows” Text: Ezekiel 47:1-12 Topic: Rivers of Living Waters
Thesis: The prophet Ezekiel had a vision of the millennial temple; but, within his revelation is a message to believers today of the abundant Spirit-filled life that can be enjoyed by them.
Point 1: The Power of God is Resident within Us (1-2) A. The Water’s Source at the Access (i.e., the Door) B. The Water’s Surge from the Altar (i.e., the Deluge)
Point 2: The Power of God is Restricted by Us (3-6a) A. He Brings Us through the Futile and Varied Depths of the Superficial Water B. He Brings Us to The Fruitful and Vast Depth of the Supernatural Water
Point 3: The Power of God is Released thru Us (6b-12) A. The Life and Healing that Abounds B. The Lush Harvest that Abides
Date: Sunday, July 6, 2014, 11am Time: Sunday Morning Title: “God’s Abundant Word” Text: Isaiah 55:10-13 Topic: Your Invitation to an Abundant Life
Thesis: The prophet Isaiah’s message is that an abundant life begins with a relationship with God via Christ; it continues as we share the gospel with others and lay up plentiful treasures in Heaven for ourselves. We then happily discover God’s infinite knowledge is present to comfort and guide us in all of the challenges of this life. Finally, we learn that His everlasting Word is always effective for us.
Point 1: A Powerful Illustration of the Word (10-11) A. As Visibly Seen in the Dripping Precipitation B. As Vocally Stated in the Divine Proclamation
Point 2: A Personal Intervention by the Word (12-13a) A. The Ensuing Tranquility B. The Environment Transforms
Point 3: A Perpetual Identification for the Word (13b) A. His Endearing Name a Wonder B. His Enduring Notable Witness
Date: Sunday, July 13, 2014, 11am
Title: “God’s Power Resides within Us Fully” Text: Ezekiel 47:1-2 Topic: Life Grows Wherever the River Flows
Thesis: The prophet Ezekiel had a vision of the millennial temple; but, within his revelation is a message to believers today of the abundant Spirit-filled life that can be enjoyed by them.
Point 1: The Discovery of the Water’s Source (1a) A. The Access Revealed B. The Faithful Door
Point 2: The Dynamics of the Water’s Surge (1b-2) A. The Altar Restored B. The Following Deluge
Point 3: The Dimensions of the Water’s Size (3-5) A. The Assessment Recited B. The Fluctuating Depth Date: Sunday, July 20, 2014, 11am
Title: “God’s Power is Restricted by Us Frequently” Text: Ezekiel 47: 2, 6-8, 11 Topic: Life Grows Wherever the River Flows
Thesis: The prophet Ezekiel had a vision of the millennial temple; but, within his revelation is a message to believers today of the abundant Spirit-filled life that can be enjoyed by them. God’s power resides in the believers (His temple) today. Yet, too often we willfully or ignorantly quench God’s power!
Point 1: The Result of the Impasse of God’s Power (2, 11) A. There is Hindering B. There is Thwarting C. There is Losing
Point 2: The Result of the Impute of God’s Power (6-8) A. There is Healing B. There is Thriving C. There is Living
Date: Sunday, July 27, 2014, 11am
Title: “God’s Power is Released thru Us Fruitfully” Text: Ezekiel 47: 8-12 Topic: Life Grows Wherever the River Flows
Thesis: The prophet Ezekiel had a vision of the millennial temple; but, within his revelation is a message to believers today of the abundant Spirit-filled life that can be enjoyed by them. God’s power resides in the believers (His temple) today. Yet, too often we willfully or ignorantly quench God’s power! Nevertheless, how wonderful for all when we are channels of His blessings!
Point 1: The Fertility of the River (8-10, 12) A. The Life and Healing that Abounds B. The Lush Harvest that Abides
Point 2: The Futility of the Residue (11) A. It is Swampy and Lonesome B. It is Salty and Lifeless
Date: Sunday, August 3, 2014, 11am Special Guest Speaker Minister Paul Freeman
Date: Sunday, August 10, 2014, 11am
Title: A Room with a View Text: Psalm 73:1-3, 16-17, 23-28 Thesis: The psalmist is confused by the prosperity of the wicked; but, finally assured of God’s faithfulness and fairness to the righteous.
Thought 1: An Outward View (1-3) A. The Precept of God’s Manner (1) B. The Perplexity of God’s Man (2) C. The Patience of God’s Mercy (3, 16-17)
Thought 2: An “Omni-“ View (23-24) A. The Omnipresence of God (23a) B. The Omnipotence of God (23b) C. The Omniscience of God (24)
Thought 3: An Onward View (25-28) A. The Promise of God’s Mercy (25-27) B. The Pursuit of God’s Majesty (28a) C. The Proclamation of God’s Message (28b)
Date: Sunday, August 17, 2014, 11am
Title: Our Heavenly Benefits Package Text: Psalm 103:1-5 Thesis: The psalmist expands on the many benefits enjoyed by believers via their relationship with God. Such advantages are ours to take pleasure in today.
1: The Requirement for Praises to God (1-2a) A. The Command for Our Worship (1a, 2a) B. The Completeness in Our Worship (1b) C. The Center of Our Worship (1c)
2: The Remembrance of Pleasures from God (2b-5a) A. The Forgiveness and Health Abundant upon Us (2b-3) B. The Favors and Help Available for Us (4-5a)
3: The Renewal in Power by God (5b) A. The Effect is a Rejuvenation B. The Example is a Revelation Date: Sunday, August 24, 2014, 11am
Title: Mercy for Our Journey through Life Text: Psalm 103:6-9 Thread: God’s Tender Mercies
Thesis: The psalmist declares that God’s mercies accompany us along our faith journey in this life. As a case in point, He alludes to God’s interactions with Moses and the Children of Israel. God is with us too as we make our trip from earth to glory.
1: An Expression of His Mercy to Us (6) A. His Holiness & Integrity B. His Honesty & Impartiality
2: An Example of His Mercy for Us (7) A. His Ways Revealed to His Prophet B. His Wonders Revealed to His People
3: An Expectation of His Mercy near Us (8-9) A. His Abiding Patience B. His Abundant Pardon
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2014, (Morning)
Title: God’s Wonderful Mercy to Us Text: Psalm 103:10-14 Thread: God’s Tender Mercies
Thesis: The psalmist gives a definition, a description, and a declaration of God’s glorious mercy available to all whosoever will access it!
1: God’s Mercy Defined (10) A. The Securing of Our Distinctive Pardon B. The Suspending of Our Deserved Punishment
2: God’s Mercy Described (11-12) A. Vertically: In Its Abundance to Save B. Horizontally: In Its Abolition of Sin
3: God’s Mercy Declared (13-14) A. The Compassion of Our Heavenly Father B. The Composition of Our Human Frailty
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2014, (Evening)
Life Lesson (Evening) Title: It’s An Awesome Thing! Text: Exodus 34:10
Thesis: God promises Moses that He will do an awesome thing with him among His people and all of the nations. God wants to do something awesome in you and in your life and ministry too!
1: God’s Word Assures (10a) A. By His Person B. By His Promise
2: God’s Wonderful Acts (10b) A. They are Universal B. They are Unique
3: God’s Will is Awesome (10c) A. It is Ideal B. It is Individual
Date: Sunday, September 07, 2014
Title: Praise for the LORD’s Mercies Text: Psalm 103:15-22 Thread: God’s Tender Mercies
Thesis: The psalmist contemplates the brevity of life and the urgency for mankind to trust in God’s mercy. Likewise, he celebrates the rule of God over all of creation and what the implications for believers.
1: Recall the Shortness of Life (15-16) A. Our Days Few B. Our Dwelling Forgotten
2: Rest in the Settlement of Leniency (17-18) A. Conditionally Applied to the Repentant B. Continuously Appropriated for the Righteous
3: Rejoice at the Sovereignty of the Lord (19-22) A. The Seraphim in Heaven Beyond B. The Servants now Here Below Date: Sunday, September 14, 2014
Title: Simon says, “Jesus is the Christ” Text: Matthew 16:13-20 Thread: Simon Says
Thesis: In a dialogue with Jesus, the apostle Peter confesses Him as the Christ.
1: A Public Inquiry from Jesus (13-14) A. The Comments of Men B. Their Conclusions Mistaken
2: A Personal Insight of Jesus (15-16) A. He is the One Sent by God B. He is the Only Son of God
3: A Proclamation Instilled by Jesus (17-20) A. The Revelation is from the Son’s Father B. The Relationship is of a Sincere Friend C. The Reliability is of a Solid Foundation D. The Responsibility is to the Sound Faith E. The Restriction is to the Savior’s Followers
Date: Sunday, September 21, 2014 Revival with Dan and Gwen Miller
Date: Sunday, September 28, 2014
Title: Simon says, “This is That…!” Text: Acts 2:14-17 (and selected) Thread: Simon Says
Thesis: Subsequent to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the upper room, the apostle Peter, along with the eleven, spills into Jerusalem’s streets and he there affirms Joel’s prophecy to all onlookers as having been fulfilled and now available to empower all believers.
1: The Inspiration of the Parakletos* (1-13) *New Testament Greek for Advocate, Counselor, Comforter, Helper; literally means called to one’s side. A. The Spirit Speaks thru the Imbued Apostles 1. The Sound: A Forceful Tornado 2. The Sign: A Fiery Tongues 3. The Speech: A Furnished Testimony
B. The Spirit Speaks to the Imported Audience 1. Their International Mix 2. Their Inquisitive Mind 3. Their Insultive Mock
2: The Information to the People (14-36) A. The Apostle Peter’s Justification B. The Avowed Prophecy of Joel C. The Associated Psalms’ Juxtaposition
3: The Inversion of the Penitent (35-47) A. Via a Godly Sorrow B. Via a Graceful Salvation C. Via a Guaranteed Sustentation Date: Sunday, October 05, 2014
Title: Simon says, “This is That…!” Text: Acts 2:14-17 (and selected) Thread: Simon Says
Thesis: Subsequent to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the upper room, the apostle Peter, along with the eleven, spills into Jerusalem’s streets and he there affirms Joel’s prophecy to all onlookers as having been fulfilled and now available to empower all believers.
1: The Inspiration of the Parakletos* (1-13) *New Testament Greek for Advocate, Counselor, Comforter, Helper; literally means called to one’s side. A. The Spirit Speaks thru the Imbued Apostles 1. The Sound: A Forceful Tornado 2. The Sign: A Fiery Tongues 3. The Speech: A Furnished Testimony B. The Spirit Speaks to the Imported Audience 1. Their International Mix 2. Their Inquisitive Mind 3. Their Insultive Mock
2: The Information to the People (14-36) A. The Apostle Peter’s Justification B. The Avowed Prophecy of Joel C. The Associated Psalms’ Juxtaposition
3: The Inversion of the Penitent (35-47) A. Via a Godly Sorrow B. Via a Graceful Salvation C. Via a Guaranteed Sustentation
Date: Sunday, October 12, 2014
Title: The Here and Now versus the There and Then Text: 1 Peter 1:-9 Thread: Simon Says
Thesis: As believers, we have a “living hope” of a future eternal heavenly reward. For now, there is much suffering to experience in this world; but, we are cheerful as we are soon to be redeemed!
1: The Yoke of a Promised Endowment (1:1-6a) A. The Recipients: An Elect People (1-3, 5) B. The Reward: An Everlasting Prize (4) C. The Result: An Elated Praise (6a)
2: The Yield of a Present Endurance (1:6b-7) A. The Persecution: Vanishing Trials (6b) B. The Purpose: Validating Testimonies (7)
3: The Yearn of a Perpetual Enjoyment (1:8-9) A. The Outlook: Our Rejoicing (8) B. The Outcome: Our Redemption (9)
Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014 Youth Pastor Kade Green
Date: Sunday, October 26, 2014 Youth Pastor Kade Green
Date: Sunday, November 02, 2014
Title: The Coming Day of the Lord! Text: 2 Peter 3:1-18 (selected) Thread: Simon Says
Thesis: The apostle Peter emphasizes that Jesus will soon return with both a reward for the righteous and a judgment for the wicked and that all of humanity will experience this eventuality.
1: The Facts of the Past Remembered (3:1-6) A. The Conversation of the Disciples (1-2) B. The Contention of the Deriders (3-4) C. The Confirmation of the Deluge (5-6)
2: The Future in the Prophecy Revealed (3:7-10, 12) A. Concerning the Looming Destruction of the Fire (7, 10, 12) B. Conveying the Loving Delay of the Father (8-9)
3: The Focus for the Present Reiterated (3:11, 13-18) A. Avow a Happy Peace in the Savior (14-15) B. Attain a Holy Pursuit of Sanctification (11) C. Anticipate a Hopeful Place of a Sacredness (13) D. Affirm an Hermeneutical Prudence for the Scriptures (16-18) Date: Sunday, November 09, 2014
Title: Peter’s Gaffes Text: Proverbs 25:11 Thread: Simon Says
Thesis: The apostle Peter occasionally and enthusiastically misspoke. His gaffes remind us to check our convictions, conclusions, and confessions. 1. Our Comprehension of the Ways of God (Matthew 16:21-23) 2. Our Complication in the Worship of God (Matthew 17:1-8) 3. Our Compliance with the Will of God (John 21:18-24)
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2014 Youth Service led by Youth Pastor Kade Green and guest speaker
Date: Sunday, November 23, 2014 Service led by Youth Pastor Kade Green
Date: Sunday, November 30, 2014
Life Lesson Notes (Sunday Nov 30, 2014 – AM) Title: Mary’s Song, The Magnificat Text: Luke 1:46-55 Thread: A Scriptural Christmas Cantata Thesis: This Advent Season, we look at the Christmas carols found in the Bible and discover the timeless relevance of their message. In today’s story, Mary responds joyfully with a song upon hearing the angel’s message that she will give birth to the Savior! 1: The Chorus to God Recited (1:46-47) A. The Proclamation of Her Soul (46) B. The Praise of Her Spirit (47)
2: The Character of God Reviewed (1:48-53) A. He is Merciful, Mighty, & Majestic (48-50) B. He is Holy, Healing, & Helpful (51-53)
3: The Covenant from God Remembered (1:54-55) A. He is a Present Help to the People (54) B. He was a Past Hope of the Patriarchs (55)
Life Lesson Notes (Sunday Nov 30, 2014 – PM) Title: Submission to Authority Text: 1 Peter 2:13-25 Thesis: The apostle Peter emphasizes that believers are to learn, live, and lead submissively. 1: Learning about the Divine Expectancy of Submission (2:13-15a, 17) A. A Reverence for All Powers (13-14) B. A Respect for All Peoples (17)
2: Living out the Divine Expression in Submission (2:15b, 18-20) A. The Good Conduct that Prevails (15-16) B. The Gracious Conscience that’s Praiseworthy (18-20)
3: Leading by Divine Example for Submission (2:21-25) A. The Modeling of the Savior (22-24) B. The Molding of the Saints (21, 25) Date: Sunday, December 07, 2014
Title: The Coming Messiah Text: Micah 5:1-6 Thread: Christmas 2014 Thesis: The prophet announces the Advent of the Christ, while foretelling of His suffering for our redemption, His arrival in a small insignificant town, His virgin birth, His mission to reconcile us to God, and the reconciliation, peace and security we enjoy in our relationship with God through His Son, Jesus.
1: The Crucifixion Prophesied (5:1) A. The Human Mass Blockaded (1a) B. The Humble Messiah Bruised (1b) 2: The City Privileged (5:2) A. Its Selection is from Many (2a) B. Its Size is Minuscule (2b) C. It’s the Source of the Messiah (2c) 3: The Coming Paused (5:3) A. The Relinquishment is Brief (3a) B. The Report of the Birth (3b) C. The Return of the Brethren (3c) 4: The Christ Provided (5:4-6) A. The Shepherd Directs the Flock (4) B. The Serenity that Dispels Fear (5a) C. The Savior Delivers from the Foe (5b-6)
Date: Sunday, December 14, 2014
Life Lesson Notes Title: We Too Are Forerunners for Christ Text: Luke 1:76-80 Thread: Christmas 2014 Thesis: John the Baptizer was born a herald of the message of the Savior; we who are born again are now to carry this gospel to everyone. 1: The Installation to Expect (1:76) A. Our Selection Assured (76a) B. Our Service Assigned (76b) 2: The Information to Express (1:77-78a) A. The Payment for our Sins (77) B. The Pardon of our Sins (78a) 3: The Illumination to Experience (1:78b-79) A. The Dawn Arising (78b) B. The Darkness Assuaging (79) 4: The Isolation to Expose (1:80) A. Our Spiritual Maturity (80a) B. Our Special Manifestation (80b)
Date: Sunday, December 21, 2014 No sermon outline, service will be held in the FLC. Selection from the pastor
Date: Sunday, December 21, 2014
Title: The Spirit of Giving Text: Ruth 2:16; 4:13-22 Thread: Christmas 2014 Thesis: Boaz models godly giving for us. As God had blessed him, he in turn blessed Ruth and Naomi; God again blessed him. You cannot out give God! 1. Give Permissively (16a) 2. Give Plentifully (16b) 3. Give Purposefully (16c) 4. Give Passionately (16d)