COMMUNITY PANDEMIC PLAN (an evergreen document)

Wunnumin Lake First Nation P.O.Box 125 Wunnumin Lake, Ontario P0V 2Z0

Prepared by:

Sharon Mckay

Working Group members:

Sharon Mckay, Band Councillor, Tommy Sainnawap, Health Director Andrea Drodge, Community Health Nurse Sarah Jane Cromarty, Community Health Representative (CHR) Chris Cromarty, Elder PANDEMIC INFLUENZA CONTINGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS

0. Emergency Response Team Members - See attached list of members...... 4


1.1. Goal ...... ……...... …………………………5 1.2 Authority...... 5 1.3. Preamble ...... 5 1.4. Measures already in place...... 5 1.5. Purpose/Objectives...... 5/6 1.6. Period and components of planning...... 6 1.7 Emergency Response Team...... 6























5.1 OVERVIEW OF TEAM...... 38 5.2 CHIEF & COUNCIL...... 38 5.3 EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM COORDINATOR...... 39/40 5.4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM...... 41 5.5 BAND MANAGER...... 42/43 5.6 EDUCATION DIRECTOR...... 43 5.7 NURSE IN CHARGE...... 44 5.8 SECURITY...... 44 5.9 O &M MANAGER/TRANSPORTATION...... 45 5.10 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER...... 46 5.11 NAPS...... 46 5.12 FIRE OFFICER ...... 47 5.13 NON ESSENTIAL WORKERS...... 48


AA. Check list forms......

A. Community Working Group - Emergency Response Team Feedback...... B. Community Working Group - Community Radio Presentation Feedback...... C. Community bylaws: Dog Control, Curfew, etc...... D. List of outside resources during a Pandemic...... E. List of local phone lists, etc...... F. Mental Health Protocol...... G. Tikinagan and Shibogama Education Protocol...... 0. Wunnumin Lake First Nation Emergency Response Team KEY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM MEMBERS - Daily meetings Team Member Name Contact #’s Alternate Phone # Band Council

Health Director ER Coordinator Nurse In Charge NAPS Officers Band Constables (Security) Band Manager Resource Team Coordinator Operations & Maintenance Education/School Public Information ESSENTIAL PROGRAM WORKERS - only invited for meetings when required Airport Manager Hyro Plant Water Plant Crisis Team Northern Store CHR/Health Fuel/Gas Finance Fire Chief

PANDEMIC INFLUENZA PLAN - Part 1 Introduction 1.1. GOAL

The Wunnumin Lake First Nation needs to prepare itself on how to react ahead of time when we are faced with illness, death, and disruption of life in the community from the consequences of a Pandemic Influenza. The First Nation has had previous experience in dealing with suicides, search rescue missions or missing persons, etc. This will be a first time for a Pandemic and the Community will need to work together to ensure that the First Nation gets through this.


The Wunnumin Lake Chief and Council will be the leading authority and will issue an emergency and pandemic influenza, after consultations with the appropriate local, provincial and federal authorities.


The Pandemic Influenza is anticipated to be a serious threat to the health and well being and to the disruption of life to all first nations up north in Ontario as well as communities around the world. Communities, Regions and the Province of Ontario, each must be prepared and have in place a “Pandemic Influenza Emergency Preparedness Contingency Plan” and coordinate a group (Emergency Response Team) to deal with the consequences of the disease.

1.4. Measures already in place

A Community Emergency Plan is in place where you will have the same group ready to take on their roles in this community emergency.

1. A Health Centre or Nursing Station is in place in every community to take on the health responsibility that comes with a Pandemic. (Other Back up sites have been identified and will be outlined in this plan)

1. Infection Control Guidelines are available in every Health Care Facility.

2. Worst-case scenario is considered: e.g. each community may be completely isolated and no extra resources (human or material) will be available from the Region, Territory or Nation during Pandemic period.


* To ensure every community is prepared to deal with a worst-case scenario of Pandemic outbreak. * To ensure communication guidelines for interactions between the communities, regional and federal stakeholders are in place. * To ensure coordination with Community, Regional and Territorial Disaster Plans. * To define available resources at the community level in order to ensure the community is prepared to respond to a Pandemic outbreak on its own if necessary. * To determine appropriate level of assistance needed to support the communities’ response to a Pandemic. * To ensure the EMO is familiar with the plan and has reviewed it for its appropriateness and effectiveness in a Pandemic outbreak. * To provide a community contingency plan that will be integrated with a Regional Plan


The Pandemic Influenza contingency Plan will be divided into three periods in 3 sections:

Section 2 - Pre-Pandemic Section 3 - Pandemic Section 4- Post-Pandemic

The following major components will be addressed for each period:

* Infection Control * Surveillance * Health Services * Vaccines * Anti-virals * Emergency Preparedness * Communication/Education * Evaluation


At the beginning of this document is a list of people who are essential and will be on this Emergency Response Team for the First Nation. The person who will be in charge of this group will be the Chief, then the Emergency Response Team Leader who will oversee the rest of the group. (See attached list of key personnel needed)

Other programs that would also be involved on a lower support level would also include ; Daycare Manager, Transportation Manager, Housing Manager, Seniors Complex Manager, Tikinagan Program Supervisor, Elder Advisor, Burial Services, Internet/Cable Technician, Home Care Coordinator, Norman Hall Worker

Others: The Chief Medical Officer will offer his services through phone or be in the community if he/she is able to travel.

Each program is to name an alternate person and a list of backups who will take over their responsibilities in the event that they get sick and are unable to resume their roles in this control team. (As of our first pre-planning meeting and review of this pandemic plan , everyone was asked to find a 3rd alternate)

Essential workers will only need to meet when required. PANDEMIC INFLUENZA CONTINGENCY PLAN- PART 2.1 -INFECTION CONTROL


Task 1 Ensuring FNIHB provides support to the community.

1.a. The Nurse in Charge (NIC) and/or Health Director will ensure that FNIHB provides support to the community nursing stations to maintain the principles of infection control measures to reduce the spread of influenza.

Prior to the start of the influenza season, they will:

i. Review infection control guidelines which are to be easily accessible in the Nursing Stations and will be reviewed with the Pandemic Influenza Emergency.

ii. Ensure that guidelines and principles related to the spread of influenza will the adhered to.

iii. Ensure references are available and current in the Nursing Station.

iv. Review and maintain infection control and protective equipment inventory at designated sites within the community.

Task 2 Ensuring that the Nursing Station is Stocked/ People get medication

2.a. The Nurse in Charge (NIC) and the Health Director will ensure that the Nursing Station is stocked with an inventory of infection control protective barrier equipment at designated sites as advised by FNIHB/CDC.

2b. People who rely on other types of medication for other illnesses will be ordered ahead of time by the Health Staff to ensure they have supplies for at least 1 month in the case where planes will not be able to bring in medical supplies for a period of time.



Task 1 Establish a disease-based surveillance reporting system.

The NIC and the Health Director(Emergency Response Coordinator) will:

1.a. Commence and continue and oversee disease-based surveillance reporting system.

1.b. Ensure that ILI guidelines for the current year are available from FNIHB/CDC.

1.c. Collate weekly reports from the nursing station and submit weekly to Headquarters on the “Surveillance for Influenza” form.

1.d. Report to Headquarters any increase in ILI within the community and advise staff when to initiate viral swabbing.

Task 2 Establish a Facility -based ILI surveillance.

The CHR, Registered Practical Nurse, the Health Director, School Rep and Daycare will:

2.a. Each establish and monitor absenteeism rates at their facilities and send on information to the Nurse In charge .

2.b. Will develop attendance information to identify potential outbreaks for respiratory illness.

2.c. Will need to know what the usual rate of absenteeism is therefore will determine:

* what will be an acceptable level of performance for your community’s facilities surveillance system; * set a goal of how many weeks you will want to have accurate on-time distribution of information; * establish a weekly reporting system or more often if elevation of absenteeism from the norm is noted. * NOTE: schools and daycare are already advised to send any child who is sick or coughing home and parents have been advised not to send their kids to school if they are sick.

Task 3 Establish, ensure and confirm with the Nurse in Charge and the Health Representative how important information about respiratory illness outbreaks will be communicated. THIS WILL BE DONE RIGHT AWAY.

3.a. At the direction of the Chief, the Health Director with Communication Officer (See Emergency Response Team) will establish and ensure that all the members of the Control Team and the community will receive ongoing up to date health information.



The Emergency Response Team, in consultation and collaboration with the health care workers in the community, will develop a staffing plan for pandemic influenza with the assumption that the following tasks must be done: basic emergency care that is not influenza-related, support for people doing self-care, care in an alternate location for people who are sicker at the sites designated in the community.

Task 1 Protocol for containment of ILI, both for the general public and health care providers.

1.a. In collaboration with the Emergency Response Team, the Nurse-in-Charge and the Chief Medical Officer, the following parameters for potential closures will be used:

i. Cancellation of community gatherings: ii. Closure of schools and daycare, post office, non essential services: iii. Restriction of travel: people asked to notify others if they are going to the bush iv. Restriction of funeral attendance: closed casket, immediate family only, # of ft away v. Store Closures - work with manager to ensure store delivers food to houses

vi. Curfew - from 10:00 p.m to 6:00 a.m as per the current curfew vii. Quarantine - whoever arrives on plane has to be assessed, contained if they were in close contact with anyone arriving. 5-7 days quarantine

Task 2 Essential Services during a Pandemic

2.a. The Nurse-in-Charge, the Health Director and the Emergency Response Team to develop a plan which determines what essential services will be maintained during a pandemic and to ensure that human resources are in place to carry on those services, such as delivering mail door to door., etc.

Essential Services Human Resources

2.b. The Nurse-in-Charge and the Health Director will assess the availability and distribution of professional staff and volunteers and allocate them to the 3 sites .

2.c. The Nurse-in-Charge will provide staffing updates and Health Canada officials/Shibogama Nursing Program will be responsible for securing additional professional staff as determined by the need of the community. (I.e more nurses, etc)

Triage Protocol: In the event of a pandemic influenza, it will be important to avoid large gatherings of people who may transmit influenza to people who are not yet sick. TASK 3 Getting ready, preparation of alternate sites

3.a. The Resource Team will identify additional volunteers/staff, workspace and equipment to assist in developing and implementing a telephone triage which would be important in separating people who may have influenza from those who don’t and therefore reducing the risk of transmitting the virus at all sites.

3.b. The NIC and CHR to review, share and update as appropriate the current triage protocols in the nursing station and transfer as necessary the adequate protocols for the alternate Medical Sites. Everyone entering these alternate sites will immediately have to put on a mask, and wash their hands, etc

3.c. The CHR and the Communications Officer will distribute and announce self-care pamphlets and the telephone triage as well as ongoing updated information on a regular basis to the community by radio and other means of communication

Task 4 Health care personnel and volunteers who could be of assistance.

4.a. The Nurse-in-Charge and the Health Director will identify individuals for Health Canada to determine the need for these individuals to be given temporary licences to carry out specific tasks such as administering vaccines. This will become more necessary once the community is cut off from outside assistance.

i. Any oral medication can be administered by the CHR or RPN

ii. Individuals that require needle injections or daily medication (prescription drugs) - Has to be administered by a nurse or RPN

4.b. The Health Director will monitor the health status of all staff involved .

Task 5 Alternate Health Care/Community Sites

5.a. The Emergency Response Team will assist at the sites for alternate medical care in the event of an influenza outbreak with large numbers of residents becoming ill (these sites could be used as in mass immunization clinics) or for those people for whom self-care in their own home is not enough.

TYPE LOCATION i. Acute Care - SICK SITE School ii. Assessment/Triage/Observation To be determined iii. Emergency/Healthy Site Nursing Station iv. Unable to Provide Self-Care Out of town v. Mass immunizations clinics School Gym Note: Transportation and Security will be provided at all sites

5.b Other important sites that will be set up to assist the community during a pandemic are listed as follows;


i. Base of Operations Band Office

ii. Transportation Norman Hall

iii. Equipment/Supplies/Food Daycare

iv. Security Office Old Weecheewaywin

Task 6 List of Supplies/Equipment Needed at Alternate Medical Sites

6.a. The Emergency Response Team will assist the Nurse-in-Charge with the development of an equipment and supplies list, storage and ordering of supplies. Refer to the Health Centre Disaster Plan for medical and the Community Disaster Plan for general.

Add as an Appendix – include cots, blankets, etc.

6.b. The Emergency Response Team will assist the Nurse-in-Charge in developing a list of supplies needed to make these alternate locations workable for providing care to sick people.

Add as an Appendix – include cots, blankets, etc.

6.c. The Health Director/volunteers will act as a resource to community nursing station if they are requesting extra staff, supplies, medications, etc

Task 7 Other supplies including Food and Blankets for Self-Care and at Medical Sites.

7.a. The Resource Team Coordinator, Crisis Team Coordinator and the Emergency Response Team will be responsible for the provision of supplies such as food and blankets.

Task 8 To ascertain in-patient management options in the community.

8.a. The Nurse-in-Charge, the Health Director, the Resource Coordinator and the Emergency Response Team will:

i. Determine the numbers of beds (and shortages):

ii. Assess home care needs:

iii. Care givers availability: Task 9 Residential Sites and Self Care

9.a. The Home Care Coordinator to review residential care sites in the community (e.g., seniors homes, ) and keep track of other clients who are their own homes.

9.b. The Health Director and the Crisis Coordinator will encourage and monitor neighbour- watches for clients doing self-care. A overall list to be maintained and to be checked up on a daily basis to ensure that people are still able to look after themselves and if they cannot to send volunteers to cook, clean and bring in wood, etc.

Task 10 Discharge Criteria from sick site/hospital/ to community.

10.a. The Nurse-in-Charge, , the Health Director will develop a discharge criteria taking into consideration the community capacity to provide care for those who are now well to return to their homes after being quarantined and in the sick building for some time.

10.b. The Nurse in charge , Community Physician will determine when it is safe to return those patients who were sent out to urban health centres to see if the Community has the resources to look after them in the community after and outbreak.

Task 11 Plan for Mental Health ( Social and Psychological) Needs

11.a. The Mental Health worker, the Health Director and the Resource Coordinator will develop a plan for the social and psychological needs of the community and ensure that debriefing and counseling are done for people who require it. The Resource team and Weecheewayin staff will work together to ensure services are available for the community through the use of the phone system at Weecheewaywin.

Task 12 Corpse Management in Assuming a Large Percentage of the Community Dies from the Pandemic Influenza.

12.a. Death Procedure: NIC will contact Chief and Council/Nap’s, Council will contact the immediate family , and then funeral people/minister, then public announcement to the community. After that burial procedures will be worked on by the people who look after that

Note: In the event of the winter, we know how hard it is to dig up the ground, for the time being, a corpse will be stored in one designated area/temporary area until it is ready to be buried.

Capacity of Mortuary/Burial(s): The elders have stated that the burial site will remain at the existing burial site and in the event it gets full , an alternate site will be cleared close by. No graves will be dug until a person actually passes away. 12.b. For the burial ceremony, the Emergency Response Team will need to communicate the restriction requirements of the disease spreading if people are too close in contact with the deceased. People attending to the grave sites, would need to wear masks to prevent influenza spreading and would need to be a certain feet away from the grave site. The funeral will be a closed casket with just immediate family members.

12.c In the event that there is no one to dig up the graves in the community, the Chief and Council will ask that a few members from the nearby community come over to assist with this task. Proper procedures will be settled first between the 2 communities.


13.a. High School/Post Secondary: The Council will work with Shibogama Secondary program to ensure that those students who are attending off reserve are shipped back to the community once the HIN1 comes close to any of the areas. It will be up to Post Secondary students if they wish to return to the community.

13.b. Tikinagan: We will find out what protocols they have in place and go from there. In regards to Tikinagan children in care, there will be some shortfalls where the community might have shortage of foster homes, etc. how we will go around this will still need to be looked into.

13.c. Parents sick: In the event that a parent gets sick and has to go to the sick site to be cared for, alternate care will be arranged for the children with immediate family members who are not sick.


Task 14 Review of Plan

14.a. The Emergency Response Team and other major stakeholders, including the Nurse-in- Charge, to meet with the Chief and Council to review the plan, make changes and inform the community through a Community General Meeting or Radio show to get their input

14.b. Because further direction will be dictated by disease, severity and geography, the Emergency Response Team will need to meet and consult as often as required and be able to adapt to changes that are likely to occur unexpectedly. PANDEMIC INFLUENZA CONTINGENCY PLAN PART 2.4 - VACCINE PROGRAM


Task 1 Annual Influenza Immunization

1.a. The Nurse-in-Charge, who orders the vaccine from the province/hospital will determine the immunization status, surveillance methods, record-keeping ensuring that 100% of your community is immunized. As well, the Nurse-in-Charge will ensure that eligible new “arrivals” to the community are offered immunization and record people who were offered the vaccine but declined to receive it and will also make a list of people who are allergic to the vaccine.

1.b. The Nurse-in-Charge will develop a register of high-risk individuals based on guidelines for current year and will ensure the Pneumococcal Immunization as per MSB guidelines:

i. Conjugate Pnueumococcal (Pneumonia)Vaccine for:

* high-risk children 6 to 59 months of age; * all children born on or after September 1, 2004;

ii. Polysaccarride Pnuemococcal (pneumonia) Vaccine for:

* adults 65 years of age and over; * those 5 years of age and over with: chronic cardio-respiratory disease (except asthma), cirrhosis, alcoholism, chronic renal disease, nephritic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, chronic CFS leak, HIV infection and other conditions associated with immune suppression.

1.c. The Nurse-in-Charge and the CHR will educate health care providers on the importance of all high-risk groups having influenza vaccination. All health units will participate in the implementation of annual influenza clinics. Task 2 Ensure arrival of intact and viable vaccines from vaccine source to the community.

2.a. The vaccine will be packed and shipped, to avoid freezing, while in transit and stationary in the following manner: Determine what system is to be used to keep vaccine from freezing if it is to be transported to and between communities taking into consideration that even when property packed they are still exposed to freezing as the airplane storage area is so cold. Upon reaching the community, where do your store this?

Task 3 Immunization Uptake Tally Record and Reporting

3.a. The Immunization Uptake Tally Record will be sent to the Public Health Community Medical Specialist (See Resource Directory) weekly on a specified day by the Nurse-in- Charge who will then prepare the reports weekly and forward to the Headquarters. Each nurse will be responsible recording the influenza vaccines he/she gave on the Immunization Uptake Tally Record.

Task 4 Preparing for Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Distribution

4.a. The Nurse-in-charge, the Health Director and the Band Membership Officer will provide accurate population statistics of registered and non-registered people living in the community to be provided to the Nurse-in-Charge as well as being added to as an addendum to this emergency plan.

4.b. The Nurse-in-Charge will ensure the correct amount of vaccine is on hand.

4.c. The Nurse-in-Charge and the Health Director will determine the people who fall into the 5 designated priority groups using as the Federal Process guideline for allocating the H1N1 vaccine: (Appendix A will be at the back outlining those names) i. Health Care Workers/ Chief & Council ii. Emergency Response Team/Essential Workers iii. Persons at high risk/Prenatals iv. Healthy adults v. Children 6 months to 18 years of age

4.d. While the Region will be working on the legal aspects of volunteer vaccinators, the Nurse-in-Charge and the Health Director will identify who could be trained to be a vaccinator such as CHR’s and First Responders who can provide oral medication. For safety reasons, any needle injections must be administered by a certified nurse. The list to be provided as an addendum to this emergency plan. 4.e. The Nurse-in Charge, the CHR and the CHN have developed the following plan for redeploying volunteer vaccinators for mass vaccination clinics, is as follows:

i. Location of Clinics: Healthy Site - Nursing Station , Sick Site - School , Assessment Site - to be determined, Mass Vaccinations Site - School Gym

ii. Equipment needed: The Nurse-in-Charge and the Health Representative from the Emergency Response Team will ensure that all possible sites will have the following equipment at minimum and as appropriate: anaphylaxis kits, syringes, needles for injections, alcohol swabs, cotton balls, band aids, sharps containers, gloves, antiseptic hand wipes, garbage containers, gym mats, ice packs, J-cloths, coolers for vaccines, tables, chairs, pencils/pens, paper, information materials, consent forms, immunization records, adult and child acetaminophen, paper towels, washroom facilities, hand soap, toilet tissue, water less soap, weigh scales to include infant and child if required by policy for dispensing acetaminophen, thermometers.

iii. Human Resource Requirements at each designated site:

* R.N.’s,:

* CHR’s:

* Clerical:

* Drivers/vehicles/security at each site:

* Volunteer Emergency Response team * Cooks, cleaning crew, shoppers

NOTE: Ongoing planning will be required for this section PANDEMIC INFLUENZA CONTINGENCY PLAN PART 2.5 - ANTIVIRAL DRUGS


Task 1 Secure location for storing antiviral medications.

1.a. The secure location for storing the antiviral medications will at the nursing station. 24 security will be in place to ensure the safety of the nurses, etc.

Task 2 Estimate the Need for Antiviral Medications

2.a. The Nurse-in-Charge, the Community Doctor and the Health Director will determine how many people reside in long term care facilities for the chronic and elderly as well as how many staff/personnel This list is to be added as an Appendix.

2.b. The National Plan identifies eight (8) priority groups so the Nurse-in-Charge, the Community Doctor and the Health Director with the Band Membership Clerk will determine how many community members are in each priority group and this information will be relayed to the Region who is collecting this data: i. treatment of persons hospitalized for influenza

ii. treatment of ill health care and emergency services workers

iii. treatment of ill high-risk (during a pandemic, the definition of high-risk persons may change based on epidemiologic evidence) persons in the community

iv. prophylaxis of health care workers

v. control outbreaks in high-risk residents in nursing home/chronic care facilities

vi. prophylaxis of essential service workers

vii. prophylaxis of high-risk persons (during a pandemic, the definition of high- risk persons may change based on epidemiologic evidence) hospitalized for illnesses other than influenza

viii. prophylaxis of high-risk (during a pandemic, the definition of high-risk persons may change based on epidemiologic evidence) persons in the community

NOTE: The mass prophylaxis of children to control a pandemic is currently not recommended.



Task 1 To minimize Social Disruption

1.a. The Nurse-in-Charge and the Emergency Response Team to organize a yearly review of the Pandemic Contingency Plan. Review and revisions will occur on at least an annual basis or every 6 months during off seasons of the flu.

Task 2 To Minimize Essential Service Disruption in your Community

2.a. The personnel and essential services should include: i. Health Staff ii. Chief and Council iii. Store Manager iv. Fire v. Police/Security vi. Hydro/Power Plant/Airport vii. Heat/Fuel Delivery- wood cutting viii. Transportation for community members ix. Transportation of essential goods such as food, gas x. Funeral Workers xi. Communication - phone, internet, cable xii. Volunteers for home care, etc

Task 3 Develop a Plan for Continued Provision of Each Essential Service and Personnel assuming that half of the people are sick or cannot work.

3.a. Determine and identify what you need to do for skilled back-up personnel to be available in the event of illness. (Meeting with Band Council has determined that everyone in the community will need to help out in any way they can)

3.b. The Emergency Response Team has been advised to get a 3rd Alternate worker to replace them in the event one or two get sick.

3.c. Work Policy : In regards to the work Policy, all able bodied healthy workers are asked to volunteer at any of the sites and to help out in any way they can. Those that are sick, or who have children sick are advised to stay home and care for their family.

3.d. Identify alternates and volunteers and provide training before they are being sent to a site.

3.e. Create linkages with the Health Units for all essential services. 3.f. All locations will have hand held radios or satellite phones for emergencies and be on the same frequency to avoid mis-communications. CODES TO BE SET UP.

3.g. Identify and determine that transportation workers are included for training/awareness of illness to ensure their safety and of their passengers from spreading the virus to others.

3.h. Determine how to stop non-emergency services such as appointments, scheduled clinics and considering tele-health as well as having patients call before coming to the nursing station for help. The community will be informed through radio shows about the importance of calling ahead to any of the sites so that people are prepared to meet you and attend to your needs.

3.i. Know where to get additional:

* Medical supplies (masks, gowns, gloves, hand-washing liquid, etc.) * Other supplies such as food, water, water/sewage plant equipment.

Task 4 Liaison with Operations & Maintenance Manager

4.a. Liaise and work with the Operations & Maintenance Manager in the review of the plans in conjunction with the overall Community Emergency Plan and the Sub- Plan to ensure that plans for maintenance of essential services are in place in the event that primary providers are ill. Areas to include:

i. Water Delivery ii. Sewage Collection - Pump ups still happen for residences iii. Garbage Collection - garbage to be picked up on the side of the road iv. Snow plowing - sites to be cleared first, airport road, main roads then house driveways v. Other:

Task 5 Traditional Medicine

5a. Community member have been advised to stock up on traditional medicine , people who know of these herbs, will need to be designated to gather traditional medicine and store them somewhere in case it is needed for other illnesses during a pandemic. The community made recommendations in regards to what needs to be done’

* Community members to go in groups with elder to gather the plants, etc * One person in each group to teach others what to look for , and what that plant does * pictures to be taken of each plant to be stored for future generations knowledge * community members to work together in brewing this medicine and ensuring that proper sterilization methods are being used before dropping off at community house holds if they require it. * All people who have this knowledge are asked to stock up on their own and to help out in community group outings .

Task 6 Community Services 6a. Wood Hauling - Needs to start in the fall, and a stockpile be kept in a designated area until the need is in place to haul them to the community and distribute wood to people who are unable to get wood for themselves. Once the stockpile gets low, more volunteers will be accessed to cut wood for the community.

6b. Shoppers - A list of people will need to be desigated from the overall staff to assist the northern store in ensuring the people get the food they need from the store during a pandemic.

6c. Water Hauling - because some people drink spring water a list of people will be made up so that we know who will need water during a pandemic PANDEMIC INFLUENZA CONTINGENCY PLAN PART 2.7 - COMMUNICATION


Task 1 Review Communication in Community Emergency Plan for Authoritative Communication.

1.a. The Emergency Response Team has the established protocol for sharing timely, accurate, consistent and authoritative information among health care providers, media and the general public. The section refers to protocols on chain of communication as determined by the Emergency Response Team as well as identifying the chain of communication within the region.

Task 2 Choose a Spokesperson and develop a system to reach every household in the community.

2.a. Identify a credible and competent spokesperson and alternate on a health issue where you will receive information from public health authorities to transmit the information to the people in your community. This person should have good language, communication, diplomacy skills in both languages as well as knowing the pandemic plan and its players and their roles.

2.b. Identify effective communication tools which will allow you to reach the whole population.

Task 3 Develop a plan to communicate general information about influenza and how people with respiratory illness can care for themselves. This is to happen at the same time as the annual influenza immunization campaign and run every year thereafter with annual influenza immunizations.

3.a. Identify the key messages, in both languages, people will need to know.

3.b. Provide health care workers with education on influenza vaccine annually and they are responsible for educating their clientele and the community on the importance of vaccinations.

3.c. The Region to provide the nursing station with promotional campaign materials as compiled by headquarters to distribute to the public.

3.d. Identify sources of distribution to the community:

* local radio, cable channel/Internet , bulletin boards at public buildings, posters * fact sheets and pamplets

Task 4 To mediate information to the community and the headquarters as it relates to pandemic contingency planning.

4.a. Review Community Pandemic contingency Plan for the community and distribute copies to the community control group, outside resources and to each household so that a protocol is in place and ensure that a simple protocol is in place for each household to act upon once they get sick.

4.b. Ensure the nursing station are kept up to date regarding the influenza, vaccines and pandemic as information emerges from headquarters.

4.c. Provide headquarters and EMO with copies regional contingency plan. PANDEMIC INFLUENZA CONTINGENCY PLAN PART 2.8 - EVALUATION


Task 1 Evaluate the pre-pandemic period activities.

1.a. The Emergency Response Team will evaluate yearly at the end of the influenza season which is May 31 prior to June 30.

1.b. Areas of be assessed include:

i. percentage immunized of the recommended groups;

ii. flow of communication, including timeliness of directives received from the community and the headquarters;

iii. promotional campaign, including timeliness of materials received from headquarters and dispersing to the public by the nursing station;

iv. vaccine distribution

Task 2 Update annually .

2.a. The Emergency Response Team will review and revise annually to ensure current recommendations are included. PANDEMIC INFLUENZA CONTINGENCY PLAN PART 3.1 - SURVEILLANCE


Task 1 The Nurse-in-Charge will investigate any outbreaks and track progress of influenza disease.

1.a. The Nurse in Charge will activate surveillance protocols immediately in order to investigate outbreaks and track progress of influenza, complete appropriate reporting forms and to forward to headquarters as required. Furthermore, the Nurse in Charge will:

i. report immediately to headquarters and the Emergency Response Team of any increase in number of cases;

ii. track closely any changes in ILI activity;

iii. determine the frequency of reporting.

1.b. The Chief Medical Officer will direct whether increase in obtaining specimens is required and will determine the beginning of the pandemic period based on the above surveillance report.

1.c. The Nurse-in-Charge, the Health Director and the Emergency Response Team will heighten community surveillance of influenza activity in the community PANDEMIC INFLUENZA CONTINGENCY PLAN PART 3.2 - HEALTH SERVICES


The following Tasks from 7.1. PRE-PANDEMIC to be implemented as the need becomes necessary.

Throughout the whole phase, as changes occur, the Health Director and the Communications Officer will distribute and announce self-care pamphlets, the telephone triage as well as ongoing updated authoritative information on a regular basis.

Task 1 The Emergency Response Team to review and initiate Protocol for Containment of ILI, both for the general public and health care providers, as it becomes necessary.

Task 2 The Nurse-in-Charge, the Health Director to review and initiate the Essential Services during a Pandemic. Further, the Nurse-in Charge will assessing the availability and distribution of professional staff.

Task 3 The Nurse-in-Charge, the Health Director, the Resource Coordinator to review and initiate the Triage Protocol in the event of a pandemic influenza as it will be important to avoid large gatherings of people who may transmit influenza to people who are not yet sick.

Task 4 The Nurse-in-Charge and the Health Director with the Emergency Response Team will put on alert and/or initiate the health care personnel and volunteers who will be of assistance based on the order of the need. Further, the Nurse-in-Charge will provide staffing updates and Health Canada officials will be responsible for securing additional professional staff as determined by the need of the community. The Nurse-in-Charge and the Health Director will work together to monitor the health status of all staff. Task 5 The Nurse-in-Charge, the Health Director, the Resource Coordinator with the Emergency Response Team will review and implement the Alternate Health Care Sites based on the needs as they emerge.

Task 6 The Nurse-in-Charge, the Health Director, the Resource Coordinator with the Emergency Response Team review and implement the distribution of List of Supplies/Equipment Needed at Alternate Medical Sites

Task 7 The Health Director, the Resource Coordinator with the Emergency Response Team will review and implement the distribution of the Other Supplies including Food and Blankets for Self-Care and at Medical Sites.

Task 8 The Nurse-in-Charge, the Health Director, the Resource Coordinator with the Emergency Response Team review and initiate the in-patient management options in the community.

Task 9 The Nurse-in-Charge, the Health Director, the Resource Coordinator with the Emergency Response Team will review and ensure that the Residential Sites and Self Care/Home Coordination commences with its activities as well as encouraging and monitoring neighbour-watches.

Task 10 The Nurse-in-Charge, the Health Director , the Resource Coordinator with the Emergency Response Team will review the Discharge Criteria from hospital/clinic to community taking into consideration the capacity to provide care while minimizing risk.

Task 11 The Nurse-in-Charge, the Health Director, the Resource Coordinator with the Emergency Response Team Plan will review and initiate the Mental Health ( Social and Psychological) Needs.

Task 12 The Emergency Response Team will stand ready to implement Corpse Management in assuming a large percentage of the community dies from the Pandemic Influenza.

Task 13 The Nurse-in-Charge and the Emergency Response Team will review and consult as often as required to be able to adapt to changes that are likely to occur unexpectedly. PANDEMIC INFLUENZA CONTINGENCY PLAN PART 3.3 - VACCINE PROGRAM


Community members will need to be informed and are to understand that vaccine shipments can take 1-6 months before it arrives in the community.

Task 1 To facilitate activation of influenza immunization program once vaccine becomes available.

1.a. The Chief Medical Officer will initiate the chain of distribution of the vaccine based on vaccine availability. Prioritization of recommended target groups will occur and vaccination will be delivered to this plan. Delivery will increase as vaccine becomes available.

1.b. The Health Director and the Emergency Response Team will assist the Nurse-in-Charge in ensuring that human resources, logistics and security are in place in accordance with the community’s mass vaccination plans. The Regional office will evaluate human resources on an ongoing basis.

1.c. The Nurse-in-Charge will ensure that training and materials are provided to the volunteer vaccinators and monitor the mass vaccinations for vaccine supply, demand, distribution and uptake as well as monitoring vaccine coverage and adverse vaccine reactions.

1.d. As vaccine supply becomes more abundant, the Nurse-in-Charge and the Emergency Response Team will ensure all personnel (essential service workers, volunteers) who will be deemed necessary to fight against the pandemic be immunized as soon as possible (all essential service workers, volunteers).

Task 2 Administering Medication procedures for other medications

2.a. The Nurse in Charge will ensure that one person from the Health Staff is designated to administer/deliver medication to community members who are on medication prescribed by their doctors for other illnesses, etc. During a pandemic, people will be notified not to come directly to the nursing station and that someone will deliver them.

2.b. In the event where narcotics and other drugs which are administered 2-3 times a week and require the patient to come directly to the nursing station, the Nurse in Charge will administer these with a local Naps or Band Constable present.

Task 3 To provide prompt reporting including the Vaccine-Associated Adverse Event.

3.a. The Nurse-in Charge will forward uptake forms to headquarters to include the Vaccine- Associated Adverse Event (VAAE) as needed to headquarters. NOTE: The Vaccine will be new with a very short testing period.



Task 1. To activate the antiviral distribution plan.

1.a. The Chief Medical Officer will:

i. determine prioritization of recipients for antiviral drugs based on antiviral drug availability;

ii. in collaboration with the Nurse-in-Charge will project the antiviral drug requirements for the community based on the prioritization decisions and recommended target groups;

iii. provide the nursing stations with information on the use of antivirals during the Pandemic Influenza outbreak.

1.b. The Nurse-in-Charge will distribute antivirals to the community as directed by the Chief Medical Officer. PANDEMIC INFLUENZA CONTINGENCY PLAN PART 3.5 - EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS


Task 1 To fully activate the emergency response plan.

1.a. Refer to the Community Emergency Plan and Health Emergency Sub-Plans.

1.b. Designate a major stakeholder meeting to review and clarify roles and responsibilities of everyone in the community Emergency Plan as well as the Sub-Plan and the Pandemic Influence Contingency Plan. The Stakeholders can include:

i. Local EHO ii. Regional Health Authorities iii. Nursing Station/Health Centre iv. Home Care v. Social Services v. Health Committee vi. Police vii. Fire viii. Group Homes/Shelters

1.c. Ensure human resources (health care, personnel, stakeholders, volunteers, essential workers) and logistics (aware of situation, familiarized with plan, clear on locations) are in place to maintain essential community services.

1.d. Activate contingency plan to provide essential services for persons confined to their homes by choice or by direction from health officials (See Triage Protocols).

1.e. Provide support as needed to the Nurse-in-Charge

1.f. Pet Control - All dog owners will be asked to tie up their dogs properly and all stray cats or dogs will be disposed of by local pet control to ensure the safety of the community members is taken into consideration upon a pandemic.

1.g On/Off : All house holds are to contact base of operations so that we know whose all in the house hold, and whose off on the land camping, etc., or if there are any outside non band members residing in the community.



Task 1 To activate pandemic communication plan.

1.a. All communications to the media will be done at the community and Shibogama level according to the Communication Strategy.

1.b. Meet with the local and Region to review lines of communication and Communication Strategy. Health Director will be the person.

1.c. Identify 1 or 2 positions names as spokespersons. E.g., CHR, NI in conjunction with headquarters. NIC/Chief to region, Health Director to the community

1.d. Review community plan with all staff and other community stakeholders.

1.e. Daily briefings to occur with the Community Control group and volunteers. Each Manager will be responsible for briefing their staff and volunteers at each additional site on what needs to be done for that day. 1.f. The Nurse-in-Charge will attend to Regional briefings as required. (Teleconferences)

Task 2 To coordinate communication between community and headquarter levels on regular basis.

2.a. The Emergency Response Team Communication Officers to coordinate communication at the community and headquarter level.

2.b. The Emergency Response Team Communication Officers to coordinate daily news briefings at the community level. E.g., when and where to do for health advice, preventative measures on influenza. Schedule will be made either every hour or every 2 hours.

2.c. The Emergency Response Team Communication Officers to ensure that questions and answers and frequently asked questions and Press Releases are available for community use.



Task 1 Resume routine disease surveillance.

1.a. The Nurse-in-Charge, the community Physicians, the School Representative and the Health Representative will resume routine disease surveillance.

1.b. Return high risk patients to the community who were sent out prior to the Pandemic.

Task 2 Evaluate the pandemic contingency plan for each component of the pandemic period.

2.a. When the Chief Medical Officer declares the pandemic is over, the evaluation will be initiated and completed by the Emergency Response Team and forwarded to headquarters. See evaluation checklist under Evaluation. Task 3 Determine the effectiveness of the plan as experienced during the pandemic .

3.a. The Emergency Response Team will incorporate the necessary revisions into the overall contingency plan.



Task 1 Disposal of Excess Antivirals.

1.a. The Nurse-in-Charge will dispose of excess antivirals as directed.

Task 2 Evaluate the pandemic contingency plan for each component of the pandemic period.

2.a. When the Chief Medical Officer declares the pandemic is over, the evaluation will be initiated and completed by the Emergency Response Team and forwarded to headquarters. See evaluation checklist under Evaluation.

Task 3 Determine the effectiveness of the plan as experienced during the pandemic. 3.a. The Emergency Response Team will incorporate the necessary revisions into the overall contingency plan.



Task 1 Disposal of Excess Vaccine.

1.a. The Nurse-in-Charge will dispose of excess vaccine as directed.

Task 2 Evaluate the pandemic contingency plan for each component of the pandemic period.

2.a. When the Chief Medical Officer declares the pandemic is over, the evaluation will be initiated and completed by the Emergency Response Team and forwarded to headquarters. See evaluation checklist under Evaluation.

Task 3 Determine the effectiveness of the plan as experienced during the pandemic. 3.a. The Emergency Response Team will incorporate the necessary revisions into the overall contingency plan.



Task 1 Disposal of Excess Antivirals.

1.a. The Nurse-in-Charge will dispose of excess antivirals as directed.

Task 2 Evaluate the pandemic contingency plan for each component of the pandemic period.

2.a. When the Chief declares the pandemic is over, the evaluation will be initiated and completed by the Emergency Response Team and forwarded to headquarters. See evaluation checklist under Evaluation. Task 3 Determine the effectiveness of the plan as experienced during the pandemic.

3.a. The Emergency Response Team will incorporate the necessary revisions into the overall contingency plan.



Task 1 Evaluate the pandemic contingency plan for each component of the pandemic period.

1.a. When the Chief and Council declares the pandemic is over, the evaluation will be initiated and completed by the Emergency Response Team and forwarded to headquarters. See evaluation checklist under Evaluation.

Task 2 Determine the effectiveness of the plan as experienced during the pandemic. 2.a. The Emergency Response Team will incorporate the necessary revisions into the overall contingency plan.



Task 1 Evaluate the pandemic contingency plan for each component of the pandemic period.

1.a. When the Chief declares the pandemic is over, the evaluation will be initiated and completed by the Emergency Response Team and forwarded to headquarters. See evaluation checklist under Evaluation.

Task 2 Determine the effectiveness of the plan as experienced during the pandemic.

2.a. The Emergency Response Team will incorporate the necessary revisions into the overall contingency plan.



Task 1 Evaluate the pandemic contingency plan for each component.

1.a. Upon the Chief declaring the pandemic to be over, the Emergency Response Team will evaluate the pandemic contingency plan for each component of the pandemic period. 1.b. The evaluation checklist is to be completed by the community and forwarded to the headquarters.

Task 2 Determine the effectiveness of plan during the pandemic.

2.a. To determine the effectiveness of the plan as experienced during the pandemic, the Emergency Response Team will incorporate the necessary revisions into the overall contingency plan.



TASK 1 - Disposal of Temporary Corpse storage shack or building

1.a. A group will be asked to dispose of the temporary shack either to break it down and burn it, in the event a major building was used, proper disinfection and cleaning will be done before it is opened to the public again.

TASK 2 - Cleaning of all houses, businesses

2.a. once the pandemic is over, cleaning crews will be hired to wash everyone’s houses, and places of business, etc

TASK 3- Memorial gathering at the church for all those lost during the pandemic

3.a Community leaders will designate a day to be set aside for the overall memorial gathering to remember those lost during a pandemic. More ongoing planning to be done by the community.


5.1 Roles & Responsibilities

Pandemic Plan and Procedures

Goal: The goal of the Wunnumin Lake First Nation is to take full responsibility in the provision of an efficient and effective community response to pandemic influenza which will minimize serious community repercussions, illness and death rate for the population residing in the community of Wunnumin Lake, and to ensure accountability of all Off-reserve members residing in other jurisdictions.


1. The Chief and Council will declare the pandemic influenza emergency in a public address on the community radio with all the details of the Community Pandemic Plan and provide specifics on the health threats and safety issues.

2. The Chief and Council will activate the Community Pandemic Plan to respond to the pandemic influenza emergency.

3. The Chief and Council will contact the Health Director who will take the lead in an influenza emergency and will be designated as the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) and will also Chair the Emergency Response Team (ERT).

4. Public Health Measures and Services.

The Community Emergency Response Team will be responsible for community health measures as part of its emergency response plan.

The NIC and Community Health Workers, and visiting physicians and medical personnel will coordinate public health measures within the nursing station facility and will be responsible for:

* Implementing infection control protocols. * Promoting practices that reduce risk of influenza transmission. * Include Chief and Council, police and security in implementing quarantine measures.

1. ERT, in collaboration with appropriate authorities and availability of funding, will enter formal agreements with professional pandemic trainers that will provide orientation and training for all managers, frontline health care workers and volunteers on emergency procedures, diagnosis and care, infection control, public health measures, surveillance and communication. It will also provide instruction on monitoring illness, provision of home care, use of infection control measures, and communication, maintenance of water, energy and food availability, and management of mass fatalities.

2. The Chief and Council will continue to formulate a formal policy and agreement(s) on Pandemic Influenza Emergency Preparedness and Response. It will also conduct negotiations for resources that will support the planning and capacity building for comprehensive Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan for the community of Wunnmin Lake.

5.2 Roles and Responsibilities: WLFN Chief and Council. Authority:

The Chief and Council is the government of the Wunnumin Lake First Nation, and will be the leading authority during any emergency threatening the health and safety of all people residing in the community of the Wunnumin Lake First Nation.

In times of other regional, national or international crisis on pandemics, the Chief and Council will take a leading role and authority to locate all band members living abroad to ensure they are accounted for and protected.

Roles and Responsibilities

1. Chief and Council will consult with appropriate local, provincial and federal authorities on emergency issue and need for emergency declaration.

2. Chief and Council will assemble and evaluate emergency situation and will pass a First Nation Band Council Resolution (BCR) officially declaring an emergency.

3. The Chief and Council make a Public Declaration of an emergency. First public announcement will be done by the Chief.

4. The Chief and Council will contact the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) to immediately begin implementing the Community Pandemic Plan

5. Approve emergency related requirements

6. Maintain communications with Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) to provide ongoing updates.

7. Approve responses to new and emerging issues not identified within the ERT.

8. Relay community concerns, needs and recommendations to ERC.

9. Approve involvement of External Authorities and establish formal working agreement for their participation. 5.3 Roles and Responsibilities: Emergency Response Coordinator.

The Chief and Council will delegate its authority to the WLFN Health Director to assume the responsibilities of the Coordinator during a declared Pandemic Influenza and will be authorized to implement the approved Community Pandemic Emergency Response Plan.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The WLFN Health Director will take the role of Emergency Response Coordinator and will be responsible for implementing the Community Pandemic Plan, with the additional tasks of pandemic influenza responsibilities and other approved revisions or modifications to the plan.

* Be the Chair of the Emergency Response Team meetings.

* Implement the approved Community Pandemic Plan in collaboration with members of the Emergency Response Team.

* Provide direction and decision making on approved Community Pandemic Plan and any other procedures or protocols.

* Establish and maintain contact with all local, provincial and federal participants involved in the emergency response.

* Seek financial resources from appropriate funding agencies to support the emergency measures.

* Manage and coordinate the involvement of all local, provincial and federal participants, and with First Nation governments and organizations.

* Respond to any issues and concerns from the people and the Chief & Council.

* Provide regular reports and updates to the Chief and Council.

* Coordinate health program, physical and human resources and their responsibilities.

* Supervise and direct all health workers for emergency measures.

* Acting as a coordinating link for all emergency health services.

* Contacting CHN and other services as deemed necessary.

* Liaison with FNIHB, Ministry of Health appropriately.

* Providing authoritative instruction on health and safety matters to the members and public through the ERT.

* Coordinating the response to disease related emergencies such as epidemics/ pandemics, according to FNIHB, Federal, Provincial and Territorial Government Policies. * Establish nursing care for bed ridden community members and invalids at home and in evacuee centres during an emergency and liaise with the Home & Community Care Coordinator.

* Ensuring liaison with volunteer and private agencies as required.

* Ensuring coordination of all efforts to prevent and control disease during an emergency.

* The provisions of emergency potable water, supplies, and sanitation supplies as required depending on the emergency.

* Liaise with the supplier concerning potable water.

* Notifying the Operations & Maintenance Representative regarding the need for sanitation facilities and supplies depending on the emergency.

* Maintain a detailed log of all actions taken. 5.4 Roles and Responsibilities: Emergency Response Team.


To ensure the health and safety of all residents of Wunnumin Lake and to minimize loss of life and protect the community from damage.


1. Emergency Response Coordinator - Health Director 2. Chief & Council 3. Band Manager 4. Nurse in Charge (NIC) 5. Education Director 6. Police Representative – NAPS Officer 7. Security Manager – Band Constables 8. Transportation Managers – Wayne Mckoop 9. Resource Team Coordinator 10. Public Communication Officer 11. Other Essential Service Programs

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. Implement the approved Community Pandemic Plan.

2. Provide decision making and directions on all aspects of the approved pandemic plan.

3. Convene regular ERT meetings as required.

4. Establish and maintain contact and working relations with all local, provincial and federal authorities participating in the emergency response.

5. Monitor emergency situation.

6. Supervise and provide directions to members of the Local Emergency Response Team.

7. Liaise with external authorities as required.

8. Resolve and refine emergency plan as necessary and submit to Chief and Council for review and approval. 5.5 Roles and Responsibilities: BAND MANAGER


The Emergency Response Team (ERT) will operate under the direction of the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC). Each of the delegated managers, who form the ERT, will implement the decisions issued by the ERC and coordinate its program physical and human resources to meet the requirements of the community emergency response measures.

Roles and responsibilities:

Each ERT member will be responsible for coordinating the utilization of its respective programs and human resources.

Band Manager is responsible for:

* Report to ERC.

* Coordinate Administrative staff and their responsibilities.

* Recruit volunteers as required.

* Set up band office for use as an Emergency Command Centre.

* Ensure facility is kept clean.

* Installation of emergency telecommunication system.

* Designate offices for ERC, ERT members, External Authorities, and volunteers as required.

* Ensure essential administrative services are maintained for the public good.

* Provide adequate secretarial and office support services are available.

* Keep ERC informed and updated.

* Perform other tasks as approved by the ERC and directed by the ERC.

* Ensuring the ERT is notified. * Ensuring the coordination of all operations within the ERT, including the scheduling of regular meetings in conjunction with ERC, Chief and Council or Designate.

* Advising the Chief or roles and responsibilities are appropriate.

* The provision of information and advice on financial matters as they relate to community.

* Liaison with INAC on financial matters.

* Ensuring funding access for appropriate agencies and ministries.

* Making an inventory of community telecommunication resources during an emergency.

* Making arrangements to acquire additional telecommunications resources during an emergency.

* Calling out additional staff to provide assistance as required in conjunction with the level of emergency.

* Acquiring/buying additional supplies as needed.

* Maintain a detailed log of all actions taken.

* Ensuring that all important decisions made or actions taken are recorded. 5.6 Education Director is responsible for:

* Ensure and direct and coordinate all education facilities and employees are available for utilization during emergency in accordance with the approved emergency plan.

* Liaise with the Lydia Lois Beardy Memorial School principal in the event of an emergency.

* Liaise with the NNEC Executative Director and Shibogama Education Authority regarding the WLFN students who are enrolled in the event of an emergency.

* Establish and implement a program for surveillance of influenza like illnesses.

* Develop policies and procedures in dealing with a pandemic for school closures in the event of a pandemic.

* Report directly to the NIC and/or CHN on increased accidents of influenza like illnesses.

* Keep parents and students informed regarding increased reports of influenza like illnesses.

* Maintain a detailed log of all actions taken.

5.7 Nurse in Charge is responsible for:

Acting as a coordinating link for all emergency health services.

Contact the Direct/Manager, FNIHB, Ministry of Health and VON. Contact and liaison as deemed appropriate. * Providing advice on any matters which may be adversely affect public health. * Providing authoritative instruction on Health and Safety matters to the members and public through the ERT. * Coordinating the response to disease related emergencies such as epidemics according to FNIHB, Federal, Provincial and Territorial Government Policies. * Establish nursing care for bedridden community members and invalids at home and evacuee centres during an emergency with Home and Community Care Co-ordinator and CHR. * Ensure coordination of all efforts to prevent and control disease during an emergency. * Liaise with the CHR and areas of mutual concern regarding health and operations of evacuee centers. * Ensure that coordination takes place between the community and other officials to prepare the list of evacuees to be transported, ensure sick, elderly, chronic clients, prenatal and families with small children are given priority. In conjunction with CHR, CEC, and HCC. * Distribute the Health Evacuation Preparation notice to all community members homes by door to door delivery * Liaison with ambulance service representatives.. * Maintain a detailed log of all actions taken.

5.8 Security Manager (Band Constables) is responsible for:

1.Retain Security personnel and volunteers as required.

2. Ensure all local security personnel and facilities are available during the pandemic emergency.

3. Ensure proper communications and contact system is in pace at all sites.

4. Monitor all sites.

5. Ensure the safety and security of the people and community during an emergency.

6. Maintain designated security site during pandemic emergency. 5.9 Transportation Manager is responsible for:

1. Organize and coordinate evacuation local transportation needs and at Evacuation Sites.

2. Work with ERC to arrange air, water and land transportation as required

3. Secure and retain vehicles as required for the emergency response.

4. Organize and coordinate Evacuation Transportation needs.

5. Ensure and direct and coordinate all First Nation Operation and Maintenance resources and staff are available during pandemic emergency.

6. Providing the ERT information and advice on infrastructure matters.

Liaise if necessary with other Public Works Offices from neighbouring communities to ensure a coordinated response.

1. The maintenance of the sanitation and sewage system. 2. Make available adequate supplies and facilities for sanitation.

3. The provision of equipment for emergency pumping operations.

4. Liaise with the Fire Representative concerning emergency water supplies for firefighting purposes.

5. Discontinue public works service and utilities if a hazard is presented. Restoring these services when appropriate.

6. Recommending to the Band Manager where additional vehicles and equipment can be obtained through other emergency services.

7. Maintain a detailed log of all actions taken. 5.10 The Public Information Officer is responsible for:

* Advise the Emergency Response Team on matters pertaining to public information, public affairs and media relations.

* Gather process and disseminate information for use by the Emergency Response Team.

* Prepare public information, instructions, advisories and media releases upon review by the Chief or Alternate and ERT.

* Upon approval by the Chief or designate and the ERT, release information to the public and media.

* Provide public relations support as required.

* Coordinate all media requests.

* Keep community informed and updated.

* Be responsible for public relations, public statements, and media relations.

* Provide regular reports and updates to the people via the community rad 5.11 The Police Representatives will consist of

NAPS Officers and Band Constables and are responsible for:

1. Ensuring the ERT is notified.

2. Notifying the ERT of the need of their services.

3. Establishing ongoing telecommunications link with the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC).

4. Secure all volunteers for security and instruct on duties as required, depending on the emergency.

5. The provisions of traffic control to facilitate the movement of emergency vehicles.

6. Provide protection of life and property within the provision of law and order during the emergency.

7. Maintain communications

8. Maintain a detailed log of all actions taken. 5.12 The Fire Representative is responsible for:

1. Ensuring the ERT is notified.

2. Providing the ERT with information and advice on firefighting and rescue matters.

3. Establishing an ongoing telecommunications links with the ERC at the scene of the emergency.

5. Determining if additional or special equipment is needed and recommending to the ERT of possible sources of supplies. Re: breathing apparatus, protective clothing, etc.

6. Providing assistance to other community services and agencies and being prepared to take charge or contribute to non-firefighting operations if necessary such as rescue, first aid, casualty collecting, evacuation and any other duties as required by the ERT.

7. Ensuring all fire fighting volunteers are properly trained in all areas of safety.

8. Ensure all fire department equipment is in working order and readily available.

9. Maintain a detailed log of all actions taken. 5.13 NON ESSENTIAL SERVICE MANGERS :

Airport Manager is responsible for:

Hydro Plant Operator is responsible for:

Water Plant Operator is responsible for:

Northern Store Manager is responsible for:

Gas/ Fuel Maintenance is responsible for:


ACTIONS TO BE COMPLETED COMPLETE COMMENTS INITIAL/ D REVISIONS DATE YES/NO INFECTION/CONTROL: 1. NIC teleconference held prior to influenza season. 2. Infection Control supplies in stock in Nursing Stations throughout the season. 3. Infection Control guidelines easily accessible. 4. Infection Control Manual or guidelines reviewed. 5. Protective barrier equipment inventory maintained. SURVEILLANCE: 1. All health units activated influenza surveillance per ILI guidelines. 2. All health units activated weekly surveillance reporting system. VACCINES: 1. High risk register developed as per plan. 2. Percentage (%) of recommended group immunized and assessed. 3. All Health Units notified of vaccine availability and appropriate education initiated as per plan. 4. Facilities, equipment/supplies and human resource requirements for immunization were met. 5. Prompt reporting of vaccine uptake and adverse effects was done.

6. Mass immunization plan reviewed and revised as deemed necessary. COMMUNICATION: 1. Educational/promotion materials received from Health Canada in a timely manner. 2. Education/awareness campaign carried out. WUNNUMIN LAKE FIRST NATION PANDEMIC PLAN


ACTIONS TO BE COMPLETED COMPLETED COMMENTS/RE INITIAL/DATE YES/NO VISIONS INFECTION CONTROL: 1. Infection Control Guidelines followed. SURVEILLANCE: 1. All health units activated influenza surveillance as per ILI guidelines. 2. All health units activated weekly surveillance reporting system. VACCINES: 1. High risk register developed as per plan. 2. All health units notified of vaccine availability and appropriate education initiated as per plan. 3. Facilities, equipment, supplies and human resource requirements were met. 4. Prompt reporting of vaccine uptake and adverse effects was done. 5. Mass immunization plan reviewed and revised as deemed necessary. ANTIVIRALS: 1. Antivirals were received and distributed as per guidelines for recommended target groups. 2. Adequate drug supplies were projected. HEALTH SERVICES 1. Sites/Facilities were adequate for the numbers of ill residents. 2. Supplies/Equipment were adequate for each site. 3. In-patient, home-care, group homes, shelters were adequate. 4. Health Care personnel and volunteers were identified and roles clearly defined. 5. Triage protocols were adequate and consistent with regional protocols. 6. Discharge criteria were established and effective. 7. Social and psychological needs were adequately met. 8. Mortuary and burial capacity was adequate. WUNNUMIN LAKE FIRST NATION PANDEMIC PLAN

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 1. The Pandemic Influenza Contingency Plan was activated and served to minimize social disruption during the pandemic emergency as much as possible. 2. The Pandemic Influenza Contingency Plan is attached as an Appendix to the overall Community Emergency Plan. COMMUNICATION: 1. Communication protocols were developed and activated at the community and regional levels. 2. Media spokespersons were identified. 3. Daily briefings with all stakeholders were held. 4. All major stakeholders were provided copies of the plan at the community, regional levels and participated in the review and revision.