The National Forest Reserve (JANIS) Criteria Used to Assess the Conservation Status of Evcs

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The National Forest Reserve (JANIS) Criteria Used to Assess the Conservation Status of Evcs

The National Forest Reserve (JANIS) criteria used to assess the conservation status of EVCs in North East Victoria:

Status of EVC Criteria Rare R1. Total range generally less than 10 000 ha. R2. Total area generally less than 1 000 ha. R3. Patch sizes generally less than 100 ha. Vulnerable V1. Approaching greater than 70 per cent lost (depletion). V2. Includes EVCs where threatening processes have caused:  Significant changes in species composition,  Loss or significant decline in species that play a major role within the ecosystem, or  Significant alteration to ecosystem processes V3. Subject to continuing threatening processes Endangered E1. Distribution has contracted to less than 10 per cent of original range. E2. Less than 10 per cent of original area remaining. E3. 90 per cent of area is in small patches subjected to threatening processes.

Endangered, vulnerable and rare Ecological Vegetation Classes in the North East, their percent reservation in the region, threatening processes, and current management mechanisms available to address threats: EVC Criteria % Threatening Processes2 Management Res.1 Mechanisms3 Clay Heathland R1, R2, 25.4 - R3 Riparian Forest R3, V2, 19.0 Weed invasion, grazing, Native Vegetation V3 recreation, mining Retention Controls (NVR)


Exclusion from timber harvesting through buffers Riparian Shrubland R3 56.5 - Heathy Dry Forest V2, V3 29.9 Inappropriate fire regimes NVR (frequency, season of burn and intensity) Code of Practice for Fire Management on Public Land Valley Grassy Forest V1, V2, 0.8 Weed invasion, grazing, NVR V3 firewood and post and pole production Land for Wildlife Heathy Woodland R1, R2 - - Plains Grassy Woodland V2, V3, 0.0 Habitat loss, clearing, NVR E2, E3 agriculture, fragmentation, grazing, weed invasion, road Land for Wildlife construction and maintenance Floodplain Riparian V2, V3, 1.9 Habitat loss, clearing, NVR Woodland E2, E3 agriculture, fragmentation, alteration of flooding regimes, Land for Wildlife grazing Swampy Riparian R1, R2, - Clearing of agriculture, NVR Woodland/Perched Boggy R3, V1, grazing, weed invasion Shrubland Mosaic V2, V3, Land for Wildlife E3 Box Ironbark Forest V1, V2, 15.0 Timber harvesting, firewood NVR V3 and post and pole production, grazing mining, habitat loss, Land for Wildlife fragmentation, weed invasion Alluvial Terraces Herb-rich R1, R2, 3.8 Firewood and post and pole NVR Woodland V2, V3, production, grazing, clearing, E2, E3 habitat loss, fragmentation, Land for Wildlife weed invasion Creekline Grassy R3, V2, 0.3 Firewood and post and pole NVR woodland V3, E2, production, grazing, clearing, E3 habitat loss, fragmentation, Land for Wildlife weed invasion Rocky Outcrop R3 67.4 - Shrubland/Herb-land Mosaic Wetland Formation V2, V3, - Altered water/drainage NVR E2, E3 regimes, grazing, weed invasion, habitat loss, Fencing salinisation Land for Wildlife Alluvial Terraces Herb-rich R1, R2 66.9 - Woodland/Wetland/Heathy Dry Forest Mosaic Spring Soak Herbland R1, R2, 0.3 Grazing, timber harvesting, NVR R3, V1, altered water regimes, weed V2, V3, invasion, agriculture Land for Wildlife E3 Alluvial Terraces Herb-rich R1, R2, - Weed invasion, grazing, NVR Woodland/Creekline R3, V2, timber harvesting, agriculture, Grassy woodland Mosaic V3, E2, fragmentation, habitat loss Land for Wildlife E3 Riverine Escarpment R1, R2 22.4 - Scrub Swampy Riparian V2, V3 8.4 Weed invasion, grazing, Fencing Woodland mining Weed control

Land for Wildlife Riparian Mosaic-North R3, V2, 6.0 Weed invasion, grazing, East V3 recreation, mining Valley Heathy Forest R3, V2, 0.7 Clearing, agriculture, habitat NVR V3, E2, loss, weed invasion E3 Land for Wildlife Alluvial Terraces Herb-rich R1, R2, 1.6 Habitat loss, clearing, NVR Woodland/Plains Grassy V2, V3, agriculture, fragmentation, woodland Complex E2, E3 grazing, weed invasion, road Land for Wildlife construction and maintenance, firewood collection and post and pole production Alluvial Terraces Herb-rich R1, R2, 0.2 Firewood collection and post NVR Woodland/Valley Grassy V2, V3, and pole production, grazing, Forest Complex E2, E3 clearing habitat loss, Land for Wildlife fragmentation, weed invasion Grassy Dry Forest/rocky R1, R2, - Weed invasion, grazing, NVR Outcrop V1, V2, agriculture, clearing Shrubland/Herbland V3 Land for Wildlife Mosaic Grassy Woodland V2, V3, 0.2 Grazing, weed invasion, NVR E2, E3 habitat loss, fragmentation, clearing, agriculture, lack of Land for Wildlife fire Perched Boggy Shrubland V1, V2, - Clearing for agriculture and NVR V3, E3 conifer plantations, altered water regimes, weed Land for Wildlife invasion, fragmentation, habitat loss, grazing Plains Grassy V2, V3, - Habitat loss, clearing, NVR Woodland/Floodplian E2, E3 agriculture, fragmentation, Riparian Woodland grazing, weed invasion, road Land for Wildlife Complex construction and maintenance, alteration of flooding regimes Plains Grassy R1, V2, - Habitat loss, clearing NVR Woodland/Rainshadow V3, E2, agriculture, fragmentation, Grassy Woodland E3 grazing, weed invasion, road Land for Wildlife Complex construction and maintenance, clearing, lack of fire Plains Grassy V2, V3, - Habitat loss, clearing, NVR Woodland/Valley Grassy E2, E3 agriculture, fragmentation, Forest Complex grazing, weed invasion, road Land for Wildlife construction and maintenance, firewood Habitat tree collection and post and pole prescriptions production Plains Grassy R1, V2, - Habitat loss, clearing, NVR Woodland/Valley Grassy V3, E2, agriculture, fragmentation, Forest/Rainshadow Grassy E3 grazing, weed invasion, road Land for Wildlife Woodland Complex construction and maintenance, firewood collection and post and pole production, habitat loss, fragmentation, clearing, agriculture, lack of fire Valley Grassy forest/Box R3, V2, - Weed invasion, grazing, NVR Ironbark Forest Complex V3, E2 firewood collection and post and pole production, mining, Land for Wildlife fragmentation, habitat loss Gilgai Plain R2, V2, 2.8 Altered flooding regime, weed NVR woodland/Wetland Mosaic V3, E2 invasion, clearing for agriculture, grazing, timber Land for Wildlife harvesting Riparian Forest/Swampy V2, V3, 0.2 Weed invasion, grazing, Land for Wildlife riparian Woodland Mosaic E2 recreation, mining Plains Grassy R1, R3, - Habitat loss, clearing, NVR woodland/Creekline V2, V3, agriculture, fragmentation, Grassy E2, E3 grazing, weed invasion, road Land for Wildlife Woodland/Floodplain construction and Riparian Woodland Mosaic maintenance, firewood collection and post and pole production, alteration of flooding regimes Plains Grassy V2, V3, - Habitat loss, clearing, NVR Woodland/Creekline E2, E3 agriculture, fragmentation, Grassy Woodland/Wetland grazing, weed invasion, road Land for Wildlife Mosaic construction and maintenance, firewood collection and post and pole production, altered water/drainage regimes, salinisation Valley Grassy R2, V2, - Weed invasion, grazing, NVR Forest/Plains Grassy V3, E2, firewood collection and post Woodland Mosaic E3 and pole production, habitat Land for Wildlife loss, clearing, agriculture, fragmentation, road construction and maintenance Grassy Dry Forest/Shrubby R1, R2, - Grazing, weed invasion, NVR Granitic-outwash Grassy R3, V2, habitat loss, fragmentation, Woodland Mosaic V3, E2, clearing, agriculture, lack of Land for Wildlife E3 fire Granitic Hills R1, R2, - - Woodland/Heathy Dry R3 Forest Mosaic Box Ironbark Forest/Spring R1, R2, - Grazing, timber harvesting, NVR Soak Herbland Mosaic V2, V3, altered water regimes, weed E2, E3 invasion, agriculture, firewood Land for Wildlife collection and post and pole production, mining, habitat loss, fragmentation, clearing Grassy Dry Forest/Spring R1, R2, - Grazing, altered water NVR soak Herbland Mosaic R3, V1, regimes, weed invasion, V2, V3, agriculture, clearing Land for Wildlife E3 Floodplain Riparian R1, V2, 0.1 Habitat loss, clearing, NVR Woodland/Plains Grassy V3, E2, agriculture, fragmentation, Woodland Mosaic E3 grazing, weed invasion, road Land for Wildlife construction and maintenance, alteration of flooding regimes Rainshadow Grassy R1, R2, - Weed invasion, grazing, NVR Woodland/Valley Grassy V2, V3, firewood collection and post Forest Mosaic E2, E3 and pole production, habitat Land for Wildlife loss, fragmentation, clearing, agriculture, lack of fire Shrubby Granitic-outwash R2, V1, - Weed invasion, grazing, NVR Grassy Woodland/Valley V2, V3, firewood collection and post Grassy Forest Mosaic E3 and pole production, habitat Land for Wildlife loss, fragmentation, clearing, agriculture, lack of fire Riverine Grassy V1, V2, 0.7 Clearing, agriculture, grazing, NVR Woodland/riverine Sedgy V3, E3 fragmentation, altered water Forest Mosaic regimes, weed invasion Land for Wildlife Sand Ridge Woodland R1, R2, - Grazing, weed invasion, NVR R3, V2, clearing, timber harvesting, V3, E2, habitat loss Land for Wildlife E3 Valley Grassy R1, R2, - Weed invasion, grazing, NVR Forest/Grassy Dry Forest R3, V2, firewood collection and post Mosaic V3 and pole production Land for Wildlife

Notes: 1 Percent Reservation in conservation Parks and Reserves is based on pre-1750 extent. 2 Threatening processes are those which have occurred in the past, and may or may not be current threatening processes for these EVCs. The references to firewood collection and post and pole production relate to private land. 3 Some areas containing these EVCs may already be protected under Land for Wildlife. The program could also be applied to other areas in the future to protect these values and address threatening processes.

Source: Commonwealth of Australia (C of A) and Victorian RFA Steering Committee (1998). North East Victoria: Comprehensive Regional Assessment. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.

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