Boston College Property Law (2005-06) Joseph P. Liu

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Boston College Property Law (2005-06) Joseph P. Liu

Property Law (Fall 2005 / Spring 2006 – LL70903) Professor Joseph Liu Boston College Law School


. Joseph Singer, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (3d ed. 2002) . Handouts (In Class, Periodically)

Guidelines and Requirements

A. Grading

The grade for the class will be based on a mid-term (40%) and a final exam (60%). Both exams will be 3.5-hour, open-book, in-class exams. Very high-quality participation (as described in more detail in the next section) can result in a half-grade increase (e.g. from B to B+, from B+ to A-, etc.). In addition, for any students who do particularly poorly on the mid-term, I will take into account substantial improvement in the final exam.

B. Participation

Roughly one-third of the class will be on call for any given class session. I expect these students to have read the assigned materials in some detail and to be prepared to summarize, analyze, and discuss them in class. Students with last names beginning with the letters A through G will be on call on Mondays; students with last names beginning with H through O will be on call on Wednesdays; students with last names beginning with P through Z will be on call on Fridays.

If you know in advance that you will not be prepared, you must give me notice by email by midnight on the night before class or in person on the day of class. Lack of preparation without prior notice may be counted against you in your final grade for the course. Conversely, quality (not quantity of) participation, both volunteered and called-upon, will be counted in your favor.

C. Syllabus and Readings

The syllabus below provides a rough, working outline of the course. However, because it is difficult to predict how quickly we will be able to go through the materials, I will probably make changes, delete certain readings, add others, etc., as the course progresses, so you shouldn’t rely on it too much. In addition, I will periodically be distributing supplementary materials in the form of handouts in class.

D. Class Web Site

The class web site is: . I have posted there a copy of this syllabus and will also post any in-class handouts and/or powerpoint presentations. I will also periodically send out announcements to your B.C. email account, so please check that account from time to time.

E. Contact Information & Office Hours

E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: 617-552-6377 Office: East Wing, 313 Hours: Wednesdays, 3:30-5 p.m. or make an appointment Boston College Property Law (2005-06) Joseph P. Liu



I. The Concept of Property – Introductory Themes

Pierson v. Post (78-81), Notes (81-82), A Guide to the Book (xlv-lix)

Regulation of Land Use

II. Regulation of Owners’ Rights as Against Others – The Right to Exclude

A. Common Law Limits: Public Access

Text (105-06), State v. Shack (106-11), Desnick v. ABC (111-15); Notes (115-18), Problems (118-19), Uston v. Resorts (119-21), Williams (122-23); Williams (123-24); Notes (124-26), Problems (126-27)

B. Statutory Limits: Anti-Discrimination

Civil Rights Act of 1964 (128-29), Civil Rights Act of 1866 (129-30), Notes (130-34), Llewellyn (134-36), Problems (136-37), New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (137- 38), Dale v. Boy Scouts (138-47), Notes (147-50), Problems (150-51), Text (151-52), ADA of 1990 (152-57), Problems (157-160)

C. Constitutional Limits: Free Speech

Lloyd Corp. v. Tanner (160-67), N.J. Coalition Against the War v. JMB Realty (167-78), Notes (178-81), Problems (181-82), Matthews v. Bay Head Improvement Association (182-88), Notes (188-191), Problems (191)

III. Regulation of Relations Among Neighbors – The Right to Use

A. Water (Rights, Flooding)

Text (255-58), Coase (259), Notes (259-60), Armstrong v. Francis Corp. (260-64), Notes (265-66), Text (266-72), Problems (272)

B. Support (Lateral, Subjacent)

Text (272-73), Noone v. Price (273-77), Notes (278-80), Mass. Gen. L. (280), Mass. Building Code (281), Notes (281-82), Problem (282), Friendswood Dev. Co. v. Smith- Southwest (282-90), Notes (290-93), Problems (293-94), Llewellyn (294-99), Shapiro (299-303), Singer (303-05)

C. Nuisance (Pollution, Light & Air)

Text (305-08), Page County Appliance v. Honeywell (308-11), Notes (311-18), Problems (318-19), Fontainebleau Hotel v. Forty-Five Twenty-Five (319-21), Text (321-41), Prah v. Maretti (341-47), Notes (347-49), Text (349-57) (skim)

2 Boston College Property Law (2005-06) Joseph P. Liu

IV. Regulation of Agreements Between Parties – The Power to Dispose

A. Involuntary Transfers (Adverse Possession, Prescriptive Easements)

Text (199), Brown v. Gobble (199-205), Romero v. Garcia (206-08), Nome 2000 v. Fagerstrom (208-13), Notes (213-21), Corbin (221-22), Singer (222-24), Notes (224-26), Text (226-31), Problems (231-22), Community Feed v. Northeastern Culvert (232-36), Notes (236-39), Problems (239-40), Text (240-44), Somerville v. Jacobs (244-48), Notes (248-49), Problem (249-50), Text (250-53), Problem (253-54)

B. Servitudes

1. Easements (By Estoppel, Implied, Express (Appurtenant and In Gross))

Text (359-63), Holbrook v. Taylor (363-66), Text (366), Rase v. Castle Mountain (366- 72), Notes (372-77), Problem (377), Text (377), Granite Properties v. Manns (377-84), Finn v. Williams (384-86), Notes (386-89), Problem (389-90), Text (390-96), Green v. Lupo (396-99), Notes (399-400), Cox v. Glenbrook (400-06), Henley v. Continental Cablevision (406-09), Notes (409-412), Problems (412-13), Text (413-14)

2. Covenants, Equitable Servitudes

Text (414-16), Whitinsville Plaza v. Kotseas (416-22), Notes (422-441), Problem (441- 42), Text (442-43), Evans v. Pollock (443-47), Sanborn v. McLean (447-50), Riley v. Bear Creek (450-56), Notes (456-59), Problems (459-61), El Di v. Town of Bethany (467-71), Notes (471-73), Text (473-75), Problems (475-76), Mass. Gen. L. (477), Blakeley v. Gorin (477-82), Notes (482), Problems (482)

C. Estates and Future Interests

Text (555-58), Text (558-68) (skim), Text (569-80), Wood v. Board (580-82), Cathedral v. Garden (582-86), Edwards v. Bradley (586-88), Notes (588-92), Text (592-95), Johnson v. Whiton (595-96), Moore v. Phillips (622-26), Notes (626-27)

D. Limitations

1. Homeowner Associations and Condominiums

Text (483-88), Appel v. Presley (488-91), Notes (491-92), Davidson v. D. Katz (537-43), Notes (543-45), Problems (545-46), O’Buck v. Cottonwood (546-50), Notes (550-51), Problems (551-52)

2. Restraints on Alienation

Text (511-12), Horse Pond v. Cormier (512-15), Northwest Real Estate v. Serio (515-16), Riste v. Eastern Washington Bible Camp (516-18), Aquarian v. Sholom (518-21), Wolinsky v. Kadison (521-24), Notes (524-30), Problem (530), Breene v. Plaza Towers (530-33), Notes (533-34)

3. Rule Against Perpetuities

Text (596-609), Central Delaware v. Greyhound (609-13), Texaco v. Samowitz (613-14), Cambridge Co. v. East Slope (614-18), Notes (618-22), Problem (622)

3 Boston College Property Law (2005-06) Joseph P. Liu

4. Racial Restrictions, Marriage Restrictions

Text (492), Shelley v. Kraemer (493-99), Evans v. Abney (499-508), Notes (508-11), Problems (511), Text (627-29), Problem (629-31), Lewis v. Searles (631-35), Frug (635- 36), Notes (636-38)

Regulation of Market for Housing

V. Common Ownership

Text (639-46), Olivas v. Olivas (646-49), Notes (649), Problem (649-50), Sawada v. Endo (659-63), Notes (663-64), Problem (664-65), Text (650), Carr v. Deking (650-52), Tenhet v. Boswell (652-55), Kresha v. Kresha (655-57), Notes (657-59), Problem (659)

VI. Landlord Tenant Law

A. Leasehold Estates

Text (735-39), New Jersey Anti-Eviction Act (739-41), Vasquez v. Glassboro (741-47), Schwartz (747-49), Hale (749-54), Notes (754-56), Problem (756-57)

B. Right to Rent (Duty to Mitigate)

Text (757-62), Sommer v. Kridel (762-67), Notes (767-69), Problem (769), Text (770), Braschi v. Stahl (770-74), Notes (774-76), Problems (776-77), Text (777-81)

C. Right to Occupancy (Sublet, Assignment, Eviction)

Text (781-85), Kendall v. Ernest Pestana (785-92), Slavin v. Rent Control Board (792- 94), Notes (794-96), Problems (796-97), Text (801-02), New Jersey Anti-Eviction Act (739-41), Problem (803-04), Text (804-05)

D. Right to Habitable Premises (Constructive Eviction, Implied Warranty)

Minjak v. Randoph (805-08), Blackett v. Olanoff (808-10), Notes (810-14), Problem (814), Text (814-15), Javins v. First National Realty (815-22), Notes (822-25), Problems (825-26), Text (826-34), Hillview Associates v. Bloomquist (834-39), Imperial Colliery v. Fout (839-42), Notes (842-46), Problem (846-47)

VII. Discrimination in Housing

A. Discriminatory Treatment

Fair Housing Act of 1968 (939-45), Asbury v. Brougham (945-50), U.S. v. Starrett (950- 54), Notes (954-58), Problems (958-59), McCready v. Hoffius (971-78), Notes (978-82), Problems (982), State v. City of Madison (982-84), Notes (984-86), Problems (986-87), Poff v. Caro (987-88), Notes (988-90), Text (990-92), Problems (992)

4 Boston College Property Law (2005-06) Joseph P. Liu

B. Disparate Impact

Huntington Branch NAACP v. Town of Huntington (997-1004), Notes (1004-08), Problems (1008), Familystyle of St. Paul v. City of St. Paul (1021-23), Notes (1023-27), Text and Problems (1027-29), Southern Burlington v. Township of Mount Laurel (1030- 39), Notes (1039-42), Text (191-95)

VIII. Land Transfer Agreements

A. Structure of Transaction

Text (859-74), Burns v. McCormick (874-76), Hickey v. Green (876-79), Gardner v. Gardner (879-80), Notes (880-84), Text (895-99)

B. Deeds and Title Protection

Text (899-907), Sabo v. Horvath (907-10), Notes (910-13), Problems (913-14), Martin v. Carter (914-16), McCoy v. Love (916-17), Notes (917-19), Text (919-21)

Property and Sovereignty

IX. Zoning

Text (1043-55), Town of Belleville v. Parrillo’s (1055-58), Commons v. Westwood Zoning Board (1058-64), Notes (1064-65), Stone v. City of Wilton (1065-69), Problems (1069-70), Text (1070-71), Text (1071-73), Problem (1073-74), Text (1074-76)

X. Takings

A. Takings

Text (1085-87), PruneYard Shopping Center v. Robins (1087-91), Yee v. City of Escondido (1091-95), Notes (1095-1102), Problems (1102), Text (1103), Babbitt v. Youpee (63-68), Notes (68-69), Problem (69), Notes (1104-07), Problems (1107-08), Miller v. Schoene (1108-10), Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council (1110-26), Notes (1126-30), Test (1130-44), Problems (1144-46), Text (1146-48), Dolan v. City of Tigard (1148-61), Notes (1161-64)

B. Just Compensation & Public Use

Almota Farmers v. U.S. (1164-68), U.S. v. 564.54 Acres of Land (1168-71), Notes (1171-74), Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff (1174-79), Poletown Neighborhood v. City of Detroit (1179-82), Text (1182); Kelo v. City of New London (handout)

XI. American Indian Nations

Text (3-4), Johnson v. M’Intosh (4-15), Notes (15), Tee-Hit-Ton Indians v. U.S. (15-20), Notes (21-22), Text (1183-88), U.S. v. Sioux Nation (1188-98), Notes (1198-1200), Text (22-24), Problem (24-26)

5 Boston College Property Law (2005-06) Joseph P. Liu

Uses and Limits of Property

XII. Uses of Property

Pierson v. Post (78-81) (review), Elliff v. Texon Drilling (82-87), Vandevelde (87-89), Problem (89-90), Text (90-92), Charrier v. Bell (92-96), Notes (96-98), Problems (98), Text (1231-32), INS v. AP (35-46), Notes (46-49), Problems (49-50), Text (1239), Feist v. Rural Telephone (1239-43), Notes (1243-45), Problems (1245-47), Moore v. Regents (51-58), Notes (59), Problem (60), Text (1247-48), Martin Luther King v. American Heritage (1248-57), Notes (1257-59), Problems (1259-60)

XIII. Limits of Property

Text (1263-64), Dred Scott v. Sandford (1264-68), Franklin (1268-69), Allen (1269-71), Soifer (1271-77), Notes (1277-79), In the Matter of Baby M (1279-85), Notes (1285-88), Text (1288-93), Wana the Bear v. Community Construction (1293-95), Hillerman (1295- 96), Notes (1296-98), Problems (1298-99)


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